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srayzie ago

Was the image link “Our Potus on Fire” here before the post was deleted? If so, I think in the future, a post like this should not be deleted. The link is showing others that Trump was going to be on 60 minutes. However, it would be better if more than an image link was provided. I think it’s still acceptable tho.


@ArtistiqueJewelry - The mod may not have known that an image link showing that Trump would be acceptable. He has no reason to want that censored.

Since when have I ever censored you? OWI got banned after several warnings when he attacked you. I have always been fair with you when attacked. So I think it’s rude to act as tho this subverse censors “more than Facebook.”

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

@MolechHunter srayzie, I was saying that Immediately when I got banned.

I see others speak their minds, generally in a disrespectful manner, yet they get by with it. I stand up for myself and. . .

I was making it Clear that facebook allowed this to run when I posted it last night because they didn't remove it; therefore, it was Fact that it was deleted here, but not there.

I can't change fact. I have always called a spade a spade and yes. . .this makes many hate me! Used to it, but I don't like muddied facts. I want it straight no matter how putrid!

Quite used to the pig lot and putrid. . .Still Preferred to the Fake Facade and expected ego stroking or ignoring the Facts in order to "fit in!"

No thanks!

This poses a problem for those who want and Do straddle the fence! Rules should Not be Posted, nor a pretense of adhering to them. . .if there won't be an effort to follow through.

Thus Obama's "fake line in the sand." Thus the tampering and efforts to Destroy our Constitution. . That's anarchy. . .exactly what controllers want!

If there isn't to be a Standard of law or rules. . .they shouldn't be posted!

All should have to abide by the Same Said rules or the bias is Glaring!

We've all stayed silent too long while taking abuse! We don't like it when we see the same methods still being employed.

Yes, I thought it was unfair Because others on this board, prior to reddit joiners, wasn't saying you, have falsely accused me, called me vile names and viciously attacked, been verbally abusive when I have Never called names or attacked Anyone. Never prompted, never trolled, even succumbed to giving them upvotes as practically mandated Only for me, not for them. I have engaged and been kind to the haters. Never reciprocated and from what I could see, was not demanded of them as it Was for me! I don't think it should be demanded on either side BTW, just pointing out the blatant dichotomy.

I was always told in so many words, "that was just how it was," after people attacked then tattled on me when they couldn't bully me to do their bidding.

Also told I better buck up and be willing to take the abuse in so many words, that it was like a type of boot camp and that's just how it was. Breaking people in.


I get that. . .the unfairness comes in where they can break the rules set forth stating that posters weren't allowed to attack others. . but I Wasn't allowed to Say a word about it or stand up for myself without being given stipulations when I was the One Attacked. . .not them!

Stipulations of being forced to engage on other posts, even though people didn't have to (nor should they be forced) on my posts. Very totalitarian as many times I get zero responses to comments and that is fine (I don't want people forced).
Not sure why I was being singled out and Forced in order to submit research, when this was a board claiming to be about Q and Q encouraged people to go deeper. . .seek out info as we have More than we Know. Odd, or is it?

OWI attacked numerous times and had a posse after me. They even called you out at the end. Yes, you stood up then and weren't bullied when he began attacking you in the same manner. I realize you also stood up for me when he once again as the attacker tattled on my and tried to get me to submit!

I knew that wasn't anyone's direct fault on here. He wasn't removed until he attacked the mod.

Mods are busy, so probably had no idea how much havoc he reeked. Understandable as I Only pointed it out After he, as the attacker tattled and expected me to be punished for His actions. I thought that was what we were all fighting against as Patriots.

No this mod who deleted wasn't part of the posse as I initially thought. . .I was given false info concerning the name ( he was named, but acknowledged these were low level character people) and I acknowledged that.

Took responsibility for it, though many in charge have Never taken responsibility for errors and misjudgements. Not saying this particular mod. The mod stated it needed a link. I was happy to comply.

I simply noted initially that there were Others allowed to post what I would consider Opinion posts. . .I had no issue with them myself, once again, **Facts are simply facts.
Pointing out a discrepancy as to me it was plain and simple.

He came back and explained, I fully understand the position he is in.

There seems to be an issue of the attacked and messenger always being despised or called a whiner if they stick up for themselves. Not saying directly from you, but has been allowed by the abusers. Just another tactic to silence.

Quick to jump. . .yes. . .because of the constant double standard and abuse on here. Not saying from mods. . .posters allowed because the mod didn't want to censor them no matter how verbally abusive and how many unwarranted, non instigated attacks they threw my way. I was told over and over my attackers had good hearts, but all of a sudden, once they attacked the mod. ..the story finally changed and they were suspended.

Once again. . .only commented on them after said attackers tattled on me.

There may have been One time where I finally said something about E_C's attacks prior to his tattling for not caving in to his demands.

As for this. . .I also feel that no matter how hard I work or jump through mandates. . .I Have been expected to deal with a lot of abuse, not from everyone, I pinpointed the trolls from shareblue early, but I am always like John crying in the wilderness. People don't listen Until it happens to them. Understandable that this is human nature.

I will say, that although giving ultimatums, srayzie did stick up for me at times. Bear in mind. . .I had done Nothing to warrant the False Attacks, verbal abuse and vicious name calling. Never called names back nor verbally abused the attackers prior nor after.

She stuck up for me right before IWO started attacking her in only Some of the ways he and his posse attacked me. They even went over to reddit right before it was taken down and did the same.

Generally don’t talk about it, because I realize people are busy, too much to do, but if I am called out. . .will state it like it is.

I realize I am Not the only one who deals with this.

I do feel if I stick up for myself I am called out, even though others stick up for themselves While being abusive!

I am Far from abusive. Since I felt I got it wrong about the mod. . .I apologized. I keep my statements respectful.

I have Never treated anyone in the manner I have been subjected to or expected to tolerate. Yes, life's not fair, but Others have been given a license to abuse many times.

No one has EVER apologized to me . I also know that is the right of the mod to pick and choose who follows the rules. Not saying MH was doing this as he is just following orders and I do support and believe rules should be followed. all.

I was told even though I was not the attacker nor initial tattler. . .the attackers were tattling, which caused the mod to place ultimatums on me. . .engage more with others (though others don't always respond to me, they are Not forced to engage with me nor do I think they should be) or was told I shouldn't post and I am limited if wanting to post my own research. Which is fine as new rules were made to appease the attackers.

When I stuck up for myself prior to the incident where IWO was abusive with me, then later with a mod. . .I was told perhaps this wasn't the site for me (that was prior to abuse with mod).

Now, I don't know what was said in private to IOW, but I do know that he had free reign Until attacking a mod in the same manner he had been doing to me for months.

That was only One. There are others who are still allowed free reign. They know Q group is watching now since the Reddit board moved over here, so people are conducting themselves in a different manner I noticed.

I do grow weary of the double standards. Fine if people are allowed free reign, then mandates should not be placed on the attacked. The attacked didn’t instigate the problem! Preposterous and that is my opinion I realize.

This is actually moot now, as I understood the mod's position on this particular post and the fact the mod is striving to do what is expected.

Once again. . .I also apologized.

Is there any other issue? And yes, the image was there, so perhaps the mod just wasn't clear on the expectation.

Image was there and same info as in deleted post except for the addition of two links.

I understand wanting deeper research. I do that all the time, yet I am attacked for doing so Much of the time. Not on other platforms as much, just here (not saying by you directly).

Once again, simple fact.

They called off the censors on me on FB, so my statement concerning Zuck was apt. For now. . .more has gotten through there than I am allowed to put through on here.

As you said before when I've stuck up for myself against attacks and verbal abuse. . .I am free to go elsewhere.

I believe my response was, "I never said I was going anywhere!"

I had also apologized if I had caused the mods any trouble.

No one has ever apologized for being wrong about the abusers and allowing them free reign.

I would have said nothing, but if I am called out. . .Tired of sitting by quietly and just Taking it. It's what many of us have done for years.

