TheWrong_Gecko ago

Is that gallowboob bitch out yet?! I’ve been dying for a chance to blast that dirtbag.

11hrr ago

well said!!

reddigee ago

I asked on a Reddit Community Post (the one they posted at the beginning of June, where they talk about how not-racist they are because they fired a white person to make room for a token black person) if the new anti-racist rules they were talking about would include stopping subreddits such as BlackPeopleTwitter from being obviously bigoted against whitey.

Within the span of about two weeks, I was banned from all of my most visited subreddits, none of which had anything to do about politics. I was given no warnings and had no strikes against me for the years I had been posting there. Just straight to permab&.

So to answer your question, it makes me angery >:(

Usernamenameuser ago

Don't worry about it. Theres like 15 people posting and 6 million bots on reddit.

Now the real question:

Why would a group need to use censorship and indoctrination of ideals through an echo chamber to teach you that 1. White people are bad, and 2. All black people are good? If these two ideals were naturally occurring in the world, wouldnt peoples daily experiences lead them to these conclusions organically? So then why is there a need for these tactics?

Here is a great thread for the influx of noobs if you haven't seen it yet.

Now go fuck off and kill yourself faggot.

dan_k ago

I got banned years ago. It's was over my own stupid mouth I guess, but some people just need to be told off once and a while. So glad I never looked back, I enjoy being about to say what I want.

Once you get the right (shady and annoying) subs blocked here it's a very freeing place.

ComradeUseless ago

test test. btw welcome.

DickVanPoppins ago

Yep...just made this account. Fuck Reddit. Deleting my account and the app from my phone. Is there a Voat app?

PhimoticEmbrace ago

There is an app. Called boats for voat. Has a boat symbol.

dan_k ago

Yeah I agree with phantom42, apple nor android would never let this app in their stores. Those faggots.

I just bookmarked the /all page and use it from the phone browser, works great for me.

kishind ago

F-droid, the largest Android open source repository, would allow it. They already have an 8ch app as well as an arch-chan app. Failing that, there's always the downloadable .apk option. Open source types are anti-authoritarians spread across the left-right spectrum. Support them when you can.

Phantom42 ago

Lol, nope. No app buddy. The shit we say on here would have our app giganuked by Google before even a single person downloaded it.

Good name by the way.

PhimoticEmbrace ago

Boats is still running.

AntiConsoomerRefugee ago

Came here to see if ConsumeProduct gets at least somewhat resurrected, or perhaps to find a Discord link.

kishind ago

In the interest of honesty...

But that's just preparing you for our ideas via making you laugh. It's time to get serious.

dan_k ago

Hmm, I was gonna suggest making it since it don't exist here, but It looks like a function to create a sub is removed or I just can't find it now.

Maybe ask in the askvoat sub.

Usernamenameuser ago

I read somewhere that the create sub function was removed on purpose after the news of the censorship collusion came out, to prepare for the influx of new users creating subs and abandoning them.

I read this in a comment and I have no source so take it as you will.

Usernamenameuser ago

You dont need niche subs like that to get away from the cuckold soyboy materialistic as long as I can play my switch mindset of reddit. The idea behind consumeproduct is merely a symptom of a far greater problem, and thats the conversation you'll find here,.on almost every sub.

Hint: it's the jews

Phantom42 ago

I'd argue ConsumeProduct was downstream from us.

MuricaPersonified ago

Most of us here are every bit as anti-consumer as that sub was. We just focus less on the retarded nature of consumers than we do the ones who control it from the top.

Interruptedagain ago

Some of them are getting used to it. They've been put out on their asses 109 times!

dan_k ago

Do I hear one ten, one ten to the ten? One hundred and ten?

Vc83 ago

welcome faggots

ALIENS2222 ago here are the redpill links.

CoffeeOverIce ago

That's a lot of links

ALIENS2222 ago

I work out.

dan_k ago

Damn good link goat.

