Enigmatic_Continuum ago

So, I decided to look deeper into her Steemit account to see if I could find any original content as she has not provided any per my request. I have not found any, and have decided to take the opportunity now to substantiate my claims.

See here how she made $15.30 by regurgitating info that others have posted, which includes videos, Tweets, and other connections other Voat members have established through their own tireless research.

Notice how her paragraphs are simplistic and she doesn't expand on the material and evidence she's provided by venturing into any original analysis.


All of the video evidence she provides have been created by someone else.

To drive my point home, she also mentions the CEMEX connection, but this has been ripped from other sources and still doesn't expand into any original analysis as demonstrated by these two Voat threads, which demonstrates original thinking and analysis by two different Voat members.



@Crensch @srayzie @Vindicator

Can we start cracking down on people who are using Voat to make money by ripping off others' content and spamming the boards on Voat to funnel traffic to Steemit to generate revenue? I can hardly believe, no, I CAN believe that she's making almost $10 dollars by creating a thread where all she's doing is bitching (ex. the Steemit thread this Voat thread is linking to). She'll stop at nothing to make a dime, and now that she knows that crying, bitching, and being a lowly drama queen/victim beings in bucks, nobody on Voat is safe from her using them as an example to protect her income stream.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

This Boom, Boom, Boom post was just One at the Start of a series of articles and reports that he has picked out. He continues to point at one thing and not look at the whole body of work done in parts (the bird's eye view effect rather than the Big Picture). I did several reports and articles related to this important group Vets on Patrol actively trying to help these children who are being trafficked at the Arizona border. The research gathered is shared out among all social media platforms as we are to spread and share far and wide. Of course I am using info I see all over as do others, that is the idea. . . spread info.

I read All Q posts myself and interact with a variety of people on various platforms collaborating, gathering and disseminating information. I watch the videos (generally the entirety to be fully discerning and gather clips), I go to the sources myself to vet and simply try to connect the dots not just for others who are like minded, but also for the general public who need desperately to see connections. So many turn a blind eye and at times it must be spoon fed and drawn together to make it more palatable.

I went on to do reports (the steemit is really what I used to just put in my personal notes) I realized there was a way to share it and refer back to it for questions in one place complete with the photos, video evidence/testimony and links. I like things organized if possible so it is easier to find. Plus, not everyone wants to watch or listen to a vid report, some like me, prefer to Read! This gives people another medium to Wake Up. That is the goal.

Not always easy to do everything at once nor put everything in One article. I expanded a great deal on that particular first article he is trying to call out. It is the same as when I see some just post a Q drop and Not expand on it because something is going on and they can't get to it. I don't have a problem with that. Maybe they will expand at a later time or on a different one because Life gets in the way. I Never attack people for that. I thought we were here to work, share, support, build up. . .not allow attackers to harass those on the side of Good. I did go on to expand as I did numerous articles and videos on the subject drawing out more evidence.

Did reports and articles in the face of naysayers on Both sides of the Spectrum, so not a popular subject, took a lot of heat for it because I don't just speak on popular topics, but on what I am compelled for truth's sake to report.

Here are the follow up reports where I did in depth research, scanned the areas and did a comprehensive intro to what the VOP had discovered by watching all the clips I sourced myself, putting their findings also in written form because not all who must work want to sift through the videos. I also watched first hand numerous live feeds from this group so I could get a feel and discern who they were. I went on and did in depth research, much of which I Have Not Seen anywhere else on the Casa de los Ninos and their connections. Can't always do a video report, as many on here I do tons so sometimes it is just in a steemit article. Still takes a Great Deal of Time.

As proof here are the many videos I have done on this group and their cause and why I believe them to be legit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gxb97PBpyiU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGAUUlhieao Operation Backyard Brawl Tucson industry surrounding, CEMEX Photos, links, background info https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kmIZLPPrOU

Also many times my reports are based on a need for questions being asked out there not Just in Voat land, but in the general public where we are supposed to be red pilling as I found a need for this next one related to the VOP. What is Operation Backyard Brawl? Can the VOP be trusted and what are they doing in Tucson? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuagtYcipCY Backyard Brawl Can you trust the VOP in Tucson? Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FHzZL31AFA VOP Operation Backyard Brawl and Craig Sawyer Part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYeMDfAB8tc

Here is one where yes, others may have attended to this topic which first appeared on 4chan back in 2017, but I went into great detail on other Casa de los Ninos places, instagrams, connections, facebook, etc and gave the general public photos to show what their facilities look like and what they say to be about. Isn't that what Q told us to do? Dig deeper! I believe I also touched on the Charity gig as many corruptors use it for a front for their evil doings. My titles don't by any means always reveal the depth and all the angles I cover.

I show this as evidence that I do my own work. There are others that share info already out there, but needs to be spread. I do my best to connect work I see whether on any source to information I am researching. We can't possibly see it all and the more people sharing. . .the better.

I state all of this and produce evidence because my character has been attacked. I am the one who was called out even by people knowing about the attack, while the attacker was allowed free reign. That is a red flag to me.

I have been told to ignore, and I usually do, and won't have to state my case again, as I have documented all of this and will refer to it, for the next attacker. As there Will be More, probably Many More.