Not just Sheep No More, but also Silent No More! If this causing me to be Blacklisted, posts flagged, me hated more. . .So be it!

I've been there before, nothing new under the sun!

Rather have Truth, the whole truth than fake or tampering with the rules to suit the buddy system!

A spade can't be a heart. . .people will twist, fence straddle, appease and attempt to shape into a heart. ..Still a Spade!

Crensch ago

I see others speak their minds, generally in a disrespectful manner, yet they get by with it. I stand up for myself and. . .

And, generally speaking, the mods of PG and GA are some of the most attacked users on this website. You can be yourself, but you'll have to learn to navigate better if you don't want some retaliatory remarks to your words.

No One has saved me. He was gotten rid of because he attacked you. Fair enough. . .

Having been around for this, him attacking you WAS the last straw for @srayzie, and him attacking srayzie was just another Tuesday for her.

Yes, I thought it was unfair Because others on this board, prior to reddit joiners, wasn't saying you, have falsely accused me, called me vile names and viciously attacked, been verbally abusive when I have Never called names or attacked Anyone.

You don't get brownie points for being nice here.

And your word there, "others" makes any argument of fairness look retarded. There's nothing fair about Voat

Never prompted, never trolled, even succumbed to giving them upvotes as practically mandated Only for me, not for them.

What is this? Mandated by whom?

I have engaged and been kind to the haters.

Why? Why would you do that?

Never reciprocated and from what I could see, was not demanded of them as it Was for me!

Source for this?

I was always told in so many words, "that was just how it was," after people attacked then tattled on me when they couldn't bully me to do their bidding.

1) That's exactly how Voat is.

2) What? Do you ever source your claims?

Also told I better buck up and be willing to take the abuse in so many words, that it was like a type of boot camp and that's just how it was. Breaking people in.

Voat doesn't care about you or your feelings. Voat cares about who has the best support for their position.

I get that. . .the unfairness comes in where they can break the rules set forth stating that posters weren't allowed to attack others. . but I Wasn't allowed to Say a word about it or stand up for myself without being given stipulations when I was the One Attacked. . .not them!

Do you understand that the comment before yours was roughly 6 lines of text, while the above-quoted is probably some 30 lines down of your comment? And that might be OK if you provided relevant context for your words but right now it seems like you're on some kind of ramble.

@srayzie once told me that she loves your work.

I didn't really look, but if your work is anything like these comments, it's nonsensical and absurd; zero context provided, just a stream-of-consciousness response that doesn't seem to show even the slightest concern for anyone trying to understand your words. I'm almost certain I would have to read your mind to understand what you're writing here.

In fact, every single response of yours in this nest shows ZERO quoted text to which you're specifically responding. Are you just a soapbox hero? Here to make no-context statements that cause readers to go cross-eyed before getting through even a quarter of your comments? Is all of this designed to look like legalese?

Did you know that vague claims like "they attacked me" on a forum mean exactly nothing without context? People read (or try to read) what you write. Are you writing so they understand you, or are you writing because you love seeing your thoughts show up in text?

So many questions, and so incredibly much wrong with what you're writing here - and I can't bring myself to read through all of your comments in order to address your actual points more than I already have.

Bottom line:

Formatting matters. So does context. Try a little harder to communicate your thoughts clearly, or nobody will read enough of your words to care about you.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

You state,

You can thank @srayzie for me using the kid gloves here. Whatever you see of my words that you think is rude or mean, just know this is me being nice; not a single person on this website will care if it hurts your feelings.

Has she requested you “have a talk with me?” Though I already gave her her props, told her all the positive and apologized Immediately to MH?

Regular patriots would have seen this as moot since I apologized to MolechHunter for jumping the gun and believing one of the share blue trolls, allowed free reign for a year (that’s only under one name. . .they all have Many).

For Context and Verification please refer to this link

Under a reply to srayzie

Also see my apology under MolechHunter’s response addressed Ms Artistique.

If anyone should have been triggered or had a right. . .it was him.

MH did the right thing, accepted deserved apology and took the high road. On to following The Plan.

I respect that immensely!

