Smokratez2 ago

jews also control atheism. They use that to turn dumb white people into useful idiots for the jews.

xenoPsychologist ago

they do control it, we just let them do it for some reason. some reason having to do with old people.

Smokratez2 ago

I see useful idiots for the jews of all ages. You think young atheists are working for the white race?

xenoPsychologist ago

You think young atheists are working for the white race?

nope. theyre often doing the jews work for them.

Smokratez2 ago

so why did you single out old people?

xenoPsychologist ago

because the kikes got let in well before i was ever born. all this stuff was allowed to happen before those young atheists even existed. sure, theyre part of the problem now, but old people let there be a problem in the first place. i didnt get a say because i wasnt alive yet.

Smokratez2 ago

So because old people got fucked by jew earlier than we are getting fucked by them, it's ok to single out old people?

xenoPsychologist ago

yes. they could have prevented this, instead they decided we all get to be slaughtered because they liked the kikes. now we have to struggle just to free other young people because of the conditioning they chose not to stop being applied to us all throughout our youths. we will be extinct in under twenty years because they chose to make it happen. they didnt even need a lifetime of conditioning to sell out their descendants to complete destruction. if they can betray their own children, they can be appropriately singled out for it. they chose this.

Smokratez2 ago

So you choose this too then. You are just as guilty as them.

xenoPsychologist ago

way to be wrong.

Smokratez2 ago

Nope. If boomers chose that, you choose this. It's either valid in both cases or it isn't.

xenoPsychologist ago

in your opinion, sure. they decided to go from not having a jew problem, to intentionally having a jew problem. i got given a jew problem and a "hehe, good luck!". its not the same thing. lying intentionally doesnt make it the same thing. you can always tell the boomers because theyre the only ones who would defend the boomers for what they did. thanks a lot for getting all your descendants raped to death by murder monkeys because you had to have a jew problem.

Smokratez2 ago

Fuck you for accepting what the jews are doing to us. It's because of faggots like you who won't fight back we are in this mess.

xenoPsychologist ago

are you retarded? ive done practically nothing but tell people we have to be fighting back right now. but we will be having to fight you boomers as well as the jews because the two groups are all but literally one and the same.

Smokratez2 ago

You haven't done anything. You took the jew dick right up your ass. You are as pathetic and useless as the boomers.

xenoPsychologist ago

you took it first and harder sacrificing everyone who came after you, and protecting the kikes. we are going to have to all rally to deal with them now. if only the boomers werent complete and total garbage. boomers are the same as jews, even when they pretend they arent.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Blame is the selfish justification for ignoring the negative consequences of wanting to claim control over others, when one only has the sole authority over ones own actions (freedom of choice; which is a liberty offered by nature; the energy in control). The so called jews (parasites) are the direct consequences of human selfishness creating a weakness to be preyed upon. "White" and "west" are two of their tools to manage human selfishness by keeping it going.

Smokratez2 ago

jews are inbred faggots who want to kill all white people. If you don't think they are rightfullly blamed for that, you are an inbred faggot.

Blood-is-Nature ago

They are that and then some, but this world is governed by the laws of nature, where everything is in coexistence with each other. You cannot blame others for chaos, when you are guilty of not upholding order. The negative consequences of the negative actions of those who create chaos, are the inspiration for all others to adhere to their instinctive (survival instinct) need to maintain order. The blame you cast represents the guilt you ignore. All attacks on those who cause chaos are you participating in chaos, under the selfish belief to create order out of it.

Only nature creates order out of chaos, because nature is energy in forward motion, while we represent temporary accumulation of power within the momentum the motion creates. All existence represents temporary chaos within the motion (order) of energy (nature). The job (purpose) of all conscious life-forms within that temporary stability of momentum is to uphold balance within motion. Between your life and death, you need to uphold balance, while your life is always running out, and death is always unavoidable.

This is why going with the flow represents temptations luring towards death, and why struggling against the flow sustains life. YOU need to create order, and your selfishness of ignoring this, let to parasites within your own species, who are now tricking all others to keep ignoring their needs in favor of their wants (temptations luring towards death). We are all the same within energy; our ignorance creates all conflict, and the negative consequence of that are parasites who exploit this, which are our inspiration to change ourselves; to not be selfish anymore. (((They))) are nature's way to enforce order on the chaos our selfishness is creating.

If we fall back in line and stop being selfish; the parasites would lose everything, because our ignorance allows them to use the power we all ignore; the power of energy in motion offered freely to all existence within. The only way for a few to control power within shared energy is for them to trick all others to ignore that they have free access to that power.

you are an inbred faggot.

An inbred bundle of sticks...I'm sorry, but I'm not beaver enough to fully understand how that works.

Smokratez2 ago

You don't understand how a lot of things work. That's the problem.

Blood-is-Nature ago

I understand how those "things" came to be and what rules they're operating under. What do you believe I miss?

Smokratez2 ago

What do you believe I miss?

A brain. The ability to see things objectively. The capacity to judge yourself.

Blood-is-Nature ago

The ability to see things objectively

The "objects" our senses are perceiving are within motion; within constant change. You ignore this change in favor of FIXED beliefs; of assumptions that represent a state of mind that does not change, which in reality represents ignorance of motion; of reality. That is the temptation of selfishness.

