DieselBustersYes ago

Feel your pain about posting ads, also want to buy ads. :(

k_digi ago

not sure what you are really even trying to outline here?? - (i mean assuming you come from earth and have eyes and ears)

  • if you are proposing to fork this forum you would have to try to find a 'decentralized' 'hardened' alternative.

a question i might ask you is if you do in fact have eyes when you walk around your house or another place do you avoid the large hard objects or do you just keep ramming your head into them?

if you keep ramming your head into them as you walk around in the day (from day to day) then you are the right guy to 'fork' voat into a clone (or slight variant) of it's present self.

if you tend to try to avoid smashing your head into things as you walk about form day to day then you might see that there is not point unless your 'fork' is a redesign that is both 'hardened' and 'decentralized'

i can generally define those terms if you like. but first i'd like to know which guy you most closely represent:

  • the 'head banging' one


  • the 'guy' that avoids the hard objects when he walks around.

pangaea ago

Perhaps but people with the skills, resources, and motivation would need to do it. I would rather go the decentralized route as /v/RFH is trying to do where we have the resources to run a fully independent community if need be (and as is, most of our activity is on our Discord and Telegram chats with most image uploads on our own server).

WhiteRonin ago

Wasn’t Reddit originally in python? That’s what I think the GitHub was when I last looked at it.

But python and Go are languages you just don’t find many people with free time willing to work on. So, if you want to be in a situation like Putt and do all the work then go for it.

Votenco is already up and running, a solid framework which has a community that is possibly more vibrant than ruby these days and you could benefit by lots of possible people willing to help out.

Plus you also need to consider the front end coding. I hate js but today, I would run the front end on it using something like vue.js and then do everything with API calls making the backend almost agnostic. No, I would not run the backend on any js framework.

The current voat front end is cluttered and has a few mobile issues.

The core voat code is easily replicable to another language but it’s all the minor details that will start to slow development down.

The last topic is scalability. Is voat behind a load balancer? Is the DB on a separate slice and how many core machines does it run on. Probably 1 machine which in reality more than enough but if you do get big, this part of the architecture needs to be thought of.

Tallest_Skil ago

The reality is Free Speech isn't important enough in and of itself to be a factor for growth, it's a liability that requires us to be creative.

Truth is more important than freedom.

There is one main difference between Reddit/Voat and /pol/: equality.

On Reddit/Voat, you are forced to make a username to contribute. While you don’t have to connect it to an e-mail, you have to do so to comment more than once per few minutes. So, really, you have to connect it to an e-mail. This creates an identity that a user develops over time and craves to make “important.” All the individual identities on Reddit/Voat crave one thing: Upvotes–for comments and posts. This means that a Reddit/Voat user is willing to sell a part of who they really are in the quest for more positive votes. This identity is no longer a true representation of who they really are (were). It is a pseudo-reality that only exists in the world of Reddit/Voat. Their ideas, comments, postings, and even language has been influenced and changed all for the sake of the coveted upward pointed arrow.

/pol/ is void of this. I can be who I want to be, post what I want to post, and say what I want to say without having to think about what you fucks think. Your opinions don’t do anything. /pol/ has given other users no way to devalue my identity. Reddit/Voat, by its nature, explicitly gives other users a way to devalue who and what you really are, what you really think, and what you really want to say. Reddit/Voat, while claiming to be for “content,” is really against it. One poster on Reddit/Voat even showed a part in the basic coding of Reddit/Voat’s popularity system where votes over time earn the “front page” status quickly. What gets looked at more over a short period of time: the interesting post about something everyone should know, or some stupid fucking cat? The cat, because it’s easier to see, easier to read, and easier to process. It’s a joke.

Sure, Reddit/Voat has some positives, but it all boils down to this: Reddit/Voat allows other users to have the power to alter your way of thinking for the sake of favor among them. /pol/ does not. Oh, and one more thing. Reddit’s administrators censor and delete anything with which they do not agree. Not only are other users altering your beliefs, the site owners are, as well.

We need something without a voting system (or at least, where the voting system does not inhibit your ability to post OR your post visibility) which outright deletes things which are lies.

cyborgsnowflake ago

Voat is stagnant because reddit has the monopoly. It has nothing to do with people posting about jews or whatever. It would be this way if voat instituted sjw censorship or not or if it was further right or left than reddit. The culture wars get a lot of play but most people dgaf. Beneath the frontpage the countless subreddits about technology and anime or whatever which are the overwhelming bulk of reddit see no reason to move because of another silly ban that doesn't affect them. 4chan being known for its rightwing section didn't stop it from becoming the most popular imageboard although they are being more persecuted for it. People from voat can do a better job informing and attracting banned communities here but other than that its just a matter of inertia.

Chiefpacman ago

Just make sure to let us know when it’s up and running!

Lawful ago

If Free Speech isn't enough to get a lot more subscribers on Voat, then I know exactly what's needed in addition to that. Voat needs to commit to Ending Major Corruption in the US asap. All of the little people are for that; only the 1% of the 1% are against it.

voatHatesTheFirst ago

Eyes wide shut. Good skill with that.

gabara ago

What was censored?

Chiefpacman ago


I’m not super technologically inclined, but I try to keep up-

Is 8ch on tor? Or do they just have a way to get on the same site thru tor? If this hybrid thing is possible, maybe do that. Then you could just drop the non-tor part if shit hits the fan?

nuttyfloater ago

Fork the community but as others have said, expect the trash to follow.

Voat was sold. Plain and simple. To whom is the question. Why should be obvious. Same with what for.

New account created by an older goat. Stopped posting because ya bug out when the smell of death starts to set in. This place is no better than the SJW infested cesspools that it claims to despise.