Needed for unity. Not ganging up on because someone pointed out Rules were Not followed due to the Buddy System, and no responsibility is taken so attacks ensue on the messenger.

After srayzie pinged others in the mod group. . .I also pinged them because I am used to hearing Both sides of a story.

srayzie explained it was not the buddy system she was only pinging them because they were mods and needed to be aware. Yet, here you are.

I took her at her word. Even gave her all her props for her hard work and what she likely puts up with; therefore, not sure what this is about or why you feel compelled to ”be brought in,” whether of your own accord or her confiding in you, or asking you. Her freedom and right btw, so don’t try to turn this into another distraction please. It is fine to have friends and support.

I then received one triggered response and a regular response simply asking why I pinged.

I don't need kid gloves, as of course I noticed she referred to my questioning and responses as a tantrum, though I never call names or belittle.

So the pretense that there is No Ganging up seems false. Just stating what I see.

People don’t like it that I attend to the facts because then I’m not reacting to their attempt of inciting responses fueled by anger.

So for context. . .are you a mod on here? Not being sarcastic, genuinely asking because otherwise. . .what was the reason for her to tell you to use "kid gloves" if you didn't decide to address me on your own?

You already admitted you don't read my material. . . so clearly you have been brought in, even though this was already addressed.

You state,

Having been around for this, him attacking you WAS the last straw for @srayzie, and him attacking srayzie was just another Tuesday for her.

I didn’t ask to be attacked by one of the unhinged share blue posers allowed free reign.

I didn’t allow him to run rampant for a year.

I wasn’t the one allowing him to also attack srayzie. She was the one who chose to allow him to continue breaking the rules, “he had a good heart.”

Bottom line. . . this is an ego situation where the Facts cannot be denied, and I am being put on a Mod vote trial for daring to point it out.

Anyone with logic and common sense can see What is going on here.

The facts are there and clear. . .he was breaking rules even by her own admission and you, of the abuse.

It stated right in the rules something to the effect of

Posts/Comments that are just insults, name calling and off topic are not welcome. It’s ok to disagree but be respectful of one another. 

You state,

And, generally speaking, the mods of PG and GA are some of the most attacked users on this website. You can be yourself, but you'll have to learn to navigate better if you don't want some retaliatory remarks to your words.

I wasn’t the one who called him out . . .he wasn’t the Only one.

I was fine taking care of myself against the attacks. There were countless attack and evidence of a posse who put together including mods that were pointed to who had also attacked.

He drew her in and even You in at one point.

Need verification? Archived post here,

Crensch response image Here

You input a prior statement I made,

No One has saved me. He was gotten rid of because he attacked you. Fair enough. . .

That Is a Fact!

Just look at the timeline! By your own admission and hers, he was attacking was it “every Tuesday?” Don’t even try it. Yes, I know that was for effect.

Even some on reddit, I’m small time so not saying a lot, but people who are Genuine Patriots saw he and others go over there and try their ploys there.

It has been verified the vicious attacks and even srayzie didn’t like it or she wouldn’t have made these posts.

So don’t try to pretend I can’t hold my own or requested help. Wasn’t requested.

Already let srayzie know I appreciated it and if I had a p.o. box, does’t matter if we disagree, I would send her a gift. Not One bit sarcastic.

Fact remains. ..she ditched him when he started calling her the C names and attacking her. Not My Fault this unhinged person ran rampant like a demon.

Evidence there were compromises from account posters, other tells, and still are. . .TheAwakening.

This is a simple case of someone not wanting to admit they were wrong about someone’s character clearly demonstrated beyond a doubt until. . .

then being furious when pointing out They chose to befriend said attacker and disregard their own rules.

You state,

Did you know that vague claims like "they attacked me" on a forum mean exactly nothing without context? People read (or try to read) what you write.

Are you writing so they understand you, or are you writing because you love seeing your thoughts show up in text?

Really? Are you writing to see your own words or maybe stroke your own ego?

Thanks for the levity! You using mean girls' tactics whisks us all back to high school.

For those of us who didn't just come out of high school. ..they don't work on us. But valiant effort.

