icedutah ago

Been a lurker for a couple years. Would love to contribute more often. This platform seems to be the best for uncensored content. That is a huge problem right now due to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It's a nice feeling when we finally "wake" up from all the shit from the main steam media!


Stop using so many adverbs you look like a fucking pussy.

Lift, lurk, and l-shut the fuck up

PagingDrBenway ago

There are actual genuine people here. It's not all astroturf like Reddit.

ruck_feddit ago

Check out the FBI crime statistics. It's a national record broken down by race etc. Be careful, some graphs have whites and beaners together. You'll have to look at the non-hispanic whites percentage typically in the notes.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Welcome rest and learn . It a tough at first when you learn everything they taught you was bullshit. Hang in there careful what you take in here. You'll learn who the truthers are and who the shills are over time good luck and pass on the info when you can .

BumbleTummy ago

When you realize how much you've been lied to, how much the system is rigged against you and your people and your gender, you should be mad, but it is very depressing at the same time. The more you learn, the more bummed and sad you will get.

ShalomGoyim ago

Welcome to the cognitive dissonance zone kiddo

It's your brain Processing what to do with clear new information that does not fit within the framework that it's been operating in.

Give it time to process, and you'll come out the other side with a more real and robust framework.

JoyFreak ago

welcome to the world of free speech and politics

areyoumygaffer ago

remember this phrase. one life lost is a tragedy. a million lives lost is a statistic.

what does that make you think?

mudbear ago

Its good to doubt, so long as you dispell that doubt by asking questions. Feel free to ask anything and doubt anything. Ill start you off: why did the germans hate the jews?

There are many many answers to that, but the easiest one is because of the weimar Republic.

biggdiccbenny ago

Whatever his views are, I guarantee they were shaped by having and raising you. There is a reason why most here "hate" blacks and Jews. Our world and society have come to ignore reality and truth for attractive ideas and platitudes. Your dad and those here simply see things for what they are.

Black people are on average more violent, less civilized, more emotional, and easily manipulated. All of those especially apply in groups.

The Jews, or the synagogue of Satan, that's a whole nother story. You're certainly gonna read about it.

spaceman84 ago

Holocaust is a lie. It's the Jews, every single time. Niggers aren't people they're homo erectus africanus. Uncle Adolf did nothing wrong.

moosethenoose ago

Right now - truth is what you can personally see, feel, and touch. Trying to find truth on the web is a cluster at the moment.

Take a breath, hang your head for just a moment, and then think - critically.

There are too many people throwing tantrums - think.

Things will be okay.

auchtung ago

Welcome to voat niggerfaggot. Your father loves you dearly. Try not to overreact to what you learn. Getting depressed and angry fogs the mind and causes people to make rash decisions. What you will learn here you cannot unlearn. Remember also here like anywhere else there is a bell curve keep that in mind and avoid sensationalism. GL :-)

SlyerSoul ago

Welcome niggerfaggot! Introducing people you know in real life, espescially family members is a great risk, but it would be such a shame to possess all this knowlege without sharing it, eventually, with people who matter. Much respect to your father. You're lucky to have someone to talk to about all this aswell.

This bitchute link is a MUST WATCH, I am not joking, and you dont have to watch it all at once.

Cum_control ago

Welcome niggerfaggot

obvious-throwaway- ago

Know that Israel has a team of people and probably pay people other places to monitor all communications online. They only goal is to subvert. Never give away any personal details about yourself RandyK

Nigsby_Noggin ago

Voat is a great source of information. You will learn to recognize the kike posts and focus on the good content. It may be depressing at first but the knowledge you gain will serve you well in life.

Mt_Wannahockaloogie ago

Welcome to adulthood! Be glad you have a father that's capable of pointing you in the correct direction, is not pushing his beliefs onto you, and letting you come to your own conclusions. He will be there for you when you have questions. Many in the US have grown up without a positive male role model that was willing to teach them how to be a man. Myself included, I had to learn the hard, old fashioned way by trial and error and learning from my own and others mistakes.

BackAsswards ago

People are different and anyone that tells you otherwise is lying to you. There are plently of studies and statistics to prove it. But really all you need to do is interact with enough of them to notice.

Smokybubbles ago

First realize that everyone has been lying to you for profit and gain at your expense.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

a lot of it is demoralizing propoganda. Showing you so much bad you feel like you cannot do anything. The numbers of people actually aware of what is going on in the world are deflated. There is lots of good out there. And welcome to voat

totallynotFBI ago

It's true.

Finsterbaby ago

All you need to know: Avoid niggers.

You're welcome.

underground_lurker ago

Yes. It’s worse than that, though. Those figures include all of the black women, kids, and old folks. If you just count the black adult men, it’s something like 5 or 6 percent commit 40% of all violent crimes. My figures aren’t perfect but some goat with links might correct me.

This is one of the most taboo subjects in modern American political discourse.

Birdbrain ago

Now this thread has been a shit pot load of doom and gloom.

Here's my advice; soak up the knowledge of how this world really works, what and who to avoid. Keep what you've learned as a filter to guide you, use it to create a great life with as few interactions with people that would bring you down or harm you, and enjoy your life. You get one time around. Good luck.

B166-ER ago

Probably nothing you'd be interested in. I wouldn't worry about it.

BroccoliTit ago

It definitely is.

