tokui ago

Fuck Trump. There will be blood. It's overdue.

WhiteChickens ago

My simple question is this:

If what you do works so well, why isn't it working? lol

xenoPsychologist ago

they took away all nonviolent solutions. nothing else can work now.

AnothaOne ago

How does a nonviolent solution work when people like this ---> say the nsa & fbi are the ones pushing White Americans to fight back?

xenoPsychologist ago

nonviolent solutions dont work. the jews got into everything and made absolutely certain that no legal means could be used to strip them of their power. theres only one way to save ourselves, so i guess we are gonna have to kill them all. it didnt have to be that way. they chose it.

WhiteChickens ago

Guarantee they are the shills.

It's easy to identify agents because they argue against direct action and ask anyone who disagrees for "detailed plans"

They don't want it.

Wazhappenin1 ago

That would be a hard sell.

AnothaOne ago

Which way would be a hard sell?

I, for one, thought the only solution was a violent one but according to the people commenting in that thread, (specifcally u/udo) it sounds like that isn't something any pro-White person should push.

Wazhappenin1 ago

well because i would imagine anyone online promoting such is a federal informant looking for entrapment material I havent read the thread

The state is looking for a pretext to take the guns, thank god i dont have any, and getting people ginned up when all they can do are pinprick events that call for more state The internet is a physchological operation designed to create self incrimating material for potential future use in installing a ready made tyranny -(my period is not working on my keyboard! Any bluster thats not a Fed is just that Bluster Tough guy talk---but talking about voting, organizing mass voting blocks to replace the criminals with patriots is one of the most sensible but naive comments out there

We are undergoing a stress test, to help program algorithims to be more like AI-probably for investment purposes- all this doomsday shit is like watching the (((9/11))) over and over-it is clearly designed to influence a group of us so that a pretext can be served to the nation in some violent but inconsequential event-like a MCU-

That being said-the hard sell aspect is this-the only way such an event can happen, white people voting enmass is by an organization that hammers the message day and night and it shoud have started 2 years ago-if it was going to work-too late in the day now-think about it football season goes to the end of winter-that eliminates half of the white male population-theres s small window of marketable time before the sweet sixteen then summer- plus given the demographic breakdown all urban centers of population will be blue and the vast hinterland red- and we are still being stabbed in the back-

so in order for a voting solution effort organization and a mass propaganda campaign would hve needed to been started year ago-

the alt right- the hard left these are just political props to rally the base of the otherside

AnothaOne ago

So if it's too late to vote and violence is what feds want, then what's the solution? Or are you saying there isn't one?