new4now ago

That was the worst short I have ever seen

Special effects gets a fail in this one

Acting was horrible

I give this production a thumbs down

I_Love_Hentai ago

10:32. Blood and bodies. 10:37. Blood and bodies. 10:30 - 10:45 expended casings clearly visible on the ground. 10:57. Body loses its hat after being shot 11:19. The man inbetween the 2 groups of bodies. Bloodspray This entire time we see blood and spend cases 11:46. He drops the "Help Me" woman at a distance 12:06. The "Help Me" woman gets double tapped. 12:50. He uses a shotgun to fire at people getting into cars, clears a jam, then starts driving again. 13:20. Fires his last shot out is passenger window. 16:55 Video stops.

There was certainally blood pooling and bodies. Personal opinion, but wheather or not they knew they were going to be real victems or not is a diff story.

Adarcer ago

I got downvoted when I said it was not real, when video came out. Feels good to be vindicated, but it is something I am used to :P. But poor NZ now has tougher gun laws, some cucked people gave up their weapons, and under heavy censorship and the cabal are trying to make it so only their minions have weapons. So this does not feel like a win :P

QDPie ago

Some people in NZ are saying they know of people in the hospital from this. So here's my question - did they kill and or injure some people (maybe some bad actors they wanted to get rid of?) before this went down? Then the rest of it was just a fake show? Before NZ got kicked off the chans, there were some who protested the idea of it being fake from personal experience. (OK, yeah, I don't know if those were DS actors on the chans... so there's that...)

Hastur77 ago

the Breivik dead got houses in Sandy Hook on Christmas

Fateswebb ago

This is it, other things were hinting at this being a studio production, but this doesn't make any sense. Where's ALL the blood? there is some but not enough, and not where it should be.

RavenAnon ago

Rewatched the whole video in higher resolution, on a larger screeen, and without distractions. There are shells getting ejected everywhere from the rifle. First time into the main room you can see the shells falling all over the floor.

Now here’s the most definitive thing we found so far: around 8:35 he picks up a magazine from the floor in the hallway and inserts it. Where did this magazine come from? It is actually visible on the floor on thd left as he enters the first time.

It is not the one he drops when engaging the man that charges at him. The one we are referring to is closer to the front door than this. Additionally, it is not the one next to the barefoot guy in the hall by the first door on the right as the gunman enters the mosque. That is also a separate magazine.

So the magazine the gunman picks up and uses around 8:35 is already in the building in the hallway waiting for him. Oooops.....

DawnPendraig ago

I thought I saw that too but I couldn't watch it all again to be sure. I also heard the barefoot guy at entrance suddenly gets socks when shooter goes back through

RavenAnon ago

With regards to the socks, it does appear that upon exiting the mosque after the first round of shooting that the barefoot guy laying facedown in the hallway has blue on his feet. However, when the shooter re-enters the mosque for the second round of shooting, the barefoot guy is barefoot again (or still barefoot).

We did see stills showing the blue socks, but considering the angle of the stills (both from standing near the front door facing into the main room of the mosque) we are unclear how these would have been taken. At no point during the first round of shooting is the gunman standing far enough towards the entrance to get this still.

It is possible the still was photoshopped. If someone has a better break down of the socks we are listening.

SearchVoatBot ago

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MolochHunter ago

gotta be careful with this stuff, folks

18 yr old kid in NZ staring down 10 years in the slammer for sharing the video

Blacksmith21 ago

I'll be peeking out my windows looking for Christchurch's finest to come rolling up on my house in Renault Clio assault vehicles ; )

iDontShift ago

thanks for taking the time to do this. i was arguing with fuckwits about this.. they told me all sorts of things your post clears up without any doubt.

can't say i had any, but your post blows their objections to smithereens.

RainDrops ago

How can you do a legitimate forensic blood splatter analysis without the following:

  1. No professional training in forensics and no specialization in blood splatter analysis, which by the way, takes years of training and hands on experience to master.

