Type random shit in google Somali translate - Poo-Poos Nig Nigs Ooga Booqashada alaha uga bu buga uuka, nigga nici nig, ha ah loo dhaqaalaha ga dooga mooga rooga, koowaad kin ta ee aasaasiga nigger (imgur.com)
submitted 4.5 years ago by 3899390?
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24507744? 4.5 years ago
Tell me the story of Amalek's hairy ass ... I hear Voat tried to destroy him but his 'spirit' rose again .... i guess in a way Amalek died for Voat's sins? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3899507/24505112
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24507744? ago
Tell me the story of Amalek's hairy ass ... I hear Voat tried to destroy him but his 'spirit' rose again .... i guess in a way Amalek died for Voat's sins? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3899507/24505112