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asdf0987 ago

How about adult human beings can do what they want?

Fat_is_healthy ago

I'm not advocating taking rights from women. I'm saying that women have been used as pawns in an international banking scam to create a larger workforce and prop up a monetary system that relies on ever increasing GDP and workforce. Is it any coincidence that the threads of western civilization began to unwind with the introduction of the two worker household and "postwar" economic model? A child raised in a household with a mother who is not away 10 hours a day will grow up mentally healthier.

asdf0987 ago

So create a world where money is not the central driving factor and both parents can spend the majority of time at home. Fathers shouldn't be gone 10 hours a day either. How do we do it? It sounds ugly here, but why exactly aren't we reallocating the exorbitant wealth of the world oligarchs and financial class -- who contribute nothing to cultural progress aside from being astute gamblers -- to funding working families and education, etc? It's not CoMmUnIsM, it's basic sense of social development and life enrichment for all citizens.

Fat_is_healthy ago

I disagree. Men work. A sedentary man is pathetic, weak in mind and body. Giving away the jew overlord's money isnt going to fix our problems. We need to seize their money, destroy the mega corporations, return to gold back currency, promote a traditional family structure, help men find meaningful careers or work programs, reduce immigration completely to raise the demand of labor and therefore wages, provide financial education in schools, create more parks and many other things to promote meaningful, educated and healthy life for people.

asdf0987 ago

The problem is jews? You think that white (or any group) won't seize power and give in to their greed to keep and control everything? Look at Russia: a total shit hole unless you're part of the wealthy elite. The jews have long been out of power there, and yet white people treat their own like shit because they don't care -- they want it all for themselves. THIS is the nature of humanity. The jews are just as bad/successful as any other group. They're getting scapegoated now, but what are we going to do when they're all dead and the world isn't miraculously a better place?

Fat_is_healthy ago

You think the jews are out of power in russia? You're closing your eyes and covering you ears in denial of jewish economic and political supremacy over the US.

asdf0987 ago

I swear to God, if the Jews have managed to control so much of all world governments, all economic facilities, all forms of media and entertainment, basically everything -- then they ARE superior! However, they don't control everything, and people who blame them are just disgruntled at their own shortcomings. Are there bad Jews? YES! Are there bad white people? YES! Does greed affect both? You know it!

xenoPsychologist ago

you havent started noticing things, have you?

asdf0987 ago

Certainly, but personal inner delusions are much more pervasive than the various factions vying for social control. All who seek to control the physical realm will succumb to evil. Projecting good and evil onto basic traits is simplemindedness. Are jews trying to get world power? Yes. Why did Europe expand their empires? Oh right, wanted world power. Everyone is power hungry -- not limited to the jews.

xenoPsychologist ago

and yet european control was outright benevolent by comparison.

GoldenHead ago

Judaism's default state is war with the world.

Jews are commanded by their religion to seek the higher rungs. Christians are commanded by their religion to toil.

asdf0987 ago

Pretty simplistic generalizations. Probably feels good to think so basically.

GoldenHead ago

It's easily born out in their respective religious laws which will fill all gaps in temporal law.

God knows what I know.

asdf0987 ago

I, too, get high on my own grand thinking. It gives me a feeling of "knowing" and control when I can look out onto the world and feel the truth. A smugness of pure arrogance washes through me and I pity those who don't understand.

GoldenHead ago

You have no history.

You are lost.

asdf0987 ago

I, like you, cling to my mind because it gives me a feeling of control. When I yell at the universe, it has meaning. I can feel it. I am significant. I see patterns that others don't see, and I smile to myself. I am part of God.

GoldenHead ago

Are you sincere when you say, you are part of God?

asdf0987 ago

How could I not be? The universe runs through my body and is me. I create the concepts as well as let them go.

GoldenHead ago

Then burn.

asdf0987 ago

Dun dun duuuuuuuun!

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