YogSoggoth ago

Checked my immediate area and came up with Prestancia in South Sarasota, and Murdock (two golf courses.) There are not service roads that I know of, but it does not matter in those two places.

jookiekaish ago

Golf is masonic!!!


youbetcha22 ago

Possible Cemex (subsidiary) Pedo Gate Link (Southern CO) For 57 years, El Pueblo Boys and Girls Ranch Board of Directors made up of State Legislators, Judges, DA office, FBI, Police, etc...

I cannot create my own post because I do not have 10 cc YET

Recently a center called the "El Pueblo Boys and Girls Ranch" was shut down due to children being underfed and abused. Not much else has taken place from the story, the news was reporting on this, but did not have enough money to fund proper research.

This was all exposed by one woman. The real kicker is that Judges, DA's, and also the well-renowned and accused pedophile, Jeffrey Claude Bartleson was involved with the El Pueblo Boys and Girls Ranch . Bartleson was also responsible for writing the book,* The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure: A Child-lover's Code of Conduct*.

When you look at the Governing Board of El Pueblo Boys and girls ranch, you can see that lead detective in Pueblo, Eric Bravo served on the board.

GCC Ready Mix (who acquired Cemex in 2016) sits in Pueblo's backyard, along the I-25 Corridor.

Further investigation leads to a Comic Book Store, right next to a Potica store (w/ possible Pedo Logo) and a nightclub. The Comic book store is secured by a barbed wire fence, connected to a large facility, with a garage and house, right across the street from a tire store. This could be ironic, no leads on this yet, but it could prove to be something.

Google Street the locations, address is 421-US Bus. 50 Pueblo, Colorado

Link Google street view is acting strange as well, once you go to the Potica store and see the symbolic swirl, you can see the Comic Book store has been painted, and once you go to the comic book store on Google Street view, the paint is not there yet.

I also feel like the "Loves" gas station (w/ heart logos) is somehow involved in all of this, recently I had talked w/ nurses from Pueblo, Colorado who stated that the Loves in Pueblo, Colorado is the most trafficked location in Colorado. Loves is situated in the same parking lot as a dispensary called, "Strawberry Fields"

Any help in uncovering this would be great.

This website also has useful information

urbanmoving ago

Ahh yes the orlando shooting hoax

realityisinsanity ago

Tubal Cain has something to do with this. They consider Nimrod and Tubal Cain the first Freemasons.

adaya ago

The comparison maps between Cemex & trafficking incidents also super creepy. Neil Weidman @ n_weidman has maps up on Twitter. He’s using Cemex Traffics Children as hash tag and backyard brawl. Sorry, not direct link...borrowing someone else’s tech for a sec.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

all gold courses should be bulldozed. They are where elite kikes meet to plan how to destroy goyim.

carmencita ago

Hillary Clinton not only had connections to Cemex but also to LaFarge that also involved Isis at one point https://www.thecanary.co/global/2016/07/29/paris-strikes-astonishing-partnership-secret-isis-sponsor-ties-hillary-clinton/

Lafarge also has close ties to Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Apart from being a regular donor to the Clinton Foundation, Clinton herself was a director of Lafarge in the early 1990s, and did legal work for the firm in the 1980s. During her connection to Lafarge, the firm was implicated in facilitating a CIA-backed covert arms export network to Saddam Hussein.

Among its earliest benefactors was former First Lady and current presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton.

From 1990 to 1992, Clinton served on Lafarge’s Board of Directors. Under her tenure, Lafarge’s Ohio subsidiary was caught burning hazardous waste to fuel cement plants. Clinton defended the decision at the time.

Then just before her husband, Bill Clinton, was elected president in 1992, Lafarge was fined $1.8 million by the Environmental Protection Agency for these pollution violations. Hillary Clinton had left the board of Lafarge in spring, just after her husband won the Democrat nomination. A year later, under Bill’s presidency, the Clinton administration reduced Lafarge’s EPA fine to less than $600,000.

In 2013, Lafarge’s Executive Vice President for Operations, Eric Olson, was a ‘featured attendee’ at the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting.

The company is a regular donor to the Clinton Foundation – the firm’s up to $100,000 donation was listed in its annual donor list for 2015. Lafarge is also listed again as a donor to the Clinton Foundation for the first quarter of 2016.


