think- ago

This is how the police try to explain the purpose of the site away:

A Tucson Police Department spokesman, Officer Hawkins, claimed that there is an ‘ongoing investigation’ into the camp. He also said that police don’t believe it is a ‘trafficking camp,’ despite the presence of many tell-tale signs of such a site.

The local police also had a handy way to explain away the rope ties in the trees. They claimed that they were a common way for the homeless camps to string up tarps, to provide both shade and cover from the rain.

Even the bunker dug into the ground was explained, according to them, by the fact that homeless individuals will often dig into the ground in order to be cooler.

But then, Veterans On Patrol, the guys who found the site, have lots of experience with sites where homeless people live - it's basically their job finding these. So if these dudes think that the alleged trafficking camp is different from anything that they've seen before, they should be trusted imo.

new4now ago

a lot of military tunnels in Arizona

this map very interesting

not sure how old this map is, and wonder how many more tunnels have been made

1.Fort Huachuca. 290 N 116ºW saucer base below, intelligence training above, mind-control incl. too. Gates Pass Base

There are copious assertions stating that many of these D.U.M.B.s tunnels to other sites across the country interconnecting and creating a subterranean honeycombed network spanning the entire country

so many military underground facilities

Scary to think what they are all doing down there

Don't trust what Police are saying,News blackout is very interesting, and waiting for the initial agencies to get involved

so much to look into, need more hours in a day :)

think- ago

need more hours in a day :)

Definitely! :-)

Well, it's really weird that police initially refused to come to the side. Same with FBI.

new4now ago

usually FBI, Homeland, would come in and take over

not sure what going on, lack of info driving me crazy

I keeping both eyes on this one

Factfinder2 ago

Miscellaneous information about Cemex:

It has a privately-owned subsidiary called Sunbulk Shipping N.V. that operates internationally:

The CEO who made Cemex into an international company, Lorenzo Hormisdas Zambrano Treviño, was an art collector and was on the board of Mexico's Monterrey Museum of Modern Art (MARCO).

When Zambrano died in 2014, his obituary was posted on a Mexican LGBTTTI website: (translation by Google) Archive: (original)

Sackajahweeda ago

I know this may sound a little off the wall and ot but has anyone made a connection to the owner of CEMEX Carlos Slim and Wieners famous screen name of the same? Just curious if anyone has ever figured out WHY he chose this particular name?

carmencita ago

@SebuttYopick Please comment what you know

13Buddha ago

CEMEX and Haiti connection

Using local contractors to build $8,000 homes was ignored after the earthquake. More international companies were brought in, additional studies were undertaken, and the first contract was not awarded until April 2012, nearly 2.5 years after the quake and 8 months after the project was approved.

The contracts ended up not going to small, local companies but to large international ones. Thor Construction, based in MN received $18 million, and CMEX, a Mexican company, got over $7 million. Another $35 million went to 2 Haitian-American firms based in MD for environmental assessments, construction management, site preparation, and other associated projects.

dreamdigital ago

Can we make this a sticky at the top as this an active Op?

new4now ago

notice before I crashed, one was made

this link is a one click and thought it would be easier for some to read

MolochHunter ago

Is anyone here a specialist in the Eric Holder Fast & Furious scandal? (arming mexican gun cartels)

would be interesting to know if there was a Cemex connection to that...

new4now ago

good thought

think you would have to look into the American that got shot

was he border or military? cant remember :(

carmencita ago

new4now ago

Thanks, I know a lot of posts on this, but its one click easy read

Thanks again

new4now ago

its an Indian Casino

think they ran into trouble with building new casino and contract they signed with State

Indigo- ago

Did you notice the golden dawn tabernacle above the casino on the map? Golden dawn is something to do with A.Crowley.

neptunium1 ago

Looks like some sort of weird cult: Golden_Dawn_Tabernacle

The followers of William Branham refer to themselves as being in The Message. However, this is not a homogeneous group. There are many sub-cults within the cult that is the Message.

Golden Dawn Tabernacle is a message church located at 301 E. Los Reales Road in Tucson, AZ. The pastor, Isaac Noriega, was described by a former Golden Dawn member as "a very angry, bad tempered man... I remember him yelling at the deacons and anyone else who crossed his path when he was in a bad mood because things were not going his way. He didn't care who you were. He would not hesitate to disrespect you."

Isaac Noreiga youtube channel: William Branham Cult History: The Cadle Tabernacle

Mad_As_Hell ago

Doesn't seem to be linked to Crowley but weird in its own right

Indigo- ago

Very weird

carmencita ago

Those Rules are Off the Wall. Really Bazaar Most def like a Cult. They sound like someone sat up all night to think of the most inane Rules possible.

MolochHunter ago

Golden Dawn was a group of late 19thC magicians where Crowley cut his teeth. He left them to get into darker arts

EricKaliberhall ago

Good catch brother!