d00danon ago

I agree with you Ray!

HuFlungDung ago

Only Democrats are allowed to incite violence and here at VOAT.com we believe in free speech just not hate speech.Also here at VOAT we are physicists that believe in Newtons Law just not gravity.The bullshit gauge has just broke,blew-up and no longer functions.

sorosminion ago

LOL STILL CLUELESS EH? NEVER GONNA HAPPEN IDIOTS! You people never learn. You have lost your ability to think rationally and function in reality. NONE of what you so earnestly believe is real, you are going crazy. you WILL lose your families. You WILL lose your jobs. You ARE losing your minds. YOU CANNOT GRASP WHAT IS SO PATENTLY OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE ELSE. You NUTCASES STILL DON'T GET IT! There won't be ANY mass arrests, no martial law, no tribunals, no Gitmo. You sink deeper into insanity and violent delusion. Q is just some damn kid on the chans! You were fooled! For you SANE people, it's over, move on, admit you were fooled! Do it before you get into real trouble! Q IS A FAKE,NONE OF IT IS REAL!

Don't bother with your "over the target", and STUPID delusional replies, your idiot "insults" and ridiculous threats, no "SCARED" fuckin' idiocy. YOU are the crazy people, the extremists and nutcases, not democrats. Do you not REALIZE that law enforcement is tracking EVERY ONE OF YOU GERIATRIC LOSERS that threaten violence? Have fun in jail you psychos. Save the insults, they don't mean a thing, WHEN do say enough losers. How LONG will you be willingly fooled?

Steelerfish ago

I have an idea...


Lol.... just in case y’all miss Reddit. If not I’ll kick some ass...

Pcpoet09 ago

can I suggest to the community when we get a post advocating violence that since we cant remove it that we as group respond with a one word post....that word being scorn. we do this to let anyone checking us out know that as a group we don't advocate violence. I my self post the word scorn when I see something that is overtly offensive in nature and suggest to others do the same... this is a free speech platform o we are going to get troles who are here just to shit post and this seems to me to be a good way to respond keeping with in Voats rules

NativeView2u ago

I agree. We cant aford to loose it now. After all of the years of baiting we endured.

singlebrain1 ago

Thank you for your efforts, input and guidance.

GreenRoar ago

I fully agree with you. Free speech comes with a price for those of us who dislike calls for violence or using F**k as an adjective or adverb. Those who do this should be aware that many who would ordinarily read and appreciate personal comments simply stop reading when the discussion gets out of hand.

Stonenchizel ago

Thanks for straightening that out srayzie!


think- ago

Thank you, Srayz. xoxo

ChiComs ago

In general, its a VOAT-wide issue and policy, but there are legal frameworks. Illegal speech (in USA) is not allowed on voat, such a kiddie porn or close to it, coordinating overt criminal acts, etc.

There’s nothing we can do about the comments unless it’s a very direct threat

Its not just how direct a threat is, it has to have all three of these according the the US Supreme Court :

1 > viable to achieve. (not a convoluted means) 2 > specific target of the "great bodily harm or death". (not a large diverse class of targets) 3 > a specific time frame of the proposed event, not unspecified or open ended.

Those utterances are in fact, in public, among more than 2 people, legally prosecutable by some US states, but all those elements need to be present.

It is true that the FBI and other LEA treats vote as a honeypot and "incites violence" here to ensnare people they can "perp walk" and the use long curated accounts.

It is rare if ever that I saw a post with all three elements in years on voat.

Famous SCOTUS Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)


Then refined and protected FURTHER by SCOTUS in the 1970s!

SCOTUS Hess v. Indiana, 414 U.S. 105 (1973)


I will not type an example of a real crime here that cannot be typed in public forums with more than two total parties listening, but they would resemble :


Legal 100% protected by SCOTUS speech :

  1. Lets shove all the kikes into jew ovens!

  2. I hope every libtard in the USA gets ass-cancer and if not THEY ALL NEED TO BE KILLED anyway!

  3. I think people that don't know US federal laws should be burned alive

ALL of the above is 100% fully protected free speech , the only type of speech there is in the USA. Free Speech. Committing a CRIME, and getting charged or citation for the crime, while uttering "hateful words" can evoke the anti-white-male state statute "hate speech law" sentence enhancers, but there has to be a root crime at the same exact time.