I realize we truth tellers will stand on our own, the problem is we are working within a Cabal system and the saying, "tell a lie often enough. . ." You know the rest, still has an affect on people and No one is completely shielded, even if they perceive themselves to be. There is a need to defend when one's character and credibility are attacked at this level.

Others who have been here longer and have already gone through this process expecting me to just ignore (well, they already got to initially defend themselves, and that is the part of the journey I am presented with now). I will continue to ignore most, as I have done many times, but my full side should be heard at least once, especially since I don't have a record of constantly reporting people and generally deal with situations on my own. In this case the attacker is tattling when he doesn't like me defending myself and I was the one called out by a mod even though all evidence was not looked at first. The attacker, was not called out though he blatantly broke the rules established in the sidebar of the sub.

I would wager those who have been here longer, had to break through first and defend themselves. Once they were more established and here longer, they don't have a need to (why should I be denied the chance to defend when these attacks are posted all over my posts now?). I am usually fighting for the same right to express and defend myself fully at least once.

In other words if you all are called out about me again and someone accuses me, I won't be stating my case because Now I have given evidence as to who I am, no need to rehash. We all have more important issues to attend to. If anyone forgets who I am, I will just bring up my notes gathered from this case to remind. No one has the time for all of this. . .well except for the vital content on groups like VOP being important. I conclude this and am getting back to work on what is Really Important.

Yes, I realize if the attacker is a well, disguised wolf in sheep's clothing, he carried out his goal quite nicely. There is value in it though. I won't have to go through presenting my case for my body of work and commitment to the cause as I have gathered evidence and backed up my commitment to this important movement. If anyone needs further evidence of consistency and transparency my youtube channel is here. Go to the comments and see what people as a whole think of me and what is important to me. Godspeed! https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=artistique+jewelry

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Stop with your diatribes. I don't have time to read long winded posts from you. I'm sticking to my original opinion about your threads and need to drive traffic to your Steemit account. Everything you post, I've seen posted by other people first and the "analysis" you offer is mid-grade at best.

Please, take the money you're earning and use it to print address labels that say "Pizzagate is Real" or other simple phrases and post them to bathroom walls and gas station fuel pumps. You can also use your earnings to print up fliers and hand them out directly or leave them on library tables to help wake the masses. You're earning money by reporting on PG as best you know how and I hope you do the honorable thing by taking your earnings and putting it back into the movement. If you're pocketing the money for your own personal use, I wish you nothing good.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I do not follow your orders! I have never received one cent and God, my Creator knows it, really that is all that matters.

I answer to God and follow His order and His orders only. The last time someone tried to usurp His authority it did not work out well. He thinks it did, but he won't win in the end I assure you!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Enigmatic_Continuum Already submitted part 1 which will probably end up below this. This is Part 2 Took the time to give an honest response and state my case with evidence, so would appreciate you taking the time to read. I looked at so many angles in this, probably no upvotes in steemit, but didn't matter, I reached people when I spread it around and people tell me they appreciate the in depth research on my youtube channel and in other platforms. Just because there are many haters on voat (not all, there are some amazing people here) doesn't mean quality people don't value my hard work and dedication. https://steemit.com/avicii/@artistiquejewels/avicii-the-timeline-leading-up-to-his-death-and-interesting-events-advocate-for-ending-child-sex-trafficking

When I did part 1 and 2 of Avicii and the timeline leading up to his death on my youtube channel I got this comment, "Alotta folks on here doin commentary are just unbearable. Yer actually easy to follow, and concise- which is about as elusive as subtlety on here. Dont stop." . You can verify I'm not just making it up, by going to the link and scrolling down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMv96ju_suE

My videos are so long and detailed I had someone say once they weren't willing to invest 2 hours, but started listening and got absorbed. That is because I cover a Lot of information, odd angles and Connect the Dots!

I am not sure why I have to defend my character to you when I have been covering topics like this for well over a year and a half. Why would I do that for not a ton of views, zero payment and constantly lowered in search result by YT while being censored?
What Qanon has been trying to tell us and how it connects to the SOTU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkoAqEqORb8

Go look at the videos, my channel. I know you won't watch them because you hate me for some unknown reason, but at least read the comments to see what people say about me, have been saying about me consistently for well over a year. I am trying to fight the literal war between Good and Evil. A war that isn't about flesh and blood, but against the powers of the air and darkness. Why do you despise that? Q latest drops breakdown Helicopter Crash their connections, Why Schiff is so shifty on memo . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGPTT1gqVKg

Here are two video reports where I covered the most vile rings I had never heard about and I make sure I go in depth as much as possible. That is why there is generally more than one part. A Pedophile Ring for the Privileged and Powerful Biggest Political Scandal Establishment cover-ups https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CnZOB6mAng

Here is one about the Bible, since you have questioned whether I am a Free Mason. I am not, I know the evil. The steemit article link is in the comments of the report to verify that I do my own research, yes, I cover other people because the sources give it credence.
Ban the Bible? Is this true? What is the baphomet? Are Pedo Groups really out there? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5PcFRTEFAw

I did this back in 2017 and just now seeing more people post about this topic. How did I get this from other's posts, when I was reporting on it last year? Pedophile Acceptance Culture those aiding the cause and Child Robot Makers, Buyers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01i35_fxZ3U

Robot marriage, children and some already living with the family as a companion to dad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irObsu8Tioo