The capacity to judge yourself.

The reality in motion we perceive allows our consciousness to operate on nothing but assumptions, which are judgments we make (through our liberty of freedom of choice) about reality in motion; a constantly changing reality. That is the status quo of operations of the consciousness.This is so far all in accordance with the laws of nature, because we are still in the process of comprehending the reality we perceive, which is all still "internal" processing of information received.

The problem comes when we decide, through our freedom of choice, to selfishly proCLAIM our assumptions as truth or false into reality, by misusing the tool of communication we created, called "language". Why? Because we then proclaimed a fixed assumption, which we now internally upheld as a belief (a self restriction of comprehension), into the reality of constant change (energy in motion), which within shared energy, then represents a negative action, to which all other existence then has to adapt to, which represents the negative consequences of our negative action aka natures judgment over all within the motion of energy.

All the judgments I make about myself are internal tools to build my intent, on which I then act upon, which will create consequences for you and all others. You were tricked to believe that selfish proclamations of ones assumptions over oneself communicated to others through language, while ignoring that ONE doesn't have the right to judge ALL others; but only oneself, because ONE only has the sole authority of freedom of choice over ONEs own actions, while only nature (the ALL) has the sole authority to pass judgments over the consequences of ALL actions.

Smokratez2 ago

You should really work on that.

Blood-is-Nature ago

That's called adaptation to inspiration received. How about giving me a hand with this; by not ignoring what is written?

smokratez ago

Give you a hand with what? You don't help anything on voat.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Give you a hand with what?

Inspiration through adaptation. I already gained when I responded, because you inspired me to do so.

You don't help anything on voat.

I don't use technology because I want to help others, I use it to help myself, because I need to, which in return helps others.The information I put out, thanks to adaption, represents a gain of comprehension for me, which leaves behind inspiration for others...if they chose to adapt to it, and if they allow themselves to comprehended it.

WhiteMan ago

Don't forget the traitorous masons in our midst. They are also contributing. Satanic pedofiles exist in all levels of society.

xenoPsychologist ago

masonry is judaism.

GoldenHead ago

White Christian men had rhe vote and started giving it away.

The old Constitution is not equipped for this.

Trump will reform it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Literally fucking kill yourself, trump worshipper.

GoldenHead ago

Aut disce aut discede.

Tallest_Skil ago


Blood-is-Nature ago

had the vote and started giving it away

Before that one first has to "believe" in politics, which is the deception of others to trick one to ignore authority over self by consenting it away through voting.

GoldenHead ago

The people jump from one ambition to another, first seeking not to be offended then seeking to offend.

But that's demoacracy.

Blood-is-Nature ago

The people jump from one ambition to another

Ambitions are substitute goals, based on the lack of self discernment under the laws of nature. Between inception (life) and death; the goal is predefined as death, which is also the inspiration to teach the purpose, which is maintaining life. the selfish act of upholding beliefs restricts ones comprehension of reality, which is why huamns can give you no accurate answer about the purpose of their lives, but have endless goals they want to achieve, and once they have it; they always want more, because they don't comprehend that they're aiming towards death by seeking temptations.

first seeking

There it is...operating on ones selfish wants; while ignoring ones needs, which means ignoring the survial instinct and the laws of nature in favor of ones beliefs, which let to (((others))) starting to sell us those beliefs we want. Merchants of chaos; selling temptations to the selfish.

first seeking not to be offended then seeking to offend.

Also based on selfishness. The selfish will first shirk responsibility over self, which under the laws of nature will cause negative consequences for all others, and then the selfish will blame all others for the negative consequences. Our goals needs to inspire the selfish to question his own actions; especially the inaction of ignoring to take responsibility of the sole authority over his actions.

But that's demoacracy.

Democracy is the deception to offer a justification for the selfish to shirk responsibility over self onto others through voting. They are tricked to believe that putting an x into a box is enough responsibility for self governance and ones responsibility over all others. They selfishly believe the choice offered to them by others somehow governs the entire world, while also representing their best interests. That utter denial of reality and responsibility is what corrupts those who exploit it to go all out against humanity...the apex of selfishness is to hate all others for what your selfishness is causing, while using the state of utter ignorance towards reality in others, to justify it.

GoldenHead ago

Less Athenian.

More laconic.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Well; I follow my own mantra: "simplicity means truth; complexity hides lies". The problem is that the lack of self discernment within the selfish, corrupted them to not comprehend the simplicity anymore. I try to appeal to instinctive comprehension here, which is why I try to write down the entire way of how I think, so that others can be inspired to try it themselves.

Smokratez2 ago

He's making excellent progress.

Smokratez2 ago

Is this a jew or just an inbred atheist?

WokeGoblin ago

The thing is no one really understands just how much control the Jews had until the internet came around. Now it is very difficult for them to cover up their tracks and keep from being exposed. Like seriously... try telling people that the Jews did 9/11... almost everyone will treat you like a leper. Even if they might possibly entertain the idea they would never admit it around co workers or groups of people.

Smokratez2 ago

Normies lack the mental capacity to envision how large this whole nonsense. It's not like jews control one or two banks. We are literally living in a society created entirely by jews. Designed to make white people suffer and want to kill themselves. They just think all of this is normal.