BadassBuddha22 ago

Oooh, that was particularly, a badass post. I have goosebumps... TY, SB2.

SerialBrain2 ago


pepefrogjr ago

@SerialBrain2 Did you see this trump's tweet which says "Our economy, right now, is the Gold Standard throughout the World".

We all know that the current financial situation of USA is bankrupt. Is trump saying Current economy is gold backed from now on ? (I think 100% yes). were there bread crumbs provided using gemetria ?

If this is true then we need not worry about military being unpaid due to fed not releasing funds.Did this shut down somehow tied into fed being ended ?

I was expecting a decode from you on this since this is HUGE.

Thanks for taking ur time with your decodes.

SerialBrain2 ago

I will write a dedicated post about Gold and the Fed. In the meantime, I have touched on the question you raise in the comment section of my 'poor me' decode. link

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I look forward to the day when it can be plainly said: We got the fuckers, they will be fucking off and dying in Gitmo and off to their hells thereafter.

Jigsy17 ago

After going through that I feel like I only have 1/2 brain. I gotta rest.

zulu04p ago

2+5+1+9=17 Q

Sutie ago

Wow just amazing Serialbrain2..without your decoding of the drops or twits..I would be lost.Can’t wait to the next dialogue dig....God Bless you and take care...WWG1WGA

FortuneTeller_69 ago

Fantastic SB2! I feel like you’re our personal tour guide down the rabbit hole and through wonderland!

I agree with the many comments-anticipating your next post as much, or more, than Q’s post (not meant to diminish the vital importance of Q).

You take the time (and patience) to walk us through the process so we not only understand, but are taught by you, to expand our own perception and look for hidden connections right before our eyes.

I can’t thank you enough for all of your hard work and continued contribution to our enlightenment!

Now, I will do what I do after reading each of your posts...wait in anticipation for the next!

Thank you Serialbrain2!

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you FortuneTeller_69! Happy hunting! ;)

Mycofruit ago

SB2: Since I've not got the oomph to scour all your offerings, I'd like to ask here--is the Pythagorean alphabet ever in play in the Q+ op? Thanks.

Patriots_Hammer ago

Lovin' it! I don't always follow every detail of how you got there, but I really like were your mind is at! You're the only One I know of where the shills can't ever say "where's muh proof?!" LOL! Instead they have to try and debunk everything (((they))) are known to believe in and operate by, a weak ass position to any pepe, or logical Human in general.

"WRWY, because WWG1WGA" ~Hive Mind (lol)

Mailbag ago

I'm beginning to think sb2 is part of the Q team

inspiretk ago

Wow deep, thank you Serial Brain 2!!! I would LOVE to know more about NO CAVE, and definitely waiting for the Roger Stone's arrest decode.

Also thanks for the link of the MK Ultra. Definitely something happening there.

Randy Quaid: YouTube Randy Quaid eXposes Hollywood Illuminati Star Whacking of Ledger, Penn & Carradine a o

If you look him up now, him and his wife has turned to a nut job. Not sure if he was wacked, MK Ultra, or replaced with clones eg Randy Quaid lately

Beewizer ago

Nice job SB2. I'm going to have to re-read to digest better as some of it went over my head!

PatriotHacker ago

The reason you don't understand it isn't because it "went over your head".

It's because it's nonsense...SB2 just cherry picks words/dates/quotes and then tortures them into some sort of "message".

Using his methods you can take anyones twitter stream and find a bunch of "messages".

Idkitall ago

WoW... YOU really are "The Real Deal".., when it comes to Decoding. hahahaha

ChiCom ago

Just wait until he learns how to do more than just add...

pby1000 ago

Another great post... Definitely a military operation.

PatriotHacker ago

For the first date, since A=1, C=29=3+26, T=20 and S=19, the hidden message in the date is ACTS.

2019 is the year, which doesn't change. Why would they choose to encode a message in a format that forces them to end the message the same way every time?

What makes you think the dates are encoded info? Is there any hint to try and decode the date?

Since 29 is > 26 you take 29 mod 26 (which is 3) to "wrap around".

How do you know that 20 and 19 are intended to be treated separately?

You could do the same thing as 29, and do 2019 mod 26 which = 17!