In a recent tweet, WikiLeaks reported its unveiling of Clinton’s dubious ties to Lafarge, an American company owned by a French conglomerate that, between 2011 and 2013, paid taxes to the Islamic State (ISIS) in order to protect its cement factory 95 miles northeast of Aleppo, Syria. The arrangements were discovered by the French daily, Le Monde. The story became relevant once again after the Office of the Mayor of Paris recently struck a corporate partnership naming Lafarge as its main supplier.

Lafarge bought the cement plant in Syria in 2007, but in 2011, civil war broke out, forcing Lafarge to make the choice of paying the terrorist organization to continue production. The taxes were allegedly paid to ISIS middlemen and other rebel groups in Syria.

Another investigation carried out by Zaman al-Wasl, an independent news organization based in Syria, adds that Lafarge may have also bought oil from ISIS regularly.

Why is it so imperative and important that the Clintons have connections to the Two Largest Cement Companies in the World.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

So what you are really saying is you think there is crime going on at golf courses, and the cement companies are conveniently close?

heyyouwho2 ago

I seem to remember the PGA being a significant donor to the Clinton Foundation and that causing me pause. ? Yep, the PGA, Tour Inc. is listed as a million dollar contributor of the CF website.

Hmm... Former Humana Clinton Invitational: Scottsdale, Arizona https://www.desertsun.com/story/sports/golf/careerbuilder/2016/05/18/bill-clinton-exits-pga-event-phil-mickelson-steps/84541196/

neptunium1 ago

I've been doing some digging around in terms of Cemex UK. They own many/most of the quarries which seem to be mostly managed by ex-army types.

A report on payments to the Crown Estate: Data on project-level extractive-related payments to The Crown Estate by mining and quarrying companies in 2016

You listed Somerley Estate in your article:

Focus 2018 is taking place at Somerley Estate which is a 7,000-acre private estate in Ringwood in the New Forest district. https://focus.htb.org/faqs/

That from the HTB website: https://www.htb.org/about/leadership-team

Holy Trinity Brompton - Holy Trinity Brompton with St Paul's, Onslow Square and St Augustine's, South Kensington, often referred to simply as HTB, is an Anglican church in London, England. The church consists of four sites: HTB Brompton Road, HTB Onslow Square (formerly St Paul's, Onslow Square), HTB Queen's Gate (formerly St Augustine's, South Kensington) and HTB Courtfield Gardens (formally St Jude's Church, Kensington – officially in the parish of St Mary of the Boltons but part of HTB), as well as being the home of the St Paul's Theological Centre and the Alpha Course. It is where the Alpha Course was first developed and is one of the most influential churches in the Church of England.

From the Guardian: Holy Trinity Brompton, the evangelical HQ that claims the new primate as one of its own

One graduate of HTB is Justin Welby, who will be the next archbishop of Canterbury. Though Christianity had been very much part of his school and college days, he started worshipping here in the 1980s, just as the HTB phenomenon was taking off. He had a formal role as a lay leader for several years before going to seminary in 1989.

The focus following Welby's surprise appointment to Lambeth Palace – after just a year as bishop of Durham – has been on his Eton pedigree and business background as an oil executive. But at least one churchy website has looked elsewhere for the reason this dark horse pipped more favoured runners to the line: "HTB lands its first archbishop of Canterbury" ran its headline.

Voat post re Welby: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1961773/9667774

Important article--connections to spooks and pedos: Justin Welby, current archbishop: https://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2013/03/jewish-spy-archbishop-welby.html

"The head of the Church of England (Justin Welby) has a secret past smuggling in cold war Europe, briefing US state department officials on rebels in the Niger Delta and chatting to the future head of MI6 in Baghdad."

Side note: Came across the profile of a lawyer who worked for both Cemex and the Crown Estate: Peter Gillard. https://imgur.com/a/ceVFdSq

He listed McDonalds as one of his interests https://imgur.com/a/9GH3Qrf Maybe he just likes burgers.

swordfish69 ago

Great info. Thanks.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

A lot of this is due to similarity in global zoning regulations - a result of global city planning - global conferences, etc. These are not the only similarities that are appearing in cities world wide these days.

The field of urban planning is teaching the same material everywhere.

Cement plants go beside golf courses - and other outlying urban fringe / light industrial infrastructure. Lower taxes and more flexible regulation on the fringe. Crime too resides there - lower enforcement, lower police coverage.

Sum-of-Nun ago

Look into (((Blue Square Real Estate))) and Cemex mining Palestinian land.

I have been studying something local involving these two, a child-centric business with an obvious logo, a nearby underground portion of a police station garage, a nearby oddly named Italian restaurant, and a relatively new water treatment tunnel under it all...leading to a port on open water.

If anyone in the PNW is feeling adventurous, message me.

Shillaxe ago

Elaborate bunkers under the country clubs , things that make you go hmmmm.

Shillaxe ago

Donald Stump elected to build Trump Towers mostly from concrete, rather than steel, & he sure loves golf too.

Anyone got info on LafargeHolcim concrete ?

Shillaxe ago

Beat Hess Chairman

Oscar Fanjul Vice-Chairman

Paul Desmarais Jr. Member

Patrick Kron Member

Gérard Lamarche Member

Adrian Loader Member

Jürg Oleas Member

Nassef Sawiris Member

Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerg Sørensen Member

Dieter Spälti Member

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Many casinos and county fairgrounds all over the world? https://cdn.newsapi.com.au/image/v1/f76bc61de6efdfc7c4562af9d9373d0f

letsdothis2 ago

Okay @swordfish69, I'm really glad you did this post. I've been wondering about golf courses for a long time now. And maybe your post shows I'm not crazy. When Obama had a reputation for going off to golf courses all the time it really peaked my interest. I'm pretty good at reading people and he never struck me as the type to be crazy about golf. I wondered if he used that as an excuse for something else. Bush was another president that was always off on a golf course.

Anyway, I've been working on another thread and come across construction companies who sell crushing equipment. It sent my mind to the whole Cemex thing. You should read through the comments on this post if you have time: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2587180/13010828

Also, I thought I'd look at Tucson because of this: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2575426#12940722

So, I went to Google maps and looked for the Desert Diamond Casino (close to the Golden Dawn Tabernacle) and plotted the route to Cemex at 4100 E Columbia St. It's a 15 minute drive and right next to the Davis-Monthan Air Base, and just to the right of that base is the Fred Enke Golf course.


I reckon you might be onto something. Going to have a further look :)

neptunium1 ago

Davis-Monthan Air Force Boneyard in Tucson: Boneyard Layout, Operations, Tours, and Maps https://www.airplaneboneyards.com/davis-monthan-afb-amarg-airplane-boneyard.htm

It has evolved into "the largest aircraft boneyard in the world".

mooteensy ago

Interesting pattern. Every Country Club in my city has at least one of those symbols you listed. Not sure about cement location proximity, but will dig now and update later. In your opinion, are the cement plants solely for disposing bodies, or do they serve another function as well?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Interesting, but I will throw this out there >> This could be geologically oriented. Golf courses are very frequently built upon a porous substrate, where water drains quickly and does not pool in large quantities. This is the same type of sandy material that is used in the manufacturing of cement.

cantfindmenow ago

I want to think like you. But I had a look around my area (Scotland) some say the home of golf as our courses are mostly not man made and are natural parts of the landscape. I really think the OP is on to something. I searched for Cemex on google map in Scotland.

In Fife there is a Cemex plant/quarry right next door to Ladybank golf course.

The world's most famous golf course, St Andrews Old Course is literally a 20 minute drive away.

In Perth there is a Cemex plant right next to their golf course.

Edinburgh's Cemex is also besides a golf course and a dock.

Cardenen Cemex plant/quarry also has the Auchterderren golf course adjacent.

There is a weird anomaly next to this golf course. A huge orange blob. Like a part of the satellite image has been hidden. Sorry I cant post pics due to not being near a computer atm but please someone have a look, is it just a Google map glitch?

sore_ass_losers ago

Good one. Cement plants are usually located on gravel and sand pits. Such pits, when used up are often turned into golf courses. Look up "golf course gravel pit" (without the quotes).

