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6chthomps ago

Lynch the gay boy coon

RustyFender1 ago

Lock him up!

Lovecymru ago

Jussie should be happy, he wanted attention and now he's got it.

Shakeymclovin ago This is America - Jussie Smollet version.

Qd4Action ago

It's amazing we're even hearing of it. MAGA Country in a city where 88% voted for Hillary. Kek! Smollett must have written the script...or taken Kamela 'Heels Up' Harris' help in doing it.

Zadim ago

It's funny that the Nigerian lynch mob had to buy the red hats at a boutique, they couldn't get real MAGA caps.

1618 ago

Two fold attack.

  1. To give social justice support changes to lynching law.
  2. Make MAGA hats akin to KKK cloaks.

This failed bigly.

So bigly, you gotta wonder who is heaven is laughing at this priceless overturned play.

Life's Good. God Wins.

Stonenchizel ago

Absolutely Wins Everytime @1618

1618 ago


Or sooner.

We may be watching a D5 avalanche.

These so called celebrities and MSM pundits are drawing their guns too fast...they all wanna be the first, so they dont have the time for RESEARCH.

Those who are quick to virtue signal their righteousness are going to have to start doing some research BEFORE they jump on the latest Twitter Train.

And when they begin the process of research...REAL multiple source research..they will be discovering a truth that may surprise them.

Logical thinking may even return and then they will join us and become the REAL NEWS.

RVangel ago

Once again our resources are being used for this story instead of where they should be. While the police are investigating this trumped up story they cannot investigate real crime.

Kirbyrambo ago

Wow==the first I heard about the pouring bleach on him part==good idea though.

solo7 ago

Why has no one asked for Smollett's clothing? If bleach was poured on him, the bleach would have removed color and it would be visible. It would have been visible in the video from his hotel lobby and he wouldn't have been just walking comfortably.....he would have rushed to remove the clothing. The clothing is evidence but no one's asking about it. Did he rinse it off and if so where did that happen?

Stonenchizel ago

The bleach was just another lie in the whole story @solo7

voatusernamevoat ago

Talking about a title trying to spin things, it didn't lead to "it" and it's not alleged fake.

don123 ago

Whoever Mailed the letter is in a heap of trouble with postal inspector. Federal crime with serious time in Fed pen.

Kirbyrambo ago

Even if it is to yourself?

don123 ago


Flutterby49 ago

They'll take care of it by suiciding him because Trump supporters depressed him.

Zadim ago

None of his photos shows him wearing a tie, so the doorknob and tie shtick will have to be scratched. Double tap arkancide to the back of the noodle is the dnc's 2nd best choice.

don123 ago

Nothing would surprise me.

Kirbyrambo ago

Hope so

RockmanRaiden ago

Every other corner of the internet is talking about this. I don't need it here of all places.

GritD2 ago

This is just like the white supremacists who drew swastikas on tge oakland BART station. Sure white guys roaming in oakland at 2 am, graffiti'ing. No one saw them.... Rrrrriiiigggghhhttt

Zadim ago

If harris and booker had even an eyelash of involvement in this deal, they should be investigated and arrested as it sure sounds like a conspiracy to me. The white powder (aspirin) in the envelope should be terrorism.

Kind of ironic the brothers bought the rope at the Crafty Beaver hardware store, I bet jussie thought he was a pretty crafty beaver himself to design this ff event

Stonenchizel ago

@Zadim It looks like they really piled the shit on just a beaver does when it's conjuring up it's damn.


Zadim ago

Your eloquence in the application of the English language is extremely accurate

don123 ago

Phone recs need to be subpoened.

Zadim ago

If they haven't been already then the CPD are keystone cops or being paid by someone not to get them. I hope neither are true but it is rahm's stomping grounds

amarQ144 ago

Crafty Beaver...code name for Kamale "Toe" Harris

Zadim ago

Any court case against him should be held outside of Chicago as there is no way justice will be served in the deep state of Chicago. Move it to Echo County Texas, that should give him a hanging chance of a fair trial.

Biotech_PennyS ago

there are so few haters with MAGA hats, that leftists have to move to scams and lies to make news, this actually is a good sign

Paladin_Diver ago

I'd like to know the ration of MAGA related "hate" crimes vs MAGA related hoaxes. The fact that there has been almost no physical retaliation by our side, despite the constant taunts, harassment, and Antifa-related BS is actually a huge feather in our collective cap.

Nachose ago

I wonder who put him up to this? I think some of his friends (BO, Mad Maxine, She-Jack) recruited him to do this. And I think they paid for it. I can't imagine he has so much money that he can throw around $7K or whatever the whole charade cost him.

RVangel ago

The whole point of the charade probably was to get his name out there.

DawnPendraig ago

I think the DS actors did for and with Kamala Harris as part of her presidential campaign. They had that ridiculous anti Lynching Bill ready and waiting

Paladin_Diver ago

There is zero doubt in my mind that Poor Jussie has the ability to end Kamala's political career instantly. The question is, will anyone give him the opportunity to cut a deal? He's hired DS lawyers.

Oliverthepug17 ago

Also, Smollett purportedly has an album debut in early March & it's likely he wanted to gin up public awareness of himself prior to the album release.

This piece of trash- Smollett - must be prosecuted with whatever charges would have applied to someone who perpetrated the "hate crime" that Smollett staged.

Until these acts are prosecuted to the full extent of the law, we will continue to see them and the attendant waste of law enforcement resources that always accompanies them.

Paladin_Diver ago

Only if you include using the US Postal service to commit a federal crime by sending the letter to himself. I'm guessing the penalties for that are more severe than those for the so-called perpetrators of the non-crime would have been.

1southofyou ago

I knew this was fake as soon as he said his “attackers” shouted, “this is MAGA country.”

No one says that. That’s what dumbass leftists imagine that Trump supporters would say.

And Chicago is not known as MAGA country. It’s D country. If this happened in MS it would be a lot more believable.

Of course all the facts have shown this is fake but what he said initially was a dead give away.

Blacksmith21 ago

Just like that asshat Cesar Sayoc (sp) aka the "MAGA bomber".

Shakeymclovin ago

He thinks we are all as stupid as he is.

nevergiveup2them ago

That's exactly what I and millions of Trump supporters said the moment the story broke. "This (Chicago) is MAGA country" Say what?

Zadim ago

It's pronounced 'Saaaaaaay whaaaaaat?'

Paladin_Diver ago

Yeah, I don't recall a single comment on this board that believed poor Jussie for a second. Most of us would condemn the act, if it had actually occurred, but part of The Great Awakening is that none of us falls for this garbage anymore.