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ditzee ago

Kamala's father was born in Jamaica. Her mother was born in India. Smollett's mother, Janet, (nee Harris) was born in Galveston and raised in New Orleans. Joel Smollett emigrated from Russia and Poland, as far as I can find.I have good friends whose last name is Harris and they are not related either to Kamala or to Smollett.

How do we know Kamala is Jussie's aunt? What is the relationship? Be careful because Dims could be pushing this to try and make the Q movement look foolish.

GodsAngell ago

Try this, they might be 1st Cousins, so he is DEFINITELY related Kamala!

Some other anons on here concluded that Smollett’s mother is first cousins with Kamala Harris, not sisters. Which would make Smollett and Kamala first cousins once removed. Still related.
