Hey_Sunshine ago

Hey bruh, is this your kid? -> https://voat.co/v/introductions/3896893

TrialsAndTribulation ago

No, unfortunately. He seems like a good kid and is open to new ideas, and will likely be a good man. My sons are heavily invested in the religion of racism=blasphemy, regardless whether you speak of or or simply have opinions on racial reality (i.e., that different races are not equal or equivalent). When a person believes that bad thinking is a crime and it should be punished, there's no reasoning with them because it's a purely emotional issue with them. I hope all goes well with that OP and his family.

Kat-the-Cat ago


Hey_Sunshine ago

yea this kid actually likes his dad

Kat-the-Cat ago

Definitely. A little unnerved, but when one's worldview does a 180 - it'd floor anyone. Doesn't mention a huge argument or conniving with a sibling to kick the patriarch outta the family.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Very true. But to be honest, they haven't kicked me out of the family. All they've done is removed themselves from his parents. (My wife is guilty by association.) They're all adults, they have their own families, and they live in different states (they moved to where the work is), so that's their choice. We don't have any financial ties and I never expected them to help me in my old age, so it's more of a symbolic expression of condemnation and disrespect than anything else.

Kat-the-Cat ago

I do wish it had been one of your kids, though.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Honestly it sounds like the boys have an ideal picture of the world in their head where every negro is magical and they really dinndu muffin. The bbeg is an evil Nazi just like hollywood told him. Just like his teachers tell him.

Kid needs one of his buddies to red pill him.

I'd suggest The Truth Factory on yt talking cat is easy listening

SearchVoatBot ago

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AhmaudArbery ago

I wish my parents were leftist fags I would talk so much shit.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

If they are your son's, who fucked up?

Them, or you?

They weren't raised right.

If they were they would not turn on their own family over politics.

If you don't want to hear it, don't read the comments.

Fucking people...

lanre ago

Good job raising your kids to be free thinkers so they would resist the siren song of communism. Glad your kids worked out well and will now be a problem I have to solve. Thanks for the help. Don't ever blame yourself though for how your kids turned out. It's totally not your fault. Just start a pity party on the internet and a bunch of other failures will chime in and tell you what a good parent you were.

CritKhan ago

As shit as my country is, I count myself blessed to be raised in a family and society that universally reviles minorities, Jews, Muslims, LGBT degenerates and blacks.

superspathi ago

You can't force a person to take the red pill.

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Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

My son sacrificed himself to the jews and the niggers a long time ago. Haven't spoken to him in almost a year. He loves communism and serving the jews, but hates God, Country and Family.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

That's a shame. I raised my sons without religion, as I was raised, but I see that was a mistake. I thought I was doing the right thing because I wasn't a Christian and wanted them to be free to make their own decisions. I was a Christian in my teens (because my mother made us) and regularly went to services and studied the bible, but I left it in my early 20s. I returned to Christ a few years ago, which made my sons minds explode. They genuinely and literally think I've gone crazy.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Yep, was raised a Christian and tried to pass on those values. I was over ruled by every aspect of modern society. I hope and pray that he realizes the foolishness of the path he has chosen, but for now, he is sacrificed.

Voat_Monster ago

Having similar situation with my youngest son.

When he was little I had played some rap music around him and allowed him to listen to it with others.

Which lead to him loving biggie smalls that lead to having some fascination and obsession with Kanye West.

Allowing him to attend public school was the worst decision I've made.

Everyone needs to homeschool and do it now!

It's virtually simple and there's no excuses not to!

But public school beat the indoctrination and groomed them to love niggers and kikes.

My vocal beliefs have virtually destroyed our relationship.

He acknowledges the evil niggers do. Yet gives it a pass. He believes jews are bad but not evil.

He is tolerant of it all.

My oldest son GF is a bisexual non binary commie.

Not sure exactly how I fucked up this badly as a father.

I chose instead of fighting with them and drawing lines.

I try my best to sprinkle broken up red pills on them with every interaction.

I am scared to death of being completely cut out of their lives.

As is, they're "too busy" to take time to spend with me.

I beg them to talk and they won't.

So I take what I can get and make each interaction as positive as I can.

Show them it is possible to be a racist bigot and be happy.

They think being a bigot is a life filled with hate and contempt full of misery.

Though it could be. Mine isn't.

I am a positive, happy person.

Spreading love and happiness amongst whites.

Just be positive. Lead by example.

Show love and support.

ALWAYS be available 24/7 for them.

I bend over backwards and go out of my way to demonstrate that blood/ family is all that matters.

Even if you make mistakes. You can correct them and change. I have and still am.

MrPank ago

Sounds like another faggot who raised faggots. kek No wonder youre so salty. Fuck you and your weak thin blood.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Many thanks for saying that. I can sympathize with everything you said.

Not sure exactly how I fucked up this badly as a father.

I can definitely say I fucked up by being a liberal while my sons were young. It's how I was raised, and I genuinely thought it was correct. I started to move to the right only about 15 years ago, and became solid hard right about five years ago, which was too late for me to have any influence on my adult sons. I had hoped they would at least talk to me and listen to my arguments and facts, but they're too indoctrinated. They door is always open. They closed it, they can always open it again, and I'll always be there.

Voat_Monster ago

Shit. My father is a communist.

His father was a communist.

The entire lineage on my father's side is all communist. They're 100% German communists from Germany.

My grandfather (obviously mother's father) left the DNC as the chairman and turned his back because of the communist take over of the DNC.

He has always fought commies.

My father and him always butted heads over it. When they were together they were not allowed to talk politics.

My grandfather was a great man in so many ways.

Sadly, he told me things. But would always say "I won't speak I'll about your father". I learned enough from Grandpa that I knew communism was pure evil.

My Grandma told me how demonic communists were.

Her father was a powerful communist that she suspected of Satan worship.

So as a small child I was EXTREMELY protected. They all knew about demonic zionists that abducted and tortured children. Especially the children of their Enemies.

My grandfather being a once powerful man had a few powerful Enemies.

He cherished me and protected me like a hawk.

Sadly, he died when I was young.

What I know of the world today I learned from him. The evil he spoke of. He reinforced it all.

Being who and what my family was. When I hear of things. I believe them because of the things I was told and over heard as a child.

They knew about the children being tortured and sacrificed to the God of Saturn/Satan/Moloch/Devil. Whatever you chose to call him.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

That's extraordinary. It's amazing that people embrace pure evil, knowing either that it's evil or thinking that it's right and correct. I can't possibly speculate on people's thought process, but I can speak of own father's.

In the 60s he attended a Unitarian church no far from our home. He met a man who was a lifelong communist and likely taught my father everything he knew (or thought he knew) about communism. For the rest of his life, be believed communism to be benign and socialism to be a moral instrument for wealth redistribution. I was never able to dissuade him. My father was a very intelligent man, but not much of a reader, so I could never give him material to read to support my arguments. But he supported communism because he thought it was fairest and most equitable system. He genuinely didn't see the evil in it.

As for myself, I was too uninformed on communism until about the last 10 years ago or so, when I began educating myself on what it is, who was and is behind it, how the took power, and the covert methods they used to subvert the rest of the world. "The Black Book of Communism" is useful to show how many people died as a result, and there are plenty of books documenting how communism infiltrated the west by such people as Willi Münzenberg (look him up if you're not familiar with him -- worth your time).

Your grandfather seems to have been a good and moral man, and it says much of your character that you listened to him and hold him in such high regard.

Macska ago

Lol your family sucks. You should feel bad as a father and even worse as a man for not even thanking all these stupid assholes trying to share advice with you regardless if you wanted it not. Definitely explains why your children treat you that way... bunch of niggerlovers. Also good job giving up on them too! I pray to fate that you may outlive all of your children. Bury all of them.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Yes, my family sucks, and I take responsibility for not teaching them better. But people giving unwanted advice have a sense of unwarranted self importance that's very prevalent these days, especially on an anonymous message board. Another way of phrasing what you said is, "Shame on you for not being grateful for something you didn't ask for and can't use!"

Macska ago

Says the attention seeker whining about his pathetic family to a bunch of strangers.

We get it now. You just wanted affirmative attention and got angry when advice was offered because well. Attention is better than actually solving any fucking problem.

CouldBeTrump ago

Why are you airing your dirty laundry on a message board if you don't want messages about it? No need to be a cunt about people continuing a conversation you started. If you just want to vent without comments, start a blog.

Attac ago

You should have ingrained your worldview earlier into your sons lifes. I started telling my kids about the perils of the jew and the nigger before they even went to elementary school.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I wish I had, but I was a non-racist most of my life and they grew up with that influence and value. I began to be more racially aware about 10-15 years ago when I began looking for better information that contradicted my old views, such as the book "The Bell Curve". I did what every independent thinker does when confronted with better information: I changed my views, leaving my sons stunned and Highly Offended.

Attac ago

Also I know you don't want any advice, so I am not giving any, but in the face of family I disregard politics.

Family first, everything else second. I would tell them that you were just joking and not serious about it. Will require some serious acting skills.

And keep your worldview to yourself. Good luck.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

For the purpose of keeping family unity, I may suggest that to them, that some topics will be off limits. But it won't be for a while, they're pretty upset, and my sons unfortunately tend to react more emotionally than rationally. Thanks.

Attac ago

I hope you don't have to suck black dick to win them back.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Never. Concession is always seen as a weakness and an apology is always seen as an admission of guilt. It's a slippery slope, and when you take the first step, it will never be enough.

bitbug ago

Is he married? If not, he's a total fag.

I was gonna say he's spineless for letting his wife wear the pants, but he's the wife.

RazSimonesDreadlocks ago

Well, look at it like this - if your sons are nigger-lovers, you'd have to disown them anyhow. In your situation, they did they legwork for you.

areyoumygaffer ago

Hmm, this is how you raised your kids and they turned their backs on you?

Must've been the slow swimmers.

BaIoo ago

The reality is that if you're proud to be racist and you genuinely treat people differently because of their ethnicity or skin colour, then contrary to what you believe you're not intellectual. Go and buy a house in the middle of nowhere and live in isolation, because your views do not fit in modern society.

Our species has advanced to its current state due to the sharing of ideas and knowledge. The sharing of culture and information is vital to the progression of humankind.

You are the 'useful idiot pawn' that you condemn. The destruction of society as we know it (because society is forever changing), is because of elitism and a hierarchical structure of monied families that pass their wealth down generations. The growing inequality, a gap in the wealthiest and poorest that is almost at record highs.

Quite honestly, if you are so stupid that your worldview sees others as inferior because of their skin colour, then you're part of the problem and it is people like you that are prohibiting a better world for future generations. It is selfish, ignorant and primitive tribal bullshit.

You have been divided and conquered, well done.

everef ago

What culture and information do Africans or mestizos have to share with us that would be beneficial to us? Why is it a good idea to have them in our countries? Why should we waste our time and resources brainwashing members of our own race to treat them the same as other members of our race?

BaIoo ago


Africa and Asia are the birthplace of mathematics, medicine, metal work.. the list goes on. It's insane that you can't see the benefit of people working together vs being pitted against each other based on ethnicity.

Why is it beneficial to have people live in each others countries? The more people that work together the more that can be achieved, it's really that simple.

Why treat people of different races equally? Because we're all human, we all have more in common than differences and we all need the same basic things in life: food, water, shelter and a social network.

everef ago

Are Africans and mestizos contributing to our knowledge of mathematics etc at a higher rate per capita than white people? Do their contributions outweigh the massive costs of having them in our country, from their much higher rates of welfare use to their much higher crime rates to the many decades of racial strife we've endured?

It's insane that you can't see the benefit of people working together vs being pitted against each other based on ethnicity.

What's insane is that you can't see the massive drawbacks to having people of different races in the same country. There has literally never been a time in history that having many racial groups from all over the world in one country has made that country stronger.

Why is it beneficial to have people live in each others countries? The more people that work together the more that can be achieved, it's really that simple.

You appear to have lost the plot. How does that answer the question you just posed? Why does importing tens of millions of Africans and mestizos make us stronger than, say, having more children of our own?

Because we're all human, we all have more in common than differences and we all need the same basic things in life: food, water, shelter and a social network.

So? What is the benefit to us?

BaIoo ago

Are Africans and mestizos contributing to our knowledge of mathematics etc at a higher rate per capita than white people? Do their contributions outweigh the massive costs of having them in our country, from their much higher rates of welfare use to their much higher crime rates to the many decades of racial strife we've endured?

Twisted bullshit. Everyone knows that ethic minorities in the US where sabotaged for decades. They were redlined, veterans were denied their military benefits. So much shady shit happened to their communities, fuck there was segregation 50 years ago. Besides it being incredibly narrow minded to only look at people as 'what can they do for us', it's not how society works. You're stuck in a mindset of 'us vs them', really there are only people. The more people you can understand, the more knowledge you can gain.

There has literally never been a time in history that having many racial groups from all over the world in one country has made that country stronger.

I wonder how many countries you've actually visited, how many communities you've spent time with. I'd be willing to bet very few. The fact that the US even exists is the result of mass migration. Migration of people has been a fundamental part of our history for millennia and is a key part in the advancement of our species. Even back in Egyptian times, one of the great civilizations, ethnicity was mixed.

The benefit to us is that we either spend eternity fighting each other based on trivial cosmetic differences, or we come together and build a world that is fit and suitable for future generations. The benefit to us is being able to manage the planets resources together, instead of pretending to be morally superior and at the same time destroying countries, destroying lives for the control of precious commodities. Or you can continue with a sheltered, hate filled worldview.

everef ago

Twisted bullshit. Everyone knows that ethic minorities in the US were sabotaged for decades.

How is what I said bullshit? I didn't speculate about why they've had all of these problems, I just said their problems exist. I don't care if their problems are a result of genetics or a result of racial hatred by whites. The fact is that their presence has been a huge drag on our civilization. That doesn't change based on where you put the blame.

Besides it's being incredibly narrow minded to only look at people as 'what can they do for us', it's not how society works.

Ok, if you say so. But, while we're on the topic, what is it that they can do for us?

really there are only people.

People of different races, who have had many problems living alongside each other due to their races.

The more people you can understand, the more knowledge you can gain.

How specifically does it help to understand blacks and mestizos, rather than other whites? Why do we need to have them living in the same country as us to gain that benefit?

The fact that the US even exists is the result of mass migration.

How did that turn out for the natives?

Even back in Egyptian times, one of the great civilizations, ethnicity was mixed

Empires frequently stretch across areas containing different ethnicities and even different races. What you've failed to address is whether that made them stronger, and if so, how.

The benefit to us is that we either spend eternity fighting each other based on trivial cosmetic differences

We don't need to fight them if they're in their own countries. In fact we don't even have to think about them very much. How does having them in our countries benefit us?

The benefit to us is being able to manage the planets resources together

How does having many different races in historically white countries make us better at managing the planet's resources?

BaIoo ago

How is what I said bullshit? I didn't speculate about why they've had all of these problems, I just said their problems exist. I don't care if their problems are a result of genetics or a result of racial hatred by whites. The fact is that their presence has been a huge drag on our civilization. That doesn't change based on where you put the blame.

