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minx88 ago

You are right the synagogue of Satan actually the Canaanites the Jew Muslim Nager is the same shit one is more violent than the other and in different ways but it’s the same Demonicshit

minx88 ago

Top notch work done man very good

AR47 ago

Op do you have anything on the ships owned by the kikes that brought the niggers over in slave trade?

I need to piss off a boomer

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

There are a few slave ship and jew ownership memes here, in case you didn't see it yet.

minx88 ago

Yeah there’s a bunch of stuff on bitch shoot the Muslims have them Nager’s as slaves and still do the Jews have them as slaves and still do they were the ones that had them slaves never whites but It were the Jews that looked white but they’re not like they’re Jewish you have to look closely the more you learn about the physiognomy of the Jew the easier it becomes to recognize them

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

yes will give you more later

TitanicMan ago

I like this post. Opening minds instead of scaring people back into (((the matrix)))

Azibase ago

I'm laughing right now, fucking redditards went from being in a safe space to being thrown to the nazi wolves in the span of one afternoon.

Welcome to the jungle bitches.

IAmAGayRedditor ago

Based. This is the first post I've seen that has been able to reach 851 upvoats. 1000 score post when?

NotaQjackass ago

23 reddit Qikes downvoted this.

Keahiehj ago

While we're here I might as well list the Six Rules.

6 Western civilization is better than all other civilizations.

5 Christianity is better all other religions.

4 Capitalism is better than socialism

3 Straight people are better than gay people

2 Men are better than women

And the #1 rule...

1 White people are better than everybody

Those are the Six Rules

minx88 ago


Synagogue of Satan and their demonic fecal matter I psychotically jealous because they are deformed ugly and they want to destroy everything that is beautiful therefore we have to destroy them

Leand ago

Not sure about number 4, national socialism seemed to work pretty well.

getshanked ago

I feel like David Irving’s books deserve a plug. He was one of the only individual to whom the remaining Nuremberg prisoners and former Nazis would speak to. I believe they were quite impressed with him being first author to write a book on the Dresden bombings.

boekanier ago

Redditors completely lost, after this.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ovenbakedkike ago

niggers are a curse, on this earth , the wrong meteorite must have hit and god CURSED US, TO THIS DAY, and I know you are a close whigger, so you should be lumped in the camps with those heebs too.

minx88 ago

No black white people are superior we are the god of light do you games are the children of Satan so say their book the Talmud white people can always be D programmed we are more intelligent did you knows this that’s why they go after the kids white people must always be saved but did you Muslim Nager needs to die

minx88 ago

You makes sense about that comet thing look at the Middle East it’s Barren.nNothing comes out of there except for shit that destroys itself and everything around it jew Muslim Nager are the same Sup human only did you mix with whites to get lighter skin and to be a little bit less retarded in order to blend in and backstab

ovenbakedkike ago

a noxious stinky tel aviv faggot trying to waft the suspicion that I'm a jew lol still hiding out in the tel aviv bunker?

Hilldawg ago


d3r ago

You're the fucking man!

Riste2424 ago

Libtards always say give me sources. When u show them sources they try to get you banned. Fuck the left!

minx88 ago

The fact that they try to threaten you with jail or worse for exposing their holocaust lie proves that they are lying and they want to get you banned or ducks you because they are demonic poisonous rats that want to hide their crimes but some of them are arrogant about it now because I have a lot of Muslims and Nager’s breeding like cockroaches.Did you will always use this tactic of omission they do this in clearly in media by not showing their the crimes so to deflect and trivialize because they don’t want people to know.But now they are exposed

minx88 ago

Because left . are jew Add they are the synagogue of Satan poisonous backstabbing genocidal rats always have been look at holodomor.

boekanier ago

Sources are racist

minx88 ago

Racist as a bullshit word everyone is sick of hearing this only the Nager’s and Jews and Muslims use this word it’s a victim of a tactic it’s a bullshit word it doesn’t work anymore OK trotsky is a Jew he made up that word to manipulate.Not gonna work any longer

honeyshovingbikes ago

White genocide isreal


LateNightTimeWaste ago

Saw that too. Hadrian 2.0 when?

Usernamenameuser ago

I thought holohoax deniers were the stupidest people on the planet, and then i came here and learned that they are the truly awakened ones. It only took like 2 days.

minx88 ago

yes well the Jews know that we are more the whites are more intelligent and then we can figure this shit out that they’re doing that’s why they go after the kids and trying to force indoctrination into the school systems and that’s why they’re putting in these pedophile transvestites reading about sexual things to poor little five-year-old kids and traumatizing them and dressing up like demons to do so or are they actually demons because Jews are not human we know that Muslims and Knigge Are demon excrement

Literally-Oppressed ago

The lesson? Do the exact opposite of what your tv tells you to. Research and critical thought has never hurt anyone that didn't deserve it.

everything-is-fine ago

Also attention: voat will go down from time to time. Outages are common but the server hamsters and tech support pajeets will usually get it working again within a few hours. Most I've seen is about a week of constant down time. Have faith, this honeypot is too valuable for the glowniggers to let it stay down for too long.

Niggertown ago

Put it in a zip, faggot. Muh god.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Im the big gay

Ftw7969 ago

You know I hate ghetto rat niggers just like anybody else but you're mean to telling me that the Jews are using them to exterminate the white race. I got a newsflash there for you dip shitz but black folk don't see Jews as f****** old Jews they just see them as white devil motherfukers just like every f****** buddy else trust me I f****** know

Usernamenameuser ago

Not every jew alive is in on the scheme. Its several small groups from ancient bloodlines. Rioters will never get anywhere near them. Do you think rich and powerful people are walking around in the downtown ghettos of Atlanta or Chicago? Do you think CHAZ/CHOP is the base of operations?

minx88 ago

Isn’t that Chaz thing a Jewish blackNager with no talent I need to be strung up yeah

minx88 ago

Soros and his ilk we’re leaving the bricks for the antifa rats and they’re flying Ebola monkeys to destroy shops with it is funny that a couple of a Nager‘s wanted to go into the diamond district which is fine so much to put a sign on the Jews in Hollywood and the politicians doors if their house is free money and KFC so those knickers can go and destroy the jews houses

Ftw7969 ago

You make it sound like if your rich. Your a jew. As for were they walk around. Fuck no they aren't! Why the hell would they? I sure as fuck have no desire to do so. Do you?

PhimoticEmbrace ago

What's with all the asterisks, retard?

Ftw7969 ago

It's free speech nagga

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I was going to say that but didn't want to interact with it.

Usernamenameuser ago

I made an attempt out of curiosity. We'll see what it has to say.

PhimoticEmbrace ago

I think it's saying that it can't tell the difference between Whites and jews, therefore no one can. What a silly monkey.

Usernamenameuser ago

Take some advice from Tucan Sam. "Follow their nose!"

ScionOfZion ago

I can't believe this. Dig up the fucking mass graves already.

Usernamenameuser ago

B b b but it would be disrespectful to defile the final resting places of the 6,000,000 greatest humans to ever live. The abhorrent slaughter of 60,000,000 innocent people was the most evil thing that white people have ever done over the entire history of civilization. We need to leave those 600,000,000 million souls of God's Chosen People to rest in peace, they've been through enough. Do you even realize how anti-semetic it is to even suggest such an ungodly and reprehensible endeavor?

minx88 ago

That’s funny except the fact that the Talmud clearly states that they are anti-Christ therefore the Jews Messiah is Lucifer they are not gods children they are chosen by Satan some of them admit it some of them deny it it’s still a fact and that ridiculous 6000 number is justVictimhood bullshit to scam reparations

BarbaricHamSammy ago

KEK the 19 meltdowns that downvoated....

Usernamenameuser ago

Yes, but they'll get angry and leave, only to come back to feed their addiction to scrolling posts on a forum. Each time accepting the truth a tiny bit more. Or they dont come back and nobody cares.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

I’m leaning into that last statement but if one or two wake up and start to think...ah who

am I kidding?

Usernamenameuser ago

I woke up fren. I wasn't totally left minded, but I definitely had a lot of unhealthy ideals. Maybe the difference is that when I first came here, I disagreed with what others were writing, but I never got angry at them for expressing their views. It did not take long for me to have a more productive attitude, because perhaps I had been repressing my thoughts and feelings my entire life due to the programming. Im glad I came here, I feel much more free.

I have never agreed with censorship in any capacity.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

The freedom this place provides and the ability to craft a quality argument (because niggerfaggots will shoot holes dutifully) is truly a rarity. It’s hard to believe I’m saying that as a douche that grew up on IRC boards spamming ‘Patrick Chewing’ at Emo fags distraught over Curt Cobain and then jumping into private conversations, helping to reverse engineer and reprogram FPGAs. This place is truly a gift and reminiscent of an era that I hope we can claw back one shitpost at a time.

Usernamenameuser ago

Thats why i think more people that come here will change than you assume. Its one thing to know what freedom is, or know that it exists, but it makes a much bigger impression and becomes a much higher priority in ones life after they've actually felt it. So they come here angry, with an opposing view, but they dont leave because of how it feels to be free. Then they take in more information over time and their views start to change, because they see all of the hard evidence. They let reddit go, and its control over their emotions gets weaker by the day, allowing them to believe the truths they've found with even more conviction. Through the change they develop the skill set to recognize and dismiss propaganda.

I agree with you whole heartedly, this place is a gift.

Even though they think theyre free, these radical progressives don't fight or advocate for freedom because theyve never felt it. They dont know what qe know. If they had felt freedom before they would respect it.

minx88 ago

We need more places to replace the kike run sites.Like an Instagram alternative that is Kike proof

minx88 ago

Need more places like this quickly

Shekel_Me_Timbers ago

Commenting for reference

scrimmmy ago

Great post man.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Thanks Elder

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

OP is a Slavic propagandist.

Vortonet ago

Wait, so what part of the holocaust?

Surely you are not saying WW2 was fake? What parts of our recorded history are faked?

Are you just disputing the amount of Jews dead, or all POWs? Or are you suggesting that there was no death camps? Did the allies build them to create the hoax (because the camps physically exist and you can go there)? What part exactly are you disagreeing with?

