SearchVoatBot ago

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think- ago

It is one thing to criticize someone for creating rules; but calling someone arrogant only because of rumours is a whole other story.

I gather they have made up now though.

@srayzie @Shizy @Crensch @MolochHunter @Vindicator

Crensch ago

They both apologized and moved on.

think- ago

Yes, I saw that now. @Empress pinged me.

think- ago

Ok, thanks for clarifying Kev.

srayzie ago

I would have used a few more expletives XD

😂 I’m sure you would too. Thank you Triggly. Xo

15079227? ago

She came after me over a mild criticism.

srayzie ago

Mild criticism? Calling me arrogant? It sure as hell wasn’t constructive the way you said it. You aren’t just a shill. You’re a respected person here. I was surprised by it.

15079502? ago

Listen @srayzie. Sometimes people make mistakes though me calling you out wasn't one. When I make a mistake I own up to it. I said that what you did was arrogant because it was. Instead of considering what I'd written, you responded by REEEEEEEING and telling me to watch soap operas and knit. Then you proceeded to ping all your friends for support which is essentially asking them to pick a side; shitty thing to do. I don't form friends based on association and your name dropping was lame. As it stands, I don't get what people see in you. You're a bratty woman as far as I can tell.

srayzie ago

My husband just told me to tell you to go make your husband a sandwich. 🥪

15079697? ago

Does he know about how you mod? That you handle criticism by calling people 'cunts' and 'bitches'?

srayzie ago

Your reeeee is from Patriot Soapbox. Not Q. Lame.

I had a shitty day, and wasn’t in the mood to have some immature judgmental bitch giving me her opinion acting as if they know what it is I do. Now you can just go fold your husband’s laundry and pack his lunch for tomorrow and leave me the fuck alone.

15079672? ago

Look at you. Calling me a 'cunt' and a 'bitch' because you can't handle some mild criticism on bad day. You should be embarrassed.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @kestrel9.

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think- ago

So you are ok with rules that would ban submissions calling for violence on v/GreatAwakening?

You only have an issue with deleting comments?

@srayzie @MolochHunter @Crensch @Vindicator @Shizy

think- ago

A Roth ".

Which one?

I don't agree that this is the same as 'Gas the kikes', Kev. It's targeting the member of a specific family.

Although I was just told that this might be too unspecific according to US law.

@MolochHunter @srayzie @Crensch @Shizy @Vindicator

think- ago

@EricKaliberhall @bopper: please see parent.

sorosminion ago

Yeah Q mods! Gassing Jews? Hitler was a good guy? Niggers? Faggots? Kikes? THIS is the great NEW AMERICA that Q promises? REALY? Fucking REALLY mods? You should be shamed for your EVIL. YES EVIL motherfuckers. Your followers are idiots, Neanderthal ignorant morons, evil violent people. ADMIT IT . You people never learn. You have lost your ability to think rationally and function in reality. NONE of what you so earnestly believe is real, you are going crazy. you WILL lose your families. You WILL lose your jobs. You ARE losing your minds. YOU CANNOT GRASP WHAT IS SO PATENTLY OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE ELSE. You NUTCASES STILL DON'T GET IT! There won't be ANY mass arrests, no martial law, no tribunals, no Gitmo. You sink deeper into insanity and violent delusion. Q is just some damn kid on the chans! You were fooled! For you SANE people, it's over, move on, admit you were fooled! Do it before you get into real trouble! Q IS A FAKE,NONE OF IT IS REAL!

Don't bother with your "over the target", and STUPID delusional replies, your idiot "insults" and ridiculous threats, no "SCARED" fuckin' idiocy. YOU are the crazy people, the extremists and nutcases, not democrats. Do you not REALIZE that law enforcement is tracking EVERY ONE OF YOU GERIATRIC LOSERS that threaten violence? Have fun in jail you psychos. Save the insults, they don't mean a thing, WHEN do say enough losers. How LONG will you be willingly fooled? mOD! YOU WILL BE DOXXED IN A DAY< HELD RESPONSIBLE BY THE PRESS AND THE CITIZENS OF THE USA WHEN ONE OF YOUR MEMBERS KILLS SOMEONE> YOU DESERVE IT. LAW ENFORCEMENT ( DOMESTIC TERRORISM ) KNOWS WHO YOU ARE ALREADY. THIS IS NO LONGER A GAME, NO LONGER PROTECTED BY ANY FUCKING LAWS OR (LOL) VOAT) POLICY. HANG IT UP OR YOU, YOU, YOU MOTHERFUCKERS WILL FEEL THE CONSEQUENCES, PAY A HUGE PAINFUL PRICE> YOU ARE FOOLS TO CONTINUE THIS LIE!!!

srayzie ago

Wow. Somebody needs to take an anxiety pill or read a book.

sorosminion ago

LOL What a lame and STUPID comment! Jesus Christ! Are you 12? Really? Are you under 20? How pathetic. Sorry Pee Wee, you make me laugh. I'm retired from a 30 year law office management career in the top firms in Los Anfgeles. Have well over a million bucks saved, invested, a wonderful wife and am very happy and secure. YOU on the other hand.....are BATSHIT CRAZY, amount to nut status and are heading nowhere. Sorry dumbfuck, IT"'S THE TRUTH! Aw well, another idioy hillbilly. You are amusing a pathetic way.

15073744? ago

@srayzie, you've been on Voat for almost two years so I can't imagine you're surprised at the pushback you're receiving on the rule change in this sub. Notice how I wrote 'this' sub, not your sub?

While you may have started this sub, work to maintain it, and help it grow, it's still not your sub- it's the community's sub. Going against free-speech (what this site and community at large stands for) is beyond arrogant. Posting anything illegal is already against site rules.

I hope you reconsider the choice you've made.

srayzie ago

Where am I surprised at the push back? I didn’t have much push back. The majority agreed. So I don’t know what you’re getting at. I’ve been dealing with this in the right way. Talking to people I respect behind the scenes. I’m friends with many of the same people as you. I’m barely getting around to reading my notifications. If you knew me, you would know that I do have Voat’s best interest at heart.

I made this new post before I ever read your rude comment saying I’m arrogant. I have never even talked to you except an “lol” every now and then. If anyone is arrogant, it’s you coming over here and acting like you know what the hell you’re talking about. You don’t know the attacks the Q community is under. Someone has to make decisions and those decisions are sometimes hard to figure out. They aren’t “house wife” topics.

There were people promoting killing. Actually saying to go shoot certain groups. Last I checked, this wasn’t an Antifa sub. You don’t even know the story. You know what I posted publicly. You ARROGANTLY assumed you knew because you run a sub. The kind you run and the kind I run, are completely different. You would think as long as you’ve been here, you would know that. On subs like pizzagate and Q, where we get threatened, where I’ve had my family threatened, there is a lot of tough decisions Inhave to make. But, you don’t have a clue. Which is why you shouldn’t have came here talking shit without knowing facts.

15078676? ago

some say I am arrogant because I’m not anonymous like QRV. So if that’s where you’re getting your information, then you went to the wrong place.