In this one I covered all kinds of angles I wasn't hearing anywhere else, but I do close myself off when I am studying and stay away from the tv, so not sure if anyone got into the tunnels, who owned another interesting hotel well the Royal Saudi Air Force was training and literally replaced almost everyone in their hotel including artwork. They had connections to some of that staff in the Mandalay Bay and same board members for these hotels. 11 Saudi princes Arrested and tie into Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Connections https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ng6Ym1jof8

I've tackled AI and blockchain though not popular subject areas because people like this currency And important to cover because it all Connects to the Big Picture of the Cabal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0C8NEiclXA

I have covered the most gruesome of topics and have tried to give parents tips on how to steer clear of the pedophile culture which is literally everywhere Australian well known reporter arrested Pedophile charges, Pedogate issues for Parents tips to help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XHMm-imAic

There are more links. Been doing this well before I started putting my notes, thoughts and connections into a blogging platform.
You can check out my channel and see what people have to say. Some hate and despise me as you do, but my subs judge people as I do, by their fruit and actions. No one on this plane is perfect, but I strive to do what I am called to do because this realm will fade away, but people, children. . .they should not be a commodity and need to be saved!

I don’t post all I do on Voat. I am doing more of my current writing, findings and reports, but have not by any means posted all I do. My is here and all I request is that you check me out before you attack further. Thank you and Godspeed. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=artistique+jewelry

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Enigmatic_Continuum Part 1 Since I am taking the time to give a sincere response with evidence and links to verify what I am saying, I would appreciate you taking the time to read this. Since you can only put so much here, and I have a lot of evidence, I will be posting it in two parts. Thus another reason among many I use the steemit platform to have everything in one place, as I am usually drawing connections which takes a great deal of space, evidence, links, etc. I'm not sure why you are attacking someone like me on the side of Good. I didn't owe you an explanation as you attacked me for No Reason, but I gave you one.

I have already explained before that Steemit is convenient place to place content and share it out without having to use imgur or other outside sources.

I don't just share here, but I share, educate and reach people on many platforms, not just in closed groups. I work a job as others do, so have to be efficient with my time.

Keep checking back, I have never once changed in the little amounts of steem those articles register because I don't own any cryptocurrency or blockchain accounts. Wouldn't even know how as all my time is consumed spreading the Truth message in an effort to Wake people Up! Lost family and friends and have given up everything I used to do or know to further the cause.

People on Voat are also sharing links and others videos, not just original content, so why are you targeting me specifically?

The movement was supposed to be about people working together and sharing out all pertinent information whether it was theirs or not. I share other videos because I can't do it all and the videos are vital to wake those up asking questions. I sometimes make a post on steemit so I don't have to rewrite and have found this very effective to refer back to in order to be efficient with time. . .as I am working and still rearing a family.

This doesn't mean I don't have my own original content. I do All my own research including my own reading of any q posts and breadcrumbs. I go out and dig deeper as Q has advised. I literally spend hours, so your attack is unfair and unfounded. Many on here share out links, videos articles they find, why are you not attacking them or holding yourself to the same standard? I truly don't understand.

The attack on no original content is more than unfounded and those who look through my record, not just on Voat, but at what I do with a channel that receives zero compensation, (that is a choice as people have requested to donate), more than speaks for my character and what I am about. Truth is far more valuable to save people than money. I support myself in a completely separate manner and pay my own way. It is beyond unfair to be accused of doing the very opposite of what I do. I thought that is what this group was for, to support one another in the same cause and attack based on assumptions.

You already attacked me because you don't like that I specify the one True God, and you don't have the context because you have not listened to my reports for a year and a half. I cannot explain in each video all the background, I repeat at times, but people will grow weary of it. It is not my fault you don't know my background, but why do you feel you have a right to accuse me of something just based on your extreme hatred of me as a person? You don't know me. I don't go around attacking you or anyone else on here for their relationship with God.

As far as original content, I already gave you examples, so you are not being truthful! Here are more!

What you perceive to be topics already covered, I may cover some info heard in other sources just like everyone else, but there are numerous articles and most reports where I go in depth while covering other angles. Many times angles and rabbit holes others are not attending to. You simply can't tell because I can't possibly fit it all in the title.

For example on this Casa de los Ninos, I go into their instagram and look at other locations, areas, schools connected, magnet schools and the local report of the pedo affiliated. It is not my fault that you make assumptions and don't read the entire thing. The steemit platform allows me to share pictures, video and info instantly and that is important with the volume of corruption and info required to wade through the web of deceit.

https://steemit.com/casadelosninos/@artistiquejewels/casa-de-los-ninos-in-tucson-there-are-others-globally-and-the-social-justice-high-school-that-is-affiliated-with-them This shows arial shots and industries in proximity that are interesting.


This was research I did, of course I am taking from sources along with previously done original content. I connect, that is what I attempt to do, dig, connect and help reveal truth all while connecting the research I have been doing since I fully woke up. Besides, we are supposed to give sources, everyone does, so why am I the only one being targeted for doing so?

I dig I help connect the dots, yes I use clips from Tucker etc, he's brilliant, we are supposed to get this information out, many do not see it otherwise.
Steemit has been useful because I have been banned too many times to count for putting info out they don't want known, but it gets through their censors when it is inside of a steemit article. I also do memes those are original, yet you keep trying to degrade me. Why? What did I ever do to you? No I don't get upvoted for a Majority of my articles on steemit, doesn't matter, I reach people, some are redpilled. I take time to respond to them with patience showing them truth. Not sure why you have a problem with my hard work nor how you think I am getting paid for doing this. Who's paying me?


