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argosciv ago


Helco ago

Joe10jo ago


MissleCopterStoped ago

Where is the sauce for Hussein getting chipped in?

Where is the sauce for other DS players having kill switches and listening devices implanted in them?


Q-sent-me ago

I thought the 470 referred to a group, a division or something -- rather than the number of investigators (image says "400+"). Otherwise, great compilation!

joeneesima ago

Thanks...very informative graphic..glad it admonishes to continue digging and thinking.

BettyLiberty ago

The stuff of movies, not real life.

Mikelli0114 ago

I think it's great info. Shills are not smart enough to realize we think for ourselves. Thank you for sharing this info. I learned something new. That is why we dig and read and think logicly for ourselves.

Animal_Chin ago

You're insane. Your posts are like the National Enquirer. Bat Boy Is Real!

KryptoKoins ago

Yeah apparently this Q movement is Soo bad keyboard warriors are acting like tough guys to intimidate us. Lol

Gorillion ago

I like "Pedovores". Child eaters.

Let's see how all this plays out. But we really do need to see some serious heads roll. If things drag on too much longer, people will lose patience with "The Plan", and the Collective Will for real change and a fresh start will begin to dissipate as people necessarily get back to the business and demands-on-their-attention of daily life and try to plan for a future where this constant encroachment on white western values and security will continue on into the future until, one way or another, it all falls into ruin.

Without something concrete and "Wow-ing" before the next political cycle kicks in, it will be too easy for opponents to poo-poo the Q posts and greater support network as an eccentric LARP. Meaning the MSM and deep state will have lost a powerful narrative opponent within the public psyche.

Q really caught the public imagination, and with out MSM suppression, would have been an even bigger phenomenon. That's an amazing achievement to be sure. But in order for it to be remembered beyond the current year, and to make a dent in history, real shit needs to start happening. Guaranteed, once the ball starts rolling, Q will become a singular point of focus and cultural reference for entire generations.

Literally a "Where were you when Q was verified?" paradigm shifting event.

After so many decades of being lied to. Of so many secrets being kept from us and secret cabals working against us. What better way to open the flood gates of the real truth than off the back of a "conspiracy theory fad" that turned out to be real? The majority of the population will be in a once-in-lifetime receptive state of mind for all the big secrets to come out, without being followed by a collective nervous breakdown. We'll never be more primed than that moment.

We could actually break the globalist grip on our minds and understanding of our world.
Wouldn't that be something. And all it would take is for these fucking scumbags to face justice. Real justice.

1patriot99 ago

I don't think people understand the level of technology that is HIDDEN from the public. Well I do. Thanks for this post!

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Maybe he ain't leaving cause he's the hand that ordered the cops and feds to carry out the Las Vegas massacre. Stephen Paddocks mini van with red & blue police LED strobes parked at the Mandalay Bay valet enterance as a fleet of 11-12 deceptican FBI and police vehicle decepticon Barricade Dreads drive by all with red & blue police LED strobes. 30 FBI, ATF, FEMA agents checked in with Stephen Paddock on September 25th 2017. Mandalay Bay, MGM, Murren, Adleson, Lombardo, Rouse, Shuck, Campos, all knew he had weapons in the hotel before the shooting. The police and FBI knew the shooting was coming because they were in on it. Marilou Danley is an FBI informant. Police captain James LaRochelle disposed of evidence and police weapons used in the shooting at the Arizona ATF in Tucson or Phoenix.

Some one with a machine gun shot up i think ATF in Arizona and injured or killed 4 after the LV shooting remember? Some one shot up the Las Vegas strip again after the Vegas shooting from a storage house Paddock owned remember? New email evidence indicates Paddock DID sell ARs with bumpstocks and 100 round drum magazines he actually physically sold the weapons and magazines to buyers. So did he have more weapons he sold as well as the weapons found and not found in his hotel room that we don't know about?

There were 209 suspicious wire transfers reports on SP/MD and suspected possible terrorist activity. Philippines is hotbed for Islamic and communist terrorism where McVeigh (OKC) learned to make bombs from Ramsey Yousef (WTC93) nephew of KSM (the blind Sheik in gitmo for 9/11) you don't make money via playing video poker but you can launder money. 2 Hispanic women got boxed in their car south of the venue said the saw men with rifles behind them (stage right) and this fits in with 28 dead from head shots. A women exited an uber an claimed she saw men with rifles at the Manalay Bay s/lv blvd corner firing rifles ... exited the uber ran back to the Delano... this fits in with cops pinned done at the wall and smoke wafting up ast the other side. 3 Ninjas in the venue going north on rv rooftops on the east of the venue fits in with people claiming gunshots get louder as if they were being pursuded while heading north. Spent bras at the Tropicana lot and mags and spent rounds at Renos and Gilles. A man in camo with a rifle entering an rv near motel 6 aroud the corner from the Tropicana. A man in black running west to east on the Trop roof... Spotted from the MB external security camera.

Gunshts reported at numerous hotels and casinos and spent casings found in the NYNY and Paris bathrooms. The 20 round burst at midnight in 5 x 4 round bursts. Eyewitnesses say men in choppers and on chopper ziplines firing on them. No muzzle flashes, smoke, brightness, or smoke alarms coming from 135. The 2 cameras that would spot the 2 windows in 135 breaking and focus on it weren't working. Maid service is called off the day of the event. Murren Adleson, and Soros short and put before the event and make millions.

ArmedPatriot8793 ago

Damn your on point they screwed up in Vegas got sloppy left loose ends everywhere and were letting them get away with it . By were i mean Americans this is so obvious and the majority are clueless

stray502 ago

What good is that if the world especially North America doesnt even know its happening or why. The entire point was to let everyone know the evil these people have been up to and the crimes they have committed. If they are all executed in secret no one will ever fucking know.

GodsAngell ago

Man you completely miss the point of the BRILLIANCE here!!!!

Trump is doing things by the BOOK, LEGALLY, so that when all this goes down in History, the USA will not look like a banana republic, which is exactly what you are suggesting here.

This is a quiet bloodless revolution according to the LAWS of our land. It is Totally BRILLIANT!!!

