Obrez ago

Boats for Voat: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.SpaceMonkey.Boats&hl=en_US

Just search "voat" on the play store, it allows access to voat without an account even during the lockout.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @AnothaOne.

Posted automatically (#63305) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@MiG-21: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @AnothaOne)

My10thaccount ago

Let the big boys handle this one. We will be opening up registration again very soon.

RM-Goetbbels ago

I'm having trouble finding why it's bothering you.

The front page moves tens times faster than it did 4 years ago. There are still plenty of new funny posts, news posts, artistic posts and shitposts. What's your problem?

I don't want to be accusatory or anything ....bb bbbb bbbbut, the only people who would technically have a problem with "closed voat" are the people who want it open for their own reasons.

MiG-21 ago

I'm having trouble finding why it's bothering you.

read my post again, you will find your answer.

RM-Goetbbels ago

We, as in Voat, have had this conversation over and fucking over again which is why most of us are tired of it.

and finally, what the heck are site owners planning to do ?

Voat was a college project for Atko. He created this site for the purpose of free expression. Many took to it and made it their own, something beyond what Atko had hoped for or probably even dreamed of. I can't say for sure, only Atko can. When Atko was ready to move on he gave the reins to Putt, a user, since he was willing to continue with the ideals that voat was created for.

Are you guys just waiting it to stop ?

I imagine that there are many days that he does. He's abandoned the site a few times now. Sometimes it's a little overwhelming for him.

or planning to do something?

That's another issue. I believe so and every bone in my body screams yes. Why put so much work into something and not get paid for it? Your "ideals" can only sustain you for so long. He's been weaselly about it though, trying to do it on the sly inch by inch.

and most importantly, what the heck is the strategy of the website? what is the aim?

You're doing it right now. You can come here and read, post or learn about opinions you wouldn't be able to most other places.

  • So, my problem is the same as it always is with people like you. Why do you care? Use the fucking site of fucking don't. You don't have anything invested in it. Pack your shit up and get the fuck out if you don't like it. The nerve of you people demanding something you didn't pay for or earn, I swear.

MiG-21 ago

I imagine that there are many days that he does.

Then I have a bad news,it won't ever stop.

You're doing it right now.

So, this website is meant to be place where ~1000 people can share and read opinions ? That is fine, completely fine with me, but Putt could have said it, instead of stream of generalized nothing he wrote in his pinned post.

Why do you care?

lmfao, listen faggot:

I am not demanding anything, all I am saying is that Putt's explanation of things are extremely illogical, close to telling your boss who is about of fire you "Eat shit, you can't fire me because I quit". I simply asked few questions, I never demanded voat to end lockdown or do anything at all.

If key people at Voat don't want/don't have ambitions to become actual free-speech version of reddit and face problems which will obviously come with it, and instead decided to make this place private club of around thousand exclusive members, that is fine with me, just tell us about it.

If Voat's policy is 'who the fuck are you,it's our website and we will do whatever the fuck we want with it' that is fine too, but how about telling us ?

But if Putt wants us to 'trust the plan' while he isn't telling what he is planning to do and all what he says is generalized bullshit what makes zero sense,sorry but that wont fly.

all I am demanding is Voat administration to clear state of affairs and tell us what is going on.

You want me not to ask question when Putt says we are under DDOS attack (for how long now, 2 months?) and how happy he is that no one can shut Voat down because he made website unaccessible for basically everybody(sounds retarded,doesn't it?)? How about no ?

if you don't like it.

funny how aggressive you have become.

I have never said I don't like it, all I said was that there is zero logic in what Putt says.

Asking questions doesn't mean I don't like Voat, remember faggot, we are on free speech website, not a fucking reddit.

RM-Goetbbels ago

all I am saying is that Putt's explanation of things are extremely illogical, close to telling your boss who is about of fire you "Eat shit, you can't fire me because I quit". I simply asked few questions,

Why does he have to explain anything to you? You're not his boss. He doesn't owe you shit.......and this comes from a guy who has his own issues with the way Putt does things. Still, I don't believe he, or this site owes me anything. I can leave anytime.

and instead decided to make this place private club of around thousand exclusive members, that is fine with me, just tell us about it.

Look fucker, the door is that way >>>>funny how aggressive you have become.

I'm not aggressive at all. I just think you sound a little entitled to something you're not. Like a nigger. Use the site, don't use the site, who fucking cares?

MiG-21 ago

Why does he have to explain anything to you?

can you read?

no he doesn't.

In fact, I have said that if he thinks 'it is my fucking website, who the fuck are you to ask questions' that is fine.