I've actually never heard anything bad about you. If multiple people are calling you arrogant maybe, just maybe you are?

think- ago

I've actually never heard anything bad about you. If multiple people are calling you arrogant maybe, just maybe you are?

That's a bit unfair, @Empress, isn't it?

You have no idea how @srayzie has been attacked since v/GreatAwakening grew to a larger sub.

People have been threatening her, and calling her all kinds of names, currently the narrative pursued by some of her haters is to paint her as a 'muh emotional woman'.

@srayzie isn't arrogant. She always helps people; if anything, she might be too nice sometimes to people who don't deserve it.

I am in awe how she has been running this sub - and I'm not even into Q, I just lurk here occasionally.

Your remark

If multiple people are calling you arrogant maybe, just maybe you are?


@MolochHunter @Crensch @Vindicator

15088695? ago

@think- before you start stirring the pot on a settled matter, read the rest of the comment thread.

think- ago

Ok, thanks for your reply. Had missed that part.

15089083? ago

No harm, no foul.

think- ago

@EricKaliberhall @Shizy @bopper @kevdude: please see parent.

Shizy ago

They have worked it out thankfully!

srayzie ago

If you only knew. Running a Q sub alone will make you have haters. Let’s ask a few...

Guys, am I or am I not hated and called everything under the sun, including arrogant, because of the kind of sub I run and lovely new comers? @Kevdude @Crensch @Clamhurt_Legbeard @Shizy @Think-

15078991? ago

Calling in for reinforcements is a faggot boomer thing to do.

15078352? ago

If you get this worked up over a mild criticism, perhaps you should consider modding v/kittens instead.

srayzie ago

Maybe next time you get so worked up that you think you need to come join the drama, turn on a soap opera and crochete a blanket.

15078533? ago

Q is fake.

srayzie ago

Oh so dramatic. Don’t you have some laundry to do?

15078579? ago

@Microchip is Q and you are a perfect example of why women shouldn't try to lead men.

srayzie ago

Seriously? Microchip is NOT Q and you’re making yourself look even more ridiculous now. I live and breathe Q and you’re telling me who Q is? This little theory was destroyed almost immediately. That just shows that you should not be making judgements when it comes to Q.

No, once again, you don’t know me. I’m good friends with @Crensch who appreciates your sub. I had respect for you because of what I’ve heard. But, you have no clue what it’s like to run a Q sub and you’re showing your ignorance by pretending to know about any of this.

I am old school. Married with kids. My husband leads the household. But I don’t submit to other mods on the Internet who think they know their shit so well that they come judge another. I thought you were classier than that. You really should stop trying to figure me out because you already don’t have a very good track record.

15078822? ago

I am old school.

Nah, you're a run of the mill boomer faggot.

srayzie ago

Lol no. I’m only @Trigglypuff’s boomer nan. I’m not really a boomer.

15079023? ago

Still calling in backup. Weak.

srayzie ago

“Still”? How is that backup? You’re not going to believe me when I tell you how it is. You obviously are very interested in me because you keep sending me messages. I figured I would help you figure it out. Maybe you are mistaking arrogance for me being a bitch. Yes, I am a bitch to people that talk shit. That one I will accept.

15079209? ago

I keep sending you messages? What?

Screen cap the messages for everyone to see. Please.

Edit: You're a fucking liar.

srayzie ago

I’m a fucking liar? I’m talking about comment messages. Not private messages. Geez lady. Maybe you need to mod v/kittens. You get worked up.

15079287? ago

Learn the difference btw a message and a comment. Q

srayzie ago

Empress is a C[u]nt

15079522? ago

You can write 'cunt' here. Free speech!

srayzie ago

Duh. I say all kinds of shit. Once again, showing your ignorance. The only thing I don’t like is having people getting on here telling people to grab your guns. Kill. Them. Now.

How often do you get posts or comments promoting serious violence in your little house wife sub? Is your sub swarmed with paid shills, journalists, CIA, and anyone else that wants us to be quiet because we’re spreading truth? Main stream media and attacks from every direction because of some idiot that goes by Microchip? You need to stop baking so much and learn how the world works. Deep state doesn’t go after forums unless they are a threat. Take a red pill.

15079870? ago

You're just so important. A mod's job on Voat is little more than being a janitor and ensure Voat's community guidelines are being adhered to. Mods are not important on Voat you absolute dimwit.

srayzie ago

Ok then that gives you time to vacuum before bed then too.

15079924? ago

I proudly keep a clean and orderly home but thanks for trying to shame me for it.

srayzie ago

Well great! Thanks for calling me arrogant on our very first real conversation. Great first impression. Such a great role models for the younger generation.

15080121? ago

Calling an action a person takes 'arrogant' is not wrong, or bad, or degrading. Calling the person who criticized said action a 'cunt' and a 'bitch', is.

But with your head firmly fitted up your rear, I doubt you can tell the difference.

I've never said this to anyone but you are not mod material.

Crensch ago

Responding deep in this nest for convenience. @srayzie

First, an apology:

Empress was NOT going to comment to you, srayzie, because you're my friend. I just don't believe in that sort of thing. I told her to go ahead, since I didn't want her to censor herself on account of me being friends with you; I wanted her to say what she wanted to say. I never thought it would turn into a rivalry like this.

I'm sorry. To both of you. Truly.

I want to tell each of you why I admire you, but I'll speak to one about the other and vice-versa here in public where you both can see:

Srayzie, in PMs I was harsh with you today. The rule change is something that many mods have thought was a good idea at one point, and have been shown to be wrong about that in myriad ways. I was reminded of when I thought something similar might be a good idea. I remember my mistakes vividly, and the experience is very unnerving. I was harsh because I was unexpectedly unequipped to deal with what needed dealt with in real time. Again, to you, I'm sorry.

I imagine Empress was similarly affected. The fights goats have been through leave certain imprints that send similar situations straight to the trigger finger instead of to the mind to process. I won't pretend to speak for her, but in my case, it was entirely unintentional... I'd hope it's the same for her.

Empress has my admiration for creating her subverse from scratch in a Voat that didn't believe women could be good for anything. It was JUST around the time when a LOT of goats were getting Red Pill Rage about women fucking shit up. I think everyone at the time took shots at her and her subverse for weeks on end. She was called every name under the sun, and trolled by the goats and shills alike. Srayzie, you know traditional families are something the DS hates and wants to get rid of - Empress pushed her subverse through to become one of the accepted goatverses here, and something that nearly everyone on this site admires and appreciates. She's pushing for something good in her own way, and given what I know of her, that took a LOT of effort and perseverance to do.

She was also instrumental in helping Putt decide to keep the new account vote requirements by explaining to him how her subverse would be defenseless against the constant shills they were having to deal with.

Both of those accomplishments are HUGE, and I have extreme respect for her for following through.


Empress, I first met srayzie in PG when ESOTERICshade decided to start attacking the mods, and she came along with him. I wrecked them both, and while she showed no signs of it, she didn't take it very well IRL. She was naive and misled from very early on by a user that specifically targeted new and naive users in order to manipulate them into believing the mods were all compromised and evil.

I don't know when it was, I didn't notice, but once Q came around, she made GA. She did this because PG wasn't too open to it, and the other Q subverse was low energy. At first I figured the Q thing would be another BS anon that would be outed soon enough, but it persisted, and GA started growing and getting front page submissions. I was curious, so I asked srayzie to help me understand Q, with the understanding that if I found it to be horseshit, I'd crusade against it until the narrative of the site was anti-Q. She didn't trust me, and admitted to being scared of me, but she tried to explain it anyway.

The details following are fuzzy, but the takeaway is this: With the evidence available, I came to the conclusion that Q is directly sanctioned by Trump, meaning I wouldn't be crusading against Q, and srayzie came to understand that she had been mistaken about me and the other mods of PG.

Srayzie started asking me questions about modding, and somehow wound up being well liked by a LOT of the goats I respect, and she found herself a mod of PV, and a mod of PG, too. Something about her personality or her behaviour made the users here both like and trust her. That's insane to me. Her rise to relevance is nothing short of meteoric, IMO.

Srayzie grew her sub to ~1200 if memory serves, which in pre-Q Voat is a HUGE amount. She took to asking me, kevdude, and Vindicator about modding and asked for our advice often. She went from being naive and thin-skinned, and thinking things were upside down to running a large, active subverse. She's toughened up, and made amazing progress since the time I Crensched her.

Srayzie, too, has been attacked by trolls and shills. Heavily. The kind that are likely very well funded and probably very dangerous. How she deals with them, and other issues, is nothing short of impressive.

She has been instrumental in outing many shills, including a very dangerous one that operated during the @she times, and planned on starting a coup recently. She has been attacked, directly, by thousands of Qtards from Reddit, and one of their hero bloggers, NeonRevolt.


There's so much more I could say about both of you. I admire both of you, and think you're both perfect in the roles you play here on Voat. Empress is the best mod and the best spokesperson for TW like Srayzie is the best mod and spokesperson for GA. You're both AWESOME in my eyes, and I wish the two of you could both see each other the way I do, and see yourselves that way, too.

I didn't want Empress to behave differently just because I'm friends with srayzie. I didn't want that. I don't like it. I don't like that whole name-drop kind of mentality thing where you behave differently because X third party.

But I'm asking both of you right now. Please. For me. Start over. Introduce yourselves like nothing happened. Be cordial. You both run subs that have been attacked. You're both mods. You're both awesome mothers and wives. You're both awesome friends of mine. You're both deserving of respect for what you've accomplished here. You're not the same, and you won't be the same, and you won't address problems the same way, but I truly believe you two could eventually become friends. I would be so happy if that happened.

There aren't many goats, and there are even fewer goats that are mods, and I've gotten to know a lot of really great mods that can identify with the issues we all face.

And if that doesn't happen, or if it's impossible, maybe you two could just side-eye each other coldly.

I really did think that one day you would become friends, so if you're willing, give it a shot!

Vindicator ago

@srayzie @Empress

I just want to chime in here that Crensch is dead-on. You are both great-hearted goats who fight like Valkyrie for what you believe in. Both of you have created forums that help inspire and form people to be capable of living the liberty articulated in the United States Constitution. You've helped give my country a better future! :-) We need you both.

srayzie ago

Thank you @Vindicator! You know I feel the same about you. I told @Empress how much I couldn’t stand Crensch and Kevdude. Maybe we’ll laugh about this someday lol.

15178538? ago

I think we should start an ongoing over the top rivalry where we constantly insult each other's cooking and housekeeping skills. XD

Shizy ago

@srayzie and I already do that. I always win. She hires maids and her husband does most of the cooking. She does make a mean sandwich though 😂!

srayzie ago

Actually I always win. 🙄
Shizy girl, Jimmy John’s delivers my sandwiches! 😂


srayzie ago

LOL. Well, that’s pretty much what me and @Shizy live for. She’s one of my besties here. So is @Think-

@MolochHunter created v/JellyPit4Mods so that us ladies could trash each other all we wanted. 😂

Feel free to join!

MolochHunter ago

@Empress you should know that @Srayzie is misrepresenting here - I created v/JellyPit4Mods so that the ladies could fight over my sexual favoritism

15180299? ago


srayzie ago

True 😂 She seems really decent tho. Not like me and @Shizy 🤣 So I left that little nugget out haha

think- ago

@Empress, we actually need a good recipe for Cherry Crumble on v/JellyPit4Mods. But a recipe for Raspberry Crumble would also be acceptable! ;-)

@Shizy @MolochHunter

15180309? ago

I can make that happen.

think- ago rock!! :-) ;-)

@MolochHunter @Srayzie @Shizy @Crensch @Vindicator

MolochHunter ago

I'm curious about this

I have a strange sense that a post as wholesome as that might cause a void rift to open and swallow up v/JellyPit4Mods and all history and trace of it's data record

@Empress aaaaaaaaaaaand GO!

think- ago


MolochHunter ago

even tradwives can have dark secrets

15120710? ago

Thanks, Vindicator and @Crensch for the kind words.

I think what happened earlier is both @srayzie and I got caught having a bad day. At least some hilarious insults were thrown back and forth.

srayzie ago

Maybe we’ll look back and laugh at this someday. You should have seen my first interactions with @Crensch and @Kevdude. Lol. I was pretty new to Voat at the time and Crensch called me a soy boy 😂

argosciv ago

Excuse my poking my head in here, probably not appropriate, I just wanted to say this:


I love the way you explained yourself there and the back story behind yourself and @srayzie becoming friends. It helps me to understand a lot of what's happened in the last... shit let's call it a little over a year.

I really appreciate the work both of you do in your own respective ways. Lately I've been trying to ascertain which users in other corners(of Voat) are /goodguys/, so I also want to thank you for giving me a damn fine reason to trust @Empress(not that I was thinking anything negative prior).


Looking around at what played out here in this thread, I'm reminded of how @Vindicator has, at times, said that genuine people here will find a way to be good to each other even if disagreements come about - whether temporary misunderstandings or fundamental differences of opinion.

So again, with that in mind, I just want to say that I love what I've read here(and love you guys and many other awesome folk I've had a chance to interact with) and in some way I'm sure it will even help me to be a little less argumentative - should a time come that I return to actively posting outside of QRV and the other less serious/anon subs.

It's probably a good idea to not reply to me here, so I won't take it personally if I get no response - nothing need be said regardless.

srayzie ago

Thank you @Crensch.

@Empress Crensch has talked about you and what you’ve accomplished in the past. He respects you. That’s why I was really surprised that you could come say what you did to me. I figured you would know the struggle it can be when you have everyone writing you, upset from both directions and it’s on your shoulders to figure out what to do.

First let me explain why I made the decision I did...

I was trying to respect Voat, but also respect the Q movement. Whether you believe in Q or not, the deep state fears it. There will be a False flag, and what they will do is say the person was a user on some alt right forum that believed in some “conspiracy theory”, which made them motivated to go shoot or kill people.

Before, it was pizzagate. Q is like Pizzagate on steroids. Q took pizzagate mainstream. It’s not exposing just pizzagate, but a broad range of deep global corruption that is just shocking. ((( They ))) want to shut us up. They aren’t fighting us so hard for no reason. They mean business. Here are a couple of examples.