BroccoliTit ago

I recommend watching "the greatest story never told"

Gossamer_ ago

This is something that I plan on doing, raising my children.

I was raised to treat everyone equally, and that others expect me to treat them equally as well.

Now that I have learned and experienced that many people of different groups don't hold those same beliefs, it's forced me to find the truth and come to my own conclusions.

If I had been taught these things from a young age, I would not understand the reasons why they were being taught to me. I would be easily swayed by the propaganda, and possibly be part of the group destroying the world.

The most important thing in life is protecting yourself and your family. Without that, there is no future.

BroccoliTit ago

I just typed out a huge response to taking people advice here with a groan of salt particularly with women. But then accidentlly hit cancel instead of submit, right beside it (great design choice putt). So I'll leave it at that, take advice on women and relationships with a bucket of salt here. Just focus on finding good women with traditional values that don't feed into progressivism and you'll be well off.

kishind ago

I'll never be able to talk to my friends about this kind of stuff

That's where you're wrong. If you believe it, you have a responsibility to spread the ideas. But before ya do, you gotta learn how to. These ideas are diametrically opposed to the current authority system, which means you cannot engage their resistance. You can't declare things plainly. You have to learn the Socratic method to break down their weak beliefs, and after that you lead them to your conclusions with the right questions and data.

Scott Adams' persuasion reading list is a terrific resource for empowering your words. It will make you a more powerful person in virtually all situations - even a mugging - where the other party has not already decided on violence. It's also full of tricks to help you control your own memory. How to program "memory alarms" that remind you when you need the memory. Crazy great stuff.

kishind ago

It's not necessarily hate.

You don't hate the ants stealing your food. You don't hate the microorganism making you weak. You don't hate the cancer that's killing you.

Niggers are factually dangerous and love to seize the chance when your guard is down. Jewish people are legit fraudsters who have no moral issues with fucking you over. The movement to destroy our culture is distinctively jewish in every industry and angle.

Their ancestry holds no meaning for me except that certain bad behaviors seem to be racially concentrated: blacks really do do violence and other impulsive actions at unusually high frequencies... Easier said as "niggers are violent" or "around blacks, never relax". It's simpler and faster than explaining the facts every time.

I grew up as a true believer in racial equality and it was only after experiencing large groups of blacks, hispanics, and natives that I realized my errors. Whites love to pretend that everyone in the world has the same inborn moral disposition... a popular idea among Christians. Also dangerously false. The most pronounced difference is the white attitude of "justice over family"... would you turn in your brother for maliciously robbing an innocent? Then chances are you're white. All other races, as a rule, choose blood over justice (of course with exceptions).

So rather than hate, he may just be refusing to welcome cancer as "the future of the body", no matter how much his (((brain parasite))) pretends it's a good thing.

BjornIronside ago

Just had a thought. You're using a VPN when you visit this site, yes?

If no, you really don't want to be here in the clear, get a VPN.

BjornIronside ago

You're going to lose all your friends.

You're going to watch The Matrix about a dozen times.

Oh shit! Do you believe in the "holocaust"?

i_scream_trucks ago


BjornIronside ago


kikes don't get capitalization here, son.

Drstrangebeard ago

youre right.

330 ago

Did your dad tell you that outer space is made up and that all famous people are transgender? /v/transvestigation

jewfighter ago

No, he wasn't batshit crazy.

BroccoliTit ago

It's because he didn't want to ruin your childhood. Kids shouldn't be concerned about politics and the fucked up shit in the world.

BroccoliTit ago

Blissful ignorance does feel great. That's what I was in college. Didn't pay attention to politics or anything really. Just played video games and hung out with friends.

The big turning point will be once you get a job making decent money. You'll see all of the money stolen from you by the government and you'll be interested (you SHOULD be interested anyway) how that's being spent. That's what led me down the path that made me end up here.

Yeah its a bit "depressing" sometimes but I'd rather live in the know than be a sheep led to slaughter, wondering someday how I ended up on the chopping block.

Just take it in small doses. Don't spend your whole day here, find something constructive to do with your time to better yourself (learning new skills etc) and obviously make time to enjoy life still. I can't reiterate enough that you shouldn't spend all day here, or on ANY website. Get away from social media and pissing time/life away watching garbage on the internet. It's not health physically or mentally.

Shitt1ngMys3lf ago

Welcome niggerfaggot. I came here in the early days of Voat literally for the laughs but killed that account to keep from doxing myself. As I lingered, there were so many breadcrumbs that led me to truths here and there. Even as a kid being force fed lies from WWII in history class, I always wanted to know just what Hitler was saying in his speeches. Found links to that here and for the first time I learned that the losing team in a war doesn't get to write the history lessons taught in school. My father was racist as fuck which actually pushed me the other way as a kid, until I learned first hand to avoid the nigger race.

Give props to your pops. He could have brainwashed you with what he believes, but that all falls apart when you see truth and measure it against falsities and half-truths. He wants you to see the world for what it really is and not the fantasy land that the media and hollywood (jews) want you to believe.

You also have another gift, your father is still alive and waiting for you to talk with him about what you find out there. In about 10-20 years from now, you're going to look back and be very thankful for him. So don't be a nigger and make sure you spend time with him.

ReformedFeminist ago

Try not to get too discouraged. I was redpilled in 2014. It's a process that takes some getting used to. It is very upsetting to discover that you've been lied to for years and years by school, media, mentors, friends, etc. Please join us at the Traditional Wives or Traditional Husbands subs. Try Just Grow It or Outdoors or Museum. There's still hope, truth, and beauty to be found, even on Voat! Maybe especially on Voat, particularly if you're surrounded by sheep in your daily life. Good luck.

jthun2 ago

Have kids early, then you won't have time to be depressed.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Did he tell you to WATCH OUT for that "thebearfromstartrack" character! He's acerbic!

TylerDurrrden777 ago

Good for you Nigger. You have a lot to look forward to, like losing friends and family interaction, angst and anger like you've never known before, probably getting doxxed some time in the near future. I recommend you take up Stoic philosophy and prepare for a very lonely life.

SearchVoatBot ago

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jackofdiamonds ago

One important way you should strive to be better than your father: keep control of your emotions. Even when you have to take a decisive action, it's best to act with calm deliberateness, not flying off the handle and having your own family members refer to you as "scary."

SemiteLover ago

911, changed a lot of people...

369693936 ago

Welcome to Voat.

because he is a very reserved person unless he gets mad. When he gets mad it's scary.

This is the case with nearly all of us, patiently pulling back the sling shot and holding the tension until the right time to let it go with precision directly at the target of our anger.

I honestly don't know how to feel about all of this yet but I am definitely learning about things I have never thought about before. It's kind of depressing.

As depressing as the truth can be initially, only the truth can set us free of encroaching tyranny.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Lol. That's why we talk here. Most people can't handle the truth.

TheBookWasBetter ago

They are different. He might not hate them, that whole bullshit about how all people are the same is a lie though. Also, the people here may not reflect your father's opinion, your father likely values free thinking and is giving you the option to think for yourself. Ps- men prefer debt free virgins with no tattoos. Find one before you get too old. The older you get, the dirtier the dating pool.

vastrightwing ago

Be prepared for cognitive dissonance. Life is nothing like you believe. Think of it like the matrix.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Go to church. Get married. Stay married. Have a family. Get involved in local civic or religious groups (Elks, American Legion, Moose, Knights of Columbus, etc...) and build a real community.

Learn about psychological warfare, because you are assaulted by it all day every day and don't realize it. Start here.

Other good podcasts to get started are Our Interesting Times (best podcast on the Net, really) and Jay's Analysis.

Contrary to what a lot of people on Voat will tell you, there's a difference between black people and niggers. Not all blacks are niggers, and not all niggers are black.

Similarly, recognize the difference between the insidious Jews who rejected and killed Jesus Christ and Mr. and Mrs. Lipshitz down the street. The big Jews (Rothschilds, etc...) are happy to use the little Jews for their own ends.

Monstrum ago

Dont put your real first name and family initials on here, dont give out personal details and dox yourself. Soon enough, all of us who dont support jewish mainstream lies will be declared terror groups and domestic terrorists and targeted

mudbear ago

Hello and welcome to voat.

You are new, so you get the bootcamp treatment. Right now you are a shill till you prove otherwise, with a little honesty and character you will be upgraded to niggerfaggot, then eventually you may call yourself a goat.

Dont queue jump, just ask questions and do some research, fact check everything and dont take anything for granted. Feel free to call anyone who doesnt do the same a nigger.

We might all be assholes here but we're not assholes. If i call you a cock guzzling cunt get over it its just words, you can call me what you want, im not important here so try it out (seriously reply to me and call me a nigger or something, this site is freedom unfiltered, you're allowed!)

The holocaust is a lie, dont take that for granted, do some fact checking, we have a lot of good resources here, that is probably the most important thing you need to learn about life, everything after that is pretty small.

Jews did 9/11, not sure if you care about that but that shows how Americas greatest allytm treats them.

If you have ever done research into illuminati or freemasons, just give up, its the jews, seriously.

Niggers are bad, but they are stupid so you can hardly hold them accountable, its better to hold those accountable that let them in or keep them in (its the jews)

TLDR - welcome to voat, your a niggerfaggot, its the jews.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

It can be depressing at first. Then you realize something.

We have lived in plenty for decades, and it’s made us weak. Knowing what we know, there is time to become stronger, to plan and prepare. We also get to fight for something real, not just play real life monopoly becoming bitter because we’ll never have the sports car we wanted, beering our way through baseball TV games falling asleep halfway through.

Seek the natural gifts and beauty of this world, and be ruthless towards those that would harm it. Get yourself established and start having fun in what a species does 😉. The sooner and more the better. It’s the greatest blessing you’ll ever have.

Take heart! Welcome to the club and when things get really bad just laugh and fight on, because life is short and you’ll die soon enough so live well and live bold!

ianadba ago

Never trust a Jew. Never turn your back to a nigger. Glowniggers will try to get you to LARP, but they really just want to arrest and charge you.

Deceneu ago

Glownigger definition for the newfags.

ColdSteam ago

Life is hard. Be tough enough to survive.

yt4cz9 ago

This is the unfortunate bottom line that no one wanted.

Jews pretend to want multiculturalism to live in an inclusive welcoming society. They truly do it because they have ethnic hatred against whites and they want to use others as weapons (golems) against us.

It sucks but it's true. Most here don't hate people because of the color of their skin but rather because of the content of their character.

Intrixina ago


Don't be depressed by the shitstorm which is the world today - be proud in yourself that you can see through their shitty illusions and punch through them like wet paper. Be glad that you learned now, and not when the shit has hit the fan.