I spend HOURS every week, between work, all spare time researching and putting info together. There are many angles I put out in my work I have not seen anywhere else. The links and sources are there because then You and others would be knocking me for not having any verification. What in the world? I can't win with hateful people. Just because this topic was covered, does not mean everyone put all of this together nor hit on all the connections or what was behind it, sometimes for years of Obama's programs that led up to it. https://steemit.com/schoolshooting/@artistiquejewels/texas-school-shooting-on-last-day-of-school-for-parkland-students-from-florida-shooting-the-drumbeat-is-strongerI

Crensch ago

I'm going to defer to @Vindicator and @srayzie on this. I'm not familiar with Steemit or the user in question, so making any kind of judgment call would be irresponsible.

I will say thank you for keeping an eye out either way. It's important to check up on usernames and do what's needed to keep them honest.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I appreciate the commitment, but with all due respect, am wondering how someone who is the attacker is allowed to break the rules, then tattle on the person he attacked. I thought people were Not allowed to disrespect other posters. He has leveled False Accusations with no basis and has not listened to all of my reports on youtube (not monetized, I give no links nor request money as many others do) so the attacks are unwarranted.

I was under the impression we were trying to win our country back from these Rules for Radicals tactics. He is unjustly accusing and I don't think people are aware he does this often with language and name calling to people he decides he doesn't like, or don't agree with him. I was told I need to interact, but I don't want to interact with someone who is disrespectful and degrading.

Please refer to a comment I am leaving once again, as I have had to defend myself against all of these False Accusations and didn't once tattle as he did me, when he created the issue then didn't like that I defended myself.

I am responding under his comment that states this with a great deal more info. I didn't want to get into, but I don't know any honest person who spends the amount of time I have spent well before Q was on the scene, not making one dime, who would not defend themselves from these blatantly false accusations just because he is caught up in the number of votes. This Is Not a Game! Q said not to be divisive!

Detailed response under this comment of Enigmatic_Continuum where he states, "Thanks for replying, but my problem isn't with her not being on topic, it's that she's using Voat to drive traffic to See it,and so she can make money. I'm involved with a few charitable causes and I would be instantly black balled if I ever tried to make a cent from the cause."

Please note, he is respectful to you, but one of the reasons I did an article was to have the evidence of how disrespectful and degrading he has been of me, when I do a great deal of work. Thank you for considering my side of things.

srayzie ago

I’ve seen her work. It was on topic. Many people post steemit links. People also post monetized youtube videos. If the content is Q related then I think it should stay. We have the choice to not read it.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thanks for replying, but my problem isn't with her not being on topic, it's that she's using Voat to drive traffic to See it,and so she can make money. I'm involved with a few charitable causes and I would be instantly black balled if I ever tried to make a cent from the cause.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Part 2 Now, this is in response to advice given not long after I was tattled on by EC so it was in another comment from another post concerning same attacker.

I realize that. So far, they haven't used the gender angle on me yet, but the last person that tattled (EC). . .I couldn't believe it! He attacked me, then when I gave him a great deal of evidence of who I was and not profiting (I mean, I was doing this well before Q was on the scene), he actually got angry and attacked me for defending myself. Keep in mind, I don't use language with people or call names.

He literally broke several rules for the board. Instead of tattling because I know the mods don't have time to babysit (I sure wouldn't want to, that's not the point of the cause) I went ahead and tried to prove what I was about and all the work I do on a volunteer basis just as many others do. He got angry when I let him know I wasn't aware he was the one in charge of vetting people and allowed to break the rules. Instead of handling a situation he created like a big boy, he actually tattled on me. This is reminiscent of what a certain side in politics consistently does. I feel like I'm back in the classroom with the 8th grade boys I went to school with and taught! I have actually read some of his posts, but won't comment or interact because he is rude, cuts people down, name calls and attacks if someone has a different opinion than him.

I have others I interact with who are respectful. Those who are not, I don't need to chance further attacks. The gestapo style of trying to force comments because some attackers are throwing a fit is off the charts.

This last attacker is far too zeroed in on points and feels he has the authority to break the rules and attack people with No Basis whatsoever. I don't like to interact with people on a regular basis that say they have better material, more in depth material and more original material. This last attacker has posted other articles and links that were not his. I have gone in depth so much and been detailed, but at times it has to be kept simpler to reach the normies. They can't always handle everything about our rabbit holes. Too much to assimilate at once.

At the end of the day, I don't understand why I am the one who has to give evidence to who I am (as any honest person is not going to stand by and not defend themselves when false accusations are leveled). I don't demand people give an answer or attack anyone. I also don't tattle when people don't comment on my posts or complain about the amount of upvotes I get vs. someone else then accuse them of whatever I please because I don't like a platform they use or the amount of votes they get. Honestly, it Wouldn't Even occur to me, because that is not what we are here for! We are to be Waking people up!

Finally, I have Never once complained about those who don't comment on my posts or respond to submissions or comments. I thought we were all fighting to live in a Free World again where our actions were not forced. Instead I am called out when I do interact, I just don't interact constantly because I am on numerous boards and don't just interact with like minded people. As you know, that takes a great deal of time and probably as many are here, we are still rearing our families and working full time around all of this. I would love to check out and just attend to that. ..as it is overwhelming enough, but I see the big picture and don't want our kids to have to live in a controlled society like this where evil continues to win.

Thank you for the advice. I agree about not being too sensitive, I just don't like the False Attacks with no basis and as an honest person, I am compelled to defend my character when I put so much time and energy into this as I know many of the rest of you do. Godspeed!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Here we are again! Makes me really wonder because I could have submitted so much relevant info by now to all my groups on various platforms, with which Steemit allows me to do so in a user friendly, non-tech environment. My specialty is Connecting. .. not just my own info, but as not to waste time reinventing the wheel, I use the info, sources and research from other people and places. I thought that was the idea. . .connect and red pill. Sometimes big bites, but the normies need smaller, bite sized pieces at times too. I do both, and needed one central platform to share out as I work and rear a family.

Instead, I find out this person's hate runs so deep he is still at it. Why isn't he focusing on the big picture? I am Not the Cabal! He actually accused me of a holier than thou attitude after he Attacked me, then I defended myself. What I see is he is talking about his charitable causes, well we've all done that and put up links in reports, on platforms etc. for causes. So once again, this appears to be a tactic that is utilized by certain groups. A diabolical tactic of point and distract.

This was a response given not because I tattled, but because he attacked, didn't like that I defended myself, then tried to get rid of me near as I can tell for revenge. So this was also inanother comment pertaining to his tattle. At this point it is like harassment. Of course I can choose not to respond, but when he is trying to get me removed from this board by lying about my character, I believe my side should and at this point is Required to be heard.

Now I see, because I have plenty to attend to so had not checked back, he is still on the drum beat thinking I make some sort of income when I haven't made one dime! Clearly he is stuck on the steemit platform as if it's some tick! As for only posting other sources and content, that is not true. Anyone who watches my reports on a regular basis can see how deep I go and my subs have said they appreciate it while haters despise me and say it is boring.

It is not right he attacked on something he knows nothing about. He knows Nothing about my background, where I am coming from or who I am. You can't gather that from assumptions and a couple of posts or reports. My subs Know who I am because I back it up with consistency and a face to the name. I don't hide behind anonymity.

Not to mention, many on here post other links and sources. . .it is supposed to be a sharing board, not only of our own content, but anything that is relevant. For instance, I am not going to be effective in discussing the racial issues in the same manner as Candace Owens. So I have done a write up, that can be shared in all venues where I wake people up, when I have people confused on the race war. That is simply efficient management of time which is one of the most valuable resources right now. In that article, I connected other articles and information as this was to answer a question a woman had from another country (which as many questions entail a great deal behind it due to the Web of Deception), who realizes the epidemic of pedogate, but as many do, she thought because of the brainwashing propaganda pumped out daily, that Trump was the cause of divisiveness. She was quoting info and stats from places like VICE. As you know, so many are confused and not all want to take the time to deal with one entanglement after another, but we are the Called to do so.

I brought together articles and sources in One place to share them out to her on facebook. Keep in mind, my facebook I have completely sold myself out. No more former friends, many of my family despise me because I voted Trump and it is literally like a redpill site. I don't call that, but also have a Testing the Narrative site. My personal facebook is mostly political. . .but worth it, I am able to reach some who were turned around or at least help them consider an alternative. I Need one place to put this info. BTW, even though I don't have crypto or block chain accounts (does it Look like I have time to sniff that out and try to manage?) to do anything with the steemit guess how much that important article made? 0. That is what most register and those that register Anything else, stay that way or go down because I do Nothing with it. Yet that connecting article dealing with race , was one of the Most valuable to me because it made her and others think, discuss and talk about a subject where name calling generally ensues to distract. It did not because I respect and they showed respect. They were only hearing propaganda until someone was patient enough and took the time (and it takes a lot) to connect sources and dots.

Most article amounts (a majority are zero keep in mind) stay or go down to less because I don't know how, nor want to learn how to deal in that currency. It is likely the precursor to the mark. I am saved and a light bearer! I cannot and will not be taking that mark (which they won't sell as a mark, oh no people will be Very unsuspecting) I don't take money like this Enigmatic_continuum is trying to imply.

Also I find it interesting he is judging me for something he and most others do. Some of our submissions are lengthy and some short. He himself has just put links to other sources and written a bit then moved on. There is not a hard rule about what can be submitted, how much is your own (though I have a Ton that is my own including rabbit holes as does everyone else), but if I don't back that up with sources, the Attackers come out in force on that. I remember seeing some billboard mag thing he did among other posts (not all his), but some angles are. I don't interact on his stuff because once again he chooses to be rude and condescending to those he doesn't like or are getting votes. Clearly my intuition was right, because here I am, another one being subjected to his onslaught of attacks based on assumption and what he believes is his Superior Opinion. Why does he Always mentions votes? As if the votes, matter. This Is Not a GAME!

I could analyze his posts and decide whether he had enough original content, or went in depth or a number of issues. . .but I don't. I appreciate and value that people are just trying to share and spread this vital information. Criticizing, degrading and putting oneself above another. that's not what I nor others are here for. Q said to Not be Divisive!