  2. No access to the attack sites (you know, the two mosques in NZ) or any blood evidence at the locations, or crime scene photographs and video, or even the bodies of the victims.

"High velocity blood spatter is usually caused by a gunshot... The force of the blood hitting a surface for high velocity blood spatter is over 100 feet per second. This causes the pattern of the blood to be similar to a fine spray. Each tiny droplet in a high velocity blood pattern less than 1mm in diameter."

And calling people "concern trolls" or "shills" because they simply disagree with you and are critically thinking for themselves is both disingenuous and doesn't validate your "theory."

It is you that is actually suffering from confirmation bias.
"Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses."

Blacksmith21 ago

Kinda hard to do a legit BPA without any blood spatters, isn't it?

RainDrops ago

Kind of hard to do any kind of scientific analysis without access to the location to determine if there is any spatter present to analyze in the first place, isn't it?

You cannot determine if there are blood droplets, less than 1mm in diameter, present from the video of the shooting. You need access to the mosque to acquire evidence to support your hypothesis, otherwise it's simply an opinion without a factual basis.

Blacksmith21 ago

You are grasping at straws. No, I cannot reconstruct a crime scene without being in the room. I've seen what happens in CQB. No humans were shot in that video.

RainDrops ago

No straws or grasping required. You cannot apply BSA principles to this case as you have no access to to the scene, you cannot possibly know if blood spatter is present or not.

Blacksmith21 ago

I can apply the principles of BSA when there is no BSA present. The video is absolutely of high enough quality to see blood on walls. I've seen people shot against a wall. They leave a mess.

RainDrops ago

Sure like this guy in the second mosque. The blood on the walls becomes visible once his dead body is moved away from the wall.

This is ridiculous, you're confirmation bias is incredible and there isn't any point in trying to discuss anything with you, it's obviously not an option.
I'm not going to respond to you anymore. Stop stalking my posts and downvoting them and stop pinging me.

Blacksmith21 ago

Idiot. This is MY post. And I haven't pinged you once, douchenozzle.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

You had me at "fuck their feelings." I'll take brutal facts over feelings any day. Thank you for your work, I'll do my best to spread it around in some places where I know the SJW outrage mob won't want to come after me again with pitchforks.

The1stLantern ago

Quite a few things of note here.

Bodies which seem to already be in heaps in the corner, before shooter even enters the room, let alone fires a shot.

Not a single scream. Seriously. 50+ victims, no screams, not a cry for help. No one even raises their voice.

No writhing. No movement. No people rushing about like mad. Again. Silent unmoving mass of bodies easily seen before shooter enters the fucking room.

Shooter doesn't even seem to be breathing heavy. Hes not stressed. Either hes a code red running SEAL, or hes been trained somewhere. Even psychopaths get a rush.

Conspicuous lack of blood. Ive worked the streets. I dont care if its a .22lr hes toating. Blood would be everywhere.

"Execution" style shooting outside building - particulate matter from headshot sprays in the wrong direction, given angle of weapons barrel. A 45 degree angular shot should see visera from the lower left quadrant of the victims head. Instead it comes from front.

Vindicator ago

Great addition 1stL. Thanks for the ping @Blacksmith21.

Blacksmith21 ago

@vindicator @molochhunter @srayzie ^^^ Good stuff here. Thanks @The1stLantern - I agree with all your statements. He's probably a MK sleeper from Aussie Deep State. Which makes me wonder about that guy that shot up the summer camp in Sweden, was it?

The1stLantern ago

As usual BS21 thank you for being awake enough to reference MK.

Need to find and paw through his social media for the tell-tale symbols.

This guy was a puppet for the larger goal, test censorship, test the deepstates ability to blanket pull media and shut down key info sharing, apply economic pressure to certain places in the region (like the one hosting 8chans servers..?) and provide an "example" for the West of how to deal with guns following a shooting.

