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fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

This is fucking stupid. There is absolutely no reason to believe in kill switches or listening devices. Somebody just made it up.

Stop being a retard. Sick of this "what if" garbage being spread as fact.

You are making us look bad. Use your fucking brain.

MissleCopterStoped ago

NoName must suffer from dementia or Alzheimers. :P

17Q45 ago

Then i guess you don't believe in Tri-corders? Yeah, like star trek. Yeah they have one, blood pressure, heart rate and a few more exams by waving a hand held in front of you. Came out a few years ago, so a kill switch or eavesdroppers would be childs play. Use your fucking brain fucking stupid. I'd tell you about the tractor beams, but I don't think you could handle it.

StarAnon ago

This is all well, and good. No one questions they exist. Its nice that you know all of this. - Next time, provide sources, so we can all order one.

The OP is unsourced; stated as fact. We want FACTS, instead of conjecture.

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

I didn't say we are aren't capable of this you moron. I said there is no evidence these people have them implanted.

This is wild speculation with zero evidence! Learn to read!

MissleCopterStoped ago

The really sad part is Angell’s posts are only used exclusively on someone’s YewTideToob channel too.

God help us all.

MrShekelstein ago

hello shill, don't even think your name fools anyone here.

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

Give me ONE reason to believe it is true. Just ONE shred of evidence that anyone has a tracking kill chip implanted.

This is fucking ridiculous.

vexdhex ago

The technology does exist.

Saudi files for 'killer' tracking chip patent Saudi files for 'killer' tracking chip patent

15 May 09

A Saudi Arabian inventor has filed for a patent on a potentially lethal science fiction-style human tracking microchip, the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) told The Local on Friday.

But the macabre innovation that enables remote killing will likely be denied copyright protection.

“While the application is still pending further paperwork on his part, the invention will probably be found to violate paragraph two of the German Patent Law – which does not allow inventions that transgress public order or good morals,” spokeswoman Stephanie Krüger told The Local from Munich.

The patent application – entitled “Implantation of electronic chips in the human body for the purposes of determining its geographical location” – was filed on October 30, 2007, but was only published until last week, or 18 months after submission as required by German law, she said.

“In recent times the number of people sought by security forces has increased,” the Jeddah-based inventor wrote in his summary.

The tiny electronic device, dubbed the “Killer Chip” by Swiss daily Tagesanzeiger, would be suited for tracking fugitives from justice, terrorists, illegal immigrants, criminals, political opponents, defectors, domestic help, and Saudi Arabians who don’t return home from pilgrimages.

“I apply for these reasons and for reasons of state security and the security of citizens,” the statement reads.

After subcutaneous implantation, the chip would send out encrypted radio waves that would be tracked by satellites to confirm the person’s identity and whereabouts. An alternate model chip could reportedly release a poison into the carrier if he or she became a security risk.

“Foreigners are allowed to apply for patents in Germany through a native representative, in this case it was a Munich law firm,” Krüger told The Local. “Most people apply for a patent in several countries, and this inventor probably did too.”

But the law firm, DTS Munich, is no longer responsible for the application.

"We resigned from representation of this case last week," a spokesman said without stating why.

Q-sent-me ago

There'd have to be a repeater to get the signal to a satellite, or I think the chip would fry the surrounding tissues...

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

Doesn't matter if it is possible. Give me one reason to believe it is true.

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago


God, some of you people are stupid a fuck. ONE RAMDOM PERSON on the internet says "this is what's happening" and you start accepting it as fact and arguing for it. Instead of taking the LOGICAL position and saying "what makes you believe this is true?" like a normal, rational person.


Stop making yourselves look retarded.

vexdhex ago

I SAID THERE IS NO EVIDENCE ANY OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE A CHIP INSTALLED. are one stupid MF. If you bothered to read any of the articles you would see there are many people in the world who already have rdif microchips. Learn how to use google and youtube, Mainstream news has covered this topic already,

MissleCopterStoped ago

Great sources, but you left out the most ridiculous claims that FallingAngell has for Obama being chipped and the rest of DS having GPS and listening devices implanted in them in the OP’s Subscriber Statement.

You aren't looking that smart bro calling people retarded when you are completely missing the point too.

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

"THESE PEOPLE" you idiot. Hillary, Obama, and the rest.

You have absolutely no evidence anything has happened to them or they have a chip.

vexdhex ago

Lol. The chips aren't meant for the elite. It's for control over the masses.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Tell that to FallinAngel, she/him/it thinks so..

From OP post statement:

”Yes, this is great! I suspected they had gps monitoring chips in them.....but didn't realize they also had kill switches and listening devices planted in them too.

“Remember when Obummer was called in for "jury duty", supposedly, late Oct early Nov 2017?? He got chipped to.“

Did you see the word suspect and supposedly?

Start from there..


Because if it's possible, then you can bet your bottom dollar someone else has already done it. Did it happen in this case? Anyone's guess is as good as another's.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I bet this would make HRC’s mouth water as she is a patent attorney and make this document “disappear” from public view for her and her demon friends people to know and use later on.