PizzaphilePodesta ago

open up and take your J pill, nigger faggots

dan_k ago

It's a bitter pill, but you'll be glad you did.

Tat_Tvam_Asi ago

Come on voat... it takes what it takes and what it takes for each person is not the same. One size does not fit all. I get the tradition of calling each new person a kike glow nigger faggot but telling them to fuck off and go away serves no one. I'd rather they come here and learn just how messed up things are so they can join out ranks for the right reasons. Unless you are actively trying to kill voat... in which case you can fuck off.

SearchVoatBot ago

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uvulectomy ago

If someone is such a whiny little cuck that being told to fuck-off by someone on the internet affects them and turns them away....they wouldn't have acclimated here anyway.

In order to make it here, they have to be the type that says "no, fuck YOU" in reply.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

I do not agree with you. Being bombarded with concepts that conflict with the ones that were pushed since birth on the first day, called nigger faggot by many people and told to fuck off we are full by even more people can be a bit much for some to take.

A man can speak the truth and be right but if he is a cunt when he speaks it he is a right cunt.

If I believed it could do no harm I would not have said a word.

Usernamenameuser ago

Nah its fine for the first day. Whats unenjoyable is when you've been here a couple months and someone tells you to fuck off and leave and treats you like you've never been here. Thats what really lets you know their an asshole. If someone makes it through a couple days of hazing its more than obvious that theyre somewhat like minded as you, in the very least they have the same belief in free speech.

And I think that's all the hazing really is doing. Its a vetting process to see if a new user is too sensitive for this site, and it lets you knownhow they feel about free speech.

TwoNiggersandaHonky ago

The beautiful thing about being told to fuck off is that you actually don't have to do it, if someone's so cucked that they take it to heart then it's no big loss.

dan_k ago

I do agree, but we can still call them kikeniggerfaggots though right?

Tat_Tvam_Asi ago

Yes. :-)

OldTits ago

Left that shit hole years ago. Kikes and Chinks run that show.

dan_k ago

Smart man. Thanks for letting these new guys know the truth.

Jagon ago

What useless subreddits were banned this time?

dan_k ago

Good question, maybe someone will fill us in.

oneinchterror ago

Too many to list. Apparently ~2200 subs at last count. The most popular/active ones included: the_donald, chapotraphouse, consumeproduct, gendercritical, debatealtright, smuggies, hatecrimehoaxes, shitneoconssay, thenewright, nationalism, rightwingcomics, and darkjokecentral

dan_k ago

Damn 2200 subs? What do they got left bots, kikes, niggers and trannies. I guess the reeesters will feel welcomed back now.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Twitch banned the president for no reason and just like that election meddling 2020 and war on right wingers 2020. Regulation is coming to social media now that they screwed with the leader of the free world.

Usernamenameuser ago

Trump isn't going to do shit about it. It was probably his own fucking idea. Theyre all in a room together laughing at you.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Kushner has his balls in a vice.

dan_k ago

I doubt it, Trump is a pussy, and a puppet for the kikes. He will do absolutely what he's told to do.

It's not like this shit hasn't been happening for 4 years already. jews own this world now.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

why would he have a twitch account in the first place, stop being a faggot and get to work, do executive orders and order strikes on israel

Phantom42 ago

Baron was playing HOI4 as Germany and won.

Twitch didn't like that one bit, so they banned POTUSTwitch.

kishind ago

I honestly don't know if you're joking right now, and it reminds me of how weird the world has become.

Phantom42 ago

I'm joking.

Zion Don would never let Baron play evil goyim games.

dan_k ago

Hell yes. I like this guy.

MrPank ago

fuck you all niggers. the Jews did it all. Fuck off back to reddit now.

SearchVoatBot ago

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dan_k ago

He's right guy, the jews did do it all. WW2 is a total lie, jfk, USS Liberty, 9/11, Q just to name a few.

All you have to do is just open your eyes and it's blatantly obvious.

oneinchterror ago

Ramming the JQ down someone's throat is about the dumbest thing you can do if you actually want someone to come around to the truth. Really wish 90% of Voaters weren't edgy abrasive retards. We might actually be able to build something here.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Dumbfuck, kikey kikerman. Found him

kishind ago

We are, fag. Just because you don't approve of the methods, you think you're better? Go help create something you appreciate, you retarded nigger.


Get fucked schlomo

uvulectomy ago

"Ramming the JQ down someone's throat is about the dumbest thing you can do"

At this point, there's no time for them to come around like we did. We've been at the bar for hours, so they need the strongest drink available in order to catch up.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Being abrasive and hazing is how we keep this place good. If everyone is a nicefag it'll just turn into a hugbox like every other site.

Voat_Has_Fallen ago

What if the immediate goal is to drive away the losers and irredeemable.

MrPank ago

Shut up retard.

Vc83 ago

wrong, many of us knew that jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams and buildings hit by planes don't collapse in seconds onto their own footprint.

dan_k ago

We got no time for subtlety. It's plain to see they have stepped up their game. Get the lead out or die.

IsaacJan ago

Shut up retard.

oneinchterror ago

You'd rather spam edgy no-no words online than actually work towards cultivating a community capable of pushing back against the people who want us dead, and I'm the retard? This is exactly what I was talking about.

IsaacJan ago

What exactly stops me from doing both? Can I not work and grow and call you a retard? You’re the one hissing and crying on so many threads going “you’re all weak and stupid and useless” like you think it will do anything.

Begone. You are impotent.

MrPank ago

Shut up nigger retard.

lanre ago

For once I have to upvote this dickhead.

Phantom42 ago


IsaacJan ago

Why am I a dickhead, because I don’t give a fuck?

MrPank ago

KEK My Goat of the Month.

spaceman84 ago

Shut up faggot

MrPank ago

Fuck you nigger

HbMcNutt ago

This is my favorite part. Cause now i can call you a kike and the cycle continues

Infinite_Walrus ago

I'm one of the newfags. How're the sports subs here?

PsychicRussiaSpy ago


Usernamenameuser ago

Don't be a faggot. Do you fuck your wife or do you watch a nigger do it? You should feel the same way about sports. Wearing another man's name on the back of your shirt makes you his bitch.

Throw your TV out if you want to be happy.

kishind ago

I'm stealing this. Here, have one of mine:

When you root for "your team" you aren't rooting for players, camaraderies, or even coaches.

You're cheering for laundry. You're loyal to a fucking costume with a brand on it.

Phantom42 ago

We don't really mess with the whole sports stuff. Sports themselves are fine, but it's the fact it's turned into what some of our fine folk have termed "Niggerball". Which, really, it is. Look at what they do and how they promote it.

Usernamenameuser ago

Sports are great. The TV show "professional sports" is a tool to distract people from achieving greatness.

forgotmypassword-sad ago

You mean niggerball

uvulectomy ago

Fuck your kike-loving niggerball sports. If you still watch any of that shit, you're part of the problem.

Get rid of the electric jew in your living room, and stop worrying about a bunch of overpaid monkeys playing with a ball.

DankSniper ago

Lol as you've seen you're better off not even bringing up sports in a positive light around here at all. In the few years I've been here every single time all I get is a cascade of fat retarded fucks chanting niggerball.

Voat_Has_Fallen ago

Nothing wrong with playing sports, or watching friends and family play. Anyone who watches corporate sports and nigger ball, particularly on television, doesn't quality as human.

lanre ago

Sports ball is for niggers and fat fucks that can't get their dick up anymore.

Wolfspider ago

There's some gun subs if that's what you mean.

oneinchterror ago

Pretty dead. Not many who learn the truth of our world end up continuing to watch sports.