Yes it's Voat and you own the boards, Your virtue signaling reeks of progressive behavior that Patriots are fighting against!

Looks like he attacked you also? Don't worry, I'll put your link in for you.

srayzie done with OWIHere

Here's where he got his posse after me and looks like you had issues with him too and commented under my post here,

Appears you had other run ins or info about his activities here

Why Was he Allowed Free Reign for So long when blatantly breaking the rules, wreaking havoc and causing disruptions?

Clear Cabal tactics. Why did it take so long? I believe That is a valid question as he wasn't furthering the cause nor unity.

Shooting the messenger or trying to rearrange the facts to cover ones hide. . .does not work with people dedicated to Truth.

Facts cannot be twisted. Yes, you can all try. . .evidence is there.

Mistakes happen. Trying to get me to take the blame for someone else’s mistake or at least their decision to not comply with their own set forth rules does not make them a bad person.

Should ust own up to it rather than doing this ganging up bit.

Once again, I gave srayzie All her dues, so not sure what more you are wanting from me? .

Not going to lie to appease the mods!

Another phrase you pulled out.

Never reciprocated and from what I could see, was not demanded of them as it Was for me!

Then asked for Source,

I have an email where I was specifically told to interact more, even though I do and many times people Don’t interact with me,

That was a stipulation because the share blue trolls attempted to distract and level false claims. Worked because I was the one given a stipulation that isn’t even in the rules. Yet they were allowed to break the rules for at least a year.

Was also told concerning yet another media matters poser after he Attacked me, not other way around. . .when I defended myself was told I could go elsewhere.

I’m a big girl, I Never Said I was going anywhere, not ran off so easily just because one has made friends with posers known to pull the wool over people’s eyes.

Now if I put that email up. . .I will be ridiculed for revealing info considered confidential where things were said about others.

Not taking the bait!

For your other accusations or if you want to call them your personal observations, . . .

Clear mod bias.

Using the same rules of the elitists where the mods may have Their Say but if the subordinates, posters. . .

dare speak truth and it doesn’t coincide with the picture mods are trying to paint, we will be ganged up on, belittled and attempts made to force submission.

You may say that’s just Voat. Okay then, don’t be triggered when we call out the blatant Buddy System and media matters personnel too easily being allowed free reign.

Thus is needed. . .TheAwakening

If I am banned, when All of you were allowed to speak your mind. . .Proves my Point.

I handled all of you with kid gloves.. I have given srayzie and the mods their due props and taken responsibility.

Mods don't Have to take responsibility for actions. . .Their board, but don't expect us to take the blame for Your actions or lack thereof,

then pretend. . .it is something other than what it is!

I have provided

  • more evidence

  • some of Your Own evidence

Need any more Context?

Crensch ago

@shizy @think- @Vindicator @kevdude

It stated right in the rules something to the effect of

Posts/Comments that are just insults, name calling and off topic are not welcome. It’s ok to disagree but be respectful of one another.


You state,

And, generally speaking, the mods of PG and GA are some of the most attacked users on this website. You can be yourself, but you'll have to learn to navigate better if you don't want some retaliatory remarks to your words.


I wasn’t the one who called him out . . .he wasn’t the Only one.

Are you literally retarded? Who? Who is "him" who else if "he" wasn't the only one?


I was fine taking care of myself against the attacks. There were countless attack and evidence of a posse who put together including mods that were pointed to who had also attacked.

You don't have the faintest clue what an attack looks like here. Not even a little. OWI was nothing but a whiny little bitch that seems to have become the center of your pathetic little world. He's a mentally-ill, diaper-wearing soyboy that shits and pisses himself when someone confronts him with your aforementioned facts and evidence.

... which means you confronted him with neither.

I know this to be a fact, because I made him delete his own submissions by doing exactly that.

He drew her in and even You in at one point.


Need verification? Archived post here,

This is what you choose to present evidence/context of? Something completely fucking irrelevant to anything?

Your priority list is as fucked as your writing skills.

