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Kirbyrambo ago

Just intuition here but ==I bet dollars to donuts Kameltoe Harris was behind this crap

Jonny_Ninja ago

Yes. NEVER forget that he was willing to send two innocent white men to prison.

Rudy_Paine ago

Kuntmala Harris its not the crime that sank Nixon it was the cover up ! Buh bye

thetruthiswithinus ago

There is a big Democrat political cover up happening here, and the Chicago Police Chief is in on it.


Rahm Emanuel (son of documented former-Isreali intelligence/Mossad operative) former-Obama Whitehouse Chief of Staff is the mayor who runs Chicago & oversees the Chicago PD. They had 25 CPD detectives on the Smollette case.


The chief of Chicago Police claims a potentional TV show pay raise and/or employment issues was Smollette's motive for the Trump MAGA supporter black lynching hate crime hoax.


It seems it takes only 3 seconds for any 1 person, let alone 25 detectives, to type.. "Smollette" + "Kamala Harris" the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate into a Google Image search to find MANY photos of Smollette with Kamala Harris in very close contact with each other as well as with the Obamas.


Interesting tidbit... Kamal Harris recently sponsored and got passed an black LYNCHING hate crime bill!


There is also evidence being brought forward by concerned citizen internet sleuths showing that Jesse Smollette is Kamila Harris' nephew.


The Chicago Police Chief, major Democrat player Rahm Emanuel, & Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris are guilty of conspiracy & the cover up of major federal political crime against sitting Republican president Donald Trump & his supporters in an attemted to illegally affect the outcome of the 2020 US Presidention elections.

satisfyinghump ago

Wait... why are you putting a spin on this?!?!?! Cut it out. He always KNEW they were the attackers. He didn't withdraw his statement because he found out "oh wow these are my buddies!!! I'm not gonna confess against them!!!" Its because the story fell apart.

The plan he made with Harris and probably Pelosi and M. Waters fell the fuck apart. It had NOTHING TO DO with him 'discovering ' the attackers are his friends.

They are all friends trying to bring down Trump, and this time they attempted to do a hate crime that involved a fake ass "noose" to BOTH further the agenda that was on the table all those weeks (that anti-lynching bill that Harris and Waters and Pelosi just would not shut the fuck up about on Twitter or in interviews/in court) AND some sort of attempt at sparking a "race war" before the 2020 election, to somehow use THAT to scare people to NOT support/vote for Trump because that would mean you support a race war against non-whites.

My question is why are so many people upvoting you and why are you crafting this weird version of history... unless you're trying to ro exactly that! (Change history).

But it did NOT happen the way you stated.

hg74rhyd9 ago

Hopefully this gong show ends up red pilling some normies.


Can we charge him with that new anti-lynching law, for trying to Lynch himself?

GhostOfSwartz ago

You win!

muzzieniggerjew ago


SilentDog ago

Too bad he's gay...He will probably enjoy his prison experience.

time3times ago

I imagine JSmollett was completely assured that it would work. Who promised him?

Zadim ago

I would love to see a fist bump bro hug fest after the news first broke compared to when the real news really broke!

time3times ago

<it's on video from some hotel bar>

Zadim ago

You are probably right, but up in the penthouse bar, where the movers and shakers dwell!

time3times ago

there's a few employees who know they have the recordings. and they are in humidor right now talking about if they should say anything.

Zadim ago

They should think quickly before they get swept up in the upcoming carnage

Zadim ago

I bet Kunta Kinte would be proud! A free black man hiring two other free black men to lynch him and assault him with bleach and then try to blame it on all on the white President who has done more for his black descendants than any president in recent American history.

Oprah Whatsherface and Lavar Burton can take a bow with a true democratic enslaved black man!

lilomeunq ago

When they go low, then follow up by going even lower. Terrible.

Blacksmith21 ago

The important thing to keep in mind was that Smollett was morally correct, which we all know is far more important than being factually correct.

hg74rhyd9 ago

More like politically correct.

Paladin_Diver ago

I dream of the day, soon to come, where the term "politically correct" has been relegated to the dustbins of history, never to be revived under penalties worse than death.

hg74rhyd9 ago

Amen to that.

lilomeunq ago

He wasn't any kind of right or correct, he's wrong wrong wrong, all day long.

Blacksmith21 ago

You missed the sarcasm part ; 0

lilomeunq ago

Naw, I almost just posted the "/S fixed it for ya.", but "wrong all day long" would not be contained. ;)

sosat_menya_reddit ago

That dumb nigger did not plan anything. Someone else told him to do it and he was stupid enough to go along. Whoever is behind this will certainly leave I’m out to dry.

LeeDoverwood ago

Right. In all the uproar we almost forget that he was perfectly fine with two innocent guys going to jail so long as they were white Trump supporters.

NewSouthernBelle ago

Just white would have been enough.

Paladin_Diver ago

Ben Shapiro absolutely wrecked Jussie on this issue today.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Yes. This is really the main issue. That he knew full well that the MSM would spin this way out to vilify Trump and his supporters. This speaks volumes for how much MSM has continued this assault against US. Likely they will all keep pointing the other way, for "gun victims" "racism" etc etc. S. intended to generate sympathy for himself, but wanted to exploit the greater body of ongoing disinformation and hoax attacks.

new4now ago

he should be charged with a hate crime

what would the consequences have been if he wasnt such an idiot?

eronburr ago

he should be charged with a hate crime

To be honest he should be charged with a lot more, but I'd be much more interested if he gives up why he chose lynching and we used this admission to go after Cory and Kamala for subversion.

This is an attempt to subvert our system and calling it a hoax doesn't do it justice!

lynnmar ago

Same here. If he gave up his puppet masters I would be ok with the current charges.

Rat123 ago

I think the OP is saying Jussie was willing to send 2 innocent people to jail. Instead he dropped the issue when he learned who they had in custody. In other words, the 2 they had were not innocent, but had it been two other random people, they would have been.

eronburr ago

I duno about that only because I never heard they investigated anyone but the brothers.

DanaNordic ago

He implied his "attackers" were white and MSM outlets reported them as white at first.

eronburr ago

He implied they weren't black. He claims he could only see the space between their eyes but couldn't tell. But he somehow was able to say he didn't think they were black. I don't think he ever inferred they were white, just ruled out most other suspects

DanaNordic ago

just ruled out most other suspects

That's the very definition of imply/infer.

Paladin_Diver ago

Plus there's the implied whiteness of all MAGA hat wearers.

eronburr ago

No because he didn't rule out all suspect just most. Again if you say he wasn't black he could be asian, indian, hispanic. It's the maga inclusion that makes you, and likely others that don't nitpick how people speak, that just believe white. "This is maga country" isn't a race but since he's a nigger faggot people just become polarized and think the opposite was the attacker.

lilomeunq ago

I would think that the brothers started singing like a canary when they realized smallit used then as pawns. We need FOIA to get Harris and Booker's communications for Jan & Feb.

Paladin_Diver ago

Are private non-governmental calls subject to FOIA? I wouldn't think so.

Someone earlier mentioned FISA, and that doesn't work either because this was purely domestic and we aren't the corrupt Obama admin.

To get the phone records, you just need the Chicago OR Postmaster General Prosecutor to apply for a routine court ordered warrant.

new4now ago

you just may have a point there

Patriot8 ago

I’m sure his motivation to NOT sign the complaint against the two men was because he knew they wouldn’t go down for him. It wasn’t because he grew a conscience and didn’t want his buddies in prison for him.

Paladin_Diver ago

"he knew they wouldn’t go down for him"

Double entendre?