Don't worry ENOUGH will have been video taped to provide entertainment for the blood thirsty.

redtoe_skipper ago

Quiet and bloodless?... Not quite quiet and not quite bloodless, is it, but brilliant nonetheless.

Karmytrumpateer ago

And Q said only 20% of what happens will be open to the people. That was changed to 40% I believe. It prevents a total melt down of society. The end result is what matters. No name is gone. GHWB is gone. Who is next? W?

DTrumplican ago

Horry Fffffff It makes so much sense!!! O M G if it is true!!!! I bet most of it is true! Explains many of the Q posts so well!!!

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

This is fucking stupid. There is absolutely no reason to believe in kill switches or listening devices. Somebody just made it up.

Stop being a retard. Sick of this "what if" garbage being spread as fact.

You are making us look bad. Use your fucking brain.

MissleCopterStoped ago

NoName must suffer from dementia or Alzheimers. :P

17Q45 ago

Then i guess you don't believe in Tri-corders? Yeah, like star trek. Yeah they have one, blood pressure, heart rate and a few more exams by waving a hand held in front of you. Came out a few years ago, so a kill switch or eavesdroppers would be childs play. Use your fucking brain fucking stupid. I'd tell you about the tractor beams, but I don't think you could handle it.

StarAnon ago

This is all well, and good. No one questions they exist. Its nice that you know all of this. - Next time, provide sources, so we can all order one.

The OP is unsourced; stated as fact. We want FACTS, instead of conjecture.

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

I didn't say we are aren't capable of this you moron. I said there is no evidence these people have them implanted.

This is wild speculation with zero evidence! Learn to read!

MissleCopterStoped ago

The really sad part is Angellā€™s posts are only used exclusively on someoneā€™s YewTideToob channel too.

God help us all.

MrShekelstein ago

hello shill, don't even think your name fools anyone here.

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

Give me ONE reason to believe it is true. Just ONE shred of evidence that anyone has a tracking kill chip implanted.

This is fucking ridiculous.

vexdhex ago

The technology does exist.

Saudi files for 'killer' tracking chip patent Saudi files for 'killer' tracking chip patent

15 May 09

A Saudi Arabian inventor has filed for a patent on a potentially lethal science fiction-style human tracking microchip, the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) told The Local on Friday.

But the macabre innovation that enables remote killing will likely be denied copyright protection.

ā€œWhile the application is still pending further paperwork on his part, the invention will probably be found to violate paragraph two of the German Patent Law ā€“ which does not allow inventions that transgress public order or good morals,ā€ spokeswoman Stephanie KrĆ¼ger told The Local from Munich.

The patent application ā€“ entitled ā€œImplantation of electronic chips in the human body for the purposes of determining its geographical locationā€ ā€“ was filed on October 30, 2007, but was only published until last week, or 18 months after submission as required by German law, she said.

ā€œIn recent times the number of people sought by security forces has increased,ā€ the Jeddah-based inventor wrote in his summary.

The tiny electronic device, dubbed the ā€œKiller Chipā€ by Swiss daily Tagesanzeiger, would be suited for tracking fugitives from justice, terrorists, illegal immigrants, criminals, political opponents, defectors, domestic help, and Saudi Arabians who donā€™t return home from pilgrimages.

ā€œI apply for these reasons and for reasons of state security and the security of citizens,ā€ the statement reads.

After subcutaneous implantation, the chip would send out encrypted radio waves that would be tracked by satellites to confirm the personā€™s identity and whereabouts. An alternate model chip could reportedly release a poison into the carrier if he or she became a security risk.

ā€œForeigners are allowed to apply for patents in Germany through a native representative, in this case it was a Munich law firm,ā€ KrĆ¼ger told The Local. ā€œMost people apply for a patent in several countries, and this inventor probably did too.ā€

But the law firm, DTS Munich, is no longer responsible for the application.

"We resigned from representation of this case last week," a spokesman said without stating why.

Q-sent-me ago

There'd have to be a repeater to get the signal to a satellite, or I think the chip would fry the surrounding tissues...

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

Doesn't matter if it is possible. Give me one reason to believe it is true.

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago


God, some of you people are stupid a fuck. ONE RAMDOM PERSON on the internet says "this is what's happening" and you start accepting it as fact and arguing for it. Instead of taking the LOGICAL position and saying "what makes you believe this is true?" like a normal, rational person.


Stop making yourselves look retarded.

vexdhex ago

I SAID THERE IS NO EVIDENCE ANY OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE A CHIP INSTALLED. are one stupid MF. If you bothered to read any of the articles you would see there are many people in the world who already have rdif microchips. Learn how to use google and youtube, Mainstream news has covered this topic already,

MissleCopterStoped ago

Great sources, but you left out the most ridiculous claims that FallingAngell has for Obama being chipped and the rest of DS having GPS and listening devices implanted in them in the OPā€™s Subscriber Statement.

You aren't looking that smart bro calling people retarded when you are completely missing the point too.

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

"THESE PEOPLE" you idiot. Hillary, Obama, and the rest.

You have absolutely no evidence anything has happened to them or they have a chip.

vexdhex ago

Lol. The chips aren't meant for the elite. It's for control over the masses.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Tell that to FallinAngel, she/him/it thinks so..

From OP post statement:

ā€Yes, this is great! I suspected they had gps monitoring chips in them.....but didn't realize they also had kill switches and listening devices planted in them too.

ā€œRemember when Obummer was called in for "jury duty", supposedly, late Oct early Nov 2017?? He got chipped to.ā€œ

Did you see the word suspect and supposedly?

Start from there..


Because if it's possible, then you can bet your bottom dollar someone else has already done it. Did it happen in this case? Anyone's guess is as good as another's.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I bet this would make HRCā€™s mouth water as she is a patent attorney and make this document ā€œdisappearā€ from public view for her and her demon friends people to know and use later on.

StarAnon ago

All of this is great speculation, but you're posting as if it's actually fact.
Can we get pissed at MSM for doing this, when it's happening here?

markrod420 ago

im just thankful the phrase "its happening" wasnt in the fucking title for once.

StarAnon ago

hahaha! This will be on some guy's youtube within the hour!

MissleCopterStoped ago


MissleCopterStoped ago

I called Angell a traitor a few days back, because he/she/it is basically the enemy of the people in the same way fake news MSM does now.

