CheeseboogerHimself ago

Exactly. Also, their little brigades do not work anymore where they project themselves onto Goats. That's why they left here and set up over at Poal.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

People got pissed that the jailbait porn subreddits got taken down circa 2013 or some shit.

Whenever the arab spring was.

This place was created to house the degenerates, but then the chink Reddit CEO cunt started fucking with shitposters and the first migration occurred.

Those that came here quickly overwhelmed the pedos and kicked them off, leaving only the fash.

Many will disagree with my telling of history, but dont listen, they are faggots that migrated here just like you or me.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Been here about a year. I believe Voat's history is unimportant in getting your bearings here. Immerse yourself in the current culture. Lurk, comment, earn your ccp, post some solid contributions. Pretty much what I did. I wondered about some events going on in the background after I joined, but I get really fed with message board drama, so I tuned it out. Nevertheless, I'd really like to know what the hell was up with Srayzie and why he/she is so reviled here.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Then you're as curious about the history of this place as I am. Some decent info in this thread now. Though not many seem to be talking about Srayzie directly. I think he/she was just a fad.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Semites are the enemy.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

The goyim will have their day. Semites will be no more.

EpiPendemic ago

fuck off faggot is the history for me story of my life LOL

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Fuck off faggot. We're glad you're here.

Seriously, though. This community is awesome. I wouldn't have it any other way.

SparklingWiggle ago

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Any group of religious zealots that views the rest of humanity as animals needs to be dealt with directly. Thanks for the post.

newoldwave ago

I came to voat when r/wtf banned me for saying "dindu nuffin". Said I was a racist ans shit. I responded with "so what?". The mod responded with "try voat". Soooo

AlexanderMorose13 ago

They ban people for saying something as lame as that? Fucking anarchists.

Rellik88 ago

A couple years ago /pol/ raided us, and none of us noticed.

We were more red pilled then them.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

More like they were just full of pussies.

i_scream_trucks ago

i would, but i cant remember how long ive been here now.

All i know is that i signed up, and history was made.

Now you all have me here.

Feel privelidged yet?

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Absolutely. Thanks for being here.

i_scream_trucks ago

Youre welcome. and thanks for having me.

MyDrunkAccount ago

Voat didn't always hate Jews. About 3-4 years ago Voat was actually pretty quiet about them. In fact, I remeber seeing Jew apologist posts that had 1-2 downvoats and a dozen or so upvoats. You gotta understand though, most of the people at the time had only recently left reddit and were still recovering from oppression. Enter Amalek the prophet. That motherfucker was suddenly everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE. All he did was write walls of text that blamed the Jews for everything from a runny nose to globalism to mystical satanism. He was persistent too, he openly attacked Voat itself, Putt, Atko, and untold numbers of random users--he sometimes downright hounded users with accusations of kikery across the entire platform...almost like he lived inside much so that Putt and Atko even gave him concessions here and there to get him out of their hair. He wasn't an autist, he was The Autistic Ideal. Stack 10 of the most autistic autists from each of the Chans, the Q continuum, PizzaGate, and any other place you want, up against Amalek and their combined autism wouldn't hold a tissue to one of Amalek's sneeze boogers. Their trembling fear of his dominating super autism could be felt on the moon. He had no equal.

At the time though, we all ridiculed him and told him he was an antisemitic faggot conspiracy lunatic. We really did. His claims sounded downright ludicrous. Jews running the world? Influencing global politics? Ruling over global economies? Owning the media? Planning the demise of white people? Orchestrating the political narrative of this country? And of course...the holocaust was faked??? The man, was downvoated so much, so often, so viciously, by so many of us that his downvoat count literally ran off the side of the screen.

And then, suddenly, he was gone. Never to be heard from again. But Amalek was a genius. We had grown SO accustomed to hearing his blaming of the Jews that the sudden silence amplified our ability to hear hands rubbing all around us. We all started noticing little curiosities about the Jews that had always either eluded us or been dismissed out of hand as antisemitic. The more we noticed, the more we started seeing. The more we started seeing, the angrier we got. We quickly realized how firmly attached our blinders had been. Not just Jewish blinders, but all of the blinders we had unwittingly accumulated. Next thing you know, before anyone could even count to six million, Voat became more than a place to call someone a faggot, more than a place to create childish "raids" out of boredom, and even more than a place to come be distracted by cat pictures. It became a place we could openly and freely question ourselves, each other, and our superiors without fear of repercussion, not because we were suddenly immune to repercussions, but because we stopped worrying about it. All because Amalek spoke his mind with conviction and without reservation. He stood proud and suffered our wrath without so much as wincing, and then he took our fears of openly speaking our minds with him into the dark abyss so that we could live in the light. He died for our sins. He was a true modern day prophet.

And then there was also a brief time where we had a user who was really, and I mean REALLY into butt plugs. That's why the famous voat reddit migration comic with the goats sitting in a cardboard box has a butt plug in the corner.

That's the nutshell description of the tip of our ice berg...everything else on voat is basically a free speech footnote to Plato and Socrates.

Neskuaxa ago

Is there a top ten list of his posts? Sounds interesting to read after I've been here for a while.

MyDrunkAccount ago

Doubtful. When he deleted his account all of his posts probably got deleted too. He mostly rambled on insanely, like he was high on both crack and adderall. At least, that's what it seemed like at the time because all of his points seemed ridiculous. Imagine if the Q crowd posts were all posted by one person and spread out as replies to random posts on random subs. Then, imagine instead of their posts being about Q, Trump, etc., their main message was that dolpins were an alien race stranded on earth that ran the world and were desperately trying to kill all humans and that we shouldn't feel bad about the Japanese slaughtering dolphins that were tricked into being caught by the hundreds because that's a made up story fabricated by dolphins to trick us into feeling sorry for them. Imagine this being several pragraphs long with lots of finger pointing and accusations. Now make that person as bitter as an agry pitbul who will rip into anyone who tries to pet him. Sounds downright insane, troll-y, and spammy...remember, you're seeing these dolphin replies in the comments of random posts dozens of times per day. Now...imagine it it was all fucking true. Suddenly the insanity is....justified? Or was it still insane behavior? Nobody can really say because he just suddenly vanished and was never heard from on voat again.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Ah, god, I loved Amalek. The fucker was insane, but awesome. There was even a point (on my old account) when I said "dude, tone it down a bit" and he ripped into me six ways to Sunday. The dude just didn't care; he fucking hated the filthy jews, he hated their institutions, and he hated anyone who tried to reign him in. He was goddamn amazing, one of the most prolific spammers of anti-kike propaganda there ever was, and ever will be.

Goddamn, how I miss him. I created my original account right after Whoaverse turned into Voat, so I was old and crusty when he came along, but he taught me the value of fanatically spreading the truth no matter how annoying it might be to those who don't want to hear it. I sincerely wish the bastard were still here, spam-posting his shit to every sub-verse on Voat...