This was my first experience seeing something like this unfold before my eyes.

'Pizzagate' shooter sentenced to 4 years in prison

The North Carolina man who fired an assault rifle inside a Washington, DC, pizzeria while investigating an online conspiracy theory known as "Pizzagate" was sentenced to 48 months in prison Thursday....

Then we pretty much expected this would start...

QAnon, the Crazy Pro-Trump Conspiracy, Melts Down Over OIG Report

A man armed with a rifle and a handgun drove an armored truck to the Hoover Dam last Friday and started blocking traffic. He brought a homemade sign with him that said, “Release the OIG report.”

...The sign the armored truck driver held up on the bridge appeared to reference the idea, promoted by QAnon, that Trump possesses another OIG report that would bring down his enemies once and for all...

You get the idea. Well recently, the following happened and suddenly Gab was shut down for like a week...

[How Conspiracy Theories Can Kill](

“HIAS [Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society] likes to bring invaders in that kill our people,” declared the post on the social media site Gab, “I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered.  Screw your optics, I’m going in.” 

Just minutes later, Robert Bowers, who is believed to be the author of that post, entered the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and opened fire on congregants, allegedly shouting “All Jews must die.” Before police were able to take him into custody, Bowers had killed 11 people and injured six more, including several officers

Then they added the following, which is how they would describe us...

An examination of the posts and reposts on the Gab account attributed to Bowers suggests that Bowers is a white supremacist and vehement anti-Semite who believed in the common white supremacist conspiracy theory that Jews are engineering mass migration to Europe and the United States to pollute and eventually destroy the white race.

Then they went on to say that the next week is when those 15 mail bombs were sent out to politicians, George Soros, etc. (It was one of the most obvious of false flags)

Their plan, is not only to make us look like crazy conspiracy theorists so that the average person won’t believe the research and truth we put out there that shows their corruption. They also want to get free speech shut down. We expected Reddit’s Q sub would be banned. Just like they banned pizzagate and other Q subs there. Most migrated here. We’re next. Even Q has told us that they are coming after free speech sites. They are also after 4chan and 8chan.

So we have this amazing free speech forum. Day in and day out we see these sick fucks get away, with literally murder, and we know that the best way to get Q and Voat shut down, is to have a poster here making threats and saying they are gonna go kill some group and then when it happens, the government finds a way to get us all shut down too. They want to change laws that target groups like us. It’s only going to get worse.

Well this past week, we’ve noticed a sudden rise in people promoting violence. We were told the other Q subs were getting them too. Not the regular gas the Jews type posts. [But ones like these.]( We can see it coming. I had people writing me. People are upset. So I made the post hoping to avoid that from happening. Hoping if we removed posts like that right away, it couldn’t be used against us.

Well, obviously I fucked up. @Kevdude wrote me and told me I should change it. Him and @Crensch are the 2 that have helped teach me Voat culture and how to handle this. I wouldn’t have survived. Not with the shit that flies my way. I would have gotten rid of so many fuckers on here if it weren’t for them continuously putting me in check. I know they only do it because they care about Voat and for the movement.

I thought I had the censorship portion all figured out by now. But thought these threats are way too specific. Naming a group or family? So I disagreed with Kevdude and was pissed. I didn’t think of the part where they could just hurry and archive it. Plus, I knew the other Q subs wouldn’t be worrying about Voat. So I asked Crensch. He agreed with Kevdude and I know he knows their plans to get us taken down.

People were sending messages and telling me about posts or comments that should be removed yesterday and I had to ignore it. I thought hard about what I should do because I felt that Q is all about unity, no division, and no violence. I’m not the type to just do something if I disagree with it. So me and Kevdude can go round and round.

Anyway, it literally took up almost my whole day and my husband was off and not very pleased. I’m not the type that can go about my day when something serious like this needs to be dealt with. So, it was just a really fucked up day. I finally got it posted and told my husband I was finally done. Except I knew that I would have a fun night of assholes telling me off for changing the rule.

That’s when I saw your message. I didn’t care about all the others that wrote me pissed off. But it bugged me when you did. Since I knew how you worked hard to build your own sub on a place like Voat, especially being female where we get attacked for that alone, I guess I just thought you would get it, or at least know that my intention wasn’t bad.

I’m sorry I was a bitch. I felt attacked so I attacked you. Before I read what Crensch said, I already felt bad and thought about apologizing. I didn’t grow up with a mom. So I really respect women that are the type of wife and mother that I wish my mom would have been. I never learned how to be so I am definitely not the typical soccer mom type or the type that enjoys baking. BUT, I admire those that are. I wish I would have learned early on and maybe I would be that way too.

I shouldn’t have been mean and said those things to you. I didn’t mean them. I was just in a bad mood, already felt attacked, my notifications were a mixture of people mad and happy about the first post changing the rule. Then I had to tell the ones that were happy, that I was changing it back. I made the post, and you were the one I took it out on. I don’t like how you handled it and judged me before knowing the situation. But you didn’t deserve me putting you down. So I’m truly sorry for the things I said.

15084310? ago

Apology accepted and I apologize for not being more sensitive when delivering criticism. I don't sleep often these days and can be irritable myself.

srayzie ago

Thank you.

15084928? ago

and to you the same. Have a nice day.

srayzie ago

Thanks! You too.

MadWorld ago

I admire both of them for what they have done! No doubt that both of them are great goats here! I hope they become good friends too. Or at least they should not become "enemy" to each other. Let's not forget that we often say stupid things, when emotion or anger overdrives our regular thought process.

srayzie ago

Yes, thank you. I replied. I feel bad, I didn’t mean the things I said to her, I just felt attacked.

Crensch ago

Thanks, bud. HOLY SHIT you have a lot of badges.

MadWorld ago

LOLs, yep, I am a loyal goat here too! I would love to see Voat continue to succeed! While I restrict my persona here, maybe someday I will make an alt to openly share what I really love doing :-).

MadWorld ago


Shizy ago

Sure subs belong to the community, but if it weren't for your hard work and ongoing effort this sub wouldn't even be here! Someone has to make the tough decisions, and get the brunt of everything, but how arrogant of you to ever say a word about that!!! How dare you! What a bunch of bullshit! She could have made her point without the bash on your character.

MolochHunter ago

we have another consideration here, too, @Empress

This thing is bigger than Voat . The wider Q movement is bigger than Voat . We can stay true to Voat and be used as a tool by the Globalists to bring Q into a catastrophic reputational demolition if dovetailed with a false flag

or we can elect to compromise the free speech of Voat by a tiny bit, just temporarily, and mitigate the extent to which the Globalists can misuse Voat to discredit Q

and at the end of the day, if Q loses, and the Globalists win, our days on Voat are numbered anyway as the Globalists close the walls in on us. Am I mistaken in that ?

I'm not dictating which of those two hills we should die on, I'm just saying, if you want to fight and die on the hill of the Primacy of Voat and Freedom of speech, and not on the hill of Voat being a pawn in a greater War, our ass is in the breeze to be shot at

u dig me?

srayzie ago

I just did

srayzie ago

We don’t have the ability gather the Jews and gas them like you have the ability to go to a synagogue shouting “All Jews must die” before killing 11 people and injured six more, including several officers. Just like the guy on Gab recently.