I pessimistically await America's ff any day now... :(

sig94 ago

Was a state certified evidence tech for 7 year. What a staged POS that video was. No wonder they're going crazy trying to keep it off the net. Anyone with any forensic training can see this was staged. Some joe joe with a bucket threw red stuff, possibly animal blood on the walls. One wall looks like he used a paint brush. Probably some idiot Palestinian director who faked all those bomb scene dead children (using the same kids over and over) had a hand in this.

Blacksmith21 ago

@vindicator - Care to share a video?

Vindicator ago

Yep. Found this on Twitter this evening. A rehearsal. Someone in the comments says it was at the other mosque in the same area.

QDPie ago

Can't see it. Can you bit chute that before it disappears? Thanks

QDPie ago

Thank you sir!

OK - so one more question - I had a weird dream last night about the NZ thing. I was watching the video in my dream and suddenly a face appeared in the bottom right corner of the screen, laughing and joking about how his people got my people... like I was a gamer and this was all fake. Is that a possibility? Anyone looked at it as if the whole thing was from a game console and whatever it was that went down in NZ was maybe a smaller and less lethal live version of the video? Here's what's weird, I'm no gamer. Never played any of them (except stupid kids games with my kids... like angry birds. NOT gamer material at all.) I have watched a few videos that people post on Imgur and reddit. But for me to come up with this is weird...

Vindicator ago

I don't know enough about gaming to say :-)

I think that dreams, at least in my experience, are more metaphorical in nature than literal. REM is when we rehearse all the stuff we've learned (even when we aren't aware we acquired the information) during the day and connect it to stuff we already know. They are valuable sources of information about what we think about what we know, but usually in a symbolic manner. I've noticed a tendency for my brain to create movies that represent figures of speech...I wonder if your dream is telling you "They're playing games with you" or "The shooting is a LARP"?

SearchVoatBot ago

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QDPie ago

I think you're right. I've had many prophetic dreams over the years. They were always symbolic, but later would prove to be true. Once I had a dream about my boss. I had gone into work and instead of an office building it was a museum. Beautiful paintings on all the walls. Everyone who worked there looked like a high paid Fashion model. But there was blood and gore along the hallways. My boss came out with a big grin on his face, dressed like the grim reaper. He handed me a bucket with a head in it and told me to process it. Then he merrily went back to chopping off heads.

The creepy thing was, a week later I'm in the office and my boss tells me he's downsizing. He tells me to set up the conference room so he can send in the people he's letting go and I'm supposed to set them up with a headhunter to find them a new job. 6 months later was Halloween, and this asshole boss comes to the party dressed as the Grim Reaper!!!

So.... there's that! OK, I think I need coffee and to get off VOAT!! LOL

Vindicator ago

That's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. You know more than you know, so the little guy in the basement of your brain sends you messages to remind you of what you've got stored down there.


Thoughts on simunition rounds used?

Blacksmith21 ago

Usually, simunitions leave a fluorescent splat. I'm sure someone has made blood versions, but they would be tiny. And shooting them with enough powder to cycle the chamber/bolt carrier group would be a challenge to make without blowing a blood packlet up. Or making it so hard it hurts like a mofo.

They have the best minds in Hollywood at their disposal. And Hollywood loves to buy property in NZ, right?

RavenAnon ago

Those usually have a small amount of some colored paint that fairly easily wipes off. Not sure if those are available without the paint.

Tripsick ago

Blacksmith21 ago

He unloaded 9 shells from the hip at one guy in the door. Doesn't make sense either.

RavenAnon ago

There were 2 visible, the two that are down on the left as he enters. Actually, approaching with the shotgun does make sense if you are concerned you may have to breach the front door. Obviously it was wide open so mind as well fire it until empty and dump it. It is interesting that he never bothers to collect it when he’s leaving. He does go in and out of there, and it’s not like he’s running to escape either. However, he is streaming the whole thing so what does it matter if he’s leaving evidence everywhere since he knows he’s getting caught.

badwolf666 ago

11:17 and 12:05 brains splattering onto the floor and street. You can see the top of the ladies skull fly 10 feet but somehow you say no blood?