One must use discernment with this person at all times.

Q-sent-me ago

I want to thank you very much for speaking up on this thread. I almost forwarded the image to my mom, who is slowly coming around. She doesn't need this speculation, you're right.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I want to thank you very much for speaking up on this thread. I almost forwarded the image to my mom, who is slowly coming around. She doesn't need this speculation, you're right.

Hey @GodsAngell, do you see what almost happened here? This is a textbook example of why you shouldn't post irresponsibility? Imagine if @Q-sent-me had actually forwarded this and their mother started to research it ONLY FIND OUT THAT YOUR POST WAS PURE BULLSHIT? NOT ONLY WOULD HIS MOM THINK WE ARE BAT-SHIT CRAZY AND SHE WAS ā€˜RIGHTā€™ ALL ALONG, BUT SHE WOULD PROBABLY THINK HER SON/DAUGHTER MIGHT NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP TOO!


@Srayzie, @MolochHunter, @Shizy

srayzie ago



Yeah. Well then itā€™s a good thing you arenā€™t a mod.

This screenshot is being spread everywhere. What you need to understand, is that some people havenā€™t been doing all this as long as others. Some donā€™t know how to vet their sources well yet. For those of us that have been doing it longer and do understand it better, should calmly show them. Weā€™re all supposed to be on the same team. Help each other out. This isnā€™t a competition.

Just because they unknowingly posted a fake meme, that TONS of others are spreading all over as well, does NOT mean they are traitors. It could mean they are uninformed. The way you are always attacking this person, is not helpful. People donā€™t learn like that.

@GodsAngell if you would like some help, please send me a message. Iā€™ve noticed you do post things from sources like Sorcha Faal. They spread a lot of fake mess. I could give you some tips if you would like.

@Shizy @MolochHunter

MissleCopterStoped ago

Oh yeah one more thing:

For those of us that have been doing it longer and do understand it better, should calmly show them. Weā€™re all supposed to be on the same team. Help each other out. This isnā€™t a competition.

I have tried helping her in the past and SHE WILL PUT ALL CAPS ON TO SCREAM at someone or belittle them, or talk about their mothers because they cant handle suggestions, not just by me, BUT EVERYONE!!!!!!

Need some examples?

Screnshot this shit too and put everywhere....

srayzie ago

If someone were talking shit to me and explaining things to me rudely, I would be a bitch too. If you know sheā€™s going to react like that, maybe try a different approach.

I will write her today or tomorrow. You donā€™t need to concern yourself with her anymore. Itā€™s not working.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Thank you for looking into this for me.

See that is all you had to say.

I will still get you a list though of how disrespectful and demeaning she is to others beside myself when offered suggestions about her post/comment replies, and PM them to you, so you can get an idea of what is going on.

Have a good day @Srayzie, @MolochHunter, @Shizy.

srayzie ago

MissleCopterStoped ago

Oh okay, my apologies, thought you were going screenshot my comment and tag every forum with it. Totally misunderstood.

Heads up on proof: The proof I believe is accurate but it originated from qpost or, which I believe is part of NRā€™s crew.

srayzie ago

Ok thank you. You too.

Shizy ago

Can you send that to me too if you end up making a list?

MissleCopterStoped ago

Yes, I will send all three of you a copy. šŸ‘

Shizy ago

Thank you šŸ™‚

MissleCopterStoped ago


MissleCopterStoped ago

I have been polite in the past to her, so has others, and she attacks anyone who tries to help her......

srayzie ago

Iā€™ve heard they arenā€™t easy to get along with. Iā€™ll try giving it a shot. But, why let her cause you to get so upset? You can downvote and state your opinion without it becoming a shit show.

MissleCopterStoped ago

But, why let her cause you to get so upset? You can downvote and state your opinion without it becoming a shit show.

Because I have tried to get them to understand, new people learning about the movement see these kind of posts and say to themselves, ā€œthe news was right, these people are crazyā€ and never come back. In same thread, here is an example:

MissleCopterStoped ago

When i get home, i will give you every single one, and make it into a nice formatted post, you can wander off topic and ask if I am having a bad week.

srayzie ago

Ok you do that.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Yeah, thanks for the punishment srayzie, make sure you spread everywhere too.

Do you have the sauce that Obama was chipped?

Do you have the sauce that listening devices and kill switches are installed peopleā€™s bodies?

Screenshot that shit.....

srayzie ago

Yeah, thanks for the punishment srayzie, make sure you spread everywhere too.

Having a bad week again? Iā€™m not punishing anyone. Weā€™re all adults here. There are ways of dealing with people that are more effective. Why donā€™t we try to just keep things civil? Thereā€™s no reason to get so worked up over something so little.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Did you get the sources yet for Obamas chip and the kill switch and listening bug implants yet?

MissleCopterStoped ago

This screenshot is being spread everywhere

What the hell is that about? You are threatened me because I am tired of this person spreading afake news?

Reallybwhat the fuck is that?

srayzie ago

This screenshot is being spread everywhere

Not this! That bullshit meme is being spread everywhere. Fuck. Iā€™m not threatening you.

MissleCopterStoped ago

What bullshit meme?

MolochHunter ago

There's a big difference between being a traitor and being credulous. @GodsAngell may have a terrible case of confirmation bias at times, but it's not the role of us mods to censor that. @Srayzie @Shizy

srayzie ago

I agree. See below.

MissleCopterStoped ago

She doesn't even have sauce for the claims she makes in her posts like Hussein is chipped and and others have kill switches installed in their bodies.

Doesn't Trump call Fake news the enemy of the people? What would that make Angell then?

Shizy ago

The best thing to do is just point out and expose when someone is posting info that is from sketchy sources or cannot be backed up. There's a lot of people who do a really great job here of calling out BS when they see it. That's helpful for everyone, but also for lurkers or newby's who may be more inclined to believe what's being posted. I see this happening a lot to @godsangell so either they need to take a hint and better source their posts, or expect an increase in being accused of deliberately spreading fake news.

MolochHunter ago

Being susceptible to fake news is different from deliberately and knowingly spreading fake news. Do you have evidence to conclude that @GodsAngell is the latter and not the former?