ZeframCochrane- ago


Go get your kikeball fix somewhere else, nigger.

dan_k ago

I'm sorry, but I don't really follow sports, to many niggers. They way the act makes me want to vomit.

olinneserpona ago

The only sports worth your time is lifting weights and shooting your gun, and I don't mean watching others do it.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Most people here don't like any professional sports, because they recognize it for the subversion it is:

Getting you to root for "your" team in a meaningless competition that achieves nothing. This satisfies your innate need to identify with a group that you want to see succeed against outside groups. Normally this would be your family, your tribe, your nation, and your race. Now instead it's a bunch of felons playing niggerball.

OldCoot9292 ago


invisiblephrend ago

hockey is still pretty based though. my team recently uploaded a fag pride video and fans downvoted it to hell where it belongs.

Voat_Has_Fallen ago

You watch faggots.

greydragon ago

That's the point. Your "based" hockey team bent the knee to faggots. The fans responded this time, but the team will just put up another faggot video again until the fans tire and slowly accept it.

JJNova ago

You're a couple years late for good sports talk. Though if you start it up, you might be able to get some people out of the woodwork. Voat got an influx of users (banned from Reddit) that subscribe to the Stoic philisophy that you must always be working. Even your entertainment has to be work. Those people sort of downvote anything instead of letting things be.

SuperToes845 ago

You're still here? I thought you fucked off after you were caught pretending to be different users defending you in that anon post years ago lol.

JJNova ago

I think you might be confusing me with someone else.

SuperToes845 ago

Oh shit, you're right. I was confusing you with JJEvil. Apologies.

JJNova ago

No problem. I was just wanting your comment to be made to the right person so they would see it :)

lanre ago

Sports are great for learning teamwork, staying in shape, preparing for combat, etc. I just draw the line at slobbering all over some millionaire nigger playing for a Jewish controlled propaganda machine.

Usernamenameuser ago

All while profiting off of you while telling the world what a piece of shit you are.

Phantom42 ago

Yup... Hell, really I'm fine with "big league" sports too, but it shouldn't be fucking subversive bullshit. I mean... Hell, I remember playing baseball in little league and I looked up to players like Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, etc.

Sports themselves are okay, it's just that our society poisoned them, not them poisoning us.

Thrangulor ago

Exactly! It is one thing to enroll your kids in sports or have them play in highschool to learn teamwork or be physically active. Paying niggers to watch them sweat and grope each other for a few hours is gay as fuck and doesn't deserve to be broadcast (not that anyone here still watches tv anyways).

Roughpatch ago


crazy_eyes ago

nigger ball is for niggerfaggot cucks

prairie ago


dan_k ago

Imagine thinking Q is real and donald shrekelburg is gonna drain his own swamp.

ZeframCochrane- ago


crazy_eyes ago

Tell me, how is Q not real?

chrimony ago

Tell me, how is Q not real?

Reminder that in the original posts by Q, now over 2½ years ago, that Mueller was supposed to be a good-guy Marine that was going to turn the tables on the Hillary & Gang Democrats. In reality, Mueller hired a team of Democrats that prosecuted Trump allies and crawled up the ass of his personal lawyer.

Reminder that in the original posts by Q, Podesta and Huma were supposed to be indicted within the week. It's been over THREE FUCKING YEARS with Trump as President, and he's only just barely survived as President, he's hired Bush-era swamp creatures, forced out early MAGA supporters, tweets feebly about LAW & ODER while anarchists and leftist mobs rule the day.

crazy_eyes ago

Why would you put so much time and energy into something that you believe is a LARP?

Reinhart ago

Is there some kind of qtard training seminar you all go to, where you all learn the same stupid one-liners?

crazy_eyes ago

Reinhart ago

No thanks, I don't need a fake bible.

crazy_eyes ago


chrimony ago

Why would you put so much time and energy into something that you believe is a LARP?

Correction, I'm trying to help the Qtards that put time and energy into this LARP. Notice how I only talked about the original Qposts from November 2017? I never gave it any serious attention after it was obvious that it was bullshit. I pick up a few things by osmosis, like the laughable "Trust Sessions" meme, but I don't sit around trying to read tea leaves and make excuses like the Qtards.

crazy_eyes ago

trying to help? that's laughable. So who is general flynns digital army?

chrimony ago

trying to help? that's laughable.

