MolochHunter ago

Flairing post as possible disinformation

the video shows blood, and injured people. The first thing you would do as an injured person is get out your phone to alert loved ones. It also sounds like the audio has possibly been altered, which, if so, would be some pretty ugly shit to try and pull on the public. up there with CNN

transitive ago

It's video from the second mosque taken after the shooting.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

I would say this is none of my bizness, but please, can you all take your arguments to the back channel provided? I am NOT labeling anyone a troll or a shill, but I am certainly sure that the trolls and shills out there are having a blast watching this "fight". It aint helping the cause. I might get my head bit off, but peace! Take it outside!! Please.

digital_minuteman321 ago

True that.

digital_minuteman321 ago

Sadly you are right. I'm trying to make sure others are staying vigilant of wolves that hide in sheep clothings

digital_minuteman321 ago

So I'm guessing you're okay with disinfo being spread on the board?

digital_minuteman321 ago

@srayzie Godsangell is clearly spreading disinfo! Other users and I have called her out many times and never get a legit response from her. She slams back calling us shills and trolls and doesnt even want to reason. Please put a stop to this.

srayzie ago

When you see something, ping us and explain what it is you think is disinfo please.

GodsAngell ago


If you have evidence to support this, why don't you post it?

Jim Stone qualifies his post with UNCONFIRMED. If you have information that this tweeted video is a hoax or not a hoax, please post it.

Otherwise, you are just making wild accusations without support. Stop trolling.

digital_minuteman321 ago

Well that whole post by me that you deleted explained enough about her character. Other Patriots on the board can vouch for me.

srayzie ago

Do it in a post that you see posts disinfo. Not a submission post. We’ll deal with it per post.

grace8 ago

Would you consider anything sourced from the Washington post as disinfo?

GodsAngell ago

Grace8: Are Talking about this very popular post that drew 1,400 readers???


YAHOO!!! Trump IS Going After Silicon Valley!!! Big Tech Giants are about to "Face a Reckoning!!! (GreatAwakening)

Hey, TROLL: Title to this post made up by ME, from the following Article, which is NOT the Washington Post:

Facebook, Google and other big tech giants are about to face a 'RECKONING,' state attorneys general warn



“You cannot allow this power to accumulate in the hands of this few people,” Hood said. “At some point, there’s going to have to be a reckoning for it.”


http: //www. ago. state. ms. us/


“You cannot allow this power to accumulate in the hands of this few people,” Hood said. “At some point, there’s goi…

https: // / lKF4LfIpdw 08:37:27 AM March 15, 2019 from TweetDeck

SO WHERE IS THE DIS-INFORMATION??????????????????????????????????????

STOP RAINING ON EVERYONE'S PARADE TROLL! Its clear you hate Trump and you hate Q, so why in the world are YOU on this board at all?????? Just to TROLL. Hope Soros pays well!

grace8 ago

You see what you want to see. I have never posted anything to suggest that I hate Trump or Q. I have been dedicating my life to this movement the same as many here since the beginning. Just because I hate that you post from sources that are not reputable and write titles that present theory as if it were fact does not make me a shill. I have attempted to contain your deceptive titles and poor choices.

It's convenient that anyone who disagrees with you is a shill and anyone who agrees with your almost always wrong assumptions is a patriot. This is how you keep from having to do better and improve yourself. I hate how you misinterpret Q and raise false hope. It makes it harder to spread the Q message beyond this sub. i get push back from outsiders who bring up something Q supposedly "promised" that didnt happen. Its always someone like you who has not learned not to try to just project what you want Q to be saying and then tell everyone any specific thing is going to happen on any specific date. I would think doing this over and over and over and being wrong each time you would learn.

But Q is going into hyper speed and his truth is no longer in jeopardy so I can just let those who want to ride on the false hopes merry go round ride with you do their thing.

You are what you are and those who get hurt by you will learn on their own.

srayzie ago

We could say the same about CNN among many others. You guys need to point out disinfo in the post in question so we can see exactly what you mean. Ping all 3 of us mods.

GodsAngell ago

Grace8 is a troll who contributes NOTHING, and just tries to discourage Q and Trump followers.

srayzie ago

You guys, we don’t police the comments here. The comments are free speech. You guys work it out. If a submission post has disinfo, ping myself, @MolochHunter and @Shizy

@GodsAngell @Grace8 @digital_minuteman321

MolochHunter ago

@GodsAngell @Grace8 @digital_minuteman321

y'all know there is a Block user function available

if you cant play nice, thats an option you can consider

grace8 ago


digital_minuteman321 ago

Hey mod can you talk to godsangell? I tried starting multiple private discussions with her but she refuses to reply. Now she finally replies when the mods are here crying about shills and trolls. Grace and I are the adults here, clearly not godsangell.

MolochHunter ago

I myself have on numerous occasions privately messaged GA to try and educate him/her that her poor standards of evidence and emphatically gullible editorialising is going to get them in trouble, but have rarely received a response

you are that trouble.

you are fulfilling your role, and GA is fulfilling their role

carry on

digital_minuteman321 ago

I'll take that as a compliment. Godspeed, cool mod.

digital_minuteman321 ago

Have you seen the full stream? The full video clearly shows him mowing people down, even shooting a pleading girl dead. I knew you are a troll trying to spread disinfo!

GodsAngell ago

If you have evidence to support this, why don't you post it?

Jim Stone qualifies his post with UNCONFIRMED. If you have information that this tweeted video is a hoax or not a hoax, please post it.

digital_minuteman321 ago

How come you only want to reply to me when the mods are around to have your back but ignore countless of messages for trying to reason with you in the first place?

AUSAFVet ago

So what does this video show then?

digital_minuteman321 ago

Rehearsal but it's not the one for the mosque shooting in NZ. The carpet is different and watching the actual shooting footage its clear as day those people were murdered.

GodsAngell ago

Post the link the other video.

digital_minuteman321 ago

Oh now you want to respond when it suits you, cool.

I'm talking about the actual shooting video, where he's shooting the victims and you can clearly see the carpet on the floor is different.

You post hog wash among the truth in Hope's to divide people, then project and ignore. The mods maybe on your side but the people with common sense and actually dont let their emotions control them see you for who you really are.