MissleCopterStoped ago

Oh yeah, she plagarized someones elses thread too by reposting it and never gave that person credit either. Want proof? Its in her SS.

MolochHunter ago

if i recall that incidence, after he was pulled up on it he edited the post to give a hat tip to the original poster - even though the original poster wasnt the originator of the information themselves. So it was a case of disseminating information without citation - thats different from plagiarizm

MissleCopterStoped ago

Hmm well it sure wasnt this thread...

MissleCopterStoped ago

Yeah i do, read others comments asking for sauce on this thread.

MolochHunter ago

now who'se the one being sloppy with evidence? This thread has many ALLEGATIONS

no-one has proven that OP knew for a fact that what he was posting is fake news

flame the OP as much as you like for sloppy work, but we don't censor that shit - and the nature of Q's posts is cryptic and so this sub must allow for wide array of speculation

MissleCopterStoped ago

Its not sloppy work Moloch, itā€™s sourcing the gosh darn claims....................

Why have rules if you are not going to enforce them....

MolochHunter ago

can you kindly advise me which Rule # you think this breaches so that i can re-educate you

MissleCopterStoped ago

Rule number 1

Go for it, explain it to me.

MolochHunter ago

the post is sourced with 2 links. The post contains Q-relevant theories. Theories that have elicited some Q-relevant speculations. I'll quote you one :

"I bet this would make HRCā€™s mouth water as she is a patent attorney and make this document ā€œdisappearā€ from public view for her and her demon friends people to know and use later on."

MissleCopterStoped ago

There you go talking about oranges when I was talking about apples..

Did you forget this already?

She doesn't even have sauce for the claims she makes in her posts like Hussein is chipped and and others have kill switches installed in their bodies.

For your convenience, I made a picture for you so you don't forget what we are talking about, and randomly quote me from an convo with someone else unrelated to this issue somewhere in this thread like you did earlier.

Now Rule Number 1 - Pretty please with sugar on top explain to me how this does not break Rule 1 by not have credible sources.

MolochHunter ago

where is the definition of 'quality' spelt out in writing ?

who the fuck are you to presume you have a better idea of that definition, or authority to define it as you see fit, than what this sub's owner Srayzie has instructed us to adopt ?

by your standard, I'd have to delete all posts relating to speculation - that you yourself have engaged in, you hypocrite - relating to whether the Hillary crew have been caught-and-released with monitoring, such as the mysterious 'medical boot on one foot' worn by Hillary and others a year ago. Because there is no credible source for that theory either, aside from the same cryptics from Q that lend this post the same speculative merit

you have the ability to trash talk and vote down this post. Thats it. Any further 'obligations' to your ego you think we as mods have, you can shove it up your ass

you've pissed me off. Consider me suspect of any future posts of yours. I'm going to scrutinise them for bad-faith mischief. I'm drawing a bead on you, motherfucker.


argosciv ago


Look at the triple reply to parent comment.

See also: and parent/context/submission

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @Shizy

MissleCopterStoped ago

You are the hypocrite you know why? You ignored ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE ON THE THREAD ASKING HER TO BACK HER CLAIM UP. fUCK OFF BRO.

MolochHunter ago

you're the cunt that keeps coming at me insisting i have some obligtion to delete this thread. Srayie also checked in on this - SHE elected not to delete it , too

I havent ignored everyone else asking for verification. Their requests for verification DO NOT compel us to delete a post. You have as little proof that this conjecture is fake news as it is accurate news

it remains in the field of conjecture

you dont get to decide which conjecture is delete-able and which isnt

and you giving me ATTITUDE about it is what drew my ire

MissleCopterStoped ago

I never once asked you to delete the thread did I?

If yes, please show me where I said that.

MolochHunter ago

oh, my apologies, correction - you said the OP should be banned from this sub, and called us mods in to effect that, and then got all pissy when we refused to do that for you

so fuck you

MissleCopterStoped ago

you said the OP should be banned from this sub

How are you a fucking mod? I never said that either, get some fucking glasses or work more on reading comprehension..

Here I will quote myself since you are too lazy (sloppy) to do it:


I said I would ban her because she is an enemy to the people for spreading fake news. Nothing about you (some ego you have) is in there EXCEPT to ping you to the problem of spreading false and un-sourced claims.

I will be the bigger man and not get cocky at the end throwing childish insults at me like you did in the last post.

srayzie ago

How are you a fucking mod? I never said that either, get some fucking glasses or work more on reading comprehension..

Here I will quote myself since you are too lazy (sloppy) to do it:


That is why you are NOT A MOD, and why you should never be a mod. Get my drift?

Who the fuck do you think you are? Voat doesnā€™t censor like that. Youā€™re doing what Oh_Well_ian did. He tried to play police and argue with everyone, THAT eventually got his ass banned.

Itā€™s up to you how you want to proceed. You can either stop this bullshit or Iā€™ll have a talk with fellow mods about your history.

Itā€™s hard to be fake over long periods of time. True colors are bound to come out. Your colors are showing.

MolochHunter ago

"Mommy, mommy. Godsangell is spreading fake news make it stop"

that was the context under which you pulled us into the conversation. We initially responded politely, but you disrespected our judgement not to act in some kind of unspecified punitive manner against the OP. I'm done with this conversation, I'm going to enjoy christmas

i recommend you do the same

MissleCopterStoped ago

That was funny that you said I cried for mommy when you cried for your cyber gang to help you when I owned you on this thread that you are in the wrong from the get-go.

Only teenagers do shit like this, not to mention you all are traitors to the movement to allow a user to spew fake news like the big boys and girls of MSM.

I bet you and your cyberstalking friends SWATT people if given the chance huh? It is plausible right? After all, you all have been gang-stalking me since I blew the whistle on fake news and unsourced claims.

I guess that isn't a legitimate claim to ask a person to source info about Obama being microchipped, and the other DS actors have implanted GPS and easvesdropping devices implanted in them, because that is common knowledge that everyone knows including even the sleeping normies?

This is in your rules for Godā€™s sake!

No need to answer, you already showed your true colors by allowing fake news to be seen on the boards to begin with.