No One has saved me. He was gotten rid of because he attacked you. Fair enough. . .

That Is a Fact!

No, it's your completely baseless opinion. You've not supported that at all, and instead insist that you know what @srayzie is thinking better than she does.

Just look at the timeline! By your own admission and hers, he was attacking was it “every Tuesday?” Don’t even try it. Yes, I know that was for effect.

Read that sentence, you egotistical fronthole. You write like a retard trying to speak. MAYBE, at BEST, some airheaded bimbo valley girl sans the "like" and "totally" and "as if" and gum chewing, but even those girls could both write and speak better than what you're typing out here.

And with that, I'm going to skip to some highlights. You're nothing but a blowhard that likes to see your words written down and feel like you've accomplished something when your comments could be maybe 10 lines of content instead of 80 with little nuggets of turd that someone interested would have to clean off to find useful.

Already let srayzie know I appreciated it and if I had a p.o. box, does’t matter if we disagree, I would send her a gift. Not One bit sarcastic.

Nobody cares. I don't care. I don't care if you're srayzie's best friend now. I will continue to mock you for the same reason I started - because I want to.

Fact remains. ..she ditched him when he started calling her the C names and attacking her. Not My Fault this unhinged person ran rampant like a demon.

Like a child, you blame her for that weakling sticking around because he hurt your feelings.

Or maybe...

Are you writing to see your own words or maybe stroke your own ego?

Evidence there were compromises from account posters, other tells, and still are. . .TheAwakening.

Not a sentence. Not a complete thought. Not without GIVING you extra words to try and make it appear that way. Do writers need the reader to add words to their text?

This is a simple case of someone not wanting to admit they were wrong about someone’s character clearly demonstrated beyond a doubt until. . .

Another non-complete thought.

then being furious when pointing out They chose to befriend said attacker and disregard their own rules.

No evidence of anyone being furious.

Really? Are you writing to see your own words or maybe stroke your own ego?

If you were as good at writing as me, you'd have a reason to write as much as you do. As it stands, you just look like a rambling retard.

Do you even know why people write?

Thanks for the levity! You using mean girls' tactics whisks us all back to high school.

I bet it sucked being the nerdy girl that wasn't even smart to make up for your social awkwardness.

For those of us who didn't just come out of high school. ..they don't work on us. But valiant effort.

Someone just out of high school would know how to use ellipsis - and probably know that it's overused by illiterate betas and cunts that can't properly punctuate their words.

Yes it's Voat and you own the boards, Your virtue signaling reeks of progressive behavior that Patriots are fighting against!

Nobody owns Voat except Putt. I'm a goat, and I'll do what I want irrespective of your shaming tactics.

You're not a patriot, you're an ungrateful cunt that was given a participation trophy in a writing competition, so you think you have a talent for writing when all you really do is the equivalent of vomiting on the screen and expecting people to understand what you said.

Looks like he attacked you also? Don't worry, I'll put your link in for you.

I wrecked that little bitch in ways you never could.

Here's where he got his posse after me and looks like you had issues with him too and commented under my post here,

Why is it you whip out the links and context and antecedents for things nobody would have any arguments against, or trouble understanding?

Why Was he Allowed Free Reign for So long when blatantly breaking the rules, wreaking havoc and causing disruptions?

Why do you think you're owed an answer? @srayzie doesn't owe you shit. Ever. For any reason.

You wanting an answer to this is a scathing indictment of your fragile mental state, and your feelings of entitlement. You feel entitled to an answer, yet you have done nothing to deserve one.

And there IS an answer. A good one. One you will probably never understand because you're too weak to even dream of becoming a goat, much less belonging here in a lesser capacity.

I'd answer it here, but it'll just get buried in bullshit because you can't stop mouthing off nonsense long enough to get to the fucking point. If you want an answer, respond, in ONE comment with ONE question about this - otherwise I'll assume you don't really want an answer, you just want your victim status to bitch about.

Clear Cabal tactics. Why did it take so long? I believe That is a valid question as he wasn't furthering the cause nor unity.

Nobody gives a fuck about your questions or conclusions. You've not shown yourself to be anything but mentally unstable.

