Corpse_washer ago

You better start downloading shit. Remember guys: everything not saved will be lost!

Astonisher667 ago

Talk about a "threat to our democracy"! The msm won't let people main stream media in the public! What's next? They gonna try passing a law that gives them the power to duct tape people up or just go for broke and pass a law allowing those fags to just kill people they don't approve of having any kind of voice?

Astonisher667 ago

Basically; their hoaxes are being discovered left and right but they're not going to let anyone talk about it.

Bfwilley ago

AlternateSelection ago

YouTube has ordained themselves the official judges of reality. If there's any question about any event, all we have to do now is consult the YT Oracle. They are now Snopes on steroids.

veteran88 ago

SPLC is a Jewish supremacist anti-white hate group.

WhiteRonin ago

Why did Q have to tell us this when it would be obvious if you thought about it?

Did critical thinking stop being a thing?

Fancy451 ago

But did they ban soft core child pornography? No. They did not.

AlternateSelection ago

I was sure a mass exodus from YT would occur long before this point. Well shit.

Conway ago

The one way check valve in the manipulation pump. Lets lies out but, closes and blocks off the back flow of facts.

goatboy ago

The only thing scarier than the SPLC with free reign is the SPLC with free reign and a Trump Administration and DoJ that lets them.

These tax exempt bastards hurt average Americans.

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

The youtube app is just fucking basically spyware now

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

The current YouTube app wont even let people log off! I wipe my jewtube app from updates every few weeks and it magically updates itself and i gotta do it again.

Adarcer ago

If you got an android step 1) root your device step 2) log in as root and remove app

if this fails replace your OS as it is most likely comped

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Too much effort. I know im being monitored. I do things to minimize effort involved. I know they read my emails i know they know everything i do and say and watch. Thats not my main concern otherwise I wouldnt even have a "smart" phone.

chuckletrousers ago

Maybe if you stopped posting slanderous bullshit about people who can spend millions of dollars on lawyers you wouldn't have such a hard time.

TemplarKnight33 ago

So we can't question the Holocaust now?

GodsAngell ago


TexasDeplorable1135 ago

I believe that we will be seeing a mass exodus of YT if they start taking down channels just because you challenge the narrative. Even more so that you see now.

GodsAngell ago

What are the alternatives to youtube again? hook tube or something??

NellerBean ago

Is it possible for creators to mirror their YT channel on hooktube or another platform and then pull them off YT for good?

rickki6 ago