One important distinction, going out of the way to ensure the target of your rage is reading your threats, and is a direct end recipient through your actions : calling them, telling them to their face, writing them, etc.... is not protected by supreme court and is considered DIRECT "CRIMINAL THREATS" Across state lines the federal US statute for long distance direct phone call threat is : U.S. Code › Title 18 › Part I › Chapter 41 › § 875 (c)


But SCOTUS already outlined that the aggrieved party needs to be in that phone call. Same with online forums; the writer can state he had no proof the target was definitely participating.

I wrote more here : https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2855659/15060671

Shizy ago

Are you a lawyer by chance?

MadWorld ago

Good to know the specifics, archived for future reference.



Crensch ago

@think- You might find this enlightening.

think- ago

Yes, thanks for the ping!

SueRitz5 ago

You're absolutely right. We have to be better than the Dems. They're violent hate mongers, we need to take the high road.

Crensch ago

The high road is allowing speech you don't like.

Lauraingalls ago

The HIGH ROAD is CONTROLLING yourself and not being as EVIL as the EVIL people. To "take the high road" means doing the right thing, even if it may not be easy or popular with the majority. In short, righteousness. For example, if someone has wronged you, you can "take the low road" and seek revenge.

Crensch ago

Only idealists push for taking the idealistic high road that only exists because many brave souls took the low road.

Taking the high road is nothing but virtue signaling for losers. It's a programming done by your enemies to leave you docile like sheep while they continue to chip away at everything your people have built.

Lauraingalls ago

Christians try to take the HIGH ROAD. That doesn't mean we don't believe in justice because God is JUST, we just don't pull dirty despicable tricks to get justice, and we try not to be mean and nasty just to be mean and nasty, like the TROLLS AND SHILLS here.

Crensch ago

The winners write the history books.

Lauraingalls ago

The LOSERS REWRITE the history books because they don't like TRUTH.

Crensch ago

Tell that to the Jews who planted a fake genocide in our history books to cover up their own. The Allies didn't win World War II, the Jews did, and the history books show that.

There is no high road we can take that will protect us from the Jews. We either start using any and every means necessary against them or we will perish.

Lauraingalls ago

You sound like HITLER.

Crensch ago

Hitler didn't gas any Jews. I would.

Lauraingalls ago

Sweet. There is a HELL.

doggy1 ago

After reading Crensch, and your comments on the Holocaust. I've started to reseach the subject. As a engineer myself i found this pdf book a very intresting read. https://educate-yourself.org/cn/The-Leuchter-Reports-2nd-corrected-edition-2005-234pages.pdf

Crensch ago

Oh, and I can prove that the Holocaust was a hoax.

Crensch ago

If there is, the Jews will be there. They murdered up to 20 million Slavic whites by starving them to death and lied about the Holocaust to cover it up.

topvmom ago

Freedom of speech needs to work both ways. We don't have to like what we read and we are also free to comment and object to anyone advocating violence. Violence doesn't solve anything. Violence actually makes things worse.

You are doing the right thing. Let the masses sort it out. Trust us

markrod420 ago

free speech isnt about being free to say things people like. good choice.

srayzie ago

Lol. I have a YUGE collection

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

What about members of Congress threatening to kill us... This is a war zone.

topvmom ago

Two wrongs don't make it right. Make sure everyone knows about that wrong. Blast it everywhere. One more "left unhinged" meme waiting to be made.

