KarlKastner ago

I'm concerned about MSM or others claiming that video confessions are actually CGI falsifications. The public needs to be red pilled in an undisputable way.

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

This is fucking stupid. There is absolutely no reason to believe in kill switches or listening devices. Somebody just made it up.

Stop being a retard. Sick of this "what if" garbage being spread as fact.

You are making us look bad. Use your fucking brain.

wikipiques ago

my dog ran away last summer and a lady picked him up on the road, and took him to the vet on her way home, to see if he had a chip, he didnt, and then she chipped him, "just to be safe"

she chipped my dog, because i hadnt yet.

may not directly connect, but, its so easy to chip now. i'd chip and track those basterds for sure.

just bc it blows your limited mind, doesnt mean its not true.

also, making 'us' look bad? haha

we are posting on a pro-white forum about a highly controverial conspiracy theory Q , am i wrong?

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

That doesn't mean ANY of these people have kill chips in them. This stupidity is one thing that really bugs me about this movement.

Crikes ago

People keep talking about who is fair game in military tribunals.. President may assassinate US citizens without a trial now. Obama did. Trump can have trials, or not.

Maybe Trump should do something about this ridiculous "authority" before his time is up.

Power corrupts.

It's not the abuse of power that is the problem, but the power to abuse.

GodsAngell ago

Trump is doing things by the BOOK, LEGALLY, so that when all this goes down in History, the USA will not look like a banana republic, which is exactly what you are suggesting here.

This is a quiet bloodless revolution according to the LAWS of our land. It is Totally BRILLIANT!!!

wikipiques ago

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” “Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”

OG shit right there

Crikes ago

Trump is doing things by the BOOK, LEGALLY

Didn't Trump just ban bumpstocks?

There's actual, supreme law of the land, and then there's this bullshit house of cards they have built for themselves. Anything violating the Bill of Rights is criminal, and illegitimate.

He either respects the law of the land, or does what every president does, which is whatever they can to achieve their agenda.

Btw, I am not suggesting that he murder people and get away with it criminally like Hillary... I'm not even suggesting that he assassinate people as allowed by "law" lile Obama. I'm saying that in our wisdom, we have permitted this overreach in either the Patriot Act, or Military Commissions Act (I think). He has it at his disposal according to our government. If he realizes that that's too much power, get rid of it. Otherwise... what?

SearchVoatBot ago

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GodsAngell ago

Yes, this is great! I suspected they had gps monitoring chips in them.....but didn't realize they also had kill switches and listening devices planted in them too. Yes, catch and release makes sense. Released but on tight leashes.

2 executed to date.....many more to come.....and all without mob scenes. BRILLIANT!!!

And some clowns think nothing is happening.

Truther65 ago

Thank you. Interesting about Catch and Release Theory. I am not sure I would agree with that theory. To me that would not be justice served. These people would eventually die but would be able to continue living a luxurious lifestyle until their death on ill gotten gains at the Patriots' expense. We have paid for their evil. They must pay too and they need to suffer the humiliation of total exposure.

stray502 ago

Not necessarily Clintons have been taking coach instead of private plane. They have also been trying to make money by a book deal and evening with the Clintons which bombed and also Bill Clinton was on go fund me trying to get funds. So I think the catch and release also took most of their money it was likely frozen. Obama was globe trotting trying to get people to help him and it sounded like they took all his assets world wide including an off sure tax haven bank account.

GodsAngell ago

True! They ALL woke up Broke Dec 21, 2017, and have been scrambling around this planet to do ANYTHING to make money....book tours, speaking tours, BLACK MAIL Tours.

Meanwhile, Trump Team are gathering more and more EVIDENCE that can be used against these traitors. Dec 21, 2017 E.O. was a set up, and they took the bait, hook, line and sinker!

The only draw back I can see with this "catch and release" approach, is the FACT that it gives these psychopaths more opportunities to assassinate Trump. But this approach must have been necessary, or they wouldn't have risked Trump and his Family's lives.

I love it that Trump and Melania have been trolling the deep state big time.....ALL RED CHRISTMAS TREES, (as in blood running from their impending executions?)

Melania touring the USSS George H.W. Bush.....wearing that pin. (See SerialBrain2 decoding posts).

Trump is staying at the White House this Christmas because BIG STUFF is about to go down! The Budget/Wall stuff is pure theater to distract! Trump may well be meeting with his military leaders about things.

GO Trump Team!

Quinceberry ago

Thank you, OP!