Where is the line of truth according to you? Germans certainly killed Jews in combat, and took prisoners...they definitely had anti-jew politics in Germany before WW2...where are you saying the lies began? Where is the line?

minx88 ago

The Jews did anti-German propaganda they wanted to boycott Jewish cause and the Jews are the invaders OK always have been every century every decade was there a leading they burn the place destroyed Henry the fourth Oliver Cromwell anytime the Jews were allowed in they destroy the place and they do Jewish ritual murder of little children like now with a andrenochrome and Planned Parenthood

All the mass murderers have been Jewish oh now they brought in their Muslims in Nager’s to do it for them but they still do because the Muslim you a Nager the demonic same thing

minx88 ago

also there are newspapers from the 1930s having the Jews talk about oh the 6 million before the war started and how they were playing victimhood and trying to help the poor Jews this victimhood tactic they still use today they’ve used every century in order to be able to invade forcefully but preferably sneaky they try to Blendon manipulate in order to get more

And each time they make of anarchy anarchy revolution to destroy the host like a parasite

minx88 ago

No Jews died in the camps there were some may be from typhus but none from guessing because cycle and be as a delousing agent why would they go to the trouble of giving them do you love seeing at a hospital if they were going to kill them also there was no the chimney not attached the door opening from the inside wooden door with a keyhole guess what escape if it were that’s not logic

Derpfroot ago

There a lot to unpack with you questions (glad you're asking). What's in major dispute, even between Jewish scholars, is the numbers of dead jews and how they died. The following video goes over what was "confessed" at the Nuremberg Trials. All of the information you think has been true, came from a tortured German soldiers (something like 66 out of the 70 people that confessed had crushed testicles). The main reason that most jews died was from Typhus (hence all the shaved heads) and from the allies bombing supply lines (so even a lot of Germans weren't getting supplies).

minx88 ago

Genius research man really especially using the word deprogramming perfect that’s what our people need because every century but especially from the boomers in the generation X and now the millennials will need to be programmed from the Jewish professor brainwashing

Crabsteak ago

So what you're saying is they did go to camps, but they didn't get gassed?

minx88 ago

No No gas was used it was delousing agent it should’ve been used then we wouldn’t have the problem that we have now

minx88 ago

Exactly the cabs were just work camps there were no gas chambers they were to delouse them why do you lost them and give them a hospital if you had intended to kill them that’s not logic there is nobody found or ash there is no secure door all the doors open on the inside were wooden or had a keyhole and the chimney was not even attached

Derpfroot ago

Yes. Jews were major shit-stirrers in Germany and couldn't be trusted. They had tried to start a cival war some years prior. They all had a chance to leave with their possessions (Haavara Agreement), but didnt. Hitler only wanted a country free of people that were proven to be nation-wreckers.

Crabsteak ago

But didnt that give them all the more reason to gas them tho

Derpfroot ago

It absolutely did, and I personally wish they had actually done it.   Jews have been parasites on every nation they've inhabited; this is why they've been kick out of over 109 countries and over 1,000 areas (   Also, did you know that the word "holocaust" wasn't even in the encyclopedia until the '80's?

Just conjecture, but I think this is due to whites have a greater empathy than other races, even if it's during a war.  I won't mention who, just in case the don't want it known, but someone here has a great uncle that was captured by NatSoc's during the war. Even though we were an enemy, he was well treated until his release and never once mentioned mistreatment of anyone during his imprisonment there.

Crabsteak ago

Still though. I am from the Netherlands and my grandparents lived through the war. They too told me the majority of jews disappeared. We had camps in my country too, but those weren't extermination camps, that was done in countries like Poland. In these camps people still had to do slave labour and were basically starved however.

Maersk ago

whoa. .You are special. Thankyou!!

wideboy64 ago

Guess I'm a Reddit Nigger then.

Oh yeah I can finally now say nigger without the bloody UK police coming after me. That's nice

Killnigs3 ago

Youll be less of a nigger if you reqd and watch everything in this thread

CheeBooga ago

You guys are kickin' ass! Makes me proud to call you fellow Goats.

talkingliquor ago

Thank you for your hard work Mr. @ifuckdolphinseveryday I will never forget you.

bourbon90 ago

I'm laughing right now, fucking redditards went from being in a safe space to being thrown to the nazi wolves in the span of one afternoon.

Welcome to the jungle bitches.

Bill_Williamson ago

So much filth... can't wait for the day I get to post,

recon_johnny ago

Has to be the highest upvoated in recent memory.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I thought we were down to 200 users.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Hes not joking you faggots.

AR7777 ago

good shit

HatePrincipal ago

I’m pretty sure the jmposter jews jewposters are semite amalekites who tortured the talmud out of captives from judah, which is why there’s so many stupid fucking answers like the rabbis were retarded or lying their ass off and the idiots believed it.

And I think the Amalekites or some other preflood people also had a covenant with God, as he teaches moses a song to sing to israel of their future after their sons go whoring after the daughters of strange lands and are brought to worship strange gods to satisfy their women. it has a feel of this has happened before, especially as God told moses on sinai he would just wipe out the calf worshiping hebrews and start over by making a great nation out of moses since the one from abraham was hopeless. moses calms god down then goes doen the mountain and sees it for himself and he wants to kill them all breaks the tablets written in god’s own way of writing and aaron has to calm moses down so he only has 3000 hebrews killed. moses then goes back up the mountain and has a willy wonka kid returning the gobstopper moment but anyway the “i lose your sons to foreign daughters” form definitely echoes the sons of god taking wives of the daughters of men before the flood. this implies the flood was a result of a people with an old covenant with God stopped worshipping him or forgot him to foreign Gods, and so he flooded the Earth and started over.

