With so many rumors floating around, CLEARLY a lot of SHIT is going on behind the scenes,
yes PRAY for Trump and his Team, ....but KNOW That TRUE PATRIOTS are IN CONTROL.
Q: Patriots are IN CONTROL
We are witnessing history here, folks.
Still, .......PRAY, ........those on the battle lines Covet our undying PRAYERS.
Good Things Happen when Good Men Pray in one Accord.
Remember America arose Against all Odds.....but she rose....not without difficulty....but she rose, against all odds......IF God is on OUR side.
Make no mistake, we are in a similar battle RIGHT NOW!!!!
Strange Things Going On??? Strange: Pelosi Trip. Strange: Trump shut trip down. Strange: Pelosi Getting Out of Dodge (D.C.). Strange Cohen appears to have been tortured??? Is Something Bigger?
This is very much like the days approaching "D-Day" when American and allied forces invaded Europe to set Europe FREE!
People back home didn't know all the details of what was going on, nor the date of "D-Day" until after it happened.
Yet what did Americans do? They PRAYED around the clock!
You don't have to know all the details of what is going on behind the curtain, you just need to know "stuff" is going on.
And Trust the Leaders You put into place
PRAY!!! Pray for those on the front lines of this battle to Save America, and ultimately to save this planet.
Is ANYthing too hard for GOD????
Hand_of_Node ago
Your submissions are all troll posts, but on the other hand, there are a number of people eager for that kind of thing. There's no good side here.
lordvain2 ago
Pray in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first. Not doing anything is never the answer. Q is just an excuse to sit on your ass and trust the plan. The only plan is to fuck the working class people.
MudPuddlePie ago