This might explain the coincidences. (However a used up gravel pit being turned into a golf course would be a good place to stick bodies.)

swordfish69 ago

Good point. Although now that I'm looking into LaFarge subsidiaries, I'm finding that golf courses tend to also be built near corporate cement company buildings, like this Hima cement building in Uganda. Right by the golf course.

This report claims there were child labor violations involved at this plant. Interesting nonetheless.

Vindicator ago

Interesting observation, Ian. I was thinking along similar lines, but wondering if maybe there was something about land prices at certain phases of growth/wealth in a given community that would explain the correlation. Your idea makes sense. Do you have any links to back that up? @Swordfish69, did you consider this? You may want to add it to the body of your thread.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You just said you were thinking the same thing as this comment from IAN .... "This could be geologically oriented. Golf courses are very frequently built upon a porous substrate, where water drains quickly and does not pool in large quantities. This is the same type of sandy material that is used in the manufacturing of cement.".... Sure you were. LMAO!

Vindicator ago

No, I said Ian's observation was a good one, and that I, too, was wondering if there was some shared quality that would explain the two types of sites being found together. I was thinking more along the lines of growth/community development/level of wealth, but geological could make sense, zoning could make sense, or all three of them could.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Well, I know a lot about golf and went to PGA school in my 20's. Golf course management included sections on grasses and soil compositions.

wtf_is_happening ago

You should go on any pizzagate thread on /pol/ on 4chan and ask about "golf rumours". I think you may be actually right on the money.

mooteensy ago

I'm looking now with no luck, link maybe?!

realityisinsanity ago

https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/20026417/#20034756 "Okay so at the PGA tournament 2009, a politico journalist apparently attended some after party and discovered occult shit happening in the basement, not just your normal larping satanist wannabes but some truly sick shit. She posted a story about it, which was immediately taken down, presumably after the powers at be threatened her. There was more chatter than they were comfortable with in online golf forums (which are now deleted) and a few days after the Tiger Woods sex scandal was posted by National Enquirer. Tiger Woods ruined his image to bury this story, there was more info on it on some onion site but I can't seem to find it. All surface web traces of it have been wiped outside of threads like this. Goes deeper than most know"

Blacksmith21 ago

A couple of thoughts:

1) Where do you put a concrete plant? On lots of land. Where do you put a gold course? On lots of land.

2) Concrete plants are often erected in close proximity to very large projects (stadiums, large buildings, municipal projects, etc.). Find out what recent projects are going on near new plant locations.

3) CEMEX likely owns or partners with companies who own boring machines. Think of what traffickers could do with a boring machine and a concrete plant on their side.

4) If you want an unrelated example, this place: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2402762 A concrete plant is located just off this graphic. This is why the FBI canned their HQ move: https://ibb.co/fYht87

Akss ago

Just checked out the pattern in the UK and indeed there is a definite correlation in the proximity of golf courses to cement plants and quarries. However it would be jumping the gun a just bit to assume that its for easy disposal of bodies. After the land has been quarried until its useless to them, the plant moves next door to a fresh bit and the previous site is sold off fairly cheap and makes a good site for a golf course. I'd be very surprised if the explanation differs significantly from that.

cantfindmenow ago

The Scottish golf courses I mentioned in another comment were built before the quarries.

Most of these golf courses were created in the 1800s or very early 1900s.

Yet they all have a Cemex plant directly next to them.

I find that suspect.

sore_ass_losers ago

Yes, that's it. I posted this already elsewhere here, but just search "golf course gravel pit", without the quotes.

Indigo- ago

I live really close by to the quarries, just cross over the road and there's the golf course. Busy motorway nearby also.

Vindicator ago

After the land has been quarried until its useless to them, the plant moves next door to a fresh bit and the previous site is sold off fairly cheap and makes a good site for a golf course.

Do we have documented cases of this happening on a fairly regular basis? It makes sense. We should be able to dig up the land sales records.

ESOTERICshade ago

Have you looked to see if there are natural gravel deposits in the earth near these plants?

Fateswebb ago

Gonna be a skeptic, and ask, is it possible that a cement factory and a golf course are symbiotic? For instance, under the sand in bunkers do they have special type of cement that allows water drainage, and also by products of cement factories such as potash or potassium are used as some sort of fertilizer on steroroids. Making the creation and maintenance of a gold course in close proximity to a cement plant a money saving arrangement?

