MolochHunter ago

Check this for a possible method / plot

remember the toronto jihadi shooter a couple of months ago? Faith Goldy did a vid on how the media overlooked the rather disconcerting story of his brother, who is in a coma now from 'drug overdose'

the guy had a stockpile of Carfentanil, 5000 x more potent than heroin

the guy had enough to kill 2 billion people. yer. with a B

darkknight111 ago

The method I can think of involves poisoning a water supply, such as a river or aqueduct.

Possible to kill LOTS of people through that method.

MolochHunter ago

that was my assumption. enclosed building through the air con is another, but smaller deathtoll

how the fuck wasnt this news? cunt coulda killed a whole city

SchlongKeyhote ago

Dude. How many times must I tell you that you sound like a faggot by always saying e.g. "if my deductions are correct.." Do you know what the word "pretentious" means?

Also your (((Hollywood actor))) is retweeting that kike MAGA slut who pushes bullshit like Syria gas attack trying to get Americans to die for Israel.


Do you believe in coincidences?

Suck the glans.


darkknight111 ago

Congratulations. You are a representative of what a typical muslim man is in terms of your character. People like you are why voat hates sand niggers.

Since you a vile detestable piece of shit, that means that muslims as a collective group are just as horrible people as you.

srayzie ago

Donkey is rude. I made him this gift and he didn’t even thank me.

SchlongKeyhote ago

nah. all of voat hates JEWS above all else. precisely because they are 0.2% of the world but responsible for all of Pizzagate AND the muslim immigration invasion.

all groups should be judged collectively. that's what public policy IS you IDIOT LMAO

The_Savant ago

but responsible for all of Pizzagate

Zero truth here. Besides, Muzzies are just as practiced in pedophilia and far more queer. Not to mention how unintelligent they are.

auralsects ago

LOL "zero truth" LOOOOL LMAO.

Muzzies are just as practiced in pedophilia

@The_Savant concluded on the basis of this picture from Zionist website that Muslims conduct mass pedophilic marriage ceremonies. You are aptly named, as savants are typically RETARDED.

and far more queer.

not only are JEWISH publishers the ones DENYING a link btwn homosexuality and pedophilia, Jews are TWICE AS LIKELY TO BE GAY as gentiles as ANYONE WITH EYES who lives in the west can intuitively recognize.

Not to mention how unintelligent they are.

XDDDD literally the dumbest motherfucker on the board (except @srayzie) calling someone unintelligent

why do u love Jews so much, faggot? youre on the wrong site, delete your account then your life

srayzie ago

@darkknight111 and @Shizy...

Get over here and look at the image that got the camel jockie’s panties in a bunch. See parent. 🐫🐫🐫🐫🐫

auralsects ago

actually gullible folks like you are the ones upset by it.

normally-functioning adults can deduce theyre attending a family wedding and it's some kind of tradition to glorify the idea of marriage in the eyes of girls.

unlike white women they didn't get brainwashed by hideous kikes, and they know when to shut the fuck up and stay out of mens biznazz, two qualities you lack

srayzie ago

You are so lame. I’m not even talking about Jews here. We’ve got it. You hate Jews. You’ve told us this non stop for over a year. Don’t deflect. We are now talking about your people. The Muslims.

You always DEFEND Muslims. Yeah, we know what their kind of “wedding traditions” are like.

Denounce Allah. Denounce Muhammad. Tell us that you don’t worship Allah or Muhammad.

Tell Allah to fuck off. Is that too hard to do?

auralsects ago

LOL you think im this guy

srayzie ago

No Donkey. I think you’re a sand nigger. Do I need to be more clear? People are seeing thru you.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Vote on VOAT!' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @14021082:

less infested with racist graffiti than QRV.

That's because it's the mods there, and their "friends" creating the racist graffiti here.

Who are their friends? SBBH/SRS

Careful who you follow.

This notification (#890) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

auralsects ago

Every single pizzagate name a Jew=meh

Alleged sandnigger (Semitic) researcher=SUSPICIOUS AS FUCK

lmao retarded bitch spends all her time INADVERTENTLY covering for child rapists and calling actual researchers shills for their supposed race XD

srayzie ago

Once again...

Denounce Allah. Denounce Muhammad. Tell us that you don’t worship Allah or Muhammad.

Tell Allah to fuck off. Is that too hard to do?

auralsects ago

LOL I denounce Allah and Muhammad and mecca and your slut mother. What now bitch?

I don't even defend Muslims because there are none in PG to begin with -- JUST KIKES who distract you with them.