Do not cave to the mentally ill fuckwits who ran rampant today, and don't let them gaslight you into their fuckwittery.

Lovingjudas ago

Justified anger is a man’s strength. Learn what that means. Hold strong in yourself. And you have an amazing Dad. Ask him as much as possible

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

People here didn't get up one day and said:

'Man do I feel like an ignorant asshole today, you know what I think I'll take up hating niggers and kikes!'

I believe most of the faggots on this site are crestfallen idealists who believe in honesty, neighborhood, Christian values (some, me included believe in those values without being Christians), sincerity and overall human rights on a surprisingly high level.

But at one point they started to realize that those values are undermined and subverted on a daily basis to a ridiculous degree and started asking why that is. They started to ask why there are wars, why communities go to shit, why they pay a shitload of taxes and get nothing back, why people get screwed over and why all the shit you don't even hear about is happening.

They started to ask why this isn't covered by the news, why this isn't discussed broadly.

They started talking to their friends about it who either don't hold those values or don't realize that something is fucking fishy and were called conspiracy theorist for it.

At this breaking point you start out to search for answers and connect to fucking strangers, just to get the information you need to see through the sharade.

Don't get me wrong: this site is full of shills, degenerates and assholes who spread fake news (either paid or simply to stupid to realize what they're doing).

But if you're not an idiot and keep trying to get to the core of things, then this place works great as a first starting point.

Welcome to voat, niggerfaggot.

smokratez ago

Atheism is a jew cult. Earth is flat. Dinos didn't exist. There is no gravity. White people were first in America. Veggies make you sick. Raw grass fed meat is the only good diet.

WTFisthisshit ago

If you’re white, get married and have lots of kids. Do not let them vaccinate your children.

If you’re on the fence about this, watch this film.

If you’re not white, just look around for awhile and you’ll see what people here think you should do.

Phantom42 ago

Already sent the guy a PM actually. Figured I ought to let him know he isn't the only kid hanging around.

It_was_the_juice ago

Red pills are tough to swallow.

Turn_Coat ago

It's definitely depressing to learn how thoroughly you've been lied to by media and academia. It's how we become angry. Welcome aboard, I recommend checking out the Murdoch Murdoch reading list. A large number of great books and historical accounts. Y'know what they say "read banned books" there's few books on earth more taboo than the books on that list.

SexMachine ago

I'm calling bullshit, but I'll entertain this for a minute.

The holocaust is fake. Jews run the world. Niggers are puppets of the Jew. Diversity isn't a strength, makes populations easier to divide.

ThisUserUnknown187 ago

Please thank your father for pointing you here...hopefully before you found out about reddit.

I am 50 years me voat and all other comment boards today are like the BBS(Bulletin Board Services) I used to have to know the telephone numbers for to connect..back then it was word of Google and AOL was a joke

TurdLord5000 ago

Augh! So you think you can come in here, make the best-written and highest-ever-ranked post on /v/introductions, and totally skip the ritual hazing!?!?? NOOOOOOO. It doesn't work that way!



Go back to Reddit, faggot!

New accounts are all shill kikes!!

For all of your fapping needs, visit /v/furnitureporn

To learn the truth about the nature of reality, visit, /v/soapboxbanhammer, but stay away from /v/soapdoxbanhammer, those guy worship some kind of cat-god named Carl or something.

Okay, I got that out of the way.

Welcome to the last bastion of free speech on the Internet.

cohSh8Ca ago

As a father I'll guess he probably wanted to protect your innocence. There's nothing more precious than your child's innocence and good parents will protect it as long as possible. But, eventually...

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

So my guess is your father has decided that its now time to welcome you into the world of men. Congratulations.

Ocelot ago

Don't let it depress you.

BalfourYourFace ago

It's depressing knowing the truth, but would you rather live a blissful lie?

Ignorance is not bliss, if you are being killed while it is happening.

markrod420 ago

Oh thats right. I forgot the immune system. Whats up niggerfaggot.

Brigbjones ago

It's very depressing, I remember wishing that we could all get along, that we all wanted the same things and could work together, I still wish it. But now I know that it's just a wish. Culture, demographics, and genetics are too powerful and are not interchangeable. I believe that a lot of the hateful slurs used around here are do to the anger of knowing that we were lied to and that perfect world is just Utopia: "no where"

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Culture, demographics, and genetics are too powerful and are not interchangeable.

Culture == Demographics == Genetics == Culture == etc etc etc.

areyoumygaffer ago

PeaceSeeker said it well. one bad side of this.. whole idea of things can't be unseen is true. learn who you can express ideas in front of. be careful of people. I cut a lot of people out of my life once the light bulb went on because there are things I can't abide.

that being said, hello nigger faggot.

get to know the inside out of your old man and learn what he has to teach you. all of it.

MarauderShields ago

There's a difference between race realism and idiotic bigotry. Start a conversation with him. If he sent you here it's likely hard for him to articulate exactly what's happening, but he felt a duty to give you the chance of seeing "the other side". If you're like most here you were bought up one way and then had to unlearn lots of shit. Being 19 you have less to unlearn.

Also, I hope Randy is not your name and that K is not actually your family initial. Get a new user name if it is. There will come a time to stand tall and be proud. Right now you would just catch all the flak and not know how to respond adequately.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

I'm actually getting ready to go to trade school so I can find a good paying job rather than the dead end jobs I've had the last couple of years.