Yes, using your own words, why put all the time and energy into a LARP? It achieves nothing -- even worse, it's a holding patterns for rubes that think there's a secret plan to save the day... at some point... in the near future (this time for realz).

So who is general flynns digital army?

I don't fucking know what you are referring to, and I don't fucking care. Didn't I just tell you that I don't sit around trying to read Qtard tea leaves? YOU are the one that has to explain why the original QAnon posts from November 2017 were spectacularly wrong and why nothing has happened except the opposite of what was predicted.

crazy_eyes ago

predictions by people who are interacting in q discussions really doesnt prove anything. In fact you admitted that you are trying to discredit and tell people its a lie whn you yourself admit that you you do not follow the drops close enough to know what general flynn, who is about to be fully exonerated means when he mentions his cicilian digital army and digital soldiers. How retarded is that. How much you get paid per message?

chrimony ago

predictions by people who are interacting in q discussions really doesnt prove anything.

No, I'm going by the original QAnon posts. You haven't explained why they were so wrong. You do what all Qtards do, make excuses and/or offer differing interpretations.

you yourself admit that you you do not follow the drops close enough to know what general flynn, who is about to be fully exonerated means when he mentions his cicilian digital army and digital soldiers. How retarded is that

Yes, why would I waste time on reading tea leaves, which is EXACTLY what you are doing here, when the original Q posts couldn't have been more wrong? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You rubes have been fooled for over 2 years now, and you're still going at it. How retarded is THAT?

How much you get paid per message?

I don't get paid to shine the light on Qtards, unlike the "truthers" that make money reading Qtard tea leaves.

crazy_eyes ago

I didnt do anything but ask a question which you have refused to answer. Instead all this nonsense

chrimony ago

I didnt do anything but ask a question which you have refused to answer.

You're a massive hypocrite. You never addressed the original QAnon posts versus what actually happened. Instead, you deflect to the latest Qtard tea leaves.

crazy_eyes ago

Who is General Flynn talking about here?

chrimony ago

I'm not playing your retarded tea leaves game. You were challenged with the original Q posts versus reality, and you had no answer. All you can do is deflect.

crazy_eyes ago

its not a tea leaves game, its a video of the general making a statement, and i just want to know who this digital army he refers to is. he is retired from the armed forces. So he has a digital army, he claims, who are they?

chrimony ago

its not a tea leaves game, its a video of the general making a statement, and i just want to know who this digital army he refers to is.

Answer the original failures of Q as I laid out versus reality, or shut the fuck up.

crazy_eyes ago

its a simple question, why do I have to ask it a thousand times? Just answer my question

chrimony ago

its a simple question, why do I have to ask it a thousand times? Just answer my question

Why are you such a massive fucking hypocrite? "You were challenged with the original Q posts versus reality, and you had no answer. All you can do is deflect."

crazy_eyes ago

You are the one deflecting. the original posts were a peek into the future, simple. Now who was General Flynn referring too? Civilian news? Digital soldiers? Who could that be?

chrimony ago

Why are you such a massive fucking hypocrite? "You were challenged with the original Q posts versus reality, and you had no answer. All you can do is deflect."

crazy_eyes ago

project much, did you hear General Flynn? He was talking about the Q followers, who else would he be talking about?

chrimony ago

who else would he be talking about?

