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StarAnon ago

All of this is great speculation, but you're posting as if it's actually fact.
Can we get pissed at MSM for doing this, when it's happening here?

MissleCopterStoped ago

I called Angell a traitor a few days back, because he/she/it is basically the enemy of the people in the same way fake news MSM does now.

One must use discernment with this person at all times.

Q-sent-me ago

I want to thank you very much for speaking up on this thread. I almost forwarded the image to my mom, who is slowly coming around. She doesn't need this speculation, you're right.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I want to thank you very much for speaking up on this thread. I almost forwarded the image to my mom, who is slowly coming around. She doesn't need this speculation, you're right.

Hey @GodsAngell, do you see what almost happened here? This is a textbook example of why you shouldn't post irresponsibility? Imagine if @Q-sent-me had actually forwarded this and their mother started to research it ONLY FIND OUT THAT YOUR POST WAS PURE BULLSHIT? NOT ONLY WOULD HIS MOM THINK WE ARE BAT-SHIT CRAZY AND SHE WAS ‘RIGHT’ ALL ALONG, BUT SHE WOULD PROBABLY THINK HER SON/DAUGHTER MIGHT NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP TOO!


@Srayzie, @MolochHunter, @Shizy

MolochHunter ago

There's a big difference between being a traitor and being credulous. @GodsAngell may have a terrible case of confirmation bias at times, but it's not the role of us mods to censor that. @Srayzie @Shizy

MissleCopterStoped ago

She doesn't even have sauce for the claims she makes in her posts like Hussein is chipped and and others have kill switches installed in their bodies.

Doesn't Trump call Fake news the enemy of the people? What would that make Angell then?

MolochHunter ago

Being susceptible to fake news is different from deliberately and knowingly spreading fake news. Do you have evidence to conclude that @GodsAngell is the latter and not the former?

MissleCopterStoped ago

Yeah i do, read others comments asking for sauce on this thread.

MolochHunter ago

now who'se the one being sloppy with evidence? This thread has many ALLEGATIONS

no-one has proven that OP knew for a fact that what he was posting is fake news

flame the OP as much as you like for sloppy work, but we don't censor that shit - and the nature of Q's posts is cryptic and so this sub must allow for wide array of speculation

MissleCopterStoped ago

Its not sloppy work Moloch, it’s sourcing the gosh darn claims....................

Why have rules if you are not going to enforce them....

MolochHunter ago

can you kindly advise me which Rule # you think this breaches so that i can re-educate you

MissleCopterStoped ago

Rule number 1

Go for it, explain it to me.

MolochHunter ago

the post is sourced with 2 links. The post contains Q-relevant theories. Theories that have elicited some Q-relevant speculations. I'll quote you one :

"I bet this would make HRC’s mouth water as she is a patent attorney and make this document “disappear” from public view for her and her demon friends people to know and use later on."

MissleCopterStoped ago

There you go talking about oranges when I was talking about apples..

Did you forget this already?

She doesn't even have sauce for the claims she makes in her posts like Hussein is chipped and and others have kill switches installed in their bodies.

For your convenience, I made a picture for you so you don't forget what we are talking about, and randomly quote me from an convo with someone else unrelated to this issue somewhere in this thread like you did earlier.

Now Rule Number 1 - Pretty please with sugar on top explain to me how this does not break Rule 1 by not have credible sources.

MolochHunter ago

where is the definition of 'quality' spelt out in writing ?

who the fuck are you to presume you have a better idea of that definition, or authority to define it as you see fit, than what this sub's owner Srayzie has instructed us to adopt ?

by your standard, I'd have to delete all posts relating to speculation - that you yourself have engaged in, you hypocrite - relating to whether the Hillary crew have been caught-and-released with monitoring, such as the mysterious 'medical boot on one foot' worn by Hillary and others a year ago. Because there is no credible source for that theory either, aside from the same cryptics from Q that lend this post the same speculative merit

you have the ability to trash talk and vote down this post. Thats it. Any further 'obligations' to your ego you think we as mods have, you can shove it up your ass

you've pissed me off. Consider me suspect of any future posts of yours. I'm going to scrutinise them for bad-faith mischief. I'm drawing a bead on you, motherfucker.


MissleCopterStoped ago

You are the hypocrite you know why? You ignored ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE ON THE THREAD ASKING HER TO BACK HER CLAIM UP. fUCK OFF BRO.