Have to post the rest in a part 2 as characters are limited. Another reason why I use steemit a lot so I am not repeating the process.

srayzie ago

I’ve talked to her before and asked her to contribute here as well. To not just post her links, but take part in the conversation. I have been busy and don’t know if she’s been doing that. But the thing is, we’re about free speech here. Since she is on topic, then I don’t want to ban her. I try hard not to ban people.

@ArtistiqueJewelry please remember to participate in the conversation here as well. A few users have talked to me about this issue now. It would help you earn some credibility here.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Well, I have already responded to some of this from another comment on a respectful poster's submission. It was in response to some advice given, but I felt the rest of my comment, as it pertained to this attacker should be posted here.

Now I see, because I have plenty to attend to so had not checked back, he is still on the drum beat thinking I make some sort of income when I haven't made one dime!
Clearly he is stuck on the steemit platform as if it's some tick! As for only posting other sources and content, that is not true. Anyone who watches my reports on a regular basis can see how deep I go and my subs have said they appreciate it while haters despise me and say it is boring. It is not right he attacked on something he knows nothing about. He knows Nothing about my background, where I am coming from or who I am. You can't gather that from assumptions and a couple of posts or reports. My subs Know who I am because I back it up with consistency and a face to the name. I don't hide behind anonymity.

Not to mention, many on here post other links and sources. . .it is supposed to be a sharing board, not only of our own content, but anything that is relevant. For instance, I am not going to be effective in discussing the racial issues in the same manner as Candace Owens. So I have done a write up, that can be shared in all venues where I wake people up, when I have people confused on the race war. That is simply efficient management of time which is one of the most valuable resources right now. In that article, I connected other articles and information as this was to answer a question woman had from another country (which as many questions entail a great deal behind it due to the Web of Deception), who realizes the epidemic of pedogate, but as many do, she thought because of the brainwashing propaganda pumped out daily, that Trump was the cause of divisiveness. She was quoting info and stats from places like VICE. So I brought together articles and sources in One place to share them out to her on facebook. Keep in mind, my facebook I have completely sold myself out. No more former friends, many of my family despise me because I voted Trump. My personal facebook is mostly political. . .but worth it, I am able to reach some who were turned around or at least help them consider an alternative. I Need one place to put this info. BTW, even though I don't have crypto or block chain accounts (does it Look like I have time to sniff that out and try to manage?) to do anything with the steemit guess how much that important article made? 0. That is what most register and those that register Anything else. Yet, it was one of the Most valuable to me because it made her and others think who sent me private messages. They were only hearing their propaganda until someone was patient enough and took the time (and it takes a lot) to connect sources and dots. Most amounts (a majority are zero keep in mind) stay or get down voted to less because I don't know how, nor want to learn how to deal in that currency. It is likely the precursor to the mark. I am saved and a light bearer! I cannot and will not be taking that mark (which they won't sell as a mark, oh no people will be Very unsuspecting) I don't take money like this Enigmatic_continuum is trying to imply.

Also I find it interesting he is judging me for something he and most others do. Some of our submissions are lengthy and some short. He himself has just put links to other sources and written a bit then moved on. There is not a hard rule about what can be submitted, how much is your own (though I have a Ton that is my own including rabbit holes as does everyone else), but if I don't back that up with sources, the Attackers come out in force on that. I remember seeing some billboard mag and thing he did among others. I don't interact on his stuff because once again he chooses to be rude and condescending to those he doesn't like or are getting votes. Clearly my intuition was right, because here I am, another one being subjected to his onslaught of attacks based on assumption and what he believes is his Superior Opinion. Why does he Always mentions votes? As if the votes, matter. This Is Not a GAME!

I could analyze his posts and decide whether he had enough original content, or went in depth or a number of issues. . .but I don't. I appreciate and value that people are just trying to share and spread this vital information. Criticizing, degrading and putting oneself above another. that's not what I nor others are here for. Q said to Not be Divisive!

Now, this is in response to advice given not long after I was tattled on by EC.

I realize that. So far, they haven't used the gender angle on me yet, but the last person that tattled (EC). . .I couldn't believe it! He attacked me, then when I gave him a great deal of evidence of who I was and not profiting (I mean, I was doing this well before Q was on the scene), he actually got angry and attacked me for defending myself. Keep in mind, I don't use language with people or call names.

He literally broke several rules for the board. Instead of tattling because I know the mods don't have time to babysit (I sure wouldn't want to, that's not the point of the cause) I went ahead and tried to prove what I was about and all the work I do on a volunteer basis just as many others do. He got angry when I let him know I wasn't aware he was the one in charge of vetting people and allowed to break the rules. Instead of handling a situation he created like a big boy, he actually tattled on me. This is reminiscent of what a certain side in politics consistently does. I feel like I'm back in the classroom with the 8th grade boys I went to school with and taught! I have actually read some of his posts, but won't comment or interact because he is rude, cuts people down, name calls and attacks if someone has a different opinion than him.

I have others I interact with who are respectful. Those who are not, I don't need to chance further attacks. The gestapo style of trying to force comments because some attackers are throwing a fit is off the charts.

This last attacker is far too zeroed in on points and feels he has the authority to break the rules and attack people with No Basis whatsoever. I don't like to interact with people on a regular basis that say they have better material, more in depth material and more original material. This last attacker has posted other articles and links that were not his. I have gone in depth so much and been detailed, but at times it has to be kept simpler to reach the normies. They can't always handle everything about our rabbit holes. Too much to assimilate at once.