HatePrincipal ago

the amalekites must then be survivors of the flood other than noah, or some post flood covenant people who turned against God but he cannot himself kill due to his flood oath. So then it would seem that the Hebrews/Greeks received a new super covenant through Moses to get rid of all the amalekites, who have been brainwashing us for centuries as if that is the worst thing possible to do violence to the synagogue of satan.

Maggotfeast ago


TheRealJPeterman ago

He's right, you know.

robofrog ago

I know this you faggot, anything else?

Landrictree ago

Gruesome Harvest by Ralph Franklin Keeling

Required reading.

Noshitsherlock ago

I'll be damned....

wonderfuldonut ago

Nearly all of recorded taught history is a lie, We have been hoodwinked for a very long time, Most of the history of both world wars is fabrication that has been touted as truth. The biggest lie that has ever been perpetrated upon us is the pure fiction of Diversity is our strength crap add in all the isms that have been forced upon us. Dishonest Academics that distort and already distorted world have fostered a litany of wrong speak and wrong think upon us all.

minx88 ago

Now you see that they are exposed so they get more scared because they’re desperate so what are they do they push the blacks and Muslims to violent riots they make up this fake fucking coronavirus to push a vaccine they threaten people to to do it with force and look at the Jewish professors how they’re talking about wanting white genocide because the Jews are fucking demon shit

wonderfuldonut ago

The vast majority of academia is corrupt, regardless of which religion they are, the muslims and gentiles are very complicit in this enterprise as they do not question anything but parrot repeatedly all the supposed facts of both world wars and most of history in general, because many of them are cowards or enjoy being seen as important "academics"

minx88 ago

you are right.

suckcoke ago

I'm sure they all feel silly for saying we were on the wrong side of history. You silly nigger kikes.

NiggadermCQ ago

Reddit needs to ban groups more often.

I keep forgetting to archive all this stuff.

Wynterwhisper ago

This needs a sticky

WANTunderagePUSSY ago

What makes me smile is when I put some mayo on my finger and shove it in the rectum of a child. Love french kissing little girls and feeling their tiny tongues on my cock as I blow a WAD in their little mouths! Then we get CANDY!! Jesus is LORD he is OUR LAMB!



I love fucking little girls. something about forcing an over sized penis in a tiny slit makes me hard. i feel little girls want it. around 9 they start shoving hot dogs and crayons in their honey holes so that tells me they want cock. using lube does help but god i love when it is in and blow a load all over their faces and tongues. god bless little girls.

@HulkJizz , @BigTrucker , @Gothamgirl and @SoOutraged love the KIDDIE porn you sent. Lot of little cherry slits and fartholes getting fucked and sucked @BigTrucker for an overweight fat fuck 59 year old you know how to pile drive a toddler. And @Gothamgirl you used your tongue in that infant's asshole amazingly !! OUR NEWEST MEMBER IS A FAGGOT THAT LOVES FUCKING LITTLE BABIES IN DIRTY DIAPERS, @Steven_feelsperg

Finally we have the punk bitch FAGGOT of the group that admitted taking both his Dad and Uncle's COCK on a regular basis since he was 2, @345345asdf !

elfmaster5 ago

looks like either a jew or nigger is mad and is raging so hard that in their attempt to impersonate one of us, they just look like a pedo. Leftism is a mental illness.

Usernamenameuser ago

No, this dude has several accounts and does this shit all the time. This is nothing new.

holaymackal ago

Slavery was a hoax too.

Fuck it.

minx88 ago

Yeah the only people that had the blacks as slaves or the Jews yeah they look white but they’re not white they’re Jewish.

the Nager’sNeed to get the reparations from the Jew

They can get also the reparations from the Muslims which they are the slaves of actually still today and on Internet

And since the holocaust is fake and they scammed millions in reparations whites need to get the reparation money back from the ass of jew

Now including all the money that the Muslim and you and Knigge are leeching off welfare from us

Literally-Oppressed ago

The irony of a black dude setting the precedent for slavery in America is honestly jaw dropping. Nobody wants to talk about how the blacks sold their own to Jews, a black guy started the trend of keeping permanent slaves and white people are now responsible for ALL of it. What will it fucking take to get through to these idiots??

he_found_wepon ago


cheatch ago

Ok, this is epic

onikage ago

These new wave threads get better every cycle.

slumbermachine ago

Yeah, more impressive every time it comes around in improved form.

Inkbottle ago

Keep up the good work man!

hellenic ago

Hey bud, maybe cool it with the anti-semetic remarks

minx88 ago

Fuck off cake that word anti-Semitic is a victim hood bullshit and hypocrite and it’s anti-gentile list and Everyone sick of your shit it’s a bullshit word and you better go back to hell on your own accord because your shit is exposed

recon_johnny ago

Dude, no-one mentioned pedophilia.

892012518HEROS ago

welcome to Voat Sieg Heil

RM-Goetbbels ago

You forgot to tell them that if you run over a mexican it's the same as getting your oil changed. It's just good maintenance.

minx88 ago

That’s nice that’s a good one

Obrez ago

Best thread I've seen this year.

Save everything folks, this is all wildly important, censorship is here and we need to save this knowledge because they aren't just banning us, they are banning our knowledge from the internet.