@Srayzie talks about, ā€œI run this sub that President Trump and Q would be proud ofā€ and yet let fake news posts clog up the boards, and does nothing about fake unsourced claims from a person that has a reputation for unsourced claims and the sky is falling every day and all caps ITā€™S HAPPENING 10 TIMES A WEEK & MARTIAL LAW STARTING AFTER CHRISTMAS!!!! to begin with.

You are basically the enemy when you do that and neither the President and or Q would be proud in any way of this forum.

It is a no-brainer on why Q and POTUS team didn't cite your months old forum as the go to spot to talk about Q after the 2018 Reddit purge.

That really has to hurt, but you have no one to blame but yourselves.

srayzie ago

That was funny that you said I cried for mommy when you cried for your cyber gang to help you when I owned you on this thread that you are in the wrong from the get-go.

Only teenagers do shit like this, not to mention you all are traitors to the movement to allow a user to spew fake news like the big boys and girls of MSM.

Really? Because I seem to remember when you were a mod for 2 days, you let the power go to your head. You started egging users on. You would tell them they were spreading disinfo, simply for having a different opinion.

For example, You can clearly see here, that you are the problem. You were purposely pushing this users buttons. Then you acted like a Power Hungry Mod and bragged about how you could use your mod powers.

Hey NiggerFaggot, I am a mod too, I could just erase yours posts, but instead allowing you run your mouth...

Just like you did with GodsAngell, and with me under your alt thisistotallynotme, you zeroed in on a Target. You couldnā€™t leave that person alone. You just had to win. You began talking about his daughters going to a mostly black school in Sweden, and saying that you were scared for his children.

Privately, you were writing me and pissed off that I didnā€™t have your back. Why wasnā€™t I in that thread defending you?! I told you that our role as a mod was NOT to harass users and then threaten to use mod powers. I told you that you started the drama on that thread, and you did not have my support.

You continued flipping the fuck out, I told you that you being a mod was not going to work out. You ran and hit resign so that it would appear that it was all your decision.

But, since you want to zero in on my awesome mod @MolochHunter, and cry because he pinged the other mods, even tho you know thatā€™s what heā€™s supposed to do in cases like this, letā€™s go thru a few of your old messages to show what a whiny little bitch you are.

This is one of my favorites...

It seems you set me up for target practice with your Voat friends because I never been attacked as much as I have been in the last 2 days, and I was the smartest one here.

Poor baby. Was it tough being a mod for only 2 days? šŸ˜‚ Oh, and you were ā€œthe smartest one here.ā€ Holy shit! Youā€™re a piece of work!

Hereā€™s more....

everyone wants to fight me ever since I became a mod to test me.

The big M makes you a target LMAO!

Drunkviking was attacking other commentors before I stepped in. You defended him AFTER you read what happened again taking his side.

And jewelryface, well she is just a mental case.

I have been fine on here until I became a mod, now the big M makes me a target and when I say something, you backed the others..check your own behaviour because everything I have done is the same way I rolled all along.

Just Wow. How are you not embarrassed?

During your 2 day power trip spree, you attacked users in a few different threads. You expected me to have your back. When you pinged me to that thread, I did not defend you. You were in the wrong. Period.

Here, youā€™re ā€œcrying like a little girlā€ because I didnā€™t rescue you. Hell no! Thatā€™s not how you treat people. I didnā€™t ask you to be a troll. I asked you to be a mod.

To top it all off, you went and reported the guy that you harassed, and then told me to do MY JOB. Youā€™re just a shitty person who pretends to be a great patriot, and has a ton of time on his hands. Enough that you control several sock puppet accounts at once.

Itā€™s good when you fuck with me. It makes me motivated to publicly document everything as evidence. That it turn, fucks you. But, you never learn.

Since there is a team of us that have been zeroing in on you and your small Consensus Cracking Shill Group, your mention of Jenny Moore is going to be of so much value to us! That calls for some pinging. Your bitch ass can just get over that too.

@thisistotallynotme sent me private messages on October 12th, telling me to tell him everything I knew about Jem777, or we would play ā€œArbitral Tribunalā€.

Well, only 4 days later, on October 16th, MissleCopterStoped, as type-o-negative made remarks to me, like maybe I had something to do with what happened to Jenny Moore. Jem777 and Jenny Moore are the same person.

I already sent some more evidence proving to some of you privately, that MissleCopterStoped, aka Type-o-negative, IS Thisistotallynotme. Heā€™s the faggot that said that I had a military tribunal, acts like an attorney, and always gives links to laws. Well, after I called MissleCopterStoped out as being type-o-negative, he started crying harassment.

This is the biggest baby. He whined and cried because I didnā€™t run to his rescue after he lost his fricken mind and treated users like shit. The freak comes back as a new user, MissleCopterStoped, and starts telling my GREAT mod what heā€™s doing wrong and how he would ban people like this. Yet, he tells people in other threads that WE ARE POWER MODS.

I donā€™t think itā€™s a coincidence that BuilderAnon has an alt on Reddit named SortDoubleNegative. I have proof of this. SortDoubleNegative And Type-o-Negative... šŸ¤” Itā€™s also not a coincidence that they both told me they are from r/The_SwampWatch. Say hello to BuilderAnon. Thatā€™s who we are constantly dealing with. I donā€™t think weā€™re making it very fun formhim tho. šŸ˜‚

You can read all about BuilderAnon here.

@Shizy @Kevdude @Crensch

Crensch ago

Anyone have a broom and dustpan? Srayzie just Auschwitzed this faggot.

Shizy ago

Here's the point that you miss, or at least pretend to miss, that people are smart enough to see for themselves when a user continues to make posts with sensational headlines and cites questionable sources! Use your downvoats. Call them out in comments. When people make posts like that they're only undermining their own credibility, and everyone can see that.

If a post can be prove to be disinformation, it will be flaired and deleted. Do you really think the mods have the time to examine every post and fact check it for accuracy? That's where the community comes in! And most voaters prefer it that way rather than having heavy handed mods who go around deleting all the time. Are you calling for delete happy mods?

You pointed out the flaws with the post. It was flaired unverified. What else would you prefer to have happen?

