QbertAnonymatti ago

didnt JC also post a tweet in front of Rushmore? wonder if that has interesting bits to be decoded. amazing work patriot!

TollBarGemsbok ago

I'm writing this because there are plenty of folks out there who scoff at the numerical/mathematical analyses of anons like SerialBrain2 on Q drops and POTUS tweets. They say it's absurd to add up numbers in time stamps, or count the alphabetic shifts of corrected letters in misspelled words, then proclaim some secret message has been discovered.

These folks are wrong because they are just thinking in terms of conscious intent. If it was just about that, they might have a point. It's difficult to imagine that someone is out there creating complex puzzles for us to solve, yet not making them so complex that they cannot be solved at all. It would be an incredible balancing act if this was the case. Even more difficult to imagine is that a group of humans are coordinating amongst themselves to do the same. Yes, some of this happens in a conscious, coordinated fashion, this is not a question. But all of it?

However, if we move to the unconscious level, it is not difficult to believe this at all. Because the unconscious encodes plenty of messages for us, like in dreams. Freud was the first to discover this. Then Lacan demonstrated the scientific basis of this in the 1950's with his analysis of various literary texts, much like what anons do today and almost everyday with Q and POTUS tweets.

In the end, we need to supplement the maestro's conscious cyphering of messages with his unconscious intent, which is by definition unknown even to the puzzle-maker at the time of the puzzle-making. It is at a later time the anons step in and make it known to all who care to listen.

So for those of you out there who are not convinced that such anon decyphering is legitimate, I implore you to take what might be the deepest dive you'll ever take, down into the dark depths of the unconscious (which is, as it turns out, actually much more on the surface of things than we might think). There is no better place to start than with Lacan's mathematical exposition of how the unconscious works in his article "Seminar on The Purloined Letter." Link It's difficult going, but there are plenty of shorter and helpful guides like this one which advises you start at page 35.

SerialBrain2 and other anons, you do the glorious, yet often unthanked work of the psychoanalyst. Carry on!

SearchVoatBot ago

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Jimerican ago

Read this thread and see how Annie Linskey wrote how misspellings are a joke.... after Trump responded to my tweet .... https://twitter.com/JimericanTweets/status/999150018404679680

Annie did such a good job she went from the Boston Globe to WaPo.

Lame_Brain267 ago

Thank you SB2. My husband follows along with me. Our frustration and impatience are bearable when it is shared with others yearning to see confirmation that the plan continues. Anons like you and others, shining light in the darkness are encouraging.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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FortuneTeller_69 ago

Most excellent as always SB2...I missed the Lincoln bldg and went off track, but filled a page with “scribble” attempting to decode. One of these days I’ll nail it, until then keep up the GREAT work!

Thank you yet again!!!

SerialBrain2 ago

You won't miss the building the next time. You are now wired to pick up this type of clue. Keep fortifying your arsenal. WWG1WGA!

FortuneTeller_69 ago

Thanks for the encouragement!

DeathRayDesigner ago

Sorry, but this reads like a Rorschach blot interpretation.

azdali ago

I thought it was way more simple than that: "Count thirty", thirty days RIF takes effect

yukon456 ago

White house posted the youtube video of the speech at 5 _ 32. 4 completed

yukon456 ago

speech today moved from 3 to 4, theory confirmed

Joe10jo ago

Very interesting! Thanks for posting!

Revel4ti0n ago

My simple brain says: Count to thirty

Great analysis SB2

WokeByTheStorm ago

Thank you again for your hard work. Comey & gang must me shitting their pants. The optics of the past couple of days must have those on the fence ready to come to our side, and move away from these traitors/dark side/evil-doers .... come on people join the light & move away from the dark.

Ranlove ago

It’s interesting that most of the dems were out of the country around the time of the “planned” attack. Like they didn’t want to be a statistic. Didn’t we see something similar when the republican delegations train hit the garbage truck? Just sayin...

inspiretk ago

When JFK was assassinated, most of his cabinet was out of the Country. They were trying to do the same here, thank god they failed.

SaveOurGrandChildren ago

What is so very sick about JFK's cabinet out of town & the current dems out of town - is that these people know what was supposed to happen & they went along with the whole horrible plan.

inspiretk ago

They are the cabal. They will be taken down. We need to to take them down. Good vs evil.


hgaljour ago

Thank you, Sir/Madam SerialBrain2 you sure make my boring life so much more fun. God bless and protect you, dear one. Eagerly awaiting our President’s announcement here this afternoon and as always, your next submission. HollyAnn

Anon22022 ago

You decodefags are amazing!! Very clever, and right under our noses!! Thanks anon!

Qpawn5 ago

SB2 I love your commitment and effort but my brain just doesn't comprehend it no matter how hard I try

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You are retarded

CovfefeFan ago

@SerialBrain2 I think Trump verified your decode! https://magaimg.net/img/72ui.png

SerialBrain2 ago

;) Nice catch! Spot the moving 4!

inspiretk ago

Trump says the first 2 years, meaning 4 years in total?