Blacksmith21 ago - Probably something more advanced than this. You've seen the gargoyle in Denver International Airport?

AR47 ago

Alright want to play dexter now do you?

Lets do this then.

Your first picture.....did you take into account the time that the body was in that position when the picture was taken? I am betting you didn’t. The segment of video where we see the shooting happen to which we are able to witness again does show evidence of bleed out from the man at the entrance.

His blood pool is consistent.

As for the comments of his “phone”? Police reports have already said it was. GoPro he was using and not a phone. We also don’t know if the music was actually playing on speaker from his phone and not the car.

It would explain the contained sound within the car and it never fading while walking awa and back to the car.

It is almost as if none of you ever really consider an alternate possibility because you have already made up your fucking minds. That video is legit and you can’t understand that degradation from how many times it has been copied, pushed through a filter, and all that will likely cause pixeles tone lost in each time.

I am very convinced that not a single one of you upvoting this knows shit about war or even seen a person get shot. You think their head explodes and blood goes everywhere? It doesn’t and you will never understand, but yeah make a mockery of yourselves because that is what the plan is right?

Blacksmith21 ago

Yes dumbass, their heads do explode and go everywhere. For all of your histrionics, you never refuted one thing I said. You only made an asshat out of yourself with your rant. Enjoy the bag of dick flavored downvoats.

RavenAnon ago

Every time you so much as ask a question, there’s a bunch of anonymous accounts claiming to have 20 years + military combat experience with 20 years of police investigation experience and a PhD in forensic science, who will immediately call into question your credentials of so much as asking a thought provoking question or trying to expand your realm of knowledge.

Here’s thd deal: we are all using anonymous handles and no one is going to post “proof” of there creds because then it wouldn’t exactly be anonymous not would it?

So let’s just treat each other with respect and let civilized people have a productive conversation.

Now if you would like to submit evidence to back up your statements, such as those provided by several Anons here, most notably the OP, then please proceed.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Holy shit, I'd didnt think it was possible but qtards try to ruin even this.

Believe it not, not everyone is a limpwristed faggot cuck who isn't willing to stand up for their loved ones, like you faggots.

Now keep doing your "research" and pay your taxes. As if your research is gonna stop the Browning of ameroca. Retards

Qdini ago

I watched the video and I noticed that there wasn't much if any blood spatter, like it was staged???

Notimportant36 ago

Great post. I first watched the video as a clickbait, and I thought it looked "off", it was more reminiscent of the 007 game for N64. I only got kicked by it with the headlines later.

Thing is, I'm no expert, and there definitely was blood. I thought maybe it was blanks, cause blanks do still shoot out stuff and make a noise. Especially the guy that ran up, I was like "how is there not blood shooting out this guys back?"

I'd like to see a professional analysis of the video, see what they have to say... Not that I'm doubting your analysis, more along he lines of someone going frame by frame as needed. There was blood in the video, but shockingly little.... Especially for 50 people killed with assault rifles at pretty short range.

VinceFoster ago

When he shoots the girl in the road you can see her flesh rip open red. He literally runs her over.

Dragon1481 ago

Yet the car doesn't even bump up/down or have any noticeable difficulty running over a Human being lying in the street.

RavenAnon ago

The body is at a lower elevation than the curb, the wheels may simply roll over it as it would the curb and there would not necessarily be a speed bump type lurch. Also, a car would not be effected by a body, a body is a lot lighter, thd vehicle would just crush the body.

Dragon1481 ago

Wouldn't that all depend on the speed the car is traveling? Pretty sure he was just leaving and hadn't fully accelerated. Should have been some resistance from the body.

