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TurquoiseLover ago

WHAT A FRIGGING DUMB ITCH. The ONLY way that piglosi would ever be president is if BOTH TRUMP AND PENCE were TAKEN DOWN and that won't happen in their impeachment (PENCE WILL STILL BE THERE).

Qanuck7158 ago

Donna we have some indictments with your name upon them, don’t get Cocky C*nty You Snags will be together soon plotting Sandcastles at Gitmo.

Patti_McGreen ago

What's with Brazilles dog posts? Code for something else? And to whom?

Revel4ti0n ago

Start praying for POTUS and his family and all the patriots. I guess we are now reaching the inner air defence bubble flak fire is still intensifies. The media and the key manipulators are getting desperate. When panick increases the errors will follow immediately

Blizzardpants ago

I wonder if Pelosi was trying to meet with the military to start a military coup, sounds wild but considering where she was going I can't rule it out.

Davelon ago

Hmmm, got me thinking. No real need for me to ask you all to tell me if you think I'm wrong. That threat by Brazille is so Direct, I'm thinking it is a warning alarm being sent by her to POTUS and VP. I think that because she was disgusted enough over the Seth Rich murder that she dropped the info about HRC taking over the DNC. Someone whispered in her ear and she tried to retract the info. This threat is just too blatant IMO and it looks to me like a call-out to the SS to pick her up for questioning in a Safe Place. Just exposing my rampant mind after all the goings on over the last few days.

1cd1233 ago

Sorry to say Dunno Brownbitch, you really think Stinky Polosi will survive this. Wake up (((America))) is getting stronger. Not that we needed it. We kinda hoped you people would figure it out. Nothing can stop what's coming! Your future will visit your past as well Dunno Brownbitch.

jodieann ago

Especially frightening is Mike Adam's story about the plan to make Pelosi president:

Qackerjak ago

I retweeted her tweet to the Secret Service on Twitter. I hope others will do the same....

skyisthelimit ago

If POTUS get jfked. Pence will resign like good little deepstate boy. He is a sneaky son of bitch. No proof tho just a gut feeling.

Spec1al1interest ago

Well he did get an envelope at GHWBs funeral...

Qackerjak ago

I just saw that... it sounds sinister as hell. Pelosi is 3rd in line for the presidency. I sure hope Trump & Pence stay safe this weekend.

Smell_the_Covfefe ago

Relax, she's also 3rd in line for Gitmo.

tossitrightinthere ago

And I'm glad Melania is in Florida. I bet Barron has been kept very safe for a long time now.

ArcAngel ago

meh this nigger will get a neck-stretchin.. NOT the copper ring types...

qanon1776 ago

Hope SS investigates as a threat.

buildingbetter ago

Worried about our POTUS. The secret service does an awesome job, but what lengths are they willing to go to? Remember the show designated survivor?

AUSAFVet ago

The evil is showing its' teeth now!!! We need to hold on and be strong more then ever!

derram ago :

Donna Brazile on Twitter: "#MadamSpeaker today #PresidentPelosi shortly thereafter #MLKWeekend is underway

Keep Hope Alive!… "

This has been an automated message.

Discover-it ago

She was hip-deep in the Seth Rich murder. Now this. There's some deep state crap going down.

GodsAngell ago

Yep, we ALL need to be in deep prayer, 24/7, as it appears things are coming to a head.

Deep State now going OVERT, so that means Trump Team can now go OVERT too. (Maybe we will see some perp walks before this is all over with???)

Can't wait for Trump's speech tomorrow.

Strange Things Going On??? Strange: Pelosi Trip. Strange: Trump shut trip down. Strange: Pelosi Getting Out of Dodge (D.C.). Strange Cohen appears to have been tortured??? Is Something Bigger going on?

Basballdude ago

Damn I was just going to say “this isn’t her first 187 rodeo” but you beat me to it.

Most addicts need a more potent high and this would be the grand poobah of 187s.

GodsAngell ago

Brazille was in fear of her life, after Seth Rich was murdered. She did a "tell all" book to save herself and has been in HIDING ever since.

Now she comes out makes claims like this on twitter??? President Pelosi???

Something is definitely up.

Oh, I just thought of this: Tomorrow is Trump's big speech re: the wall and the shutdown. Perhaps Trump is going to take action, take emergency action to build the wall.......and that will trigger the Demoncraps to try to impeach him or something??? Just thinking out loud.

SOMETHING caused Brazille to come out from the word work today, and say such bold things!!