MolochHunter ago

you're the cunt that keeps coming at me insisting i have some obligtion to delete this thread. Srayie also checked in on this - SHE elected not to delete it , too

I havent ignored everyone else asking for verification. Their requests for verification DO NOT compel us to delete a post. You have as little proof that this conjecture is fake news as it is accurate news

it remains in the field of conjecture

you dont get to decide which conjecture is delete-able and which isnt

and you giving me ATTITUDE about it is what drew my ire

MissleCopterStoped ago

I never once asked you to delete the thread did I?

If yes, please show me where I said that.

MolochHunter ago

oh, my apologies, correction - you said the OP should be banned from this sub, and called us mods in to effect that, and then got all pissy when we refused to do that for you

so fuck you

MissleCopterStoped ago

you said the OP should be banned from this sub

How are you a fucking mod? I never said that either, get some fucking glasses or work more on reading comprehension..

Here I will quote myself since you are too lazy (sloppy) to do it:


I said I would ban her because she is an enemy to the people for spreading fake news. Nothing about you (some ego you have) is in there EXCEPT to ping you to the problem of spreading false and un-sourced claims.

I will be the bigger man and not get cocky at the end throwing childish insults at me like you did in the last post.

MolochHunter ago

"Mommy, mommy. Godsangell is spreading fake news make it stop"

that was the context under which you pulled us into the conversation. We initially responded politely, but you disrespected our judgement not to act in some kind of unspecified punitive manner against the OP. I'm done with this conversation, I'm going to enjoy christmas

i recommend you do the same

MissleCopterStoped ago

These screenshots will prove fruitful with your childish threats of harrassing me in the future when I called out something that MSM does every single day to patriots world-wide.

Not only did I call out this ridiculus un-sourced claims, others did too on this thread. I wish you would read the thread because a lot of others called the person out on the same thing I did.

My mother is dead bruh, and I certainly did not need my “mommy” to defend my self when standing up to you.

No idea why would you fiercely defend a rulebreaker unless you are them yourself...

Anyways, Merry Christmas Moloch, I hope you get the presents you are hoping for this year.

srayzie ago

Here’s a link in case you didn’t read my post on BuilderAnon.


You guys have a lot in common. Let’s get this straight. I don’t need your help. I don’t want your help. I don’t need the shill police monitoring other users so you can play pretend mod.

Then, you have the balls to say this...

How are you a fucking mod? I never said that either, get some fucking glasses or work more on reading comprehension..

@MolochHunter and @Shizy are AWESOME MODS. They are very schooled on Concensus cracking. How about you back off before things get ugly? I’m onto you. ;)

MissleCopterStoped ago

This is my reply to him:

you said the OP should be banned from this sub How are you a fucking mod? I never said that either, get some fucking glasses or work more on reading comprehension.. Here I will quote myself since you are too lazy (sloppy) to do it:


I said I would ban her because she is an enemy to the people for spreading fake news. Nothing about you (some ego you have) is in there EXCEPT to ping you to the problem of spreading false and un-sourced claims.

I will be the bigger man and not get cocky at the end throwing childish insults at me like you did in the last post.

Moloch’s reply

Mommy, mommy. Godsangell is spreading fake news make it stop" that was the context under which you pulled us into the conversation. We initially **responded politely, but you disrespected our judgementnot to act in some kind of unspecified punitive manner against the OP. I'm done with this conversation, I'm going to enjoy christmas i recommend you do the same

HOW DARE YOU BRING MY MOTHER INTO THIS she is dead and nothing to do with this! I fucking pinged you to a problem of unsourced outrageous and absurd claims. **You chose to disrespect me, use ad-hominem attacks, and twist my words. When I called you on the carpet for it, suddenly you had to apologize and walk back the words which takes a man to do that, just to say fuck you in the end.

**These screenshots will prove fruitful with your childish threats of harrassing me in the future when I called out something that MSM does every single day to patriots world-wide. Not only did I call out this ridiculus un-sourced claims, others did too on this SAME thread. I wish you would read the thread because a lot of others called the person out on the same point I did.

My mother is dead bruh, and I certainly did not need my “mommy” to defend myself when standing up to you who hurdled threats and ad-hominem attacks towards me. No idea why would you fiercely defend a rulebreaker unless you are them yourself...

Anyways, Merry Christmas Moloch, I hope you get the presents you are hoping for this year.