RavenAnon ago

It does bump slightly as it comes off the curb/body, it’s just not dramatic.

RavenAnon ago

Well those things have really become advanced!

ICE_2010 ago

Posted this after viewing the video a few times, a lot of it looks fake, what is everyone's take on those headshots - hat falls off but zero blood...

Rocky_Bindhamer ago

Yes head wounds bleed all to be damned because of all of the capillaries.

ICE_2010 ago

Head woulds bleed like a mo-fo even if you don't penetrate the skull.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you - I meant to highlight that one. That's a clear "headshot". His brains would've been splattered all over the wall. Seen it.

nonbreakingspace ago

wow, down in only 3.9 minutes...

MadWorld ago

At 8:56, you also cannot see the brass falling on the ground. There was another submission earlier: It certainly looks suspicious.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm beginning to get the feeling that the video was pre-produced with a mix of crisis acting and CGI.

Rocky_Bindhamer ago


Dragon1481 ago

Could be augmented VR like NASA uses.

MadWorld ago

Great research, thank you!!

srayzie ago

This is a great post. Thank you. Q is posting now. Check it out.

Vindicator ago

Excellent, research loaded post, Blacksmith. Thank you for making it.

The1stLantern ago

Legit pinged you all a day ago on a post doubting this topic. Happy to not be alone.

Vindicator ago

You're never alone :-) Lots of us keeping our lanterns lit.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks for prodding me.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for defending our great national :-)

sfscubarob ago

And there’s the strange phenomenon of the ejected casings disappearing in midair in the video. I’ve seen a lot of first hand combat and as a medic am very familiar with gunshot wounds. This doesn’t jive with any gunshot wounds I’ve ever seen.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

I've looked at the ejected casings in mid air, they do reappear in their same fall trajectory. The camera is likely scanning the image too slow.

You get the same effect when you record an airplane propeller.

However, I don't see all the casings on the ground. I've found one adjacent to the Prius bumper on the sidewalk.

mrfetus ago

You're an idiot.

The1stLantern ago

Then you are also someone who noticed the distinct lack of it looking any goddamn thing like a shooting scene then yeah?

mrfetus ago

That's exactly what it looks like.

Tripsick ago

you can see the brass hitting the ground if all you watch is the ground. but that isnt the thing you should be looking at. watch the windshield inside the car when he shoots it multiple times with no damage. had to put the barrel on the glass to do any damage and it still didnt make a hole in the glass. blanks do damage and can kill that is why the side window broke.

it is a complete hoax staged shooting. lots of magic tricks in this live stream. No Holes in any of the walls. no realistic blood splatter at any time. a combo of blanks and training ammo along with real dolls rigged with squibs. like all the bodies in the corner that he didnt shoot yet.

WhiteRonin ago

I was wondering about the windshield.

It did look fucked up after all those rounds. But wouldn’t a bullet go right through and not smoke out the window?

Rocky_Bindhamer ago

Blanks often have a wax Bullet. That was a pump action rifle. The windshield should have shattered, but only cracks. When he shoots out the passenger side window it breaks but not with the square safety glasses appearance.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

If it was staged, they would carefully record it. Then play the recorded video through the livestream. FB was down the prior two days before the livestream.

QDPie ago

Interesting comment about FB being down ... hmmmm. This could have been loaded then? Some people apparently had access to FB, but not all.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm just catching this. I wonder if they brought down some of the network to upload the video. That way there would be no record other than on the local server. Thumbdrive right to a file location. Makes sense.

QDPie ago

I agree. First thing I thought of. They are too confident and they are overplaying their hands. Even some NPC's I know are starting to notice an eery synchronicity between bad news (for them) from Washington and shootings. When i mentioned what some ppl from Sandy Hook area told me about the school (not even open then) and not recognizing any of the people in the news streams, NPC friends just take a breath and then say, "Interesting." In the old days it was, "Oh that's bullshit!" But it's seeping into their brains that all is not what they think. This is good. The old Goebbels theory is, "If you say something enough times, people start to believe it." That can be true of falsehoods and of truths. For all the pushback against POTUS for yelling "FAKE NEWS!" they are starting to look a little closer.