MolochHunter ago

i dodnt know if you've noticed, but - Im a moderator

do you know what moderators do?

well, anyway, if people are acting REALLY DODGY - like you, you have an obligation to alert other Moderators about the dodgy behavior

you're a liability to this sub. so other Mods need to keep an eye on you as well

MissleCopterStoped ago

These screenshots will prove fruitful with your childish threats of harrassing me in the future when I called out something that MSM does every single day to patriots world-wide.

Not only did I call out this ridiculus un-sourced claims, others did too on this thread. I wish you would read the thread because a lot of others called the person out on the same thing I did.

My mother is dead bruh, and I certainly did not need my ā€œmommyā€ to defend my self when standing up to you.

No idea why would you fiercely defend a rulebreaker unless you are them yourself...

Anyways, Merry Christmas Moloch, I hope you get the presents you are hoping for this year.

srayzie ago

Hereā€™s a link in case you didnā€™t read my post on BuilderAnon.


You guys have a lot in common. Letā€™s get this straight. I donā€™t need your help. I donā€™t want your help. I donā€™t need the shill police monitoring other users so you can play pretend mod.

Then, you have the balls to say this...

How are you a fucking mod? I never said that either, get some fucking glasses or work more on reading comprehension..

@MolochHunter and @Shizy are AWESOME MODS. They are very schooled on Concensus cracking. How about you back off before things get ugly? Iā€™m onto you. ;)

MissleCopterStoped ago

This is my reply to him:

you said the OP should be banned from this sub How are you a fucking mod? I never said that either, get some fucking glasses or work more on reading comprehension.. Here I will quote myself since you are too lazy (sloppy) to do it:


I said I would ban her because she is an enemy to the people for spreading fake news. Nothing about you (some ego you have) is in there EXCEPT to ping you to the problem of spreading false and un-sourced claims.

I will be the bigger man and not get cocky at the end throwing childish insults at me like you did in the last post.

Molochā€™s reply

Mommy, mommy. Godsangell is spreading fake news make it stop" that was the context under which you pulled us into the conversation. We initially **responded politely, but you disrespected our judgementnot to act in some kind of unspecified punitive manner against the OP. I'm done with this conversation, I'm going to enjoy christmas i recommend you do the same

HOW DARE YOU BRING MY MOTHER INTO THIS she is dead and nothing to do with this! I fucking pinged you to a problem of unsourced outrageous and absurd claims. **You chose to disrespect me, use ad-hominem attacks, and twist my words. When I called you on the carpet for it, suddenly you had to apologize and walk back the words which takes a man to do that, just to say fuck you in the end.

**These screenshots will prove fruitful with your childish threats of harrassing me in the future when I called out something that MSM does every single day to patriots world-wide. Not only did I call out this ridiculus un-sourced claims, others did too on this SAME thread. I wish you would read the thread because a lot of others called the person out on the same point I did.

My mother is dead bruh, and I certainly did not need my ā€œmommyā€ to defend myself when standing up to you who hurdled threats and ad-hominem attacks towards me. No idea why would you fiercely defend a rulebreaker unless you are them yourself...

Anyways, Merry Christmas Moloch, I hope you get the presents you are hoping for this year.

Then srayzie jumped in, with your post above

I didn't create the post, so I did not make the claim, I made a comment, so I am not going to roll over with your bullshit changing the subject.When I do post...I always provide a link...Wow on the language & the threats, but you have the issue of not keeping up on a conversation.Nothing about ego, but wanting to keep fake news off the forum.... Why do you have a problem with an issue I explained to you that goes against the rules?Is this how you act when people try to explain something to you? Ready for the next incoming attack from you.

You sure did not disappoint me for next attack.

and so did the OP and we dont even delete all posts that DONT provide a link, you're here on G.A. in Bad Faith. I'm onto you, now, niggerfaggot.

**No, not here on bad faith, I reported an issue you kept deflecting, promised to harrass me by stalking my posts, calling me names, brought my dead mother into this

My last reply:

Don't call me names when you cannot do your fucking simple ass job. **Look at all the other people who asked for sources on this thread retard, I am not the only one asking for sources or "being the problem.ā€ Just because you are a mod, don't think I am impressed with your stupid 16 year old threats, and the only people who threatened like online is the fucking pussy in real life. Get over your Mr. Badass of the internet, ego and do your fucking job.

Lets not just take my word for it, let me collect some others comments on here that both Srayzie and Moloch decided to ignore. (25 upvotes)

One more thing, coming from Shizy, the only one who notices GodsAngellā€™s pattern for this:

I see this happening a lot to @godsangell so either they need to take a hint and better source their posts, or expect an increase in being accused of deliberately spreading fake news.

you know that threatening people, and using cyberbully tactics are against the law?

I suggest you back off before I bring this bullshit to Puttitout, & if that dont work, then I will contact the host ISP & make a complaint & go from there involving litigation methods.

MolochHunter ago

this is hilarious

he says he's going to get an anti-freedom of speech SJW globalist faggot lawyer onto us, and in the same sentence reckons he's going to enlist Puttitout against us

if i didnt already know you were a professional niggerfaggot, I'd think you aint been around here long

srayzie ago

you know that threatening people, and using cyberbully tactics are against the law?

I suggest you back off before I bring this bullshit to Puttitout, & if that dont work, then I will contact the host ISP & make a complaint & go from there involving litigation methods.

Putting you and moloch on ignore until the 26th and we can talk more if you like.

Ok Iā€™m done with your games. You do that. Let PuttItOut know youā€™re Type-o-negative while youā€™re at it. SortDoubleNegative confirmed my suspicions that, YOU type-o-negative, are his alt. How many times do I have to expose your alts? šŸ˜‚ Even when you apologized and played nice, I knew. I gave you a chance.

You are another alt of BuilderAnon!
Redditā€™s SortDoubleNegative is a BuilderAnon. You, admitted to me that you are Type-o-negative.

That is a match according to Neon Revolts standards! Wait until everyone finds out that you were a mod for only 2 days. You tried to cause chaos. You really are dumb. How many fricken times are you going to try to fuck with me? I mean, youā€™re pathetic. You are so obvious. Doesnā€™t continuously failing bring you down? Especially when you just canā€™t bring down a ā€œgirl.ā€ Iā€™ve been wondering... How is it that Iā€™m a woman and have bigger balls than you? Because youā€™re a pussy!