At the end of the day, I don't understand why I am the one who has to give evidence to who I am (as any honest person is not going to stand by and not defend themselves when false accusations are leveled). I don't demand people give an answer or attack anyone. I also don't tattle when people don't comment on my posts or complain about the amount of upvotes I get vs. someone else then accuse them of whatever I please because I don't like a platform they use or the amount of votes they get. Honestly, it Wouldn't Even occur to me, because that is not what we are here for! We are to be Waking people up!

Finally, I have Never once complained about those who don't comment on my posts or respond to submissions or comments. I thought we were all fighting to live in a Free World again where our actions were not forced. Instead I am called out when I do interact, I just don't interact constantly because I am on numerous boards and don't just interact with like minded people. As you know, that takes a great deal of time and probably as many are here, we are still rearing our families and working full time around all of this. I would love to check out and just attend to that. ..as it is overwhelming enough, but I see the big picture and don't want our kids to have to live in a controlled society like this where evil continues to win.

Thank you for the advice. I agree about not being too sensitive, I just don't like the False Attacks with no basis and as an honest person, I am compelled to defend my character when I put so much time and energy into this as I know many of the rest of you do. Godspeed!

srayzie ago

My point was that you don’t have to explain yourself. You will surely not get a nice response from them now.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I guess my confusion was where I got called out, yet the poster is blatantly breaking the rules for the sub not just with me, but with others yet he faces No accountability and continues to attack my character. If I don't defend myself, those who don't know me believe it to be true, and I am being threatened with being banned if I don't interact even more. I do interact, just not with these types of people. He gets to tattle about something that isn't true just because I don't interact on his boards where he is rude to Many people.

I was never going to get a nice response. . .he attacked and continued attacking after I presented evidence to support my honesty and work ethic. Wasn't enough because he keeps getting away with it, while I am being called out. Everyone is playing into his hands in his head.

I don't know Anyone who would not respond to attacks of this magnitude especially when I was the one who was forced to accept culpability (for what he started and attacked me on, not the other way around) and he faced no culpability for breaking the rules. These types of people are used to others just ignoring their ability to break the rules and harass. I don't always respond to attacks and I don't tattle in the manner he has. We are after all supposed to be adults.

It appears a precedent is already in place where those who are louder and more aggressive in their attacks are given credence. The attacked is called out and the attacker continues their attack. I truly am confused because I thought places like this existed to get away from that.

If anyone looks at my record, I correspond quite often with others who are respectful and resonate with those who have the same goals and are not trying to put themselves above others while putting everyone down.

I would have ignored it, but when people he is reporting me too, who don't have time to watch all my material, are being told his side and not mine, I felt it necessary to state my side of things and initially no one seemed to see or understand the amount of false attacks he leveled before telling me to interact more, when I already do and have Never Once complained if people don't interact with me or don't respond. That is communism.

I appreciate those of you wanting to see the whole picture and am getting back to work now that I have had to state my case since he was contacting I assume people who are in charge of the board. I do feel anyone else in my position would do the same. I think I have only reported one person, and had planned on dealing with the situation on my own as stated. He was the one and still is trying to tattle to various people.

Our side is already rarely heard, so I do grow weary at times of just giving up and staying on reddit, but I do appreciate the value Good, quality people bring on this board.

srayzie ago

If they just talk crap about Q and are only here to start trouble that’s one thing. But I would have to ban people all day long if I banned people for being mean to others. I’m sorry and understand if this place isn’t for you.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I never said this place isn't for me. What I don't understand is why I was called out to do something I am already doing just because the attacker is loud and condescending and everyone else is afraid of him. That is Exactly why I stated my case. HE is the one drawing all of these people in to point fingers at me. I stated my case because I was the one who was threatened to be banned, yet not once, has he been called out for blatantly and openly breaking the rules and I know others have seen it.

You have interacted with him and know what he does to others. It is interesting what he has tried to point to concerning Q. You will see it if you really look. I never would have said a word about it, if he had not attacked me first and if I had not been the one threatened of being banned even though he was the attacker.

I have No issues on here with others. Generally not even most attackers. Have only reported One person and I don't constantly draw people in to attempt to get people banned or to control the group. Lots of red flags, but no one gets rid of me that easy.

The rules do not say if they are mean, it talks about respect. Attacking with no evidence is Not Respect. No worries I will move on.

Vindicator ago

I would point out that many, many Voat users publish first on Steemit to get stuff archived in the blockchain permanently. I've seen nothing nefarious from this user.

Furthermore, the last time I heard bitching about citizen journalists publishing on Steemit, it was from shills attacking some of our best researchers during the initial Podesta email leaks.

There are citizen investigators and citizen journalists, not all of whom do original research per se. We need every voice we can get documenting and publicizing our findings. Voat is about free speech.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I truly thought that was what we were all her for. I gave my detailed response above. I hate that it is so lengthy, but many people just give up and don't defend themselves. That is what helped get our country in the situation it is in. Thank you if you are able to take the time to read my defense of the attacks. Godspeed!

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

If other users are posting to Steemit first, then Voat, are they blatantly using the Share a Link button to drive traffic? Free speech isn't free if you're wanting payment for your opinion. I think it's shameful. Children are living in Hell and dying, but what's in it for me? I guess it doesn't matter if you're exploiting children who are already being exploited - especially when they're never going to know about it.