GodsAngell ago

There is also a video showing "supposed" dead people get up and text on their phones:

Carpeting is different, so it is either a video of the 2nd mosque or it is a video of the "dress rehearsal".

Blacksmith21 ago

Also, no sounds of brass hitting concrete after the last trigger pull, yet you can hear the polka music in his car as he's 30-40' away from it as he enters the courtyard.

brandnewset ago

His music is still playing while he's in the mosque. Like a portable speaker... what a 6"*'2

mrfetus ago

Hey dumbshit, he had a Bluetooth speaker. Brass hitting the ground? Have you ever shot a gun?

RavenAnon ago

Yes, plenty, and not just at a range with soft plush carpeting. So yes, when spent shells eject and hit pavement they make a distinct sound. It is not heard in thd video. Now maybe other sounds are muffling it, but based on the baseline of music it is worthy to note and discuss.

mrfetus ago

Fair enough 😃

Qdini ago

When he runs over that woman, there isn't any blood spatter on the windows. And when he's shooting at the windshield from inside the car, why didn't that shatter???

Sandy Hook part deux

Rocky_Bindhamer ago

Not even a shocks bounce as he rolls over her "body".

mrfetus ago

blood spatter on the windows.

Because she went under the car dumb ass.

why didn't that shatter???

It's designed not to.

RavenAnon ago

Great point the rattling sound should be heard at that distance based on the baseline of the music.

Vindicator ago

Thank you for your service, @sfscubarob.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you for your service. BTDT as well. That's why I know what I'm looking at is bullshit.

GodsAngell ago

Great work, thanks for posting!

There is also a video showing "supposed" dead people get up and text on their phones:

Carpeting is different, so it is either a video of the 2nd mosque or it is a video of the "dress rehearsal".

ALSO, there is a popular New Zealand Talk Show Host who claims this shooting is New Zealand's "911", interviews a former Black Ops person.

Keneo77 ago

Great post. Facts over feelings.

Blacksmith21 ago

Fuck their feelings.

iDontShift ago

nah, feelings are good. they are misunderstood. they are our guide.. they don't like horrible things, folks that become numb to it become what we are dealing with today.

benjitsu ago

I think this is absolutely legitimate. Unleashing round after round into that pile of "bodies" there eventually should have been more hamburger and blood

Blacksmith21 ago

Think my post is legitimate or the video is legit?

I_Love_Hentai ago

I think your post is legit but you never mention anthing after 7:23. There are things you missed:

10:32. Blood and bodies.

10:37. Blood and bodies.

10:30 - 10:45 expended casings clearly visible on the ground.

10:57. Body loses its hat after being shot

11:19. The man inbetween the 2 groups of bodies. Bloodspray

This entire time we see blood and spent cases

11:46. He drops the "Help Me" woman at a distance

12:06. The "Help Me" woman gets double tapped. Bloodspray

12:50. He uses a shotgun to fire at people getting into cars, clears a jam, then starts driving again.

13:20. Fires his last shot out his passenger window.

16:55 Video stops.

There was certainally blood pooling and bodies. Personal opinion, but wheather or not they knew they were going to be real victems is a diff story.

Blacksmith21 ago

I never mention anything after 7:23 because I clearly stated in my post I wanted to keep the scope as narrow as possible to hone in on the facts of the main hall.

Regardless, I don't know if you've watched a movie before, but there are things called "special effects" aka SFX - blood packs, etc. Very easy to use.

