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darkknight111 ago

Donkey is much more toxic around here and a general disruptive asshat who shows up just to disrupt. Perhaps this banning should be a precident to justify giving that jackass and his many alts the boot.

srayzie ago

Donkey is no where compared to oh_Well_ian. Ian appears to want to help and posts good things. Then he ruthlessly attacks everyone who disagrees with him. He makes people afraid to post and want to leave. He’s also made several submission rule violations. Submission posts are a lot bigger deal than comments when it comes to banning.

Donkey is just a retard that nobody listens to. I can’t just ban people for being annoying. I CAN, but it’s not good to because then we are looked at like Reddit. People come out of the woodwork and attack the sub for doing things like that. It’s not as easy as it sounds.

Blacksmith21 ago

I've been sitting back waiting to see how this plays out before throwing in my .02:

As I see it:

  • I have had PM exchanges with both Srayzie and Ian. I personally harbor no ill will against either. And frankly, I generally like both of them without exception, based on both PM and post comments.

  • There are forces out there working hard to divide and separate us in all sorts of manners. Right now - the usual shills are sitting back laughing their asses off at us.

  • Outside of the immediate v/GA (and v/PG) Voat communities, we shouldn't give a shit about external commentary on this matter.

  • There is no way to prove/disprove comments made towards one another outside of open posts. PM comments are exactly that - Private Messages - and can be faked without a recourse. I'm not accusing anyone of anything, just stating fact.

  • A sub like GA needs new content frequently in order to retain interest. Hopefully, the posts are conducive to the mission and provide an opportunity for productive dialogue, further contributing to our understanding of The Great Awakening. Ian has done a great job keeping relevant content coming over the GA transom.

  • Likewise, Srayzie has done a great job keeping GA running on a skeleton crew. And like many of us, she has a real life, complete with all the commitments, stresses, and asshole IRL. Sometimes that can spill over here. I know it does with me.

Having said all of that, I do not condone speaking to another person, much less a woman, in the way that his been portrayed here. And I'm confident Ian has a real life too, which may have contributed to his responses. (I'm making the assumption that statements in the OP are factual)

The solution is to reinstate Ian, based on his contribution history. And you two need to sort things out - privately. Don't air dirty laundry for shills to see. We are supposedly adults here.

If there are unsaid allegations pertaining to shilling, deception, trickery, subversion, etc. - then make the accusations here in public and hash it out and let the chips fall where they may.

srayzie ago

That’s because people can’t stand him. Now he’s calling me a Jew. He’s never done that. They either attack me because of my gender or call me a Jew. Lol.

I agree tho. I guess I kind of white knighted both of them because me @Shizy both think he has mental illness. Well look where that got me. It pissed me off seeing him treat a good woman like that tho.

I used to be that thin skinned user and cried when you and @Crensch tore into me! 😂 Donkey’s who toughened me up. I told her before to ignore him, but DAMN. He was brutal!

MolochHunter ago

im just here for the liberal application of downvoats

Kekalicious ago

I thought someone said there was pie?

MolochHunter ago

yerrrsss ... I always got along fine with him until about a month ago. Then he got really ... terse. and curmudgeonly. Like, over really minor things

I never experienced the shit he dealt out to others, though

i_scream_trucks ago

you know what i hate to say it.... but you know how people have laughed about 'kek' magic and shit for a while... multiple numbers on posts etc.....

youd kind of wonder how people could game that system with the whole 'trips says what position i shag ur mom in' etc and it appears completely random...

but im starting to wonder if someone behind the scenes is just plain able to queue something to automatically post when the post numbering system on the chans reaches the number you want your post to be -

i.e. - op is demonstrating they can control it. op posts thread stating i dont know... 'double says how long i can last with my dick on my hand before i lose it'

op then goes to post with his little tool - 'OP wont even get his dick out and jizz in his pants - Wait until - Post No - xxxxxxx88

a bunch of other people are replying to that thread and others around the board, and the number goes up, but the reply that OP has posted will not actually be posted to the board, until xxxxxxxx87 and then their xx88 post goes up, and bang, according to this fucking magic, the official ruling is that OP cannot get his pants off before he makes a mess of them.

i would say the same could be applied to media posts.... theyre just posting them ahead of time and can 'pre-book' exactly what identifying details are 'randomly' or 'systematically' assigned to them.

srayzie ago

You seem really confused by how all this works BRO. What reply have I posted? I’m not an insider genius. I just put it all together. It’s clear you are unfamiliar so go shag somewhere else.

srayzie ago

op then goes to post with his little tool - 'OP wont even get his dick out and jizz in his pants

For those who know me, this is pretty funny. 😁🤨

srayzie ago

It started here...

