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Antiracist4 ago

Over your head too I see. Keep on proving my worldview. It feels good.

jewsbadnews ago

This guy is a fucking idiot. But anyways, what is your favorite part from the bible? This is mine

God cheats in a wrestling match with some kike and still loses! ahahaha

Antiracist5 ago

Ezekiel 4:12

And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight.

@eagleshigh @bojangles

jewsbadnews ago

Haha! Say, how many accounts do you have?

jewsbadnews ago

Oh shit, what did you do to piss him off?

Antiracist7 ago

Crensch or PuttItOut? PuttItOut's site is just shitty. Those posting rules are just his shitty code.

As for @Crensch, I smacked him up and down in debate because he's a stupid bitch.

There's wayyy too much to link that proves it.

Check out the old pages of v/theology.


archive dot is/Agslt


jewsbadnews ago


BagelsHigh ago

Skimming through my comprehensive smackdown of idiot @Crensch, I found a highly amusing example (of many!) of idiot Crensch being proved wrong but of course being absolutely unwilling to admit any wrong.


Basically, idiot Crensch, who is an idiot and knows nothing about Godel, chooses to love his ignorance about Godel, because he claims Godel (and Aristotle) had no access to physicists. My smackdown was threefold.

First, I pointed out to him that some contemporary physicists like Freeman Dyson are theists.

Second, I pointed out to him that Aristotle wrote "the book" on physics. (Aristotle is also one of history's greatest logicians.)

And third, and most damning, I showed that Godel would go on walks with Einstein, (Einstein, who humbled himself before Godel's brilliance.) Idiot Crensch, from his ass, thinks for some reason that the Big Bang means logic don't real. Idiot Crensch fails to realize that the Big Bang falls under Einstein's physical theory, the same Einstein who humbled himself before logician Godel's brilliance.

But is that enough for idiot Crensch to admit wrong about anything? Nope! He still "knows" that he doesn't need to know anything about Godel or logic.

Would it be so hard to say: "hey, I thought Godel was unaware of physics, but it turns out that he had direct access to history's greatest physicist who he humbled with his brilliance"?

That is too much for idiot Crensch. He can't admit wrong about anything, because he is a stupid cult member, even though he is an atheist. Even in matters such as these where he has been objectively proven wrong, where there can be no ambiguity regarding how decisively proven wrong he is, he still somehow refuses to admit wrong and somehow thinks he "won." This is because he has the insanely thick mental defense mechanisms of stupidity common to cult members.

@eagleshigh @bojangles

Crensch ago

You still believe in the Holocaust and have an unhealthy shit fetish, Jew.

Crensch ago

Thanks for linking to comments where you got wrecked. I do enjoy the fact that I bug you enough that you still bring me up to others years later. It must have really hurt to get ass blasted like that

Antiracist8 ago

No surprise, you're still an illiterate retard. Those comment chains prove it.

You somehow think that me answering why my accounts are in the negative constitutes giving a shit about your shitbrain opinions.

I love the comment chains as they stand. I'm glad they're archived. Maybe that's something we can agree on. But you seem to think they represent you favorably. They don't, as a matter of fact. But you're too stupid to realize how hard you got crushed, because you're an illiterate retard.

Crensch ago

I bet you still think the Holocaust happened.

Crensch ago

Jews like you have a really unhealthy fascination with shit.