This would make the messages "ACQ" (possible abbreviation) and "Be Q" (many possible meanings).

Basically this is all just a bunch of grasping and making a big deal out of connections that could easily be coincidence.

You leap to tons of conclusions without any explanation of why you went "left" instead of "right" and you just assume that because you get something that sort of makes sense at the end it must be right.

As I just proved, and have before, you can use your "methods" to create a message out of just about anything and make it say almost whatever you want.

Ocean_Cruiser ago

Many Thanks for your brilliant analysis SB2. I can repair most electronic devices - Radars, Computers and such, but I can't get my head around the coding/decoding yet, as you demonstrate so easily. We're fortunate to see how it works thanks to your expertise.

PatriotHacker ago

That's because it's garbage and is not coding/decoding.

Coding/decoding means there is a 1 to 1 relationship between the ciphertext and the clear text. That means if I give you coded text it will only ever decode to 1 (or maybe a couple if it's a really sophisticated cipher designed to fake you out).

Using SB2s "methods" you can take a couple tweets and dates and come up with a bunch of different messages and there's no way to tell which if any is correct.

At each step he makes a choice, and there's usually no particular way to verify it was the right one.\

It's not decoding, it's more like palm reading or divination.

showbobandvagene ago

This is correct, He is seeing relations in numbers and mistakenly thinking they are code. If it were a true code, it would have only one outcome, Instead, his method has an infinitive number of outcomes.

1southofyou ago

Have you been diagnosed with schizophrenia? I have worked with many people/patients with schizophrenia and your posts present all the signs of this disease. You make connections where there are none. Your numerology jumps around in an incoherent fashion. I feel for you my brother. There is no cure but there are those that can help and meds for your condition. But you have to be willing to trust someone. I realize that is impossible but you have to try. Your mind has become a playground and it is being abused. If you do not get help soon you’ll find yourself on the street or in a homeless shelter. I wish I could talk to you in person and at least let you know that someone cared but you’d not trust me either - such is the disease. You need help and you need prayer. I hope that the folks on here that encourage you will take the time to pray for you - as divine intervention is the only long-term help. I’m being straight up with you and I know you have moments when you know that things in you are not alright. I hope you find freedom from this disease. It is the most awful disease of the mind - a brilliant and bright man can be brought to pushing a shopping cart full of useless items through the city while existing on dog food and liquor. Please seek help and do not listen to all the voices that speak. Don’t take your own life to get rid of them but instead try with all your might to trust the professionals that want to help you. I hope you find peace and peace of mind. God bless you.

SerialBrain2 ago

I hope you find peace and peace of mind. God bless you.

Thank you so much! WWG1WGA!

CovfefeFan ago

Ending with a cliff hanger...

I hate cliff hangers.

SerialBrain2 ago

My Friend! My intention is to push people to do their own research and compare the results. ;)

TrishaUK ago

I find the more people who try to oppose you SB2 the more you are proven to be on the right track! Example:- MSM Opposes EVERYTHING POTUS attempts to implement = POTUS Correct in EVERYTHING he tries to implement. Simple! No decoding for this obvious example. PLEASE IGNORE THESE SHILLS who are either blind to the truth or actively with the bad side. ie: Killary and the cabal.

CovfefeFan ago

I've tried. I'm not as smart as you are. I start off alright. I can see clues all over the place. That time you had me looking for 4s was fun. However, the next step you assigned to me was too difficult, hurt my head. I think I see some clues, but they aren't in your posts, so I don't know if I am seeing more clues having to do with something else, or maybe they aren't clues at all. I'm thankful for your insight, I just can't do what you do. My brain has limits.

inspiretk ago

Just like all training, it grows better and stronger with time. Like exercising, the body grows, the brain is the same. Keep it up Patriot

CovfefeFan ago

I like that you and SB2 think I'm capable of this.

CovfefeFan ago

I don't know who I look forward to more:

Q or SerialBrain2...

Thanks again.

paladin4theUSA ago


inspiretk ago

BOTH!!! Q first, then Serial Brain! Serial Brain decodes Q! You use critical thinking with Q, then use critical thinking with Serial Brain!