Ian was AGGRESIVELY attacking @ArtistiqueJewelry. He was saying awful things to her. She’s not the crude type. She’s a good Christian lady who makes YouTube videos and steemit articles. Ian loses it over her. He’s attacked her before just as aggressively. She wrote me and thought about leaving. I asked her to participate here more if she was going to post her steemit articles. That way she establishes credibility. She has done that and she usually does good work and barely makes a dime. Her replies to him aren’t even vulgar. So why he gets so angry over this lady is beyond me.

Expand the tree...
Ian’s attacking her

I stood up for her and told him how I couldn’t believe how he was treating her. That he has been accused several times for shilling, etc...
Here is my comment.

I log back on a little later and see that Ian had been attacking me, @Shizy, and @Crensch. Even accusing me and Shizy of being the SAME person...
Ian’s comments

This is Ian’s response. Follow this thread all the way down and you will see where I banned him. Expand tree...
Intense thread

Then he started sending me private messages... The screenshots don’t show the correct time. It’s always messed up for me...
Private messages

I’ve had it out with Ian before. We moved on and were good for months. I’ve always thought Ian had some sort of mental illness, so ai took more from him than I normally would.
Here is that fight

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

These are the links that I wasn't allowed to submit in comment for some reason.

They won't submit whether linking or pasting the url so I just did the last specification with number.

Tried that, not working, going to give you the part in reddit where I responded.
Reddit link with attacker links Here

Also as far as Srayzie telling me to comment more. . .when I do, I get very little to no feedback back and was always fine with that. I don't always get people commenting on my posts and I just assumed it was a Free Country. I would Never think of forces others to interact with me or comment, yet I was singled out and told to do so. Many times there are enemies I have even upvoted included Orwell and EC and they simply continue their hate.

I feel I have tried to go above and beyond. I don't expect others to do the same. . .I know better, I know how most of humanity is. . .but there are Still those Worth saving!

That is Not to say I don't notice the Good People! I value them and thank God for them every day. There Are the Only hope and many don't even realize it yet!

srayzie ago

Well at least he’s gone now.

Sometimes certain domains aren’t allowed here. Such as this. I have it in one I’d the stickies...

Q Research Graphics Library
Nearly 18,000 Memes and Infographs Searchable by Subject
https:// mega. nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ

See how I put a space between the following...

You put a space in these spots so that it doesn’t make a clickable link. Then you can post it.

https:// (space) mega

mega (space) nz?

See the spaces now?
https:// mega. nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ

That should work.

Make sure you understand that the Voat site rules say that only 5 out of 10 posts are allowed that link to a website that you’re associated with.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Okay, Thank you!

I understand. At this point it doesn't matter that others don't understand the no censors and that eventually many are moving to steemit to escape. The truth is more important than ease of use on a platform.
My goal is not to cause added stress, so will do what it takes to further the truth going forward.

I will do my best to just paste in the rough notes. Are we allowed to put our twitter thread or do they think we are being paid from twitter?

When I tried to post in my own twitter thread which is under TestingTheNarrative because they suspended and have not returned my original artistiqueJ twitter account with no reason except we all knew they didn't like me calling out their protected pedo accounts while censoring the rest of us.

When I posted the screen shots from the thread into the reddit GA someone posted the original link thinking I took it from somewhere else. They were nice about it, but then had to explain it was my link and wasn't sure if people liked being redirected to my own twitter thread outside of reddit.

They felt it was easier to go ahead and post the twitter thread link. But not sure if that will pan out well on here as I don't want people to think the twitter thread requires a paid for link as I was accused in steemit.

If it is better to just paste the screenshots in here, I will do so. Trying to do what it takes to get the truth out. Things are ramping up much faster than people realize and it all has to do with what DARPA already possesses and is able to control.

Sorry Orwell went after you. I know you realize it wasn't personal. I noticed he dealt with others the same way.
Sadly, he is not the last, will likely resurface under another name and already has a joint posse going.

I don't mind them down voting my stuff or even disagreeing, the attacks are unwarranted against most I see him attack. It's okay to agree to disagree.

I don't feel his behavior helps the cause, but instead hinders.

I realize you took care of it. Godspeed!

srayzie ago

Yes. Just a minute.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Really? You're making this out to be a public service announcement? Or maybe this thread is all about stroking your ego because you decided to bad him from this sub when the final confrontation happened in v/whatever.

Shady as fuck seeing as you claim to be a mod on the up and up.

srayzie ago

Oh, Miss Psycho Broad...