What I am not fine with, is someone openly trying to bullshit us.

If he doesn't want to tell us anything, that is fine.

If he wants to tell us something, that too, is fine.

But if he wants to feed us illogical excuses such as 'We are under DDOS attack for months' and "I took website off internet so they can't" I have right to call BS on that.

Got it?

I just think you sound a little entitled to something you're not.

yes, I sure as hell am entitled of not being told utter BS.

Goys-R-Us ago

Agree. Time to bail.

Tallest_Skil ago

To where?

mean_dot ago

The walled off echo chamber is getting boring. I have noticed a huge uptick in jews claiming that angry posters are "glowing". Almost seems like the jews got voat out of the public eye and are now just having fun with the remaining people.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

  • Registration is locked down to keep us from contaminating any more right-thinking friendlies.
  • The way to mitigate a DDOS attack on a website is not to require registration to view it; it can still be attacked regardless.
  • The site's overwhelmed with normie-tier, facebook garbage and civnat, "muh based coloreds" hogwash. It's completely unrecognizable at times.
  • Lots and lots of twitter links. I wonder why? Why is a platform designed for women and gays to spread gossip as quickly as possible being shilled so hard here of all places?
  • Why does the site hang when you submit a post? 8chan did the same thing since the 'hack' of APR 2018 until the day it went down.
  • I've noticed an uptick in pornposting when browsing /v/all. Seems to be garden variety stuff for now, but trannies and nigger dicks can't be far behind.

The idea is to water the place down. It'll either become a neutered, leftist-approved self-parody of itself (4chan), or will get shut down entirely (8chan).

  1. Dry up the user base. No new users means no new content. The site is currently the same 100-200 people posting A) How bad niggers are; B) How great Hitler was; and C) Twitter/social media links.
  2. People get bored and move on. You can only listen to how bad niggers are and how great Hitler was for so long. People are just going to quit coming here. Where is there even left to go? Disqus comment sections? Have fun arguing with boomers about our greatest ally forever.
  3. The doors get reopened and the place fills with normies and civnat faggots. They're actually already here. It was the Qtard influx from a year ago, and they're itching to turn the whole site into /r/the_donald.
  4. People left from before are sickened by what they see, completely overwhelmed, and they leave. The whole site becomes leftists arguing with civnats about how much money Israel needs this year and how many niggerdicks to suck on a Friday night.
  5. Nobody's allowed to complain about anything. "Muh free speech." "Why are you even here?" "Just delete your account." The site is objectively shit compared to even six months ago. But you're not allowed to say anything about it. People filling the front page with twitter links and blurry, grainy, resized, cropped and watermarked stale memes from six years ago is somehow "free speech". Don't like it? Leave.

People are, and people will. That's why the site's shit.

udo ago

Other than your pessimism I agree with 95% of your words, thanks.

I actually GOT OFF MY ASS and posted my heart out last month to make voat.co better in all ways and in none of the ways you are mad about : look at my content, most of it unique when posted to voat.co, and some hand tweaked images : LOOK! : https://voat.co/u/udo/submissions

Those are a varied and nice set of posts that voat.co liked. And not one twitter. In fact...


I did locate a tool web site that will repack a twitter link and in your browser give you the video media, but I was being literal.

Your main complaint seems to be that people like me are normally apathetic, except when voat.co is in trouble and thirsty for content, and that even then I only post once every 2 days or so.

Truth be told: I AM VERY unimpressed with your engagement from YOUR recent month's submissions and your average effort and lack of SCP : look and see : https://voat.co/u/Armpit_and_Ass/submissions

LOOK!, then compare to mine :


I am EXACTLY like you in spirit, but I am taking effort to keep voat.co impactful, even though I have almost NO TIME to do this.

I HAVE NO GODDAMN TIME for keeping voat.co thriving, but at least unlike you, I prioritized voat.co to make it a critical "to do" goal of mine to keep voat.co alive.

Look at my fucking post history the last month or two! CCP 3,300 and in under two months : joined on: 7/14/2019

under two months and CCP 3,300, and its all high effort posting comments too :



Even every copy/pasta you have ever seen me post was invented and penned by me, by the way. By ME.

I have done more than anyone here except the admins to keep voat.co thriving this last month, and I accept your criticisms, but I want you to know the problem is there are not a lot of people like me on voat.co to make a difference.

Too many passive readers, ... NOT ENOUGH CONTRIBUTORS of high effort posts.