Save and share and arm yourselves; open warfare in this country could begin tonight.

mememeyou ago

hahahhahahha based.

kevo7777 ago

I love it when we weed out the good new recruits from the cucks seeking refuge. For all the bad Reddit is, the Voat initiation tradition makes it slightly less terrible.

minx88 ago

Synagogue of Satan are poisonous violent d dusgustijg pedo demons they expose themselves because evil has the seed of its own destruction!!

there’s one of these cakes on here that keep talking about attacking little babies in a physical way and they need to be take it off just like the Jewish judges need to be disbarred and disrobed they’re constantly trying to docs people and then harass them or threaten kids and they need to be sent back in their own Taste of their own medicine they need to be fired they need to be exposed and docs back the Jew needs to be to get back with they try to do and if they talk about little children like that they need to be sent back to hell in pain!!!!

antiliberalsociety ago

So warm and happy. Sometimes I have to go through metal detectors, and my watch sets it off if it's too close to my belt buckle. I Sig Heil in front of everyone and explain that my watch usually sets it off. They say "So you do the Hitler salute?" And I say, "It works! Try it"

3 people did and they continued to do it, albeit more cautiously.

Heil Hitler!

a_large_rat_03 ago

scary words!

metricisokay ago

I find it refreshing, it's good to know 6 million jews weren't murdered by Germans. Scary words involve things like the fact over 11 million German speaking people were murdered after the war. That's fuckn scary.

1Sorry_SOB ago

I think that covers it well. I have nothing to add.. Welcome!

Doglegwarrior ago

not a different species a different race kinda like dogs great dane and a tea cup poodle

minx88 ago

Except that Muslims Nager’s and Jews are not human because humans have remorse

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Nope, different species.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


The fixation index FST between Caucasians and Bantu Negriods is several level of magnitude greater than the FST between other different "species" of which no one argues. By genetic phylogeny alone the negriod is NOT the same species, in fact the negriod is by far the greatest outlier when comparing hominid DNA across the earth.

This means Divergent evolutionary processes, not convergent. Worse than its a literal bioweapon.

SexMachine ago

Oh my God, I love you and everyone else that helped compile this list.

untiloppressionends ago

List of places you won't find any evidence the holocaust happened where there should be copious amounts:

Winston Churchill's 6 volume history of WWII

The millions of German documents that were recovered during combat operations

The communications we intercepted and decoded using the enigma machine from the supposed "death camps" to their headquarters

The spy planes that took photos of the supposed "death camps" showing no genocidal activity

Burial sites

Furthermore, articles 19 and 21 of the charter of the international tribunal at Nuremberg literally say that they don't need evidence to make convictions

There is an extremely well done video called one third of the holocaust that YouTube apparently got around to taking down recently. Try to find it, very well put together.

minx88 ago

Church that was a big fat alcoholic Jew and there’s so much evidence to prove that the holocaust is a fake doors that open from the inside a chimney that’s not attached nobodies her ashes found just fake photos what else Zyklon B is a delousing agent why would they have a hospitsl and delous If they’re going to be killed anyway it’s not logic they also had a pool I football team and the theaterHitler was nice to give them work camps but you don’t like to work and I don’t like their money taken away from that’s why they get violent so the fact that they have to threaten somebody for Holocaust denial proves that they’re full of shit

RoundWheel ago

Jews claim millions of documents were rewritten to hide their crimes. Insanity.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Patton also never wrote it in his diaries, nor JFK.

untiloppressionends ago

Patton says we defeated the wrong enemy. Mysteriously dies. JFK basically says that Hitler was misrepresented and one of his greatest role models. He also says that there is a plot to enslave every man, woman, and child in the country and talks shit about secret societies. He gets assassinated a week later. Boy all these coincidences, good thing I know that criminal conspiracies aren't real so I can just dismiss it out of hand because it is a theory about a criminal conspiracy, which don't exist. The laws are just there for show and there definitely hasn't ever been a conviction. Stop being a "conspiracy theorist".

minx88 ago

The thing that the Jews use is anti-VAX or’s because they want to poison you like Poisonous kike gates.Oh and they will say it’s for your health and they will lie to you and they will persist in the lie and they will be combative or dismissive but they have every intention of poisoning and murdering little children with this vaccine

minx88 ago

So to say someone is an anti-VAX her so they can put a new that’s called gaslighting that’s what the Judas does

minx88 ago

Did you use this word conspiracy and that’s actually called gaslighting that’s a tactic that the Jews use

SigHiyel ago

Yea I mean we have totally evolved past the need for conspiracies as a human race never mind all the conspiracies royalty and powerfully people have been doing since the beginning of time....our rulers are so much better now. Oh and seeing my 5 year old conspire with another 5 year old against me not 5 feet away in no way means the powerful would do something like that in private.

Usernamenameuser ago

My favorite thing to hear people retort is "There not really that smart! You're giving them too much credit! People just aren't smart enough to come up with these crazy ideas!"

Underestimating your enemy is almost a guaranteed loss.

dassaer ago

Yeah, the whole Nuremberg affair was just pitiful.

As i remember it, from reading actual court transcripts and documents, all charges against all defendants were to be considered 'ipso facto' - or 'based in fact' and no corroborating evidence was required at all, the charges simply 'were'. (to-wit concerning the charges of ' operating a network of extermination camps' unbelievably or not the court only required/ heard one single eye-witness testimony pertaining to the validity of said charge) .