GodsAngell ago

Yes, what a blessing SerialBrain2 is to us!!! Thank-you!!!

Man what a mind blower this one was. Human bots.

I KNEW it! I knew there a plot to kill POTUS and VPOTUS 3 weeks ago, and blow up Wash DC. My gut instinct was call for serious prayer that weekend, which many Christians heeded. SB2's decodings just confirmed it!

Strange Things Going On??? Strange: Pelosi Trip. Strange: Trump shut trip down. Strange: Pelosi Getting Out of Dodge (D.C.). Strange Cohen appears to have been tortured??? Is Something Bigger?

Q: Patriots are IN CONTROL......but Through Prayer Shall Victory be OURS!!!!

CovfefeFan ago

This is going to be a wonderful month!

Ardithla ago


AUSAFVet ago

lol true! Keep up the good work Q/Serial Brain

Donky_punch ago

This Q stuff has really become a pseudo religion. You even have verses quoted like out of the bible. "Q124 states insert text here"

For sake of argument, if this is true, what are you going to do with this information? Act on it, or just try to recruit more members to your q-ult?

amarQ144 ago

How does C=29=3 ???

showbobandvagene ago

All this mystic/cryptic/physic nonsense is just bullshit, I cant take you seriously, You seem like a pretty woke guy, Your hearts in the right place, But the freaky numbers nonsense just makes you sound schizophrenic.

Serialbrain, If you truly believe all this numbers and connections stuff, Do one thing and watch a film called "a beautiful mind" Its based on a true story about a famous and brilliant mathematician.

Thats all i'll say on it because i dont want to give away any spoilers. Take care man.

QPilledLib ago

Let's not forget the people that believe this garbage....

GodsAngell ago

Just because YOUR IQ is too low to understand SerialBrain 2 and Q and Trump's coded messages, does not make them bullshit.

99.99% of us on this website are SO GLAD YOU are not President!!!

YOU are the SHILL here!

We do not look forward to ANY of your IDIOTIC Posts!

PatriotHacker ago

No, the fact that there are bullshit is what makes them bullshit.

Just because you don't understand the flaws in SB2 methods, doesn't mean they're not there.

make sure everyone understands he was playing Nancy all along, he codes the word BETS in the new date

This doesn't make any sense. He only had a limited number of dates to choose from...and you think he picked that one because if you decode it a specific way it becomes "BETS"?

That date could also decode to "Be Q" so how do we know "bets" is the right one? We don't, SB2 is just pulling a bunch of junk out of his rear-end.

GodsAngell ago

Another Darwin Award, coming right up!

QPilledLib ago

You might want to consult a mental health specialist.

PatriotHacker ago

Cool, so you admit you can't find any fault with what I'm saying. ThanQ

GodsAngell ago

Since it is clear you are brain dead, I will repeat myself:

Just because YOUR IQ is too low to understand SerialBrain 2 and Q and Trump's coded messages, does not make them bullshit.

99.99% of us on this website are SO GLAD YOU are not President!!!

To understand SB2's posts you just have to have mastered ARITHMETIC!!! Not Calculus, Not Physics, not even basic Algebra!!! 3rd Graders can keep up with SB2! Stop posting while you are ahead!

YOU are the SHILL here!

We do not look forward to ANY of your IDIOTIC Posts!

Ding, Ding, Ding....and What do we have for the Losers???

The Darwin Award!

Any Questions now???

showbobandvagene ago

99.99% of us on this website

To save any confusion, Which clearly you're prone too, YOU, Are the minority on this website, Not the people that don't believe in number fantasies.

GodsAngell ago

Ding, Ding, Ding....and What do we have for the Sore Losers???

The Darwin Award!

showbobandvagene ago

What exactly are you doing out of the kitchen anyway?

Muntanolva ago

You’re wasting your time, SB2 is never accepting of criticism. We’re all shills to him and his followers.

GodsAngell ago

Muntanolva ago

Always wondered if you were a shill. Guess I got my answer.

goatboy ago

Drink more ovaltine


Haw ago

You have good insights but all the numerology stuff poisons it.