@Vindicator @Think- @Crensch @Shizy @MolochHunter

MuckeyDuck ago

You haven't smelled his gas!

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I just replied to you privately, but you want to take this public. You helped teach me how to be a successful mod, but when it comes to this, I disagree..

You said...

Which Roth? When? Grab your guns to do what? Those are not against the law. You are going beyond the boundaries here and setting precedents I fought against.

This is what they said.

You forgot the part where they said “and kill.” The other said “find A Rothschild and knife it.”

The first one doesn’t say who to kill by name. They name “traitors”. The other, is saying ANY Rothschild. These are specific. Like I said, I even said in the comments that I’m not talking about someone saying they’re gonna gas the Jews. Or even hinting about what our founding fathers stood for. They can say they need to be hung and executed, because that’s talking about the law doing it.

Perfect Example

Where do you draw the line Kev? When Antifa groups show up saying kill whites, kill Q followers, kill Trump supporters, do I allow that as free speech too? Lately it’s kill white parents and middle aged males. Is that ok with you too?

I guarantee you, there is a limit before people decide to leave because even calling for violence is allowed. Hardly anyone is even disagreeing with me about this.

srayzie ago

@Vindicator @Crensch @Think- @MolochHunter @Crensch

Please see these removed comments.

See the above between me and Kev. He wrote a lot more in my inbox and sees this as free speech and not going too far. I see it as too far having someone post saying “knife a Rothschild” and “Grab a gun and Kill the traders.”

How about when Antifa shows up? “Kill the whites!” “Kill Trump supporters!” Where do we draw the line?

think- ago

It has been my understanding, that death threats against real life persons with name are not allowed on Voat.

'Grab a knife and kill a Roth' is, in my understanding, an example of this, and the comment was rightly removed imo.

The other comments fall under 'instigating violence against a group of people', which to my understanding is a case of 1A. Although it totally sucks.

Thoughts, @PuttItOut?

@MolochHunter @kevdude @Crensch @Vindicator

ChiComs ago

The USA Supreme court protects this exact utterance from state law restrictions on free speech :

"Grab a knife and kill a Roth"

Why, because it omitted a TIME FRAME.

I know it sounds pedantic, but SCOTUS went out ofits way twice to rule on that issue and uphold free speech.

Is it permitted on voat? Probably not if a specific exact target is specified, and yet it is in fact legal speech in all 50 states in the USA, and if a person is prosecuted they can win millions in something called "Civil Rights Lawsuit" which is a special case (rare) when you can sure a governmental body if your rights were violated, especially if arrested.

Famous SCOTUS Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)

Then refined and protected FURTHER by SCOTUS in the 1970s!

SCOTUS Hess v. Indiana, 414 U.S. 105 (1973)

I STRONGLY DISAGREE that a Free Speech "legal in USA" social site like voat should start censoring, even legal phrases such as :

"Grab a knife and kill a Roth"

(lacks time frame)

MolochHunter ago

We are against an enemy that does not give a fuck about the proper and traditional legal sensibility of what constitutes a death threat that is at penalty of law, and it is scoping for any disingenuous argument to deplatform voat in its entirety. And I suspect it likely has the power to do so.

Sometimes we should consider losing a battle to win the wider war. To apply a more stringent approach, temporarily - and keeping voat on line is better than having 50 000 goats over at reddit bitching about our choice to keep this site on the chopping block on principle

We aren't considering this measure bc WE are compromised. It's because our enemy is, and is forcing our hand

think- ago

I know, MH. What I see is that if Srayz is continuing the deletion policy, the sub is going to be attacked by the Old Goats.

MolochHunter ago

And that's OK.

If voat gets killed in its entirety, are those old goats going to go over to reddit and defend Srayzies principled stand, or are they going to be on reddit grizzling about what might have been prevented with a little more temporary caution?

I don't mind which way Srayzie chooses in the end. I vouch for caution erring on the side of censorship, but voat wouldn't be voat without many strong voices who elect to never compromise

Roll with the punches - coz we're gonna get punched either way

think- ago

Roll with the punches - coz we're gonna get punched either way

I hope you are not right. :-/

Shizy ago

I agree, unfortunately. We have to maintain free speech first and foremost, even though that comes with shills, assholes, and people who want to abuse and exploit everything. It's not always easy...

think- ago

@EricKaliberhall @Shizy @bopper: Please see parent.

MolochHunter ago

The argument of freedom of speech has its accepted limitations at law. Death threats are excluded from free speech, as is perjury and libel. Those guys are welcome to hold an Absolutist position, but at the end of the day if shit goes down and voat can be portrayed as having facilitated it, the globalists will pull the plug on the entire site. Then Kevdude and you can crawl back to reddit and see if they will allow you to revisit the arguments of how you could have and should have 'protectvoat'

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I just replied to you privately, but you want to take this public. You helped teach me how to be a successful mod, but when it comes to this, I disagree.

You said...

Which Roth? When? Grab your guns to do what? Those are not against the law. You are going beyond the boundaries here and setting precedents I fought against.

This is what they said.

You forgot the part where they said “and kill.” The other said “find A Rothschild and knife it.”

The first one doesn’t say who to kill by name. They name “traitors”. The other, is saying ANY Rothschild. These are specific. Like I said, I even said in the comments that I’m not talking about someone saying they’re gonna gas the Jews. Or even hinting about what our founding fathers stood for. They can say they need to be hung and executed, because that’s talking about the law doing it.

Perfect Example

Where do you draw the line Kev? When Antifa groups show up saying kill whites, kill Q followers, kill Trump supporters, do I allow that as free speech too? Lately it’s kill white parents and middle aged males. Is that ok with you too?

I guarantee you, there is a limit before people decide to leave because even calling for violence is allowed. Hardly anyone is even disagreeing with me about this.

srayzie ago

@Vindicator @Crensch @Think- @MolochHunter @Crensch

Please see these removed comments.

See the above between me and Kev. He wrote a lot more in my inbox and sees this as free speech and not going too far. I see it as too far having someone post saying “knife a Rothschild” and “Grab a gun and Kill the traders.”

How about when Antifa shows up? “Kill the whites!” “Kill Trump supporters!” Where do we draw the line?

srayzie ago

Oh thanks Kev. Perfect.

srayzie ago

@Vindicator @Crensch @Think- @MolochHunter @Crensch

Please see these comments.

See the above between me and Kev.

UGM ago

They really hate we oppose violence.

srayzie ago

No comment. 😂 Stop trying to get me in trouble! LMAO

srayzie ago

You can gas Jews lol. Just done go knife a Roth which is what I got.

goatsandbros ago

Kill people.

grace8 ago

I will do what I choose. If this is an info war then this is serious business and flipping out undermines that business. Pls consider.

What you do effects others. WWG1WGA

grace8 ago

Reproach away, but dont flip out. I appreciate how they handle the sub. I don't want change.

grace8 ago

Unless you want to do their job when they walk out, do not flip out on mods. Its just common sense.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I agree and am totally against violence.

grace8 ago

Everyone deserves respect.