"10:57. Body loses its hat after being shot" - Headshot, no blood spatter on wall? Impossible.

benjitsu ago

Sorry for not being clear...I think your analysis seems accurate. The video didn't pass the sniff test on 2nd watching for me and I think there is a lot of dis info going on. I don't buy the video compression explanation for example...I would like to know if any pause fags have been able to find ANY casings on the floor...shoot that much you are going to get some piling up somewhere

I_Love_Hentai ago

I froud round casings very quickly. 10:30.

benjitsu ago

Yeah but you are a fuck stick, maybe someone who isn't retarded can chime in

magzy ago

There are casings by the gate. Just do a pre and post screen grab to see the difference clearly.

Blacksmith21 ago

Ah good. Thanks. And yes, there would be brass everywhere. I'm not even getting into him firing the shotgun in the car...yet.

benjitsu ago

Thank you! That windshield did not react the way I would expect, and I don't understand why he would shoot through the front window if he planned on driving.

I_Love_Hentai ago

He shot through the winshield because he saw someone to shoot at. Thats all. He shot out his passenger side window just to get a clear shot. Windshields in western countries are designed to not fragment on impact for safety reasons. It doesn't matter what you "expect." I think you are mistaking some info based on what "hollywood" says.

benjitsu ago

You mean to tell me the same person who had the training and where with all to perform the way he did is going to blow out his windshield when his plan is to drive across town? I am not basing anything on (((hollywood))). Windshields do in fact fragment into a honeycomb type with enough force applied, and they are designed that way (like crumple zones or bike helmets in a way) ...the fragments are generally kept in place but you don't get clean holes like you do in regular glass

I_Love_Hentai ago

Yes, I'm telling you exactly that. He was driving away and he picked up another shotgun from his passenger side floor. His passenger side window was destroyed with his last shot with the shotgun before the vid stops. Your "honeycomb" theory doesn't hold water because it was either slugs or buckshot. The "honeycomb" happens when an object larger than buckshot hits the windshield. Those rounds went staight through.

RavenAnon ago

What is your take on the indoor headshot with the blood spray when he comes back in the second time?

What is your take on the outdoor headshot on the woman on the curb?

BTW this is a fantastic post, great information, and definitely great that we can get a discussion going. The shill posts over the past few days on anything related to the video analysis has been a big problem.

WhiteRonin ago

More importantly, why didn’t a bullet hit the cement post ofnthe fence. He nailed her perfectly with a weapon that should have hit the post.

Crack aim!

Semlow ago

The woman on the curb is another mystery. (at 12:06). Why did she take her sports shoes off before getting shot? Why did nobody help her or call the police during the 6 minutes until he came back?

And why lies everybody face down? To not to be caught laughing? To not be recognized?

Silex ago

The man passing by the shooter has a scarf on his face, it seems, before he gets «shot» in the frame we have of him.

badwolf666 ago

She was walking along the sidewalk and he shot her when he came outside. Did you fucking people even watch the video?

Tripsick ago

exactly no one person putting there hands up saying dont shoot me. all faced down some bullshit. plus where is all the blood from where he shot her the first time and then she rolled over and no blood marks. i have been within a foot of my friends being shot and the blood is all over right away.

Blacksmith21 ago

Give me time hacks on my source video.

brettco12 ago

I thought dummy too. the crying seemed fake/off to me.

RavenAnon ago

You can see her roll over the curb, the gunman turns away as she’s doing it so you only get a quick look, the roll looks strange. She’s saying “help me” but the way it is repeated almost sounded looped. Any sound engineers want to take a crack at that? We’re wondering if the inflection is exactly the same. As that would be virtually mathematically impossible especially given the circumstances.

He had had enough time inside the mosque during the second round of shooting for someone to have positioned a dummy if that’s what it is. Also, seeing someone from a distance then losing sight of them, how do we know the person on the curb is the same one? The original person could easily have just took the corner and run down the alley by the gunman’s car, then back around the building.