Surprise surprise. You’re butting in and causing drama. If you want me to share the attack on me that you pulled the other day where you made an absolute fool out of yourself, then have at it. You added to all the attacks I had for 3 weeks and you made claims that were not true. So, then you accuse me and other mods of deleting it from your inbox, as if we cen even do that. I’ve ignored you ever since.

I’ve had MANY people here ask me to ban him. He’s one of the most active users. So yes, I announced it. People are going to wonder where he is and I’m not going to dedicate a whole post to him alone.

Stop being an attention whore. This isn’t even about you, but of course you want to make it about you. Get a life.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

That's how you respond to a comment that is genuine and well stated? You're a fucking joke.

Crensch ago

That's you being genuine and well-stated?


You're just not capable of better than accusations of special powers and calling out shitposts as if they're real, are you?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

You want to talk about shitposting? Let's talk about you shilling and trying to smear content. I don't believe it's very responsible of a mod who's here to find truth to crap all over a thread that has good info in it. At least a mod with more brains than you found value in my thread way before you started shitting all over it for no other reason than you have a personal vendetta against me. You are too destructive to be in a mod position., archived:

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Ian had been pushing it for a while. The point of Ian was a subversive attack to cause disillusion with this Sub. This sub is not about srayzie or Ian. This sub doesn't need a "Host" or a leader. Ian was pumping the stream with post. he was posting A LOT. He was becoming a powerful force, it doesn't matter what kind of force, as in for good or evil. It's just that his activity was myriad and he was super active. Most people were interacting and or reading his opinions regularly here. He was becoming a fixture.... a noisy fixture, and was ripe for leading young lambs astray. All he had to do was activate. srayzie just says hey guys Q posted, She has some good help running pings for her but that seems about it. From there we see a diverse group of commenters. But Ian was a working hard on this sub, when we all know that our most valuable work is in out reach, not in being a Sub whore. So what was he after? Whatever it was he nor the sub needed it.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I've always respected you on the board, but what you're saying doesn't make sense. GA truly doesn't have many people posting on it, so he was helping the board by providing content. Just go to the other PG subs where nobody except one to three people were submitting threads, they're basicly dead now.

The problem I have is that this is supposed to be a free speech platform moderated by people with good intentions that do not punish members because they are rude to them on a different board, so they ban them on the board that they're modding.

Let's say that srayzie is the manager of a convenience store. I'm a regular customer there, but I run into her at the grocery store where we're both customers and we argue, so she bans me from being allowed to shop at the convenience store she manages.

Crayzie and Cro magnon Man are loose cannons that need to go to the same mod purgatory as Millennial_Falcon.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

This is not the case. What Ian was doing was challenging her. If he insulted her by saying she was a fat bitch I wouldn't give two shits. They could fight it out I don't care. But there is no reason to start drama. He doesn't bring cold hard facts of how she is a detriment to the sub other than after his antagonizing she folds on her principals. He went on the attack and was wrong. Unless someone can point to me where strazy was flipping over something that had nothing to do with the integrity of the sub. Ian was like an Alex Jones of this sub. He provided entertainment as a way to get credibility. We all like being entertained, but the entertainer then takes on a role as an authority over time in our minds when we give them favor. End of the day this is why anonymized subs are best. Each comment weighed on it's own merits.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

So, we can't challenge the mods?

I think it should be a general rule of thumb that we can challenge what the authorities here say and do. One of the mods recently sent me a PM that was meant for another mod and it was very disparaging of me. If you don't think the mods are ganging up on members because one or two mods don't like how they're being talked to, I hope you see it sooner rather than later.

Shizy ago

You should post the PM of a mod talking crap about you.

RIPJem ago



They have specifically targeted users who know The Truth or expose their Evil ways. They must control the narrative at all costs to keep everyone from knowing what is THE REAL TRUTH.

The Hit Pieces on Jenny Moore that Srayzie and others launched after Jenny are obvious examples of their Agenda. Srayzie Betrayed Jenny and spread lies about her after she was gone and could not defend herself. Srayzie, other Mods, and their ignorant and corrupt army of followers all piled on by attacking, slandering, lying, downvoting, threatening anyone who stood up for Jenny Moore and The Truth.


There is much more to this story.

Who did Jenny Moore return to Voat to meet with? What happened? Why are George's videos so different from the thousands of others he created?


RIP Jenny Moore.

fartyshorts ago

Twitter is getting pretty interesting, most political posts have lots of Q-related replies. 😁

EricKaliberhall ago

Tack srayzie!

derram ago :

Twitter :

Lisa Mei Crowley on Twitter: "1. Docs requested/subpoenaed by Goodlatte in Mar were under review to ensure no grand jury info, info re: ongoing investigations, privileged attorney-client comms. Huber's team empaneled a grand jury 51K+ sealed indictments ago!…"

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