GritD2 ago

So no more sarcasm?

srayzie ago

Of course you can use sarcasm. Just done say you’re gonna go shoot people or knife people.

MuckeyDuck ago

Can we use term Drawing and Quartering, (not in wide practice today except in the serial killer community)

lordvain2 ago

First rule of Voat Violence is that nobody talks about Voat Violence.

JackHoff ago

Where's your husband and your father? Both of them should beat your ass a little more!

srayzie ago

Yeah. That’s all he ever has anything to say. Just the fact that I’m a woman, he attacks me. He’s a piece of shit.

DickTick ago

An invisible piece of shit - FTFY

hang_em_high ago

so we can remove them

Go fuck yourself, you censoring nigger.

Exoduslarry ago

You aren't very bright are you? What would your mother say?

JopharVorin ago

oy vey goys, dont you dare fight back

MuckeyDuck ago

Let me give you a really good reason you don't want to appear to promote overt violence, and this is real. You are aware that many states are pushing Red Flag laws that say if someone is accused of being, suspected, reported by anyone else of being a danger to themselves or others, under the Red Flag law, the police can come to your house and take all of you firearms. Yes, it unconstitutional, but you guns will be impounded, and you will be left stand with you dick in one hand and the constitution in the other.

Our aim should be to follow the lead of our president. He wisely does not crow about what he is going to do. He does not bluster about his plans ahead of time. He knows it's foolish to broadcast you actions, and so should you know it.

Shizy ago

Excellent point!

petevoat ago

Many in QRV too

con77 ago

fight fire with fire

HoubovyTomas ago

And murder their families also, to stop the violent words from spreading.

MuckeyDuck ago

Think about what you saying dude!

When the fake news media can make up out of thin air any justification that fits their FF reporting, what difference do you think it will make that they don't have a real comment to blame it own.

When facts mean nothing, truth is irrelevant.

But I totally agree with you, we should not be advocating overt violence, because it's not the right thing to do.

A Rooster crows much, but fly's little.

jodieann ago

I really hate to show how new I am at this, and am a bit embarrassed to ask: how does one "ping" a moderator?

babywayne ago

Type an "at" sign before their name, like @srayzie

Edit: Not pinging, just showing someone how to do it.

ChiComs ago

Fun Tip # 457 : Use google to search

To find posts on voat from past months with a google search engine you can construct URLS like this to find interesting long threads on "srayzie" :

that URL yielded this lengthy oddity :

JackHoff ago

Yes, everyone go read that bullshit as well as srayzies response to that well known psychofag!

Your screen name says you're new here, but your tactics say otherwise you fucking altfag!

ChiComs ago

I only glanced at 1% of that link, to be fair, its just that the 10 seconds I gave it made me think it was ALL ABOUT CENSORSHIP at its root concept.

See what censorship nurtures? : deleted post arguments.

2fast4u92 ago

Call the FBIniggers what they are and move along

ChiComs ago

Just type : "Spot the Fed Game" ....

as the sole reply to a actual legal incitement of violence (viable target, and time period of action).

stirstick ago

I am new to VOAT but I have seen huge amounts of violence, antisemitism and racism here. I never see Trump ppl acting like this any where else. I see them posting in Q areas and on Conservative news. When I go to look at their other posts it seems as if they are not really posting anything but this kind of garbage. Or sometimes lots of leftist ideology when they are not trolling here. It does look like they are trying to bring down Q followers. When I was reading an article about how to use VOAT almost all of the comments were about how they had to get rid of the Qtards in order to save VOAT. Someone really hates Q peeps.

I have blocked a ton of them, but I will start sending them to you. What is pinging you? Thank you.

Mittermeyer ago

Welcome to Voat niggerfaggot. You talk about how Voat needs to be censored to protect your feelings then wonder why Voat Goats don't like this wave of migrants.

stirstick ago

You must have some kind of learning disability or inability to understand simple English. I never once said VOAT needs to be censored. But, I do block people because I am an adult and if I don't want to listen to morons like you I can choose not to. You see, people like you don't want to censor yourself because you have very little self control. That is fine with me, I could care less what your issues are. The problem you have is that you do not seem to understand that other people get to choose for themselves. I would no longer sit in a room with someone as vile as you, as I would sit here on a computer and read your dribble. So move on. I am blocking you also. I don't waste my precious time on fools.

iamapersondamnit ago

Get out and make yourself heard. Think for yourselves and don't fall for the everything is being handled psyop designed to pacify us. Do not be violent but defend yourself spiritually and physically from those that want to do you harm.

ChiComs ago


YOU DO NOT KNOW FEDERAL statutes regarding inciting violence in a public forum!

It is FREE SPEECH on voat and under USA law to type violent wishes so long as the target is in-determinant, or the time period is undefined for the action.

Famous SCOTUS Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)

Then refined and protected FURTHER by SCOTUS in the 1970s!

SCOTUS Hess v. Indiana, 414 U.S. 105 (1973)

I will not type an example of a real crime here that cannot be typed in public forums with more than two total parties listening, but they would resemble :


Legal 100% protected by SCOTUS speech :

  1. Lets shove all the kikes into jew ovens!

  2. I hope every libtard in the USA gets ass-cancer and if not THEY ALL NEED TO BE KILLED anyway!

  3. I think people that don't know US federal laws should be burned alive

ALL of the above is 100% fully protected free speech , the only type of speech there is in the USA. Free Speech. Committing a CRIME, and getting charged or citation for the crime, while uttering "hateful words" can evoke the anti-white-male state statute "hate speech law" sentence enhancers, but there has to be a root crime at the same exact time.

And if only two parties, not 3+, such as a private phone call or conversation, you can even then legally say ANYTHING you want under US federal law and SCOTUS protection, including a specific target and specific date of imminent violence.

If you start censoring on voat , voat will defend itself long term by having to act against your reddit-ification of voats LONG STANDING FREE SPEECH DOCTRINE to allow all USA protected speech on voat.

Do I understand that FBI agents try to entice here and honeypot? Yes. They want to "perp walk" a white terrorist in front of news cameras occasionally.

So I understand that the 13 billion Soros gave LESS than 12 years ago is used by Share Blue shills on voat to type reprehensible things easily searcheable on using ""

such as this url that uses google to search all of from 4 hours ago backward in time :

Now I typed things SIMILAR to your words before but telling people you will start censoring like a fascist and DELETING free speech is beyond all acceptance on a free speech web site.

In fact this is the only PROVEN 100% legal USA Free Speech site on earth.

And you want to turn it into some dystopian 1984 walled-garden suitable for Apple sponsorship?


grace8 ago

Yeah and you see how that has played out on Reddit, Gab, Facebook and Twitter. Was our free speech protected there. What social media site was it who lost their host and could not find a host last year because they had been slandered as violent. Wake up! We are not in Kansas anymore.

Do not flip out on mods unless you are willing to take their place!