NotHereForPizza ago

Divide and Conquer

fluhthreeex ago

As far as vote alteration goes, yes, that is occurring and I have noticed it as well. If you pay attention to your up and down-votes, and refresh to confirm that they were actually modified server-side before moving on you might also.

This site can not claim to stand for free speech and at the same time have a broken voting system.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

I'd like to fork it simply to have more than one free speech web site, to mitigate risk. It would be nice to have more communities instead of just this one and a few others online. Also I have a feeling the v/FatPeopleHate and v/Niggers posters don't contribute their fair share to the bandwidth. There are plenty of small subverses with regular posters who could pay very little to support their bandwidth and then not be in ever-present danger of closing.

Just my 2 cents.

Chiefpacman ago

I'd consider making it only a .onion (Tor hidden service). I also have some ideas on keeping it afloat.

It keeps getting better. Are you worried that would hinder growth/activity?

RKG ago


fluhthreeex ago

It's certainly time we get this fucking Joogle CAPTCHA the fuck out of here. That's for goddamn sure.

Aged ago

I'll tell you what's wrong and why our userbase is stale.


Basically an introduction that says for you to fuck off if your view don't alignates with /v/identitarian , despite not being a real voat rule.

12090137? ago

Maybe you should stop posting in loli and "young girls" subs, you're scaring the new users away you fucking pedo.

Neinlife ago

isnt it interesting that free speech goes hard right and scary to people not used to it.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

lol old habits, eh?


WhiteRonin ago

The biggest issue is bans. The sub rules idea makes no sense to me. People get triggered for being banned without a legit reason. So shit posting and agitation starts. Yes, sub owners should be able to ban they should also have manners.

Here was my solution that went negative:


It is a 3 strikes systems with arbitration based on a democratic vote. In reality, who would really fight 3 strikes.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

no the biggest issue is censorship. that INCLUDES bans, but also includes things like -ccp and -scp censorship.

i've been here for years on my main - which was my only account - but with -900 or so ccp and -scp i have to do a captcha for all posts, new pms... fuck that shit. can only comment 10 per day. it's fucking censorship, and it needs to go.

the first thing @puttitout can do to make voat for free speech is undo that shit.

your idea would work in a society of good goats. this place is 75% shills now. they would abuse your idea in a heartbeat.

dooob ago

Tough luck kiddo, whats your main?

BaneGhostiSwear ago


dooob ago

Hang yourself.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

you want to kill yourself?

adhdferret ago

Claims they are sanegoatiswear as well. Not the main I think as it came into Voat around the FPH ban.

WhiteRonin ago

How could you abuse my idea? Bans already work by banning people who have never entered a sub and you should know that first hand. It would also allow the idea of removing points. But how would you curate content? This isn’t a forum system but a social media aggregate system — post links to stories and then comment on them.

I guess you could only allow up votes and just go with that.

Spam needs a reporting system that 5-10 reports sends it to a backlog to be checked. But this doesn’t stop bots.

Your super negative points are because you rub people the wrong way. Many people have told you this — many of us actually support your base idea but you then go ahead and go bonkers and ruin the narrative.

Why do you try so hard?

What do you propose to fix the system that can also take account into spam and bots?

BaneGhostiSwear ago

try this:

new is front page. all is an option to go to.

everyone can vote freely.

spam needs janitors who must be forced into transparent action with accountability to the admins and userbase; there must be an appeal system.

no, my super negative points on my main are because SBBH downvote brigaded me 20,000 points. you were there for that, ronin.

try so hard? i haven't been here in months. oh you mean like a year ago. yeah. because someone had to stand up to these nigger SJWs. i see fuzzywords finally fucking deleted. good.

turn voat into a 501c3 get volunteers, grow the non-profit as an actual non-profit to combat the degradation of the free-speech community.

i have a lot more to propose but you have an attitude similar to peaceseeker and at best you are misinformed about what has happened and is happening to voat.

WhiteRonin ago

Trending vs New is a debate. Some like both.

Free votes could work. I’d still take away down votes.

Spam: we are similar in idea. Yours is just labor intensive.

Yeah, I was there. I even pm’d with similar to what I just posted. I didn’t down vote back then. Now I just down vote those who attack me personally.

Non-profit could work but I don’t enough about the legality differences between what is happening now and with an NPO for civili liberties. Profits don’t seem to be happening so can’t comment much.

I am not in the loop nor do I know Putt’s thoughts so that is obvious.

WhiteRonin ago

Reddit had code on GitHub.

Votenco is a php system based on a solid framework. Also on GitHub. Code development is way more active than the community.

The problem with starting a new code base it that it will take 1-2 months to be usable and then you have lots of things to add.

What language are you thinking and can you program in that language?

OmegaUltima ago

I'm gonna sound a bit nasty here, but I feel the need to speak up on this trend I've been seeing for a while.

Honestly, I would love to see you try. Go ahead, fork voat yourself. I would love to see how the section of voat that constantly complains about the pacing and direction that voat moves in will respond when they have to deal with the sheer amount of work and underappreciation @puttitout gets trying to maintain, develop and please a site with an even smaller user base fragmented off from an already small user base website.

I would love to see how you react to spending countless hours on a side project that pays little to nothing and just get shit on all day for not moving in several contradictory directions that various communities on your site will want, if you even manage to attract enough people to GET several communities because the demands being made to you by your users half the time repel new users in the interest of "keeping voat pure."

Do it. Come back in a week and make a post where you're puzzled why so few people are going to your website and how everything is so much more than you expected to have to deal with, and I can watch your fork stagnate into nothing.

voatHatesTheFirst ago

Everything that doesn't fit the echo chamber.