I'm not a shill, just looking for logical answers..

swordfish69 ago

I'm gonna say yes, but Cemex/Holcim cement plants are not only appearing beside golf courses. You're also getting truck lots, train depots and other types terminal stations like river and seaports. Which again is still a reasonable way to transport cement, but if you look at many of the images you'll find a lot of casinos, zoos, amusement parks, water parks, trampoline zones among the golf courses.

GreenDell144 ago

This is creepy. Elites have their pizza parties after a 18 holes and a round of beers. Afterwards, the evidence is disposed of in the premix lime vat.

I find it plausible, simply on the basis of convenience.

Sackajahweeda ago

Queen Beatrix having another teddy bear picnic on the expansive lands?

GreenDell144 ago

I have read very little about her. Is that the Dutch cousin of the Windsors? I think they own BP or Shell Oil. Do you have a link for anything suspicious about her? Amsterdam, the worldwide pedo tourist hotspot is in her country... if I’m thinking of the right royal.

Sackajahweeda ago

Well if you knew nothing more than that it would still be very telling (I didnt btw interesting) but what I do know is from this whole thing and I think it was like hunting children at picnics (I may be mixing up two stories forgive me) but I know it was hunting people. Not good...Didnt she also wear a pizza pin when she met the spirit cooker herself MA? This

GreenDell144 ago

Is that Willem Dafoe in the foto?

If they didn’t have money or power, they would be the weirdest, most ignored and ostracized people in society; like winos and bag ladies in the streets.

Sackajahweeda ago

It looks like it but I am not sure...creepy huh? Their incessant need to show the symbolism will ultimately (I hope!) be their downfall...But we are talking about royalty with is above reproach so they might just be flaunting it in our faces AGAIN with little worry of action being taken against them. Sadly the latter is most likely true.

swordfish69 ago

I think an important part of these satellite images is just how many service roads are used between the cement plants and the golf courses. You'll notice many examples of trucks not having to travel on busy or even occupied roads.

mooteensy ago

The service roads aspect has given me a pit in my stomach. This is all plausible given the secrecy and money. Golf is not cheap. Belonging to a Country Club is not cheap. Is golf really all that the members are paying for?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

While I'm not completely convinced there's something here, but I am intrigued. I used to work for a company that cleaned tanks on military ships, so of course, they had a lot of government contracts. The owner of the company would hold an annual golf tournament, which had a lot of government employee and contractors in attendance. The golf course is surely a place you can talk and be pretty sure you aren't being listened to as long as the battery is removed from your phone and you trust the person you're talking to.

swordfish69 ago

I appreciate your skepticism. I didn't think much of it when I started looking, but some of these are so obvious it's painful. I would say there's about 12 on that list where you can literally walk off a putting green into the cement plant.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I don't doubt your research, and you went to a lot of trouble, but the question remains - why would someone want or need to take a short stroll from a golf course to a cement plant?

Golf courses usually have country clubs, which have restaurants that have large freezers. Then, you have golf carts that can easily transport anything just across the street.

Well, I'm going to have to think about this. The only other thing I noticed that would have a connection is the dog racing because they use greyhounds for blood transfusions, and thinking about that post about needing blood for cement, this may be related, but tracks are closing down everywhere in the US. Australia's another story though.

ExceptionEncountered ago

WTF? Greyhound blood? What?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I just replied to Vindicator with this heartbreaking account https://www.thedodo.com/close-to-home/greyhounds-dog-blood-farm-texas

ExceptionEncountered ago

Fuck, that's atrocious. I thought you were talking about dog blood for human use for a second.

YogSoggoth ago

I know, I have never heard of that one. I worked in a guy's house that supplies chicken fighters supplies worldwide. Spurs, vitamins, steroids, anti parasitics .. whatever. He was a pretty weird guy. Who pays for college and sets that as their business model for success? He said the hardest part was talking to so many languages on the phone. I was wondering how he was still in business, as it illegal in the USA.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yes, some retired greyhounds are sent to what's called a "blood farm" where all they do is stay cooped up in a crate and let outside when necessary until it's time for them to donate blood again that's used for other dogs who are in need of it.

Vindicator ago

That's terrible. You should add an archived link.