I can spot your kind a mile away. I thank you for that. Your determination has made me more determined. All your tactics has made me get more educated on your tactics. Then I document everything. We are all very aware of your consensus cracking bullshit. Do you hate that I donā€™t bend to your will? This ā€œLittle girlā€ seems to get under your skin. As long as I have truth on my side, you will fail at your attempts to bring us down. You had me all wrong bitch. I know that hurts. Eventually youā€™ll learn to move on.

If you hate power mods, then why would you be pushing us mods to ban people? Fucking idiot. But, you really should try to be a better friend. Have you even said hi to @Kevdude lately? It cracked me up when you didnā€™t want me to tell @Crensch who you were. Why not ElectroLumus? šŸ˜‚šŸ–•šŸ»šŸ–•šŸ»šŸ–•šŸ»šŸ–•šŸ»

How long until you run and delete this account? šŸ¤”

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Vindicator

Shizy ago

Has his account been archived incase he does burn it?

srayzie ago

Yes itā€™s been archived. Just like the others. He thinks weā€™re just playing around. šŸ˜

srayzie ago

Not yet. Iā€™ll hurry and ask!

srayzie ago

See parent @Argosciv

argosciv ago

Noteworthy from u/MissleCopterStoped:

Emphasis my own.

Putting you and moloch on ignore until the 26th and we can talk more if you like.

Does Voat have an 'ignore' function? Or is it called 'block' here?

Smells like reddit terminology.

Redditā€™s SortDoubleNegative

cc: @Shizy @MolochHunter @Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch

MissleCopterStoped ago

December 25th 2018 2226hrs

While you are figuring out where I got the notion to use a certain word, be advised I am documenting any further harassment from your group for future legal purposes.

srayzie ago

Oh just like thisistotallynotme? šŸ˜‚

MissleCopterStoped ago

Oh is it gang up on me time? Itā€™s all good keep harassing me.

srayzie ago

What made you lose your shit this time? Wifey troubles again? šŸ¤”

Vindicator ago

This guy sounds just like sanegoat whining about cyber bullying @Crensch @kevdude. See parent thread.

argosciv ago

This guy sounds just like sanegoat whining about cyber bullying

Also sounds like Piscina.

srayzie ago

Haha. You know that bitch didnā€™t put us on ignore. Heā€™s too curious. Now heā€™s sweating bullets wondering what to do. šŸ˜‚

argosciv ago

Well, seeing as how there's no "ignore", you're right ;)

Now, watch this.

MolochHunter ago

Thx for that - I'm entirely unschooled on reddit

argosciv ago

I'm not sure if that's what they call it over on Reddit, I've never had an account there either. Just seems out of place saying "ignore" instead of "block", here on Voat.

srayzie ago

Wow @Shizy. Just like the others...

Look at how he gathered all these links and twists shit around. I bet heā€™s archiving too. This reminds me of BuilderAnon, youllrememberme, thisistotallynotme, and NotHereForPizza.. No wonder they have been quiet lately. This sock puppet has been busy.


Shizy ago

What's really interesting is how he hasn't denied that he's BuilderAnon and his gang of homo alts. Hmmmmmm!

57005-177 ago

Yup, I archived it and made a pdf for possible litigation in the future.

Grow up and act mature.

MolochHunter ago

something didnt smell right

I shook the tree, and whaddyaknow, insane monkeys fell out

(with credit to @Crensch )

and something doesnt smell right about your sudden intervention either. Why does this concern you?

57005-177 ago

Because it is Christmas sheesh.

srayzie ago

Then get offline. šŸ™„

57005-177 ago

Cookies and milk on the mantle and everything is wrapped, good night.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Letā€™s get this straight. I donā€™t need your help. I donā€™t want your help.

Yeah letā€™s get this straight, I reported a person making outrageous claims. Did you catch that what I said in bold?

I asked for help because a person was breaking Rule #1 shall we review Rule 1? Please allow me!

ā€Some posts don't have a link, but they include a quote or a reference, such as quoting a Q post, informing us of some breaking news story, a good well thought out theory, a prayer for our presidents safety, informing us of some show to watch because maybe POTUS will be interviewed, or encouraging others to vote, meme, etc..

For example, if youā€™re going to post a theory, give a detailed explanation of how you reached that theory. Such as explaining how you can back up the theory with what is already known or referencing things Q or trump have said.

Now GodsAngels post:

great! I suspected they had gps monitoring chips in them.....but didn't realize they also had kill switches and listening devices planted in them too. Yes, catch and release this way makes tremendous sense. Released but on tight leashes.....and with each tick of the clock, they know they are marching to their own D-Day. Can't wait to see the confession videos. Remember when Obummer was called in for "jury duty", supposedly, late Oct early Nov 2017?? He got chipped to.

While you are busy chasing your tail accusing me of someoneā€™s elseā€™s identity, did you bother to check if Q said anything about chip implants in Obama? What about GPS and Listening devices implanted in others? Did President Trump say anything about chips, gps and listening devices implanted in others?

Find the sauce for either two claims from Q and/or President talking about this, and I will apologize and stop going on with this.

Now letā€™s talk about Moloch and his threats towards me for simply reporting (you know, asking for help) and how this is how a mod should act especially when I never disrespected him in any way.

There you go talking about oranges when I was talking about apples..

Did you forget this already?

She doesn't even have sauce for the claims she makes in her posts like Hussein is chipped and and others have kill switches installed in their bodies.

OP's Post Statement:

Original Post Link:

For your convenience, I made a picture for you so you don't forget what we are talking about, and randomly quote me from an convo with someone else unrelated to this issue somewhere in this thread like you did earlier.

Now Rule Number 1 - Pretty please with sugar on top explain to me how this does not break Rule 1 by not have credible sources.

So far, I have treated Moloch with respect. Prove me wrong?

Here is Molochā€™s reply:

where is the definition of 'quality' spelt out in writing ?

Umm, I was going off your forum rules.

who the fuck are you to presume you have a better idea of that definition, or authority to define it as you see fit, than what this sub's owner Srayzie has instructed us to adopt ?