ChiComs ago is the only actual 100% free legal USA speech site on the internet. Even Gab deletes a lot of legal speech. is not reddit , gab, or facebook !!!

grace8 ago

Yes, That's why I am trying to remember what media site was kicked off their host and unable to find a new host last year. Its the ppl voat in a sense leases internet space from IF, I understand how it works right. Basically there are ppl who can deny an internet platform to even use the internet. Then there is the way Voat has treated QRV. I basically cant figure out how to access it. So don't tell me Voat is immune. 8chan was saying today that QResearch is basically on life support and about to die. I assume they mean QRV but since I have never managed to get to the sub I have no idea.

ChiComs ago

I basically cant figure out how to access it (v/QRV)

You enable NSFW in your settings WHEN LOGGED IN, and if NSFW checkbox set the correct way then you can access :

It is NSFW so that google bot cant scan it and store it.

Also if you still get a cryptic error you might be admin banned.

MuckeyDuck ago

I don't feel like make a long winded comment but there is a huge gap between what the law says, and what the government can arrest you for, and effectively ruin you life and you know that.

The letter of the law may be applied at some point, but you know very well that the law is frequently, mostly, usually perverted to mean what the judge want it to mean, and what covers the courts butt.

If you tell another individual over the phone, in person to person conversation that you are going to come over and kill them, you will most likely get arrested whether it's legal by the letter of the law, or not. Rule is "The first person to the courthouse wins"

If someone come into you business, you get into a dispute with them, and they see a gun hanging on a hook on your wall, they can walk out side, call the police and claim that you pulled that gun on them, and there is a good chance you will go to jail. I know a case where this almost actually happened. The only reason it did not was because the person accused got someone nearby to lie and say he saw the whole dispute and no gun was involved.

When it comes to the law, ain't nuthin understood - Dragline Coolhand Luke

ChiComs ago


I should have been more mathematically and legally complete in my statements, you misread the intent. If two parties are on a phone, or in private conversation, the threat of imminent violence needs to be a target OTHER than either party in the conversation to be 100% fully protected vs SCOTUS free speech. Otherwise there are many laws regarding DIRECT "CRIMINAL THREATS", which make your scenario correct.

A Criminal threat is where the criminal is willfully communicating a threat to another person that would result in great bodily injury or death..... not talking about the concept with his a different person on the phone. Across state lines the federal US statute for long distance direct phone call threat is : U.S. Code › Title 18 › Part I › Chapter 41 › § 875 (c)

But SCOTUS already outlined that the aggrieved party needs to be in that phone call.

MuckeyDuck ago

Sorry, it's late. Thanks for clarifying.

NoRoyalty ago

People are just letting the faggots know when they start it we're all in.

nubbyhubby ago

Idiots do it at there own risk.. Too think shit is not monitored is retarded.. More power to them, when they get the door kicked in at 4am sound asleep..

TurnerDiaries ago

It's not promoting violence, it's promoting justice. It's at that level now.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

This whole game (which is not a game) is being ramped up to incite violence-to have someone (or more) go off the rails and we/Q get blamed. You dont have to prove that you're "all in" by posting things that will end up getting us shut down, again. Self-sabotage of the movement.When the dam breaks, it will likely not stop. We cannot give in to what we would like to do. Actually, i have no interest in that whatsoever-any threats or incitement to violence. I am here to stay the course and allow rule of law, and all that our Nation was built on, to stand. Don't get to swing the first punch. Doesnt make me a wuss, it makes me wiser. If it all fails and i end up on the short end-i know it is only up from here. I dont need to rush the process. Not gonna take the bait. Stand firm, stay the course, trust the plan. So many have been through so much worse and did not give up or give in. Sounds like a lecture? No matter. Let cooler heads prevail! Whatever needs to be done to avoid us losing this platform, dont hold back, including banning if necessary. It's gonna get messier, so the bar MUST be raised. Shills are likely being well employed to spark a regretful response-and we all lose. I appreciate you mods for all the stuff you gotta deal with. Onward!

RG72 ago

Agreed. I sick of seeing the posts that call for action that steps "outside" of the normal, get involved with elections, or red pilling people. If the day ever came for anything drastic...these and all other chat boards would be long gone..

Pavlova22 ago

There was not one single violent comment I've seen.

ChiComs ago

You need to be deleted and un-personed for arguing!

sorosminion ago

LOL Losing CONTROL of your "Q" fake lie? Worried than when one of YOUR psycho Qultists kills somebody ( and one WILL ) that you motherfucker "moderators" will be held responsible for the mouth foaming mob of simpleton whackjobs YOU have created with your Q theatrics? Too late morons. As soon as THESE QULT NUTS act, you aren't getting away, the FBI WILL BE COMING TO VISIT! It isn't Hillary, Obama or any "Cabaal" that is going to be arrested.....IT'S YOU!

JackHoff ago

Damn you're a dumb one!

PygmyGoat ago

Violence is bad m’kay.

holaymackal ago

We were always taught as kids that violence is not the answer, never solves anything and can be overcome with a little love, peace, and understanding.

And look where we are now.

I would never foolishly advocate for violence, even on a mostly-anonymous forum like this, but I do have a MUCH more open mind than I used to have.

MDS0341 ago


Steelerfish ago

I will kick the person’s ass who posts or comments about violence. It is completely uncalled for.

JopharVorin ago

I will build showers and delouse those niggerkikes myself if they post any threats!!

HoubovyTomas ago

If anybody promotes violence I will kill them myself.

veteran88 ago

Don't do violence Do self defense

coucou ago

I ignore those posts, as well as the RATS's posts (... R all the same). They are bloody useless, no point noticing! Not even mentionning those who proclaim they are wankers and are apparently very proud of triturating the under cooked macaroni hanging under their oversize abdomen, to the extent that their belly button is no more visible. And letting everyone know what they are up to in their parent's basement.

HoubovyTomas ago

I'll take RATS over NAXALT.

coucou ago

Sorry, I do not know what it means, NAXALT...

HoubovyTomas ago

It means this.

coucou ago

I see. Never heard of that. :-)

Stopmotionhistory ago

Black’s Law Dictionary defines “treason” as ”attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which one owes allegiance, either by making war against the state or by materially supporting its enemies” Treason has been dealt with by public execution. Just some facts I ran across. This is not a call for violence but a call for accountability. NOW is not the time to look for safe spaces and give in to PC correctness. That snowflake mentality is what got us here to begin with.

HoubovyTomas ago

Violence is bad.

That's why world history is so peaceful and kind.

Because violence is bad.

nigger_eggs ago

Communists will offer us peace, but always on communist terms. Those of us aware of what "peace" looks like under their terms know that we do not want it. Tree of liberty needs water.

coucou ago

Yes, peace à la shitslam, via submission! Fuck them!

somethingsgottagive ago

Does gas the Jews count?

srayzie ago

No. That doesn’t count lol.

somethingsgottagive ago

I knew I liked you 😘

Exoduslarry ago

You have to be a shill using such ridiculous and provocative language or you're just stupid.

DickTick ago

You must be new here.....

jcd1158 ago

Damn, the real questions first

nobilisbellum ago

We all know it’s just the shills promoting violence in order to make QAnon movement look bad. Can’t control the shills.

jcd1158 ago

But can we say for certain they make 100% of these posts? Better safe than sorry. And even if so, this is a nice global reminder to ban and report these folks.