CovfefeFan ago

I found these:




He had said that it would be a 3:00 today. Which is when he posted this last year:


So, he moved it from 3 to 4 since yesterday. Might that mean something?

bamadeplorable420 ago

I was thinking he moved it ,,just to see the VERY thing that happened,,,pelosi gave a response before he even had said a word.....JUST LIKE THEY HAD the signs ready re: to Supreme Court nomination , before Kavanaugh was even named ..(they were saying ,,no no ,,we don't want.....blank.

CovfefeFan ago

It's like Trump keeps doing things, that if you have a brain, you will see what is going on. Each time he does something like this more and more people wake up. Only the brainless will remain asleep in the end.

SerialBrain2 ago

Excellent! Now look at the today tweet timestamps (make sure you catch the DC ones) and analyze the capital letters. Happy Hunting!

inspiretk ago

This must mean you have decoded A LOT more, and you only publish the ones you publish! :D

DickTick ago

Jesus fucking Christ...... Threads like this make me temporarily ashamed to be part of this movement, but then I remember it's just an sb2 thread and a fucking ton of other people see through his fairytale bullshit just like I do.... And then I feel proud again.

The comments in this thread are pathetic.. Everyone complimenting him in this thread are completely IGNORING what Q has told us to do..... Think for yourself, think logically, and watch who you follow.... Among many others, but those are ball that should matter in this bullshit context.

Patriot222 ago

You should really consider a career change. You're not intelligent enough to be a successful shill. Consider lawn maintenance.

Qanonplus1 ago

SB2!!!!! How, how I've missed you!!!!

Astrotheologist ago

this is fucking retarded. All you idiots who believe this shit make the Q movement look like a fuckin bunch of god damn stupid brainwashed hopeful fucks.

You're idiots if you buy into this guy.

Q could be real. But this guy is making the Q followers look like 9 year old retards.

TSE ago

occam's razor: typing on the cell phone is difficult. easy to add an extra letter!

ESOTERICshade ago

Serialbrain2, I studied Gematria on and off for years. I have never seen anybody shit up and disgrace the art of Gematria like you can. You don't seem to understand that Gematria does NOT have universal application. You need to study the origin of Gematria so that you understand where it should and should NOT be applied, because buddy, I couldn't even butcher a hog with your gibberish.

FirstDamsel ago

As always, just speechless. You never cease to amaze, SerialBrain2. 😯

TurquoiseLover ago

Neonrevolt will wait 10 days to give ANY response. HA HA HA HA

TurquoiseLover ago

Poor leftist dumb whores.

heygeorge ago

I am continually impressed, not by your level of mental illness, but by the people that seem to be duped by this drivel. Then again, they do believe that some mystical military force is communicating to them exclusively through the chans.

@srayzie, you (and lol, sbbh) were/continue to be attacked because the move from rebbit/this community must have cut into the bottom line of some paytriots.

Just think; this comment would have been deleted there, and at v/theawakening if those fools got their way.

srayzie ago

I am continually impressed, not by your level of mental illness,

Shut up Georgie 😂 And don’t make fun of us. You’ll see in the end that we were not so retarded after all!

heygeorge ago

Sorry, srayz, I really have no patience for @SerialBrain2’s bullshit.

srayzie ago

Some of the posts are awesome. Not all.

wealthword ago

Awesome decode SB2 Thanks for all your diligence.

Steelerfish ago

I am in awe of how well some beautiful minds work! Seemingly, The President is using these platforms to call out and expose the malevolent characters thus pushing the rabid animals even more into a corner. A scared animal will only lash out in fear and aggression and lose all reason. I personally think President Trump is providing a rope, a tree, and a ladder for these people to hang themselves. Trump will expose the deep state and he will come out damned near a hero!

Thanks for your hard work, SerialBrain.

1618 ago

SB2- Following you for awhile now, you know me by another name and though I still am a germantria novice....I saw the hotel behind the theatre and had the same conclusion as you. Comey is using Lincoln associated imagery to trigger an assassination.

They are signalling so much that the chan autists are now compiling a list of words, colors, and symbols they use. It becomes very obvious once you’ve been taught to see it. (Wink to you SB2)

Maggie Haberman has been signalling as you know and HRC has really been out in force signalling her brainwashed spawns that now is the time to do something. History books are going to be fun and spectacular in the future.

Trump’s comms ... seem to be more complex than the DS.

lynnmar ago

I would live to see a copy of the chans list when they get some of it completed.

SerialBrain2 ago

History books are going to be fun and spectacular in the future.

Yes! And we are all part of it! WWG1WGA!

GodsAngell ago

For those who get lost in SerialBrain 2 posts:


Here is SerialBrain2's decoding of Comey's tweet last weekend:

Q1402 Puzzle coming together? We have reached our cruising altitude of 40,000 ft. long ago. As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position. Q

All the pieces of the puzzle are now gathered. Future proves past. We can now apply Q’s template to decipher Comey’s tweet. You caught ‘All rise’ means ‘let’s activate’, ‘vital message’ means ‘assassinate’ and since Lincoln was killed by an actor, ‘Amazing cast’ means ‘Sleeper Cell’. The message, when translated becomes:

The Day has come to activate the sleeper cells that did the job on 9/11 and to perform attacks targeting high profile buildings on American soil and the White House in particular. Perhaps our Amazing cast will be as successful at getting Trump as the actor John W. Booth was at delivering Lincoln’s vital message.

amarQ144 ago

Their comms are what they are.Their every comm is monitored "almost" in real time. They are stuck with their own code as"almost"any change is monitored as well. The exception being a secure skiff...not so easy any more...or a good old fashion note. In either case any code change will be noted very quickly. The brilliance of Trump/Q code is that it is actually the DS code. This understanding unravels much (half) of the mystery of it's seeming complexity particularly regarding time/time stamps. MI is pretty damn good at code and code breaking. It's no longer an enigma. Comey and DS are stuck with "T"unny...sats down.

AlabamaPatriot ago

Thank you again, SB2!

1776Jimbo ago

Or.......it could just be a f*ckin’ typo. sigh!

RogerMoore0017 ago

Wow, just wow.

CovfefeFan ago

Well, I was way off on my attempt. I tried to add all the capital letters, but came up empty. I wanted the extra t to mean "T-minus countdown"... I guess it was just wishful thinking and no real decode. There are always other tweets and other sources that I never know where to look. I was hoping one day I could do what you do, but I've been following you since reddit and I still don't get any of it right. Sorry, I am such a bad student. I think the ability to decode this comes from the math side of my brain and it's not as developed. I'll just stay on the edge of my seat waiting for your posts.

inspiretk ago

Patriot, you are NOT a bad student! Remember, anything can be learned. The beginning is always the hardest, but once you get it, there's a lightbulb that comes on and you can see the matrix.

I don't get it too, but over time, you'll start to see it. Just keep practising. Q wants us to learn their comms, so the evil cabal can't hide in plain sight no more.

ESOTERICshade ago

Gematria is real but it's applications are limited. Serialbrain2, using it to attempt to "decode" a Trump typo, makes the real art of Gematria look like a disgrace. He doesn't understand it's origins, where and how how to use it, and is making you guys look foolish.

CovfefeFan ago

The way I understand it, the Deep State uses it in this fashion, that's why Q and Trump are using it. They aren't just telling us stuff, they are letting the Deep State know what they want them to know. Since the Deep State follows Q also.

NewSouthernBelle ago

I usually skip over those parts. It's not exactly my cup of tea, but too each his own.

angelCole ago

I'm there with you, I thought t was for treason, haha.

Truth2Light ago

Treason is also what I thought.

Truth2Light ago

I read it as "coun-treaty". That's what it sounds like when you read it out loud.

Truth2Light ago

When I looked up LRC (from the capital letters in Left, Right, and Countrty) + Treaty, I found this website: https://www.roblox.com/Groups/group.aspx?gid=2810141

[LRC] North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Large Roleplay Community

Clover Field Role play Community

Not as complex, probably wrong, but interesting.

Truth2Light ago

Who moay1010 follows:









(not your typical gamer names)

RogerMoore0017 ago

Me too. I’m amazed with the intel they find. Amazing work SerialBrain2!

CovfefeFan ago

Perhaps we need to form a study group?

Ponycam ago

I still don't get it either. SB2 is brilliant in his assessments. I like the idea of a study group.

derram ago

https://archive.ph/3OEZH :

Twitter / ?

https://invidio.us/watch?v=oxXWu2kT5IU :

Georgia man arrested for plotting White House attack - YouTube

https://archive.ph/HjjCq :

            Man charged in plot to attack White House with anti-tank rocket | Reuters

https://invidio.us/watch?v=hZxCtAaXivM :

USMC M136 AT4 Anti-tank rockets and SMAW live fire - YouTube

https://archive.ph/DWsWc :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "So funny to watch Schumer groveling. He called for the firing of bad cop James Comey many times - UNTIL I FIRED HIM!"

https://archive.ph/bEEuC :

Nancy Pelosi on Twitter: "Today, I wrote to @realDonaldTrump recommending that we delay the State of the Union until after government re-opens, as the @SecretService, the lead federal agency for #SOTU security, faces its 26th day without funding. t.co/K2oL8WGvqo… t.co/ot1LQzoHWQ"

This has been an automated message.

subslr ago

Outstanding summary of seemingly unrelated things/events resulting in a plausible/reasonable explanation.