HuFlungDung ago

The people who came up with the idea that "2 wrongs do not make a right" are the same people that invented the word Conspiracy.Sometimes 2 wrongs do make a right.For instance in the Bible it says there are times when you take an eye for an eye.You are a weak snowflake.

topvmom ago

I'm no snowflake. You however haven't mastered the art of having a conversation without calling names. Disagree with me all you want but when you have to resort to calling names you lose. Retaliation is a never ending cycle and nobody wins. There's a difference between that and holding people accountable for their crimes against others. I would much rather wait a bit and watch somebody sentenced to death or life in prison than having to sit with them in a cell. Popcorn is expensive in prison.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

There is nothing nice about war, fight fire with fire.

grace8 ago

This is an information war. Talking violence is the equivalent of friendly fire in a war zone. We must do what we can to not hand them ammunition to shoot us with. All that is needed for bad to stop is for us to win the info war. I believe all of our lives depend upon it. My home is just an hour from Paradise Ca. If we fail their will be many towns just like it gone and we will all be rounded up and put in camps. Lets just say the Geneva convention will not be enforced. This is not a game. Pls consider carefully what you post.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

We really don't need more information. We need action from our President.

topvmom ago

I prefer to use strategy. War is ugly and nobody really wins. People die. The cost of human life isn't worth it. The US has waged war all over the world in the name of Democracy. The good people either die or are forced from their homes. I like my home and don't plan on dying anytime soon. Q has the plan. I trust Q and the team to do what needs to be done with as little loss of life on the good side. Evil will lose. I won't let evil draw me into their game. I prefer to play the one with the good side.

benjitsu ago

Or people literally being murdered while their 2nd amendment is being trampled. I have said it before and I will say it again: self censorship is the worst kind and the other side is going to paint you in whatever light they choose, it is irrelevant if we provide them "ammunition" or not.

Cleanhobo ago

Remember YOU WORK FOR THEM. Not the other way around.... /s

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

I live low on the totempole. I don't make enough to pay taxes and I don't suck thier gov tit. I am waiting for a fair whole government to support.

Cleanhobo ago

You can live high on the totem pole and still not support it. You are farrrrr better off than most. Just make more money. An ddo it in a way you pay no taxes or make it passive income... Let.. Me say that again.. PASSIVE INCOME. not actively earned income. PASSIVE INCOME. Taxed at 15% flat. No social sec. No medicrap. No faggotry. Just like Russia. 15%flat.

15077631? ago

Thank you for changing the sub's rules back. That was an upstanding and honorable thing to do.

srayzie ago

That’s the kind of person I am. Unlike how you described me earlier.

think- ago


MrDarkWater ago


doggy1 ago

Martin Luther King Jr.

Nobel Lecture*, December 11, 1964

"Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. I am not unmindful of the fact that violence often brings about momentary results. Nations have frequently won their independence in battle. But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace. It solves no social problem: it merely creates new and more complicated ones. Violence is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding: it seeks to annihilate rather than convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends up defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers."

Lauraingalls ago

Some people are so EVIL, even here. They need to get jobs and off drugs and booze. In answer to your question no, Q isn't stupid, and is protected, like President Trump but DEATH THREATS are illegal even if the person is TOO STUPID to be able to do it.

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Fuck Q, you go ahead and follow an alphabet moron, and if I ever run into Q, I'll take him out myself

srayzie ago

Q is not a person. It’s a team you fucking moron. Good luck with that one.

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Just love the reactions of you insane fucks all lathered up and foaming at the mouth trying to act like you're doing or done something important. Which is what? What have YOU done? It's a team thing huh, so what has the team done? So far only a bunch of followers and sheeple and what? following an alphabet letter? Great job you fucking moron

markrod420 ago

yeah thats stolen.

srayzie ago

Did I claim to have made it? Or did I say I had a collection?

markrod420 ago

i apologize. i meant im stealing it. lol

oddlike777 ago

Q is the military dumbfuck. Good luck taking "him" on lol

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Q is a figment if your imagination, you are a complete fool to think otherwise

Lauraingalls ago


hangry ago

You're still hanging on? The disinformation hasn't gotten to you yet?

Bonscottrocks007 ago