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HelloDolly ago

I can't find anything that validates that Kamala Harris is Jussie Smollett's Aunt. Kamala's father Donald Harris was born in Jamaica and has a twin brother. Janet Harris Smollett, Jussie's mother, does not appear to be connected to the other Harris family in any way. Do we have any proof of this other than some guy's tweet?

GodsAngell ago

Try this, they might be 1st Cousins, so he is DEFINITELY related Kamala!

Some other anons on here concluded that Smollett’s mother is first cousins with Kamala Harris, not sisters. Which would make Smollett and Kamala first cousins once removed. Still related.


PygmyGoat ago

Regardless whether they are blood relations or not, the fact is Smollett was well connected with Kamala and the other Democrat elites, so it would not surprise me in the least if his stunt was indeed a failed attempt at a FF to get Kamala’s Bill passed.