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we_kill_creativity ago

I'm sorry, but I'm PIA is the "angel" and they got the source code in return for their investment? Is the source code not open other do you "give away" open source code?

Again, sorry if my ignorance is annoying but I can't be the only one and I'm trying to ask the right questions.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

And if they never came through with the money why were they given anything? Also who's PIA?

we_kill_creativity ago

The only PIA I know of is Private Internet Access, which is an Israeli owned VPN service.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Great... idk wtf is going on, but it definitely feels like we are not being told all that there is to tell.

Thrangulor ago

Owner got jewed into giving up the source code before the check cleared. Now Mosad aren't paying (surprise surprise) and they've gotten whatever exploit from the sourced they needed to get any user data they were after. Now that they're done the site is shutting down.

Gorillion ago

This sounds like a solid take.