Not saying that this is what happened, but it seems a little too much like the helicopter thing in the movie Swordfish, so it stuck out.

magzy ago

Also when he shot her, she fell down to the right. But when he goes round the corner she's pointing to the left(?) And with both shoes off and to the side of the road(?)

Tripsick ago

yeah explains why he left and came back. all setting the stage.

Blacksmith21 ago

Funny, the animatronic medical dummies I got med trained on used to yell "HELP ME" and squirt blood.

Why was he taking un-aimed shots at that distance and how did she get there?

MadWorld ago

Funny, the animatronic medical dummies I got med trained on used to yell "HELP ME" and squirt blood.

Can it roll over? If you play the video at the slowest speed, you can see the person/object took her right hand off the ground and attempted to cover her face.

Blacksmith21 ago

Given what we know about the Deep State and the current levels of technologies not on the open market, do you really think they can't do that? Have you seen the video of the gargoyle at Denver International Airport?

DawnPendraig ago

Or borrowed toys from the NZ movie studios nearby?

Blacksmith21 ago

This is a VERY distinct possibility.

RavenAnon ago

Well now, what a coincidence....

survey_girl ago

and look at this picture I got off one of the news sites, does that look like real blood to you? Looks like red paint to me?! Blood does not stay bright red after it dries.

Rocky_Bindhamer ago

Nope, blood tends to brown from all of the oxidation.

Blacksmith21 ago

Hard to say. Most of the other colors look correct. It does look like that while wet - maybe an hour. Bigger question is why isn't it on his hands? Everyone looks pretty well relaxed too if you ask me.

Vindicator ago

Yep. No way that dude would have that demeanor.

amarQ144 ago

Makes ya wonder if some tom foolery go'n on

Blacksmith21 ago

I got tired of debating with the shills on Srayzie's post from this morning, so I strung it all into a single scope argument.

amarQ144 ago

Good job

derram ago :

The Fascinating Physics of Blood Splatters

This has been an automated message.

onelson1 ago

These people are stupid. But if MSM says its real, its real for sure.

TurquoiseLover ago

Thank you I can tell you spent a lot of time. Usually they bring in some bottles of fake blood and dump it all over (boston, etc.).

Blacksmith21 ago

FWIW - I think the Boston bombing was real. I've seen nothing to refute it.

RavenAnon ago

Several people did actually die in the Boston Bombing. The ones next to the trash can that exploded. There were local funerals in Massachusetts for those individuals.

Tripsick ago

Operation Northwoods complete with Mock funeral

Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah. My wife is from Boston. I was about to say...

RavenAnon ago

We never bothered to research that one as we confirmed innocent civilians were in fact killed, and the Cambridge Police Officer.

Rocky_Bindhamer ago

People still do get killed in false flag events. The producers don't give a shit.

krytter4 ago

Beg to differ, but I appreciate you not jumping on it just to say so. It was my true red pill.

Blacksmith21 ago

Are you saying you think the Boston bombing was fake flag (hoax)? If so, show me what you got. Change my mind, I'm all eyes.

Notimportant36 ago

It's been a while, but when you really dig at the Boston bombing, it was 100% staged with actors.

The explosions were exactly consistent with military type training explosives that give the boom and the smoke, but not the shockwave.

It is so bad, there's literally a point where the guy that lost his leg, you see the bloody prosthetic fall off, the guy holding the "tourniquet" picks up the prosthesis and puts it back on and continues running.

I remember at the time, there were even down to a high suspicion of the actual security officer that blew the explosive snd tossed the remote.

I'll see what can still be dug up, but the Boston bombing was amateur.

Oh, the other part I remember was they released security footage of the second explosion, mere feet from a group of about 20 people, no glass broke and you can see everyone run away from the explosion. Sorry, but a real explosion that close and they all, at least would be hurting or worse.

krytter4 ago

I do and to be honest I’d need to do a lot of digging. (Not trying to be a BS artist either) Much of it was while it was going on. I followed very closely. Some of it surreal. These days that seems normal I guess.