Perhaps even worse the defence by the terms of the court were specifically denied and refused to call their own defence witnesses or submit evidence to the contrary of charges faced, ie - proving their innocence. In fact, It's why Goring quickly termed the spectacle 'the victors court', and more so why the only actual defence left to any single defendant with the smallest possibility of maintaining truth from distorted lies was of the " ... i was only only following orders' type.

minx88 ago

The rat Kike that infiltrated the court systems are trying to do this now they need to be disbarred and disrobed and dragged out and burned

Derpfroot ago

Doglegwarrior ago

damn i didnt know about winston churchill not mentioning holahoax! thanks for a new rabbit hole

dassaer ago

Not only that, but also De Gaulle and Roosevelt or was it Stalin (???) ww2 memoirs make no mention what-so-ever of 'extermination camps and joo holocaust'. The idea that none of the big three deemed it necessary to included anything at all about the holohoax in their own books and memories of the time, really makes one think lol ...

minx88 ago

No because Winston Churchill was a big fat alcoholic Jew and he had his hand up de gaulled bottomAnd there’s a picture of FDR and Churchhill all chummy whether they are the cake or the bitch to the cake it’s the same intent two of the synagogue of Satan they are demon shit and they have always been and will be always intent on there a psychotic psycho pathic jealousy and genocidal violence against whites and that’s why the jew n nigger needs to burn In mass and individually

ALIENS2222 ago

Boom. Bless your heart anon.

SporadicX2 ago

Here's a playlist featuring anti-Jew original content videos.

minx88 ago


SporadicX2 ago


Neskuaxa ago

here's a big one for you to add to the list.

6 Corporations control 90% of media.

SexMachine ago

Aren't they all jew owned too?

olinneserpona ago

Run by Jews or Jew owned. This is babys first redpill. Once they have acknowledged the media is owned by 6 corporations it's time to ask them who these people are.

jj351 ago

More translated Hitler speeches please.

jj351 ago

So accurate I'm speechless. I'm in the wrong timeline. America was never supposed to enter the war. Why is it the response to Pearl Harbor was Normandy? Or did I get that wrong and someone needs to fill me in?

Phantom42 ago

The response to Pearl Harbor was America's declaration of war on Japan.

Thanks to (what I believe was called) the Tripartite Pact between Germany, Italy, and Japan, an attack on one was seen as an attack on all. Germany declared war on the US as soon as they got word the US declared on Japan.

Problem is, Roosevelt knew Pearl was going to happen and let it. He wanted power, that was a fucking EASY way to get it.

smoss ago

Thanks man, I had never seen the first one... really makes you think about what happened then and is happening right now.

Sidenote: I have a book left behind by my grandparents who left Germany after ww2 to South America. Its a book of Hitler, all just photographs of him in every day life with the people of Germany. I have never seen photographs like that of him online, the media is a scary evil monster...

OoklaTheMok111 ago

You should scan and post them. I would enjoy checking those out.

HappyGoLuckyGoy ago

Read it and weep faggots

anticlutch ago

Good thread?

WhiteVictimMentality ago

Shifty thread for worthless Nazis who think they are oppressed by people different from them existing.

Literally-Oppressed ago

Women aren't going to touch your smelly little weiner because you stand up for (insert popular type of person)

Ocelot ago


You mean by raping and murdering thousands of whites a year, surely? Kill yourself faggot.

headfire ago

13 days

Ashtraykenazi ago

Go hang out with your black and yiddish friends faggot

KikesOnTrikes ago

Really? You come here to make a point and that is all you have to say?

anticlutch ago

Go back to reddit nigger.

You aren't wanted here or literally anywhere on Earth.

WhiteVictimMentality ago

Suck my mestizo dick. Genitals like mine are the ultimate weapon against white supremacy. Demographics are destiny, and that destiny belongs to non whites.

Unchien ago

Lol your envy cant be more obvious.

Ocelot ago

Nasty mixling

HbMcNutt ago

Stupid faggot. Not even brown people want your nihilistic faggoty world. Niggers are the attack dogs of their jewish masters.

Lylox ago

*OP posts literally 100's of references to his argument.

Halfings response:

Muh dick

Usernamenameuser ago

10 bucks says that's a white guy behind that keyboard.

MrPim ago

Your desitny w/o whites is to die in a hovel in a shithole country. Just exactly as the white man found all of you. You'll be unable to maintain the simplest of machines and the idea of advancement is over. You only have the life and world you do because of the white man.

Enjoy your attempted suicide taconigger.

Crisco_McFlow ago

This is exactly what these low iq faggots won't realize until it's too late. Without white people you don't have modern societies. They've been sucking on the dick of white civilization while simultaneously working towards our downfall which will inevitably be their own. If the jews are successful every country will be a third world shithole.

MuricaPersonified ago

Seethe harder, faggot.

SexMachine ago

God thread.

crazy_eyes ago

Where the fuck is Amalek when you need him?

Dirtatron ago


crazy_eyes ago

an enemy of the Israelites

Dirtatron ago

I know about the nation, I thought you were talking about a user.

crazy_eyes ago

I was

Dirtatron ago

I can guess he was a sage of the JQ, so what happened to him?

crazy_eyes ago

yeah, he spammed voat with the truth about the jews for a couple of years. I am not sure what happened to him, He threatened suicide several times. I don't know if he followed through or just moved on

SearchVoatBot ago

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CowWithBeef ago

Do we really need him anymore? We are all Amalek's disciples.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah but he had that copypasta on his clipboard at all times. I don't!