Amalek was our prophet, and we thought he was a nut-case. We all did. And I for one am really fucking sorry for that, because he was right, and we were wrong.

Azamuku ago

I miss him too. He had really good intel and knew the spin.

THEx1138 ago

HPOP what happened to thee?

MyDrunkAccount ago

She...he? Pretty sure it was a she. She slowly started posting less and less, then said it was time for her to move on. She posted a final goodbye post and then left. Probably still lurks every now and then but being a celebrity power user takes up quite a bit of time out of your life and she had bigger and better things to shove up her ass.

SparklingWiggle ago

THEx1138 ago

Bonus question: What is the object in the front left corner?

SparklingWiggle ago

The butt plug.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Awesome summary. Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

Rellik88 ago

Quality post sir.

gazillions ago

it's the internet. crazy people are on the internet. That's how it works.

spaceman84 ago

Average user IQ was 20 points higher

Lag-wagon ago

It saddens me that no one ever mentions the cup cake wars.

Amalekwithsauce ago

I joined ages ago, before any migration started the guitar and tattoo subverses and never posted shut and lost them. Forgot all my user names and passwords, but whatever.

Important users were:

Amalek=saint of free speech, shorty copy paste posted

Highly paid orgy pro= was Matt LeBlanc

Hencho= some pedo who tried to destroy us

Atko= made us, abandoned us

Puttitout= in over his head, cia gonna pin all this on him

TheodoreKent= cool dude who taught all to not fear doxxing

Cum_control ago


ibepokey ago

ahh, hpop and hencho.

those guys were assholes

sirRantsalot ago

no way highly paid orgy pro was the guy from friends.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Indeed he was.

Moatman ago

HPOP was proven?

Hey_Sunshine ago

Yeah, on one of the first episodes of TopGear

Nosfewratsjews ago

Have now spent two hours trying to sauce this. Halp?

Hey_Sunshine ago

Fuck... I tried finding it last night but I guess it's been memory holed. Guess it's back to speculation. The only other proof was that HPOP was the owner/moderator of the v/mattleblanc subverse which has been deactivated as well. Sorry fren

Hey_Sunshine ago

It was one of the first episodes that he guest starred

TheAmerican ago

Voat is not an American company. It's out of Switzerland.

THEx1138 ago

Your mom is calling for you to come up from the basement.

TheAmerican ago

How original. You're super creative and a very original thinker.

GreenSlug ago

There was this one time that was all fucked your mom. Id say it was a good time, but she wasnt a good lay.

Deplorablepoetry ago



It was created by Sir Edmond Voat in 1892 as a refuge from societal faggotry.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

If only. Someone that intelligent should have an altar dedicated to him in every home.

FreeSpeechWarriors ago

This is Amalek. Basically the top founding member. I can tell you everything from it's beautiful inception to thread state we find ourselves in now.

european ago

Do another podcast

FreeSpeechWarriors ago

I remember you. I'm pretty sure you were always cool. Glad to see you're still kicking around here.

european ago

Where have you been mostly though?

Nosfewratsjews ago

Did you fail or abstain?

Rellik88 ago

If you were Amalek, this post would be in differnt heading sizes, and also a long copy pasta on voat censorship.

FreeSpeechWarriors ago

Never. There are many Amalek impostors that pretend to be me and post nonsense in an attempt to discredit me. Don't be mistaken.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Voat made me question everything. Amalek made me question whether I was questioning everything...

sirRantsalot ago

youre amalek? i'll bet you have other alts as well.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Not that I'm convinced, but I'd to love to hear your version of it.

FreeSpeechWarriors ago

I'll tag you in the post.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Tag me, plox.

TheAntiZealot ago


Moln0014 ago

Voat is a breath of fresh air in the wild west.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Breath of fresh air? It's pretty much the only source of oxygen left on a planet that is going so insane everyone is demanding to breathe nitrogen.

Moln0014 ago

The people breathing nitrogen can die off. They'll leave oxygen for the rest of us

NotHereForPizza ago

Find out who @zook is and the real underbelly of the faggots controlling this place comes to light.

Welcome to Reddit 2.0: The Containment zone

sirRantsalot ago

I'm still VERY confused. who are the the guys with values closest to conservative Christians?

NotHereForPizza ago

People like peaceseeker are here to ensure no one finds away out of the enclosed "Christian" backup run off frame.

You'll notice if anyonef begins speaking of things they aren't suppose to discuss, hell drown you in typical Jesuit propoganda, using extensive historical and papal context to pursuade you with insisting, suggestive ly, thst you have no way to win the argument against him.

Dude's effective. I'll grant him that. Too bad people like me don't fall for the air of mysticism and suffocating commitment he displays. Too bad some of us out there know the real Truth

sirRantsalot ago

I haven't ran into him too much. How do you know the truth? First hand experience? From my perspective were ALL grasping at straws. I'd listen, if you're telling.

NotHereForPizza ago

As weird as it sounds, I just sort of knew it. The first step appears to be decalcifying. After that, you'll know when you're right.

Otherwise, I've got a general idea of where to look in order to observe things others wouldn't normally be able to grasp.

sirRantsalot ago

dude......are you talking about decalcifying of the pineal gland? so no REAL evidence. look, I know youre a smart cookie, weve been chatting since my drstrangegov days. but these people have invested BILLIONS. and hired the best scientists, sociologists, psychiatrists, anthropologists, etc to back up their nonsense with plausible explanations. ive gone through the "I just sort of knew it" stage. I think the TRUTH is stranger than we can imagine. and probably simpler.

NotHereForPizza ago

Few are ready to be told they are divine, that they aren't their body and that this place is a prison. The walls are your ego. You are to find the world between worlds and disperse the leaden ego that festers within you, becoming gold, finding the light and emerging from The Game to find your reflection in other "Humans" that watch us conduct ourselves in The Game.

You have so much more to learn. Fortunately, Jupiter bestowed upon [Them] a timeline, one they haven't met.

We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment

We are choosing to be here, right now

Hold on, stay inside this HOLY REALITY

And obviously

Embrace this moment


We are eternal

All this pain is an illusion

Again, I don't typically talk about this here for good reason. There is a time and place for everything. Luckily, things are looking like they're converging soon.

You should really watch the news and fasten that seat belt of yours.

sirRantsalot ago

I know we have a spark of the devine. but only children are innocent. the world is a shithole, and we wallow in it. I also believe something big is imminent, but ive thought that for 5-10 years. at this point im just looking forward to being vindicated. i'm sure you know the frustration of knowing that shit is deeply, deeply messed up while everyone else is oblivious.

NotHereForPizza ago

Fortunately, my awakening was quite recent. Not so fortunately, I took Odin's path:'s_eye

It sucked.

sirRantsalot ago

you sacrificed your eye at the spring of knowledge?

NotHereForPizza ago

I really can't get too personal here, but I'll say this:

Knowledge often comes with a cost. My eye was also damaged, but I think the trauma I experienced was enough of a jolt to really level me out.

No, I didn't do anything crazy, but I did make a trade for the knowledge I have - one I sometimes regret.

Let's just say that amassing knowledge, especially of this variety, takes time - time that detracts from developing yourself in other ways, at least if you're anything like me. Just remember, solitude invokes a particular trade off many aren't willing to make.

I guess this is me saying I'm banking pretty hard on [them] being uprooted somewhat soon. Having to keep this all to myself is maddening. Still, I basically just using that as a metaphor. I can still see and everything.

sirRantsalot ago

very mysterious! one of my coworkers has a damaged eye. it affects his life not one whit and he has a beautiful wife. but i'm familiar with solitude, allowed it to drive me mad, but like all bad things that period ended. I got married and got happier. I hope these bastards go down hard. but im not getting my hopes up. ive been let down too many times.

NotHereForPizza ago

I guess that's what I'm here fore.

sirRantsalot ago


NotHereForPizza ago

kek that wasn't on purpose

I tried to strike the E out, but that didn't look any different.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

This conversation is amazing. I want it to continue, if you are both interested. I want to learn everything that you have to say.

WolfShepherd ago

Zookpill me?

NotHereForPizza ago

Zook revealedv that even the earliest versions of this site had implemented and used (probably extensively) a tool to shadowban users.

The big thing about this, then, is why people like peaceseeker at least used to excitedly explain away the situation in typical damage control fashion.

Zook worked on the code of the site in the beginning. If you simply peruse @AOU's comment history, you'll discover what I'm talking about quickly.

uvulectomy ago

This sounds like a glownigger trying to do research for a report.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

For what it's worth, I'm not interested in writing a report. I'm interested in understanding more about the community that has taught me everything about how reality actually functions. I'd take truth any day over the fictional world that those in power want us to believe in. Though I do enjoy skepticism like yours; it's better to add caution to every decision.

It_was_the_juice ago

Come for the niggerfaggotkikes, stay for the red pills.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Definitely sounds like a vacation when you put it that way.

requiescence ago

This guy is cool and knows a lot, let me summon him:


sirRantsalot ago

you have to look in the mirror and say it three times.

requiescence ago

There are plenty of things to say in the mirror.

This is what I say, "You fucking loser, what did you do with your life?"

"You fucking loser, what did you do with your life?"

"You fucking loser, what did you do with your life?"

I am in a mid-life crisis. Sorry.

sirRantsalot ago

That's sad. Perhaps your expectations are too high

requiescence ago

My fucking expectations are not to high. I am dying here, and here comes your cunt ass making some slimiy shit commentary. Cheers, faggot.

sirRantsalot ago

how am i supposed to know you are dying? i'm sorry. i hope you jump on my man jesus's lifeboat.

requiescence ago

Please ignore my previous statement. Jees, I must have gotten drunker on Saturday than I thought. I am so sorry.

I am not dying, and you are fine. Too many beers. Sorry man.

sirRantsalot ago

All good my friend. I definitely have been there.

requiescence ago


blit416 ago


requiescence ago

I am reading my comment replies and all I see is, "NO." I'm like, okay, let me learn whoever this is. Click "context." Opps, yup, forgot that dumb statement I wrote, okay, carry on!

TheNiggerFaggot ago

Let me tell you... It all goes way back to the days of the great al-Baghdadi raid. So brush up on that, and you'll pretty much have the full story.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

This is perfect. More history here than you can put into words.

LostandFound ago here's another, we repelled the first wave of Q in typical voat style. Not that they were all bad but we cant have the site going all pussy on us either.

NotHereForPizza ago

Yeah, we don't care if you enjoy our using our (your) platform.

The big men said the word and we listened. Besides, if it weren't for us, you retards would've still had your couple of hundred looser hanging out with feds talking about retarded and dense shit no one cares that much about.

PizzaGate literally made this place. Users like darknight are the only fucking reason anyone pays any attention to council on foreign relations' answer to the image board problem.

LostandFound ago

Take a chill my account is only like 2 months older than yours and my submission history while limited speaks for itself. Why you being a dick?

NotHereForPizza ago

Eh don't take it that way.

I'm just speaking to the Reddit normie vs anon paradigm.

LostandFound ago

I have a ton more stored offline but I am travelling at the moment, hopefully some other goats can help me here!

BrennKommando ago

Context? Anyway I think when the original host deplatformed us and later Mastercard cancelled all transactions stands out to me. It's one thing when other sites such as Reddit don't want to host our kind of discussions, but it's an entirely different thing when even making your own platform is no longer allowed. Then there was all the DDoS attacks, a couple of blackmail attempts and what not. You get a certain appreciation of things when you are at risk of losing them and the reality is that for the past 4 years, we've never really known if Voat would still be there the next day. It's not all that strange some will take offense if others take it for granted.

Then in general is the fact that Voat is essentially just a tool. Let's call it a saw for the sake of argument. It's brilliant at sawing, but not so much at hammering. With each new generation migrating here we're seeing more and more try to make Voat do something it was never designed for, and that in turn ruins it for the rest of us. The Q movement is certainly a criminal example of that.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

There's definitely some Qtards that hit the limit on annoying, but they're more like the furries of the sexual world. You don't pay attention to them and hope they don't multiply, even though you know that they're probably having too much fun by themselves.

cynicaloldfart ago

gazillions ago

The only really important thing about Voat history is that we're mostly here because everywhere else became fucked. The internet was invaded and taken over by by "corporate" mainstream and their feminist teenage army of totalitarian enforcers with little brains,

Hello_world88 ago

Honest question: what about 4chan?

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, the website owned by a literal cuckold (until he sold it to some nips) that censored all gamergate content and has banned racism and anti-jew content on /pol/? Really?

JEWantEuro2HateIslam ago

I know of no public forums that don't glow in the dark or regularly get spammed with gore. 4chan is basically CIA headquarters. They made the Q tards a thing from scratch. This website is for people who glow even more brightly in the dark. It's closely monitored.

gazillions ago

I dunno. More or less the same deal I imagine. There have been oceans of suppositions about what made the chans the chans. And all the old folks conveniently forget that every boys bathroom in every school had naughty swastikas in small ball point graffiti when they were kids. They all got together to be naughty and funny on the internet, except that some serious research started filtering through to the boysroom that is pol.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

So true. But in terms of what you say, wouldn't that make us the John Galt society of Atlas Shrugged?

mediabanhammer ago

the movie atlas shrugged is like 8 hours (split into 3 parts) and it is basically rule 34 for capitalism

BlowjaySimpson ago

Lol no.

And your obvious infatuation with kiked controlled-op lolbert individualism can go the fuck back to reddit.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

You literally have "Simpson" in your name. You want to discuss kike controlled?

BlowjaySimpson ago


But your Username references a nigger with a sexual pun. JEW CONFIRMED

you are legitimately the greatest retard I have seen all month.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

You need to get out more.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Nobody cares what you have to say anymore, faggot.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Clearly you do. Dumbass.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Do you even OPSEC, Alexander?

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Nobody cares what you have to say anymore, faggot.

BlowjaySimpson ago

You've been doxed, bucko.

boneystorm ago

LOL this nigger is retarded. Blast yourself.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Doubt it.

gazillions ago

We can just be pisssed off. we don't have to be someone else or just like someone else.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

You are a person that gets it. Thanks.

sakuramboo ago

> Originally called Whoaverse

> Subs were called Subverses (still called that today)

> Atko was original owner

> Name changed to Voat around the time of the first major mass censorship of Reddit

> Atko stepped down and Puttitout took over

> Lots of server problems and DDoS attacks throughout the years

> Members of /v/Linux helped Puttitout migrate many parts of Voat to Linux to help cut costs

> Each major migration wave gets met with our hazing, if you survive, you can stay

> We apparently have some secret investor that no one wants to talk about (most guess its a glow in the dark)

> Canary is died earlier this year

CognitiveDissident5 ago

You left out the secret investor whose identity we were told we didn't need to know.

sakuramboo ago

> We apparently have some secret investor that no one wants to talk about (most guess its a glow in the dark)

Second to last line...

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Ah, my apologies.

Azamuku ago

Amalek left for your sins.

Not_Your_Normal_Goat ago

Can you explain the Canary in the coal mine to me? What was it and how did it die?

sakuramboo ago

Here is the canary. The canary is to be updated monthly. If any of those requests or gag orders come in, the canary stops being updated. While the G can prevent you from talking, they can't force you to lie or make you update the canary. So, when a few months go by and the canary isn't updated, it lets the users know they something happened.

When you go to the link of the canary, you can see on the right hand side when the last update happened. Which means it's been 6 months since there was an update, meaning we were sent either a gag order or private information request.

Not_Your_Normal_Goat ago

I'm on mobile and cand see the last edit date. But thanks for the explanation.

sakuramboo ago

Yes you can. On the left hand side is a three line menu. Click that and a side window will slide open and you can see the information.

Redpilleveryone ago

October 2016 Wikileaks/pizzagate migration was big.

Gamer gate before that. Look it up. Worth understanding.

Wowbagger ago

You should mention some high volume and entertaining users such as HPOP

zxcvzxcv ago

How did the canary work, and how do you know it died?

sakuramboo ago

Official Canary

On the right hand side you can see the Last Edit Time of 6 months ago on 4/25/2019 12:04:41 AM

Also, Putt said in a post that he was contacted and that there could be legal issues from it here.

zxcvzxcv ago

Well, that would explain why the content on voat has gone downhill the last 6 months. I bet the smart goats abandoned ship.

AmericanJew2 ago

You forgot about @Highly_Paid_Orgy_Pro, @Amalek and his hairy ass, and @CANCELCATFACTS

FreeSpeechWarriors ago

Remember how we kept getting out hosting dropped. First Germany, then Switzerland, etc.

You shouldn't omit that part...

You left out a lot of important stuff.

Deplorablepoetry ago

I like having a sober dude like you around..., makes getting drunk ...sobering

sirRantsalot ago

I haven't seen any good doggerel from you lately!

sakuramboo ago

I'm on-call with my work this week, so I have to stay sober...

NotHereForPizza ago

Investor is PIA...

Good God normies are so blind.

Now tell them who @zook is.

HeebyKneegrow ago

I first came to voat back when everyone was mad at Reddit for having a female CEO or some shit. I was flabbergasted by the language on here, open racism, but more importantly I was impressed at how hard the users on this site fought back

Earlier this year I quit reddit because it was astroturfed like a motherfucker and became a click farm. I still think this place is a toxic mess but I like it because no one here is holding back and you can say nigger

Azamuku ago

If the nigger be glowing, the goats be a knowing.

clubberlang ago

Hell to the fuck yea motherfucker welcome you kike fucking austistic asshole

ThirteenthZodiac ago

I was flabbergasted by the language on here, open racism

You sound like a fucking faggot.

Go the fuck back to reddit.

HeebyKneegrow ago

Nah I'm desensitized to you niggers

heretolearn ago

what's toxic about this place?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

what? You mean apart from me?

HeebyKneegrow ago

Let's be honest, there's a lot of open discussions here but there are some actual h8rs

I'm ok with reading their stuff because I'm tired of censorship.

totallynotFBI ago

The groupthink

chemlord11 ago

No one here likes kiks so it gets labeled toxic to scare the other goys from here

Plavonica ago

There's still a lot of shills, glowniggerciaplants, and many attempts to start purity spirals. A lot of the info can get people down as well, so they tend to lash out often if they spend too much time here. But there's not a lot of other places you can post to and not get insta-banned for most of the views here. Even the fairly normie-level stuff like not enjoying the current (jewish-led) communist push to destroy the world.

Tallest_Skil ago

There's still a lot of shills

Voat is not a website for truth, after all.


See above.

and many attempts to start purity spirals

Learn what you’re saying.

A lot of the info can get people down as well

“For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.” ~ Ecclesiastes 1:18


All the Mossad agents

Gigglestick ago

You not submitting enough OC you dumb faggot

TheSolutionist ago

"Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth." - some Anon and Dan Bilzerian

21135437? ago

Also, I can poop here freely.

sirRantsalot ago

i.p. freely

hang_em_high ago

What were all the major migrations? I know FPH was before I got here. I came around the time of the Pizzagate stuff. MDE after that and Q subs.

TheSolutionist ago

I seriously quit Reddit when they banned mde. Now I only visit t_d there, because they literally banned any fucking edgy sub that existed and everything else is just boring.

drj2 ago

mde was one of the only ones that seamlessly fit in to voat

Maggotfeast ago

Cringeanarchy also, they posted all the same content as vote

crazy_eyes ago

those cucks did not seamlessly fit in

hang_em_high ago

MDE was really one of the only good fit migrations that I remember. Unfortunately the sub seems pretty slow now. TD banned me for criticizing "take the guns first" and bump stock stuff. They were censoring hundreds of comments that day. I never once went back after that bullshit.

Saproliteone ago

The only other active MDE community I can think of out there was on 8chan for a while until they went under. But they pretty much just whined about how voat mde people jewpost too much and how Sam is a pedophile sex addict who jewed Charls out of book money and has to pay Nick to make appearances on his Gumroad show.

TheSolutionist ago

TD mods bend the knee to live another day on the platform. Their heart is at the right place. They are good mods.

Hello_world88 ago

I got banned from t_d permanently for talking shit about muzlims. They’re fucking cucks

Maggotfeast ago

That's weird, Muslims are the only ones I ever saw td talk shit about frequently

Hello_world88 ago

I know I was seriously taken aback. there may have been some slight inciting of violence towards them as well

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Fuck Islam. You were only telling the truth.

hang_em_high ago

Bullshit. That had nothing to do with something that would get the sub banned. That was a basic criticism of a Trump statement that even the libs and MSM were criticizing. They allow ZERO criticism of Trump there. Mods are censors like every other part of reddit.

sakuramboo ago

Not in any specific order...

> Ellen Pao's first iron fist

> Gamergate

> Pizzagate

> FPH and that group of subreddits

> T_D getting quarantined (was temporary, most went back)

> There were at least two batches of "racist" subreddits that got banned

Whenever there's a new batch of subreddit bans, there's heavy activity on /v/MeanwhileOnReddit that showcases who got banned.

crazy_eyes ago

dont forget the incels, but they all left

thecajunone ago

And very recently all black pilled, incel subs, clown world, fren etc subs were banned

And watchredditdie had a very blatant hostile takeover

european ago

first racist sub was probaly /r/coontown. They came and set up shop at /r/niggers @eagleshigh . Then /r/european was probably the next racist sub.

antiracist ago

Member when I posted black on blonde porn as the banner of v/niggers and it stayed like that for like a week? I member.

It was lulz.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

european ago

You are @eugenix right?

Antiracist10 ago

No, I'm antiracist.

european ago

Who is antiracist though?

antiracist3 ago

Antiracist is my original name. I only use alts with a number after them, up to 10, because faggot tyrant @PuttItOut only allows my accounts one comment post a day, because pedophile @Crensch and his already army downvoted my accounts to oblivion because he hates free speech. Also, Crensch is an idiot who loves loli porn and child sex dolls.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/atheism comment by @Antiracist6.

Posted automatically (#74016) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@antiracist3: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Antiracist6)

european ago

How did you manage to change the headers of /v/niggers. That is why I said eugenix. The pinging you do is weird tio

Antiracist4 ago

I never imagined eugenix or amalek would be the same person.

I wasn't saying you did. I was saying that Voaters have accused me of being other Voaters, who I am not.

How did you manage to change the headers of /v/niggers.

I was a mod.

Why are you anti racist?

To provide checks and balances to the extremist racist echo chamber. Also, there was this cartoon called Antiracist Hitler that I liked.

The pinging of bojangles and eagleshigh you do is weird too.

@Bojangles is like the only person on Voat I like. @gabara seems cool too.

@eagleshigh was my original nemesis, but we worked things out, and he became my philosophy student. Although, he isn't really that great of a student, as he doesn't read or reply on time, and it has been years and he still hasn't learned elementary logic.

@SarMegahhikkitha was for a time my kike master, until I eventually became convinced that he is an illogical and immoral cult member misologist who acts in bad faith.

Because I have so many accounts, and I don't expect them to read my comment histories of my accounts, I ping them instead.

Have you ever met Joshua Goldberg?


SarMegahhikkitha ago

"Gabara seems cool." Gabara is an account shared by SRS members and bots.

"Sar sucks," says the guy who has gone so far away from the truth that he thinks a bot that posts random nonsense is "cool", and spends all his time on a fake website showing off how much smarter he is than the dregs of society while pinging random people, leading everyone to think he's just some schizophrenic. I'll take that as a complement.

european ago

Who made you a mod?

european ago

I never imagined eugenix or amalek would be the same person. Why are you anti racist?

eagleshigh ago

what's up man. it's been a while

Maggotfeast ago

I came when they shut down cringeanarchy

HeebyKneegrow ago

I came here after they got rid of watchpeopledie

Maltherian1 ago

The T-D was the most humorous. They thought they could takeover. They lasted about three weeks if I remember. Freedom is not for the weak.

Rellik88 ago

We forced them to donate to server time too.

CantBuySkills ago

Agreed... they also thought they were frontline members of the great meme war. Psh. Faggots.

Plavonica ago

Freedom requires the strength of an individualist who works with others to ensure said freedom.

markrod420 ago

Our ability to withstand significant invasion using the voat imune system of literally just calling people niggerfaggots and kikes has worked stunningly well.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Fuck you nigger Hitler

markrod420 ago

Ahh im so triggered now i have to run off and tell the voat thought police. Now where o where are they......

checks-out ago

Can you ELI5 why that's an immune system for voat

Redpilleveryone ago

Fuck off you dirty nigger.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I had a feeling Bobby Hill would grow up to be a Voat user.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

He would grow up to be a drag queen kid or a dead body. This is Bobby Hill we're talking about, if he's smart enough to get to Voat, he's smart enough to realize that he needs to leave his parents as fast as possible.

sirRantsalot ago

a cheerful FUCK YOU to you my friend! I love voat.

markrod420 ago

Every time a large crowd comes to voat they are usually of a quantity to risk destroying the environment of voat. If every migration had come here unfettered voat would have been converted to another progressive circle jerk ages ago. But because we scare off newfags in huge volumes we maintain our core culture. Every person here can tolerate being called a nigger a faggot a kike a shill and every other name under the sun. If you havent been called those things you havent participated much yet. You dont have to agree with everything. I was openly anti racist my first like 6 months or longer here. I never got downvoated into limitations on my activity because i never tried to tell anyone "you cant say that because muh feelings" and i never exhibited emotionally manipulative conversation derailing shill tactics. It makes sure we dont become infested with censorship. Shills sure, tons. But not censorship. We say what we want and if you cant handle it you can go get goodified nigger :)

heretolearn ago

proper summary.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

I came here with an open mind. That was a fucking bad mistake. And an awesome one. No ragrets. Not even a letter.

ChiCom ago

This is the only group that understands hate is being (((redirected))) from where it naturally belongs to where it does not.

sirRantsalot ago

my sentiments exactly

markrod420 ago

Lol well said.

Maltherian1 ago

I came with the fatpeoplehate ban. Being part of an invasion and watching others has been fun and interesting. Voat’s immune system is amazing.

ibepokey ago

i wasn't a big fan of FPH, but when plebbit started banhammering, i was GTFO.

also, fuck you niggerfaggot. we woulda been banned for that, fatass.

love me some voat.

markrod420 ago

Same. Took me like a year to stop arguing with reality. But you cite enough of it and ill listen. And you cant offend me.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

You too.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Same here, except they try to use it against me and I hit them back for it.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Before the warrant canary died and this place became a Fed hangout?