Because for every action there is a cause. If you take a groups actions without context, then you lack the ability to truly address the cause. 'Thier' presences hasn't been a drag on civilisation, it helped create it. The oldest civilisations are from Africa and Asia, they are our foundation. The European empires relied on millions of black slaves to create the infrastructure we have today.

Ok, if you say so. But, while we're on the topic, what is it that they can do for us?

They can do everything that white people can do. Science, politics, entrepreneurship, arts.

People of different races, who have had many problems living alongside each other due to their races.

Only simplistic, tribal, primitively minded people have difficulties living with each other because of race.

How specifically does it help to understand blacks and mestizos, rather than other whites? Why do we need to have them living in the same country as us to gain that benefit?

Different cultures bring different understanding to our world, learning different languages develops the executive function, the sharing of knowledge and ideas from different cultures is basic human history and influences everything from language to the food we eat, to the technology we use.

The reality is that the world is not getting bigger, it's getting smaller. Travelling across the globe is achievable for many, you can't and won't be able to stop it. As technology advances and we're more easily connected to each other, the world will change and populations will mix to the point that we're all living side by side. There is nothing short of global catastrophe that can stop the mixing of people. You are currently blind to the world and will be consumed by your racism and xenophobia. I suggest you travel more, experience real life.

everef ago

Because for every action there is a cause.

What does that have to do with my comment being "bullshit"?

If you take a groups actions without context, then you lack the ability to truly address the cause.

I was not attempting to address the cause. I was asking you whether the contributions mestizos and africans have made to this country outweigh the massive costs of having them in this country. I did not ask whether the contributions made by mestizos and africans could outweigh the costs of having them in this country, if we are able to "address the cause" of the massive costs. Try to stay on topic. I know that's hard for a shill.

'Their' presence hasn't been a drag on civilization, it helped create it.

Their presence has absolutely been a drag on our civilization. As I have pointed out, they have cost us an enormous amount of money in welfare, and we've had to spend further enormous sums to deal with their high levels of criminality. I did not make any comments about civilization in general. Try to stay on topic.

The oldest civilizations are from Africa and Asia, they are our foundation. The European empires relied on millions of black slaves to create the infrastructure we have today.

Even if we accept for the sake of argument that those things are true, so what? What benefit is there, today, to us allowing africans and mestizos to stay in our countries?

They can do everything that white people can do. Science, politics, entrepreneurship, arts.

Can they do them at the same rate that white people do, without also being a massive drag on our country? If so, what reason do you have to believe that?

Only simplistic, tribal, primitively minded people have difficulties living with each other because of race.

Would you agree that whites and blacks in our country right now are having difficulties living with each other because of race?

Different cultures bring different understanding to our world

Be specific, please, shill.

learning different languages develops the executive function

Why do we need them in our countries to learn different languages?

the sharing of knowledge and ideas from different cultures is basic human history and influences everything from language to the food we eat, to the technology we use.

What specific knowledge and ideas do blacks and mestizos have that A) we must have them in our countries in order to obtain and B) which is worth the massive cost of having them in our countries?

The reality is that the world is not getting bigger, it's getting smaller. Travelling across the globe is achievable for many, you can't and won't be able to stop it.

Many countries have no problem controlling immigration, so you are simply lying.

As technology advances and we're more easily connected to each other, the world will change and populations will mix to the point that we're all living side by side.

You present this as if it's set in stone, but there are many things a group of people can do to prevent outside DNA from entering their group. The Jews have lived among whites, side by side, in europe for ~2,000 years in a diaspora situation, and yet Jews have been so successful at keeping outside DNA from getting in to their group that still to this day they form an easily identifiable cluster in DNA cluster analysis studies. If they can be that successful at keeping outside DNA out of their group in a situation like that, it is absolutely possible for a group that controls its own national borders to keep outside DNA out indefinitely.

There is nothing short of global catastrophe that can stop the mixing of people.

Wrong. Come get me when the Japanese are no longer distinguishable from others.

You are currently blind to the world and will be consumed by your racism and xenophobia.

Blind to what specifically? What information do you have that I don't?

I suggest you travel more, experience real life.

I've traveled enough to know that 99% of the time when traveling, especially to places where you don't know the language and don't know any locals, you are dealing with the hospitality industry, which is exclusively staffed by people that have been selected from the population for their ability to please rich foreigners. Traveling does not show you what it's like to live somewhere. It shows you what the hospitality industry is like there.

BaIoo ago

What does that have to do with my comment being "bullshit"?

Because if you take statistical data of a group of people, without understanding or acknowledging the root cause, then you get a warped perspective. For example, black children are more likely to attend a high poverty school than a white child. They are more likely to grow up in a crime ridden area. They are therefore more likely to be involved in crime, or welfare. This is the result of centuries of subjugation. If you refuse to see why a group or demographic act or behave in certain ways, then you cannot understand the cause.

I was asking you whether the contributions mestizos and africans have made to this country outweigh the massive costs of having them in this country.

Yes they have and do. The costs of having them has already been paid, and more, by their 100s of years of servitude.

we've had to spend further enormous sums to deal with their high levels of criminality

And you've made unbelievable riches from plundering their home countries and centuries of free labour.

Can they do them at the same rate that white people do, without also being a massive drag on our country? If so, what reason do you have to believe that?

Take a black child that grows up with the same opportunities as a white child, they will provide the same benefits to society. There is nothing outside of social-economic reasons that a white child will do better in life than a black child.

Would you agree that whites and blacks in our country right now are having difficulties living with each other because of race?

Not in my country, unfortunately in the USA there's a lot of morons that can't treat each other equally regardless of skin colour.

Why do we need them in our countries to learn different languages?

Because anyone that actually speaks multiple languages can tell you that it is much easier to learn and retain language if you can converse among native speakers. I can almost guarantee that you can only speak 1 language, a poor level of English.

Many countries have no problem controlling immigration, so you are simply lying.

We'll see how that develops over the next century. Countries can only estimate how many illegal citizens there are, because the whole point of being in the country illegally is that the authorities don't know. We can see mass migration happening already across the world.

You present this as if it's set in stone, but there are many things a group of people can do to prevent outside DNA from entering their group. The Jews have lived among whites, side by side, in europe for ~2,000 years in a diaspora situation, and yet Jews have been so successful at keeping outside DNA from getting in to their group that still to this day they form an easily identifiable cluster in DNA cluster analysis studies. If they can be that successful at keeping outside DNA out of their group in a situation like that, it is absolutely possible for a group that controls its own national borders to keep outside DNA out indefinitely.

Yet we have changed as a species more in the last century than in our entire human history. Our rate of technological advancement is increasing exponentially, travel is easier, communication is easier, education levels are rising, information more easily disseminated. 100 years ago the daughter of a Jew could not access the internet, fall in love and easily migrate to the other side of the world and start a family.

Wrong. Come get me when the Japanese are no longer distinguishable from others.

The Japanese are looking to boost immigration due to their aging population, immigration to Japan is currently at an all time high.

Blind to what specifically? What information do you have that I don't?

Too much to convey over an internet comment. I've lived in multiple countries in Africa and throughout Europe. You need to step outside your narrow minded views and spend time among different communities, cultures. Actually experience a small part of the life of another cultures, maybe you will start to understand.

I've traveled enough to know that 99% of the time when traveling, especially to places where you don't know the language and don't know any locals, you are dealing with the hospitality industry, which is exclusively staffed by people that have been selected from the population for their ability to please rich foreigners. Traveling does not show you what it's like to live somewhere. It shows you what the hospitality industry is like there.

Then you haven't really traveled, you took a holiday (or as you Americans like to say 'vacation'). How about hitching, staying at the homes of people you don't know - locals of the community. The way you speak screams of someone that hasn't truly experienced what it's like to live outside your comfort zone.

everef ago

Because if you take statistical data of a group of people, without understanding or acknowledging the root cause, then you get a warped perspective.

You can call my perspective as warped as you want. You still haven't addressed how my comment was "bullshit".

For example, black children are more likely to attend a high poverty school than a white child. They are more likely to grow up in a crime ridden area. They are therefore more likely to be involved in crime, or welfare. This is the result of centuries of subjugation. If you refuse to see why a group or demographic act or behave in certain ways, then you cannot understand the cause.

As I already mentioned, my comment had nothing to do with the cause of their dysfunction.

Yes they have and do. The costs of having them has already been paid, and more, by their 100s of years of servitude.

The costs go up and up every year. What benefit is there to letting them stay?

And you've made unbelievable riches from plundering their home countries and centuries of free labour.

What does that have to do with the effect of their presence in the US?

Take a black child that grows up with the same opportunities as a white child, they will provide the same benefits to society. There is nothing outside of social-economic reasons that a white child will do better in life than a black child.

How are you defining "same opportunities"? Does that include having equivalent genetics in terms of intelligence capacity and behavioral predispositions?

Not really in my country,

I'm guessing your country doesn't have very many blacks, or else you're lying.

unfortunately in the USA there's a lot of morons that can't treat each other equally regardless of skin colour.

Would you care to quantify that "a lot"? What percentage of members of the two races would you guess make up these "simplistic, tribal, primitively minded" "morons"?

Because anyone that actually speaks multiple languages can tell you that it is much easier to learn and retain language if you can converse among native speakers. I can almost guarantee that you can only speak 1 language, a poor level of English.

The vast, overwhelming majority of native born whites in the USA only speak English, despite there being tens of millions of native speakers of foreign languages in the US. Seems like mass immigration of mestizos hasn't really helped there. Care to come up with another benefit of having tens of millions of mestizos in the US? That one doesn't seem to be working.

100 years ago the daughter of a Jew could not access the internet, fall in love and easily migrate to the other side of the world and start a family.

Right, but she could fall in love with the goy in the adjacent neighborhood and move 200 yards to start her family, and in many cases did. But the point is that her offspring were excluded from the Jewish community, and by consequence from the Jewish gene pool.

The Japanese are looking to boost immigration due to their aging population, immigration to Japan is currently at an all time high.

And yet still very, very low, in comparison to e.g. the USA.

Too much to convey over an internet comment.

I'm sure. Maybe some specific examples then?

How about hitching, staying at the homes of people you don't know - locals of the community.

Do you expect that such an experience would make me think it's a good idea to have tens of millions of blacks and mestizos in my country? If so, why?

BaIoo ago

You can call my perspective as warped as you want. You still haven't addressed how my comment was "bullshit".

Because you can't say a specific demographic are a more of burden to society without looking at the cause behind their need to rely on the state. It's insane that you can't understand that.

The costs go up and up every year. What benefit is there to letting them stay?

Already answered this multiple times.

What does that have to do with the effect of their presence in the US?

They contributed just as much, if not more, than others so they have the fundamental right to stay.

I'm guessing your country doesn't have very many blacks, or else you're lying.

We have our problems, but nothing like what you have in the US.

The vast, overwhelming majority of native born whites in the USA only speak English, despite there being tens of millions of native speakers of foreign languages in the US. Seems like mass immigration of mestizos hasn't really helped there. Care to come up with another benefit of having tens of millions of mestizos in the US? That one doesn't seem to be working.

Actually 1 in 5 speak a 2nd language in the US nationally, increasing to almost 50% of those living in the largest cities (the most multicultural areas). So actually it has and does help.

Right, but she could fall in love with the goy in the adjacent neighborhood and move 200 yards to start her family, and in many cases did. But the point is that her offspring were excluded from the Jewish community, and by consequence from the Jewish gene pool.

Except moving to the other side of the world means you're no longer shunned by your community. So it's much easier to get away from the tradition and begin a new community and family. The Jewish community is experiencing higher and higher numbers marrying outside of their faith, ironically the death of the Jews could come from their own strict faith.

And yet still very, very low, in comparison to e.g. the USA.

But still increasing and will increase more and more, especially as technology makes it easier to communicate (Japanese being a hard language to learn).

Do you expect that such an experience would make me think it's a good idea to have tens of millions of blacks and mestizos in my country? If so, why?

Because you will learn more deeply about the life and culture of others, you might actually stop seeing others as subhuman and just another family trying to live their life.

You're arguments are weak. You make no real points. You simply project your insecurity and hate. Maybe one day something tangible will hit you that changes your mind for the better. Until then, keep being an ignorant, hateful person.

everef ago

Because you can't say a specific demographic are a more of burden to society without looking at the cause behind their need to rely on the state. It's insane that you can't understand that.

I can say that, because it's a statement of fact which is independent of the cause. If you want to acknowledge that they are currently a drain on the country, but that it's someone else's fault, that's a fine argument to have, but it doesn't change the fact.

They contributed just as much, if not more, than others so they have the fundamental right to stay.

And what reason do we have to abide by this "fundamental right" that you just pulled out of your ass?

We have our problems, but nothing like what you have in the US.

Probably because you have far fewer blacks, or far fewer Jews stirring them up against whites in your country.

The vast, overwhelming majority of native born whites in the USA

Actually 1 in 5 speak a 2nd language in the US nationally

Do you see the difference between those two things? Try to stay on topic.

increasing to almost 50% of those living in the largest cities (the most multicultural areas). So actually it has and does help.

Cities are inhabited by a far higher percentage of immigrants and children of immigrants, who represent the vast majority of people in the US that are bilingual. That group excludes the vast majority of white people, who are not becoming multilingual due to the presence of immigrants in any significant numbers. Did Europeans need mass immigration of non-whites to become multilingual?

Except moving to the other side of the world means you're no longer shunned by your community.

You're trying to lose sight of the point that I'm making, which is that Jews have been effective at keeping non-Jewish DNA out of their gene pool. People moving around the world does not diminish their ability to do that.

The Jewish community is experiencing higher and higher numbers marrying outside of their faith, ironically the death of the Jews could come from their own strict faith.

You have it exactly backward. The Jewish sects with the highest rates of people marrying outside the Jewish race are the most liberal sects, whereas the most strict orthodox sects have much lower such rates.

But still increasing and will increase more and more, especially as technology makes it easier to communicate (Japanese being a hard language to learn).

They also have the benefit of watching from afar as western countries suffer the consequences of mass immigration of people from different races.

Because you will learn more deeply about the life and culture of others

And why, specifically, do you think that's going to make me think it's a good idea for tens of millions of them to move to my country?

you might actually stop seeing others as subhuman

I'm not sure what you mean by subhuman. I see them as belonging to different genetic clusters, and I believe that the genetic differences between our clusters are significant in terms of behavioral predispositions and in some cases intelligence capacity.

and just another family trying to live their life.

I do see them as that. That doesn't make me want them to come in to my country. I want my own family to prosper, and I don't think that bringing them in to my country will be beneficial to that end. And I care much more about my own family than I do about theirs, just as they care much more about their own families than they do about mine, obviously.

How many of the mestizos or Somalians or Indians or Palestinians flooding in to the US do you think stopped to wonder whether their presence in the US would improve the lives of white american families? How many do you think would consider even for a second turning back if they knew their presence would be harmful to white american families?

Until then, keep being an ignorant

Please feel free to fill me in on any facts of which I'm ignorant that you believe are relevant to this topic.