I hate to say this, but the future is probably going to be industrial-strength electric power [as a lineman or a transformer specialist or a rebuilder of electric motors or similar].

By contrast, the current market is heavily weighted towards Diesel Mechanics & Welders.

But e.g. California just passed a law which will start a two decade process of banning all diesel in the state.

For the near future, though, it's just about impossible to know too much about welding, diesel, and industrial-grade electrical.

Barbarian ago

Fuck the jews. There’s your foundation for reality. Build from there.

Whiteflourguy ago

What is depressing is you could spend years of your life building something or working hard to get something and Niggers can come and destroy it make something up and call you racist and will get away with it even spray paint "Death to all White People" yet you are branded racist and have nothing. Filthy Fucking Niggers are taking over I am just waiting for them to Destroy a special Jewish property that all the Jews worship then Maybe they will start to show the truth about Niggers.

flameboy ago

God is real, learn your heartsong. Voat is full of retards.

mf1776 ago

Proud of your father. Get armed.

Adminstrater ago

Sorry to had to come here to read about you parent's "potential" political beliefs. The one thing that matters is that they are willing to let you wade through the weeds to find the gems. You know what to do, and you know that you can't be hurt by words alone. Good luck, and know that as much as it seem depressing, just realize that we all strive to be our father's father's father. Do your best, and know you have done your best to live a full life. You will understand that this is all that is asked of you.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

I just have a lot I need to process now, I've never had anxiety before but I'm starting to think I might be feeling anxiety

The easy part of swallowing the Red Pill is realizing the world about you for what it is.

The difficult part of digesting the Red Pill is reworking your Inner Frame so as to become a New Man [i.e. realizing your old self for who & what it was].

In particular, you haven't fully reinvented yourself until you have spent significant quality time in That Dark Place and have transformed your heart & mind & soul so that you no longer care about anything whatsoever.

I'd guess that the overwhelming majority of fellaz stop with just the swallowing part, and never get around to actually digesting the damned thing [they likely vomit it back out in a fit of cuckish self-righteousness & virtue-snivelling, else their girlfriends dig it out of their rectums via black strapon dildos].

But merely swallowing the Red Pill does you no good unless [& until] you not only digest the Red Pill but in fact BECOME the Red Pill itself.

tl;dr == You don't experience any anxiety whatsoever once you STOP CARING.

ALIENS2222 ago

Welcome to the war. You have the most valuable tool that one can ever wield... YOU. HAVE. TIME. Catch is you are entering a dark and increasingly dangerous world. I encourage you to internalize the fact that you probably know very little about the real world. I'm over twice your age and have been balls deep in this shit since 2007 when I woke up. It has been hard. Every day I learn there is far more that I dont know than what I learned in the day before. This is actually really unsettling as it means that the more you learn the less you really know. In my experience that is the very fucking first stepping stone to actual knowledge and understanding.


Dont borrow money.

Save in land and gold/silver

Don't gamble (yes stocks crypto etc is gambling)

Never EVER accept a vaccine. They are fake and gay. This means you should not enslave yourself in the "military" for any reason

Be very careful finding a good woman but don't be taking your time. White people need more troops and YOU, Chad are the one that needs to make as many as possible.

Get a trade or two. Here are some ideas"

This is stuff I wish I could have learned. Perhaps you can?
In 99/100 examples you will be better off not going to college. If you are a fucking slam-bang math student or one of those computer nerds then you would gain a lot but in the future it will be SKILLS not a piece of stupid paper that will have value. College is only worth it if it is FREE. You are a white male. Yours wont be free. Did I say never borrow money? NEVER BORROW MONEY.


Spaghetti_Forgetti ago

Your father has a lot of righteous anger inside him. Listen to when he speaks. Most of the time when he raises his voice its for a good reason, he may make mistakes but they are few. He's not just thinking about you as his son. He's thinking about your future and future children. New life to bring hope for a better future into the world.

Palindromedan ago

I encourage you to use what you see on Voat to help you develop your discernment. Every system we have beats into you that you should group think - majority wins. Voat can teach you to take in information and test it, research it and ultimately take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind. You can see something you disagree with and scroll on by because knowledge and free speech doesnt haveto be personal or emotional. It can just be information. You get to decide what to do with the information you see.

PagingDrBenway ago

I don't know where you are from, but I am an Irish European living in my homeland where I was born and raised. I came to Vaot after it became clear to me that Reddit was no longer somewhere open conversations without massive astroturfing (fake post by government/PR agency troll(this is big business online)).

Initially, I came up against people who accused the jews of everything, but couldn't explain anything to me, so I figured they were just trolls or deranged idiots, but after spending some time here I found my way to a lot of novel, well-substantiated points of view which helped show me a lot of difficult to process, hidden truths. Reading Two Hundred Years Together, discovering he ties between communism/zionism, the content of the talmud, and the endless evidence of attacks against us eventually convinced me jews were the biggest threat to me and my people.

Don't be too bothered by the crudity on Voat. Some people are trolls, some people are satyrists, some people are angry, some people just have no class. But, I like this site all the same and have learned a lot here. It will take you a while to get used to the way people talk, but please take the time to adjust. You will no doubt learn a lot. A lot of seemingly 'depressing' stuff, but that is the wrong frame. Knowledge is power. The more you learn: the less of a tool you will be for others, and the more autonomy you can claim for yourself.