I too am EQUALLY as sad and disenfranchised by you, but you hating on The_Donald and chasing off The_Donald people from voat.co, basically caused the turning point in killing off voat.co

voat.co could have got far far far more than the v/QRV , v/milliondollarextreme, and v/TheDonald addons, and their maturity and their intellect, if they embraced The_Donald.

Did you see the repercussion? The_Donald is 100% a dead subverse now because of voat.co cliques and people like you bitching about who is more alt-right than who. Don't believe me? LOOK ! Look at it now :


its 100% fucking DEAD, and the week of the immigration it would have added thousands of thousands of people, and yet all the male porn off topic posts killed it dead and killed voat.co growing with more alt-right.

I disagree with you claiming "That's why the site's shit." ! That is a divide and conquer tactic a jew would try, or a tactic Share Blue would try here.

I never one time EVER mentioned israel or "our greatest ally", check my post comment history, or other things you hate (civnat discussions). I name the jew a goddamned hell of a lot though, with good reason.

I Know where SOME of the higher IQ, helpful members like me have gone off to, but I would not want to see your toxic and negative attitude showing up there.

I get it. You wish everyone was JUST LIKE YOU, well guess what... I am almost just like you, but my work on voat.co is 100% opposite of you. I want voat.co to get in shape enough to become infamous, but doing so implies it will be flooded with highschoolers, and it NEEDS Q and it NEEDs some of reddits The_Donald people to buffer the high school crowd that will enter when the press DEMONIZES VOAT and the (((TV))) will definitely start demonizing voat.co and the high school kids will DEFINITELY come in huge waves.

Voat.co needs to focus on 100% free legal speech and you seem to have a few odd opinions on that notion.

In summary : you think we praise hitler too much : I never once praised hitler, and only mentioned minro corrections to errors twice when his name was brought up, even though personally I know how great he was.

You think Twitter/social media links infest voat, but I never once posted ANY and never click on any such links.

You think 100-200 people are posting How bad niggers are: well myself and many family members were BRUTALLY and SAVAGELY attacked by niggers in the past, home invasions, car attacks, raped, and even MURDERED by a mob of niggers, so FUCK YOU YOU GODDMAN NIGGER-LOVER! I hate niggers and it occupies only 10% of my posts. I think you can take 10% of my rage. I WILL NOT TONE IT DOWN! NEVER ! EVER!

10% or so max anti nigger : https://voat.co/u/udo/comments

Your comments Armpit_and_Ass in comparison are interesting to me in a variety of ways : https://voat.co/u/Armpit_and_Ass/comments

Reading it, it looks like you are always seeking to REDUCE participation on voat.co and reduce free speech. I am just being literal based on your own words, even though we THINK the same, you act far differently. I want more users, and I want 100% free speech. Conservative thought thrives in free speech and socialist ideas fail and cannot hold up to logic and scrutiny.

Oh well, You will just call me a Qumer/Qtard/DonaldZOG/Boomer/Shill/Rabbi/Fag/Queer or whatever you type to disenfranchise people from voat.co

Your pessimism is sad, and I am losing energy trying to keep these plates spinning, as a entertaining clown, spenging lots of time trying to keep voat.co from withering.

If voat.co goes away, the ONLY 100% free legal-in-USA speech social site also goes away. Even Gab.io banned JQ naming politicians under false pretenses.

(excuse all my typos, I never proof read my ramblings.)

Long live voat.co and try harder to post engaging comments and posts, in this current assumedly brief DARK ERA

Armpit_and_Ass ago

points matter

you're a jew


olinneserpona ago

Do you know where the users left to?

Armpit_and_Ass ago

idk. life maybe.

udo ago


its a de facto honeypot for over 4 years, but not by design or intent of admins.

Before we all descend to normal prudent suspicions, never overlook this scenario :

1 - Codebase goes private for voat (done), so less professional bug hunting assistance drops to zero

2 - A type of blocking race condition added inadvertently to code that is hard to figure out because the root cause is macroscopic design issue not microscopic localized issue

3 - after adding various core dumps to freeze and dump state to study, some band aids put on, but it results in shedding of a lot of users over 3 to 4 weeks that felt like just they were getting screwed with (thin skinned paranoid users)

4 - malevolent people on VPNs work best to evade anti-ddos and anti-vpn if their final IP cannot be surrounded by ICMP echo (ping) from 2nd to last and last test to algorithmically detect a VPN, so the BEST terminus points happen to be south asia and countries putt thinks are the actual source of his DDOS

5 - the so called voat DDOS is probably algorithmic strain and gibberish "fuzzing" requests by lightly motivated hackers , not REAL DDOS that cloudflare already claims to mitigate for free :



6 - new zealand so called shooting, and two other so-called shootings put 8chan and 4 chan in hot seat, so putt decides to let voat.co chill a while as a RATIONALIZATION for remaining private, until he decides he can stop "fuzzing" attacks by rewriting all of the protocol back and forth to voat.co, and maybe even a total rewrite avoiding c# (node.js , some libraries in node, and mongo distributed database)

7 srayzie drama - when debate on definition of "free speech" caused a lot of unintended consequences when one mod deleted people arguing with him ( Crensch ) : https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3299539 it caused a "schizoid embolism" in poor putts head and I feel bad for him.

8 - putt posts giant "can I hire a trusted coder to rewrite a fast strong slightly scalable voat.co" plea and people like me stay silent, and he knows there are 10 to 40 people on voat.co that , under the right conditions could take up the torch, but risk putting minor targets on their own backs. Now Hiring A Few Good Goats: https://voat.co/v/Voat/3361289 Amusingly (or sadly) the admins wish to seemingly stick with .net c#, though a few rare sites are C# (stack overflow (ASP.NET MVC), GoDaddy (ASP.NET MVC) Ancestry.com (ASP.NET MVC).

all of the above is just my speculations. the OFFICIAL big putt rebuttal is already penned by voat.co here :


I think its a combination of : coding BURN OUT :


project disillusionment from being a small fish free speech site with lots of multibilliondollar backed leftist enemies (ShreBlue) :


A sense of loss of traction (common) but not in need of a pivot or merger or alliance. pivot :


more wild ass speculation :maybe a bug too intractable to regress back far enough to isolate? a total sense of bewilderment at hiccups in the depths of the code probably MAYBE from doing a sort before a filter coupled with too much memory to garbage collect. voat.co on proper code could handle 5,000 simultaneous users on one box, but coding designs to liberate it, by their "heavier" nature drop it probably to 2,400 PER box across a few boxes, yet voat.co can squeak by in current existence on one box. Goal of course it UNLIMITED total users, at same time, similar to most large social sites, but more users means MORE headaches. The biggest is if all is not on USA soil. The second is attempts to "frame" voat with posting very touchy stuff, the same way image servers are attacked often... image servers get attacked with non legal pron, but voat is OK because it avoid hosting any usable images. Nevertheless it can be attacked with other poisonous content to cause issues.

So many head sulking , complex topics. All I can say is I am so happy all of use found and got into voat.co and can enjoy it while it lasts, and though no new fresh meat, the v/QRV , v/milliondollarextreme, and v/TheDonald addons brought up the IQ and maturity here a bunch! Most all known social sites devolve in age lower and lower racing towards ''age 14" and kids spouting shocking obscenities and smack talk relentlessly. Voat.co will suffer death spiral to age 14 mean one day, but for now its staved off.

All off us here are grateful for two things : 1 > voats existence and free speech rules, and 2 > putt getting some bitcoin when it was far far far lower in value a long while back, to pay the server bills. 3 > because it is a 'de facto' honeypot the US LEAs (law enforcement agencies) NEVER, yes NEVER will allow actual harm to come to voat.co , else we scatter to the winds

Jewed ago

I hope it's just Putt having a learning experience with managed languages and dependency hell.

It sounds like the codebase is damn near unusable, which given the origins of it is no surprise.

Honeypots however operate on the basis of collecting flies, and since registrations and reading without being logged in are disabled, we are either in the final stages where news of massive raids on hateful antisemites and racists is trotted out as remaining users are identified and black bagged, or it's just not a direct honeypot. Remember CloudFlare has the private SSL key for voat, so the three letter agencies were always spying directly.

udo ago

remaining users are identified and black bagged

I used to think that was the sort of thing only seen in Terry Gilliams "Brazil" or the movie "1984" but now I know with horror... its a real possibility for some here. Why? For a "Perp Walk". There is a HUGE (I mean truly fucking HUGE) need to "stop white terrorists harboring hate thoughts" and its been codified in congress TWICE! The second time I think it stipulated that 20% of entire FBI anti-terror budget had to be for looking for WHITE EVIL HATE THOUGHT RACIST TERRORISTS

20 fucking percent! The other 80% is for muslims, but the way. The muslims obama flooded the country with.

20% of FBI budget MUST be used to look for white terrorists and white hate crime detective work. The problem is... all the "white terrorists" are only ont the "jew box" the (((TV))) in every drama, 4 or more times per week, year after year. Hundreds of white racist monster criminals on TV, but oddly not one caught WHITE TERRORIST commiting actual white nationalist hate crimes !

THERES a database of actual hate crimes with caught suspects online... the problem is... its NEVER a straight white christian male ! : http://www.fakehatecrimes.org/ and if a straight white christian male ever is in the news for doing criminal acts ... its always a non-trump-voter, a leftist.

Not only does CloudFlare own voat.co's web SSL key, it admitted frequently letting us gov access all its stored DECRYPTED data is caches and stores... including this post I am typing now.


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @AnothaOne.

Posted automatically (#63371) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@udo: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @AnothaOne)

crazy_eyes ago


fluhthreeex ago

I think you said it best with 3 - leaving would be the best thing for every like minded individual. this site is essentially a private discord and there's no point in staying around circle-jerking. are there any *chan onions up? 8chan ever come back? did 4 ever get one (does it matter since its a fedpot as well?)

udo ago

I notice you downvoted my words. sad.

fluhthreeex ago

please tell us all how you noticed how i voted. i for one would love to know your One Simple Secret! to knowing how others vote on this site.

fluhthreeex ago


TheAntiZealot ago

I see where you're coming from but I disagree with your conclusion.

I, personally, could not access VOAT for over a month. Then suddenly got let back in. Not sure exactly what happened, might have been on me.

In either case, during that time I had no access to my posts or any of my saved ones. Nor did I have access to the community's posts.

I was glad to have the little bit that I downloaded and bookmarked but that was it. 8chan went down and I had no where to look for similar freedom of speech.

At least with VOAT up, even in this state, we can still communicate, organize, and share ideas. We can still influence the rest of the world and the rest of the internet by relaying information beyond the borders of VOAT.

MiG-21 ago

At least with VOAT up, even in this state, we can still communicate, organize, and share ideas.

how many people are doing this?

how different is what you describing from,say, someone creating community on any major website, then inviting people in and making it private?

frankly, that is what I asked, what are administrators trying to do, create separate website were people can freely and openly discuss about things without hate police or dignified hidden community with couple hundred active users (okay, probably law thousands)?

tokui ago

putt is scared shitless.

mean_dot ago

His new "investor" was a jew.

Retron ago

Users who have had accounts long enough, and who have sufficient CCP, should be able to send out invites.

As long as the account invites keep track of who invites who to make sure attack/spam accounts can be traced to their source it shouldn't be an issue.

dashantavious ago

I've been doing all this damage from my Toshiba satellite laptop. Surprising how effective it was.

satisfyinghump ago

I heard its built-in satellite tech allows it to have both further range and access to multiple Satellites. Nice.

dashantavious ago

Yeah. Pretty sure that's right.

NarrativeControl ago

Assuming you have been here for 5 months, you haven't seen shit. MiG, my mate: this is war. Are you for or against Jews? That's all that matters. Are you for or against them?

I think Putt has been "sucked up" by the Feds. He has to obey federal orders. You have a 1984-like government so use a trusty VPN or TOR.

fluhthreeex ago

k. what's the onion node? i'll get right on it. thanks.

MiG-21 ago

Are you for or against Jews?

Jews are trying to destroy everything what makes life beautiful in my opinion, now answer that question yourself.

That's all that matters.

How is this related to the question I just asked?

I think Putt has been "sucked up" by the Feds. He has to obey federal orders.

Then we need to know this, I for one, sure as hell don't want to hear generalized statements like 'trust the plan,we will prevail' or 'god's hands work in mysterious ways'.

NarrativeControl ago

Trust no one on the Internet!

Jewed ago

Trust no-one that comes looking for you anyway.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Voat is now 100% a honeypot. I had my assumptions before in the past. But there is no doubting it now.

Feel free to keep posting and commenting as you were... We should not fear free speech.

Just know Putt was replaced A LONG TIME AGO.

Purged ago

Yes, honeypot. Quarantine for reddit rejects. Circlejerk between the bots, ADL shills and the glowers. Technology is our new Master. Trump is ZoG. Putt is long gone....Carrot or Stick?

I like turtles.

fuie8483djejx73 ago

look at the dead man’s switch

OhBam84 ago

Exactly right.

Since the lock down was initiated the downvoats on comments seem ridiculously high for a quarantine, even though we should be getting down to the dedicated voaters by now. Meaning the shills were always here, can get in here, or voat is half users that hate voat.

If there's downvoat brigading, less chatty users without privileges won't earn privileges at this point, meaning the content posters will be the same group of users over and over. Diminishing returns, real shit sandwich.

LaRiver001 ago

Yeah, no fear and continue free speech!

not_drunk ago

Quick eat all the honey before it runs out !

This is better than not being able to share our views/ideas.

Given Putt's free speech attitude and actions, don't want to believe this is a honey pot.

EpiPendemic ago

save it all fast as you can https://archive.fo/7k9Ko

not_drunk ago

I don't have that much extra space.

HDDs are filled with movies and shows that I will never watch..

umm.. maybe time to reconsider life choices. Thank you.


A honey pot for what? Crazy talk? Voat has 0 power. Nobody fears voat

Wooden_door ago

Based on the evidence that is incorrect.

Tallest_Skil ago

Yeah, what evidence? Actually do list it. Who here has any power? Who here is a threat in any way? I’ve posted the real-world physical fucking instructions for defeating the ZOG here. Do you see anyone doing anything about it? On either side?

Cat-hax ago

8chan had no power yet they still shut it down

Tallest_Skil ago

8chan was a fucking honeypot. They were shut down as part of theater.

FullSemiAutomatic ago

I’ve posted the real-world physical fucking instructions for defeating the ZOG here.

Care to provide any links?

Not disputing your assertion; interested in what you have to say.

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh, didn’t I do it again? Sure, yeah. We can’t organize. It’s just not possible. They own all forms of communication. The only way to fight the ZOG is to cause civil unrest to break their defenses and mask our actions. The only way to cause any level of civil unrest is to disable infrastructure. Fortunately our infrastructure is hopelessly indefensible. We can bleed them out financially.

Wooden_door ago

Voat is pointless because it never achieves anything, but they always fear the people who don't give a fuck, and shut you down, just incase.

Why waste money ddosing a site that has users that do nothing in real life to make change. Bit retarded tbh.

This has to be the worst honeypot ever because they all fucking know where the problems really lie.

Voat is destroying itself without help from outside sources because it is just a boring shitfest of the same recycled crap. Why would anyone waste their money fighting it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Voat is destroying itself without help from outside sources because it is just a boring shitfest of the same recycled crap.

That and it refuses to ban people who lie.

Folke ago

Voat is now for FBI/CIA/NSA to shill up a Right Winger into violence. Every few days we get a couple threads calling for violence. They are trying to work up and get something started so they can justify taking away our guns.

Element115 ago

It's more likely a psychological study of some kind. What you mention may or may not be one of the goals. Some form of, not speaking literally, "thought control" is certain to be among them.

Do you think they picked a cool name for the operation? I bet it's got a cool name.

Folke ago

Possible, and you know it has some kind of weird name, don't know about cool.

Element115 ago

Yeah I guess it could just be named after a famous goat herder or something.

udo ago


Hey all, and @Folke, the process of naming a federal level operation are actually very very controlled and strict. A large department (NICKA, cryptonym chief, etc) has to approve of the name, and the name has so many rules you would be astounded. Rules on the first letters, rules on the length, rules on banned subphrases, rules on associated-ness (anything goat would be banned), and if you read about how the projects are named you would truly be amazed.

FRESH 2019 on DIA (Pentagon) Procedure :


WOW! Read that!

Id rather send you links to authoritative documents, but that link is public and correct enough.

I can assure you the code word for the three overlapping task force investigations that include voat.co analysis from the other agencies are SIMILAR to the pentagon agency rules. (In fact a meta organization makes sure no other fed branch collides)

"Other agencies"? Yes, for USA alone the other intelligence agencies that care about internet intelligence are :


You are correct that humans DESIRE whimsical project names, but if you read up, you will see that there are too many rules on naming.

Oh, some projects scanning voat were enacted BEFORE voat.co ever even existed , and are ongoing, such as ECHELON, and 5-EYES : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes

anyways.... sorry for butting in, you guys seemed to want to know how intelligence operations were given names.

Element115 ago

That's both interesting and disgusting that there would be a department just for naming things.

Not everything gets a super secret name though. Whatever they do here is not at the scale of something like MKULTRA, so it might just get the kind of name that makes the news when they round up the white nationalists.

Or maybe it is MKULTRA in scope and I'm just not a sufficiently good target so they ignore me.

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. I literally call for violence every day. It’s all we have left.
  2. There is no peaceful solution. You’re a shill if you claim otherwise.
  3. They don’t need to justify anything to take guns. They have already taken guns and are continuing to take guns, without justification, always. No one does anything whatsoever to stop it at all, in any capacity.

The people here calling for violence aren’t feds. We’re white nationalists. The ones claiming violence shouldn’t happen are the feds.

Folke ago

Issue your Grievances and start the War! If thats all thats left, do something! You won't! Because you are nothing but a shill trying to entrap people. You call for violence then wait. Thats bitch shit right there! Only Feds are that much of a little bitch!

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, thanks for proving me right

Folke ago

If thats how the FBI, CIA, or NSA wants to believe go for it Shill.

Tallest_Skil ago

literally proven wrong immediately

doubles down

Thanks for exposing yourself, yid.

Folke ago

The people here calling for violence aren’t feds. We’re white nationalists. The ones claiming violence shouldn’t happen are the feds.

I say fuck it, Start your war then. I tell you that you are a little bitch and won't. what do you do!

lol, thanks for proving me right

Bitch out! You say the only thing left is violence, just not by you. You need someone else, you hope for someone else! You want violence, then make excuses when someone says "do something then!"

You are nothing but a FED and you are hoping to entrap someone here

If I'm wrong, it's simple, just stop calling for other people to do your dirty work! Do it yourself! But FBI can't do that, RIGHT!

Tallest_Skil ago

keeps proving me right every single fucking day

can’t answer my questions

can’t refute anything I said


Why not just prove me wrong?

Folke ago

Why not just prove me wrong?

What? What would I have to do to prove you wrong?

Tallest_Skil ago

And the shill proves he doesn’t even have a fourth grade reading comprehension. Congrats, dipshit. You’re outed.

Folke ago

Why not just prove me wrong?

What exactly are you wanting me to prove wrong? I state the FEDs are calling for violence on this site, you go and call for violence, I called you out and told you to actually do something (calling for violence), and you claim you are proven right. I call for violence and you call me a fed, you proved me right. I know you're stupid and unable to see your own hypocrisy in the comments.

So in short what am I to prove? And what would it take for it to be proven?

Tallest_Skil ago

literally cannot fucking read

continues to post proven lies without citation

continues to claim the opposite of reality

is incapable of reading the English language

It’s not fun anymore. You were exposed. Every word you said is a lie. Run along back to reddit.

Folke ago

typical jew

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re pathetic. You’re not even human. It’s embarrassing that you even exist. I know your handlers have better options to hire than this; what, are you one of their relatives? Human beings prove the claims they make. Where is the proof of any of your claims? Do not reply without evidence, subhuman.

Folke ago

My proof of my claim, You proved it when you called me a Fed for calling for violence! Fucking Jews even when proven wrong they lash out!

Wheres the fucking proof of anything you claimed? Fucking Typical Jews! Keep crying out in Pain as you lash out.

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re literally just inventing bullshit that wasn’t said now. Kill yourself. You’re exposed.

Folke ago

Where's your proof of that! Don't have none huh, you just proved me right! Shill!

Tallest_Skil ago

you called me a Fed for calling for violence

Didn’t happen. Commit suicide, yid.

Folke ago

still lashing out huh?

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that everything I said is fact. Kill yourself. You’re fooling no one here.

Folke ago

Thanks for admitting that everything I said is fact.

Fucking Delusional, Next you're going to start sayings 6 gazillion of something. Fucking Jews.

Tallest_Skil ago

literally cannot fucking read

continues to post proven lies without citation

continues to claim the opposite of reality without citation

is incapable of reading the English language

refuses to prove any of his own claims

refuses to disprove any of my statements


You folks are the only reason I even want whites to rise up at this point. Finding you is going to be so much fun. I’ll relish the look in your eyes.

Folke ago

6'3" Anglo that works construction, Bring it Jew!

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, no one believes you, 12 year old.

Folke ago

And the Jew continues to lash out, I'm an Electrician bitch!

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re clinically insane and were proven wrong. Stop spamming, dumbass.

Folke ago

Now you're projecting, Just knock it off you stupid Jew!

Tallest_Skill ago

You know I am a member of the chosen people you asswipe. Show some respect

Folke ago

And you continue, Unable to even control yourself, now double posting! Lashing out in Pain as you attack!

Tallest_Skill ago

Look I know what is happening here you are not circumcised like me and you are jealous. You want to see a picture of my perfect dick? That's what is happening you want to see don't you.

Folke ago

Typical jew deviant!

Tallest_Skill ago

I am @Tallest_Skil and you better respect me. Remember my name I am your owner goy.

Folke ago

Jew this is starting to be Harassment, and since you've already shown your deviancy I'm taking it as sexual harassment!

Tallest_Skill ago

If you have a problem with my penis you can PM me at @Tallest_Skil and we can have a hard discussion.

I am @Tallest_Skil and I have a micro penis.

Folke ago

And the Jew continues in its deviant acts!

Tallest_Skil ago

literally cannot fucking read

continues to post proven lies without citation

continues to claim the opposite of reality without citation

is incapable of reading the English language

refuses to prove any of his own claims

refuses to disprove any of my statements


Reply again. Your boss commands you.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Use Brave browser read the settings, and use them. Brave hasn't been cucked like Mozilla. As far as VOAT being compromised I don't doubt it. Look out for the new channels that will create the excuse for big brother to shut VOAT down i.e. kiddie like porn, endorsing violence, and espionage type activities. Report these channels until they get deleted. If they don't. We have been the canary in the liberal coal mine.

crazy_eyes ago

how long ago?

Glipglup ago

Long enough that I've used voat for almost 2 years across varying accounts and putt has refused to even acknowledge the very real concerns, he's doing that obnoxious kike bullshit where you ask him a question and he pretends that you didn't ask that question and then the next day the conversation never happened.

like a jew

CameraCode0 ago

he's doing that obnoxious kike bullshit where you ask him a question and he pretends that you didn't ask that question and then the next day the conversation never happened.

Too real, man.


Like jelly through your fingers?

worthlesshope ago

I'm pretty sure putt isn't right-winged, and he's simply displeased with the current community. He made voat for free speech before Trump became president, and right-wing became hated. Now he probably sees voat became a monster he doesn't really like, but it's still his baby so he can't hate it. So best thing he can do is neglect it and he probably hopes one day he can bring it up again.

Redcobra ago

I think a bit of quiet time was necessary.things got ugly with srayzie drama and there wasn’t really a sense of community anymore it was getting too loose I think the ddos attack was a blessing in disguise.its only been a month or something so who cares ?

MiG-21 ago

I think a bit of quiet time was necessary.

for what ?

there wasn’t really a sense of community anymore it was getting too loose I think

what is the aim of the website? to provide friendly place for couple hundred people ? then fine, we can keep things this way for ever.

now if the aim is to provide place where people will have freedom of speech, voat stopped doing that since the start of lockdown. hunt on 'hate speech' isn't getting better anytime soon, if we are afraid of the site being taken offline due to free speech, we will never go online again.

its only been a month or something so who cares ?

I do.

I think we deserve to know what is going on, when are we going to be back online for rest of internet (if ever), what are plans of owners and what are they going to do in case DDOS attack keeps happening again and again.

We don't even know reason why we are locked down, is it DDOS attack? is it fear of being attacked for 'hate speech'? or something else?

So far, all Putt has said is 'we are under attack but trust the plan we will prevail'.

fluhthreeex ago

pretty much 100%. if this is going to stay essentially off-line we're just here pissing into the wind. meanwhile putt is going all-out sperg mode.

Obrez ago

I'm fine with it persisting and just going to an invite only community for the rest of the year.

Give users invite codes based on "achievements" like member for 1 year, member for 3 years, getting 150 SCP and 1000 CCP respectively, it's up to putt how he would implement it but that system of doing things would be great.

Redcobra ago

I actually like this idea , initially I thought invited was a bad idea cuz most of us have already invited friends when was open.so really I’d presume people would just use codes to create alts or invite their unfriendly co horts. Then we’d get all shitty again.however maybe if there was a way to veto application for invited or attach invited by “@soandso” to their bio. Hmmm. This might be something for the owner to think on??

i_scream_trucks ago

The DDOS died weeks ago, whats left is someone in the meantime has broken something and we keep seeing the retarded 'system maintenance' screens.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

You're not the first one to ask. We get no answers. This place is starting to die. I've seen at least 3 reposts of memes in the last 2 days. It's getting stagnant and old. The site owners are uncommunicative and that doesn't help.

Obrez ago

The community is actually pretty darn active, asomeof the regular faces(power users) have fallen away but other content has been floating up to the top now.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Sure it's active but we're seeing the same old memes, etc. Needs new blood.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

yes, we need sport - we need lefties.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

No idea what you're trying to say.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I'm not ashamed to say it but I enjoy the vehement reaction I get from lefties when I tightly squeeze the udders of their sacred cows. Alas, lefties on Voat are far and few between and it's just Nationalists usually quietly agreeing with other Nationalists. Where's the fun in that. So I'm saying we need lefties on Voat for sport (fun - upset them; make them angry; and possibly make them tolerant of different opinions). Now ... get rid of that downvote please.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I didn't downvote you.