BaIoo ago

I can say that, because it's a statement of fact which is independent of the cause. If you want to acknowledge that they are currently a drain on the country, but that it's someone else's fault, that's a fine argument to have, but it doesn't change the fact.

Well good for you. It is useless to know a statement without understanding and acknowledging the underlying basis of the statement. 'There are higher rates of crime among minorities', 'oh really why is that?' , 'ummm idk, that's not important!' - said nobody, ever.

And what reason do we have to abide by this "fundamental right" that you just pulled out of your ass?

I pull nothing from my 'ass', unlike you. It's basic human rights and the rights defined by your own constitution. Specifically the 14th amendment. So if you don't like your own constitution and the fundamental rights they provide, maybe you live in the wrong country.

Cities are inhabited by a far higher percentage of immigrants and children of immigrants, who represent the vast majority of people in the US that are bilingual. That group excludes the vast majority of white people, who are not becoming multilingual due to the presence of immigrants in any significant numbers. Did Europeans need mass immigration of non-whites to become multilingual?

Yes, an immigrant learning English is still someone becoming bilingual. Not really complicated. Someone that is able to converse with a native speaker, whether it is an immigrant learning English or an American learning Spanish, it will be easier. Europeans have had large numbers of migrants for our entire history. We have been invaded and mixed with differing races for millennia. If you'd of ever traveled in Europe, you might of actually seen the cultural impact and influence of the many different societies mixing.

You're trying to lose sight of the point that I'm making, which is that Jews have been effective at keeping non-Jewish DNA out of their gene pool. People moving around the world does not diminish their ability to do that.

Except being Jewish doesn't mean much other than following a particular faith. There are black Jews, white Jews, Asian Jews. So actually your logic is completely flawed again.

They also have the benefit of watching from afar as western countries suffer the consequences of mass immigration of people from different races.

Yet their policy shows they're increasing opportunity for migrants, not diminishing. Go figure.

Please feel free to fill me in on any facts of which I'm ignorant that you believe are relevant to this topic.

Well for example you make remarks about genetic differences, trying to sound smart yet without any substance, showing that you're simply bias and uneducated. Maybe you should actually go and read some scientific research regarding genes and ancestry before making naive comments online.

"Race is a social concept, not a scientific one'' - John Craig Venter, known for leading the first draft sequence of the human genome.

everef ago

It is useless to know a statement without understanding and acknowledging the underlying basis of the statement.

First you have to agree that there is a problem before discussing potential solutions. In this case, if you disagree that mestizos and blacks are currently a drag on the country, then there is no use discussing whether we should attempt to solve that problem by encouraging them to leave or by attempting to make them less criminal and more productive here.

It's basic human rights

How do we figure out whether something is a basic human right, or a fundamental right? If group A says X is a basic human right, and group B says it's not, how can we tell who is correct?

Specifically the 14th amendment. So if you don't like your own constitution

I don't like everything in there, and don't think it's a perfect document by any means.

Yes, an immigrant learning English is still someone becoming bilingual. Not really complicated.

Wow, that is so insightful and intelligent. Thank you for bringing that fact to light. Good for you. Now what does that have to do with making the native born white people in this country bilingual, so that they can develop their executive functions?

or an American learning Spanish, it will be easier

Is that actually happening, in any significant numbers?

If you'd of ever traveled in Europe, you might of actually seen the cultural impact and influence of the many different societies mixing.

Too bad, I've only vacationed there.

Except being Jewish doesn't mean much other than following a particular faith. There are black Jews, white Jews, Asian Jews.

I see you forgot to mention Atheist Jews https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Jewish_atheists_and_agnostics

Yet their policy shows they're increasing opportunity for migrants, not diminishing. Go figure.

As you said, we'll see. It's undeniable that there are economic benefits to some people, especially the very rich, to have high rates of immigration. Those people also tend to get their way, but sometimes the people assert themselves.

By the way, how many people migrating to Japan are black?

Well for example you make remarks about genetic differences, trying to sound smart yet without any substance

I assume you are familiar with genetic cluster analysis. Do you need links?

Maybe you should actually go and read some scientific research regarding genes and ancestry before making naive comments online.

I have done so plenty. Have you?

"There’s a difference on the average between Blacks and Whites on IQ tests. I would say the difference is genetic." - James Watson, I hope you've heard of him.

BaIoo ago

First you have to agree that there is a problem before discussing potential solutions. In this case, if you disagree that mestizos and blacks are currently a drag on the country, then there is no use discussing whether we should attempt to solve that problem by encouraging them to leave or by attempting to make them less criminal and more productive here.

Crime is a problem regardless of ethnicity, if you wish to single out a specific demographic as being more of a burden then the onus is on you to prove that it is due to their ethnicity and not wider socioeconomic problems.

How do we figure out whether something is a basic human right, or a fundamental right? If group A says X is a basic human right, and group B says it's not, how can we tell who is correct?

People get to decide using millennia of knowledge and experience. Everything that we have learnt so far has culminated in the current societal rules. Things can change, for better and for worse. But right now we get to partake in a (not very) democratic system. Unfortunately for you, your opinion is extremely unpopular and will unlikely be ever supported in the future. Most people wouldn't even engage in this kind of discussion. If group A has much larger support, group B has no choice but to make their case and attempt to gain popularity until sufficient support is achieved.

I don't like everything in there, and don't think it's a perfect document by any means.

It really doesn't matter how much you like it. You claimed I pulled a fundamental right from my ass, when actually it is pulled from your own constitution. So unless you are a criminal, then you have to abide by the rules set by your constitution and judiciary system.

Wow, that is so insightful and intelligent. Thank you for bringing that fact to light. Good for you. Now what does that have to do with making the native born white people in this country bilingual, so that they can develop their executive functions?

If they choose to learn another language, it makes it much easier. An immigrant can become a teacher of languages, giving better insight and instruction to their pupils. You might not like it, but an immigrant can be just as much of a citizen as you are. Ultimately if white Americans want to be lazy and never learn another language, that's their problem. They're the minority in the world, the majority are able to speak more than one language and that is mostly due to migration and the mixing of culture.

Is that actually happening, in any significant numbers?

Yes you'd be surprised. Spanish is the most widely taught language in the US.

Too bad, I've only vacationed there.

And clearly you missed the huge impact to our culture and fabric of our society that migrants have brought. You haven't learnt much about our history or you would know that we have huge influences from Africa and Asia.

As you said, we'll see. It's undeniable that there are economic benefits to some people, especially the very rich, to have high rates of immigration. Those people also tend to get their way, but sometimes the people assert themselves. By the way, how many people migrating to Japan are black?

There are benefits to all, not just the rich. I believe you will see migration increase in large numbers in the future. Japan is a difficult place to migrate to, not because of the people there but because it has a steep learning curve to belong in their society (language + traditions).

How many black people are citizens, probably thousands?

I assume you are familiar with genetic cluster analysis. Do you need links?

Yup, but encase you need a quick refresher "Multiple studies since 1972 have backed up the claim that, "The average proportion of genetic differences between individuals from different human populations only slightly exceeds that between unrelated individuals from a single population."

I have done so plenty. Have you? "There’s a difference on the average between Blacks and Whites on IQ tests. I would say the difference is genetic." - James Watson, I hope you've heard of him.

Ahhh yes the old scientist that made statements about race and genes at 70+ years old without any actual solid evidence to back up his assertions. Someone that did the bulk of their work during a time that was extremely bias towards people of different skin colour. A guy that has had his honorary titles revoked and responsibilities suspended. A guy that basically stole his biggest discovery from a woman. If you have actually watched interviews with him, the documentary 'Decoding Watson' for example, he is struggling to justify his vies on race and intelligence. Many think he was stirring controversy to sell an upcoming book, but for me cognitive decline comes to mind.

The overwhelming scientific consensus is that genes are not the underlying factor for intelligence. All modern work on genetic make up and DNA shows the opposite of his opinions. There are a number of genes linked to intelligence but none of them have a substantial correlation with a high IQ. Intelligence is complex and heavily influenced by environmental factors. Sorry that it doesn't fit with your 'I'm white so I'm special' mindset, but it's reality. Your views and understanding of the world are stuck in the past.

everef ago

Crime is a problem regardless of ethnicity, if you wish to single out a specific demographic as being more of a burden then the onus is on you to prove that it is due to their ethnicity and not wider socioeconomic problems.

Only if you're making the claim that their criminality is due to their race. If you are stating the fact, the onus in only on you to support the fact you're stating.

People get to decide using millennia of knowledge and experience.

OK, so there is no definitive way to say, so you can't really support your declaration that being allowed to stay in a country because your country was plundered by people of the other country is a basic human right, other than with some kind of weird appeal to popularity.

You claimed I pulled a fundamental right from my ass

The "fundamental right" you pulled out of your ass is the right to stay in the USA because they contributed to the success of the USA when the USA plundered wealth of their home countries or benefited from their free labor. For your convenience, since you seem to get off-track very easily, here is how that thread went:

And you've made unbelievable riches from plundering their home countries and centuries of free labour.

What does that have to do with the effect of their presence in the US?

They contributed just as much, if not more, than others so they have the fundamental right to stay.

The constitution says (or, really, has been interpreted to say) they have a right to stay here because they were born here. It says nothing about people having fundamental rights to stay here because they contributed. It does not give people from plundered countries that weren't born here a right to stay here. It doesn't give people whose ancestors were slaves here but left to go elsewhere many generations ago (e.g. Liberia) a right to stay here. That's what you pulled out of your ass.

If they choose to learn another language, it makes it much easier.

That is of course true, but is it actually happening? Are native born white americans, in any significant numbers, developing their executive functions by conversing in spanish with mestizos?

You might not like it, but an immigrant can be just as much of a citizen as you are.

Of course that's true. The question is why the current crop of citizens should want them to become such.

Yes you'd be surprised. Spanish is the most widely taught language in the US.

I'm aware. Perhaps if there were not so many spanish speaking mestizos, French would be taught a lot more. Schools didn't start teaching foreign languages because there were a bunch of mestizo immigrants coming in to the country.

Regardless, are native born white americans actually practicing the spanish they are learning in school by speaking with spanish-speaking mestizo immigrants (or children of those immigrants)? In my experience it never happened. and I grew up in a city that had a substantial spanish speaking mestizo population.

And clearly you missed the huge impact to our culture and fabric of our society that migrants have brought. You haven't learnt much about our history or you would know that we have huge influences from Africa and Asia.

I am of course well aware of that, though I suspect there is very limited influence from the parts of Africa from which most black americans' ancestors were bought, and that when you say Africa, you're mostly talking about North Africa and maybe down to modern day Ethiopia.

That does not answer the question of what the populations of those places have to offer us today via migration.

There are benefits to all, not just the rich.

Sure, and drawbacks for all, too. It's just that for the rich, the drawbacks are small in comparison to the benefits, whereas for most regular people, the benefits are small in comparison to the drawbacks.

How many black people are citizens, probably thousandsPNG?

I didn't ask how many were citizens, but how many were migrating there. But either way, yes that is my point. They're letting in barely any blacks.

Yup, but in case you need a quick refresher "Multiple studies since 1972 have backed up the claim that, "The average proportion of genetic differences between individuals from different human populations only slightly exceeds that between unrelated individuals from a single population."

I do not need a refresher, I am well aware of that. Most studies I have seen suggest that two people of different races will have up to 40% more genetic differences than two people of the same race, but typically between 10% and 20%, depending on the races involved.

That said, not all genes are equally expressive, and not all genes are equally acted on by selective pressures, so that alone does not give us a very good idea of what impact on phenotype those genetic differences will have. There are some gene variants linked to intelligence, for instance, that whites and asians are more likely to have than blacks, so it would be interesting to see a study that focuses only on SNPs linked to various phenotypes.

Ahhh yes the old scientist that made statements about race and genes at 70+ years old without any actual solid evidence to back up his assertions. Someone that did the bulk of their work during a time that was extremely bias towards people of different skin colour. A guy that has had his honorary titles revoked and responsibilities suspended. A guy that appropriated the biggest part of his discovery from a woman

Yes and I heard he once refused to help an old lady cross the street.

If you have actually watched interviews with him, the documentary 'Decoding Watson' for example, he is struggling to justify his views on race and intelligence.

If you have the unedited interview, I would watch that. I'm not interested in watching a propaganda piece.

The overwhelming scientific consensus is that genes are not the underlying factor for intelligence.

Wrong. The overwhelming consensus is that IQ is over 50% genetic.

There are a number of genes linked to intelligence but none of them have a substantial correlation with a high IQ.

How high of an IQ are you talking about? Regardless, it is not the folks on the high end of the IQ spectrum that I'm worried about. It's the ones on the other end that I don't want coming in to my country.

BaIoo ago

Only if you're making the claim that their criminality is due to their race. If you are stating the fact, the onus in only on you to support the fact you're stating.

You have repeatedly made the claim that black people are more of a burden on society due to levels of crime and welfare within their demographic, the onus is on you to prove that this is because of ethnicity and not socioeconomic pressures.

OK, so there is no definitive way to say, so you can't really support your declaration that being allowed to stay in a country because your country was plundered by people of the other country is a basic human right, other than with some kind of weird appeal to popularity.

Human rights are a moral issue and so they change. One human right that is fundamental today is that people are not treated differently simply due to their ethnicity.

The constitution says (or, really, has been interpreted to say) they have a right to stay here because they were born here. It says nothing about people having fundamental rights to stay here because they contributed. It does not give people from plundered countries that weren't born here a right to stay here. It doesn't give people whose ancestors were slaves here but left to go elsewhere many generations ago (e.g. Liberia) a right to stay here. That's what you pulled out of your ass.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States" I'd say that's pretty clear and not an 'interpretation'. You want to claim that black people shouldn't be allowed to stay in your country, well if they're in your country legally then they have just as much of a right to be there as you. If they were born or acquired citizenship, they are your equal.

That is of course true, but is it actually happening? Are native born white americans, in any significant numbers, developing their executive functions by conversing in spanish with mestizos?

It's not their job to ensure native white people start learning a second language. But it increases the ability for those that do want to learn.

I am of course well aware of that, though I suspect there is very limited influence from the parts of Africa from which most black americans' ancestors were bought, and that when you say Africa, you're mostly talking about North Africa and maybe down to modern day Ethiopia. That does not answer the question of what the populations of those places have to offer us today via migration.

No I'm talking about all of Africa and Asia. They have the same things to bring as before, skills, arts, knowledge, productivity, trade.

Sure, and drawbacks for all, too. It's just that for the rich, the drawbacks are small in comparison to the benefits, whereas for most regular people, the benefits are small in comparison to the drawbacks. I didn't ask how many were citizens, but how many were migrating there. But either way, yes that is my point. They're letting in barely any blacks.

The economic growth resulting from migration, the filling of jobs where there are shortages of workers, the importation of youth in aging societies, cultural diversity that enriches society, the drive and dedication migrants bring are benefits shared by all - not just the rich. Japan don't choose who comes to their country in that way. They aren't screening out black people ffs. Regardless, in Japan there is a reasonable migrant population given the difficulty of learning Japanese. Migration to Japan will, and is increasing.

I do not need a refresher, I am well aware of that. Most studies I have seen suggest that two people of different races will have up to 40% more genetic differences than two people of the same race, but typically between 10% and 20%, depending on the races involved.

Humans across the planet are by a huge majority, genetically similar. When looking at genes, you're not even 2% different from a chimpanzee. The reality, as much as you wish to ignore it, is that there are no genetically homogenous races. There are no clear boundaries that define one race over another and our species is really not very genetically diverse.

The irony of you quoting James Watson, a man whose wife chose to have children with someone intelligent so that she could have intelligent children, only to then have a child with learning difficulties.

Wrong. The overwhelming consensus is that IQ is over 50% genetic.

A gene being statistically linked to intelligence does not mean it is the only thing responsible for how well you’ll do on an IQ test. That's why scientists are unable to accurately predict intelligence based from genetic profiles. It is why children from well nourished, well educated, unpolluted and stimulating environments score better on IQ tests regardless of ethnicity. It's why there is variance between IQ tests of twins raised apart.

Take two twins, raise one in the woods with a poor farming family and send the other to a wealthy family and attend a top school. Who do you think will do better on an IQ test?

How high of an IQ are you talking about? Regardless, it is not the folks on the high end of the IQ spectrum that I'm worried about. It's the ones on the other end that I don't want coming in to my country.

Your entire point revolves around someone of higher IQ being a more beneficial migrant, which isn't even accurate. You want an easy answer to societies problems, it doesn't exist. You simply want to promote your bias towards those of a different ethnicity. The only way to really address the destructive forces of society is to begin fixing the huge global inequalities that exist in access to education, nutrition and resources. Migration has throughout history brought benefits that outweigh negatives, that is why it will continue to happen with increasing numbers.

everef ago

the onus is on you to prove that this is because of ethnicity and not socioeconomic pressures.

No it's not. Even if the cause is socioeconomic, it's still a problem that we have to deal with. It changes the cost/benefit analysis of various options for dealing with the problem, but it is still a problem.

Human rights are a moral issue and so they change.

OK thank you for admitting you can't substantiate your claim.

One human right that is fundamental today is that people are not treated differently simply due to their ethnicity.

Fundamental according to who or what?

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States" I'd say that's pretty clear and not an 'interpretation'.

You can call it clear if you want, but two supreme court justices interpreted it differently from you, including a chief justice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Wong_Kim_Ark#Dissent

You want to claim that black people shouldn't be allowed to stay in your country

I don't think I ever said they shouldn't be allowed to stay in my country.

well if they're in your country legally then they have just as much of a right to be there as you. If they were born or acquired citizenship, they are your equal.

They have a right to be here according to the US constitution, yes. They are my equal in terms of having the same citizenship. I don't think anyone disputes that.

It's not their job to ensure native white people start learning a second language. But it increases the ability for those that do want to learn.

So, to get this straight, the benefit is that it makes it easier for native born whites to learn a second language, as long as the second language is spanish or some other language commonly spoken by these immigrants. But not very many native born whites actually want to learn one of those languages, so it doesn't actually do anything to help the overwhelming majority of people. But that's still a benefit according to you?

They have the same things to bring as before, skills, arts, knowledge, productivity, trade.

What specific skills, arts, knowledge? Why do they need to migrating here in large numbers for us to trade with them?

The economic growth resulting from migration

How much of that economic growth benefits normal people, specifically?

the filling of jobs where there are shortages of workers

You mean that employers have less of an incentive to offer workers higher wages?

the importation of youth in aging societies

Could you list specific ways in which the youth of immigrants benefits the rest of society?

cultural diversity that enriches society

In what specific ways do mestizos or african immigrants enrich our society?

They aren't screening out black people ffs.

Well there certainly aren't a lot coming in.

Humans across the planet are by a huge majority, genetically similar. When looking at genes, you're not even 2% different from a chimpanzee. The reality, as much as you wish to ignore it, is that there are no genetically homogenous races. There are no clear boundaries that define one race over another and our species is really not very genetically diverse.

I agree with all of that, and none of it contradicts anything I've said.

A gene being statistically linked to intelligence does not mean it is the only thing responsible for how well you’ll do on an IQ test.

This is obvious. Why are you saying things that are so obvious and that don't contradict what I have said?

It's why there is variance between IQ tests of twins raised apart.

Yes but there is less variance than between two random unrelated people raised in exactly the same circumstances.

Take two twins, raise one in the woods with a poor farming family and send the other to a wealthy family and attend a top school. Who do you think will do better on an IQ test?

Assuming identical twins, the latter.

Your entire point revolves around someone of higher IQ being a more beneficial migrant, which isn't even accurate.

I'm not in favor of immigrants of any IQ level unless they are white and not Jewish.

You want an easy answer to societies problems, it doesn't exist.

What easy answer are you talking about?

The only way to really address the destructive forces of society is to begin fixing the huge global inequalities that exist in access to education, nutrition and resources.

Why should I want my country to give the wealth that would otherwise be enjoyed by my children to other peoples' children across the world? Isn't that going to result in lower of a standard of living for my children than would these "destructive forces of society" caused by "huge global inequities" of which you speak, assuming that giving all of our wealth away even fixed said problems?

Migration has throughout history brought benefits that outweigh negatives

Not all migrants are equally beneficial. In fact many are detrimental.

BaIoo ago

No it's not. Even if the cause is socioeconomic, it's still a problem that we have to deal with. It changes the cost/benefit analysis of various options for dealing with the problem, but it is still a problem.

Crime is a problem regardless of its cause yes, but trying to resolve or 'deal' the problem without looking at the root is pointless.

OK thank you for admitting you can't substantiate your claim. Fundamental according to who or what?

Rights that are enshrined within your constitution and international accord are considered fundamental. You can believe that the earth is flat, but it doesn't change the fact that the consensus and agreed societal norm is that the earth is round.

You can call it clear if you want, but two supreme court justices interpreted it differently from you, including a chief justice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Wong_Kim_Ark#Dissent

How did that case resolve? A 6–2 decision in favour of Wong Kim. SIX supreme court justices interpreted it the same.

They have a right to be here according to the US constitution, yes. They are my equal in terms of having the same citizenship. I don't think anyone disputes that.

You dispute it right here:

Why should we waste our time and resources brainwashing members of our own race to treat them the same as other members of our race?

Make your mind up.

So, to get this straight, the benefit is that it makes it easier for native born whites to learn a second language, as long as the second language is spanish or some other language commonly spoken by these immigrants. But not very many native born whites actually want to learn one of those languages, so it doesn't actually do anything to help the overwhelming majority of people. But that's still a benefit for them according to you?

Yes it is a benefit and as I said before, immigrants learning English from native English speakers is part of that benefit. A migrant learning English from a native is just as important as a native learning a second language from a migrant.

What specific skills, arts, knowledge? Why do they need to migrating here in large numbers for us to trade with them?

Open your eyes ffs.

You mean that employers have less of an incentive to offer workers higher wages?

No I mean that employers actually have someone to employ. If your population is aged or not/too skilled and there are shortages in sectors, immigration can quickly fill those gaps and prevent failure.

Could you list specific ways in which the youth of immigrants benefits the rest of society?

One example would be that aging populations are unable to have the children and increased family sizes required to fund their retirement. Youth can provide labour and young families.

In what specific ways do mestizos or african immigrants enrich our society?

Already answered this countless times.

Well there certainly aren't a lot coming in.

Doesn't change the fact they're not selecting migrants based on race. You'll see migration increase dramatically in the coming years.

Yes but there is less variance than between two random unrelated people raised in exactly the same circumstances.

But a significant enough variance to show that environment is just as important as genes.

I'm not in favor of immigrants of any IQ level unless they are white and not Jewish.

Because you're a racist.

What easy answer are you talking about?

You're fixated on race, on the idea that without 'blacks and mestizos' your society will be so much better. It's just bewilderingly wrong. You speak as if removing blacks and mestizos would fix Americas problems, which is deluded.

Why should I want my country to give the wealth that would otherwise be enjoyed by my children to other peoples' children across the world? Isn't that going to result in lower of a standard of living for my children than would these "destructive forces of society" caused by "huge global inequities" of which you speak, assuming that giving all of our wealth away even fixed said problems?

Because we all share the same planet. Resources are finite and it requires global cooperation to harness all the materials needed for a modern technological society. Without the resources found outside of America, you wouldn't enjoy many conveniences taken for granted today. Violence and crime is found most prevalent in the poorest parts of the world, where they're exploited for the benefit of others. If we address the festering global inequalities it will pave the way to a significantly more balanced, fair and ultimately more peaceful world. That benefits everyone.

Not all migrants are equally beneficial. In fact many are detrimental.

Not all natives are equally beneficial. In fact many are detrimental. TBH you probably aren't particularly beneficial, just another lost white dude with a superiority complex.

everef ago

Crime is a problem regardless of its cause yes, but trying to resolve or 'deal' the problem without looking at the root is pointless.

That is certainly true, but that does not make it incumbent on me to prove one what the root is. It's perfectly possible to assume that one thing or another is the root for the purpose of conversation, or to assume that the root is one of a limited number of things.

Rights that are enshrined within your constitution and international accord are considered fundamental.

They are considered fundamental to the US legal system or whatever international governing body's legal system you're talking about. There is always that qualification.

You can believe that the earth is flat, but it doesn't change the fact that the consensus and agreed societal norm is that the earth is round. The consensus and agreed rights are written within your laws and constitution, go and read them.

What is your point?

How did that case resolve? A 6–2 decision in favour of Wong Kim. SIX vs TWO supreme court justices interpreted it the same, that is pretty clear.

If it was as clear as you suggest, the result would have been 8-0. Two SUPREME COURT justices, including a chief justice, interpreted it differently than the others. These are not just random people off the street. These are some of the best legal minds of their day, who were deemed to be qualified for that position by the US president and senate, and who have handed down rulings that still apply to this day.

You dispute it right here:

Being equal to me in one limited, specific way according to one particular system is by no means the same thing as a reason to treat them the same in every other regard.

Yes it is a benefit

Is it a benefit specifically for the white americans who do not want to learn spanish or any other language commonly spoken by non-white immigrants?

Open your eyes ffs.

If I can see something by opening my eyes, it means that thing is already in my country, and I don't need anyone to migrate here to enrich me with it.

No I mean that employers actually have someone to employ.

There is always someone to employ. There is only a question of whether you're willing to offer them enough money to convince them to become employed by you.

If your population is aged or not/too skilled and there are shortages in sectors, immigration can quickly fill those gaps and prevent failure.

Or you can pay workers more in those sectors, to encourage more people to work in them.

One example would be that aging populations are unable to have the children and increased family sizes required to fund their retirement.

OK, that is a benefit for old people. What is the benefit to the young people in such societies to now have immigrants driving down their wages and crowding out their own families?

Already answered this countless times.

Always in vague references, never in specifics.

Doesn't change the fact they're not selecting migrants based on race.

They may not be doing so explicitly, I don't know. There is certainly some implicit filter keeping blacks from immigrating.

But a significant enough variance to show that environment is just as important as genes.

How can you arrive at the conclusion that "environment is just as important as genes" when we just agreed that there would be less variance between twins raised apart than between two random unrelated people raised in exactly the same circumstances?

Because you're a racist.

Because my guess is that their presence in my country will make life worse for my children and future descendants rather than better, and I care more about my own flesh and blood than about random people across the globe, just like how random people across the globe care more about their own flesh and blood than they do about me and my family.

on the idea that without 'blacks and mestizos' your society will be so much better.

Right, which it most likely would.

It's just bewilderingly wrong.

And yet you've struggled mightily to provide even a single plausible benefit to the average white person to having them here in large numbers.

You speak as if removing blacks and mestizos would fix Americas problems, which is deluded.

It would certainly fix some of them, though it would just as certainly cause others. The question is which set of problems is worse, looking at both the short term and the long term.

Violence and crime is found most prevalent in the poorest parts of the world

My family doesn't live there.

That benefits everyone.

How specifically would it benefit my children more than just keeping for themselves the resources that would need to be spent to fix "the huge global inequalities that exist in access to education, nutrition and resources"?

Not all natives are equally beneficial. In fact many are detrimental.

Of course that is true. But there are here so need to be dealt with differently.

TBH you probably aren't particularly beneficial, just another lost white dude with a superiority complex.

I'm sure many people don't think people like me are beneficial, but most decent productive people in my country do, and I care much more about their opinions.

BaIoo ago

That is certainly true, but that does not make it incumbent on me to prove what the root is. It's perfectly possible to assume for sake of argument that one thing or another is the root, or to assume for sake of argument that the root is one of a limited number of things.

You're asserting that crime and welfare is purely because of a groups ethnicity, so you need to prove this assertion otherwise it is just a baseless accusation, a worthless opinion that nobody will really listen to.

They are considered fundamental to the US legal system or whatever international governing body's legal system you're talking about. There is always that qualification.

Good. You live in the US, so they're your fundamental rights (as well as any other US citizen).

What is your point?

Regardless of your opinion, we act on the consensus. So if the widely agreed rights are written within your laws and constitution, then regardless of your opinion they will be applied.

If it was as clear as you suggest, the result would have been 8-0. Two SUPREME COURT justices, including a chief justice, interpreted it differently than the others. These are not just random people off the street. These are some of the best legal minds of their day, who were deemed to be qualified for that position by the US president and senate, and who have handed down rulings that still apply to this day.

Rarely will a topic have complete agreement. 6 - 2 is a clear majority. Although this precedent was over 100 years ago when many people were often very racist, so who cares.

Being equal to me in one limited, specific way according to one particular system is by no means the same thing as a reason to treat them the same in every other regard.

Not really. By law you must to treat every person, regardless of ethnicity, fairly and all laws applied in an equal manner.

Is it a benefit specifically for the white americans who do not want to learn spanish or any other language commonly spoken by non-white immigrants?

Yes. If you can't understand how people learning more languages is a benefit, even to the white natives, then you're missing crayons from your box.

If I can see something by opening my eyes, it means that thing is already in my country, and I don't need anyone to migrate here to enrich me with it.

Whatever, black culture is huge in America. You will continue to learn from migrants new ways of living, doing business, creating arts.

There is always someone to employ. There is only a question of whether you're willing to offer them enough money to convince them to become employed by you. Or you can pay workers more in those sectors, to encourage more people to work in them.

Not true and just a plain wrong, simplistic view of industries. If you have a shortage of ICU nurses, you can't suddenly acquire more nurses just by offering to pay more. You need to train them for years or incentivize migration where there are already nurses that are trained and ready.

OK, that is a benefit for old people. What is the benefit to the young people in such societies to now have immigrants driving down their wages and crowding out their own families?

So that their aging population doesn't starve to death, not get the care they need. So that they're not forced in to caring for older family and can focus on their own life goals.

How can you arrive at the conclusion that "environment is just as important as genes" when we just agreed that there would be less variance between twins raised apart than between two random unrelated people raised in exactly the same circumstances?

Genes are simply a part of how a person develops, you can have a full box of art supplies but not produce anything worth looking at. Another person can have simply a pencil and produce a masterpiece. Genes do not dictate the end result, they only influence. What is more important, having good genes or a stable environment; I will always say the latter. A kid with the best genes would achieve nothing if they are stuck in a North Korean labour camp. A kid with bad genetic makeup can excel in life if given the opportunities to learn and grow. IMO environment will always be as important, if not more important, than genes

And yet you've struggled mightily to provide even a single plausible benefit to the average white person to having them here in large numbers.

Nope. You're just completely blind and even when presented with multiple benefits, you ignore them and fixate on something else. The rational part of your mind has been warped by racist ideology.

I obviously don't know how old you are, so I am left wondering that perhaps the cognitive decline is too great and you will never be able to grasp the benefits of our global population coming together and working for a human future without the hateful prejudice and barriers that are enforced to keep people divided and controlled.

You're another puppet of the system, one that seeks to make people hate and conflict over unimportant differences such as ethnicity.

I'm done trying to engage with someone that cannot accept basic information, enjoy your hateful existence.

everef ago

You're asserting that crime and welfare is purely because of a groups ethnicity, so you need to prove this assertion otherwise it is just a baseless accusation, a worthless opinion that nobody will really listen to.

I never said or implied it was purely because of their genetics. I think it's due, in part, to white people treating other white people better for hundreds of years, though it's hard to say whether that's actively contributing any more.

Good. You live in the US, so they're your fundamental rights (as well as any other US citizen).

They're my fundamental rights according to the US legal system. There is nothing requiring everyone on US soil to be in favor of those fundamental rights.

Regardless of your opinion, we act on the consensus. So if the widely agreed rights are written within your laws and constitution, then regardless of your opinion they will be applied.

What is your point?

Rarely will a topic have complete agreement.

Rarely when it gets to the supreme court, because obvious issues will tend to be handled before getting to the supreme court. That's not a point in your favor. There have been plenty of unanimous supreme court rulings.

By law you must to treat every person, regardless of ethnicity, fairly

Uh, what? Fairly according to what definition of fair?

Yes. If you can't understand how people learning more languages is a benefit, even to the white natives

Can you describe specifically how being more easily able to learn a language commonly spoken by non-white immigrants is a benefit to white natives that do not want to learn any of those languages? Obviously it's not helping their executive functions.

You will continue to learn from migrants new ways of living, doing business, creating arts.

So you still don't want to get specific.

you can't suddenly acquire more nurses just by offering to pay more.

Sure you can. Not everyone that is qualified for a job is actively working or actively working that specific job. If you really have a critical need for nurses that no increase in pay will resolve, and they can't be found elsewhere in your country, you can bring them in to the country temporarily, until your country can train more locally. You don't have to let them immigrate on a permanent basis.

So that their aging population doesn't starve to death, not get the care they need.

What developing country's aging population is at any risk of starving to death? And what do you mean, the care they need? Old people would always do better with more and higher quality care. That doesn't mean they need it.

So that they're not forced in to caring for older family and can focus on their own life goals.

If they as a society want to make sure old family members can afford nursing homes and whatever, the government can subsidize it.

A kid with bad genetic makeup can excel in life if given the opportunities to learn and grow. IMO environment will always be as important, if not more important, than genes

And a kid with the best genetics in the world can be turned into a vegetable by being dropped on his head as a baby. If you focus on extreme environments, sure, environment will have more of an impact. If you don't so restrict your focus, genes tend to have more of an influence than environment.

You're just completely blind and even when presented with multiple benefits

No, you have refused to give specific examples.

The rational part of your mind has been warped by racist ideology.

I could just as well say the rational part of yours has been warped by anti-racist ideology.

so I am left wondering that perhaps the cognitive decline is too great and you will never be able to grasp the benefits

I have no doubt there are benefits. For some people, I have no doubt the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. But I think for the people I care most about (my children, my future descendants, other close relatives, and more abstractly, the people I think will make life better for them), I think the drawbacks significantly outweigh the benefits.

unimportant differences such as ethnicity.

They are clearly important, because the different races have struggled greatly to live side by side. There is no denying that after looking at the US.

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

Being despise by your own children is one of the worst things I can imagine.

And even if you wanted to, you couldn't simply chose to change your thinking. What they are really demanding is that you lie to them about how you feel.

PizzaphilePodesta ago

public school and television are two subversion bombs that are tough to shield your kids from.

TomThung ago

Cut your family out of the will, that always gets their attention.

urkelHanzMower ago

That will happen when you spend enough time getting radicalised in an internet echo chamber, and your sons, the same. Sad how narrative warfare will break families apart.

PrimeMinstrelJT ago

Send them knee pads, a funnel, so sorry t-shirts and shoe polish.

Hagitty2015 ago

They'll be back within six months.

Mt_Wannahockaloogie ago

"You shouldn't discuss religion, politics or money with family and friends". I've always wondered (((who))) started that saying because if you can't discuss three of the most important factors in any individuals' life with your family, who are you to talk about it with?

The devil doesn't want independent, free thinkers. The devil wants you to think they way he wants you to think and unfortunately your sons fell victim.

AnotherGrayman ago

The devil doesn't want independent, free thinkers. The devil wants you to think they way he wants you to think

The exact same can be said of any Christian church.

The religion literally ostracizes independent free thinkers who dare ask challenging questions rather than obey.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Agreed, and that's my fault. I wasn't a Christian while I raised them, and intentionally gave them no religious instruction, believing they were good and moral people who would follow my example. After a decades long lapse in my faith, I returned to Christ a few years ago and now see how great the devil's evil influence is in the world. I deeply regret my sons are ensnared in it.

MrPank ago

Sorry that you have faggots for sons but they will not be shown mercy when the time comes.

tastelessinvective ago

Have you shown him the IQ bell curves? Have you shown him the MAOA gene research?

Have you asked him about Lynn's cold winter theory. Send him the book reference here:


For 30,000 years Europeans (and East Asians) who didn't prepare for winter died along with their families. Ask him if there's any chance that would not put evolutionary pressure on the brain (the body's most energy expensive organ).

Tell him the achievement gap between blacks and whites disappears when you compensate for IQ (Steven Hsu said it in his interview with Stephen Molyneux).

Go look up hate graphs on gab and use all his material.

Human biodiversity is real. The facts can't be denied.

Blacks didn't choose to have their ancestors evolve in Africa. They aren't inherently bad or anything. But there are real consequences to race that have bad outcomes if you ignore them.

Torqueness ago

Walk away. Truly walk away. Don't allow any affection to linger in your heart in the mistaken belief that blood is thicker than water. Your son has proven that maxim untrue.

Gorillion ago

"shocked, shocked"

Buy that southern belle a paper fan, a mint julep and a fainting couch. You know, for his next fit of the vapors.

Or just tell him to loosen his corset.

Loganhiemer ago

“ Well son , you will always have my blood in your heart, and when the real world is through with you, or you are through with it, I will always welcome you into my arms , boy, because you are my son and I love you. “

That is how a proud and honorable white man should respond. IMHO

369693936 ago

Be thankful when Bolsheviks self select out of your life, even if they're your kids.

If they have any semblance of sanity remaining, they're going to feel embarrassed and ashamed by the time this is all over.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Sounds like your kids are morons.....no offense

Hand_of_Node ago

Read OPs replies and you'll probably see where they inherited it from.

Jagon ago

At least you'll have a short will to write.

Spend every last penny you have before you die and don't leave them anything. Give them debt if need be.

TerryB ago

So....how come you didn't raise them right?

500five ago

I would recommend to physically get buff and more ripped. You'll need more food, gym, and discipline. But everyone will eventually follow you.

tanukihat ago

Well, you tried your best.

BeerNinja727 ago

My parents were drug addled degenerate hippies who couldn't be bothered to raise me or my sister. Instead the had to go to parties and smoke dope. They largely left the chore of raising me and my sister to my Aunt's and Uncles. Because of this my became a coal burning race traitor married to a half-breed sex offender. I haven't seen or spoken to my parents or sister in over ten years.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

sometimes it's best to keep one's views to oneself. A lot of folk unkindly say I should keep my views to myself all the time but they would, wouldn't they!

cantaloupe6 ago

Send them to worldstarhiphop

1_Islander ago

I hope you keep strong in your views, which I am sure you will. Sometimes it takes some racial realities to awaken people to the reality of race. Most people live a cushy life in today's materialistic cosmopolitan consumeristic society. They think they know it all, when in fact there is a whole other world that the common man gets, but which the elite stands in opposition to them over. Best of luck to you.

yt4cz9 ago

Keep going to family events and ignore what they say. Try to convert everyone to the truth.

Right now, email you kids this video as a response. Don't say anything. Just email them the video.



My son meant everything to me and my grandson meant more...I haven't seen either one of them for over 4 years now because of my hard approach to life. I have a profitable high profile business and noone to leave it to...the pain I experience is compounded as it hurts to see my 90 year old mother wanting to see her grandson and great grandson and can't understand why she can't. Now this enrages me. The lack of disrespect and the severed ties that bind a family have enraged me...but they are still the son and grandson I miss. Such is life, preordained without an instruction manual, cruel and ruthless, fail and perish...survival of the fittest means death to the weakest, think with your brain and not your heart.

I refuse to dwell on a past that forgot me...an ignoble exit is not in the cards I plan on sticking it out for a long time yet, I'm not letting anybody off easy I'm sticking around to keep people pissed off...I am self made and know what it takes to get there. I have employees who've been with me for over 20years and earn up to 150K annually, I compete against Berkshire Hathaway and Mammoet, I've submitted plans to BP to cap the Gulf well blowout etc etc etc I don't fuck up and I don't lose and it's only because of my deft aggression, I command respect...family betrayal is the ultimate disrespect and I can accept that.

My apologies for the seemingly self centered rant but this is what it takes to be self-sufficient and beholden to nobody and this is what I tried to instill in my family but the outside world of political correctness programmed them against me, even to the point where my nature was considered confrontational and divisive...and that's why the world is the way it is " DAD " .

The ultimate goal in life is the control of one's income. A person's financial pinnacle is directly proportionate to their discipline, but somehow society saw it fit to brainwash people into a frame of mind where those would be the word's of a madman, a racist, bigoted, misogynist, islamophobic queer hater. When your income is controlled by external sources so is your life....and my family walked away from me because I was considered a madman.

I will not leave " my empire " to those who betrayed me...I even generated a hand written amendment to my will and had my mechanic witness it with his signature. The empire that I built, expecting to have it carried into the future by my son and grandson, collapses upon my exit.

a_ben ago

interesting post, thanks for sharing

why do you only have one kid? all your financial accomplishments will go to waste, meaning they can't be the ultimate goal in life

you should have made 10 kids or more, you have the money to support them and they would carry on your legacy

if some were proven weak you wouldn't care as much because you would have others and this is the way of nature, the weak are not meant to make it


I also have a daughter. When I divorced back in 88, her mother had turned her against me...the only time she makes contact with me is when she wants money, that's the only time and last year it really hit home that I was being used...actually I always knew it but didn't want to accept it. I'm at a point in my life where I don't even want to admit to having kids because it's embarrassing to explain as to why I have no contact with them. I sometimes wish I had more kids but then I think that if I did have more then there would be more hurt.

I'm really thinking that I might just will everything off to family members in Russia and Ukraine, I have one cousin in Kiev who I'm close to but he's only 5 years younger. I will not leave it to anyone who walked away from me INCLUDING THIS SHIT HOLE COUNTRY CANADA OR ANYONE IN IT. I'LL BE FUCKED IF A NIGGER OR JEW GETS MY ESTATE.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I appreciate what you say and your comment. I'm not anywhere near your level of accomplishment, but I respect it. I don't condemn wealth, especially if one creates it on one's own.

But beyond that, I agree with your sentiment that the hardest part to take is the disrespect and the slander, the handwaving condemnation with meaningless words like "racist" and "crazy". It's lazy thinking from people who are too self-righteous and bigoted to allow others to have opinions they disagree with.

I rather agree with @Hand_of_Node. For me, the ultimate goal in life is to live well and be happy, for we will all die and be forgotten. Marcus Aurelius is very helpful for me. His constant reminders (written only for himself) to remember that he is just a man and that he too will die, that not everything is under one's control, and that the greatest power one has is the ability to control how one feels about events, are as useful to me as reading the bible. I never aspired to be wealthy, and I'm very content with what I have because I have as much control over it as I can manage.


Marcus Aurelius, the man who gave us "Stoic Philosophy ".

Between him and Cicero I don't know who's the better one.

Hand_of_Node ago

Congratulations on your business success, but I disagree on the ultimate goal in life. The ultimate goal is to live and die. It is and has been the final goal of every human life that has existed on this planet to date.

the outside world of political correctness programmed them against me

Yes, and it took them many years to do so. Where were you while this was happening? We reap what we sow, whether we like it or not. But when you think about it, reaping what you sow is the ultimate fairness, whether your results are perceived as negative or positive.

I even generated a hand written amendment to my will and had my mechanic witness it with his signature.

Let's hope this is literary license, and your actual preparations were a little more rigorous.


I was waiting for the "where were you while this was happening " line. I was working 12 hrs a day to keep my family supplied with the necessities of life. I wish it wasn't so complicated but the reality is that without money you go nowhere....I've never considered money to be the root of all evil, I've always considered the "lack" of money to be the root of all evil.

Re. your allusion to my "actual preparations", a part of me is stalling, I know once I go to my lawyer it's going to be all over for good and deep inside a part of me is hoping that my family comes back....if not then Cest la vie.

PsychoticBreak ago

Drive to their homes, one by one, and confront them. Faggots, is what they are. You are God. Explain reality.

ScottMAGA ago

One of your sons wrote the letter to you, claiming to speak for both of them. Focus on the other son. He is being bullied by his brother. Even if he agrees to everything that the jew put into his head, that doesn't mean that he was eager to take the extreme step of cutting you out of his life.

Hand_of_Node ago

See OPs asshole replies. It would be no surprise if everyone who knows him perceives him as the asshole he's being in his replies.

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

His statement "it goes deeper than that, but" in his original post set of alarm bells, but I ignored them. After I seeing his replies, I'm taking "it goes deeper than that, but" to mean "actually there are lots of reason my kids won't talk to me, but I'm going to focus on the one that isn't my fault."

chrimony ago

There's hope. He left a crack in the door if you're willing to change your thinking. I suggest Chinese water torture of anti-white stories. Videos of black on white crime. Anti-white statements by the establishment. Use the Socratic method. Ask, "I don't want to be racist. What am I supposed to think about this?" Keep up the dialog, don't get angry, and just pepper him with the truth.

ForgottenMemes ago

You have to turn it back on them.

History shows, over and over again that egalitarianism doesn't work. Every empire throughout history has collapse, often violently. Most wars are fought over ethnic or religious differences. Denying the realities of race and forcing white people to live along side non-whites not only hurts the whites that are murdered on a daily basis like, Tessa Majors and Kate Stinle, but it also hurts the non-whites. They're taken away from their homes with the promise of welfare which is often a lie. The blacks were brought here against their will. The right thing to do is to send them home to be with their people. They know this. Everyone knows this. If they try to deny it, tell them you believe they are smart, but you don't believe they are honest. They are lying when they pretend to believe in all this egalitarian bullshit.