SRS's Voat envory at SBBH spent years pretending to be retards, using the 40's and 50's CIA tactics to infiltrate extremely hostile environments and setup shop in various subs using Tavistock Institute ideology to suck in useful idiots, while hiding behind a multi-tiered structure of command and control they wielded to brigade contributing members of the community into quitting.

Oh.. wait.. that still happens today. Welcome to Voat!

Azamuku ago

Tavistock and Ricky Dearman, The not so winning combination.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Ricky Dearman

Tell me more.

Azamuku ago

2014 Two kids, 9 and 7. Posh west Hamsteid christian school Christchurch (not that one in NZ.) Kids alleged satanic sexual abuse at school. They also names a bunch of locations around the area. Dad was the leader. Known as the whistleblowing kids. They were put in Tavistock care and have reemerged recently on the news a little bit older. Ricky Dearman is supposedly from a satanic family and runs in circles with the rest of the filth. The teaching staff had tattoo marking of demon faces over the genitalia region of their body. Mother was Russian and her parents were fighting for custody. They stayed with the dad, of course. You can youtube him to see some bad acting rolls he tried to play.

Gopherurself ago


Nosfewratsjews ago


Just one question, are you talking about @gabara or @gabrara?

I really can't keep up these days with everything that's going on.

Gopherurself ago


Plavonica ago

It's just... So very tiring to watch it happen over an over again in each niche.

Nosfewratsjews ago

But isn't it so extremely fascinating to observe? I mean, purely from an anthropological perspective.

Plavonica ago

It is when they are invading something you don't particularly care about. When they invade all your spaces it becomes tiring, as now it infects everything you have a interest in it seems.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Where have you observed the current invasion at, if I may inquire?

Plavonica ago

They have thumbs in many pies. Take gaming for example. Just in video games you have game reviewers turn game "journalist" turn raging communist agitators. You have once-great game companies taken over and replace great developers with empty-headed NPCs spouting the party lines. Which then churn out endless garbage that is company safe, dull, and boring.

With gaming in general, the same patterns appear in board games, pen an paper games, and even card games.

A few others are books, specifically science fiction, though they have infiltrated other genres for awhile now.

As a tag-along to books, American comics. Manga is something they keep trying to get in on, but nobody over there is buying it. Which makes it something a comics guy can switch over to.

Of course they are in the academic sciences, as that's one of the first places to subvert.

MSM of course, for the same reasons as above.

A lot of tech has this crap in it now, and it's only spreading more day by day. Just recently Linux has seen a tsunami of infiltration, with predictable effect.

I guess it would be easier to say a few things I haven't seen much of their subversion in. Woodworking, general outdoorsmanship, mechanics and cars, and generally any sort of hands-on activities. You don't see many communists building houses, though you will see them in architecture.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

I fucking hate Communists. Their failed political ideology can go to Hell.

sirRantsalot ago

good feds or bad feds? I actually like good feds, they uphold the rule of law. bad feds abuse the rule of law for POWER.

binrobinro ago

That sums it up nicely.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Now I'm curious why they (so far) haven't bothered to bring in the full 30+ alt brigade to downvote this post. Usually information like this gets buried and censored by SRS extremely quickly.

I guess the inmates are finally running the asylum and don't even have to hide anymore.

Deplorablepoetry ago

..your fluidity of thought has inspired me to have a nap...

Nosfewratsjews ago

Man, I didn't even get started. That was a simple idea typed out in seconds. If you really want me to bore you, though..

Deplorablepoetry ago

Wrong track on my part.

I simply tried to imply that you have the train of thought that I can make a connection with tomorrow

Cheers! Good night.

Nosfewratsjews ago

My post history is a goldmine of similar nuggets.

Follow the bread crumbs.

killkillkill ago

LMAO. And don't forget I'm a Mossad agent.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Probably not. I mean, the entire point of using these obfuscation strategies is that you surround yourself with so many useful idiots who think they're all shitposting (which, of course, is also being weaponized for different reasons) that it's just natural camouflage.

It's totally OK to be a useful idiot. Most people are. Don't feel bad.

killkillkill ago

Probably not? Lmao.

I've been accused, that's why I brought it up.

And just so you guys know...there are no Mossad agents here.

cantaloupe6 ago

Well... how would you know???

killkillkill ago

Can't be asked to prove a negative.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I've been accused, that's why I brought it up.

Oh. Different wavelengths, thought you were making a satirical hypothetical.

And just so you guys know...there are no Mossad agents here.

How are you so sure? And how could you convince others of this?

killkillkill ago

The larger question is why the fuck anyone would ever assume Mossad would even waste their time trying to infiltrate an tiny, obscure, deep web forum like VOAT with a bunch of members who do literally nothing to effect the world.

There are no terrorists here, there's no real world organization, there's extremely limited reach, 98% of what's posted is nonsense and uncited or undocumented conjecture.

If you speak out, you're instantly "a kike" or Mossad. Most people can't back up their arguments with any kind of discourse or citation. How would VOAT even be on Mossad's fucking radar? Give me a fucking break.

You can't disprove something like this. That's built into the presumption. It's like me asking you to disprove the fact that all the top Hollywood A-listers are lurking here. Go ahead and disprove that! YOU CAN'T!

Gopherurself ago


Nosfewratsjews ago

In my experience, very specific groups, and a bunch of Boomers, always capitalize Voat as VOAT.

killkillkill ago

rofl. I'd love to see your analytics on that. (oh and nice moving of the goalposts)

Honestly, you guys don't see how insanely fucking paranoid you are? First I'm a dirty kike, then I'm Mossad, now I'm a boomer?

Anyone who doesn't flat out agree w/your nonsense is immediately the enemy, which is a shame, because some good shit does get posted here, but 99% sounds like Owen Benjamin horse shit.

Rotteuxx ago

Were you around during the /v/realProtectVoat campaign that centered on attacking contributing members & demoralizing the userbase ?

I see lots of parallels between this group and rPV, could very well be the same Discord faggots.

@madworld, any thoughts on this ?

MadWorld ago

It does look familiar to rPV. But the impersonating names reminds me more of those accounts related to @draaaak. Numerous accounts were created at the time, attempting to intimidate that name. It could be the same group of trolls.

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh damn... I didn't think any one else was following along this closely.

Impressive, as usual.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I've said it before, and I'll repeat it again for posterity.

I'm just straight chaotic neutral so I don't give a fuck about anyone and just want the entire world to burn. That's all that really separates me from the subversives and the fanatics.

Gopherurself ago

You want the world to burn? How can I trust a nutty fuck like that?

Nosfewratsjews ago

It's an idiom.

Join us. You'll see.

NotHereForPizza ago

Respectable to a point. I still prefer the hope route, though.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Admirable, but I personally lost that positivity years ago. Please maintain enough for both of us.

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh, I've got you and plenty others covered.

I'd love to show you all something, but I'm not able to discuss certain things for various (non legal) reasons.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

I'm interested in hearing everything that you can legally say. But keep yourself protected.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Pastebin is your friend.

NotHereForPizza ago


Nosfewratsjews ago

Here, enjoy a laugh on me:

Rotteuxx ago

Says the guy using alts to upvoat himself and downvoat anyone opposing his bullshit.

Geez, it's almost as if we're back to the old rPV days. The same tactics, the same boogeyman, never any substantial proof of anything.

Attack, deflect, accuse, project.

We've dealt with your group before, bring it on shill.

VicariousJambi ago

Am i an alt?


Rotteuxx ago

Are you part of the 4 downvoats that came in back to back within minutes of my reply like it always happens when I reply to him ?

VicariousJambi ago


Rotteuxx ago

That explains the 4th one, it's normally 3.

So what part did you object to ?

VicariousJambi ago

Immidetally calling people shills is something qtards do. That and the whole sbbh thing.

Rotteuxx ago

How is it immediate though ? It's obvious in my comment that I've interacted with him multiple times.

What sbbh thing ? You mean the old @freshmeat narrative that he's using the exact same way as rPV did a a year or 2 ago ?

VicariousJambi ago

I happened to be in the thread.

You people create all of the drama, and i remember some of the other shenanigans.

Yall are pretty much the whole "i was only pretending to be retarded" saying in a nutshell.

I dont usually even care enough to comment on it but im so bored lately, it seems like theres hardly anything to talk about anymore. I wish there was something of more substance to discuss.

Rotteuxx ago

"You people"

You make it sound as if we're an organized & cohesive group.

In reality a lot of us "sbbh" cabal members are simply people who've been around for years and developed a kinship between ourselves.

It also sounds to me like you'd rather use the sbbh strawman when you know full well how some users have alt accounts for the sole purpose of shit disturbing. Most of the usernames I can recall doing so aren't "part of the crew", simply laarping & false flagging.

Something of more substance to discuss could be who could be interested in pushing the sbbh srs narrative that's been going on since the freshmeat/MYG/grifter42 era of Voat.

It's always the same, accusations and fuck all to back it up besides "I know it's you". Really, that's all there has ever been.

Historically speaking, "the old goats" are the ones who've always stood up to censors and narrative pushers on this platform, so to me it's no surprise that many of us would deal with people running smear campaigns to delegitimize users who stand up to such bullshit.

Knowing you're a Q follower who believes in nefarious groups being active in all facets of life, I'm sure you can see the angle from which I'm looking at all this.

VicariousJambi ago

"You people"

You make it sound as if we're an organized & cohesive group.

In reality a lot of us "sbbh" cabal members are simply people who've been around for years and developed a kinship between ourselves.

I've heard all of that before. I don't pay enough attention to you guys to care either way, I've never found the whole "pretending to be retarded" thing very fun.

It also sounds to me like you'd rather use the sbbh strawman when you know full well how some users have alt accounts for the sole purpose of shit disturbing. Most of the usernames I can recall doing so aren't "part of the crew", simply laarping & false flagging.

I'm basing my opinion on "you people" off of most of my interactions with the "sbbh clan" and what I see from them in general. Most of the time its just nonsense / retardation. There's a possibility you're all just regular dudes being retards, but any time theres drama on voat ya'll are smack dab in the middle of it and it seems like you cause a bunch of it too.

And no, I'm not going to bother citing anything. I don't care enough about you guys to save shit on you, thats pretty gay. It's not like I'm one of those people whos going to bother making gay little threads of screenshots to start shit either. This is one of those rare occasions I actually care enough to comment on it.

And it's equally possible that you're the ones with the alt accounts as well.

Something of more substance to discuss could be who could be interested in pushing the sbbh srs narrative that's been going on since the freshmeat/MYG/grifter42 era of Voat.

Something of more substance would be conversing about other things instead of the faggy sbbh drama entirely.

Kind of odd how you consider more drama to be something of substance. I think there could be a more productive conversation talking about the fucking weather.

It's always the same, accusations and fuck all to back it up besides "I know it's you". Really, that's all there has ever been.

Most people don't give enough shits to record things that would prove that. I know what I've seen and I've seen it enough times. The sliding, the instant votes, the senseless comments that instantly get multiple upvotes. If I actually cared enough I might be able prove beyond a shadow of a doubt if you're just trolls or not. That would take some autistic level stalking though. Thats very gay and something I don't really wish to do.

Historically speaking, "the old goats" are the ones who've always stood up to censors and narrative pushers on this platform, so to me it's no surprise that many of us would deal with people running smear campaigns to delegitimize users who stand up to such bullshit.

Honestly I down vote anyone who just shit posts about drama with those gay ass screenshot threads nowadays, even if it calling out you sbbh guys. And especially if theres shit for evidence. I got entirely sick of those threads with the back and forth about the greatawakening mods and doxxing and all of that bullshit.

Knowing you're a Q follower who believes in nefarious groups being active in all facets of life, I'm sure you can see the angle from which I'm looking at all this.

If by "nefarious groups" you mean "fucking kikes", then yes. And I'm still not sure on the whole Q / is trump a kike thing, but I still keep up to date with it. That would be a more substantial convo then talking about gay fucking drama too. But whatever you say about the Q guys you have to give them credit for staying up to date with the news.

fuck this ended up being long and I probably contradicted myself a few times

Rotteuxx ago

Meh, I'm just glad your critical thinking skills are working.

Kind of odd how you consider more drama to be something of substance.

Actually I think that "who has something to gain from these false flag dramas" isn't devoid of substance. Like I said, afaik most of the drama generating accounts aren't "the old goats" I enjoy being around on here, just nobodys coming out of the woodwork quite often.


I honestly think there's more than just kikes running nefarious groups. Anyone with a special interest could feel the need to do so and justify themselves doing it.

That's one thing that gets on my nerves here, the go-to "it's the kikes". No, sometimes it isn't. There are shitty white people who would betray their own for a penny, they don't necessarily need a kike handler to fuck things up. I just think it dumbs things down too easily and important shit gets overlooked because of this... speaking in a very general way of course.

VicariousJambi ago

Actually I think that "who has something to gain from these false flag dramas" isn't devoid of substance. Like I said, afaik most of the drama generating accounts aren't "the old goats" I enjoy being around on here, just nobodys coming out of the woodwork quite often.

Giving this stupid shit attention gives it power. I downvote drama and move on with my life.

I honestly think there's more than just kikes running nefarious groups. Anyone with a special interest could feel the need to do so and justify themselves doing it.

That's one thing that gets on my nerves here, the go-to "it's the kikes". No, sometimes it isn't. There are shitty white people who would betray their own for a penny, they don't necessarily need a kike handler to fuck things up. I just think it dumbs things down too easily and important shit gets overlooked because of this... speaking in a very general way of course.

