solo7 ago

Smollett is not her nephew, so stop spreading a lie. Find the truth yourself. If there's a connection then put it out but stop following idiots who pass on supposition and lies. Harris doesn't have a sister Janet, which is Smolletts mother's name. Kamala has a sister Maya. There may be a connection so go find it instead of spreading a lie. It just makes anons look stupid, which is exactly what the msm/liberals want us to look like.

P80 ago

this whole lynching theme is DESIGNED SOLELY to pass the anti-lynching bill. WHAT IS IN THE BILL? doubt it's only about lynching. Tear the bill apart and punish Kamala with it. VJ & Hussein fingerprints all over it.

LeeDoverwood ago

Didn't Jussie's sister work on the Obama campaign?

TrishaUK ago

Going to look through this over the weekend, thanks GodsAngell. I just listened to RedPill78 - CPD Source Claims: SMOLLETT AND HARRIS RELATED - All good but at 15 mins part about Terrance K Williams in a CAR CRASH, fractured neck and spine, after his tweet mocking Somollett/Harris!! THEN...even more connections to Smollett/Harris? PHOTO of Smolletts sister with Obama...this is ONE BIG FAMILY OF VIPERS! - I pasted a link in the comments of the video of the interview Don Lemon did on Smollett - In my opinion its a very odd 'tribute' sounds like to a lover or something! ( video ) maybe Lemon was going to be the MSM Propaganda push for this hoax? Just a thought.

Fateswebb ago

That's a lot to read, thanks for putting that together, can you summarize for me, do we have considerable proof that he is her cousin? I don't want to distract from the wonderful post but also want to dive right into the good stuff.

MightyQuinn72 ago

Well Booker and Harris do need something when asked what have you done in your time in politics. We got The anti lynching bill passed. Jussie messed it all up and it wouldn't surprise me is he winds up doorknobbed. It will be an easy murder to make look like suicide. He's fucked

lovely1 ago

Nephew is term for close person in afam community

ditzee ago

Kamala's father was born in Jamaica. Her mother was born in India. Smollett's mother, Janet, (nee Harris) was born in Galveston and raised in New Orleans. Joel Smollett emigrated from Russia and Poland, as far as I can find.I have good friends whose last name is Harris and they are not related either to Kamala or to Smollett.

How do we know Kamala is Jussie's aunt? What is the relationship? Be careful because Dims could be pushing this to try and make the Q movement look foolish.

GodsAngell ago

Try this, they might be 1st Cousins, so he is DEFINITELY related Kamala!

Some other anons on here concluded that Smollett’s mother is first cousins with Kamala Harris, not sisters. Which would make Smollett and Kamala first cousins once removed. Still related.


sosat_menya_reddit ago

Too late the movement looked foolish from the get go.

I have to admit that you people have some pretty active imagination though.

FatLadySings ago

Are you a Smollett cousin too??

SnazzyD ago

I know this won't look familiar to a Leftie, but there's an actual effort underway here to get to the TRUTH and not rush to judgment. Weird, eh?

Light_Guard ago

The name Harris in America is about as common as Brown or Smith. Kamala has a single sister named Maya.

JohnQ-Arkenstone ago

I don't believe in coincidences, the fake noose re: Smollett and Kamala just happens to want to pass the lynching bill. Kamala knew about it, Smollett just got caught, bunch of fake liberals.

dudelol ago

Whats coming will be possie comitatus on steroids

PygmyGoat ago

What about the name of the Lyft driver? If indeed this was an attempt on Terrence’s life via Kamalacide there might be some connections with the driver.

3939726284 ago

Let's refresh everyones memory. Al Sharpton was the spokesman for Tawana Brawley's "FAKE RAPE HATE HOAX".

In fall 1987, 15 yo Brawley, who is African-American, was found disheveled inside a trash bag with racial slurs written across her body in Wappingers Falls, New York. Brawley, then 15, claimed she was kidnapped and repeatedly raped by a group of 4 white men!

Here he is admitting he will use hate and race to get his agendas accomplished. Tawana is also seen crying fake crocodile tears just like Jussie. If you don't have someone old to have lived through this BS this video may have been forgotten. Let's make it viral! His "hate is an emotion" starts @2:07

But, according to Obama this college drop out, bum, low life who lives off of fear, hate, and division is a Saint. "President Barack Obama said that Sharpton is "the voice of the voiceless and a champion for the downtrodden."

FatLadySings ago

WOW.....that was a blast from the past and a real eye opener!!!

Thaytan ago

This bill is a gift to the Prison-Industrial complex. It will result in more people put into prison more easily.

The legislation specifically defines lynching as acts that “willfully cause bodily injury to any other person because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin,” or acts that cause injury due to a person’s actual or perceived “gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.”

FatLadySings ago

It should also apply to white people being lynched by Antifa

anamazonslittle ago

Sounds Like someone gave them just enough rope to hang themselves with.

GodsAngell ago

Good one!!!

xtalbluedolpin2 ago

Hope this will bring high light over dark strangers.

obvious-throwaway- ago


thedarkknight2020 ago

Some other anons on here concluded that Smollett’s mother is first cousins with Kamala Harris, not sisters. Which would make Smollett and Kamala first cousins once removed. Still related.


GodsAngell ago

Thanks, I posted above too.

HelloDolly ago

I can't find anything that validates that Kamala Harris is Jussie Smollett's Aunt. Kamala's father Donald Harris was born in Jamaica and has a twin brother. Janet Harris Smollett, Jussie's mother, does not appear to be connected to the other Harris family in any way. Do we have any proof of this other than some guy's tweet?

Hawkerbuff7 ago

This is just crazy! Too many connections between Kamela and mean Jussie. I hope they investigate her and end her political career!

GodsAngell ago

Try this, they might be 1st Cousins, so he is DEFINITELY related Kamala!

Some other anons on here concluded that Smollett’s mother is first cousins with Kamala Harris, not sisters. Which would make Smollett and Kamala first cousins once removed. Still related.


PygmyGoat ago

Regardless whether they are blood relations or not, the fact is Smollett was well connected with Kamala and the other Democrat elites, so it would not surprise me in the least if his stunt was indeed a failed attempt at a FF to get Kamala’s Bill passed.

AlternateSelection ago

Criminalization of lynching so that it won't be an option when they get busted for treason, etc. They're making sure they won't have to face the hangman's noose.

Basballdude ago

Lynching is not the same as hanging for treason. Unless there’s some obscure subsection that prohibits all hangings, they ain’t the same.

AlternateSelection ago

The end result is.

GodsAngell ago

And PHOTOGRAPHED Hanging for All of Posterity!!!

You know how VAIN these psychopaths are.

Patriot222 ago

It'll make for some meaningful art someday in the Q museum...

FatLadySings ago

The Podesta's would probably buy this art if they had any money left after asset forfeiture.

Ardithla ago

Was on 8chan and anon said he couldn’t say because of a confidentiality agreement that everyone needs to look into the two Nigerian and even their lawyers. There supposedly is more to this story. Just passing that along. Also, it was reported that Jussie has a twin brother.

FatLadySings ago

A few years back Jussie was pulled over by a cop for DUI and used his brother's name.

GodsAngell ago

Here is the name of Smollett's attorneys:

Smollett's attorneys, Chicago Attorney's Todd S. Pugh and Victor P. Henderson, vehemently denied that the attack was a hoax

Patriot222 ago

Don't forget the other illegitimate siblings: Jerkoff, Jackass, Jism and Jigaboo.

FatLadySings ago

You have all my up votes!!! LOLOLOL

mwoew8t5cs ago

You forgot Jizzum Smollett.

Neo_Tactical ago

Jussie has five siblings. I Haven't been able to corroborate the rumour that Cory Booker goes out with Jussie's sister. I found that rumour on this page:

Dear MAGA: 20190221 Open Topic

GodsAngell ago

It gets better (or worse): Smollett Recently Hosted Documentary on Lynching ~ Another "Coincidence"???

Smollett WORKED at Fox Studios With Nigerians in Hollywood!!!

Neo_Tactical ago

Brilliant round-up @GodsAngell. Will save this for later.

We have to be careful about jumping the gun on the Smollett-Kamala familial relationship yet. We need proof, a family tree or something.

Hopefully, someone in the Chicago P.D. leaks details of the phone calls/financial records of Smollett.

FatLadySings ago

We need to see phone records of who he called after the hoax to today. This info could be extremely revealing...

Paladin_Diver ago

Agreed. It bothers me when we do what the left does. This remains unconfirmed.

GodsAngell ago

Dig in, anon!

I would think the fact that the LEAKER was suddenly almost killed, is pretty strong evidence in this day and age. Only Leakers of the TRUTH get "accidented" or "suicided" or "murdered".

new4now ago

both Jussie, real name Joel, sisters are married

the oldest Jazz, to her HS sweethart

Junee got married in 2010

I would try one of the brothers or Jussie himself for going out with Booker

as for Jussie and Kamala, dont think they are related at all

1971, Kamala's parents divorced

they have Kamals mom working in Chicago and Wi before going to Canada supposivly in '76'

Jussie's Mom was born in '52' in New Orleans

Dad was born 1956

not sure when they got married, but Jussie's older brother Jojo was born in NY in '77'

next in line, Jazz, born Northern CA in '80'

next Jussie,aka Joel, Justin depending were you look, was born in Santa Rosa in '82'

by '86' they were back in NY for the rest of the kids

think it's just the name Harris they have in common, and there are a lot of them

GodsAngell ago

Where are your links for proof?

Valkirin ago

a simple search and obit of kamala haris mom. shows she had 1 sister and a brother.

Idkitall ago

The link you posted says Two sisters...

"sisters, Sarala and Mahalakshmi"

GodsAngell ago

Kamala Harris & Janet Harris Smollett are 1st Cousins:

Valkirin ago

thank you. I stand corrected. as i thought of nephew connections. looking at previous post i see cousins 1 time removed. Thank you

Neo_Tactical ago

It is definitely quite the coincidence that Terrence Williams was involved in a crash. He's is one of only two people that I personally came across that claimed Jussie is related to Kamala. We'll find out soon enough, with Autists on the trail

hg74rhyd9 ago

Nice work gathering stuff. If you want to produce a resource that will be shared with normies though, I'd recommend putting the actual links to the news articles instead of links to other pages on VOAT. Peeps see that and don't realize this stuff is actually documented out there.

GodsAngell ago

Thanks for the suggestion, I just added them, where ever I could.

Does anyone have a link to All of Trump's Tweets??? I used to have it but lost it. It was a good website that ONLY showed Trump's tweets, and not all the shills posts.

hg74rhyd9 ago has them all, but I don't know of a way to produce the search via a URL. If you click POTUS on, then do a search for "POTUS tweet" everything comes up. There's probably a better way, somewhere, somehow though. :-(

derram ago :

Senate votes to make lynching a federal crime | TheHill :

Senate passes bill to make lynching a federal crime | TheHill

This has been an automated message.

sicntrd ago

Lethal injection works for me.

Valkirin ago

bring baack firing squad

FatLadySings ago

burning at the stake works for me

RightSideUp17and6 ago

You are awesome, Angel, glad you can cobble all this stuff together. Kudos.

GodsAngell ago

Thanks. Everyone, Let me know if I missed any critical points/posts and I will add them.