They are doing it because they are either evil or cowards. They either want people, white and non-white to suffer. This is true of the kikes, but probably not your family members. So they are pretending to believe the lies because they are cowards. It's ok to be scared. It's ok to have a moment where you give in to fear. However to lash out at your father for standing up for what's right because you lack the strength to do the same is vile and disgusting behavior. Offer to help them be strong. Offer to help they become good people and real men. If they refuse then call them vile, evil, disgusting people. Call them traitors.

A man who is racist towards foreigners is cautious.

A man who is racist towards his neighbor is a bigot.

A man who is racist towards his own kind is a traitor.

Do you want to be a man or a traitor?

Mr_Quagmire ago

I fear this might happen to me someday, my kids are young. Is there anything you'd change looking back on how they were raised?

Hand_of_Node ago

Read OPs replies and don't be like OP.

TheManyHands ago

Maybe you shouldn't have raised a faggot.

ilovejuices3 ago

Yeah that's my question, who raised his sons to be pussy faggot liberals?

TheManyHands ago

Probably their nigger-loving whore mother.

golgo91 ago

I am torn between believing this and thinking your a fed/kike trying to keep people from sharing their thoughts.

VitaloStarbucky ago

I'm so sorry that your sons turned out gay!

Broc_Lia ago

That's really awful :/. I guess the silver lining of a breakdown in society is that they'll probably discover the truth for themselves sooner rather than later.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Thanks, dude. I hope so.

veteran88 ago

Don't blame your own family.

Blame the Jewish lying press, they brainwashed your kids into self-hating niggerkike worshipping whites.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Don't blame your own family. Blame the Jewish lying press, they brainwashed your kids into self-hating niggerkike worshipping whites.


Blame the one single person who is always at fault: Blame YOURSELF.

You haven't fully digested the Red Pill if you're still enough of a cuck to be looking for candidates upon whom to unload all of your failings in life.


veteran88 ago

Ignoring the people who are activly engaged in psycological warfare against you and your entire race is just stupid.

Yes the path to freedom is internal but once your free then it's time to relentlessly attack the enemy. The jlying press is there enemy.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Ignoring the people who are activly engaged in psycological warfare against you and your entire race is just stupid.


That was our Ancestors' mistake.

But we no longer have the excuses of our Ancestors - we can't honestly profess to be naive anymoar.

It is our responsibility now to pwn our own failure & to remedy it.

veteran88 ago

They are still engaged in the psychological warfare this very second. Can't just blame someone else and pretend it isn't happening

Drunkenmoba ago

Be strong. Be stable. Make your sons watch Yuris interview. The planned end of america is being attempted.

Side note: show them how the cancel culture has controlled them. Ive setup a simple way to prove to my family how their hate will destroy them- I threaten dox them as racists to their employers. Since they have said white people have to go and alm white people are racist- I am ready at the drop of a hat to get them fired.

Oddly, this has shit them up more than anything else in trying to redpill them. Making it clear that the mob WILL turn on them. Every person Ive said this too stops talking to me for a few days to a few months. But next time the talking starts I can twll the first redpill has had time to sink in.

Good luck niggerfaggot.

random128dsf321 ago

which yuris interview?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I think he means Yuri Bezmenov, and it's definitely worthwhile.

MarauderShields ago

Sorry to hear that.

I don't think you will, but it bears repeating... never take a knee, never apologize. They will come around. I was the most shameless left wing flunky until reality shoved shit down my throat layer in life.

When they come back (as they will), never say "I told you so", or be smug. Only lament the lost time with your offspring.

While you're waiting, update your will to be on the safe side. Even if you've only got 10 bucks to your name, do not let them have it, it will be used to propagate the pain you feel now to other families.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Thanks, I appreciate your comment.

DohBoy ago

That’s why I broke my family in slowly. Jumping right into NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER never works. (Not saying you did).

Then... over time....


AnotherGrayman ago

How'd you start, and how'd you progress?

GovernmentShill ago

Give it time. They will come around in 2 to 3 years (unless you are the easy scapegoat for family problems).

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I hope so. I won't change my mind, but I'm not in the best of health, and I'm really fucking demoralized about everything. I hope I'm around in 2-3 years.

Old_Gravy_Leg ago

I hope you can understand where I'm coming from. I was were your sons were years ago. My father was much like you. While my brother and I understood why he felt as he did, we had "the talk" with him too. Not disowning, just "you can't talk that way around the family, and certainly not in the company of others". Fast forward a few years, and my brother and I started being honest with each other about shitskins, and realized what we did to Dad. He passed away 3 years ago, and I never got the chance to tell him he was right, and that I was sorry. I'm really sorry that you are going through this. If they are at all honest with themselves, they'll eventually come around. I hope it isn't too late when they do.

86USSLiberty ago

It’s sad man. My brother and sister went woke. They were both so god damn smart. They think me and my father are the devil. I hope they are smart enough to come around eventually. I know deep down they know reality but for some reason want to give into nonsensical ideas and emotional thinking because the truth hurts. Deep down white people are empaths. Look how we treat dogs for fucks sake compared to every other group.Often our greatest traits are our worst ones. Maybe once confronted with niggers coming for their blonde haired blue eyed asses they’ll get it. I will welcome them back when they come to their senses.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Thanks, I appreciate that, and I agree. I'll always have the door open for them.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Living with niggers is the greatest redpill you will get. You wont even feel like yourself anymore and your soul is crushed. Living with these welfare check collecting gibsmedats porch monkeys will redpill you really quickly.

86USSLiberty ago

Oh I know. I grew up in a very small town. Then I ran track at a d1 school and got my first real experience outside a half kid who went to our school and was truly more white luckily for him. We went to this track meet in Austin Texas though. Basically niggers from everywhere converge on the town. I shit you not they had riot cops in the highland mall not letting you stand still. Meanwhile all the clerks stood at the doors of stores doing nothing while alarms went off. Then one of my first jobs after college was in DC.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

And Liberals will still have the audacity to say its part of the big city life lol.

thebearfromstartrack ago

God says (Bible) the children of parents who refuse to worship the beast will be offered up to the beast by them. Also the parents of children I think (both ways). mark of the beast? Thought and deed (in forehead (brain), on right hand (deed)) regarding niggers.

Vc83 ago

did they go to public school?

BalfourYourFace ago

Remove them from your will and donate your money to John Birtch or something.

How did they even get that way, weren't you showing them the problems with niggers when they were growing up?

jewer ago

Make certain they know before you die (and after) thast they are getting nothing. Them, in your will, stipulate that they each will be getting copies of some famous books on white genocide, minority facts, and white replacement (the tame ones) : Ann Coulter has couple, and books on the islamification and death of Europe :

Adios, America - By: Ann Coulter

The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam

Resistance Is Futile! How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind - By: Ann Coulter

Open Borders, Inc. Who’s Funding America’s Destruction : Michelle Malkin

and such.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Those are all good book recommendations. I've read all of Counter's books, which were extremely influential for me. The left has smeared her so badly that you can't even mention her name without getting a visceral response from people who disagree with her.

facepaint ago

Nah. No sense in hardening their hearts when it is possible they will change their minds. Stating that ahead of time will just push them to dig their heels in.

Ospreys90 ago

Not just that, but families should stick together. I count myself fortunate that we all share our views in my immediate family, but if one person had different views we wouldn't outcast them for it.

369693936 ago

but if one person had different views we wouldn't outcast them for it.

Bolsheviks are mind controlled, soon the trigger words will be used to activate them to kill the conservatives in their life. It won't work on all of them, but it will work on a significant %.

Intrixina ago

If you allow traitors in your midst you end up knifed in the back by them eventually.

jewer ago

I would not reward them for them desiring the death of a formerly White nation. They would not get inheritance resources to hasten the death of USA.

random128dsf321 ago

scratch that. Put all money in a trust. Have it invested in index funds. Let it grow.

200K from house liquidated etc is easily worth 1 million in two decades.

Then have the trust lawyers reach out to your grandkids. Offer them money to renounce your kids (their parents) just let the trust grow and keep having the lawyers remind them how much they aren't getting.

Gorillion ago

reach out to your grandkids.

Many virtue signalling types have no problem using their children as political props, and those kids may need a safe bolt hole in the future if the derangement gets too much. OP, if you're able, let them know you're there for them.

RazSimonesDreadlocks ago

Aww man, spoiler that shit. I didn't get to the part where he outs himself yet.

Drkadrka ago

Do all this. And get a trust setup as the "John and Jim Johnson Trust" but with neither as signatories(your names may vary). Use trust to purchase a small piece of land in their city and commission a lifesize statue of Hitler as the white knight on a 20ft tall, reinforced concrete pedestal.

Affix a large plaque giving thanks to them for their generosity that made this monument to history available for all to admire and to reflect on the opportunities for the world lost with the death of this great man.

Make them pariahs in their hometown.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

200K from house liquidated etc is easily worth 1 million in two decades.

At the same time, 1 million in two decades will have the purchasing power of 200k today.

MarauderShields ago

This. They must receive nothing.

Neon_daemon ago

i disowned my parents. my dad is mixed all over the spectrum. both his parents served in the war. he cant find a foundation or bearing. mother turned into the omega christ cuck. she feeds the rats at the soup kitchen near where i used to work. they then would go piss and shit it out on my business` back door. then the area got so bad it startedhappening on the front door. thanks mom

SexMachine ago

>no mention of the Jew

Antifa are useful idiots, niggers are their golem. These are just tools of the Jew, and you can't really blame the niggers, they're unthinking, like animals. You let loose a chimpanzee and it rips off a woman's face, can you really blame the chimp? No, you can't, it's a wild beast. You blame the asshole that let the fucking chimp out on the streets.

They've amassed an army of unthinking, inhuman animals on the streets who are ready to murder you and rape your grandparents. The MSM is their command tool, pushing out orders for the animals to direct their anger and destruction upon.

Any white person among them might as well be one of them.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I had a conversation with the son who sent me the letter a few weeks ago, which was what began all of this. What you said was my primary point in the conversation, and I said the blacks who rioted were garbage people and contribute nothing to society and are thus of lower value than most White people, and the White Antifa punks who assisted them are no better than the blacks. (I refrained from using racial slurs, of course.) If you riot and burn private homes and businesses, you're a garbage person and are a worthless human being.

He's going to be very surprised when they turn on him because he thinks because he's on their side, he's safe. No one is safe.

Intrixina ago

Tell them to fuck off and don't bother coming back. You don't need to associate with trash, even if it's your family.

As /u/MrPancake says - "morons will not be tolerated in my family". The same goes for me, except that morons are not tolerated amongst my friends either.

MrPancake ago

I consider my few friends family. If they are not worthy of family; they cannot be my friends.

Intrixina ago

Pretty much it. Most of my family are redpilled - the ones who are not I don't associate with.

Fuckityfuckfuck ago

My sons about to turn one. I want him to be a free thinker and to actually question everything regardless of his opinions or views. Being able to have an open minded debate of everything regardless of emotion and not get his feelings hurt over it.

Any advice on a new father?

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Any advice on a new father?

1) Give the boy as many White brothers & White sisters as your woman can push out of her womb [from now until she passes fully out of menopause and becomes completely barren].


3) Every word you speak to your children must be the God's honest Truth. Never speak even the slightest & moast innocuous of little "white" lies to them. You make it abundantly clear that in your family, you speak Truth, and Truth alone, else you shut your damned mouf and say nothing whatsoever.

That means no Santa Claus, no Easter Bunny, no Tooth Fairy, none of that filthy (((jew))) horseshit.

Just Truth, and Truth alone.

4) PS: Learn COGforLife like the Bible -




DohBoy ago

Protect their minds. The same way you keep your eyes on them at the playground so no pervert snatches them, that’s how you protect their minds. Watch them like a hawk. Before I go into more specifics, here is an aside: try your best to never ever ever ever yell at them. I know I’ve made that mistake myself. It damages their minds, damages the relationship, it shakes a little of the trust out of them. Don’t listen to hard asses who think you should hit your kids and scream at them. Be respectful and gentle and that actually makes you stronger in their eyes, more firm, more in control. When you resort to hitting or screaming you’ve already lost. They respect you less. Trust me, even one time, don’t do it. Don’t. It’s almost impossible not to so don’t beat yourself up when you inevitably fuck up and lose your temper and yell.

Talk to them. They will respect you more. My kids think I’m Batman for chrissake. They respect me and their mother and their country a great deal and it’s not just because they are good kids which they are.

Now, no matter what you do, even if you homeschool, they are going to be overwhelmed with the wrong messages. Try to find the balance between giving them the truth and also not allowing them to destroy their own lives by saying the wrong things at the wrong times to the wrong people. It sucks that we have to be like this, covert like this, but there are ways to teach them to stick up for what’s right without getting themselves killed with NIGGERJEWFAGGOT IHATENIGGWRSHATENIGGERSHATENIGGERS 24/7 in public.

Again, don’t listen to hard asses who say one thing and do another. The jerk off here who talk about JEWFAGGOTJEWFAGGOT but don’t dare say on social media or mixed company or in public or at work what they say here.

You know damn well they can destroy their lives and the lives of their children by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Meanwhile they can be just as impactful and make just as much of a difference and not ruin their lives just by playing it smart.

There are other ways to do it. Find balance. Don’t frame your viewpoints as being hateful, which is the temptation because we know we hate those motherfuckers, don’t we?

That’s the big reveal. Let them figure that out for themselves. Let them figure out later in life that they hate those motherfuckers. Keep their eyes open, show them that savages acting like savages are savages. But don’t frame it hatefully. They’ll figure that out and think they came up with it themselves.

As long as they can recognize right from wrong, they will come to despise what is wrong. You don’t need to tell them to, and it’s counterproductive actually. Because then you come across as what they’ve been “warned about.” That’s the way they turn against you, as they think you’re “one of them.” A racist, or a bigot, they will be programmed to turn on that no matter how well you raise them.

Trust me: they will be trained to turn on you if you give away the big reveal too early. Let them grow into it themselves. There is this elite one or 2% of parents that can prevent this, don’t count on being that elite 1%. I’m not. And I’m a damn good parent.

But I didn’t take any chances, they know right from wrong, and they are figuring it out on their own. You can see it in their eyes every day they know. They know. I never had to tell them I only had to tell them to recognize the difference between violence and justice. Between productivity and laziness. Etc. I’m sorry I’m rambling but this is very important and I wanted to take your questions seriously. There’s nothing more important that you and I can ever discuss.

Don’t give the outside world the ammunition it needs to get your kids against you. Always frame your viewpoints and decency, honesty, morality and patriotism. Whatever the fuck you need to do to get your message across while retaining your “morality in the eyes of the public“. You are not a bigot, you’re not a racist, you just believe in law and order. Blah blah blah. Eventually they’ll figure it out. And they’ll be proud to hate the same motherfuckers you hate

Hand_of_Node ago

Well said.

Rand01 ago

Force them, and yes you will have to, to read books the schools do not require anymore. Assuming you're not homeschooling, you've got to get them to read, read , read classical literature. Make them listen to talk radio, or Conservative Podcasts like American Renaissance in the car. Yes they will think it's boring, you're Dad and they're the kids. Get movies like The Greatest Story Never Told, Waiting For Superman, and other documentaries banned by Netflix and Youtube. If you don't like the Boy Scouts find an alternative organization like the Mormons have done. And do not let your wife assume the role of "equal". I'm the Dad I have no problem putting my wife in her place in front of the boys - and I have zero tolerance for them disrespecting her. That's a start.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Im jewish amd would like to snip your sons foreskin off

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Raise them Christian, and make them racially aware. They're going to be a minority in their country country before they are 10. Teach them to defend themselves and not to apologize for being White. Best of luck, and God bless.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

I also recommend going to a zoo exibit of niggers to help them become racially aware. If you just tell that ooga booga is going to rape them they are going to have a hard time understanding.

capicua ago

I mean, you still have time to get re-married, new family, new son, teach him right, don't let this tear you down and keep it up

DamonAxemaker ago

I was mugged years ago because I was white. They saw me as an easy target and when they ended up running I'm sure they thought it was a bad idea. Other times negroes have tried to intimidate me because they thought white people were cowards. For the most part that's true but once in a while they end up wrong and things go really bad. Those are all examples of being targeted because of my skin color.

Negroes are targeted for their skin color and rightfully so but they get to riot about it.

The smaller percentage of cops killing black people when compared to the numbers of white people killed by cops is laughable but let's look at something else- how many white people are murdered by negroes because of their skin? Without doing any research I would lowball it at tens of thousands and that's nothing beside the dozens of negroes killed by cops over generations.

But what if the real numbers of white people killed by cops was broadcast? What if it was on the news at the same frequency as the small number of negroes killed by police officers? Of course there would be no room for anything else but how do you think the world would change? Can you imagine if most head-in-the-clouds white people knew the truth of how many white people are killed? How many of them are slaughtered every year?

But we're supposed to sit back and just accept their violence as righteous indignation because of the small number of (not really) innocent negroes killed while godknowshowmany whites are slaughtered constantly and everyone just accepts that as reality?

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Blacks do this if they see your a skinny white nerd travelling alone in a nigger hood. If they saw you as a threat they pull out their knives and guns.

They also love to act like victims whever they are caught doing something bad. When a black and black get caught doing something to each other both often will have a chimp contest to see whos the most innocent victim and will call each other liars to prove their innocence while hooting like baboons.

DamonAxemaker ago

It was an okay neighborhood they were trying to encroach on. It's probably much worse now. At the time it was drizzling and I had a hoodie on so I had my head down and they rolled up on me, pushed right into me before I could see them. When I stood straight and they saw I was a foot taller than both of them they knew they'd made a bad choice.

When the cops came and they questioned me about their race they listed every one you could think of before sighing and whispering '...were they black?' I laughed, of course they were black.

They were really shitty muggers too. I've never robbed someone before but I'm sure if I was going to it would have been much better. I sure as fuck wouldn't end up running away. Can't even break the law right

HiJoker ago

They'll stuff you in a nursing home before you know it. Cut them the fuck out of the will, leave them all one dollar so that they can't contest. Liquidate everything and hit the road and go travel. Take the dog. Go have fun while you can still move around.

Kids are a hit and miss. You're not the only one who the jew has poisoned their family. Coast around on free wifi on a brand new old computer without windows spyhard addition. Take some pictures, do some writing. Go fishing. RV's are the fun you deserve at the end of it all.

They want you to change your view? Fine, change your view from an RV. Find nice sunsets and glorious mornings. Have a fire at night and sleep in. Or get up early and go fish for breakfast. Find fresh air. It will clear your head.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

How old are you? Do you have children? Especially adult children? And why are you giving me unsolicited advice like this? You don't know me, my family, my circumstance, or anything else about me. Fuck off.

ChosenUndead ago

Hey dickhead, you just posted about your personal life on the internet and then you give someone a hard time for commenting? Go fuck yourself. It sounds like you are a fucking terrible father anyway as your children turned out to be cucked liberal faggots. You are a loser parent and a terrible father.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

You're correct. My apologies to @HiJoker. I amended my comment.

HiJoker ago

Solright, you've got more shit to worry about than remarks to me. Good luck.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Thanks for your good words. Much appreciated.

ninjajunkie ago

You're the one posting your personal laundry online fuckstick. We know you were a shitty father, have faggot kids, and you have no balls. It's boomers like you that let the country get this way. 10 years ago, you would have been the one spouting shit about my "toxic ideas", but now it's different because it happened to you. Enjoy the Medicaid home they leave you in.

Gorillion ago

unsolicited advice

You posted in a PUBLIC FORUM, faggot. The invitation to discourse is implicit in the fucking platform.

Enjoy the nigger beatings in your cut price retirement home.

Hand_of_Node ago

You don't know me,

We do now. What a piece of shit, and no wonder your kids are worthless scumbags.

golgo91 ago

unsolicited advice

You gave an unsolicited bitchpost. You fuck off niggerfaggot

ImReallyHighBut ago

You don't know how the internet works. If you don't want people to say shit, don't post anything. Or at least stop being a knucklefucker about it.

DohBoy ago

Again, you’re the one that brought this here. I’m not sure what you expected, people are going to give you unsolicited advice. I tried to give you some good advice above, and other people did as well. But if you’re going to be a dickhead about it why the fuck did you bring it to us? I treated you with kindness above in my other comment, but now I’m pissed off. This is why they rejected you, be a man. You came to us and now bitch about our honest responses? Jesus, dude, stop acting like a woman.

Intrixina ago

Yet he's dead right.

How about you actually fucking listen to people for once?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

How about you ask me about my circumstances? None of the shit me said applies to me. He just pulled some stuff out of the air hoping something will stick, just like you're doing.

AnotherGrayman ago

How about you ask me about my circumstances?

What are your circumstances?

I'm in my 30s, always figured I'd never have kids because the world was overpopulated, had no clue that my race could have benefited from my contribution, married the wrong woman but finally woke up and left her, then got hit by an SUV and now I'm disabled and penniless, only to find out all-too-late about the communist fuckery that's been happening for decades.

You've lived a different life than I have, you know different things, you've had different hardships, learned different lessons.

What are your circumstances?

AR47 ago

What are your circumstances?

Grew up with pain and neglect. Got beaten many times, had a father that gave a shit....Boomer tard that did his best and I filled in the gaps with trial and error.

Married a cheating whore that left me for a somalian refugee.....found a path in the military that allowed me the chance to kill many Muslims. With air strikes, bullets, and even starving them out.

Didn't make me a better person....just helped me realize how fucked up I was.

Lived in a car for over a year and had a job. No one ever knew because it was my burden and I could take the hot nights and cold as fuck mornings....showers in a truck stop, canned food cooked on the exhaust header of the car so I didn't freeze to death at night.

Saw some spic take one to the head at my front door. Next one almost hit me. Sold my shit went to Australia for a while....realized if I gave up my citizenship that 7 years was for nothing.

Came back and had a wife and kid now.....no electricity for two months because work today get paid today temp work for 8 months.....busted my ass off in hot ass shit fit for not even a nigger.

I did it...every fucking day for my 42 bucks, and donated plasma because my responsibility was to a wife and a kid.....spent nights reeling in pain from blisters on my hands when I had to dig a ditch for a water line in some housing edition, coughed up stain for wooden cabinets for weeks because it was a job.

Dealt with a broken big toe that was shattered bone from me dropping a treadmill on it because it was a job and I needed to provide.

I never bitches about my responsibility....I cried at night from the pain and my wife held me head when I was throwing up from the pain.....I still went to fucking work every fucking day they would allow me.

I been through the fucking ringer more times than you can imagine....my 70s will be pain meds and hopefully grand kids because I made a legacy.....you likely know this because we have spoken face to face.

I ain't special, and neither are you. Push past that pain, and fear...it's going to hurt the more you wait to make it stop.

When I got my back injury my eyes would shake from the pain....I still went to work everyday they allowed me. And when I couldn't anymore I went insane. Walk your ass to the fence near where I parked.....walk back, every day until you can walk to the mailbox, then the front of the complex then more and more.

It's going to hurt like fuck....more and more I promise it will. You take comfort in that pain because it is certain....you make it hurt each goddamn fucking day so you know you are alive.

You will collapse and fall in the dirt...I did. You tell them you will get up on your own because you fell on your own.

So what you were hit by some suv. Be a man and get some scars to show the girls. Maybe your kid someday.

It's all about what you make it.

The only easy day was yesterday....it pays to be a winner.

Intrixina ago

You gave plenty of circumstances about your children - that they're NPC'd faggots who are a direct failure of parenting.

Try again.

BalfourYourFace ago

Haha you're just an insane asshole then.

You post this long crybaby crap, and expect people to just get on their knees and suck your dick in the comments?

Your kids are idiots and I can see why now.

HiJoker ago

You should go bend the knee to the niggers to satisfy them.

Don't put your shit out here then whine when someone comments something your precious fucking retarded old ass doesn't like. After all, you raised them, this's ultimately on you.

I'm going to go fuck off now, this conversation with you fucking retards is over for the night.

DohBoy ago

I think I figured it out. This is a mother, not a dad. No man would come here, give us all of this background, and then get pissed off with honest responses, some of which were actually attempting to be helpful. Only a woman would behave like that. This is a mother.

ChosenUndead ago

I think you are right.

great_white_saxon ago

He might act like a bitch but in the third paragraph

I'm being stoic about this right now, because what's done is done, and all I can do is be a man about it and accept it.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Good. Please feel free to fuck off, kid.

ChosenUndead ago

Gee, I wonder why the little bitch has little bitch kids. For fuck's sake, look in the mirror you faggot.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Make sure you write him out of your will, or send any capital straight to his children. And tell him you're disowning him.

slwsnowman40 ago

When did they get brainwashed? Especially the Marine. Fuck, my recruit training platoon hated the nigger and kike that had the same bunk and the rat faced spic that tried to kill himself monthly like the bitch that he was.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Yeah, that's what's really annoying. He fucking hated serving with niggers, and while he was restrained in his criticism, I could tell he thought every single nigger he encountered was a useless fuck. Now when current events come up and we try to discuss protests and social disturbances, he always attributes it to "both sides are acting badly". Utter horseshit, and he should know it. Fuck him, and fuck his ignorance.

slwsnowman40 ago

That's some serious ignorance there. How much soy and fluoridated water is he consuming? When I all but eliminated both (because damn that's really hard), it felt like a fog was lifted off of my brain.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

How do you get rid of soy and fluoridated water? I feel like I could be really smart but something dragging me down to reach my potential.

slwsnowman40 ago

You have to read labels to get rid of soy, it's like HFCS and in almost everything. I use a Berkey water filter to remove fluoride and other shit that remains in tap water.

ObserverOfTruth ago

On a practical note...

Maybe you could pretend concede but set them up.

Say like, "you know maybe I have been extreme."

"It's just with all the new neuroscience it's hard to grapple with races having uniqueness but still all having abstract thought. I try to respect the uniqueness of God's creatures, instead of pretending we're all the same.

I think it's disrespectful when white people try to act black, stealing their hard earned culture."

It's a total fucking contradiction to not be racist. To not be racist means you think all races are the same neurologically. Therefore you disrespect their race by denying uniqueness.


TrialsAndTribulation ago

No. They're adults. I have a grandchild with one of them, and I'm beyond playing mind games. This is their world now, and I leave them to it. When they wake up and realize they're despised minorities in their own country, they'll realize I was correct, but it will be too late, and I won't care. They made their choice.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

it will be too late, and I won't care

My God, you are an existential loser.

Hand_of_Node ago

He's an ass, as you've probably seen in his other comments.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

He's an ass, as you've probably seen in his other comments.

Yeah, I'm strongly suspecting that he's a professional JIDF demoralization agent.

If his personality type is even close to average for the Alt-Right, then the White race is doomed.

Hand_of_Node ago

Edit: A lot of you posted advice I neither desired nor asked for, which should have been obvious to most of you if you read this post. I already said how I felt about it and what I was going to do, and I didn't ask for advice, direction or analysis. My post was a cautionary tale for others, that you should consider the consequences before you reveal certain ideas you have. Idiots today take cancel culture very seriously, and you should too.

It could be both, I dunno. It's hard to tell where people stand these days with all the competing narratives. The people behind all this have done a great job on that front.

But you gotta appreciate his chutzpah for being annoyed at receiving advice I neither desired nor asked for after making this post.

ImReallyHighBut ago

Yeah but you chose a rabbit hole of extremism on a website that revolves around hatred and censorship of dissent. So. I mean. There's a great deal of hurr durr about to land on your face. Prepare your anus.

Whorley ago

Send them a link to this. Ask them to refute it.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

They were pretty explicit that no matter how I defend my arguments they would reject them. They've already determined their predisposition to anything I may say.

Intrixina ago

In short: "You're not the boss of me". That's a failure of parenting, being brainwashed by retards in their life, or a combination of the two.

The only thing that's going to snap them out of it, is a near-death experience.

slwsnowman40 ago

Do they talk to the misses? Maybe you can get her to point out how intolerant they are being.

ShareBlew ago

They have severe cognitive dissonance. I have family members who will never grasp what's at stake here no matter what happens.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I agree. Severe cognitive dissonance. I taught them better than that, so it's not my problem any longer. It's their world now.

ShareBlew ago

Yes. There are some people who can at least hear you, then there are those who think you should have your lips sewed shut. Sorry to hear your son is one of those faggots

tadorno ago

If you’re no longer part of the family then they technically can’t be on your health insurance anymore... ;)

TrialsAndTribulation ago

They're adults and I'm an old fart. They didn't grow up when I did in the 60s and see America transformed as I did. It was embryonic but it set the stage for the socialist state of affairs we're in now.

86USSLiberty ago

That’s a lot of insight. My dad has always been able to articulate the change and I had a fascination with history. It’s just that kids think the world started the day they were born.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Well, thanks for saying that. I was born in the 50s and saw a lot of things change from the time I was a small child. It astonishes people when I point out how different things were within some peoples' memory. Most young people simply can't accept it, or the dismiss it because it was "from a different time", and thus wrong.

slwsnowman40 ago

The 50s and 60s screwed the country up the most. My goal is to be in a free spot when balkanization happens, but that seems like it is going to be a happy accident.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

My sons formally disassociated me from the rest of the family...

Well they are definitely no longer metaphorically "your" sons.

And if you get some DNA tests, then you might just discover that they were never even biologically "your" sons in the first place.

I can't think of anything optimistic to say here - your Ancestor's bloodlines have just been vanquished by the Frankfurt School.

Shoulda been thinking about all this back circa the 1990s, when you failed to homeschool those boys.

Again, I'm sorry there isn't any optimistic way to frame this disaster.

And it is an existential disaster - for your Ancestors' bloodlines.

PS: If you've kept fit - if you've been lifting & fasting & getting cardio - then you should still be able to score fertile poontang in her 30s, and you could try to get some baby shitlords outta her.

'Cause waifu's contribution to the genepool sure doesn't seem to have helped matters.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Thanks for unwarranted, uninformed, and thoroughly ignorant criticism there buddy. I'm glad you're so high and mighty there on your perch and can pronounce judgement on the lowly peons on an anonymous message board. By the way, how old are you? Do you have sons? Are you of retirement age? Please answer, because you said some pretty judgemental things there, and I'd like to know whether you're if one of my peers or just some asshole who's the age of one of my sons.

MrPank ago

You truly are a stupid faggot OP. Seriously. It is little wonder your sons turned out gay and nigger loving. Just like their boomer faggot dad.

Had ago

You come on here complaining about your failures as a parent and then snap when people give you advice. Are you a woman just looking to complain? Men don't act this way and I see how your sons became what they are.

And yes, I have sons. And they understand the world as it is, not as they want it to be.

You failed, but it isn't too late. Hit them with facts, or just move on. Whatever you want to do from here is on you, but a man wouldn't give up on his children until he has given his all.

But yeah, you sound like an idiot coming on here with a story then not expecting advice. Like a fucking woman telling someone about her day, you just want to be heard. That's not men bud. We try to fix shit.

Wynterwhisper ago

No one will breed with him so don't let it bother you OP.

DohBoy ago

Well you brought it to voat. What did you think was going to happen? All you gave us to go on was that you raised them, they are cucks, and you gave them your worldview in a way that turned them off. Somewhere in there, you fucked up. Maybe you didn’t guide them right, or maybe you did but you presented your worldview too harshly or too quickly, who knows, we can only go on what you gave us.

I know some very good parents who end up with fucked up kids, so maybe it’s not entirely your fault, and sometimes young adults eventually come around. It took me some time but I came around in my early 20’s after thinking my parents were tErrIbLe RAciStS!!!!

So, I mean, be kind and keep your finger on the scale and maybe they’ll come around. I’m not trying to shit on you, I know it’s gotta be terrible to have that interaction with your kids, it would break my heart, so I feel for you.

Mine are at the age where we are having discussions about what the books don’t teach you and I am hoping I do it right. Hang in there, friend.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Thanks for unwarranted, uninformed, and thoroughly ignorant criticism there buddy. I'm glad you're so high and mighty there on your perch and can pronounce judgement on the lowly peons on an anonymous message board. By the way, how old are you? Do you have sons? Are you of retirement age? Please answer, because you said some pretty judgemental things there, and I'd like to know whether you're if one of my peers or just some asshole who's the age of one of my sons.

Holmes, from what you've poasted already, I'm guessing you had probably already lost your personal battle with the Frankfurt School circa the 1995 timeframe - back when you should have been homeschooling your boys, but instead you dumped them in gubmint indoctrination centers, and the die was cast.

Our Creator requires on & only one thing from a man in this life: That he protect his offspring from the poison of the children of the Father of Lies.

And you failed at your one & only charge in this life.

PS: If I were you, then I'd be fasting & lifting & getting cardio, and looking to score some 30s-ish poontang who could [hopefully] give me shitlords [rather than shitlibs] for children.

And this time around, for the sake of God Almighty, I would HOMESCHOOL THEM!!!!!

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Dude, I'm in my 60s. That ship has sailed.

GMarksTheSpot94 ago

Don't mind the heavy judgement being put on your shoulders by these oh so wise and enlightened voat users, obviously they next nothing about you. It's sad what has happened to your family. Maybe remind yourself that this is what the satanic elite want, for you to completely give up on your own sons and damn them to hell, not saying that is what you are doing. I can only say that you are definitely not alone and if it is any consolation for all the shite you have to put up with now something has to give back to you in the future because of the ebb and flow of life, the ying and yang.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Dude, I'm in my 60s. That ship has sailed.

That's defeatist talk, my Brother.

Fast. Lift. Cardio. Viagra.

Get your lazy fat ass back on the market, and start scoring some fertile poontang.

She don't have to be a 10 - hell, she don't even need to be a 7 - she just needs to be Pro-Life, and fertile, with a good heart, and a strong sense of the difference between Right & Wrong.

Fast. Lift. Cardio.


TrialsAndTribulation ago

How old are you, kid? You clearly have no idea how aging works. I guess you're abut 25. When you're in your 60s, reevaluate your thinking about how indestructible your body is and how long you think you're going to live. You know, we all die, right? And we all age differently -- you know that too, right? You might have develop some virulent cancer that will consume your insides when you're in your 50s. You might develop some form of arthritis that weakens your mobility in your 40s, slows you down, and completely debilitates you in your 60s. You don't know. None of us do. And you don't know my health, kid. So stop being so presumptuous and mind your own business, and stop giving me unsolicited advice on matters you know nothing about.

Hand_of_Node ago

Also in my 60s, and every comment you make shows EXACTLY why your kids turned out to be worthless scumbags.

Podd ago

So stop being so presumptuous and mind your own business, and stop giving me unsolicited advice on matters you know nothing about.

Jesus Christ man, i know you're having a bad day but when you make unsolicited post about your life on an 'anonymous' board expect to get some unsolicited advice from people who don't know or care about you.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

You might have develop some virulent cancer that will consume your insides when you're in your 50s. You might develop some form of arthritis that weakens your mobility in your 40s, slows you down, and completely debilitates you in your 60s.

Jesus H Christ, the Frankfurt School has completely broken you - Body & Soul.


PRO-TIP: As long as you keep fighting, the Frankfurt School hasn't yet won.

And you fight the Frankfurt School by putting WHITE BUNZ -> WHITE OVENZ.

PS: Or maybe you're just another JIDF demoralization agent?

That might be a more plausible story.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Does your whole worldview revolve around Marcuse and the Frankfurt School? You keep bringing it up. Not that it matters -- I don't care.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Does your whole worldview revolve around Marcuse and the Frankfurt School? You keep bringing it up. Not that it matters -- I don't care.

More evidence in favor of the thesis that you are indeed a professional JIDF demoralization agent.

Intrixina ago

It's a parent's job to raise their children and to guide them.

The fact that they became brainwashed into leftist claptrap shows that your guidance wasn't effective or you didn't guide them at all.

voat4895 ago

you have to redpill them slowly. you're right to not change your beleifs unless you come across new evidence. but perhaps let them know that your still open to communicating with them if they have questions about what you think and why.

so when they start realizing the moral high ground doesnt save you in a war, they will know you'll still answer the phone

Rand01 ago

This is why I'm constantly talking to my boys about real history and the alternative (true) viewpoint. I wasn't able to home school them, but I am on them daily about the truth and how the schools, media, and pop culture lie to them about everything. The're almost out of the house and both good, strong Men who don't buy the leftist narratives about anything. Thank God.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

the moral high ground

Dude, if you even hint at acknowledging such a thing, then the Frankfurt School has already won the war before the first battle has even been fought.

Good God Almighty, no wonder the Frankfurt School plows right over us like so much mud in the field.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

As expected of Amerimutts. Incapable of higher levels of thought due to.smart phone radiation

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Incapable of higher levels of thought due to.smart phone radiation

I don't think there's time enough left for you fellows who steadfastly refuse to digest the Red Pill.

Who refuse to visit That Dark Place, and who refuse to STOP CARING.

The Singularity is approaching, and, as of this moment, the Frankfurt School is in the position of overwhelming dominance.

The jews are gonna destroy you, so swiftly & so thoroughly, that you'll never even realize what happened.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

That's what brought that to a head. The site is still open, just not their minds.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Shoot em

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Yes goy kill each other

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Remember you're not alone in your thinking. And if they want to treat you like that then make sure you cut them off. No support at all

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Thanks. It's not like I have a lot of assets to leave behind, and if I did, it's going to the wife for her support.

Aerofox ago

The truth is difficult for the uninitiated. You cannot change someones mind just like you cannot reverse a ship, you can only turn it gently.

I would patch things up, swallow your pride, and apologize. Just lie to make them feel better. You don't have to preach the gospol. They are much better off with you for the very reasons you listed.

MrPancake ago

I told my son I will disown him first; morons will not be tolerated in my family. To me blood doesn't mean family and family doesn't mean blood. Maybe I am heartless. That being said my son just got back from a camping trip with his grandparents and squealed that they made him wear a mask. They no longer get to be alone with him until they wake up. I don't play.

Voat_Monster ago

I wish your path was a good one.

I fear you're only pushing him away.

I think you should live a life to set examples. That children should be slowly red pilled with facts.

Forcing ANYTHING ALWAYS leads to rebellion. It's known psychology fact. Even if you're forcing truth. It will eventually get challenged and fought.

Study psychology and specifically cultism. I have. Every member who left a cult left because they were forced and challenged.

Members who stay, stay because they are devout. They don't challenge because they're never forced.

Hate using this reference. But it paints a perfectly clear example.

Think of child molesters. Who molest hundreds and do it over decades. How do they get away with it.

They groom them and make them want it. Reinforcing their desires.

Then think about the ones who get caught. They force against wills. Make them angry and resentful.

Psychology wise, it's all the same thing.

Don't give me shit for using example because I know you stupid fucking mongoloids got the picture that I painted.

You want your children/ spouse/ friends to come to your same belief.

Sprinkle red pill dust on them. Show them facts and live the example you want them to see.

They will chose it for themselves.

They will become their own devout beliefs.

Then they will think their beliefs as their own consciousness.

MrPancake ago

I will pass on everything you just said.

MrPank ago

This guy is peak fucking retarded and just as bad as OP. You should read the part where he was raised by commies - voat_monster likely kike.

MrPancake ago

Sticks and stones little man.

MrPank ago

There there old man. You keep giving advice to fellow boomer cucks. Stick to that. Dont look over here.

MrPancake ago

Wouldn't dream of interrupting your masturbation session.

MrPank ago

Yeah Ive been fapping to those security cam rips of your house. Nice wife bro.

MrPancake ago

Getting saucy?

MrPank ago

Saucy? Are you asking me if I am about to jizz? Ask your wife.

MrPancake ago

OH man! That was a good one. I would say I am proud of you but I would hate to be the first in your life to ever say that to you.

MrPank ago

Say it anyways daddy.

RazSimonesDreadlocks ago

Good attitude. If you'll compromise with your children's beliefs, where won't you compromise? A man has to have principles.

Eualos ago

Any virus, even a cold can really fuck old people up

MrPancake ago

Filling a child's mind with fear can really fuck them up. If they are worried their grandchild will make them sick; they can stay away from him. He will not be taught to think that living and breathing is in some way harmful to his family.

Eualos ago

Damn straight

MrPank ago

OP is a faggot who loves niggers. @TrialsandTribulations kill yourself.

Voat_Monster ago

What a supportive white man.

Mighty white of you nigger faggot.

Fucking cocksucking animals like you are why America spins it's tires in mudholes surrounded by shit skins

MrPank ago

And to top it off, OP is a raging faggot. lol Look at his salty little replies to people trying offer genuine help. Fuck you nigger, get off your fucking high horse.

MrPank ago

Who are you again? Some faggot who thinks I give a fuck about his world perspective? Kill yourself with a shotgun and stream it.

Voat_Monster ago

Demonic garbage like you should be held down and violently raped with large blunt objects.

Cut and burned for a week.

Then slowly dipped into acid and given adrenaline and cocaine to keep you alive as you body dissolves in front of your eyes.

I would be gladly willing to volunteer my time to make this happen.

Just give me an address to meet up at.

I promise to record the whole thing.

MrPank ago

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA You are truly a hopeless nigger faggot.

Voat_Monster ago

Low IQ shows in you.

Virtually no intellect.

Filthy, pathetic incel.

Bet money you're not even pure blood.

MrPank ago

Why dont you go ask your commie faggot parents about being a mud or how about ask your commie faggot kids who love niggers? What a fucking joke - you must be really ashamed of yourself to talk like an autistic neckbearded edgelord.

Usernamenameuser ago

I got my Dad a MAGA hat for Father's day and told him that his gift is that his son is no longer a retarded liberal.

BordelonLoop ago

good for you!

TheManyHands ago

Now a zionist instead.

86USSLiberty ago

Lol let him take the baby steps. It takes a lot to undo programming

Voat_Monster ago

Reprogramming sometimes breaks the hard drive from too many wipes.

You have to go slow and be careful.

Run your drives on the slowest speeds to prevent write errors and data corruption.

If you push hard you will be met with resistance and contempt.

This is for everyone.

Sprinkle red pill dust people.


Like heavy metals, it builds up in the system over time and stays there.

Usernamenameuser ago

My dad isn't ready to hear all that yet. It was a fun gag gift that made him happy. He values the constitution above anything and hates identity politics with a passion. He'll see the light when the time is right.

TheManyHands ago

He values the constitution above anything and hates identity politics with a passion.

Then why would he like Trump?

Usernamenameuser ago

Hes not redpilled. He just wants to mow the lawn, keep his guns, say what he wants, and not have faggots and niggers shoved in his face. You cant see how non redpilled conservatives like Trump? To the non red pilled, Trump doesn't pull punches.

I'm not going to redpill him until its absolutely necessary. I'm not gonna shit on his parade route. I'm gonna let him enjoy his life of peace unless the shit hits the fan. He's happy, im not going to fuck with that.

shmuklidooha ago

non red pilled

You mean blue-pilled?

TheSeer ago

"I just wanna grill, for God's sake"

Nothing wrong with that, but uhh... Have these Boomers seen what is going on all around them?

Ocelot ago

They really haven't. Right now it looks like "the negroes are getting uppity" not "the niggers have been butchering and raping our people for decades and need to be eradicated" because they mostly consume jewed right wing news.

Voat_Monster ago

That sums up the majority of silent Americans

"Do whatever you want. Just do it quietly and leave us the fuck alone so we can die in peace "

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

That is mighty White of you! Good man

Hand_of_Node ago

Sorry to hear your dad is retarded. I pointed out back in the 70s that 3/4 of us boomers needed be killed if our country was to survive, but they didn't take my advice. Look where we are now.

MrPank ago


TheManyHands ago

He just wants to mow the lawn, keep his guns, say what he wants, and not have faggots and niggers shoved in his face.

Then why would he like Trump?

Usernamenameuser ago

I dont know man I'm not him. Ill go over to his house and wake him up and ask him for you.

TheManyHands ago

Please do. Have him post here. "I'm a Boomer Magapede. AMA"

biaxident ago

To be fair, if I was a senior citizen I would be extra cautious too. My grandma has health conditions and sure if I caught the virus I would probably end up fine, I wouldn't want my grandma to be exposed. That being said, grandpa thinks that this whole thing is a hoax. I'll wear a stupid mask for grandma.

MrPancake ago

If he or they were ill; that would be another thing entirely.

Mt_Wannahockaloogie ago

It's always women that panic.

Hand_of_Node ago

You'll be stupid for grandma? Just act normal.

PsychoticBreak ago

Eat shit and die, faggot.

Broc_Lia ago

I think it's reasonable to take the same precautions you would during any other flu season.

BjornIronside ago

None. I have never taken a single precaution because of "Flu season".

Broc_Lia ago

I haven't either, but older people do and should. Hospitals also normally restrict services if it's projected to be a bad flu year.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

I don't play.

Okay Shaniqua

GovernmentShill ago

Oh no you di'int. You did NOT just go there!

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

4 day old account

Oh no you di'int. You did NOT just go there!

Username:Government Shill


GovernmentShill ago

Straight into your file, bub.