SaveOurGrandChildren ago

pelosi said Trump is risking her safety. WHAT ABOUT pelosi RISKING THE SAFETY OF AMERICANS? I think pelosi was planning on giving the State of the Union - as president.

GolfinGirl ago

Yes, prayer and Divine Intervention to protect our president and his family, Q, and the Military. We need prayer constantly to retain our Republic.

AUSAFVet ago

POTUS needs to pull the curtain back sooon!

angelCole ago

I said this on another post, I don't think there is a black eye. If you see pics from the front both eyes have dark circles. Probably losing sleep from the stress. Now, I don't know about the shoulder surgery, he could have been tortured for all I know. I don't think they would announce ahead of time surgery for the obvious reason of privacy. Edit: I agree we need to be in constant prayer for our president and our country.

PacaGoat ago

I knew there was a dead cat on the line when Pelosi pulled that SOTU shutdown stunt. Then her roll on whiskey tour which got squashed. Then before that a jihadist arrested with an anti tank weapon. And then her and 6 of her allies head for high cotton with family in tow. Now, Brazille calling her president. Now here's an interesting thought, what of Donna KNEW the orginal plan was interrupted and a new one was inplaced and what if she is telegraphing? Sending up a warning flare? And why has POTUS left the white house? The REAL reason!

GodsAngell ago

I think you mean why has NOT POTUS left the White House.

My gut tells me, the threat level has gone up, since December. First trying to kill him at the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. Then a marine that went rogue, at Christmas and he to be put down by Secret Service. And NOW, it appears more threats under way. Can't wait till these satanic psychopaths get cuffed and hauled off to GIMO!

PacaGoat ago


frankenglock ago

Can't wait till these satanic psychopaths get cuffed and hauled off to GIMO!

Justice! I pray for justice!

Windmill4theLand ago

Most of this is JimStone's work, he needs support now.

avanti ago

As Mark Tayler explained, President Trump is protected at 3 different levels (don't remember exactly who they are), but most importantly, God Himself is protecting him to bring justice to the world.

Of course this is not an excuse for not praying for him! (And prayer is always beneficial to ourselves, too!)

GodsAngell ago

Thanks for the reminder. Yes Trump will be President for 8 full years! That's God's WORD on the subject. However that doesn't mean Trump won't have to evade and out manuever attack after attack after attack. PRAY HOURLY this weekend folks!!!

DerivaUK ago

I know, I know, it’s Roger Stone and I know it’s AJ and Infowars but this has popped up on more than one account on Twatter and Facebook over the last day or so:

And this on YT:

Is this simply AJ’s usual shilling for the DS for civil unrest or is there genuinely something afoot? This, with Brazille’s latest threat has me a wondering

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Not DC. The first bomb hit will be Hanford, WA.

Spec1al1interest ago

Ok don’t know wtf is going on but could this explain why Twitter just notified me that an acc I’m watching - associated with the new wife of Prince Harry (possible alias) and the the us sec service twitter accts have just started following Pence??? What’s that all about??? Is some fuckery afoot?

BlueBlockers1955 ago

If Q and others are correct about people in the government being satanist could it be possible that that they were going on a Satanic Getaway for the "Jan 21st Cold Seed Moon Aquarius Full Moon" & "Jan 24th to Feb 1st Sementivae Old Roman festival" and "Jan 31st to Feb 2nd Imbolc St Brigid's Day" then lastly " Jan 31st to Feb 3

Seren8 ago

Read serialbrain2’s latest post

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Those dark bags under the eyes happen when your immune system is severely engaged - such as when you undergo a major invasive surgery procedure. Mr. Cohen is in deep need of rest.

I did notice he looked like shit before the surgery - these events had already taken a serious toll on the man, stress wise. This is the kind of stuff that ages one rapidly.

ALIENS2222 ago

Yeah that guy looks like he had a really bad day. Yeah if Trump gets wacked and some deep-stater takes over its civil war time for sure. It will be on, hard body karate if that happens. I hope everyone is ready.

Smell_the_Covfefe ago

Trump is surrounded by the entire military of the USA. He'll be fine. Any who make an attempt, won't.

GodsAngell ago

What if DC gets nuked???

GreyhoundsAway ago

DC getting nuked doesn't help the DS from an optical standpoint. Sure, they'll fabricate a cover story and blame it on Russia to justify WWIII, but why would Russia nuke a POTUS the DS accused of collusion? The story wouldn't add up and I think they'd have a civil war on their hands.