Again using your forum rules for the baseline

by your standard, I'd have to delete all posts relating to speculation - that you yourself have engaged in, you hypocrite - relating to whether the Hillary crew have been caught-and-released with monitoring, such as the mysterious 'medical boot on one foot' worn by Hillary and others a year ago. Because there is no credible source for that theory either, aside from the same cryptics from Q that lend this post the same speculative merit

Ankle boot is NOT a implant is it? Last time I checked, it is worn on the exterior of the body.

you have the ability to trash talk and vote down this post. Thats it. Any further 'obligations' to your ego you think we as mods have, you can shove it up your ass

I may have the ability to vote and report people violating rules. That is about it.

you've pissed me off. Consider me suspect of any future posts of yours. I'm going to scrutinise them for bad-faith mischief. I'm drawing a bead on you, motherfucker. Congratulations.

Wow so he is saying he has it out for me because I reported a person making outragous claims without sources AND calls me a name?

Antifa much?

you're the cunt that keeps coming at me insisting i have some obligtion to delete this thread. Srayie also checked in on this - SHE elected not to delete it , too

**More name calling AND never asked you to delete ANY thread EVER.

oh, my apologies, correction - you said the OP should be banned from this sub, and called us mods in to effect that, and then got all pissy when we refused to do that for you so fuck you

Again Moloch is putting words in my mouth, I never asked him or you or shizy to delete and/or ban OP from the sub. Prove me wrong? Once again cursing at me when I have treated him with respect.

This is my reply to him:

srayzie ago

I think itā€™s strange that you can be so nice like BuilderAnon, then you become a total asshole and try to cause conflict. Youā€™re going after a mod too. Very familiar.

@Shizy and @MolochHunter, did you guys know that BuilderAnon, aka ElectroLumus, has a sock puppet account on Reddit? His username is SortDoubleNegative. Hmmm. Iā€™ve known for a whole. That just came to mind.

MolochHunter ago

Im not defending the OP. I'm defending the authority of the Mods here in their judgement as to what posts and users should or should not be deleted / banned

These screenshots will prove fruitful with your childish threats of harrassing me in the future

I knew you were here for glow in the dark niggerfaggotry, thats why i started to prod you

and now you are revealed

@Srayzie @Shizy keep an eye on this one

srayzie ago

šŸ‘€ Eyes on him!

MissleCopterStoped ago

I didn't create the post, so I did not make the claim, I made a comment, so I am not going to roll over with your bullshit changing the subject

When I do post...I always provide a link...

Wow on the language & the threats, but you have the issue of not keeping up on a conversation.

Nothing about ego, but wanting to keep fake news off the forum....

Why do you have a problem with an issue I explained to you that goes against the rules?

Is this how you act when people try to explain something to you?

Ready for the next incoming attack from you....

MissleCopterStoped ago

I always provide a link...motherfucker

MolochHunter ago

and so did the OP.

and we dont even delete all posts that DONT provide a link,

you're here on G.A. in Bad Faith. I'm onto you, now, niggerfaggot

MissleCopterStoped ago

Don't call me names when you cannot do your fucking simple ass job.

Look at all the other people who asked for sources on this thread retard, I am not the only one asking for sources or "being the problem."

Just because you are a mod, don't think I am impressed with your stupid 16 year old threats, and the only people who threatened like online is the fucking pussy in real life.

Get over your Mr. Badass of the internet, ego and do your fucking job.

srayzie ago

@MolochHunter and @Shizy, this guy seems fixated on the fact that MH is a mod. Usually mods are hated for censoring. This dude wants us to censor and bitches because we wonā€™t.

He wouldnā€™t last 2 days as a mod. šŸ™„

Vindicator ago

Just an fyi - ES used to do this with me in PG. NC has said some very similar things, too.

MissleCopterStoped ago

This thread is loaded with people asking her for sauce, not just one that happens to me.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Well angell brought the topic up, kind of her responsibilty to have the sauce too, or the rules change for OPs now?

Q-sent-me ago

She's already thinking the professional help, doesn't need any more ammo! :) Thanks again.

MissleCopterStoped ago

It was my honor Patriot! šŸ‡±šŸ‡·šŸ‘

StarAnon ago

And YES, Angell is a traitor spreading this shit.

StarAnon ago

I'm sooo sick of that crap! Crap like this is why we have a difficult time red pilling people. Who can invite them here with THIS, and other tripe posted here.
Have you read the interview with the luciferian in the other thread? Not same poster. I'll send you a private if you can't find the thread. I'm so pissed over this crap!

the_art_collector ago

Yeah, this is 100% illegal and not happening. If "kill switches" were placed in anybody, it would be by the bad guys.

StarAnon ago

It's unnecessary too lolol As if these devils could hide without anyone knowing where they ran to. What country would deny the US these devils if we asked for them back?
President Trump would get them coming, and going if they did.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Good point, we would kicked their asses back to the stone ages if they refused to extradict Hildabeast.

auchtung ago

What site is the image from?

bdizzle3000 ago

thats not what he meant. ive seen it only linked as a screenshot. what app/site is the info from

MissleCopterStoped ago

It is from and, the same mods that run theawakening where NeonRevolt is part of the team.

They had these on their Discord backup server before TPTB shut it down.

theoldones ago

this chipping tech (((they))) built up was really not a good idea for them to explore if true XD

Questionable_1 ago

You reposted a post of the original post in the same subverse...smdh

GodsAngell ago


Bee4Q ago

I never saw original post so thank you for re-posting it again.

Questionable_1 ago

Just a bit redundant, but post what you want, and I'll comment how I want

MissleCopterStoped ago

This person regularly plagiarizes others work, and one of those sources is Sorcha Faal of then adds 7326 exclamination points and All CAPS to farm votes using clickbait titles.

I never could understood why though, not like Voat has a point driven gift shop or anything.

Kooshed ago

Fair enough

GodsAngell ago

I thought it was a great post, but it wasn't getting the attention I thought it deserved, so that is why I reposted it before it went to oblivion.

hangry ago

10.5 11.11 Trust Sessions!

Shizy ago

Do you just laugh when you see that people here upvoat your comments like this?

hangry ago

I have enough points that I never check upvoats or downvoats. I just speak my mind.