Trousersnake1488 ago

No, its not the left.. some of us just arent puppies. I spent years slaying muslims in Afg, now I want to slay the domestic enemies.

There are no peaceful solutions.

jcd1158 ago

Woohoo, tonight is NARC NIGHT BOIS. I'm no pansy either but I don't want voat goin down, time to write up some reports

Trousersnake1488 ago

Yeah, you're right.

ammonthenephite ago

There's too much blatant racism and ignorance here all ready. If MSM wants to paint here as being a source of crazy, there is no way they will have trouble doing so. The step from crazy, neo nazi racists to violence will be an easy bridge for MSM to cross, whether there are posts/comments advocating for violence or not.

This is where the childishness of voat and all its 'nigger faggot jew' comments will come back to bite it in the ass, unfortunately.

srayzie ago

Calling someone a nigger, faggot, or Jew isn’t calling for violence. Yeah, they could say we’re racists, conspiracy theorists, assholes, immature, etc. whatever. 🙄 Calling for violence would make their story so much better and push harder to shit down free speech sites. Besides, Q would not be encouraging us to be violent. Leave that for the Dems.

ammonthenephite ago

I agree its not technically the same, but do you honestly believe that the average person is going to care? The average person abhores the racist comments that are so lauded here. A quick reading of a few select posts, violence or not, and it will undermine any legitimacy of the Q movement to the average person. Optics are everything, and voat has terrible, terrible optics to normal people with mature language. Not very hard to connect such ignorant and hateful speech (regardless of its original intent here) to acted out violence in the real world.

srayzie ago

Would you rather have that and free speech? Or be shut down like Reddit?

ammonthenephite ago

Id rather have free speech with adults whose conversation is mature enough to be presentable to the public at large so such an importamt issue can be taken seriously. But apparently that is asking too much of those here who think using rediculous language like kids swearing on a playground then giggling about it is more important.

Its too bad that this is one of the last places Q could send everyone. No way in hell I point anyone I care about to this place. They deserve adult discourse, not this.

srayzie ago

Well then go to Twitter where you’re censored.

Shizy ago

Actually, when you get down to the level of being honest with most people, they don't actually feel that words or off color jokes are racist.

Check into it for yourself. When people feel they can be themselves, you'll see. People are just too scared to say how they really feel.

ammonthenephite ago

Source for this claim? Because every minority or lgbt friend I have certainly take offense to the immature racist or bigoted jokes that go around. Typically its only the racists and bigots who feign offense but then secretly enjoy them.

Shizy ago

I don't need a source. It's anecdotal! Believe it or not. My LGBT and "minority" friends actually have senses of humor and usually have the best "gay" or "racist" jokes because society "allows" them to say them!

jcd1158 ago

Average people don't matter as much as how a reasonable judge would see it. Average people can't hate us more, only take action. But as of now, without hate speech laws, they still need a reason to take us down, otherwise they automatically lose the court case. Calls to violence are exactly what they need to nail us as "More dangerous than normal free speech"

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I'm not confident this tactic will matter much when it's only enforceable in a single subvoat.

srayzie ago

Well I’m doing my part. I would suggest that the other Q subs do the same. I’m staying out of their business tho.

jcd1158 ago

Dude, thank you for everything you do. Voat is one of the last havens for those who've been ostracized from society.You lead a very important roll

srayzie ago

Thank you, i really appreciate that.

MuckeyDuck ago

I don't know if you read my comment above "Let me give you a really good reason....."

That is a real, and practical reason not to promote overt violence, especially if your doing in the clear.

babywayne ago

Some people come real close. They don't openly advocate violence, but they hint at it. They talk about what the founding fathers did, what real patriots would do, "we need to take action", etc. We all know what they're thinking, but they haven't crossed the line. How to handle?

15073785? ago

Username checks out.

hang_em_high ago

Maybe the founding fathers actually had something to fucking say? Ever think of that?

HoubovyTomas ago

Maybe just grow a pair of fucking balls?

TexasInfidel ago

the ENTIRE concept of War evades the mass's Well yall candy ass's gonna get a view very soon If all you have is PC Voat to throw at'em your fcked. The true meaning of violence is soon coming to the streets of America. Here you crybabies sit, letting words and phrases scare you into controlled emotional moderation Sorry kids obama int coming back for you

srayzie ago

That’s ok. Just if they cross the line.

15073789? ago

Where's the line, @sraysie?

drstrangegov ago

people are REALLY pissed about the election. I know I am.

grace8 ago

The following debate over if calling for violence on this site is acceptable or not gets heated. If you are reading through it pls keep in mind Q post "they will try to split you". Perhaps that is also the purpose of these posts.

drstrangegov ago

The issue at the heart of the matter is whether Q is legitimate. If so, then there is hope. If not, it was a master stroke by our enemies to keep us placated during a very crucial time period where the travesty of this election is still fresh in our minds. But yes it is still too soon. But of months pass we will remember this and it will make us even more resolved. If Q is fake there are sure to be more outrages.

kbearcat ago

I am too (and all my coworkers think I'm literally making it up. When I mentioned I had not been convinced of the Russian collusion I was told "you've drunk too much of the kool-aid).

But there's room here for "really upset" without "time to load some clips" ...Also the maglula is easier than loading clips to load into magazines. But either way, standard capacity magazines will really make your thumbs sore. Stay safe out there!

benjitsu ago

Practice with will make everything else easy! :)

whatisbestinlife ago

are you another chick?

grace8 ago

Pls take comfort from the following: 1. the cheating is blantant and obvious which creates an opportunity for waking up the sheep once it is proven to have actually happened. 2. It will be proven. Arizona Republicans have called for a independent audit of Maricopa county which has been ordered. I imagine Florida may do the same. It's just these things have to happen after the vote has been certified. 3. If any republican is denied office by any of the very biased court decisions that came down in Florida those decisions will be appealed to the Supremes who will have no choice but to overturn the lower court in favor of long standing rules. CNN will not be able to ignore the supreme courts ruling and maybe your office mates have to wake up. As hard as it is to see corruption go unnoticed and sanctioned by US federal judges,this is the only way sleeping America can finally wake up. It is blatant and aggregious. Any American who sees the proof would agree. Let's see if congress calls for hearings or the Supremes get to decide a case. That will have to be covered by the news.

Someday soon your colleagues are going to start waking up. Things are going to start happening.

HoubovyTomas ago

Maglula is owned by Jews.

Exoduslarry ago

Really ? Stop with the "Jew" stuff. You sound retarded.

FireMarshallBill ago

This man speaks the truth. It is indeed a product of Israel.

srayzie ago

That doesn’t mean we need to promote violence

SueRitz5 ago

You're so right. For our movement, we need to take the high road and act better than the left. They are the violent ones.

Mittermeyer ago

Would you disavow or promote another Battle of Athens?

amarQ144 ago

dang...right when I was sharp'n'n my

omacu ago

Ok goy

Hand_of_Node ago

Promoting and discussing are different things.