You know this, or you are stupid. Which is it?

Nietzsche__ ago

Most of us who've been here a while are mostly lurking too. The use of downvotes to disagree is rampant and most seem incapable of intelligent discourse.

At this point I wish I backed sane goat.

germanshepherd ago

Sanegoat was totally right

Rotteuxx ago

That's SaneGoatiSwear you're replying to... just to put you in context.

Rotteuxx ago

If you go back a bit further, you'll see the "Voat needs an angel" thread where money was really a tight. Suddenly, Putt doesn't even want donations to pay for hosting?

If you would've had the opportunity to follow discussions in /v/VoatDev & seen all announcements, Putt did mention that with Bitcoins growth the money amassed after that funding drive is still paying for the lowered operating costs.

As for accepting donations at the moment, keeping in mind what I just said, I think @PeaceSeeker explained it fairly well & with my business experience it is logical.

PuttItOut ago

You are correct, it is bitcoins increase that has given us a little runway to work with.


Forking won't do anything. There are faggots out there who want to destroy everything because they a juveniles.

MarcusA ago

They are internet points... Freedom doesnt mean being comfortable.

Titus-of-Voat ago

One reason I would support the fork is that subverse requests are no longer being processed. However splitting the user base isn't likely to net much traffic.

germanshepherd ago

Agreed, it's very easy to manage & should be part of a functional admin routine.

Titus-of-Voat ago

It really makes me ponder what efforts are being put into the sites sustainability.

lord_nougat ago

Fuck, that would be GREAT! Let's toss in some lord_nougat clones for additional amusement!

Pertinaxus ago

Does voat need more devs? I should look into this.

heygeorge ago

There are probably open requests in the github repo right now if you want to help.

albatrosv15 ago

Remember when we had donation drives and people were committed to give some money every month, publicly? And then poof @puttitout closed that option too. This was the moment i understood voat will be closed down, deliberately.

coopzy ago

It's strange how people desperately want to believe the site is still legit.

datdpfkboi ago

Voat is good for some banished reddit communities, it should stay as it is.

lord_nougat ago

No, I meant making a slightly modified clone of yourself to do your bidding!

mqrmqr ago

Definitely. Voat is essentially a Reddit style 4chan/Pol/ now, or at least moving quickly in that direction. The fork should be an anonymous .onion service and work towards eventually being a decentralized p2p system like Reddit was planning to be before they got bought out by Conde Nast. Not relying on Google or cloudflare. Accepting crypto currency, preferably XMR or another privacy coin.

dooob ago

This tor anonymous meme needs to stop, it is not anonymouse and arguably even less the regular. Even if the nodes arent monitored (which they are) the browser can leak your ip.

There are already other reddit clones, they are all shit except voat.

coopzy ago

XMR all the way m80

voatHatesTheFirst ago

Voat will never be a place for free speech. @putttitout and @atko both hate free speech. @kevdude, @crensch and all their faggot friends in /v/protectvoat and all the other affiliate subs hate free speech.

This is never going to change, and the censorship on voat will continue to grow as it has from day one.

Anyone who loves voat and it's war on free speech is scum of the earth or just stupid.

lord_nougat ago

I don't know about that.

But I think it's time for you to go fork yourself.

voltronsdicks ago

Voat has always been hypocritical in its censorship practices. But then again so has every other site like this. You simply can't have free speech without offending the powers-that-be. Either you accept that and learn to subversively post the truth anyway. Or you fight against it and change the evil culture of censorship itself.

Percal ago

I think we are on the new code. The first try, we ran into a DDoS attack but Putt did successfully complete the port a few weeks later.

germanshepherd ago

I agree... thinking on it, we have been on a slow decline and it is super frustrating that all the excited involved folks are shut down (subverse transfers, donations, free merch designs/production).

chags ago

Now that I had some time to think about what you wrote:

  • about the brigade, I believe it's a natural thing. Putt is developing features for the site, as far as we know he doesn't get anything from it except headaches, so I guess this is people saying "keep going" to him and "don't be so ungrateful" to the critics. We're all people here (well, there's a lot of bots) and a quick and sometimes inadequate response is not rare among humans.
  • About the free speech thing, maybe I'm misreading, but it looks to me that he's not saying it's not important. He's saying it'll not make voat grow by itself. Because most of society don't know its value or just don't care.

Now if the discussion is about wanting voat to grow or not, well, this is where controversy will show up. I would like to see voat growing. I don't care if leftists create subverses here, I don't think they should be raided of involved in drama. I would like to see subverses about any legal subject being tolerated here. The website is exactly like I want, but a great part of the users don't want this. I understand their reasons, they got expelled from the rest of the internet and they don't want the censors to get power here. I don't even know if they're right or not. Maybe the "voat filter" will keep voat free of a power grab. I caught myself being part of it one or two times. But when I think about it, my conclusion is that voat would be better with more people in, more subverses with non political content, and even with people with liberal views, why not? Maybe all the posts would end with 0 votes.

Well, if you decide to fork voat, think about a site with no points at all. Threads are ordered by number of comments or by bumps (maybe both). This would stop vote brigades. An anti flooding system would be necessary.

ArsCortica ago

Voat will continue to stagnate and/or bleed users so long as it remains an ultra right-wing echo chamber. Full stop. The only thing which might change this would be a sudden surge of users which re-populate non-political subs (and stay here, for that matter), but as things are right now, the only things that get any kind of traction is political stuff; or stuff that can be interpreted as being political (and has the right [huehue] political brand, of course).