Of course it's not just the kikes. Anyone evil can get in on the kid raping train, just look at the clintons, obama, etc. I think the kikes are the vast vast majority of the big ones up the chain though. Most of the non kikes are just shabbos goys. Focusing on the kikes is like 95% effective in eliminating evil. They're the ones who pretty much invented how to do evil, too. And theres still red pilling to do. I know to us kikes being bad is like talking about how water is wet but we can still think of more potent red pills, get better sources, make better arguments, make better direct connections, make better memes, things like that. I'm not really a meme creator but I think I'm alright at critiquing them and pretty good at organizing redpills.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

How about discussing the cure for boredom?

VicariousJambi ago

Lately I've taken to arguing with redditors about race and jews. But its so easy its kinda boring too. They never directly take on my sources or logic. Last guy just basically pretended I didn't know about statistics but wouldn't actually argue with any of my sources.

NotHereForPizza ago

Thanks for confirming things!

You retards never learn...

Deplorablepoetry ago

You order pizza?

NotHereForPizza ago

I used to deliver pizzas.

Rotteuxx ago

We've learned, how else could I sum up the tactics being used to drive the userbase demoralization campaign being pushed on Voat these past few weeks.

NotHereForPizza ago


these past few weeks

You're hardly trying.

Rotteuxx ago

You'd know a lot more than me about that.

NotHereForPizza ago

I literally do the opposite of that here... Of course I'd know more about that than you.

TheSolutionist ago

Very high IQ comment. Did not understand half of the words you used.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Most of the problem. Average IQ too low to understand the tactics being used on them IN PLAIN FUCKING SIGHT.

TheSolutionist ago

You probably mean: average IQ too low to understand acronyms they never saw before or too low to understand the research of an institute they didn't knew existed.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Anyone who doesn't know these terms isn't paying attention.

Diggernicks ago

You need to have your tinfoil buttplug situated just right.

Like nosfewratjews for example.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago


WolfShepherd ago

Fucking amalek died for our sins

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

I sometimes wonder if amalek was right about everything...

AlexanderMorose13 ago


FreeSpeechWarriors ago

I reincarnated myself. Whats up.

TheTrigger ago

I hope this isn't a troll. If legit: thank you for your service, and welcome back. I'd like to think we did alright with the red pills, in your absence.

WolfShepherd ago

I used to argue with you years ago that jews couldn't have done what they did. God bless you.

FreeSpeechWarriors ago

Under what alt? I'm curious as to who's still around here. @Kosherhivekicker @TheodoreKent @EaglesHigh

This site definitely needs to be rejuvenated. We need more original research into what the Jews are up to and how we can use that information to capitalize on ourselves. Put your money where the Jews do and you'll get rich. Simple as that. We know who runs the world and we know how they do it. We know how the manipulate financial markets etc...We need to start digging into what they're doing financially. We need some fresh Intel.

This all ties into a bigger plan.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Then why would you put faith in known jew shills like @Crensch and @KosherHiveKicker ?

@Kevdude You believe the nerve of these people?

FreeSpeechWarriors ago

@KosherHiveKicker Has actually reposted my content and even built upon some of it as well, so no, I can't say he's a shill.

@Kevdude is the top shill here though. He was/is in /ProtectVoat, which was a group that openly shilled with Putt's backing who made a bunch of them supermods.

You're the shill.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I never was assigned any special position by @PuttItOut wtf are you talking about? I've maybe talked to the guy 4-5 times in all my years here at Voat.

KosherHiveKicker ago

9 month old account.

Why don't you log into your first account, and post?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Why does it matter? You will still be a jew shill larping as a Nazi on Voat.

KosherHiveKicker ago

You are a lying, salty, and most petty fucking prick.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Cry, jew shill. You sided with a zionist movement and suck Crensch's little dick. You all but admitted that you are a jew. Let me see srayzie's flappy jew tits! COME ON WITH IT!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @KosherHiveKicker.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @KosherHiveKicker.

Posted automatically (#71027) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@CheeseboogerHimself: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @KosherHiveKicker)

KosherHiveKicker ago

You sided with a zionist movement and suck Crensch's little dick

Feel free to directly quote me doing so.... I'll wait because you can NOT do it.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Yawn. Lets see dem old flappy jew tiddy's, Chico

eagleshigh ago

i stick my head in from time to time

what's up

FreeSpeechWarriors ago

Fuck all brother. I'm glad to see you're still kicking around here too. We use to have multiple in depth conversations all the time. That was like what? 4 years ago? Crazy how time flies man.

WolfShepherd ago

All the good people like teddy are on poal. His verse is

It's pointless man, I tried as well they accused me of BEING you. Better to use your time in wiser ways.

FreeSpeechWarriors ago

What's poal? A Voat spin-off? And they've preemptively banned me? Lmaoooo...Do I understand this correctly?

TheTrigger ago

Lots of trolls have tried to annoy the regulars, over there. Sound familiar? Poal would love to have you. More relaxed and easier to have productive conversations without d&c spam. You can see who downvotes what. Shitdisturbers don't like that feature, lol.

WolfShepherd ago

I have no idea, somebody probably took your name.

Sbbh brigadiers are banned, free speech except pedophilia

NotHereForPizza ago

Man, if you only knew how many times I've been called Amalek, you'd realize they fight the archetype, not the user.

Azamuku ago

Well he did have a fun fucking fuck-ton of alts. You might just be him.

FreeSpeechWarriors ago

Lol we are all Amalek. But I'm the original. How's it going? Let the shills descend on me. They know I've mastered Kali and can hold my own lol.

Amalekwithsauce ago

I recognize you. Amalek did nothing wrong. Or maybe you did, I don't remember that part.

NotHereForPizza ago



WolfShepherd ago

Im very well aware of this. There's a pattern.

NotHereForPizza ago

Heh I sort of forgot that was you...

european ago

@hrcisdone reminds me of amalek

Ina_Pickle ago

He is risen.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Seen it. Someone first sent it to me when I joined. Hilarious and awesome.

Pronebone45 ago

The guy flipping through the dictionary cracks me up.

Diggernicks ago

Online attention whoring is extremely homosexual

AlexanderMorose13 ago

This from the guy is at the bottom of every post.

Diggernicks ago

Thanks for the compliment.

Appreciate it bro.

21135453? ago

You are the unsung hero of Voat!

Diggernicks ago

Not watching that.

Keep in touch with yourself now ya hear.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Your loss. Perfectly describes you.

Diggernicks ago

Stay mad.

Barfin ago

stay gay

Diggernicks ago

I'll bow to this guys superior knowledge.

His first hand experience with homosexuality is unparalleled.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

You forgot to bash the Catholics, douche.