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MadWorld ago

Sorry to see it go... But Voat has certainly angered the most powerful people in the world. With so much deception going on in the world, Truth will set us free... And even when Voat is taken offline, the seed of Truth has already rooted into our hearts and minds. That, no one can take it away from us, not ever!! I am forever grateful of the things that I have learned on Voat.

In other news, BitChute has kneeled to the powerful; it promoted a jewish organization (hope not hate) to manage its content. It deleted all of its VoatArchive channel that the BitChuteArchive bot has ever archived on Voat, all 80+ thousands of them! The site seems to have stopped asking for funding.

Were you trolling us when you said you lost your (middle) fingers?

So... New donation drive??

PuttItOut ago

You are the best Mad. It's people like you who I hate dissapointing.

Reality is donations aren't enough. If they were, that would be what we'd do.

oneinchterror ago

I don't believe this at all. Tons of us would gladly pay to use this site, even if it became a subscription service.

Why won't you be more transparent?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @OneOfTheBoys.

Posted automatically (#153179) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@PuttItOut: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @OneOfTheBoys)

BustyPetite ago

Hey man I really appreciate all the work you did. I do think it's time for Voat to end but it was a fun ride. We will join @highly_paid_orgy_pro !!! He is still watching I think.

Wowbagger ago

Butt make out sessions for everyone!

WyattMale ago

I wish you good fortune with whatever may be bothering you behind the scenes.
So would a lot of people, so if there's anything going on the community could possibly help with, I urge you to simply ask them.

In the alternative, have you considered redirecting the domain to a friendly place?
I guess something like Kiwifarms would be suitable to preserve the spirit of Voat, even if it can't hope to replace it.
And Joshua Moon's backstory should dispel any concern about glow-in-the-darks, at least for all but the most schizo users^^

Vindicator ago

This is really terrible.

Thank you for providing this platform. We did a lot of damage for the sake of what's right and true because you kept the lights on.

The thing that really gets me, though, is that you won't tell the story of what has happened. I'll never know. After all these years of trying to expose the truth, our efforts now fade into the darkness, and we can't even see the shape of the enemy. No tale to tell our kids of what ultimately happened here. And mine will want to know!

This little campfire of truth, where so many have told tales and warmed their hard working hands, and lit torches to fend off the night...just goes out in black silence

and censorship reigns. Oh, the irony.

Could you at least explain what this means?

my hope is that perhaps 12 people will carry the cross for Freedom of Speech and sacrifice part of their lives for an ideal in the way I did, but hopefully with much more success, glory, and reward.

Phantom42 ago

There's 12 of us he likes.

TradMan ago

Either that or we're the apostles.

Phantom42 ago

That's a lot of responsibility. 😐

Putler ago

If you need help say nothing. You know I am capable...

BrennKommando ago

You mean as part of the original deal with PIA you gave them the rights to Voat's source code which seemed like a fair deal at the time, but then they merged with Kape who no longer wanted to fund Voat but yet holds the rights Voat's backend?

NDA's are a bitch aren't they?

I'd like an honest answer on question 2

Diper ago

I feel like you are onto the right idea.

Joys1Daughter ago



Are you being threatened? 🙏

ObamasPinkSock ago

Are you being threatened?

This is my best guess.

Putt is a hero for keeping Voat running through the U.S. elections, but I suspect he doesn't want to become the first casualty in our civil war.

Joys1Daughter ago

Praying for @Puttitout!! 🙏

And MANY THANKS to you Puttitout for EVERYTHING he's DONE for US and Our Country!

God Bless him!🙏🇺🇸

kishind ago

So it's not an issue of money. The cost is something else for you, isn't it?

generate ago

fear. Putt is a coward

oneinchterror ago

Such bullshit if true. He should pass the torch rather than just nuking the site. I'm actually fucking angry at how tight lipped @PuttItOut is being and I've given him the BOTD for a loooong time.

generate ago

he probably was paid to shut it down. Check some posts about related Bitcoin addresses. I didn't dig it too deep tho

MadWorld ago

:) Maybe some day we will meet again on this galactic interweb...

Love you man!

Edit: archived


I just want to put this on the record, so users can find it on in the future.

Judging by what Putt said in the chatroom, he was planning to make that announcement at the end of October. Between March and October, and extended to December, we have gotten the long end of the stick. More users should appreciate that he stuck out for so long, on his own dime.

oneinchterror ago

on his own dime

This is bullshit though. Look at the outpouring of support with the announcement. Goats would gladly fund this place to keep the lights on. We're not getting the full story.

RubberHead ago

we all know you took control of his account