It's not even a surprising development, given that Voat plainly is one of the few platforms where you can voice those thoughts, but rest assured, the average normie that might take pictures with his camera and post them on /v/pics or whatnot will simply not stay on a side where 99% of all content boils down to "NIGGERFAGGOTKIKEPEDOMOHAMMEDANISLAMOCOMMUSOCIALISTRAPEFUGEESPIC", while subverses not related to this maybe get one or two contributions a day.

Chimaira92 ago

Why the fuck would voat want faggots coming here to post their reddit-tier garbage on this site?

BaneGhostiSwear ago

silly niggerfaggot.

if it wasn't for the criminal SJW shills that took over voat, this place would be FUCKING ALIVE AND WELL.

@puttitout let me replace you. give me voat.

sincerely, sanegoatiswear.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I'd join the new site, but I wouldn't leave Voat the same way I wouldn't leave Reddit or my job because there are faggots there.

Goathole ago

There are a lot of newfags here who have been ejected from reddit, these are your down votes. They're downvotes, get over it you whiny little bitch. Your CCP/SCP does nothing for you, you can't cash it in, it doesn't give you any power nor does it gain you credibility.

It's fun to downvote, I like to save mine for the invasions, it's fucking awesome. Imagine going from This user has...downvoted 15 comments. to *This user has...downvoted 700 comments.IN A WEEKEND. Hi /r/the_Donald, miss you little fucktards.

TD Salt Threads Archived still.........tastes good.

Rotteuxx ago

I first noticed a rise in downvoats with rPV, then after the latest influx it went up considerably.

Goathole ago

In the Settings/Manage section of Voat there used to be a box to tick that was labeled something like allow others to see your downvotes. It's gone now but it is something we could revisit on a mandatory basis. I like the idea myself. You'd KNOW it was me that down voted you and vice versa.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

You ask too many questions goy.

The answer is simple, the site is compromised. When I first got here there were calls for funding. Not anymore. Plus you add the fact you can't buy an advertisement. Tells me one thing. The answer is jews.

They won't shut us down because of the shit storm it will cause. The last thing they want is red blooded Americans to freak out and demand the first amendment be extended to the internet.

TheDaoReveals ago

So now Jews wouldn't take the double win of getting extra money and making the scam look legitimate?

coopzy ago

We have our functional little quarantine. We are pacified.

i_scream_trucks ago

... too toxic to newcomers

Nah just toxic in general but i think thats because the majority of people are here for similar kinds of discussion and there is a smaller userbase than the other place... but....

What was apparently meant to be built as an anti censorship protest has merely turned into mirror-reddit, where the views are just as extreme and retarded as the other site and its now chock full of nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger joos rather than anything particularly interesting going on. I have a good laugh every now and again but seriously there is not enough light hearted stuff around here to give you a breather between the utter bullshit.

that being said i still praise the tolerance of opposing opinion without getting benned where it counts.

weezkitty ago

It will just fall victim the same problem. It's inherent to internet sites, especially ones of this type. Downvotes tend to silence certain viewpoints and it happens on Reddit, on Voat and elsewhere. Yet, if you have no downvotes, absolute garbage will get posted (spam, wild as conspiracies with no basis etc). So you can't really win either way. But forking it will just lead to a new hug box with potential downvote collations.

newoldwave ago


pr0nw4r ago

likelihood of op being a jew shill: 100%

go1dfish ago

I don’t think so, give it a chance.

I think the voting idea could have merit outside of system subs.

I think Voat needs more people, and that additional curated spaces could help to achieve that.

If the @system subverses and espescially /v/whatever begin enforcing anything beyond off topic restrictions then this place will lose all value to me and then a new site may make sense.

Longer term though fundamentally the only differences between Voat and Reddit are the people/policy.

Centralized sites will always be subject to some of the same pressures as Reddit and Putt is unlikely to live forever.

MaxAncap ago

There was no wild west. The wild west is now.

coopzy ago

Wild West is how far you're willing to go. What risks you're willing to take. My life will be wild west.

Chiefpacman ago

Please let us know if you do. I’m interested.

Also have you thought of name/ would you stay in the .co domain?

coopzy ago

It's the strangest thing to me that Putt refuses to accept even donations to the site. He's talking about making Voat a business, but I don't know a single businessman who would turn down free cash/crypto. Ads were working pretty well and a lot of people were paying for them but now the store is closed.

Wtf is happening.

Also I'd be careful with a fork. Are site owners still not liable for content posted by users? If Voat has been taken over and is being used as a honeypot/quarentine who owns it? Did Atko take the bolshevik money and run? Why has it taken this long to start subverting the site? Why even bother with the opensource port?

Nietzsche__ ago

We should have listened to Sane Goat.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

lol yeah me.


@coopzy it's because voat is privately funded now. you see the duplicity - - the doublespeak? the do one thing say another? yeah.



afaik atif colo was gagged and forced out. gagged as in legally gagged from talking about a. the fact he's been gagged and b. that these niggers have taken over voat by force/coercion.

sincerely, sanegoat.

coopzy ago

Stop. I'm starting to believe you.

dooob ago

Putt needs to address this at some point.

Skeeterdo ago

Dude wtf... I hate voat now thanks.

dooob ago

Literally this, all shills on board like this was organized.

goatsandbros ago

You write like someone in tech and who was a real faggot, but who's embraced the cool side. That makes me even more grateful for how you're addressing your concerns (which are pretty reasonable and real).

I've been complacent for too long in this recent issue, and you've inspired me to pay more attention. Thank you for this.

o0shad0o ago

There's nothing stopping you from forking voat. Go ahead and do it.