DffrntDrmmr ago

The truth behind racial disparities in fatal police shootings

Reports of racially motivated, fatal shootings by police officers have garnered extensive public attention and sparked activism across the nation. New research from Michigan State University and University of Maryland reveals findings that flip many of these reports on their heads – white police officers are not more likely to have shot minority citizens than non-white officers.

“Until now, there’s never been a systematic, nationwide study to determine the characteristics of police involved in fatal officer-involved shootings,” said Joseph Cesario, co-author and professor of psychology at MSU. “There are so many examples of people saying that when black citizens are shot by police, it’s white officers shooting them. In fact, our findings show no support that black citizens are more likely to be shot by white officers."

The findings are based on an independent database Cesario and his team created that catalogued each police shooting from 2015. The team – led also by co-author David Johnson from University of Maryland – contacted every police department that had a fatal police shooting to get the race, sex and years of experience for every officer involved in each incident. The team also leveraged data from police shooting databases by The Washington Post and The Guardian.

The data show that it’s not racial bias by white officers when it comes to fatal shootings.

“We found that the race of the officer doesn’t matter when it comes to predicting whether black or white citizens are shot," Cesario said.

whambamthankyouham ago

This is milquetoast bullshit. What the fuck did his 'father' of yours have to say?

CouldBeTrump ago

I'd suggest finding a trade that doesn't beat the shit out of your body, or using trade money to fund a transition to a field that doesn't beat the shit out of your body. You can't make the pain go away with a pile of cash when you're all busted up in your 30s.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

He never raised me to think about anyone differently but I come to find out he hates most black people and Jewish people.

Well, if you're 20, and he was 30 when your Mom pushed you out, then he was born circa 1970.

Which means he ought to possess some very faint & distant childhood memories of the way things once were...

Interruptedagain ago

That is not a contradiction.

He raised you to not think about anyone differently. Anyone meaning humans. Niggers are closer to apes than they are you and jews are closer to reptiles!

Which one of you other niggerfaggets are going to claim this poor lost sheep? Come on now! Who told their kid to come to voat!?

jewsbadnews ago

Welcome nigger faggot. Remember, the ride never ends and never take the black pill. Laugh them off instead or it will destroy you.

saltine ago

Sounds like shit that never happened.

CouldBeTrump ago

I've never had anxiety before but I'm starting to think I might be feeling anxiety

Go for a run or beat up a punching bag. If you don't have a fitness routine, start one. Physical health is the foundation of mental health; without physical exertion a man cannot long withstand mental exertion.

goatsandbros ago

Stay away from apartments. Stay home, save your money, and buy some land.

Evileddie13 ago

Don't worry about politics right now. Focus on yourself and get your house in order.

-learn a skill that pays

-learn a martial art (taijitsu), jujitsu

-learn to use and respect a gun; get a ccw

-learn to save money

The most important thing, out of all of this, is not to have kids until you PLAN for it.

Politics is an old mans game.

Also, your mom's a whore. Welcome to voat.

sjwtasi ago

How? What do I do now? I've had no life since about 12 when the endless severe violence from niggers and the authorities doing nothing got too much. I made friends with some white criminals for protection but that didn't do me much good (I was small so could never fight or anything and I was from a good family who wanted me to do things like get an education and a good job to help society). I did nowhere near as well as I could have in school, so I've worked for myself for 10 years since leaving school and now have almost a million dollars saved living while working from my parents 7 days a week. What the fuck do I do now, feels impossible to be with anyone (friend or girlfriend) in today's world or do anything starting from nothing.

Evileddie13 ago

What? Who are you?

sjwtasi ago

Was piggybacking on this thread as I'm in a similar situation but have never had anyone to tell me anything. I've worked hard to get into a good position, but I've never really lived. What they hell do I do in today's world.

Evileddie13 ago

7-10 grams of mushrooms. ;)

ranch-othelioma ago

You should probably reregister with a more obscure username so that you don't get doxxed later.

ranch-othelioma ago

Just remember that when they say "bankers wars" it all leads back to isreal.

CheeBooga ago

If he didn't mention jews, niggerfagit, then he dint tell you shit. Welcome.

Hydronium ago

The scientific method is useful. It is rarely applied, even in science. At its core, you will recall, is the hypothesis, the idea, which is developed into a theory, through successive attempts to disprove it. Most people naturally take the opposite approach, trying to prove they are right. It’s more comfortable. In this strange new dark age, you will be wiser than many scholars, journalists and politicians (especially the “leading voices”!) if you approach questions with this attitude. They achieved their positions through politics, through submission to their authorities, and suppression of their own instincts.

If you question authorities, doubt the experts, confront the political leadership, you might be called names, exactly like bullying in middle school. Conspiracy theorist, radical, extremist, idiot, nut, racist. These are weaponized words, meaningless and irrelevant, especially if you are merely disproving their theories, and not trying to prove your own. There is no proof in science, as there is in mathematics. You can’t do it, and neither can they. They might believe they can, because they can’t distinguish truth from opinion. You will find that their arguments ultimately rely on subjective, emotionally based axioms which they believe to be their own, but have been imposed on them. It might be impossible for them to understand that their theories have been disproven, but you will know, and that’s what matters.

Trust in authorities and experts has always impeded critical thinking, but this problem has rapidly become very pervasive and difficult to deny. The emperor’s clothes.