OldTits ago

too bad...

olinneserpona ago

This one is my favourite by far, never fails to give me a chuckle.

Anyway, great post @ifuckdolphinseverday

dayofthehope ago

This is faked but it has some quotes from a real article in the NY Times:

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AlfonsHilter ago

What's the source?

SexMachine ago

I think this one is fake. The holocoaster is 100% real though.

olinneserpona ago

Damnit. The Tom and Jerry skit makes it hilarious.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Yes its one that i think is fake , will strike through until proof provided to remove from list. Thought i had that one gone from this pasta.

Usernamenameuser ago

Still hilarious, and its not really that absurd to think that its real.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I think of it as a meta meme about the situation of ludicrous stories of which they are very found of.

Usernamenameuser ago

Not only fond of, but very proud of as well. They wear 6 million as a badge of honor.

nathanrosegoldberg ago

It's a fake version of the bear and eagle story.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Ah yes thats the ticket. Thanks for reminding me

ifuckdolphinseverday ago










San Antonio

St. Louis


Kansas City

LA Area

Little Rock


Miami Area


New York

Palo Alto

Tampa St. Petersburg








part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Examples of recent BLM violence:

Man stomped and stoned for trying to defend a bar from being looted

Destroying store and beating unarmed woman and her husband

Beating and stomping guy on the ground Santa Monica

Restaurant manager beaten and stomped for trying to defend his workplace

Stopping, beating and stomping a truck driver while protesters yell to kill him

Protesters attack a media member and then pummel him

Chasing guy and kicking him in the face for defending flag in Portland

Police officer beaten on the streets

Car runs over a cop

Protesters set homeless man’s belongings on fire

Throwing fireworks at the cops

Looting a FedEx truck then looter gets dragged when truck tries to escape

Chasing and beating guy with red had

Rioter sets himself on fire while trying to set a building on fire

Fireworks thrown into CNN hq / Police officers

Protester runs over the cops with an SUV

Destroying/looting/setting on fire Old Navy

Guardhouse in front of WH set on fire

Dozens of cars destroyed/torched near CNN hq – Atlanta

St Louis neighborhood on fire

Building on fire while self-proclaimed Mexicans say fuck white people

Destroying police SUV

Near a torched car audio speakers propaganda that all crime is legal

Destroying/looting bank in Montreal

Pharmacy destroyed/looted in Dallas

The remains of whole neighborhood destroyed

Destroying stores – Dallas

Destroying police SUV – Austin

Police SUV torched LA

Looting target/beating disabled person in Minneapolis

Future apartment building destroyed with fire in Minneapolis

Looting pharmacy – Minneapolis

Destroying business in Minneapolis

More businesses on fire in Minneapolis

Ransacked Target Minneapolis

Building burning in neighborhood Minneapolis

Boy drove car into a store

Post office looted/destroyed

Minneapolis third police precinct set on fire

More buildings on fire Minneapolis

Autoparts Store getting destroyed/looted

Autozone on fire

Looting in Minneapolis

Adults loot with their children

Cars torched – Minneapolis

Looting an ATM in Minneapolis

Remains of destroyed/looted Cub Foods

Business and stores on fire in Minneapolis

Brenda Lenton’s home and belongings destroyed by a fire – Minneapolis

Aftermath of whole neighborhood being set on fire in Minneapolis

Nashville city hall set on fire while rioters cheer

Fox reporters chased out with projectiles thrown at them near White House

Attacking drivers Tulsa, Okla

Setting St. John’s Church on fire

Destroying/looting stores Montreal

Destroying/looting store in Downtown Oakland

Bar destroyed/Trying to loot a safe

Stolen Bulldozer in Oakland

Two police SUVs torched in Seattle

Multiple cars torched in Philadelphia

Ohio Statehouse being destroyed

Trying to breach Justice Center/central police precinct Portland

Destroying/Looting Justice Center Portland

Looting small business in Portland

Destroying/looting small business Portland

Looting Louis Vuitton store

Driving stolen cars into stores – Portland

Destroying Chase Bank – Portland

Setting Chase Bank on fire – Portland

Destroying/Looting Apple Store – Portland

Looting in St. Paul

Looting Shoe Store

Looting apple store

Looting North Face store – NYC

Nike Store being looted – NYC

Looting in Union Square – NYC

Looting T-mobile store

Shop owner saves store from looters with a firearm

Business owner defends his store from looters with a firearm

BjornIronside ago


RileyEffinCooper ago

Great work...may God bless you sir

AR47 ago

Goddamn you been waiting to post this for a while

Chuck_Brown ago

Phenominal work, lad. Keep it up!

Moln0014 ago

I live near niggerapolis minnesota. No joke. Jungle monkeys everywhere.

Walooington8 ago


Are we fucked?

I’m constantly anxious or terrified of being taken over or having our way of life taken from us

I can’t predict the future and I want to help stop all this

I want to leave in peace

When I see the white population numbers drastically go down and see the whole world around me fall for all the propaganda, I feel like we are lost, as much as

Usernamenameuser ago

It'll be ok fren. Good always triumphs over evil.

Start trying to buy a little extra food every grocery store trip and create a stockpile. If money is too tight to do that, sit down and evaluate your priorities.

Very important. Dont go screaming this information from the mountain tops. People aren't ready to hear it, but they're getting a little closer everyday. Don't put yourself in danger. You might not even want to show your own wife yet.