Then srayzie jumped in, with your post above

I didn't create the post, so I did not make the claim, I made a comment, so I am not going to roll over with your bullshit changing the subject.When I do post...I always provide a link...Wow on the language & the threats, but you have the issue of not keeping up on a conversation.Nothing about ego, but wanting to keep fake news off the forum.... Why do you have a problem with an issue I explained to you that goes against the rules?Is this how you act when people try to explain something to you? Ready for the next incoming attack from you.

You sure did not disappoint me for next attack.

and so did the OP and we dont even delete all posts that DONT provide a link, you're here on G.A. in Bad Faith. I'm onto you, now, niggerfaggot.

**No, not here on bad faith, I reported an issue you kept deflecting, promised to harrass me by stalking my posts, calling me names, brought my dead mother into this

My last reply:

Don't call me names when you cannot do your fucking simple ass job. **Look at all the other people who asked for sources on this thread retard, I am not the only one asking for sources or "being the problem.” Just because you are a mod, don't think I am impressed with your stupid 16 year old threats, and the only people who threatened like online is the fucking pussy in real life. Get over your Mr. Badass of the internet, ego and do your fucking job.

Lets not just take my word for it, let me collect some others comments on here that both Srayzie and Moloch decided to ignore. (25 upvotes)

One more thing, coming from Shizy, the only one who notices GodsAngell’s pattern for this:

I see this happening a lot to @godsangell so either they need to take a hint and better source their posts, or expect an increase in being accused of deliberately spreading fake news.

you know that threatening people, and using cyberbully tactics are against the law?

I suggest you back off before I bring this bullshit to Puttitout, & if that dont work, then I will contact the host ISP & make a complaint & go from there involving litigation methods.

srayzie ago

you know that threatening people, and using cyberbully tactics are against the law?

I suggest you back off before I bring this bullshit to Puttitout, & if that dont work, then I will contact the host ISP & make a complaint & go from there involving litigation methods.

Putting you and moloch on ignore until the 26th and we can talk more if you like.

Ok I’m done with your games. You do that. Let PuttItOut know you’re Type-o-negative while you’re at it. SortDoubleNegative confirmed my suspicions that, YOU type-o-negative, are his alt. How many times do I have to expose your alts? 😂 Even when you apologized and played nice, I knew. I gave you a chance.

You are another alt of BuilderAnon!
Reddit’s SortDoubleNegative is a BuilderAnon. You, admitted to me that you are Type-o-negative.

That is a match according to Neon Revolts standards! Wait until everyone finds out that you were a mod for only 2 days. You tried to cause chaos. You really are dumb. How many fricken times are you going to try to fuck with me? I mean, you’re pathetic. You are so obvious. Doesn’t continuously failing bring you down? Especially when you just can’t bring down a “girl.” I’ve been wondering... How is it that I’m a woman and have bigger balls than you? Because you’re a pussy!

I can spot your kind a mile away. I thank you for that. Your determination has made me more determined. All your tactics has made me get more educated on your tactics. Then I document everything. We are all very aware of your consensus cracking bullshit. Do you hate that I don’t bend to your will? This “Little girl” seems to get under your skin. As long as I have truth on my side, you will fail at your attempts to bring us down. You had me all wrong bitch. I know that hurts. Eventually you’ll learn to move on.

If you hate power mods, then why would you be pushing us mods to ban people? Fucking idiot. But, you really should try to be a better friend. Have you even said hi to @Kevdude lately? It cracked me up when you didn’t want me to tell @Crensch who you were. Why not ElectroLumus? 😂🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

How long until you run and delete this account? 🤔

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Vindicator

srayzie ago

See parent @Argosciv

argosciv ago

Noteworthy from u/MissleCopterStoped:

Emphasis my own.

Putting you and moloch on ignore until the 26th and we can talk more if you like.

Does Voat have an 'ignore' function? Or is it called 'block' here?

Smells like reddit terminology.

Reddit’s SortDoubleNegative

cc: @Shizy @MolochHunter @Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch

MissleCopterStoped ago

Oh is it gang up on me time? It’s all good keep harassing me.

srayzie ago

What made you lose your shit this time? Wifey troubles again? 🤔

Vindicator ago

This guy sounds just like sanegoat whining about cyber bullying @Crensch @kevdude. See parent thread.

argosciv ago

This guy sounds just like sanegoat whining about cyber bullying

Also sounds like Piscina.