Hey, this sounds like good advice, I might try it myself some time!

Joe10jo ago

Welcome to Voat 😁😊👍❤️

Jiggggg ago

We're your friends now. Welcome niggerfaggot.

hang_em_high ago

That's a great decision. I wish I did instead of taking on a ton of student loans. I still think about being an electrician or plumber/HVAC guy.

oneinchterror ago

I feel your pain man, but at least you have your family. A lot of us on the dissident right don't even have that. It's good to connect with people who understand where you're coming from though. Glad to have you around.

Look up Jared Taylor/American Renaissance and The Alternative Hypothesis on YouTube. They have great, data-backed videos on race differences and a whole host of other relevant topics. I'd also recommend reading some articles about this stuff on the UnzReview website; especially articles written by Steve Sailer and Ron Unz himself.

Wagwaan ago

It’s better for your soul if you simply abhor despicable actions and character and not the person themselves.

hang_em_high ago

I thought the comments here were a little extreme when I first joined. Once you start seeing how much degenerate and civilization-destroying stuff has a Jew behind it you can't really go back. It will open your eyes if you keep an open mind. And blacks, do you live around many of them?

squiremarcus ago

what were you before you found voat? when I was 19 i called myself a libertarian

hang_em_high ago

What would you call yourself now? I still believe in a lot of libertarian principles but I'm noticing "do what you want as long as it doesn't affect me" has a lot of spillover into society. It could really only work in a small white society I think.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

It could really only work in a small white society I think.

Even then, the Passive-Aggressive Psychopaths would still work their way to the top, unless someone stopped them.

It's just that PAPD & outright psychopathy are so much more rare in Whites than in any of the other races.

hang_em_high ago

The people that strive for power aren't the people you want in power.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

The people that strive for power aren't the people you want in power.

The Psychopaths always win.

And the Nice Guys always finish DEAD LAST.

That's why the moast important aspect of digesting the Red Pill is in going to That Dark Place and ceasing to care.

To defeat a Psychopath, you have to become darker than Dark, emptier than Empty, and less than Nothing Whatsoever.

squiremarcus ago

An independent? I dont sperg at people with my beliefs in public, and there is no group or label that is fighting for me so I dont assign myself any label.

I just want my people to survive and be free. Everywhere in the world, it doesnt matter what country you live in, You are paying taxes that are being used to bludgeon Whites to death (via immigration and other tactics) so the most important thing is to free ourselves of unjust taxes. I dont know if that could be done by creating an ethno state or something less larpy. But when our tax dollars are back in our control and we are not subsidizing the third world anymore then we will be able to benefit from our own labor again and we can focus on building the world we want. (ps. Dollars themselves are also being used as a tax through inflation)

libertarianism is an ideology based on mathematics so it is undeniably "correct" all the time, supply and demand, markets, and shared wealth. But there are realities that go beyond the mathematical models.

The most important thing is that you should have a belief system that informs your world view and actually HELPS you. If you dont benefit from your beliefs then there is no reason to follow them, dont just get upset and complain online like most of the people on here, use the knowledge to avoid pitfalls that will be thrown at you. Avoid buying a house in a diverse neighborhood, avoid drugs made for goyim, avoid feminist girlfriends, avoid overpaying on taxes (some states are better than others, also how you file can help), dont sign up for the marines to fight in the religious sand wars, dont donate money to E girls, Dont pay for onlyfans, dont be a cuck, dont be a liberal, dont be addicted to porn, dont get consumer debt (credit cards are fine just pay them off every month so you dont pay interest), Avoid consumerism and materialism (driving a sport car when you are 19 means you are spending money that belongs to your future kids).

Jiggggg ago

It could really only work in a small white society I think.

Exactly. I think we're all libertarians at some point in our lives, and then we realize that there are certain factions of society who simply cannot do the right thing

Atkho ago

It's a black pill but knowing it's better than not knowing.

Rexyl ago

The start is rough, I feel for you. If you have any dignity let after 19 years of ritual humiliation and demoralisation you'll make it through with a trad wife and a bundle of kids to continue the fight in the next generation.

Phantom42 ago

I don't think you quite know how bad things really are for us younger guys who want to (or used to want to, in my case) find a decent gal and start a family.

doginventer ago

It’s true, you are dealing with very long odds when you go looking for a good wife.

The only thing that can make your chances worse than they already are is giving up.

Coincidentally this is one of the things that any good woman knows is an essential component of what makes a good husband.

ladslassie ago

Welcome. Read, learn, think, and love your Dad. It isn't so easy to share beliefs across generations.

Kingleopold2 ago

Its definitely a shock when you start seeing the world for what it is, stay strong. I would recommend reading some old greek philosophy, marcus aurelius is priceless. In general, dont listen too much to most people and definitely nothing you see from any mainstream media. Most people dont know anything thats objectively true and are essentially npcs running on narrative. Politics aside, dont hesitate to post questions about life in general and how to deal with adult life. You might get called a niggerfaggot, but most of us would be happy to pass on what we've learned along the way. Read a lot, stay fit, learn how to make and fix things, and keep your word.

jack-in-the-crack ago

The truth takes a while to swallow, but you’ll learn to manage it. It’s hard balancing the sad truth about the world and happiness, but you will. Welcome to adulthood.

tokui ago

Your dad loves you (no homo - maybe) so he wants you to learn about niggers, faggots, and kikes.

totallynotFBI ago

I disagree with most of the racism here. If you want a counterperspective that doesn't come out of a political mouthpiece just let me know.