Mind your own business and do whats best to provide for your family and you'll be fine. Never incite violence or think of becoming violent, its never the answer. I dont even own a gun! Well, I used to, but I was out on my friends boat and we hit some nasty wake and over it went! That was years ago and I've never even bothered to replace it.

Dont buy into the total fear porn and worry your ass off, people have a tendency to be over-dramatic. Im even being a bit to dramatic with this reply im writing. Just be aware and watch your back, but don't worry about it to the point that its fucking your life up. In time you'll find it refreshing to be able to view the truths in the world.

Tldr; No violence, don't do anything fucking stupid, watch your back, and be careful who you share information with.

Walooington8 ago

Thanks buddy

BuffaloSoldier ago

Documentaries that show the real history of WWII:

The Greatest Story Never Told:

Europa The Last Battle:

A Last Appeal To Reason:

Hellstorm - The genocide of Germany

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

All the good dresden videos are gone, i had a backup.... somewhere around

The one i want is Dresden "a burnt offering". Lower male voice narration.

Pings for a reason, or i would have "/" d

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Damn. Good stuff. Dolphins are rapists I’ve heard.

Khash36 ago

Holy shit thanks for all these videos man good work. I’m bookmarking this thread. I wish these weak little animals would attack me I would destroy 10 niggers. I’m pissed dude fucking tired of coons. Thanks jews

Matador_Pants ago

Easy there tiger...

Khash36 ago

Niggers won’t attack me because they only prey on weak targets & I avoid being in groid infested areas. They fight & sound like monkeys, group tactics

glassuser ago


FightingTheDarkArts ago

Master class. No other poster even comes close.

HeyJeorge ago

Jokes on you, that isn't from one poster.

Native ago

Yeah it’s Amalek.

The autist never dies

HateCumbuckets ago

Fucking lol

Native ago

I'm only on this site in hopes that HPOP comes back, then i'm out. kek

HeyJeorge ago

Oh? You object to the content? Tell me more, rabbi?

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

great post, I clicked on this one at random and it's a white girl beating a black guys ass after he attacked her lol

minx88 ago

do you see the other Nager that ran after her after she got away that’s what the fucking Nager‘s do and you and the Muslim they always walk around in groups to attack you and they prey on the week and innocent like old people and women or alone or white men alone because they are brown because they are shit they’re violent because they are daemonic shit so white people are in groups now and maybe they have their friends waiting in the wings somewhere because these Knigge sub humans travel in packs and hit you from behind well they’re going to get hit as well did you Muslim Nager are invaders the Jews come for the Middle East they are invaders Jews use the fact that they look white but they’re not they’re Jewish

minx88 ago

The fact that the Nigger Harass and attack or eventhreatened and chase a woman proves that they are daemonic shit

minx88 ago

Oh that is fantastic and I bet you 100% that that Knigge loved it they actually think that they’re there craving for it and begging for it but they’re not gonna stop raping and murdering little children that’s the problem with these sub human fucking Nager’s they don’t what they’re looking for is to be humiliated and sent back to hell but people never forget that they will never stop their murderers because they are demon fecal matter you cannot relate with them you cannot have an intelligent conversation with them you cannot debate with them you cannot show the mercy because they will never show you white people of mercy they are psychotically jealous of white people because they are the synagogue of Satan and Satan‘s excrement and they hate beautyBecause they’re so fucking ugly and they know it

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

high IQ post

great_white_saxon ago

This is why you enroll your sons and daughters in a jiu-jitsu class.

minx88 ago

Always carry some form of self-defense thing with you doesn’t matter what it is I learn how to use that thing

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

yeah she has some moves, uses his momentum to take him down, then does some knees to the head. Not bad.

Grask1901 ago

She went for a single leg take down, it didn't work but she just turned it into a tilt, and scooped him down. Since niggers don't know how to fight, he posted on his hands and knees like a retard giving her the perfect platform to stabilize herself why she loaded up that knee.

Then she did good by getting the fuck out of there.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

yeah I'd recommend a woman run if being attacked by an ape. But it looks like he was trying to steal her bag. So she prevented that and incapacitated him and then left before the ape mob could grab her.

FridayJones ago

I remember that video, with sound it's even better, at the very end you can hear some adult woman saying "Stop that girl!" Clown world.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

I wonder if he lost some street cred after that

Doglegwarrior ago

dude this post is insane. the amount of black on white violence is off the charts. imagine any of the more brutal ones being white on black it would be national news for weeks.

Usernamenameuser ago

White people are literally vilified by the msm for simply protecting their own property when a hoard breaks through the gate chanting "this is ours now." White people are falsely accused of crimes against humanity by the msm on a daily basis. They dont even need those kinds of videos to make us look bad. In reality we just want to be left alone and to improve and innovate for the good of everyone.

If any videos of this type of extreme violence by whites perpetrated on blacks do happen to come out, the msm will be using it as an excuse to put us in camps and build gas chambers.

To the new fags, it is way worse than u/doglegwarrior 's comment implies. It is in your best interest to at least take a look at some of this information here whether you agree with how its presented or not.

If you are migrating to voat from the mass reddit ban, and you're white, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU REALIZE THAT THINGS ARE MUCH WORSE FOR YOU THAN YOUVE BEEN TAUGHT TO BELIEVE.

It is dangerous times for white people who've done absolutely nothing wrong, especially if you're a male.