Shooting the messenger or trying to rearrange the facts to cover ones hide. . .does not work with people dedicated to Truth.

You couldn't handle the truth, which is why you write character-limit comments in response to 1-2 paragraphs.

Facts cannot be twisted. Yes, you can all try. . .evidence is there.

All the evidence is there, and if you had the skills to write succinctly, they'd be presented to you in a way you could understand - then you could decided whether to eat crow and apologize, or continue to be a cunt and double down on your own stupidity.

As it stands, with all your baffle-with-bullshit crap, you'll never have the opportunity for the former.

Mistakes happen. Trying to get me to take the blame for someone else’s mistake or at least their decision to not comply with their own set forth rules does not make them a bad person.

You are the mistake. Everything you've said and done has been nothing but a mistake. You can't even write properly - what the fuck makes you think you don't deserve the blame?

Should ust own up to it rather than doing this ganging up bit.

I'm a gang of one. You brought this on yourself, and you've no one to blame but yourself.

Once again, I gave srayzie All her dues, so not sure what more you are wanting from me? .



And honestly, if you can't do all of that, you should quit writing.

Not going to lie to appease the mods!

I don't care about you, your lies, or what you have with the mods.

I have an email where I was specifically told to interact more, even though I do and many times people Don’t interact with me,

I'm going to do my good deed for the year and explain to you exactly why that is.

NOBODY WANTS TO READ YOUR WALLS OF TEXT. They're NOT well written, well thought out, interesting, and most of the time don't make any goddamn sense.

MOST people will just stop reading and move on - not even voting on your words because they think you're possibly retarded or otherwise mentally infirm, and don't want to start shit with someone that puts so much effort into stupidity. They'll think you might put that effort into stalking/harassing them if they do.

Your words suck. Your thoughts suck. You can't communicate your thoughts to other people given your skill with writing.

He might have been a liar, wrong, stupid, retarded, paid, mentally ill, drunk, or whatever, but I'll say this:

@Oh_Well_Ian is a better writer than you.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

TLDR I'm busy dealing with Baal not his puppets which appear to be increasingly psychotic. YIKES!

srayzie ago


As God is my witness, I’ve never read even half of a comment or post of yours because you are wayyyy too long winded. It must have taken you half a day to come up with all the insults you’ve sent my way. Plus the lame links.

So, you can take your TLDR and shove it up your hypocrite ass.

srayzie ago

Him? What happened to the Christian lady I knew? You sure threw Jesus out the door. Now you want to cause division in the Q community as well, because I didn’t stop someone from “picking on you” enough. You’re a grown ass adult. Several times I did defend you. You twisted that by saying it was about me. If that were the case, why don’t I do that for a lot of other people?

You need to hit the Bible again. You are one of the most manipulative judgemental Christians I’ve ever met. You’re the kind that makes people not want to go to church. They see hypocrites as their example. That’s what you are. I honestly think you need some meds too. You seriously seem bipolar.

My suggestion for you is make an appointment with mental health and take your dusty bible out of the closet.

Crensch ago

@srayzie @shizy @MolochHunter @think- @Vindicator

This is the level of this user. When responded to in kind, they go low-effort.

@ArtistiqueJewelry, you've shown yourself to be a coward that cannot take what you dish out in quantity, cannot dream of keeping up in quality, and worst of all...

cannot handle someone not using kid gloves on you.

You're a clown, and I have decided to continue mocking you mercilessly until you formulate a proper response to the comment above.

Crensch ago

Kek - 5-ping limit.

@ArtistiqueJewelry see parent, you Jewish cunt.

Crensch ago

TLDR I'm busy dealing with Baal not his puppets which appear to be increasingly psychotic. YIKES!

Expecting everyone else to read your 80,000 word horseshit, but when someone responds in kind, and takes the kid-gloves off as you wanted, this is all you have to respond with.

srayzie ago

Oh, I’m gonna enjoy making memes. It’s such a joy to give back. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Once I reply and give them the link, others end up spreading the joy as well. :)