Vindicator ago

If other users are posting to Steemit first, then Voat, are they blatantly using the Share a Link button to drive traffic?

Well, since Voat can go down in the blink of an eye, I would say serious citizen journalists are smart to publish to both platforms. Really, EC, I would think if you want to stop child trafficking, you would be thrilled people were publishing and promoting our trove of research in as many places as possible. In fact, your attacks on this user really make no sense at all.

Free speech isn't free if you're wanting payment for your opinion. I think it's shameful.

I don't think that word means what you think it means. Free speech is never "free" anywhere, at any time. It costs blood, sweat, tears and money. The minute people stop being willing to invest those to discover and disseminate the truth, freedom of speech is taken away.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I don't make one red cent off of my research and it makes me sick that others are. Defend them all you want. You know I contribute quality research and I dare anyone to find my work on a monetized platform that I placed there. If someone finds any part of my blood, sweat, and tears on such a platform, they need to come to me, so I can take appropriate action. Mark my words, I will never make a penny off of what I do to enlighten the masses. Just as we look down on those who claim to be victims of Pizzagate and MK Ultra who are paid to tell their stories, I will frown upon those who make money claiming they're enlightening the masses.

srayzie ago

Well said!

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

You've made $8.95. Great job!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

LOL 8.95 in what? Have you seen me do a thing with it? No. Because I don't ever. A springboard to do what I thought all others in this group were committed to doing. . . getting information out to the masses and out of the matrix. Clearly I was wrong, although I don't blame the others, people in my Q groups are saying you are Not for the true Great Awakening!

I have been told you "sound like every other George Soro funded propaganda minions and I should challenge You to have an original thought." Not my comment, comment from groups I belong to.

Other advice from groups outside of your comfort box stated, I should "call you and the sidekick a Russian Troll" . Oh, BTW, When is your sidekick going to step in and defend you?

The overwhelming response is You are Paid Opposition. So I assume you are making more than 8.95 because Soros was paying $30 an hour so hey, 8.95 in steemit (whatever that is, breaks down to 4.45 per hour of something I don't trade or use). Yep, living the the Big life. Ya caught me. Now for you, paid by an elitists like Soros who not only sold out his own people, but has his dirty, grubby, evil paws in everything disgusting. . .literally you are accepting blood money to the tune of. . .wait, you didn't do ANY research, you know Nothing about me so. . .about $5 a min. Pretty good pay to attack someone on the side of Good! You beat me. You won! I get why you lord it over me now!

rarepeeks ago

I have been told you "sound like every other George Soro funded propaganda minions and I should challenge You to have an original thought." Not my comment, comment from groups I belong to.

You should try it then because I read your stuff, lame. And you are using the "everybody else agrees with me" gambit. Lame. Your headline is ridiculous and so is your whole post.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago


eyeswim ago

This is how you deal with trolls . Don't read their replies to your posts , stop reading as soon as a reply or comment presents troll like characteristics .Period. Ignore them , don't read them. Problem solved. Other wise , if you read what trolls say , and get upset you are allowing yourself to be bullied. You don't have to read what trolls write and respond to.

rarepeeks ago

Don't read their replies to your posts , stop reading as soon as a reply or comment presents troll like characteristics .Period. Ignore them , don't read them. Problem solved.

That should do it. Put your fingers in your ears and say "la la la la everything I disagree with is wrong." You won't go far in life that way because you will learn nothing. If you happen to be wrong you want to know it don't you? Probably not, because you have an agenda and the truth is not important.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

She spams boards with her threads. She's only here to drive traffic to her Steemit account to make money. I find this offensive to those of us who present research and don't want to collect a dime for it, and she's mad, no, seething that I've called her out.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

You are doing what is called the mirror effect or Rules for Radicals, whatever you are doing blame the honest people! You post google searches and billboard articles and call it a post. I don't have a problem with that. But, you haven't seen the in depth and hours of research I do, then try to accuse me of something You are doing and I am not! That is not what the cause of Waking people up is about!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Where do you get mad and seething? That makes no sense. You are the one who attacked me, leveled False Accusations based upon your own hateful assumptions (this is what a certain group does to Trump and Truth Tellers). Then You tattled on me when you didn't like me defending myself. I do see where you are hoping I will conduct myself as you do, not going to happen.

Who is the one mad and seething? I haven't degraded you, attacked you nor tried to call you out on whether I think your submissions are worthy, have enough of your own original material or are just links to sources. I could, but I don't. That is Not what this Cause is about.

What I am seeing is you are attempting to make yourself and what You do out to be more Valuable and more important than what others do. Anyone looking over All you have said to me, you being the orchestrator of attacks can see that.

You act like I have the Onus to present a case and prove that I have original research, or go in depth enough, or don't use other information I find out there, yet you have Not proven nor been forced to prove what you have demanded of me by leveling such heinous accusations. Why?

Isn't that what a certain side Always does? They point the finger, lash out, accuse, attack, then sit back and take up people's time when the innocent try to defend themselves, but. . . the famous quote Attackers like you feel might ring true for them, "Repeat a lie often enough and long enough, people will start to believe it." I know the quote isn't necessarily verbatim, but is from Hitler's Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels.