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sakuramboo ago

> Originally called Whoaverse

> Subs were called Subverses (still called that today)

> Atko was original owner

> Name changed to Voat around the time of the first major mass censorship of Reddit

> Atko stepped down and Puttitout took over

> Lots of server problems and DDoS attacks throughout the years

> Members of /v/Linux helped Puttitout migrate many parts of Voat to Linux to help cut costs

> Each major migration wave gets met with our hazing, if you survive, you can stay

> We apparently have some secret investor that no one wants to talk about (most guess its a glow in the dark)

> Canary is died earlier this year

hang_em_high ago

What were all the major migrations? I know FPH was before I got here. I came around the time of the Pizzagate stuff. MDE after that and Q subs.

sakuramboo ago

Not in any specific order...

> Ellen Pao's first iron fist

> Gamergate

> Pizzagate

> FPH and that group of subreddits

> T_D getting quarantined (was temporary, most went back)

> There were at least two batches of "racist" subreddits that got banned

Whenever there's a new batch of subreddit bans, there's heavy activity on /v/MeanwhileOnReddit that showcases who got banned.

european ago

first racist sub was probaly /r/coontown. They came and set up shop at /r/niggers @eagleshigh . Then /r/european was probably the next racist sub.

antiracist ago

Member when I posted black on blonde porn as the banner of v/niggers and it stayed like that for like a week? I member.

It was lulz.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

european ago

You are @eugenix right?

Antiracist10 ago

No, I'm antiracist.

european ago

Who is antiracist though?

antiracist3 ago

Antiracist is my original name. I only use alts with a number after them, up to 10, because faggot tyrant @PuttItOut only allows my accounts one comment post a day, because pedophile @Crensch and his already army downvoted my accounts to oblivion because he hates free speech. Also, Crensch is an idiot who loves loli porn and child sex dolls.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

SearchVoatBot ago

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european ago

How did you manage to change the headers of /v/niggers. That is why I said eugenix. The pinging you do is weird tio

Antiracist4 ago

I never imagined eugenix or amalek would be the same person.

I wasn't saying you did. I was saying that Voaters have accused me of being other Voaters, who I am not.

How did you manage to change the headers of /v/niggers.

I was a mod.

Why are you anti racist?

To provide checks and balances to the extremist racist echo chamber. Also, there was this cartoon called Antiracist Hitler that I liked.

The pinging of bojangles and eagleshigh you do is weird too.

@Bojangles is like the only person on Voat I like. @gabara seems cool too.

@eagleshigh was my original nemesis, but we worked things out, and he became my philosophy student. Although, he isn't really that great of a student, as he doesn't read or reply on time, and it has been years and he still hasn't learned elementary logic.

@SarMegahhikkitha was for a time my kike master, until I eventually became convinced that he is an illogical and immoral cult member misologist who acts in bad faith.

Because I have so many accounts, and I don't expect them to read my comment histories of my accounts, I ping them instead.

Have you ever met Joshua Goldberg?


SarMegahhikkitha ago

"Gabara seems cool." Gabara is an account shared by SRS members and bots.

"Sar sucks," says the guy who has gone so far away from the truth that he thinks a bot that posts random nonsense is "cool", and spends all his time on a fake website showing off how much smarter he is than the dregs of society while pinging random people, leading everyone to think he's just some schizophrenic. I'll take that as a complement.

european ago

Who made you a mod?

european ago

I never imagined eugenix or amalek would be the same person. Why are you anti racist?