Lazmat ago

I don't know what you expected @TeranNotTerran and youre the guy who moderates v/Meetup ?? exactly don't like it you can leave 4 free...voat has always been at a cross roads and has certain trends, it was once a Dr Who forum, then as the election came off it came to be a Sanders Libertarian hide out facebook/reddit heads who came to see their US Democrat election was rigged...next came the reddit pruges and the alt Reich crowd... if I have any criticism its that voat is too much of a clone of reddit, ok people are allowed say 'Nigger' etc but voat has already been censoring and banning websites, the List of Domain Bannings is over three damn pages long. voat by its system and very copycat nature of reddit layout is unfortunately is probably destined to become another reddit, all you can do is slow it down and try keep it free for the moment making the globalist corporate transformation as slow as possible

ten_comments_is_dumb ago

Voat itself is a reddit fork. Go with it, if you think it's a good idea.

PuttItOut ago

You are wrong but please continue...

NotHereForPizza ago

https:// voat.co/v/voatdev/2424006/12081681

What's the name of the game, Putt? I want to play.

lord_nougat ago

I thought that sounded like utter bollocks.

piratse ago

Basically this. If you want to "fork" voat. Then go ahead and create you own site. I for one would happily join a site where the owner gets riled up about people DV him. I just received about 30 in a row on a larp sub, and I'm not looking to fork voat.

fusir ago

I think the downvotes are from pathological positivity. Ironic I know. I personally think this is going to become a cluster fuck. But the fact that we have a good admin is a plus because if things break too much he can cut a few features back. It might be fun in the meantime.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

you do not have a good admin. @puttitout let @fuzzywords an openly transvestite militant SJW become the biggest coder of voat for a year.

in that year, voat added so much censorship it rivals the censorship of reddit. puttitout also banned hundreds of users for upvoting me. some for even just one upvote. hell one account had never voted EVER and was banned for "vote manipulation." why? because they were trying to undo the downvote brigade on me. when questioned, puttitout promised a response and no more bans until the response - - instead, he never actually addressed the issue again, and continued to ban users left and right for upvoting my account. hilariously, the criminal shills that took over voat downvote brigaded me 20,000 points, and not a single one of them were banned.

one was badged for shittalking me, by puttitout.

so no.

you have a fucking awful admin that supports criminal SJW shills, silences dissent, doesn't meaningfully discuss anything with the userbase, and has generally destroyed this site.

Schreiber ago

Wtf are you talking about?

If there are criminal SJW shills banning people I would've been banned already long time ago. Literally almost all of my post are instaban material if I post it on reddit.

To get banned on voat I think you really have to be a dick. Voat is literally the closest thing to free speech on the internet compared to similar sites.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

except for the -ccp and -scp restrictions, the low and new user ccp and scp limitations, chat being nuked, requiring 100ccp, the mute button; @puttitout banned hundreds of users without reason, stole subs from long time users, participated and aided massive downvoat brigades and didn't ban a single one yet banned hundreds that were upvoting those accounts that the shills were trying to downvoat brigade.

no, silly. go look at the user ban list. then go look at subverse transfer requests.

it's been a whole fucking year since @puttitout the criminal shills have done transfer requests, but they had time to ban hundreds of people for voting freely - a form of self-expression covered by the first amendment. they're magically funded and won't take any donations; they need more staff but refuse to add new staff. they are killing voat right in front of you; running off long-time users, manipulating the front page to be trash, and worse.


Wtf are YOU talking about, nigger?

Schreiber ago

@puttitout banned hundreds of users without reason

I'm not banned yet and many people aren't banned either. So there must be a reason and you're just butthurt you got banned for being a dick probably.

Your whole posts reeked of "I got banned I mad" vibe.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

you're too stupid to read.

go eat a niggerdick and choke to death. seriously.

100s of OTHER ACCOUNTS - - not mine - - were banned, simply for upvoting my account WHILE SBBH CRIMINAL SHILLS WERE DOWNVOTE BRIGADING MY ACCOUNT.

@puttitout literally banned anyone upvoting me during a fucking shill downvote brigade on me. and banned ZERO of the downvoters.

at this point (a year ago) you have to be functionally retarded to not see that this site has been taken over.

don't expect a response from me again. you're not worth the time.

Schreiber ago


You act like a dick, so a bunch of random people are downvoting you.

You make alt to upvote yourself and all of those get banned.


BaneGhostiSwear ago

false cause

you're pretty stupid, for a nigger.

Schreiber ago

Now I'm sure that you definitely deserve to get banned.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

you support censorship. you have to live with yourself every day.

that's punishment enough.

coopzy ago

@PuttItOut where's the money coming from? Why is this no longer an issue?

10000-20000 ago

Just upvoted you, lets see what happens

BaneGhostiSwear ago

cheers i was at 50 or so yesterday. then down to 28 lol. the shills just can't help but try to censor anyone that speaks freely.

sort of how kikes are making it illegal to talk about how there was no holocaust.

Psylent ago

You guys do the same shit ... mention anywhere anything about how ridiculous it is that the holocaust was 'fake' or point out the senseless racist shit ... boom ... dv to oblivion... but when it happens to you ... it's 'shills' aha..

BaneGhostiSwear ago

the holocaust is a lie.

what's your point?

and who is you guys. i'm one person, not associated with anyone else.

Psylent ago

My point is with all the REEEE at the sjws and their hyperbole and bullshit it's funny to see the same tactics employed by those same people pointing the finger. "you guys' are people like yourself who believe irrational, ridiculous shit and downvote anyone who disagrees - but when it happens to you it's 'shills' or 'jews' lol ... it's fucking hilarious to watch sometimes, horseshoe theory seems to hold up.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

you are not talking about me. why are you saying this random shite to me?

Psylent ago

I was talking to you... in response to your post "cheers i was at 50 or so yesterday. then down to 28 lol. the shills just can't help but try to censor anyone that speaks freely."

to which you then responded to me, and I back again... are you getting how this works yet ?

Titus-of-Voat ago

What do you mean by fork?

WhiteRonin ago

In this case. Create a new community.

Titus-of-Voat ago

From a practical and immediate stand point, yes that would work.

What bothers me is what is says about the site. This simple function keeps a verse community together instead of forcing it split, often into a less obvious name, making them harder to find. Is this just bad management or something more? It's something that could easily be delegated, so why hasn't it been? To me it is a telltale of a dying site, when basic functions are being ignored.

WhiteRonin ago

Didn’t see comment.

Sorry punctuation was off.

Titus-of-Voat ago

My other comment in this thread was that I would support a fork only because subverse requests are being ignored. I thought that is what you were replying to.

I decided to go rant about it here.

WhiteRonin ago

Nah, I wasn’t replying to that but it’s another example of is going on in general. Management is crying about the lack of growth but misses the simple points they should be looking at. Oh well.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

Voat is open source. Anyone can take the code that runs the site and copy it to create their own site as long as they give proper credit. So basically take Voat and create a new site to run the way OP wants it run.


Voat isn't open source idiot. Parts are.

GenghisSean ago

at wasForking is a common term in software (especially open source software) that refers to copying an existing codebase and diverging from the original maintenainer. Think of it like a spinoff project. For instance Fire OS (which runs on Kindles) is a fork Android by Amazon.

Thunor ago

A fork is a term used in software development meaning to take the existing project and make a stand-alone copy that is maintained by another developer and often develops in a different way. Waterfox is a fork of Firefox, uBlock Origin is a fork of uBlock.


Voat isn't open source though. You cannot fork it, faggot.


If you think that will make a voat clone, you're dumber than a nigger.

DishingShitLikeA ago

....oh. I was thinking "stick a fork in it, it's done" LOL

GoatEmperorTrump ago

Thank you for that succinct and perfect explanation.....niggerfaggot.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

my kind of niggerfaggot!

Subtenko ago

So what your saying is he's not talking about food but instead making WaterVoat?

TheDaoReveals ago

"Alpaca" or something would work better.

Monteblanc ago

I have been here for a good while, originally OzarkMoutainGoat. I don't comment much anymore, I just lurk. This site is basically dead, it has been so for a while. It was dead from get-go. The admin hates the user base and a substantial subsection of the user base goes way out of their way to be unpalatable to anyone but the initiated.

mralexson ago

It’s sad I just moved here

IndigoElectric ago

I cannot agree with this sentiment more.

MediumBlargh ago

And another substantial part of the user base is plants who actively try to act like the most obnoxious, stereotypical right wing bigots possible. Probably sent by one of the SRS spinoffs associated with reddit. Similar things happen whenever someone tries to startup a rival to wikipedia....it gets filled with "racist" and "sexist" plants to poison the fuck out of that well. Problem is, so far their strategy has been WORKING.

Crow_T_robocop ago

This site is more alive than 8chan (which is actually dead), and it's way better than 4chan, which is also dying.

Tallest_Skil ago

Cuckchan died four years ago. 8chan died only two.

Schreiber ago

Lol no.

4chan is alive, very alive. It fills the niche of anonymous message board free of the usual "virtue signaling sjw feelsgood" behavior stemming from people farming "reputation point" for their account.

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re kidding, right? All boards except /pol/ ban all right-wing discussion immediately, and THEY CAN BAN YOU FROM ALL BOARDS AT ONCE. And you can’t even say nigger on /pol/ anymore. You know nothing about cuckchan.

Schreiber ago

That's not the definition of alive.

Just because it's censored doesn't mean it's not alive. Reddit is alive. If there are people that use it then it's alive.

Tallest_Skil ago

What a retarded definition. We’re speaking within the context of the OP, as well as the context of the ability to post truth on the website. Your definition is incorrect.

spookybm ago

You need to get laid.

Tallest_Skil ago

Keep your degenerate kikery to yourself, shill.

spookybm ago

Your quick reply makes me believe you have no job.
You need to get a job.

Tallest_Skil ago

Cry harder, shill.

spookybm ago

Not an argument, NEET

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re genuinely autistic, aren’t you? It’s not even an insult to you.

spookybm ago

Things youbhave not denied or refuted:;:.
No job,.
No kids,.
No woman,.
Too much time.
What have you been doing to push the white race?
Before calling someone an autist, which you're chock full of ad hominems, via tu quo que, please, evaluate your life before stating that i make no counter arguments, which i find that if I were to engage it with you it results in th following;:.

-reported lol.
-fuck off kike (im not even jewish).
-confirmed shill.
-combination of all of the above.

You have no originality, you have literally no personality, and you blame the world for not providing a sound bear to cuddle your muddles.
I'm sorry you feel that way, i truly do. But you can always check out grindr for a shot at reproduction.

Tallest_Skil ago

I’m going to go right ahead and confirm that “paid shill” descriptor I laid out, given that you’re just shitting out bot spam now. Thanks for discrediting every post you make.

spookybm ago

Thanks for confirming mine

Tallest_Skil ago

>shill thinks anyone gives a shit about him

spookybm ago

dumbass thinks replying is ignoring.


Tallest_Skil ago

>kike paid shill can’t read English


spookybm ago

You keep my day so lively!

Crow_T_robocop ago

I guess I’m on the wrong board, then. /b/ is terrible now. There are tons of SJW threads on there along with endless trap threads, reposts, and lame porn threads

Schreiber ago

No idea man. I only ever go to /pol/

For me that's the only part of 4chan that matters.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

they're called SBBH. puttitout is one of them. they took over the site and pushed atif colo out, gutted the mods, censored the place up, harassed off the old users, shut down good things like chat, ads... yeah

they're killing voat on purpose

Armpit_and_Ass ago

I've been here since WhoaVerse (different account, obv). I can't confirm anything about @puttitout (or @atko) hating the userbase, but it wouldn't surprise me. I will agree that the site's dead.

This site is to reddit what 8ch is to 4chan - an uglier, less friendly, less up-to-date cousin.

I check the site once or twice a week, since that's all the front page really changes. Usually, it's all just some variation of the same shit I remember seeing on the old /r/niggers back in 2011 (there haven't been any new Tyrone comics since '13, FYI), or something that was on 4/8chan last week or a few days ago, or reddit this morning, or pictures ripped from imgur's yesterday's front page, or some stale shit from 2014 that @some_guy_in_ri resized and hosted on his blogspot.

It's too bad. The site could have been something, and seemed like it came really close a couple times. Stale content never helps, but the reddit-reject userbase combined with the owner's counterproductive and downright bizarre opposition to using standard methods of funding the site (donations, merchandizing, investors, etc.) also aren't much help in growing the site.

It'll completely die eventually.

Rakosman ago

I used to recommend Voat to people, but with all the jew and black hating on every god damn post about anything I haven't been able to do that in a long time.

daskapitalist ago

I'm in the same boat. I value free speech and will defend the right of idiots to scream about "niggers" and "da j00z" in every other comment, but I also recognize that their behavior is stunting growth because their autistic bigoted screeching is repulsive to newcomers who're actually sane.

MediumBlargh ago

Most of it is from plants who are deliberately trying to turn people away,

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re retarded, you don’t deserve to be here, and WE DON’T WANT YOU OR ANYONE stupid enough to reject it.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

well you're a niggerfaggot. go back to twatter.


It's an easily solved problem.

fluhthreeex ago

If anyone cared about free speech and wanted to make this place "hate" free they could have a script that censored words, blocked comments and or posts by users, or anything. But no one does, they just want safe spaces and circle jerks. ...and anyway, if they want what I just mentioned that's what Reddit is, plus a ton more content so what's the point.

I_TakeupSpace ago

cared about free speech

script that censored words, blocked comments and or posts by users

You can only pick one, Stalin.

fluhthreeex ago

One can be pro free speech but on their end want to block or ****-out words that they don't want to see. There's nothing wrong with that. Pro-free speech is similar to pro-free choice. You have the freedom to say what you want, they have the freedom to hide what you say if they don't want to see it.

There's such a thing as "acceptable for youngun's" and "not". (yes, I just "for da keeeds"'d, but you "Literally Stalin'd" me, so..)

We're discussing ways that a toxic community can have a broader appeal. A filtered-words script for users to download, install, and configure on their end is a fine place to start. ...and it's something they could do anyway, Einstein.

I_TakeupSpace ago


I ain't no Jew.


I meant niggers and Jews are an easily solved problem.

Monteblanc ago

There is a reason for hate.

sjwTroll ago

Mainstream media and the culture of political coorrectness pushes people to extremes, they think because they were lied to about black crime for example.

I do find it a little ironic though that those complaining about free speech/expression will claim their goal is to commit total genocide of all those who disagree with them politically, or because of the color of their skin is different. Maybe some of them don't really mean it.

Rakosman ago

Of itself, it doesn't bother me - what bothers me is that it comes up in places where it's not even close to the topic of the post to the point of often being unhelpful; and has become so ubiquitous that it becomes a deliberate filter against new people, which is kinda fucked up, really.

I'm simply pointing out that I can't recommend the site when all the person will see is a wall of hate; er go, no growth.


Found the kike.

Schreiber ago

^precisely the problem.

Petulant manchild calling everybody who disagree with them "kike."



Schreiber ago

Said the nigger who doesn't have the balls to use his main account.



GoatEmperorTrump ago

At the same time, what really is the alternative?

Either free speech is allowed, including saying nigger and faggot every other word if you please, or not. Along with that comes the ability to upvoat or downvoat at will.

The alternative is Reddit where they just censor whatever the fuck they feel like if it hurts someone's fee fees.

Free speech is absolutism by nature, there is no real middle ground in that concept that I can see.

Schreiber ago

There's nothing wrong with using those words but when all you do is spam "nigger," "kike," everywhere with nothing else of substance then that's the problem.

Monteblanc ago

I understand dude.

Le_Squish ago

In every business, you will hate most if your customers. Websites are not an exception.

Most developers and admins have no business training so it is difficult for them to tackle this aspect of a website.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

if i ran voat, i would like many of the people here as i already do!

well, @puttitout ran most of them off... but before @puttitout and SBBH ruined voat on purpose for the jews, it was awesome here!



Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for yet another schizophrenic paid shill alt.

Kal ago

I hope to know what happened to Atko one day. Create popular website and then give it away? No compensation? Just vanishes into the ether. This never sat right with me.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

right? he's apparently here; ask him!

@atko why are you not allowed to talk about what happened? if you are legally gagged, absolutely don't post a stupid video to prove it!

Monteblanc ago

From the surface view, to us users, I don't see how Voat could be considered a business. It's more like a vanity affair or a sociology project.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

it fucking should be a 501c3 non profit.


Le_Squish ago

Philosophically voat isn't a business but logistically it is.

Monteblanc ago

How is the site making money? From my understanding r/the_donald gave a bunch and then fucked off. Is there another revenue stream now?

Le_Squish ago

You are thinking too simply. Revenue is only 1 aspect of a business.

Monteblanc ago

I takes real money to keep the lights on. If you are running a business and you care about anything other than the bottom line you are destined to failure. Revenue is everything.

Le_Squish ago

Once again, you are thinking too simply. Revenue does not magically make a business venture successful and lack of it does not destine one to fail. There are many indirect paths to profitability.

fluhthreeex ago

Well then quit beating around the bush and spit it the fuck out. What are you trying to say?

Monteblanc ago

It looks like you are thinking too grandly. How are the bills getting paid for this site? Do all of the admin work for free?

Le_Squish ago

You really aren't equipped for this discussion so I'm gonna leave you to your own devices.

Monteblanc ago

You apparently are a girl and your opinion doesn't matter much. The only business you should be trusted in, is selling pussy, even then you would need a pimp to maintain a revenue stream.

Rotteuxx ago

What a shitty response, "You've got a pussy & therefore shouldn't talk."

Monteblanc ago

Go over the conversation again. My argument is that business relies on money and nothing more. Her argument is that I'm thinking too simply and implied that intention matters. So in this case

"You've got a pussy & therefore shouldn't talk."

Applies well.

Rotteuxx ago

Business relies on a lot more than just money, we're not talking about a hotdog stand here but it's a good way to illustrate it :

If you have all the funds to buy you supplies, does that make your business appealing ? Nope. If you have zero personality & no hygienic practices, will that attract customers ? Nope. If your location sucks and not enough people come by, will having funds help you grow ? Nope.

A really quick example of why money isn't the only thing that matters in a business.

In regards to funding, afaik the exponential growth of Bitcoin since the last donation drive is what allowed funding to take a back seat & have Putt give his energy to lowering operating costs.

In this case, having a cock doesn't make you more business savy than @Le_Squish.

I wouldn't buy pussy from you knowing you only care about money in the end, your whores probably would be disgusting by lack of care.

Monteblanc ago

afaik the exponential growth of Bitcoin since the last donation drive is what allowed funding to take a back seat & have Putt give his energy to lowering operating costs.

This makes sense, it's funny that it took a man to explain her point.

Rotteuxx ago

You really aren't equipped for this discussion so I'm gonna leave you to your own devices.

She didn't feel like it.

But how come you didn't know that ? Shouldn't a man be well informed ?

Monteblanc ago

Don't confuse knowing with caring.

Rotteuxx ago

For someone who doesn't care you sure make it seem as if you did.

Pawn ago

That's part of the point, voat isn't by default a welcoming place, you have to earn your right to be here. When the community goes full 14880tard thats the immune system of voat reacting to foreigners. If by some chance the new users manage to tolerate the full blast and just ignore it or tolerate it, they happen to be of the few who have the right to be on voat.

However, what I dont like is when users go to subs and try and harass them there and then get banned, and then cry about it to try and get some brigading going. That should be curtailed. I guess making the CCPs and the other thing local or per sub could solve many of the issues. Including some of the voat farming.

Pissant ago

Start naming these groups, they can't write us all off as SaneGoat.

Pissant ago

I wonder what you said that merited seven downvoats.

Pawn ago

Probably the fact that per sub CPP and submission points would negate shilling advantages.

Schreiber ago

I agree with local CCP per sub.

SparkS ago

thats bullshit... that would kill the first page... a thing what wouldnt bother me.,.. cuase thsi format is shit in its essence but thats another story...

ArsCortica ago

When the community goes full 14880tard thats the immune system of voat reacting to foreigners.

The "community" is in a perpetual state of going full 14880tard at any given point of time, though. Some niche subverses aside, Voat has already turned into the right-wing equivalent of fucking NeoGaf. If you call that an immune system, the patient has died from an allergic shock years ago.

Rakosman ago

you have to earn your right to be here

That's the stupidest thing I've heard all year. Last I checked Voat asked two things, don't to illegal things and don't prevent others from speaking. Everyone is welcome, those actions are not.

Tallest_Skil ago

don’t prevent others from speaking

The downvote system limits you to 10 posts per day when you are in the negatives. You may be put in the negatives by anyone (meaning any user, meaning tens of millions of bots count be created to push a narrative), at which point you can’t speak truth anymore. This, admittedly, is a far larger problem on Reddit than here. But the problem exists here.

BaldMiscreant ago

Honestly can't recall the last time I had 10 things to say to you morons in one day.

Tallest_Skil ago

So leave and never come back. We don’t give a shit about you as a person.

BaldMiscreant ago

Nah, I'm just saying I generally don't add to the conversation unless I'm sure I want to say it, and a 10 post per day punishment is only a punishment if you live on here. Which I clearly do not.

YugeDick ago

There's a lot of people out there that would like to take advantage of an open platform and use the freedoms it offers to limit other's freedoms. "Earning the right to be here" just means proving that limiting others isn't one's intent. The immune system around here ferrets that out by pushing buttons to see if newcomers can live and let live or not.

fluhthreeex ago

There's no reason to deliberately be offensive to most people. Claiming it's to test them to see if they're 100% OK with free speech is like a Liberal saying if you're not comfortable with gays butt-fucking each other in public and throwing aids blood on you when you're in public in you're a real Progressive.

475677 ago

It's done because the weak willed faggots that get butt hurt over it run off back to reddit with their tails between their legs instead of trying to bring us all down to their level. That's literally it. We don't hate them or do it to vent, it's just an immune system reaction to keep the good alive here.

BackAsswards ago

Best way I've seen it put. Voat will always be limited if that's how every new member is treated.

Monteblanc ago

I understand the immune system, I helped to create it.

However, what I dont like is when users go to subs and try and harass them there and then get banned, and then cry about it to try and get some brigading going.

This is the part they call innocent shitposting and it is anything but innocent.

chags ago

Notice Atko's comments

Did you mean Puttitout's comments?