asdf0987 ago

How about adult human beings can do what they want?

Fat_is_healthy ago

I'm not advocating taking rights from women. I'm saying that women have been used as pawns in an international banking scam to create a larger workforce and prop up a monetary system that relies on ever increasing GDP and workforce. Is it any coincidence that the threads of western civilization began to unwind with the introduction of the two worker household and "postwar" economic model? A child raised in a household with a mother who is not away 10 hours a day will grow up mentally healthier.

asdf0987 ago

So create a world where money is not the central driving factor and both parents can spend the majority of time at home. Fathers shouldn't be gone 10 hours a day either. How do we do it? It sounds ugly here, but why exactly aren't we reallocating the exorbitant wealth of the world oligarchs and financial class -- who contribute nothing to cultural progress aside from being astute gamblers -- to funding working families and education, etc? It's not CoMmUnIsM, it's basic sense of social development and life enrichment for all citizens.

Fat_is_healthy ago

I disagree. Men work. A sedentary man is pathetic, weak in mind and body. Giving away the jew overlord's money isnt going to fix our problems. We need to seize their money, destroy the mega corporations, return to gold back currency, promote a traditional family structure, help men find meaningful careers or work programs, reduce immigration completely to raise the demand of labor and therefore wages, provide financial education in schools, create more parks and many other things to promote meaningful, educated and healthy life for people.

asdf0987 ago

The problem is jews? You think that white (or any group) won't seize power and give in to their greed to keep and control everything? Look at Russia: a total shit hole unless you're part of the wealthy elite. The jews have long been out of power there, and yet white people treat their own like shit because they don't care -- they want it all for themselves. THIS is the nature of humanity. The jews are just as bad/successful as any other group. They're getting scapegoated now, but what are we going to do when they're all dead and the world isn't miraculously a better place?

Fat_is_healthy ago

You think the jews are out of power in russia? You're closing your eyes and covering you ears in denial of jewish economic and political supremacy over the US.

asdf0987 ago

I swear to God, if the Jews have managed to control so much of all world governments, all economic facilities, all forms of media and entertainment, basically everything -- then they ARE superior! However, they don't control everything, and people who blame them are just disgruntled at their own shortcomings. Are there bad Jews? YES! Are there bad white people? YES! Does greed affect both? You know it!

xenoPsychologist ago

you havent started noticing things, have you?

asdf0987 ago

Certainly, but personal inner delusions are much more pervasive than the various factions vying for social control. All who seek to control the physical realm will succumb to evil. Projecting good and evil onto basic traits is simplemindedness. Are jews trying to get world power? Yes. Why did Europe expand their empires? Oh right, wanted world power. Everyone is power hungry -- not limited to the jews.

xenoPsychologist ago

and yet european control was outright benevolent by comparison.

GoldenHead ago

Judaism's default state is war with the world.

Jews are commanded by their religion to seek the higher rungs. Christians are commanded by their religion to toil.

asdf0987 ago

Pretty simplistic generalizations. Probably feels good to think so basically.

GoldenHead ago

It's easily born out in their respective religious laws which will fill all gaps in temporal law.

God knows what I know.

asdf0987 ago

I, too, get high on my own grand thinking. It gives me a feeling of "knowing" and control when I can look out onto the world and feel the truth. A smugness of pure arrogance washes through me and I pity those who don't understand.

GoldenHead ago

You have no history.

You are lost.

asdf0987 ago

I, like you, cling to my mind because it gives me a feeling of control. When I yell at the universe, it has meaning. I can feel it. I am significant. I see patterns that others don't see, and I smile to myself. I am part of God.

GoldenHead ago

Are you sincere when you say, you are part of God?

asdf0987 ago

How could I not be? The universe runs through my body and is me. I create the concepts as well as let them go.

GoldenHead ago

Then burn.

asdf0987 ago

Dun dun duuuuuuuun!

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silic0n ago

Is that really the "greatest" scam.. ?

Fat_is_healthy ago

It is empowered women who empower most other "scams."

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

The greatest scam of the Industrial Revolution was getting the father out of the home.

N-I-G-G-E-R ago

The biggest scam of XX century is the hall of costs.

DontBeRacist ago

I've posted something like this before, but here it goes again.

Women used to produce children, take care of children, teach the children, feed the family, and take care of the elderly. Now they have little to no children, leave the kids they do have in day care, send them off to government schools that have become communist indoctrination camps, feed them Pizza Hut and McDonalds, and leave the elderly in piss-smelling nursing homes to be minimally cared for by niggers. All this so they can have a career or work some shitty job.

Laplace ago

The greatest scam of the 20th century is in telling women that their place is in the office

You oblivious Anti-Semite!!!

PaulNeriAustralia ago

The female is not emotionally equipped for corporate life. It's not a team-player. It finds it nigh impossible to have a professional persona and a personal one - the personal one always surfaces. The female is inherently difficult and wherever it does, trouble is sure to follow.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Every societal model has been tried, all over the world, for the past several thousand years. What worked BEST was girls being married off by her parents to a man the PARENTS thought was a good match, not what the stupid girl thought. Women belong AT HOME, with the kids and livestock. Men go out into the world, and bring home food. This model worked JUST FINE until the hippies fucked it up in the 60s.

asdf0987 ago

Yeah, the world was a peaceful place until the hippies. Sorry you can't meet anyone.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I said nothing about PEACEFUL, hippie

asdf0987 ago

I mean, you didn't really say much at all other than you're incapable of any reality that doesn't fit your limited study of human societies, but no worries. Make your rules, live by them, and believe them without any reflection or nuance. It's worked so far, no?

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I have been all over the world, and done things you could only dream about, so, whatever.

asdf0987 ago

x Doubt

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

x don't give a fuck

asdf0987 ago

x nigger detected

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

If I'm a nigger, then Mel Gibson is a kike

asdf0987 ago

Well, he's not going to be happy about it, but so be it. monkey's paw closes one finger

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Wait wait wait, Mel's a based boi

asdf0987 ago

He shall hence forth be referred to Mel Gibson Brooks.

smokratez ago

All you do is argue with people and get wrecked. You never wondered why you keep repeating the same behavior?

asdf0987 ago

dood, u so got rekt

philmchawk ago

No central banking is by a large amount.

nullifyNWO ago

ZThe love of money is the root of all evel. That's the bankers. And likewise, that's the women caught by their propaganda of feminism.

Sanpa33 ago

The greatest scam for men is telling women they're entitled to half.

BoomerHater1488er ago

And the greatest scam of all time is forcing ethnic Europeans to erase and replace their natural spirituality with a Semitic one, and they all pretend Christianity is European.


constitutionranger ago

Odin is a fag, and pagans are all fags

BoomerHater1488er ago

Odin is an invention of the European mind, just as Yeshua ben Yosef is an invention of the semitic mind. Neither deity is real, but one is more compatible with your ethnicity than the other.

Which prayer sounds more appealing to you?

Lord, I humble myself before your awesome power and am unworthy of your majesty. Please, Lord, if it pleases you, bless my enemies with your mercy that they may come to know you and we can all be your meek servants.


May Odin grant me wisdom on my path, my Thor grant me courage on my way, and may Loki give me laughter as I go.

Don't be a cuck for a dead Rabbi that didn't even consider you a human being.

BasedWolf ago

Fucking right.

rapedbyanape ago

Oh lard

Nichtlustig ago

Of course, on our side we have nature, and that's a lot more pervasive and enduring than any poisonous ideology. I know a young woman who had been firmly in the "child free" feminist mindset all her life, and she did have plenty of spinster influences. In her early 20s she worked jobs, and you know what? She hated it. Now she's mid 20s and married, and talks about baby names she has picked out.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Girls are dumb.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Contrary to feminist (delusional) science. Men think with their MINDS. It's just that SOME are EVIL, and they get ALL of the press, thanks to FEMINISTS.

DontBeRacist ago

"I don't think we should trust young dicks to make good decisions." ~Christopher Cantwell

Nukeisrael ago

People don’t want to hear this but it’s because of infinite growth which is required to compete on a global scale and it is because of neoliberal capitalism. Yes capitalism is a useful tool but using in a means for itself is retarded. What ends up happening is things like femininity and race and culture get in the way of making as much money as possible. You can see it real time right now in Ireland. They have lax tax laws so all megacorps go there and then need cheap niggers so they leverage the system to import immigrants. Feminism was just a way to further increase productivity and lower wages. I know people here really really hate any critique of capitalism but it’s time to grow up. This fiend mean “lol you’re a communist!”, it just means we need protections. Imagine a pure free global market with no immigration law or anything. It’s quantitative and not qualitative especially with mass produced shit. Whites are 8% of the population and they would rather import 4 people for every white and keep the GDP up than care about your race or family or culture or nation.

Marsog ago

Whats MMT? Good post you just lost me with that acronym. I agree with your points I especially hate it when people who are supposedly "red pilled" and open for debate just crash and burn the conversation when you bring up any criticism of capitalism in anyway.

Nukeisrael ago

Modern monetary theory.

Marsog ago


captainstrange ago

fuck capitalism.

give me free markets.

DontBeRacist ago

I see capitalism a lot like Reddit. At first Reddit was a small websites some nerds went to. Having the number one post there would get your content exposed to 10,000 nerds. Not that valuable. Now it's grown to where millions of idiots will see the shit on the front page, and the value of this was noticed and hijacked a long time ago. Now if anything can even make it to the front page organically, it's trivial crap.

In a system that starts off capitalist, it might just be fair competition at first, but then the temptation to buy the government takes over. As corporations get bigger and bigger, they become more and more capable of buying government. They can then use government to squash the competition and do whatever benefits them. Sometimes they even get government buying their products. Trying to keep real capitalism going long-term when the system gets huge is impossible. In a capitalist system, which is ultimately becomes a corrupted capitalist system, money rules. I don't think it is a good idea to have money rule.

Nukeisrael ago

Yes exactly but you must understand this will always happen in a capitalist system when it is not used as a tool but as a means to an end. Ancaps for instance may as well be as retarded as communists. There is never not going to be a state and the state will never not collude with the market. Those with the most capital will never not outperform those with less and make monopolies. It’s pretty simple. A lot of people here who tend to be older hold these fallacious beliefs that the smaller the state the better in every possible situation and the freer the market the better in every single situation. It’s ironic you use reddit as a comparison because capital is exactly what ruined it. We are now in a globalist neoliberal capitalist world. Contrary to popular belief bezos does not want communism taking over. The elites are quite happy with their system of global neoliberalism at the cost of your culture, land and race if you get in the way.

DontBeRacist ago

Even in the current system it seems like the government should just open not-for-profit stores to sell basic goods. Basically, it would be like a government controlled Walmart and Amazon. If someone felt the government stores weren't providing what a large portion of people want, they would be free to open for-profit stores. I think you should at least be able to go buy your groceries and basic goods without a company trying to make a profit off of you.

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

Importing shitskins will not keep the JewDP up. Once there’s enough of them you’ll revert to wakanda mud huts

Nukeisrael ago

Importing shitskins sure as fuck does keep the GDP up it just makes it worse for the average native citizen.

turtlesareNotevil ago


Sheetz ago


EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I don't know. Between the federal reserve, the holohoax, vaccines, and civil rights, the competition for the 20th century's greatest scam is pretty steep.

holymackerel ago

I just flipped. My wife makes kick ass money while I stay at home and home school our daughters.

The fun thing is, I make the daughters do all inside home chores(laundry, cleaning, cooking etc.) I do yard work... and educate the kidddos on how not to be asshole liberals.

WNwoman ago

And your wife still respects you? Not trying to be insulting but I don’t think I could respect my husband if I was the breadwinner and he played housewife.

holymackerel ago

I did not add that I am a disabled veteran. Me and my wife have incredible respect for each other.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

At least he'd get the housework done and not be on the 'phone all day or at Pilates classes or reading magazines.

Nuffin ago

90% of those scenarios end in divorce due to the wife looking down on the house husband.

israelmossadjewgold ago

most kids are not around fathers much either. like for thousands of years men were tought things and learned from there fathers and that doesn't happen much anymore. idk maybe we have evolved past that or something but it's got to do something weird to our brain since it was engrained like that for so long and just recently, in human history, everything has changed so much.

Justice_Will_Prevail ago

When the post war economy began demanding two income households.... it did force a good many women into the workforce as well. My parent's house was 11K in 1963. My mom had a Nash and my dad had a company car. Employers have their own fair share of fucking the average worker.

MrPancake ago

It was not "post war economy"; it was post Federal Reserve/Fiat currency. Inflation requires extra income or a reduction in "lifestyle".

peacegnome ago

ah, the good 'ol (((post war economy))). This was all by design, let your government raise your children, let your government support women who are single and fatherless children, etc.

Justice_Will_Prevail ago

Shit no. Our mom worked part time, had an in home laundry business and my brother and I both worked ('70s) and contributed to the family. Ultimately though we were the original "latch key kids".

peacegnome ago

The rulers (not the politicians) will always apply pressure to get their way. Why was it that your family needed 4 people working? Was there a shortage of food or housing? Were (((interest rates))) too high? Pretty soon a lot of retail property will change hands to larger entities, and in a few years no one will remember why; crap like this happens all of the time, and all it takes is a few well placed laws or politicians.

Justice_Will_Prevail ago

Health. Both of us kids were ill. Plus it was So Cal... expensive as fuck.

fnbs010 ago

Giving them the right to vote is what started this mess

19810708321b ago

Wrong. If they kept the home, they would have voted conservative every time. But a working woman is more likely to vote liberal.

Don't confuse the two.

veteran88 ago

Limiting jews in war the root.

Most of the founders day they would be a bad move.

They were right.

AssumingControl ago

We let them in 2000 years ago. They came with the Romans, bringing the good news from Nazareth.

ninjatacos ago

I have no fucking idea what you just tried to convey.

veteran88 ago


Type in different languages often and see your predictive text and autocorrect commit suicide.

Plavonica ago

Type in different languages often and see your predictive text and autocorrect commit suicide.

It gets real bad when it's trying to predict the wrong spellings you often do when learning a new language.

alacrity167 ago

Most of the founders day they would be a bad move.


GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

Woman are meant to be mothers and wives. That's a far more respectable job than some office or business bullshit. All these women trying to be men are going to look back with so much regret.

Sernie_Banders ago

they do, but only after the opportunity to be a mother and wife is no longer available to them: no longer capable of being a mother at 35 more or less, no longer capable of being a wife at 40 more or less. Those are the ages you see all of these regret social media posts occur. The bargaining and anger posts usually occur around 35, the acceptance and regret posts around 40. Clearly in the stages of grieving for the children and husband they never had.

possiblezombie22 ago

The capability issue is a myth. 30 is the supposed perfect age to have children. Yes your eggs do decrease 1% after 35 but woman have healthy babies into thier 40s. The retardation risk factors more on genetics.

Sernie_Banders ago

30 is the perfect age for a man today. Young enough to keep up with high energy children for years and secure in his career to be making good money and even more in the future.

The perfect age for a woman is 25.

woman have healthy babies into thier 40s

what are you are malicious jew or an ideologically ignorant woman?

all of those studies that "prove" women have healthy babies in their 40s are from women who had a previous child at a younger age. Medical science puts women at "advanced maternal age" when she is 35, meaning everything is more complicated medically, much higher risk for everything including miscarriage. Stop lying to people.

possiblezombie22 ago

Who am I lying to?

I am a woman, I've had several discussions with both male and female MDs and Dos and they all say the same thing.

It is possible to have a healthy baby well into your 40s without medical intervention.

Advanced maternal age begins after 30 so woman is placed in a higher risk category to cover the hospital for malpractice.

Gereatric pregnancy starts at 50 and that is when the real risk where everything is more complicated is.

Women in their 30-40s were having their first babies in the Great Depression/World War 2 so do you even know the bullshit your spouting?!

Sernie_Banders ago


lol, it is a statistically abnormality. stop lying to people.

possiblezombie22 ago

I'm not arguing the point with you.

I've had numerous conversations with medical professionals regarding the matter.

50s is the static anomaly for a natural pregnancy.

Grow a uterus, then talk because your talking out of your ass.

Sernie_Banders ago

Grow a uterus, then talk because you're talking out of your ass.

"no uterus no opinion"

just like a woman. lol

possiblezombie22 ago

Call it what you will. I've seen it numerous times with my own eyes, consulted ODs and MDs,

Sernie_Banders ago

lol, a statistical abnormality doesnt mean old age pregnancy does not happen. Of course a woman wouldnt understand that.

a 45 year old wealthy elite celebrity and rando 42 year old woman I know had a baby, therefore all women can have babies at that age


GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

Why can't you be a mother at 35 or a wife at 40? I don't understand. 35 is definitely really pushing it for motherhood but if she is healthy why not?

BasedWolf ago

Wasted years of youth and fertility. An early-mid 20s woman could easily have several children over the course of several years, and when the kids are teenagers/young adults, she'll still be fairly young and engaged.

If a 35 year old has kids, they're capped at one unless they want to risk having retards as they get older, and by the time the kid is 15 she's already a 50 year old hag.

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

Well it's better than no kids. Also there are a lot of babies that need adoption.

Plavonica ago

35 is definitely really pushing it for motherhood but if she is healthy why not?

'Tard babies.

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

35 is when woke dykes start considering being a mom. By then it’s too late because no one wants to deposit semen in something so corrupt

Nichtlustig ago

bargaining and anger usually occur around 35

lol, that reminds me of a post from the other day

Sernie_Banders ago

yep. even the most notorious show about spinsters, one of the cast members and the writer both regret not having a family.

MrPancake ago

The only women in my life that have my respect are mothers and wives. Specifically; mine. (not plural; although I wouldn't mind two dishwashers)

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theshopper ago

Sadly no. Your thoughts fall into the just world fallacy where you feel that these women will regret their decision in some sort of cosmic justice. The reality is they will double down in their bitterness, and all the way into decrepitude, will do their best to sway any young woman who will listen to their lifestyle.

They are a plague, a scourge upon the land that will persist and fester until death. But not before the disease has spread. Luckily we know of a cure, ending jewish degeneracy.

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

They will all regret it inside. They live their life regretting it and knowing it's wrong. That's why most of those type of women are crude crude unhappy people.

cb1 ago

I was ready to down vote and then I kept reading. Spot on.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

only girls downvote. Men respect free speech.

It_was_the_juice ago

That is just so sad. And yet she still doesn't want to change her lifestyle. There's not even a "Hey maybe I could marry a nice guy who already has kids and one day be able to help raise grandkids."

Instead she's says "Hey I can still ride the cock carousel into my 60's and you can too!"

ScionOfZion ago

She had success, so the benefit of seeing work life in its best light. If you experience only the spoils of mediocrity then you might hold on to the dream.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Practically all childless women devolve into disheveled, pillpopping drunks

Brawndosaurus ago

And their egos made it all possible. They love that shit.

giveitup ago

twentieth century

Fat_is_healthy ago

Fuck. That's a mistake I never make, just got back from a run so all my blood is in my legs lol.