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dan_k ago

Imagine thinking Q is real and donald shrekelburg is gonna drain his own swamp.

crazy_eyes ago

Tell me, how is Q not real?

chrimony ago

Tell me, how is Q not real?

Reminder that in the original posts by Q, now over 2½ years ago, that Mueller was supposed to be a good-guy Marine that was going to turn the tables on the Hillary & Gang Democrats. In reality, Mueller hired a team of Democrats that prosecuted Trump allies and crawled up the ass of his personal lawyer.

Reminder that in the original posts by Q, Podesta and Huma were supposed to be indicted within the week. It's been over THREE FUCKING YEARS with Trump as President, and he's only just barely survived as President, he's hired Bush-era swamp creatures, forced out early MAGA supporters, tweets feebly about LAW & ODER while anarchists and leftist mobs rule the day.

crazy_eyes ago

Why would you put so much time and energy into something that you believe is a LARP?

Reinhart ago

Is there some kind of qtard training seminar you all go to, where you all learn the same stupid one-liners?

crazy_eyes ago

Reinhart ago

No thanks, I don't need a fake bible.

crazy_eyes ago


chrimony ago

Why would you put so much time and energy into something that you believe is a LARP?

Correction, I'm trying to help the Qtards that put time and energy into this LARP. Notice how I only talked about the original Qposts from November 2017? I never gave it any serious attention after it was obvious that it was bullshit. I pick up a few things by osmosis, like the laughable "Trust Sessions" meme, but I don't sit around trying to read tea leaves and make excuses like the Qtards.

crazy_eyes ago

trying to help? that's laughable. So who is general flynns digital army?

chrimony ago

trying to help? that's laughable.

Yes, using your own words, why put all the time and energy into a LARP? It achieves nothing -- even worse, it's a holding patterns for rubes that think there's a secret plan to save the day... at some point... in the near future (this time for realz).

So who is general flynns digital army?

I don't fucking know what you are referring to, and I don't fucking care. Didn't I just tell you that I don't sit around trying to read Qtard tea leaves? YOU are the one that has to explain why the original QAnon posts from November 2017 were spectacularly wrong and why nothing has happened except the opposite of what was predicted.

crazy_eyes ago

predictions by people who are interacting in q discussions really doesnt prove anything. In fact you admitted that you are trying to discredit and tell people its a lie whn you yourself admit that you you do not follow the drops close enough to know what general flynn, who is about to be fully exonerated means when he mentions his cicilian digital army and digital soldiers. How retarded is that. How much you get paid per message?

chrimony ago

predictions by people who are interacting in q discussions really doesnt prove anything.

No, I'm going by the original QAnon posts. You haven't explained why they were so wrong. You do what all Qtards do, make excuses and/or offer differing interpretations.

you yourself admit that you you do not follow the drops close enough to know what general flynn, who is about to be fully exonerated means when he mentions his cicilian digital army and digital soldiers. How retarded is that

Yes, why would I waste time on reading tea leaves, which is EXACTLY what you are doing here, when the original Q posts couldn't have been more wrong? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You rubes have been fooled for over 2 years now, and you're still going at it. How retarded is THAT?

How much you get paid per message?

I don't get paid to shine the light on Qtards, unlike the "truthers" that make money reading Qtard tea leaves.

crazy_eyes ago

I didnt do anything but ask a question which you have refused to answer. Instead all this nonsense

chrimony ago

I didnt do anything but ask a question which you have refused to answer.

You're a massive hypocrite. You never addressed the original QAnon posts versus what actually happened. Instead, you deflect to the latest Qtard tea leaves.

crazy_eyes ago

Who is General Flynn talking about here?

chrimony ago

I'm not playing your retarded tea leaves game. You were challenged with the original Q posts versus reality, and you had no answer. All you can do is deflect.

crazy_eyes ago

its not a tea leaves game, its a video of the general making a statement, and i just want to know who this digital army he refers to is. he is retired from the armed forces. So he has a digital army, he claims, who are they?

chrimony ago

its not a tea leaves game, its a video of the general making a statement, and i just want to know who this digital army he refers to is.

Answer the original failures of Q as I laid out versus reality, or shut the fuck up.

crazy_eyes ago

its a simple question, why do I have to ask it a thousand times? Just answer my question

chrimony ago

its a simple question, why do I have to ask it a thousand times? Just answer my question

Why are you such a massive fucking hypocrite? "You were challenged with the original Q posts versus reality, and you had no answer. All you can do is deflect."

crazy_eyes ago

You are the one deflecting. the original posts were a peek into the future, simple. Now who was General Flynn referring too? Civilian news? Digital soldiers? Who could that be?

chrimony ago

Why are you such a massive fucking hypocrite? "You were challenged with the original Q posts versus reality, and you had no answer. All you can do is deflect."

crazy_eyes ago

project much, did you hear General Flynn? He was talking about the Q followers, who else would he be talking about?

chrimony ago

who else would he be talking about?

Retarded Q logic, reading tea leaves. "digital army" can be anybody on social media. I don't even know what he said, in what context he said it, and I don't fucking care. You haven't ONCE addressed the original Q posts and their spectacular failure. All you can do is blab on and on about Flynn, who was fired, persecuted, and almost sent to jail. You have no answer for Mueller, for the failed indictments, for the Bush-era swamp creatures, for Trump's lawyers office getting raided -- none of it.

crazy_eyes ago

listen to what he said. you argue about things you have not even listened to. Its only 84 seconds

chrimony ago

How about you fuck off and answer the original Q posts failures and what's actually happened in the last 3 years, instead of trying to hang your hat on tea leaves?

crazy_eyes ago

what failures?

crazy_eyes ago

the mueller report was a big nothing. He played his role. The constitution does not allow for the president to squash the insurrection on american soil, that job falls to the sherriffs ans the governors, if they need help they can request it, but the president is not allowed to send the military in without being requested. So, what is your point?

chrimony ago

the mueller report was a big nothing

Oh, was it? Do you want to tell that to Trump's lawyer, who ended up in jail after having his office raided? Do you want to tell that to all the Trump allies that had their lives turned upside down, some of whom ended up in prison? Do you think it would be a "big nothing" if your political adversaries used the power of law enforcement to crawl up your ass with a flashlight and fine-toothed comb?

He played his role

No, the problem with this defense is that according to the original Q posts, he was supposed to be a good-guy marine that was going to flip the tables on Hillary & Gang. Except he did the exact opposite, hired a team of vindictive Dems and went after Trump allies. You can't Qtard your way out of that.

And as for that Flynn clip, I listened to it and it was exactly as I suggested. "Citizen journalists." "Social media." Nothing about the secret "Q" insiders that were going to save the day. Just people exposing fake news on social media.

crazy_eyes ago

the table flipping is coming, the stage is being set

chrimony ago

the table flipping is coming, the stage is being set

Lulz, ok Qtard. A rube till the end.

Voat_Has_Fallen ago

That's the demographic they targeted. There's been a lot of churn among people who have wits, as the bullshit rapidly overwhelms the hopium.

That said, remember that the Q account directed the puppets to voat, so they're likely to have a number of shills here to wrangle the tards.