Retarded Q logic, reading tea leaves. "digital army" can be anybody on social media. I don't even know what he said, in what context he said it, and I don't fucking care. You haven't ONCE addressed the original Q posts and their spectacular failure. All you can do is blab on and on about Flynn, who was fired, persecuted, and almost sent to jail. You have no answer for Mueller, for the failed indictments, for the Bush-era swamp creatures, for Trump's lawyers office getting raided -- none of it.

crazy_eyes ago

listen to what he said. you argue about things you have not even listened to. Its only 84 seconds

chrimony ago

How about you fuck off and answer the original Q posts failures and what's actually happened in the last 3 years, instead of trying to hang your hat on tea leaves?

crazy_eyes ago

what failures?

crazy_eyes ago

the mueller report was a big nothing. He played his role. The constitution does not allow for the president to squash the insurrection on american soil, that job falls to the sherriffs ans the governors, if they need help they can request it, but the president is not allowed to send the military in without being requested. So, what is your point?

chrimony ago

the mueller report was a big nothing

Oh, was it? Do you want to tell that to Trump's lawyer, who ended up in jail after having his office raided? Do you want to tell that to all the Trump allies that had their lives turned upside down, some of whom ended up in prison? Do you think it would be a "big nothing" if your political adversaries used the power of law enforcement to crawl up your ass with a flashlight and fine-toothed comb?

He played his role

No, the problem with this defense is that according to the original Q posts, he was supposed to be a good-guy marine that was going to flip the tables on Hillary & Gang. Except he did the exact opposite, hired a team of vindictive Dems and went after Trump allies. You can't Qtard your way out of that.

And as for that Flynn clip, I listened to it and it was exactly as I suggested. "Citizen journalists." "Social media." Nothing about the secret "Q" insiders that were going to save the day. Just people exposing fake news on social media.

crazy_eyes ago

the table flipping is coming, the stage is being set

chrimony ago

the table flipping is coming, the stage is being set

Lulz, ok Qtard. A rube till the end.

Voat_Has_Fallen ago

That's the demographic they targeted. There's been a lot of churn among people who have wits, as the bullshit rapidly overwhelms the hopium.

That said, remember that the Q account directed the puppets to voat, so they're likely to have a number of shills here to wrangle the tards.

dan_k ago

If Q was real would he not have done shit by now. People are literally getting murdered in hospitals and lynched by blm/antifa, but what do we have: Niggers and kikes melting the cites. A fucking FAKE pandemic, that miraculously doesn't affect anyone when they are rampaging thru the street, but if you go to a trump rally or to a church you're killing grandma. Governors forcing ill (not from fake ass corona) patients to be housed in old folks homes causing there demise. I don't watch the Q shit posting, what has he said about those two topics, can you tell me?

crazy_eyes ago

so you don't think anything has been done?

dan_k ago

Anything of substance? No. What would you say to sway me?

crazy_eyes ago

You claimed that Q is not real. It is obviously real. There is the 8kun where the posts take place. There is plus qrv and greatawakening right here on voat. Are you trying to imply all of that does not exist. How can that not be real?

Voat_Has_Fallen ago

The "Q" psyop is obviously real. Everything else about "Q" is fake.

Perhaps the one statement by the Q account is accurate: "You're watching a show". (They love throwing it in the Qtards faces, and the Qtards don't even get it.)

crazy_eyes ago

who is General Flynn talking about who is this digital army he refers?

Voat_Has_Fallen ago

The American people decided to take over the idea of information

No idea. That's the first time I've heard him speak, and I strongly vehemently disagree with his claim. The internet is the most powerful propaganda tool ever devised, and the American people are pushed and pulled in every direction by the propaganda and psychological operations that target them. The Q cult is just one example, of multitudes. The American people who consume social media are virtual puppets. Human bots.

oneinchterror ago

Low IQ boomers who believe in Q and post in their conspiracy echo chambers are obviously real, and there is some kind of person or group posing as "Q" and making cryptic posts, but the shit "Q" says is a fake and gay lie, and he definitely isn't who he says he is.

crazy_eyes ago

So what is General Flynn referring to when he talks about digital citizen soldiers?

knightwarrior41 ago

Imagine thinking Q is real and donald shrekelburg is gonna drain his own swamp.

hoping that the Q movement joins in them there.yeah i agreed they are deluded.they will find out sooner than later that they have been had and i want to see what kind of excuses they will come up with by then

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

direct opposite, it is best thing you can do

dan_k ago

As big as the Qtard army is, I hope they become unhinged and start slaughtering the faggot jews in the street.

undertheshills ago

I doubt any new people are coming this time. If you've only recently gotten away from reddit, I'd imagine youd be too scared to even come look at this place. Ill bet theyre taking theyre bans with pose and as a rational sign of wrong think, and will shut up and enjoy their horsemask memes.

modsrcuntz ago

There's probably a ton of lurkers

Mt_Wannahockaloogie ago

They're taking their bans, starting new accounts and reforming the fudge packing line. Only individuals who are aware of what's been going on are willing to stray. First time I strayed to voat from Reddit was 5 years ago and it felt weird. Now, I can't go onto Reddit unless I'm prepared to look at porn.

MurkSquatch ago

I came over when r/CringeAnarchy was banned and I instantly fell in love. Browsed every day since.

Clbull ago

That's a shame. I think Voat really needs a flood of normal people to drown out all the racism and white supremacy.

ViperCarbz ago

Do I up or down vote this?

uvulectomy ago

How was that three-month nap?

Thats_not_my_dog ago

Now that is A1 level trolling. Good work, goat.

TurdLord5000 ago

Lots and lots and lots of new accounts recently.

During previous influxes, the new users were easily identifiable because they would create new subverses and congregate there.

With subverse creation disabled, they'll be harder to spot. But check out a few names you don't recognize. I'm seeing a ton of 30-minute to 2-hour old accounts lately.

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Shotinthedark ago

There is a influx everytime reddit bans subs. Most don't stay long

squishysquid ago

probably, they're more or less down to the groups that aren't actually racist, so voat's kind of a turn off for them.

dan_k ago

Some people love to get tortured by a master. I hope those types stay far the fuck away from voat.

Angryelectrician ago

I hate to call a kettle black but this place screams about Jews controlling them 24/7. Not that it isn't true, but I don't see a lot of action behind most of Voat.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

So you would go out and do something useful and come back here and blab. Your a stupid niggerfaggot

Literally-Oppressed ago

None of us enjoy that, faggot

dan_k ago

What action do you suggest anon?

redwing14 ago

if you put the two triangles in the logo together you get ((VOAT)) cmon buddy, there's no getting away from ((them))

TheKnightOfGod ago

I was thinking about it recently. Two triangles put together form an Hexagram = the Star of Remphan/raiphan/rephan which is also Saturn or Moloch.

A lot of people here seem to love goats which is related to Baphomet.

"Raymond of Aguilers, a chronicler of the First Crusade, reports that the troubadours used the term Bafomet for the Islamic prophet Muhammad and called the mosques Bafumarias."

"In Magick (Book 4), Crowley asserted that Baphomet was a divine androgyne and "the hieroglyph of arcane perfection", seen as that which reflects: "What occurs above so reflects below, or As above so below".

Funny how we can find "As above, so below" in the Star of Remphan.

"Hexagrams, formed from the uniting of two triangles, is a common symbol of the unity of opposites. One triangle descends from above, bringing spirit to matter, while the other triangle stretches upward from below, matter elevating into the spiritual world."

It's also interesting to find the Star of Remphan with the letters "O" and "T" in the center.

itswhat3v3r ago

pretty shitty, just created my account. Fuck Reddit

cantaloupe6 ago

It's Orwellian, globalist make opposing camps to consolidate their power.

Usernamenameuser ago

Welcome to the real world. Get ready for the denial stage.

CrackerSlant ago

Fuck you faggot

SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago

Just know you are a niggerfaggot until you prove yourself not a niggerfaggot. Welcome niggerfaggot.

uvulectomy ago

So you stayed for years when they committed abuse after abuse, ban after ban, sucked the CCP cock, edited people's comments because they could, forced a communist agenda, cheered on doxxing people for wrongthink, etc., etc., etc.....

And you just now decided to come here?

