MolochHunter ago

Alisha's age is not mentioned in the Quran. But in the 3 most authoritative Islamic texts aside from the Quran it says 6when married, 9 when sex commenced. Other less influential texts put her age anything up to 21

Imam Tawhidi has a video where Tommy Robinson is interviewing him and he suggests that many Islamic scholars sense the 6/9 figure is religious propaganda designed to ensure no doubt as to her virginal status (crucial in times before ours where doubt as to the paternity of a successor could set nations at war)

Even so, it's a disgusting propaganda tactic as it encourages predatory, exploitative behavior as evidenced by grooming gangs

SchlongKeyhote ago

"Imam Tawhidi" has been exposed as a complete fraud (zero credentials to be an imam) and Zionist shill ("Palestine belongs to the Jews") forever. So has "Robinson" for that matter.

How does it feel to be so stupid and gullible that you don't even vet MSM TV fixtures? LMAO jesus Christ dude

myshpqmc ago

Why surprised? Administrators think calling me rapist is legal although they know for sure I have never had sex with any one.

Rape is nothing and coward USA would let communist rapist free, which is often banned to speak in redd*t.

Slow coward failure America likes to make the war as long as possible, already said far far more earlier and banned.

Is slow coward USA doing the same thing that USA just waits a few months until China yuan is down 10% to $, then dares to tax 10% on $505 billions, and thus gets 10%-10%=0% in real trade? After all, USA has loved China communists and their ZTE for decades. My English is so bad?

1, USA shouts that USA would put tariff on $500 billion goods made in China to change anti-freedom trade with China.

2, China devalues (downs) its currency yuan 10% to USA currency $.

3, then USA dares to really put tariff 10%, and gets nothing in real trade because 10%-10%=0%, which means that prices of goods made in China are decreased 10% by means of China government devaluing yuan 10%, and prices of goods made in China are increased 10% by meanings of USA government putting tariff 10% on all, and thus prices in trade not changed in total.

4, ZTE is always controlled by China communists, and sells anti-freedom system to Iran and Korea, and banned by USA and then supported by USA at last.

Just the first sentence I said, if you cannot read more sentences. "Coward USA is too slow, which would make the war last long and thus make USA fail eventually."

Coward USA is too slow, which would make the war last long and make USA fail. China yuan is already down 4% to USA dollar. So the real tariff in trade would be 10%-4%*500/200=0% for the new 10% tariff on $200 billions of China goods.

Notice: $500 billions is the minimal of goods made in China exported to USA. So China yuan downing (or devaluation of China currency to America currency, now about 4% down) affects more than $500 billions goods exported to USA, but new tariffs expected only affects $200 billions goods exported to USA. So the result of the new tariffs on the whole trade of goods made in China but exported to America here is only 10%-4%*500/200=0%.

Maybe USA can keep torturing Children (news about immigrants) and infants (news about USA believing cow milk is much better than mother milk or breast milk for infants), and make China communists keep stealing $375 billions and millions of American jobs from USA every year, since all these would make America great again.

Is USA a coward failure only shouting 200 billion and shouting 500 billion with doing nothing real while China communists have been keeping beating USA?

The simplest example in life to see the unfair robbery nature of China communists...(rob money from Chinese,rob work from Ameircans)

If you transfer money from banks not in China (for example, D) to China bank,Zero fee. But if you transfer back,that's to say, if you transfer money from China bank to banks not in China (for example,D), very high fee. That's the fairness? So, we got to know why China bank would not like fair competition with other banks, and China communists did unfair competition very well. (By the way, there is a little fact : China top four communist banks are the four biggest and richest banks all over the world. )

China bank says: If you transfer money out of mainland,for example, if you transfer money to USA , the fee is 1‰, 50¥ at least for each.And there is also tele fee,150¥ each time. And there also may be other fees.

So, if you are a Chinese and want to buy an American goods, you transfer 500¥ to your account outside China, and China bank just simply takes off more than 200¥ from you just because you want to buy an American goods. Moreover, if you take this American goods back to China, you may face high tax by China communists as well. So, we got to know why China goods would not like fair competition with USA goods, and China communists did unfair competition very well. (By the way, there is a little fact: China communists legally steal $375 billions and millions of American jobs from USA in 2017 by anti-freedom trade.)

And all above here lasts for decades!

Seen in "China government has legally stolen 375.23 billions from USA in a single year..."

Edit:I take no order from anyone. For those super Nazis, Can you and the followers read English?

Or you just don't want true free trade without tariffs?

Come on, Nazis and racists and communists, just ignore the truth, attack me and remove.

If no reply or late reply or this removed, blame redd&t and vo&t, not blame me, because its not my control, and sometimes because "You have reached your daily comment quota. Your current quota is 10 comment(s) per 24 hours." which could also be false for you did not make 10 comments a day but you cannot reply.

redtoe_skipper ago

I am not sure a ban will help. Prohibition has only resulted in negative and not intended consequences. That being said: there is much for which the Quran can be critiqued. I found one response from an Amsteram Muslim in the paper: Parool (= Parole = word) < Mohammed was ook geen pedofiel, zoals Geert Wilders altijd zegt? 'Ik begrijp dat Nederlanders denken dat de profeet een pedofiel was. Moslims moeten daar niet boos om zijn. Ze moeten zeggen: u heeft gelijk. Een van zijn vrouwen, Aisha, was minderjarig. Als hij nu zou leven, is dat gewoon pedofilie. De vraag is alleen of het ons verder helpt in de discussie als we het steeds blijven benoemen.'

Wasn't Mohammed a pedophile, as Geert Wilders always says? "I understand that the Dutch think that the Prophet was a pedophile. Muslims should not be angry about that. They must say: you are right. One of his wives, Aisha, was a minor. If he were to live now, it is just pedophilia. The only question is whether it will help us further in the discussion if we keep naming it. '

As towards his solution: it needs to be named because it is still practiced, and encouraged within that religion, and I have not seen any moves towards nailing to the cross by any muslim of muslims who engage in, and/ or condone this type of behaviour.

Unless I see some serious effort from within the muslim community to combat these radical and backward ideas, this point needs to be made time and again. And unless Islam goes through a refining process, that will allow it's shedding of the most egregious parts of it, it has no place in our western enlightened societies.

Certain things are criminal and not to be thought of as negotiable or culturally relative. It eats away at human dignity, human liberty.

MehWhatever ago

Won't work. The EU is busy making it legal for Africans and Arabs to fuck minors all they want because it's "normal" in their culture.

12480837 ago

Banned? It should be burned, then shit on, then flushed down the toilet.

BogusApparatus ago

haha, you really know nothing huh?

BogusApparatus ago

why you hate so blindly? be careful with your words.. you insult the words of God. the punishment for what you do is death.

12480837 ago

Fuck off.

Holonomic ago

Go fuck yourself

BogusApparatus ago

hey guys, i find u're stupid. if u want to know the real islam, then learn the pure islam. for this topic about the prophet life, study the al-hadits (it is one of two guide for muslim, the another one is al-qur'an). from the verificated hadits, 'aisha age is about 19-21 years old. that hadits has no doubt about it, check those hadits that also mention about her sister (asma) and her dad (abu bakar as-siddiq), it strengthen the hadits since it in accordance if calculated with her family members age, therefore no contradiction (it's proved the other way trough asma and abu bakar). the hadits that mention 'aisha ages as a kid is can't be proved, it contradict with other hadits and came from mouth of someone with senile condition cause of old age.

thebearfromstartrack ago

So the UK basically says its indigenous culture of FREEDOM is subservient to a foreign culture's regulations? Whatever happened to GO HOME you FUCKING FOREIGN FUCKER if you don't like how WE do things! This SMELLS like women and pussy boy males (feminist lovers).

Kingbee ago

It's not in the Quran, it's in the Hadith

Anson ago

send kabab back to ME and africa and go back to not caring whatsoever, and end the ridiculous atheist crusade into arabia... it's fucking retarded "derp i lub secularism"

@alopix you're a faggot who is part of the group mentioned. kill yourself v/AlopixHate

RemoteViewer1 ago

Best post on Voat since at least 'Nam. Valid point.

yesididit ago

Where exactly in the quaran does it say that?

birds_sing ago

I was wrong, the Quran doesn't say she was 6. It was she herself who said she was 6, which was recorded in the Sahih al-Bukhari (Hadith) - Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234.

Hadith is the other holy book. Essentially the Quran is the word of Allah. While the Hadith is the word of Muhammad and his teachings.

BogusApparatus ago

She doesn't say it, it just some gibberish from an old senile man.

Hadits is not a Holy Book, it is needed to be verified.

You can't be sure right away that it really came from the prophet or his teachings. it could be a bullshit from a misleading satan, you know Shia? they're not Islam, and they create their own hadits instead of conveying the truth.

MagnaBatavia ago

It's not illegal to call him a pedophile, you just risk a bunch of shitskins going after you with some leftwing judge looking the other way because "you provoked them", even more pathetic than it sounds.

birds_sing ago

An Austrian woman had been convicted for saying,

... A 56-year-old and a six-year-old? ... What do we call it, if it is not pedophilia?

She appealed the verdict to the European Court of Human Rights. The ECHR upheld the conviction setting precedent for all of the EU. They claimed that what she said

could only be understood as having been aimed at demonstrating that Muhammad was not worthy of worship

She wasn't convicted for breaking the law. Instead she was convicted of something that could only be...... understood as..... being aimed at...... demonstrating that..... she broke the law.

But yes, precedent has been set in the EU. It's illegal to call him a pedophile.

MagnaBatavia ago

I looked more thoroughly into the matter. Apparently Austria already had a regulation regarding "insulting of religion" which makes exceptions in the freedom of speech. Supposedly, the EU has merely justified the decision made by the Austrian judged but cannot force a similar ruling to the other EU nations (no common law system). Therefore, countries that do not have an impairment for insulting religions should be fine. However, if the EU decides to make a new law where this becomes mandatory in all nations, then all of us would be in big trouble. You could see it perhaps as somewhat of a stepping stone, since they made their preference clear.

MagnaBatavia ago

Interesting, because Wilders has been saying shit like this non-stop in the Netherlands and never really had any issues untill he said that he wanted Moroccans to be deported. But aside from that, he never got into big legal problems, just has to have 4 bodyguards constantly around him.Not sure what this will imply for us though, since EU regulations overrule the national one and I want to call him a pedo since he literally was. Feels bad man.

ZardoZ2017 ago

You would have fucked her too!

zxcvzxcv ago

You are using way too much logic and common sense in your post. Next you are going to be asking people to think for themselves! Heresy!

coucou ago

Mummad was the victim, in fact. Aisha was a gerontophile. She raped the poor helpless Momed.

haveyoursafespace1 ago

Won't be long until sharia law rules Europe.

birds_sing ago

Europeans can't say,

... A 56-year-old and a six-year-old? ... What do we call it, if it is not pedophilia?

Because it,

"could only be understood as having been aimed at demonstrating that Muhammad was not worthy of worship" - European Court of Human Rights

She wasn't found guilty of breaking the law. Instead she was found guilty of something that could only be...... understood as..... being aimed at...... demonstrating that they broke the law.

Yeah, Sharia law already rules Europe.

Luis_Sphincta ago

Nope, censorship is wrong and unnecessary when facts are on your side.

However, Austria appears to have left the door WIDE open for someone to found a religion that features Mein Kampf as its holy book. The true entertainment comes when you force its critics to argue against its validity, because, you know, it's just wrong to take an insane genocidal warlords writing about his struggles as gospel. I bet a compare and contrast of the texts would lead to a hilarious amount of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance from ((())) and the other usual suspects.

SchlongKeyhote ago

That analysis has been done, and the Quran is ~3x as anti-Semitic as Mein Kampf.

Luis_Sphincta ago

That's amazing! 10-q.

triple0 ago

This is your chance. Demand that the Quaran be banned because it says that Muhammad is a pedophile who married a 6 year old.

Complete, unadulterated horse shit. This piece of idiotic far right bullshit about Muhammad being a paedophile has been debunked by numerous religious scholars. It was not legal to marry children and hence Mohammad did not marry a child. I'm an atheist and it is very clear that these smear attacks against Islam are coming from radicalised Jews and Christian hypocrites. They cheat the voting system to get their lies to the top of the page.

MolochHunter ago

It hasn't been debunked by anyone but liars

It's in Islamic scripture, and Sharia law says menstruation is the legal age for marriage with sexual obligations as property of the husband. This is not in any doubt. This is championed and defended by millions of muslims. Criticising this is punishable by Sharia Law. The only times muslims deny this are the Taqqiya pedallers who want western civilization to sleep walk into their own subjugation for the global caliphate which is and has always been the aspiration of the Islamic patriarchy

SchlongKeyhote ago

lmao listen to yourself you hysterical faggot. 'global caliphate'? yeah im super fuckin worried about that. not the kikes who start the Mideast wars and parasitically feed off us through usury and brainwash our kids to be nigger-lovers and trannies.

no wonder you love Q; youre a complete dipshit with no sense of reality. do you really think menstruation wasn't the normal marriage age worldwide for millennia? why the fuck wouldn't it be you RETARD LMAOOOOO

think- ago

do you really think menstruation wasn't the normal marriage age worldwide for millennia?

Since when do six year old girls menstruate? Even today, when girls menstruate earlier than they used to, you will hardly find a nine year old menstruating.

You're digging your own hole deeper and deeper, Donkey.

@MolochHunter @Vindicator @Shizy @srayzie @darkknight111

MolochHunter ago


do you have a single friend?

I mean, in the world, let alone here on voat ?

SchlongKeyhote ago

who needs friends when I can fuck your pubescent daughter so she can fulfill her sole function as a baby-maker, you kike-loving lickspittle NIGGER?

we've tried handling sluts your way, CUCK! and look what you've done.

think- ago

think- ago

MolochHunter ago

what a sad, sad little moribund existence you must live.

so saturated in lustful contempt for the most vulnerable people amongst us, our children

SchlongKeyhote ago

omfg do u even know what the words u type mean?

moribund is your faggot cuckold country as I just showed you -- because your women (after UK the sluttiest and ugliest ive encountered) don't get pregnant early ENOUGH and abort whenever they do.

now your worthless degenerate country is gonna die out while my nubile wives make babies and cupcakes all fuckin day.


MolochHunter ago

So let me get this absolutely clear. You regard the sexual slavery of children as a matter of competition between civilizations?

Into the 🎤, please

auralsects ago

no. the sexual slavery of WOMEN is literally a matter of competition between civilizations and that's undeniable.

everywhere women are allowed to be things besides stay-at-home mothers during their fertile years you will find an utterly collapsed birth rate and civilizational decline.

you are a clueless, brainwashed boomerfag whose white-knighting is causing the physical annihilation of your people. and you think Jewanon arresting a few individuals will do the slightest thing to reverse this process.

what a sad figure you are.

SearchVoatBot ago

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think- ago

while my nubile wives

Your wives? LMAO

@Vindicator @srayzie @Shizy @EricKaliberhall @Crensch

Intrixina ago

Did it not say in the Quran that the pedophile married a 6 year old, thigh fucked her initially, and then consummated the relationship at age 9?


Therefore, he is a pedophile.

It's not "far right" to state that someone who fucks a kid is a pedophile. It's not a "smear" if its true.

Schreiber ago

He didn't fuck her when she was 6, afaik the marriage was consummated when she was 9.

There is nothing abnormal with a powerful elite having sexual relationship with 9 yr old girls to be honest.

Faggotry on the other hand is a mental illness regardless of age.

Leonidas4Q ago

So logical.

lkjfds5621 ago

Islam is a pedophile political movement.

Grindelwo ago

disgusting EU is doomed

fightknightHERO ago

you're asking NPC's to use logic

which they have none

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Can someone please explain this to me? What weight do decrees from the European Union carry? Is it up to individual countries to enforce them? Does being a member of the union obligate countries to follow any measures that have been passed like this one? How often is the charter updated with shit like this?

birds_sing ago

The way to look at it is that Europe used to be a bunch of independent countries, but then they all joined together to make one big country. And now places like France and Italy can be thought of as states or provinces within the EU.

In the US, California can make some laws that are different than the laws Texas makes. But they still have to follow federal laws. Same with the EU. Spain can make some of their laws different from German laws, but they still have to follow and enforce EU laws. They're no longer independent countries, but instead are like states within a big country.

In this case, an Austrian woman said, "... A 56-year-old and a six-year-old? ... What do we call it, if it is not pedophilia?" Austrian courts, using Austrian laws, charged her with breaking the law. The woman disagreed with the verdict and appealed to a higher court. In her situation she appealed to the European Court of Human Rights (who ended up agreeing with the Austrian court). - The same thing can happen in the US. Where someone can disagree with a Texas court's decision and appeal to a higher court. With the highest court being the Supreme Court.

And as for this case, there is now precedent set in the EU. You cannot call Muhammad a pedophile. It's now illegal to use the word pedophile to describe him because it "could only be understood as having been aimed at demonstrating that Muhammad was not worthy of worship,". Not because it does that, but because it could be "understood as" doing that. And because an EU court ruled on it, the precedent is set for the entire EU instead of only Austria.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Thank you for the in-depth answer fellow goat.

TheAntiZealot ago

Bad logic, OP.

Calling Muhammad a pedophile is illegal in the EU because they accepted Sharia. Is spelled out in the Quran that any criticism or negativity directed toward Islam, the texts, or the last prophet of Allah is against Shariah.

PapShamir ago


Allah, pussy be upon him, flowered his children with love. Hee hee! Like Michael Jackson though, not like a pedophile. Juhmoh!

How does Sharia "law" feel about sarcasm?

HeavyBrain ago

A general rule for the peaceful religion "No fun alowed"

psimonster ago

You won't find this info in the Koran. It comes from the hearsay collection about Muhammad (called the hadith). Possibly true, possibly just "verified" by muslim scholars with a taste for pre-pubescent girls.

PapShamir ago

When people say quran or bible I loosely interpret this to mean vaguely religious rules, laws. So "banning Islamic Law", because there's nasty emotional appeals to sectarianism and violence through temptation and lies. Minding also here that the quran itself is hearsay, in this context it seems moot.

Not banning things would be best for future critical thought on this.

Saufsoldat ago

If calling Muhammad a pedophile is illegal in the EU

It's not. Boy, that was easy.

Sgt_Boomer ago

Go back to reddit, kike. All you do is preach your unwanted faggotry here.

Saufsoldat ago

Is truth not wanted here, rabbi?

Sgt_Boomer ago

You denying things with a smug attitude isn't "truth", and so far you've only run away from opportunities to show us anything real. You've got all day to act like a subversive hooknose, but run away from the thread when someone asks you something you can't answer.

Saufsoldat ago

and so far you've only run away from opportunities to show us anything real.

What are you talking about? I've answered every question truthfully when asked.

but run away from the thread when someone asks you something you can't answer.


Sgt_Boomer ago


The comment chain you're responding to me in. I've talked to you before as well. What kind of sources do you expect me to have? You lazy fuck.

Saufsoldat ago

I looked through the comment chain and there is no question that I didn't answer.

So you lied and now you're trying to backpedal. That's okay, have a nice day.

Sgt_Boomer ago

You don't know what backpedaling means and you're intentionally ignoring the comments that aren't mine that you've ignored. Then there's the comment chain I referred to that we had in another thread, which you're also ignoring. Don't project your dishonest tactics onto me.

Saufsoldat ago

You don't know what backpedaling means and you're intentionally ignoring the comments that aren't mine that you've ignored.

Which one have I ignored? You refuse to point to any comment that I've supposedly ignored.

Your lies don't work here, rabbi.

birds_sing ago

It actually doesn't.

Sorry, you're right. The Quran doesn't say she was 6. It was she herself who said she was 6, which was recorded in the Sahih al-Bukhari (hadith) - Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234.

It's not. Boy, that was easy.

Then what does all this mean then?

Saufsoldat ago

Then what does all this mean then?

It means that Austria has blasphemy laws (and has had them forever) and that according to Austrian courts calling Muhammed a pedophile violates those laws. The EHRC decided that this Austrian law did not violate EU laws on free speech, therefore the ruling was upheld.

If the EU overrules national laws, they're evil. If the EU upholds national laws, they're still evil. People just can't get their narrative straight.

birds_sing ago

calling Muhammed a pedophile violates those laws.

But the ECHR didn't uphold the conviction because she broke the law. According to the ECHR asking questions like, "... A 56-year-old and a six-year-old? ... What do we call it, if it is not pedophilia?"

could only be understood as having been aimed at demonstrating that Muhammad was not worthy of worship

The ECHR didn't uphold the conviction because she broke Austrian law. Instead they upheld the conviction because what she asked could only be...... "understood as"..... "been aimed at"...... "demonstrating that"..... she was breaking the law.

Saufsoldat ago

But the ECHR didn't uphold the conviction because she broke the law.

They did uphold the conviction because they found that the Austrian law at the basis of it did not violate EU law.

The ECHR didn't uphold the conviction because she broke Austrian law.

That is literally all they can do. There is literally no way for them to sentence anyone outside of upholding or striking down state legislation.

PapShamir ago

When people say quran or bible I loosely interpret this to mean vaguely religious rules, laws. Islamic law is based on these accounts too, obviously you know that better than most. I don't think mistating corrected facts is enjoyable or enlightening in a conversation, but I also haven't brought up the origins of / missing scriptures / books for a long while in life because it's usually moot.

I do think arguing, say, "Islamic Law is a meddlesome farse" makes sense, and I'd honestly stick to just not banning anything so we can evolve and nurture critical thought. Muslims have a sordid history here.

But Hisham did basically get to Iraq then spilled the beans in old age. Yeah, so that guy, praise be upon him blah, fuckered kids. Real dirty.

There wasn't even denial of this then. He named names, like Aisha -- one of his 4 children. He fucked his own kids?

Now people arbitrarily or politically decide that was wishful thinking. Sure was an oddly enchanting story for a long time though. Porn usually is, but I've never been pissed if the wrong issue of Playboy is mentioned in relation to some specific exploits.

Saufsoldat ago

There wasn't even denial of this then. He named names, like Aisha -- one of his 4 children. He fucked his own kids?

What? Where did you get that from? You know that there is more than one person in the world named Aisha, right? I have never heard of any scripture that would imply Aisha was his own daughter, especially since it contradicts the ahadith saying that she lived with her parents after their initial betrothal.

Now people arbitrarily or politically decide that was wishful thinking. Sure was an oddly enchanting story for a long time though. Porn usually is, but I've never been pissed if the wrong issue of Playboy is mentioned in relation to some specific exploits.

It's like when people claim the bible talks about the fall/rebellion of satan or that the devil is lucifer according to the bible. None of those things are in the bible, they're part of some medieval christian fanfiction called "paradise lost". It's still part of the mainstream christian myth, but especially when someone says "we should ban book X because it says something", it's idiotic.

People can hate islam without read the koran or the ahadith, they have plenty of reason to do so. But when you attempt to make factual statements about the contents of those books without ever having read at least part of them, it just makes the person look like a drooling retard who has never actually read the things he criticizes.

gazillions ago

I calling muhammed a pedophile is illegal in the EU, shouldn't the establishment be be punished for forcing submission to islam on the people?

YES THEY FUCKING SHOULD. Then again, shouldn't the idiots of Europe be raped and killed by islamics?

Saufsoldat ago

I calling muhammed a pedophile is illegal in the EU

It doesn't.

shouldn't the establishment be be punished for forcing submission to islam on the people?

Ask Austrians.

LuvOurPotusDJT ago

the Quaran be banned there because it clearly states that he is? To those who have access to the part of the Quaran that states this would publish it here that would be helpful.

Saufsoldat ago

It's not in the koran.

PapShamir ago

Can you explain why ahadith like these were so widely taught? Seems a recent populist denial is rationalized identically to prior indoctrinations in support of this. It was a badge of honor and sales pitch for idolatry back then to influential dirty old men to convert.

Saufsoldat ago

The ahadith detailing her age were and still are considered mainstream islamic scripture. Not quite on par with the koran, but close enough to be considered official doctrine, especially in Sunni Islam (less so in Shia Islam).

Seems a recent populist denial is rationalized identically to prior indoctrinations in support of this.

Yep. To my knowledge, no early or medieval islamic scholar placed her age anywhere near adulthood or even puberty. It's an entirely modern phenomenon of "scholars" who want to justify something reprehensible.

auralsects ago

until ten minutes ago marriages were economic and political arrangements, both abroad and among Europeans.

the age of consent was under 10 in many US states 1300 years after mohammed -- and if he had lusted after prepubescent girls why did he stop at just one?

you're propagating kike talking points that reinforce the kikes' white-genocidal culture of "true love" and female empowerment, provoking "muslims r the real misoygnists", "their social practices are antithetical to whites'"

quit being a fucking faggot

Saufsoldat ago

until ten minutes ago marriages were economic and political arrangements, both abroad and among Europeans.

First, even medieval times people typically waited for puberty to set in.

Second, who the fuck cares? Unlike mudslimes, I don't have to defend pedophiles, because I don't claim that they were prophets of some higher power. Nobody holds medieval peasants up as the most moral people imaginable. Islam does exactly that with their pedo prophet, though, so they have to defend it.

the age of consent was under 10 in many US states 1300 years after mohammed -- and if he had lusted after prepubescent girls why did he stop at just one?

Who says he did? Only one was an official wife, there is no telling how many little girls he took as slaves and then violated.

If a 40-year-old married family father has sex with a little girl, would anyone hesitate to call him a pedophile? Would anyone for even a second think "well, he only had sex with adults for most of his life..."? Of course not, that's retarded.

quit being a fucking faggot

Quit fucking children, swine.

auralsects ago

First, even medieval times people typically waited for puberty to set in.

LOL! indeed, retard: why would millions of contemporary or historical muslims, as is your claim, pay a dower for a girl that cant provide them children or anything else for several years? that's why its a PARAPHILIA: only a small % of a given population will suffer it regardless of legality.

Who says he did? Only one was an official wife, there is no telling how many little girls he took as slaves and then violated.

lol then why would only Aisha be recorded if its sanctioned and he had so many. as you know every detail of his daily life was recorded and passed down as hadiths.

the bottom line is: nobody now or then gives a shit and this is all kikery to discredit traditional (i.e. semi-arranged and very young) marriages and thus promote feminism.

when muh grooming is reported you hear ZERO outrage at the fact that 12-yo British girls -- always of single-mothers who stats say CHOOSE TO BE UNMARRIED and just take welfare and cock nonstop-- are prostituting themselves due to degenerate JEW media.

just "oy vey the muslims are a child-rape culture, theyre obligated to follow mohameds example!"

and you take the bait like fucking morons. YEEEES, GOOD GOY!

Saufsoldat ago

LOL! indeed, retard: why would millions of contemporary or historical muslims, as is your claim, pay a dower for a girl that cant provide them children or anything else for several years? that's why its a PARAPHILIA: only a small % of a given population will suffer it regardless of legality.

Because they're degenerate fucks whose religion tells them raping little girls is permissible. This is official Islamic doctrine in Saudi-Arabia for example, where there is literally no age of consent because it would be unislamic.

lol then why would only Aisha be recorded

Because slavery was a perfectly normal thing for muslims until a few decades ago. They were and still are the biggest slavers on the planet.

as you know every detail of his daily life was recorded and passed down as hadiths.

Then how many slaves did he have and what were their ages?

more "muh jews" whataboutism.

I don't care, we're talking about mudslimes thinking they have a divine right to fuck little children because their prophet did so, too.

auralsects ago

Because they're degenerate fucks whose religion tells them raping little girls is permissible.

nobody wants to fuck a child except appropriately tiny-dicked faggots like you.

more "muh jews" whataboutism.

LOL not whataboutism. that point completely destroyed you and you have no response, kike. nose = exposed

think- ago

nobody wants to fuck a child except appropriately tiny-dicked faggots like you. Muhammad was a tiny-dicked faggot?! If you say so.....

@Shizy @Vindicator @MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall: It's official now. Donkey thinks Muhammad was a tiny-dicked faggot. LMAO


auralsects ago

Lol no maybe Aisha had a naturally wide-set vagina. I do respect the way Muhammad imposed his will and had the foresight to expel all Jews from the entire Arabian peninsula.

U must have noticed theres almost zero Muslims (2bn) in Pizzagate while virtually 100% are Jewish (16m).

LMAO fuck it must be difficult being so stupid day-in day-out

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MolochHunter ago

zero muslims in Pizzagate?

there's thousands of them, crawling all over England in their Grooming Gangs, not being arrested because they are supply side infrastructure for the Elite pedo rings

And WHY are Muslims so suitable for providing supply side infrastructure, Anal Insects ?

Because the Quran tells them that menstruation is the acceptable age, and because 33:50 - kaffir women are your possessions to do whatever you want with. That's your reward for spreading Islam


auralsects ago

And WHY are Muslims so suitable for providing supply side infrastructure, Anal Insects ?

LOL!!! has a single 'grooming' victim claimed to have been pimped to an elite? "THOUSANDS, RUNNING A SUPPLY-SIDE INFRASTRUCTURE" HE SAYS XDDD

Because the Quran tells them that menstruation is the acceptable age, and because 33:50 - kaffir women are your possessions to do whatever you want with.

The Bible says the same and the JEWISH Talmud endorses it at age THREE.

A Qtard faggot mod defending Jews with deflections because HE CANT DISPUTE THE NUMERICAL DISCREPANCY I STATED BEFORE, i'm shawked.

you are one dumbfuck boomer. WOW

think- ago

Lol no maybe Aisha had a naturally wide-set vagina.

Just carry on hanging yourself, Donkey. You are talking about a nine year old girl.

LMAO fuck it must be difficult being so stupid day-in day-out

Talking to yourself again? Forget your meds? :-)

I'm so glad I came out as a woman on v/pizzgate, Donkey. Because every single of your comments where you try insulting women makes me laugh. It just shows what an insecure little faggot your are. :-) But we already talked about guys with tiny dicks.... :-)

@Shizy @srayzie @MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall @Saufsoldat

Vindicator ago

we already talked about guys with tiny dicks

LOL. Equipment failure would explain why @SchlongKeyhote took "oral sex" as his username.

Shizy ago

His next username should be @snacksize because that's all he's got!

@think- @srayzie

If you weren't a pedophile, is actually feel bad for you @auralsects.

auralsects ago

I like how you'll send lame pot-shots but abandon ship when theres any substantive dispute, like whether Jewanon 'revealed' something that was actually me the 'shill' half a year prior

dumb old boomer skanks don't belong on the internet.

srayzie ago

Omg that would be a great meme 😂

Shizy ago

Something like the "meanwhile at op's house" one, but instead of large dildos, there's a little snack sized snickers bar peering out from under a roll of fat 😂🤣😂🤣!

Vindicator ago

Just in time for Halloween. LMAO.

think- ago

His next username should be @snacksize because that's all he's got!

LMAO! @MolochHunter @Vindicator @srayzie @Crensch

srayzie ago

Right?! Almost every comment he makes shows he is extremely insecure around women. Me, you, and Shizy rock. 💋💄👄💍💅🏻

He wants to either be WITH us or LIKE us. Either way, he’s shit out of luck. 😂 @Think- @Shizy

Shizy ago

I know if bothers him enormously when we shit talk him, so I do it every time I see him just to make his blood pressure shoot up 😂! With his obesity and unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle he may just stroke out!

srayzie ago

With his obesity and unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle he may just stroke out!

That sounds like something I would say 😂 You must be my alt! Haha.

Let’s see how many times this is used to PROVE it 😂

Shizy ago

I am your alt 😂! We both start with s!

Shizy ago

What kind of filthy trash do you have to be to even write something so awful? He's utterly disgusting in every way.

think- ago

Yep, indeed. Donkey the great pedo-fighter. /s

Shizy ago

Yeah, he fights over kids with his fellow pedos!

auralsects ago

You are talking about a nine year old girl.

ok i'll take your word on this issue. you are after all the authority on GIANT CUNTS

Because every single of your comments where you try insulting women makes me laugh. It just shows what an insecure little faggot your are. :-) But we already talked about guys with tiny dicks.... :-)

women insult themselves by even being in an intellectually male-dominated space. like when those 14-year-old boys beat the national women's soccer team 7-0.

you cant even be more creative than the classic "criticize women = small dick insecure guy!" a man would realize it's better to say nothing than a cliché.

think- ago

you cant even be more creative than the classic "criticize women = small dick insecure guy!" a man would realize it's better to say nothing than a cliché.

You were the one who started talking about tiny dicks, Donkey, remember?

But if you say it's a cliché, and not creative.... LOL

@Shizy @srayzie @MolochHunter @Vindicator @Crensch

srayzie ago

Donkey 1st message to me where he lost his fucking mind, was when I said that George Webb was charming and that it was not good because he could use it to manipulate women. He got soooooo jealous and always has when George Webb is talked about.

So much that I had to create this warning notice for safety reasons...

Trigger Warning - George Webb is mentioned in this thread.

Whatever you think of George Webb is beside the point. But, I will admit he’s charming, funny, handsome, manly, TALL, and has a full head of hair. He’s the type of man that could pick a woman up and ravage her. Big and strong. Strong jaw line. Deep voice.

All the things that Donkey is NOT. That’s why he loses it! 😂 With that tiny dick, he probably has small hands and is short too.

@think- @shizy @Vindicator @Crensch

SchlongKeyhote ago

because he could use it to manipulate women.

that's you confirming what was said by ME: that women are naïve and stupid in general, not particularly for Webb.

indeed, you made an entire sub on that basis for a faceless character.

a sub in which you merely copy-paste from 8chan and twitter. because you're physically incapable of any research, let alone the stellar level of my output, which i'd say is unmatched.

feel free to provide a single shred of original thinking or research you've done in TWO YEARS. my offer to leave still stands.

All the things that Donkey is NOT. That’s why he loses it! 😂 With that tiny dick, he probably has small hands and is short too.

yep yep yep. but since youre just speculating its impossible to derive any humor or satisfaction from it.

I could speculate you're a semi-literate alcoholic housewife, but without knowing, it's not funny. oh wait, you admitted to being that. so it is funny, LOL

Shizy ago

😂😘You're the best!!!!

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

See parent @kevdude

think- ago

A man with pride and self-confidence doesn't need to diss women like you do. :-)

And I don't care what you think. You just make me laugh. :-) It's so amusing to read your misogynist bitching.

I will tell you a little secret: You can't insult me by calling me stupid, and you can't flatter me by calling me smart. :-)

@Vindicator @Shizy @srayzie @MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall

MolochHunter ago


did you really just use a soccer game as an example of intellectual capabilities ?

auralsects ago

obviously not you fucking RETARD. it's called an ANALOGY

do the NIGGERS who dominate professional sports seem smart to you? probably, boomer-cuck race-traitor FAGGOT!

Vindicator ago

do the NIGGERS who dominate professional sports seem smart to you? probably, boomer-cuck race-traitor FAGGOT!

Woops, Donkey! You just called yourself stupid...or are you trying to pretend you never got drunk and told everyone you're






Maybe you're one of the Black intellectuals like MalcomX who became Muslim in prison, eh?

Must really, really suck to be a Black dude with a tiny dick! Almost feel bad for ya.


Shizy ago

I think you have officially figured out why donkey is so angry!

srayzie ago

Now that’s hilarious. I remember that. We should all add a word to describe Donkey...

Black MUSLIM with a tiny dick... 🐫

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Crensch @Think- @Kevdude

think- ago

Maybe you're one of the Black intellectuals like MalcomX who became Muslim in prison, eh?


@Shizy @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter @Crensch

Shizy ago

I for one don't think they're necessarily smart. But at least they won't be stroking out anytime soon like your fat ass will dough boy!

think- ago

think- ago

Hahaha. Yes, he did!! rolls on floor

@Shizy @srayzie @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @darkknight111

auralsects ago

A man with pride and self-confidence doesn't need to diss women like you do. :-)

except that's not valid because as I said we belong to entirely different categories; the elephant cannot derive satisfaction from 'dissing' a fly.

just look how mindless your actions are:

i point out mods shill for Q --> mods make huge thread about my supposed alt brigading people --> mods actually ping each other to brigade my every comment


Shizy ago

Yes you're absolutely right you do belong to an entirely different category. You're NOT a real man! You're a punk, and a pussy!

You wouldn't even know a real man if he punched you in the face, but you would be highly attracted to him and turned on because you're a little weak beta bitch!

@think- @srayzie I would normally feel really bad to dare make fun of a retarded person, but this one says he's in a "different category" so I'm ok with it 😂!

think- ago

You wouldn't even know a real man if he punched you in the face, but you would be highly attracted to him and turned on because you're a little weak beta bitch!

I'd say 'beta' is probably even too nice. More like gamma or something..... ;-)

@srayzie @MolochHunter @Vindicator @Crensch @darkknight111

darkknight111 ago

I’d say “Omega”...wannabe alphas who believe bullying and abusing people makes them cool.

A real alpha knows how to lead by example.

Cucks are the gammas.

I’d classify betas as “competent underlings” Know their stuff but generally lack the charsima to be leaders.

srayzie ago

Omg you kill me 😂 I think he’s secretly turned on by being abused by us ladies. 😱 @Think- @shizy

Shizy ago

Aside from paying hookers, this is the only other female attention this freak gets! @think-

think- ago

I think he is into men, though...


srayzie ago

Yes, I caught him posting in transvestigation under his donkey profiles

think- ago

Yes, I caught him posting in transvestigation under his donkey profiles

.....only for research purposes of course, lol. /s

@Vindicator @Shizy @MolochHunter @Crensch @darkknight111

srayzie ago

I think his alt was @Equineluvr. I had all kinds of evidence. I found where he was in yahoo groups admitting he was gay and was engaged to 2 different men before. Just like Donkey has said, he said he had Jew in him.

SchlongKeyhote ago

lmao 'i had all kinds of evidence' that's adorable.

perfect example of how women will believe anything that they want to believe: at various times im black, arab, jewish, muslim, gay, pedo, Equineluvr, EsotericShade, who else? oh and a tranny cuz I posted a joke thread in the little-visited v/Transvestigation.

I don't understand why you think it's worth lying that I ever posted more than one comment there, since the transvestigation is a legitimate area of inquiry. I guess because among you people the concept of credibility is unimportant and you can just make shit up.

as ive always said youre not serious about stopping pizzagate and just want to waste time here while you day-drink. fuckin annoying women, jesus

Shizy ago

He's so nasty, he's into whoever will give him attention since he gets so little of it 😂

think- ago

looks even more amused

LOL - I don't want them to miss your stupidness.

Pinging people to my comments is hardly brigading, sweetie.

1) They are not alts, but legit users 2) I didn't ask them to downvoat you. I concede that I also didn't ask to upvoat you. :-)

@Vindicator @Crensch @MolochHunter @Shizy @srayzie

srayzie ago

This is pretty funny. He is the one that brought me and Shizy together. My 2 girl besties are donkey haters 😂 I knew there was a reason I loved you guys.

Sucks for you @auralsects

think- ago

@kevdude @darkknight111: please see parent.

think- ago

@Crensch @kevdude @darkknight111: Please see parent.

think- ago

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @darkknight111: Donkeyhote makes jokes about nine year old girls who got raped now. Please see parent. I archived it.

MolochHunter ago

PBUH (penisenlarger be upon him)

think- ago


think- ago

@Crensch @kevdude @srayzie: Donkey thinks Muhammad was a tiny-dicked faggot, please see parent and convo above.

srayzie ago

He jacks off to the thought of that.

think- ago

You mean @auralsects likes tiny dicks? ;-)

@Shizy @Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude

srayzie ago


think- ago



Saufsoldat ago

nobody wants to fuck a child except appropriately tiny-dicked faggots like you.

Did you just call muhammed small-dicked? Better not say that in any muslim country.

LOL not whataboutism. that point completely destroyed you and you have no response, kike. nose = exposed

I am neither jewish, nor muslim, so I have no reason to defend either of them. You have no defense for your prophet raping a little girl.

auralsects ago

what you are is a pathetic cuck whos clueless about what goes on around him.

if and when the muds are finally removed from UK your whore women will still be sucking dick for fun at age 13 and not birthing til you die out. and youll just be standing there with your dick in your hand, or more likely another mans anus

Shizy ago

Fucking Muslims and their lack of self control! Is that a mental defect or from inbreeding blowjob boy?

Saufsoldat ago

Oh boy, the muzzie got upset. Please don't blow up anything. Have some beer and chill.

PapShamir ago

Thanks for clarifying and adding details on this.

think- ago

This verdict is a nightmare. The TL;DR is that you can't call someone a pedo who raped a 9 year old. Because reasons.

According to the judges, defendant hasn't taken into account that he also had wifes age 13+, and a wife who was 55. bangs head on table

MolochHunter ago

Exactly. What are the implications of this? If a modern European Muslim rapes a 9 yr old and justifies it as following Mohammed's example, can we expect to be charged calling them pedophiles?

PapShamir ago

Hah. Are you me? This was basically my response. You mean like their canonical texts say? Is this really just protectionism for imam'n? To be fair, I've rarely found a taxi driver to admit this during their trip long sermons even though there's always a few trashy novels in the cab.

Hayashimo ago

They're jumping through mental hoops with the ruling.

The way I understand it, it's not what was said that was illegal, but the fact that it was said with "divisive intent," or some shit.

Basically, you're not allowed to say things that hurt people's feelings or things that might make people not like a shitty religion, and somehow that restriction does not infringe on your freedom of speech or expression.

In other words, it's the arbitrary rule of hurt feelings that governs now. As if that's anything new in Eurabia.

HeavyBrain ago

Its not just the speech.

Like in germany you can smoke all the weed you want, you just not allowed to posses, produce, buy, sell store, im- or export it, because you know prohibiting you from smoking it would be infringement of your rights to individualism/free expression.

birds_sing ago

The European Court of Human Rights upheld her conviction stating that what she said

could only be understood as having been aimed at demonstrating that Muhammad was not worthy of worship

She wasn't convicted for breaking the law. Instead she was convicted of something that could only be...... understood as..... being aimed at...... demonstrating that..... she broke the law.

HeavyBrain ago

Basically "We are afraid that muds may sperge about it and give in to terroists"

Pwning4Ever ago

It's intense mental gymnastics, go to Europe and say Jesus was insane and married a whore. The European fuckers won't pay you any mind.

PapShamir ago

Right. It's relative to an implicit group threat.

PapShamir ago

I wanted you to be wrong so badly. But it really seems that's the… decision? Rationale seems too strong, but even decision is misleading here. Judicial Feeling has to be an oxymoron though, right?

Someone up for making an image of the judge as The Feeler? Maybe split contrast with Bush: 2001, The Decider?

The intellectual collapse here is infuriating. Will this be energizing domestic opposition, and maybe worldwide contempt? Who is proud of this cowardice?!

Saufsoldat ago

Yeah, Austria has some wacky laws.

think- ago

In other words, it's the arbitrary rule of hurt feelings that governs now.

Yep. Hurt Muslim feelings to be more precise.

BonnieRic ago

Next they will change the meaning of the word "pedophile" in the dictionary.

sbt2160p ago

Haha yeah, they’ll make it into purely a mental state, and physical sexual contact would be considered a totally separate thing.

The_Prophets_Profit ago

It's not so much what he did but that you find fault with it that offends them.

admin2 ago

It's yet another WHITE PERSON selective crime. A Muslim scholar is allowed to discuss or criticize... but WHITEY gets fined and put in jail even if saying the exact same words because of "ILL INTENT TO PORTRAY a major religion in a negative way"


Sharia land.

Intrixina ago

"Its not what I did, its your reaction to it that's the problem"

olltre ago



nah... the sjws guided by their god ‘the israeli controlled world media propoganda machine’ will be subconsciously guided to insist on lowering age of concent too 6.... after all israel’s mission is to rape as many female caucasians as possible with subsaharran cannibals and muslims... israel’s objective is to erase 3 cultures they consider opposition by forced interbreeding them... interesting...

IheartSwimming ago

Lowering consent is also what the LGBTT2SQQIAAPPPDDI+ community wants.


and that group is a front for the israeli propoganda army... noted...

Pluviou5 ago

Just make the Quaran a meme.