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Neo_Tactical ago

Brilliant round-up @GodsAngell. Will save this for later.

We have to be careful about jumping the gun on the Smollett-Kamala familial relationship yet. We need proof, a family tree or something.

Hopefully, someone in the Chicago P.D. leaks details of the phone calls/financial records of Smollett.

GodsAngell ago

Dig in, anon!

I would think the fact that the LEAKER was suddenly almost killed, is pretty strong evidence in this day and age. Only Leakers of the TRUTH get "accidented" or "suicided" or "murdered".

Valkirin ago

a simple search and obit of kamala haris mom. shows she had 1 sister and a brother.

GodsAngell ago

Kamala Harris & Janet Harris Smollett are 1st Cousins:

Valkirin ago

thank you. I stand corrected. as i thought of nephew connections. looking at previous post i see cousins 1 time removed. Thank you