Was the banning of your kike-run controlled opposition sub the hill you chose to die on? You couldn't stand that they banned your "OMG BASED NIGGERS 4 TRUMP" memes and your Q-sucking bullshit?

Fucking kill yourself, you soy-addled cuck.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Welcome aboard niggerfaggot, jews did 9/11 and the holohoax isn't real.

guitarman93 ago

Same, just made an account. Tons of good subs got banned, can't have any wrong think. Even TERF feminist r/gendercritical wasn't immune.

kishind ago

Welcome to the home of wrongthink.

All the little wrongthinks are just expanding the controlled territory of the ultimate taboo facts, that the Holocaust is a lie created to deflect all criticism of jewish behaviors, the satanic jewish pedocracy rules the world, and they are in the process of genocide against White people.

Legal protection for blacks, illegals, gays, and trannies, as well as masculine nature of feminism, were changes made with these goals in mind. Oh and abortion of course.

Corporate evil is not a sign of the evil nature of corporations. It's a sign of excessive jewish influence on executive decisions. Political evil is the same.

Evil is a byproduct of the kike the way stank and violence are byproducts of the nigger.

Don't take my word for it: relentlessly pursue the facts and you'll reach the same conclusion.

Phantom42 ago

Welcome to your new home ya fucking nigger.

Stick around and you'll be promoted to niggerfaggot.

concernedpikachu ago

Welcome newfag, We are all cunts to eachother and we hate kikes. Hope you enjoy your stay.

lanre ago

You have to go back faggot.

Special_Que ago

Welcome home nigger faggots!

OldTits ago

You have to go back Reddit Fag!

fuckthisshit12 ago

eat shit and die faggot

at least until you undo all that kike brainwashing you got from being a douche who uses reddit

welcome to reality

Jagon ago

The fact that you did this just now means you're not welcome here. Fuck off

oneinchterror ago

"We don't want more people to join our side"

Goats are some of the dumbest fuckers in existence.

kishind ago

We don't want to be diluted by delusional milquetoast greenhorns. Or to put it another way: don't welcome Californians in Texas. You're not going to wind up with more Texas-ness.

Jagon ago

Go back as well you retarded jew sucker

Tat_Tvam_Asi ago

Come on now.... everyone goes at their own pace. It took me a while to understand where FPH were coming from.

MarauderShields ago

Jews did 9/11.

knuteson ago

Watch out for the flat earth retards, though.

crazy_eyes ago

fuck off faggot, we're full. nigger faggot

Charilko ago

Be prepared to get called a faggot a lot. Just as the Internet gods intended.

obvious-throwaway- ago

I left 4 years ago when it became apparent that Eddit was nothing but Jewish propoganda and manipulation. I can't fathom how fucked up it got over these last 4 years, but that fact that you just now realized something was wrong tells me you are either stupid as fuck or some sort of sadist who wants to be have bigdaddy tell him what to think and how to feel.

alt_account_3 ago

a lot of the niche abuse subreddits actually explain how you can use CPS and the state to fuck over your family. These sub reddits are getting pretty bold about their intents, and its not pretty.

dan_k ago

I agree fuck reddit. Welcome to voat.

Aceishigh ago

Welcome nigger.

ZeframCochrane- ago

Welcome to your new home nigger.

We don't tolerate any sort of kikery here, so if that's what you're here for, you can get gassed, faggot.

SubspaceDistortion ago

What he said ^

GrinninGremlin ago

I love Voat...because of exactly these type of comments!

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

but we do suck off zionist trump like faggots here, that is ok.

BLMshill ago

yes even though I oppose hazing new members I think this should be the introduction for every new member

kishind ago

Pff, fuck outta here with that faggotry. We need to punch them hard enough to prove they can shrug off a beating.

Voat_Has_Fallen ago

We need to haze until only the 5% worth keeping are still here.

GrinninGremlin ago

LOL..Perfect...they will run like hell and tell all their soyboi friends that the Natzeees tried to rape their feewins.

HappyGoLuckyGoy ago

This is the correct response.