Furthermore their practice of suppressing womens stupidity gets more defensible the more you get fooled by kikes. As always, I win, cunt.

Shame your brother didn't die in Afghanistan, maybe you'd have woken up

Shizy ago

So I guess you haven't heard about the Rotherdam case then have you donkey? Faggor!

auralsects ago

LOL what a stupid brainless bitch you are.

Not only was that not PG related, those weren't even children.

They were dirty low-self-worth whores selling their body for cigarettes and candy. And they became so because of JEW media debasing them 24/7 and because of their worthless single mothers.

Given the kind of mother you must be I bet I could turn your daughter out in 5 minutes with some pork rinds.

try again, cunt. j/k, just leave.

The_Savant ago

@The_Savant concluded on the basis of this picture

I think you'll find I never drew any conclusions from that picture, neither was the picture labelled a mass wedding for Muslims to children. It's merely the connection you made yourself.

why do u love Jews so much, faggot?

I don't. Muslims are objectively far worse, however.

Fuck off, goat fucker.

Blacksmith21 ago

And there a shitton more hadjis than Jews.

srayzie ago

Since you called him goat fucker, I will show you a gift I made the camel jockie...

This was custom made by Srayzie. I didn’t even get a thank you. 🐫

Blacksmith21 ago

That is so awesome.

srayzie ago

I’ve made him many gifts that he doesn’t appreciate.

srayzie ago

See how upset he gets if you talk about his people? Muslims are the only group of people that he defends. I’ve asked him several times to publicly denounce Allah and Muhammad and he won’t. Seeing how this got him all worked up.

The_Savant ago

I know, right? It's funny to watch him defend them whilst also never fully contradicting the statement that many of them are pedophiles.

srayzie ago

He uses the deflecting technique that his George Soros funded employers taught him during orientation.

auralsects ago

I think you'll find I never drew any conclusions from that picture, neither was the picture labelled a mass wedding for Muslims to children.

LMAO of course it was, and that's why YOU posted it in the first place.

what youre saying makes ZERO sense but you don't wanna admit you got hoaxed XD

dude I tell a lot of people to kill themselves but for you I legit mean it. pathetic

The_Savant ago

Nope, you're wrong. I drew conclusions from the article, not the picture. I didn't mention the picture once. The article never drew attention to the picture once. You're the only person who cared about the picture. You never rebutted a single point from the article, it was only "THIS ISN'T A MUSLIM."

Also your insults are getting weak. It's usually fun to read your bent as rants but this shit:

delete your account then your life

Is weak.

SchlongKeyhote ago

I said beware of jewish shills (Amy Mek) and you respond by saying i'm a jewish shill. don't you see I win either way?

CIA niggers probably wrote the "gentlemans guide to forum spies" that you said changed your life and which describes every possible online behavior in order make truthers into LARPer FAGGOTS thinking they can "spot shills".

you should probably kill urself from shame

darkknight111 ago

More like a glowing Sand Nigger.

The fact that in a thread warning about something that could potentially affect millions if true, he decides being a jack ass is more important than looking out for his fellow man speaks volumes about his character.

Ie, he’s a psychopath (ie of inferior race) and thus needs to die (preferably tossed into an oven while still alive) like all subhumans (psychopaths, sociopaths, narracists, anyone who believes rape can be justified, etc).

SchlongKeyhote ago

I warn about Jewish supremacism that affects BILLIONS. in your face, niggerfaggot.

whereas you wanna bomb people cuz e-celeb JewAnon said so lol. psycho

Shizy ago

Eat some bacon donkey, you'll feel better!

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Sans evidence.... it glows......

Blacksmith21 ago

This was Q's warning. If you think this shit is real here is what you need NOW:

  • As much water as you can stow and powdered gatorade as much as you can stow

  • Water purification methods - Sawyer Mini - buy 6

  • MRE, freeze dried, canned - as much as you can store

  • Search "fish antibiotics" - Amoxicillin, cephalexin, erythromyicin. Especially ciproflaxin (sp) aka Cipro. Go to for biow. Dosages in human amounts. Same shit.

  • PPE - Tyvek, nitrile, sanitizer, chlorine, quarantine procedures, top off first aid kits

  • Protective measures - it's too late.

  • A basic plan. Think 1-4 weeks out.

bopper ago

A plane in Dallas just now, everyone had the "measles." What's up?

I don't think Woods has even listed the Dallas plane yet.

MolochHunter ago

ive got my eyes more on Syria. youtube just killed all Syrian channels