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reddigee ago

I asked on a Reddit Community Post (the one they posted at the beginning of June, where they talk about how not-racist they are because they fired a white person to make room for a token black person) if the new anti-racist rules they were talking about would include stopping subreddits such as BlackPeopleTwitter from being obviously bigoted against whitey.

Within the span of about two weeks, I was banned from all of my most visited subreddits, none of which had anything to do about politics. I was given no warnings and had no strikes against me for the years I had been posting there. Just straight to permab&.

So to answer your question, it makes me angery >:(

Usernamenameuser ago

Don't worry about it. Theres like 15 people posting and 6 million bots on reddit.

Now the real question:

Why would a group need to use censorship and indoctrination of ideals through an echo chamber to teach you that 1. White people are bad, and 2. All black people are good? If these two ideals were naturally occurring in the world, wouldnt peoples daily experiences lead them to these conclusions organically? So then why is there a need for these tactics?

Here is a great thread for the influx of noobs if you haven't seen it yet.

Now go fuck off and kill yourself faggot.