Why not just stick to the politics and leave the tea leaves out of it? [Not a reference to April Lorenzen.]

bvaughan1015 ago

Sorry sb, but I concur. Maybe just try to give the readers digest version? With a link, of course so if anybody wants to dig deaper.

PatriotHacker ago

There's no "deeper" to dig. SB2 is basically just stirring up his alphabet soup and assumes if some letters come close to forming a word it must be a message.

He's only popular because he posts a wall of text and jargon and his audience just assumes it must be good stuff. Meanwhile anyone with experience in actual coded messages recognizes it as the ramblings of mental illness.

John Nash was brilliant but he was also schizophrenic and he did very similar things where he would "decode" messages in newspaper articles and cereal boxes and stuff.

SB2 is just a mentall ill person posting their delusions but because he bases it on Trumps twitter instead of cereal patriots eat it up...

Idkitall ago

"Meanwhile anyone with experience in actual coded messages recognizes it as the ramblings of mental illness."

Oh please, please, please point us to some examples/links of Your decoding experience. We'd love to see "the real thing"... Because, of course, SB2 is just mentally ill.

bvaughan1015 ago

Thanks for the reply. Interesting take. At this juncture, I'll take your comments "under advisement ".

PatriotHacker ago

It's not a take so much a documented fact, but godspeed to you friend.

bvaughan1015 ago

Ty, patriot.

SerialBrain2 ago

You have good insights but all the numerology stuff poisons it. Why not just stick to the politics and leave the tea leaves out of it?

Thank you. Because that would be just sharing my views. Going through the decoding process is to establish the likelihood of the message decoded being the actual message sent by no other than POTUS himself.

Q1771 Comms structure designed for a very specific reason. Q

Patriots_Hammer ago

Right on SB2. Anyone who uses the ignorant phrase "numerology stuff" needs to lurk the chans moar, or go back to reddit, or figure out what J.P.Morgan meant when he said "Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do." to a reporter bugging him. Or whatever, I want to live in a free Country, and Golden Rule and all, so troll away I guess, just makes you look small guise.

I don't always follow your decodes SB2, but even if you are a total disinformation agent or crazy or some such thing, I appreciate you challenging anons to take it to the limits! IMHO we don't need a bunch of concernfags trying to hand hold us like a socialist nanny state or something. One simple reason "this is bigger than anyone can imagine". We NEED to look at EVERYTHING again. "Is there oxygen?! You don't know!"

As they say "future proves past" time will tell All. Until then keep it classy folks, because WWG1WGA.

inspiretk ago

SB2 is not disinfo. All you got to do is go back to history, check the post and check what happened. It's easy to fact check.

People who's too ignorant to see the truth, has no logic. Yes there's many combos, then come up with them yourself and write their own post. Negative people just ignore and downvoat.

Patriots_Hammer ago

Ya that's the general conclusion I think is most likely too. I'm being intellectually polite, because this is the Q movement, our main purpose is to DIG DIG DIG, and to "be careful who you follow". Since SB2 always does his own digging like a real anon, I figure he'd appreciate me doing my part by being careful. That way I don't NEED "concerned" folks to make sue my mind doesn't fall out from trying to keep an open mind.

Truth be told, I Am a bit of a mental gymnast myself, enough to know skillz when I see them, anyway. (BTW I went through and upvoated SB2's comments as a thank you for his dig)

Thank You Fren.

TexasDeplorable ago

Thank you for all you do, I find your decodes fascinating. You have taught me and others a great deal. WWG1WGA

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you and happy hunting! ;)

PatriotHacker ago

Can you give me some examples of things you have learned from SB2?

PatriotHacker ago

You don't establish that likelihood though.

Using your methods you can find a variety of hidden messages in almost anything...there's no way to know if it's "real" or not without some separate confirmation which you almost never have.

You have the arrogance to think that just because you can't think of another way to decode something the way you did it must be right.

derram ago :

MK-Ultra Documentary: Techniques, Celebrities & more! - YouTube :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Very sadly, Murder cases in Mexico in 2018 rose 33% from 2017, to 33,341. This is a big contributor to the Humanitarian Crisis taking place on our Southern Border and then spreading throughout our Country. Worse even than Afghanistan. Much caused by DRUGS. Wall is being built!"

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