GetRightNews ago

Remember when the US media was hinting at the same thing over the wikileaks dumps? I do!

Enaashby ago

When the police and government as in NZ choose to threaten citizens with prosecution and or arrest, something doesn't pass the smell test.

Basballdude ago

Yup. As soon as I saw the declaration in NZ I immediately remembered Sandy Hook and the trooper. It was to eerie with similarities.

GodBlessTrump ago

Who made the video?

Zadim ago

Does twitt'r enforce NZ laws in the same way as Pakistani laws?

user17 ago

Thank you for posting this historic where are they now faggotry.. Everyone remembers the cowardice and treason of the Connecticut state police (little p)... Everyone remembers very well that there is no bigger group of faggots and traitors in the world, than the Connecticut state police (little p).. The state police of Connecticut are complicit in public corruption and play the role of goon thugs in that disgusting tiny little state full of bitches and freemasons.. The freemasonry is rampant in the Connecticut state police; this is what makes them all pussies and traitors.. The freemasonry is what makes a cop into the enemy of the people.. Let's send some Sandy Hook data across the state line and see if these faggots stop fucking each other long enough to do shit about it ...

RainDrops ago

NZ has a long history of censorship starting from 1850.
They have a a "censorship regime" that puports to "make sure that New Zealand's censorship legislation is enforced, and so help protect people from material that is injurious to the public good."

Obviously, a version of the ministry of truth.

RainDrops ago

I believe the OP is incorrect about NZ law, it's a fine not jail time.

"A 22-year-old man from New Zealand has been arrested in connection with distribution of the video recording of Friday's tragic mosque shootings that killed 50 people. He will be charged under the Films Videos and Publications Classification Act. The live stream video of the shootings in Christchurch has been classified by the Chief Censor’s Office as objectionable."

123 Offences of strict liability relating to objectionable publications
(1) Every person commits an offence against this Act who
(a) makes an objectionable publication; or
(b) makes a copy of an objectionable publication for the purposes of supply, distribution, display, or exhibition to any other person; or
(c) imports into New Zealand an objectionable publication for the purposes of supply or distribution to any other person; or
(d) supplies or distributes (including in either case by way of exportation from New Zealand) an objectionable publication to any other person; or
(e) has in that person’s possession, for the purposes of supply or
distribution to any other person, an objectionable publication; or
(f) in expectation of payment or otherwise for gain, or by way of advertisement, displays or exhibits an objectionable publication to any other person.
(2) Every person who commits an offence against subsection (1) is liable on conviction
(a) in the case of an individual, to a fine not exceeding $10,000

derram ago :

Paul Vance (Connecticut State Police) Threatens with Prosecution Against Debunkers (Sandy Hook Hoax) - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

GritD2 ago

Your 1st amendment stops at my fee fees

BillMunny ago

You mean the video where everyone was already on the floor and there is absolutely no blood spatter anywhere? Also no bleeding into the carpet below any body that he shot, even those he shot multiple times.

QueenB ago

Comments like these are exactly the reason why I think the video should be freely distributed and watched by the people. We are so hypnotized by media and game violence that we expect real life to look and sound exactly the same as theatrical entertainment. If we have never seen actual violence, then we are more likely to doubt and call "fake" on any kind of violent crime video, since we know it can be altered(Hollywood, CGI, etc).

We (the people) need to see exactly what it is like when it goes down for real, and to have experience with this kind of behavior so we can identify/verify it in other cases thereafter. We have got to have the evidence out in the open, no censorship of any kind. Turning a blind eye is willful ignorance, and that (i'm learning in the recent years) is one of the most atrocious sins of all.

Anyone with a heart and a brain watching these horrible acts will only be renewed with more strength to fight against this kind of abhorrent behavior/belief systems.

Laserchalk ago

You can clearly see how the blood pools on the ground near one of the first victims when he re-enters the building. When he shoots one of the people through the head you can see blood come out.

BillMunny ago

That must be part that I didn't see, on the film I saw, he doesn't re-enter the building. Guess it all depends on where the copy came from as some aren't complete.

Thatsthewayitwas ago

You obvouisly have never shot anyone, or seen anyone shot. Blood doesn't just start pooling everywhere, wounds don't start seeping blood for a considerable amount of time, and a 556 round will not make shit explode and cause blood to go everywhere. You gotta get .308/7.62 and up to see the pink mist, and even then it's hit and miss. Sorry but shooting people just isn't all glamorous as the movies make it out to be.

BillMunny ago

In the video, there is a sufficient amount of time as he goes after other targets, then comes back to the main room, then shoots same people previously shot, then turns, films elsewhere, turns back and shoots at them again. Still not a drop on the floor and they were on the floor the entire time.

angelCole ago

No maybe not but blood splatters, bullets go through walls and windows and break glass.

GetRightNews ago

I agree. The video wasn't very good quality, but it was good enough to have seen holes in the walls. This guy couldn't have hit every single shot, and if there was a miss, or any kind of exit wound at all, there would have been holes in the walls.

tokui ago

Arrest me.

Basballdude ago

Heck no I don’t want to arrest you.

Its just weird how they’re doing it again with almost the same verbage.

bushka ago

Which also sounds just like questioning the holocaust.