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Nosfewratsjews ago

Before the warrant canary died and this place became a Fed hangout?

SRS's Voat envory at SBBH spent years pretending to be retards, using the 40's and 50's CIA tactics to infiltrate extremely hostile environments and setup shop in various subs using Tavistock Institute ideology to suck in useful idiots, while hiding behind a multi-tiered structure of command and control they wielded to brigade contributing members of the community into quitting.

Oh.. wait.. that still happens today. Welcome to Voat!

Azamuku ago

Tavistock and Ricky Dearman, The not so winning combination.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Ricky Dearman

Tell me more.

Azamuku ago

2014 Two kids, 9 and 7. Posh west Hamsteid christian school Christchurch (not that one in NZ.) Kids alleged satanic sexual abuse at school. They also names a bunch of locations around the area. Dad was the leader. Known as the whistleblowing kids. They were put in Tavistock care and have reemerged recently on the news a little bit older. Ricky Dearman is supposedly from a satanic family and runs in circles with the rest of the filth. The teaching staff had tattoo marking of demon faces over the genitalia region of their body. Mother was Russian and her parents were fighting for custody. They stayed with the dad, of course. You can youtube him to see some bad acting rolls he tried to play.

Gopherurself ago


Nosfewratsjews ago


Just one question, are you talking about @gabara or @gabrara?

I really can't keep up these days with everything that's going on.

Gopherurself ago


Plavonica ago

It's just... So very tiring to watch it happen over an over again in each niche.

Nosfewratsjews ago

But isn't it so extremely fascinating to observe? I mean, purely from an anthropological perspective.

Plavonica ago

It is when they are invading something you don't particularly care about. When they invade all your spaces it becomes tiring, as now it infects everything you have a interest in it seems.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Where have you observed the current invasion at, if I may inquire?

Plavonica ago

They have thumbs in many pies. Take gaming for example. Just in video games you have game reviewers turn game "journalist" turn raging communist agitators. You have once-great game companies taken over and replace great developers with empty-headed NPCs spouting the party lines. Which then churn out endless garbage that is company safe, dull, and boring.

With gaming in general, the same patterns appear in board games, pen an paper games, and even card games.

A few others are books, specifically science fiction, though they have infiltrated other genres for awhile now.

As a tag-along to books, American comics. Manga is something they keep trying to get in on, but nobody over there is buying it. Which makes it something a comics guy can switch over to.

Of course they are in the academic sciences, as that's one of the first places to subvert.

MSM of course, for the same reasons as above.

A lot of tech has this crap in it now, and it's only spreading more day by day. Just recently Linux has seen a tsunami of infiltration, with predictable effect.

I guess it would be easier to say a few things I haven't seen much of their subversion in. Woodworking, general outdoorsmanship, mechanics and cars, and generally any sort of hands-on activities. You don't see many communists building houses, though you will see them in architecture.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

I fucking hate Communists. Their failed political ideology can go to Hell.

sirRantsalot ago

good feds or bad feds? I actually like good feds, they uphold the rule of law. bad feds abuse the rule of law for POWER.

binrobinro ago

That sums it up nicely.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Now I'm curious why they (so far) haven't bothered to bring in the full 30+ alt brigade to downvote this post. Usually information like this gets buried and censored by SRS extremely quickly.

I guess the inmates are finally running the asylum and don't even have to hide anymore.

Deplorablepoetry ago

..your fluidity of thought has inspired me to have a nap...

Nosfewratsjews ago

Man, I didn't even get started. That was a simple idea typed out in seconds. If you really want me to bore you, though..

Deplorablepoetry ago

Wrong track on my part.

I simply tried to imply that you have the train of thought that I can make a connection with tomorrow

Cheers! Good night.

Nosfewratsjews ago

My post history is a goldmine of similar nuggets.

Follow the bread crumbs.

killkillkill ago

LMAO. And don't forget I'm a Mossad agent.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Probably not. I mean, the entire point of using these obfuscation strategies is that you surround yourself with so many useful idiots who think they're all shitposting (which, of course, is also being weaponized for different reasons) that it's just natural camouflage.

It's totally OK to be a useful idiot. Most people are. Don't feel bad.

killkillkill ago

Probably not? Lmao.

I've been accused, that's why I brought it up.

And just so you guys know...there are no Mossad agents here.

cantaloupe6 ago

Well... how would you know???

killkillkill ago

Can't be asked to prove a negative.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I've been accused, that's why I brought it up.

Oh. Different wavelengths, thought you were making a satirical hypothetical.

And just so you guys know...there are no Mossad agents here.

How are you so sure? And how could you convince others of this?

killkillkill ago

The larger question is why the fuck anyone would ever assume Mossad would even waste their time trying to infiltrate an tiny, obscure, deep web forum like VOAT with a bunch of members who do literally nothing to effect the world.

There are no terrorists here, there's no real world organization, there's extremely limited reach, 98% of what's posted is nonsense and uncited or undocumented conjecture.

If you speak out, you're instantly "a kike" or Mossad. Most people can't back up their arguments with any kind of discourse or citation. How would VOAT even be on Mossad's fucking radar? Give me a fucking break.

You can't disprove something like this. That's built into the presumption. It's like me asking you to disprove the fact that all the top Hollywood A-listers are lurking here. Go ahead and disprove that! YOU CAN'T!

Gopherurself ago


Nosfewratsjews ago

In my experience, very specific groups, and a bunch of Boomers, always capitalize Voat as VOAT.

killkillkill ago

rofl. I'd love to see your analytics on that. (oh and nice moving of the goalposts)

Honestly, you guys don't see how insanely fucking paranoid you are? First I'm a dirty kike, then I'm Mossad, now I'm a boomer?

Anyone who doesn't flat out agree w/your nonsense is immediately the enemy, which is a shame, because some good shit does get posted here, but 99% sounds like Owen Benjamin horse shit.

Rotteuxx ago

Were you around during the /v/realProtectVoat campaign that centered on attacking contributing members & demoralizing the userbase ?

I see lots of parallels between this group and rPV, could very well be the same Discord faggots.

@madworld, any thoughts on this ?

MadWorld ago

It does look familiar to rPV. But the impersonating names reminds me more of those accounts related to @draaaak. Numerous accounts were created at the time, attempting to intimidate that name. It could be the same group of trolls.

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh damn... I didn't think any one else was following along this closely.

Impressive, as usual.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I've said it before, and I'll repeat it again for posterity.

I'm just straight chaotic neutral so I don't give a fuck about anyone and just want the entire world to burn. That's all that really separates me from the subversives and the fanatics.

Gopherurself ago

You want the world to burn? How can I trust a nutty fuck like that?

Nosfewratsjews ago

It's an idiom.

Join us. You'll see.

NotHereForPizza ago

Respectable to a point. I still prefer the hope route, though.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Admirable, but I personally lost that positivity years ago. Please maintain enough for both of us.

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh, I've got you and plenty others covered.

I'd love to show you all something, but I'm not able to discuss certain things for various (non legal) reasons.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

I'm interested in hearing everything that you can legally say. But keep yourself protected.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Pastebin is your friend.

NotHereForPizza ago


Nosfewratsjews ago

Here, enjoy a laugh on me:

Rotteuxx ago

Says the guy using alts to upvoat himself and downvoat anyone opposing his bullshit.

Geez, it's almost as if we're back to the old rPV days. The same tactics, the same boogeyman, never any substantial proof of anything.

Attack, deflect, accuse, project.

We've dealt with your group before, bring it on shill.

VicariousJambi ago

Am i an alt?


Rotteuxx ago

Are you part of the 4 downvoats that came in back to back within minutes of my reply like it always happens when I reply to him ?

VicariousJambi ago


Rotteuxx ago

That explains the 4th one, it's normally 3.

So what part did you object to ?

VicariousJambi ago

Immidetally calling people shills is something qtards do. That and the whole sbbh thing.

Rotteuxx ago

How is it immediate though ? It's obvious in my comment that I've interacted with him multiple times.

What sbbh thing ? You mean the old @freshmeat narrative that he's using the exact same way as rPV did a a year or 2 ago ?

VicariousJambi ago

I happened to be in the thread.

You people create all of the drama, and i remember some of the other shenanigans.

Yall are pretty much the whole "i was only pretending to be retarded" saying in a nutshell.

I dont usually even care enough to comment on it but im so bored lately, it seems like theres hardly anything to talk about anymore. I wish there was something of more substance to discuss.

Rotteuxx ago

"You people"

You make it sound as if we're an organized & cohesive group.

In reality a lot of us "sbbh" cabal members are simply people who've been around for years and developed a kinship between ourselves.

It also sounds to me like you'd rather use the sbbh strawman when you know full well how some users have alt accounts for the sole purpose of shit disturbing. Most of the usernames I can recall doing so aren't "part of the crew", simply laarping & false flagging.

Something of more substance to discuss could be who could be interested in pushing the sbbh srs narrative that's been going on since the freshmeat/MYG/grifter42 era of Voat.

It's always the same, accusations and fuck all to back it up besides "I know it's you". Really, that's all there has ever been.

Historically speaking, "the old goats" are the ones who've always stood up to censors and narrative pushers on this platform, so to me it's no surprise that many of us would deal with people running smear campaigns to delegitimize users who stand up to such bullshit.

Knowing you're a Q follower who believes in nefarious groups being active in all facets of life, I'm sure you can see the angle from which I'm looking at all this.

VicariousJambi ago

"You people"

You make it sound as if we're an organized & cohesive group.

In reality a lot of us "sbbh" cabal members are simply people who've been around for years and developed a kinship between ourselves.

I've heard all of that before. I don't pay enough attention to you guys to care either way, I've never found the whole "pretending to be retarded" thing very fun.

It also sounds to me like you'd rather use the sbbh strawman when you know full well how some users have alt accounts for the sole purpose of shit disturbing. Most of the usernames I can recall doing so aren't "part of the crew", simply laarping & false flagging.

I'm basing my opinion on "you people" off of most of my interactions with the "sbbh clan" and what I see from them in general. Most of the time its just nonsense / retardation. There's a possibility you're all just regular dudes being retards, but any time theres drama on voat ya'll are smack dab in the middle of it and it seems like you cause a bunch of it too.

And no, I'm not going to bother citing anything. I don't care enough about you guys to save shit on you, thats pretty gay. It's not like I'm one of those people whos going to bother making gay little threads of screenshots to start shit either. This is one of those rare occasions I actually care enough to comment on it.

And it's equally possible that you're the ones with the alt accounts as well.

Something of more substance to discuss could be who could be interested in pushing the sbbh srs narrative that's been going on since the freshmeat/MYG/grifter42 era of Voat.

Something of more substance would be conversing about other things instead of the faggy sbbh drama entirely.

Kind of odd how you consider more drama to be something of substance. I think there could be a more productive conversation talking about the fucking weather.

It's always the same, accusations and fuck all to back it up besides "I know it's you". Really, that's all there has ever been.

Most people don't give enough shits to record things that would prove that. I know what I've seen and I've seen it enough times. The sliding, the instant votes, the senseless comments that instantly get multiple upvotes. If I actually cared enough I might be able prove beyond a shadow of a doubt if you're just trolls or not. That would take some autistic level stalking though. Thats very gay and something I don't really wish to do.

Historically speaking, "the old goats" are the ones who've always stood up to censors and narrative pushers on this platform, so to me it's no surprise that many of us would deal with people running smear campaigns to delegitimize users who stand up to such bullshit.

Honestly I down vote anyone who just shit posts about drama with those gay ass screenshot threads nowadays, even if it calling out you sbbh guys. And especially if theres shit for evidence. I got entirely sick of those threads with the back and forth about the greatawakening mods and doxxing and all of that bullshit.

Knowing you're a Q follower who believes in nefarious groups being active in all facets of life, I'm sure you can see the angle from which I'm looking at all this.

If by "nefarious groups" you mean "fucking kikes", then yes. And I'm still not sure on the whole Q / is trump a kike thing, but I still keep up to date with it. That would be a more substantial convo then talking about gay fucking drama too. But whatever you say about the Q guys you have to give them credit for staying up to date with the news.

fuck this ended up being long and I probably contradicted myself a few times

Rotteuxx ago

Meh, I'm just glad your critical thinking skills are working.

Kind of odd how you consider more drama to be something of substance.

Actually I think that "who has something to gain from these false flag dramas" isn't devoid of substance. Like I said, afaik most of the drama generating accounts aren't "the old goats" I enjoy being around on here, just nobodys coming out of the woodwork quite often.


I honestly think there's more than just kikes running nefarious groups. Anyone with a special interest could feel the need to do so and justify themselves doing it.

That's one thing that gets on my nerves here, the go-to "it's the kikes". No, sometimes it isn't. There are shitty white people who would betray their own for a penny, they don't necessarily need a kike handler to fuck things up. I just think it dumbs things down too easily and important shit gets overlooked because of this... speaking in a very general way of course.

VicariousJambi ago

Actually I think that "who has something to gain from these false flag dramas" isn't devoid of substance. Like I said, afaik most of the drama generating accounts aren't "the old goats" I enjoy being around on here, just nobodys coming out of the woodwork quite often.

Giving this stupid shit attention gives it power. I downvote drama and move on with my life.

I honestly think there's more than just kikes running nefarious groups. Anyone with a special interest could feel the need to do so and justify themselves doing it.

That's one thing that gets on my nerves here, the go-to "it's the kikes". No, sometimes it isn't. There are shitty white people who would betray their own for a penny, they don't necessarily need a kike handler to fuck things up. I just think it dumbs things down too easily and important shit gets overlooked because of this... speaking in a very general way of course.

Of course it's not just the kikes. Anyone evil can get in on the kid raping train, just look at the clintons, obama, etc. I think the kikes are the vast vast majority of the big ones up the chain though. Most of the non kikes are just shabbos goys. Focusing on the kikes is like 95% effective in eliminating evil. They're the ones who pretty much invented how to do evil, too. And theres still red pilling to do. I know to us kikes being bad is like talking about how water is wet but we can still think of more potent red pills, get better sources, make better arguments, make better direct connections, make better memes, things like that. I'm not really a meme creator but I think I'm alright at critiquing them and pretty good at organizing redpills.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

How about discussing the cure for boredom?

VicariousJambi ago

Lately I've taken to arguing with redditors about race and jews. But its so easy its kinda boring too. They never directly take on my sources or logic. Last guy just basically pretended I didn't know about statistics but wouldn't actually argue with any of my sources.

NotHereForPizza ago

Thanks for confirming things!

You retards never learn...

Deplorablepoetry ago

You order pizza?

NotHereForPizza ago

I used to deliver pizzas.

Rotteuxx ago

We've learned, how else could I sum up the tactics being used to drive the userbase demoralization campaign being pushed on Voat these past few weeks.

NotHereForPizza ago


these past few weeks

You're hardly trying.

Rotteuxx ago

You'd know a lot more than me about that.

NotHereForPizza ago

I literally do the opposite of that here... Of course I'd know more about that than you.

TheSolutionist ago

Very high IQ comment. Did not understand half of the words you used.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Most of the problem. Average IQ too low to understand the tactics being used on them IN PLAIN FUCKING SIGHT.

TheSolutionist ago

You probably mean: average IQ too low to understand acronyms they never saw before or too low to understand the research of an institute they didn't knew existed.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Anyone who doesn't know these terms isn't paying attention.

Diggernicks ago

You need to have your tinfoil buttplug situated just right.

Like nosfewratjews for example.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago