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GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

Woman are meant to be mothers and wives. That's a far more respectable job than some office or business bullshit. All these women trying to be men are going to look back with so much regret.

Sernie_Banders ago

they do, but only after the opportunity to be a mother and wife is no longer available to them: no longer capable of being a mother at 35 more or less, no longer capable of being a wife at 40 more or less. Those are the ages you see all of these regret social media posts occur. The bargaining and anger posts usually occur around 35, the acceptance and regret posts around 40. Clearly in the stages of grieving for the children and husband they never had.

possiblezombie22 ago

The capability issue is a myth. 30 is the supposed perfect age to have children. Yes your eggs do decrease 1% after 35 but woman have healthy babies into thier 40s. The retardation risk factors more on genetics.

Sernie_Banders ago

30 is the perfect age for a man today. Young enough to keep up with high energy children for years and secure in his career to be making good money and even more in the future.

The perfect age for a woman is 25.

woman have healthy babies into thier 40s

what are you are malicious jew or an ideologically ignorant woman?

all of those studies that "prove" women have healthy babies in their 40s are from women who had a previous child at a younger age. Medical science puts women at "advanced maternal age" when she is 35, meaning everything is more complicated medically, much higher risk for everything including miscarriage. Stop lying to people.

possiblezombie22 ago

Who am I lying to?

I am a woman, I've had several discussions with both male and female MDs and Dos and they all say the same thing.

It is possible to have a healthy baby well into your 40s without medical intervention.

Advanced maternal age begins after 30 so woman is placed in a higher risk category to cover the hospital for malpractice.

Gereatric pregnancy starts at 50 and that is when the real risk where everything is more complicated is.

Women in their 30-40s were having their first babies in the Great Depression/World War 2 so do you even know the bullshit your spouting?!

Sernie_Banders ago


lol, it is a statistically abnormality. stop lying to people.

possiblezombie22 ago

I'm not arguing the point with you.

I've had numerous conversations with medical professionals regarding the matter.

50s is the static anomaly for a natural pregnancy.

Grow a uterus, then talk because your talking out of your ass.

Sernie_Banders ago

Grow a uterus, then talk because you're talking out of your ass.

"no uterus no opinion"

just like a woman. lol

possiblezombie22 ago

Call it what you will. I've seen it numerous times with my own eyes, consulted ODs and MDs,

Sernie_Banders ago

lol, a statistical abnormality doesnt mean old age pregnancy does not happen. Of course a woman wouldnt understand that.

a 45 year old wealthy elite celebrity and rando 42 year old woman I know had a baby, therefore all women can have babies at that age


GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

Why can't you be a mother at 35 or a wife at 40? I don't understand. 35 is definitely really pushing it for motherhood but if she is healthy why not?

BasedWolf ago

Wasted years of youth and fertility. An early-mid 20s woman could easily have several children over the course of several years, and when the kids are teenagers/young adults, she'll still be fairly young and engaged.

If a 35 year old has kids, they're capped at one unless they want to risk having retards as they get older, and by the time the kid is 15 she's already a 50 year old hag.

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

Well it's better than no kids. Also there are a lot of babies that need adoption.

Plavonica ago

35 is definitely really pushing it for motherhood but if she is healthy why not?

'Tard babies.

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

35 is when woke dykes start considering being a mom. By then it’s too late because no one wants to deposit semen in something so corrupt

Nichtlustig ago

bargaining and anger usually occur around 35

lol, that reminds me of a post from the other day

Sernie_Banders ago

yep. even the most notorious show about spinsters, one of the cast members and the writer both regret not having a family.

MrPancake ago

The only women in my life that have my respect are mothers and wives. Specifically; mine. (not plural; although I wouldn't mind two dishwashers)

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theshopper ago

Sadly no. Your thoughts fall into the just world fallacy where you feel that these women will regret their decision in some sort of cosmic justice. The reality is they will double down in their bitterness, and all the way into decrepitude, will do their best to sway any young woman who will listen to their lifestyle.

They are a plague, a scourge upon the land that will persist and fester until death. But not before the disease has spread. Luckily we know of a cure, ending jewish degeneracy.

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

They will all regret it inside. They live their life regretting it and knowing it's wrong. That's why most of those type of women are crude crude unhappy people.

cb1 ago

I was ready to down vote and then I kept reading. Spot on.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

only girls downvote. Men respect free speech.

It_was_the_juice ago

That is just so sad. And yet she still doesn't want to change her lifestyle. There's not even a "Hey maybe I could marry a nice guy who already has kids and one day be able to help raise grandkids."

Instead she's says "Hey I can still ride the cock carousel into my 60's and you can too!"

ScionOfZion ago

She had success, so the benefit of seeing work life in its best light. If you experience only the spoils of mediocrity then you might hold on to the dream.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Practically all childless women devolve into disheveled, pillpopping drunks