Qanuck7158 ago

Patriot Prayer

I pray for our Commander since my hands are far away.

We unite In ours efforts to keep Totalitarianism away.

We will continue to hold out for many more days or months to come.

Lord hear our Prayers that soon these Demons are put away.

Freedom is worth fighting for, enslavement isn’t worth living under.

Patriots Unite and Pray as one this night.

GolfinGirl ago

Shared!!!! And prayed.!!!

derram ago :

Donna Brazile on Twitter: "#MadamSpeaker today

PresidentPelosi shortly thereafter

MLKWeekend is underway

Keep Hope Alive!… "

This has been an automated message.

1cd1233 ago

Amen, Thanks Patriot.

JimmyZCA ago

Tortured or Eye of Ra warning?

HappyLurk ago

The trips are nothing new. Pelosi is one of the most flagrant abusers of congressional travel. That being said, the rest of the post brings up great points. Also would add that during the Soviet era "psychiatric treatment" was dispensed in like manner.

PacaGoat ago

To overseas? To a war zone? WITH CHILDREN! I gotta problem with that. Something ain't gehawing

HappyLurk ago

Agreed. Unfortunately until now, such things were rarely talked about. Even now, the particulars of this shady trip aren't being investigated.

cat_of_doom ago

Where’s the black eye? His face looks puffy and he looks like hell tho

ArcAngel ago

a lying kike deserves no better for all the jewry (((they)) have done..

ArcAngel ago

wonder if JIDF did it.. or a moeslum 'surgeon' of peace & diversity?


I agree that we should be praying right now. I think that we should all pray at exactly the same time. Anyone who isn't religious can still participate. Prayer is focused intention. Our thoughts and emotions are very powerful. Ten times more powerful if your intention is positive. And if it's negative then you better duck because a boomerang is going to hit you in the face.

Q-sent-me ago

I saw someone else mention they were doing this, and joined in: I have an alert set on my phone for 3:15 pm, "pray in one minute", so I'm praying at John 3:16. I pray for protection over President Trump and the Q team, etc.

Great idea and I agree, focused intention has made world changes. There was a meditation group that brought crime down in cities they traveled to. Each prayer may only be a nudge, but with enough nudges we can make real change.

mediatingmensan ago

It was the TM meditators from Fairfield, Iowa, who traveled to NYC for days before the bicentennial and it was documented that crime fell and slowly rose after they left. There had been concerns about sabotaging the incoming fleet that moored in the harbor. Peacefulness works!

Seren8 ago


Q-sent-me ago


ThierryofAlsace ago

The FBI came out and said BuzzFeed was lying.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Great speculation OP. But our amazing President always has his own Trump card. :D

GodsAngell ago

Every man could use prayer. Trump is at the Fore Front of THIS WAR, he could USE A LOT OF PRAYER.

Mustard_Monkey ago


frankenglock ago

Excellent post, you brought up a few items I haven't seen or thought about yet, and then tied them together nicely.


I am inclined to believe that if the President would be threatened with something this big in stature, he'd be 50,000 ft up in the Looking Glass, not DC.

PacaGoat ago

Didn't he head out to Dover?

pizza_mine ago

You trust the secret service?

amarQ144 ago

I trust that what ever the DS plan was, Trump/secret service/mil intel hasn't been taken off guard and are dealing with it, and I trust patriots are staying alert and prepared

pizza_mine ago

I flew a mission that carried some of those a**holes once. They cannot be trusted. I was shocked by how many of those SS where idiots. I hope the Donald has his own security that can be trusted.

pizza_mine ago

I hope so. I was not impressed by the SS.

Shizy ago

That's worrisome to hear. I hope Trumps private security is more effective.

pizza_mine ago

Oh dear god, I hope so too. I talked to those SS agents. I hope President Trump is protected by people who care. Not the people who protected JFK.

frankenglock ago

I wouldn't, but Trump has his own security. I don't blame him a bit for not using the SS.

Adminstrater ago

you would hope they would police themselves and have a code above politics, but I assumed that the FBI would have that sort of belief as well... Too bad you can't trust authorities that have no public over sight.

frankenglock ago


Agree 100%

tradstew ago

Prayers indeed. among all the other reasons, pray the "panic" STAYS in DC. Wonderful time to be alive.