Doglegwarrior ago

its very depressing. have white kids a bunch.

one of the most depressing this is knowing how evil and fucked up things are and not having the ability to change them. 7 billion people goverments with trillions and psycos running the show with unlimited money and influence?

keep your head up work out read good books keep red pilling people take a walk and listen to classical music get guns get good at shooting guns

Herbert666Marcuse ago

have white kids a bunch

At the end of the day, this is all that matters.


Phantom42 ago

Not if all that's going to happen is they'll be raped and killed in front of you as you're tied to a chair with your innards hanging out...

Yes, the thought is oddly specific, because I've seen plenty of shit like it that niggers or spics will do.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Not if all that's going to happen is they'll be raped and killed in front of you as you're tied to a chair with your innards hanging out...

Who are you, our newest JIDF demoralization agent?

Making & birthing & raising a White child is the moast beautiful & wonderful & transcendental experience in all of known Creation.

Phantom42 ago

Uh... No, guy. You've talked to me a lot actually.

Glipglup ago

Fake and gay

voatusernamevoat ago

Hi and yes, it can be overwhelming: from the replies you'll see you're not alone in that reaction, but there are actions that can be taken:

ilovejuices3 ago

The entire world is rigged by jews to enslave and destroy white people. Now that you have this knowledge you can use it to your advantage.

aWe5it5 ago

This is a site for free expression of ideas. You shouldn't assume that everything here is how your father feels, since a lot of it contradicts, as it should. Take the ideas that look good. Don't be afraid to listen to things you disagree with.

VoatsHairyButthole ago

Agreed. Due diligence is an individual responsibility.

voat4895 ago

as a male, your worth comes from the value you can provide to others. you must be useful to have around. through skills, money, or smartness, whatever. but just being decent or nice wont get you anywhere.

you must be self centered in your choices. not selfish but shamelessly make choices to benefit you. no one, no one else will put your welfare before their own, and you shouldnt either.

voat4895 ago

also, trust must be earned under all circumstances. no one is entitled to your trust and you're not mean or obligated to trust anyone. dont let people make you feel bad when you dont trust them and ask for things in writing or citations

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Observe the actions of blacks and jews and you too will start to hate them soon enough.

The vast majority of people here who don't like them were not raised that way, they figured it out by observing how these groups act and being disgusted by those actions.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Great comment

oneinchterror ago

I always knew that racial differences exist, and the reality of black behavior while growing up, but I didn't encounter the JQ or the full implications of leftism/the state of the modern world until I was 22. It's a lot to take in.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

The suburban hippies fear the chad redneck

Wheatstone ago

Your welcome fren!

Drstrangebeard ago

psyop setup.

Helena73 ago


scoopadoop ago

it is like this. you go your whole life thinking everything is fine. then one day you realize you have been wearing a blindfold. you peek out of the blindfold to see that you have been standing on a set of train tracks. And you have been standing on a set of tracks your entire life. And you don't know when the train is coming.

Most people snap the blindfold back on.

GovernmentShill ago

Your mind is fertile ground. The truth can grow few other places. You have a responsibility because of this.

zxcvzxcv ago

Turnagain ago

Voat is reality.

Vc83 ago

He is a wise man.

Tb0n3 ago

lol bet he's a Qtard.

Helena73 ago

Thats a horrible thing to say!

Vc83 ago

Wellcome you fucking nigger faggot kike

Agent42 ago

I understand your reaction, but... No, he probably doesn't.

Do you hate rabid dogs, venomous spiders, dangerous big game, machines with dangerous moving parts?

What he hates is more than likely the situation he has been forced to live in.

oneinchterror ago

Well said. I'm glad someone already pointed out this important distinction.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

This feels so fake haha.

Rockfish1000 ago

Your "anxiety" is cognitive dissonance. It is a normal process one goes through when they confront their long held beliefs with truth and reality. I think much of our societal depression and anxiety stems from a subconscious rejection of the ullshit we are supposed to accept. Your anxiety will lessen as you understand the truth a little better. The depression though, that will stay a while. Once you see how thi get really are, it can be depressing. However, even the depression lessens over time as you find little ways to free yourself from the shackles your mind has been chained to. It does get better. You just have to go through the pain of the birthing process. You are literally being reborn, and it hurts a little. Hang in there little goat. Stick to your guns. You'll be alright

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Welcome faggot.

Exercise and eat healthy.

Buy guns and ammo and learn to shoot them well.

Jews, bad news.

Around blacks, never relax.

Jiggggg ago

This should be written under our coat of arms

PagingDrBenway ago

Haaaaaaa. Fucking brilliant!

DavidsHogg ago

If that is your real name then it will not take long for someone to figure out who you are and where you live, lots of people here and elsewhere have doxed themselves. If it’s not your name then you’re good.

ruck_feddit ago

Listen to him, @RandyK. Change your name to Ruck_Fandy.

Vc83 ago

Whatever you say david hogg! Ha we got you now!

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Smart man.

cokesmcgee192 ago

You're almost ten years ahead of the curve compared to me. It was a hard for me to be truthful to myself when looking back and realizing every time I was in a bad situation, it was always niggers.

capicua ago

welcome to voat, nigger

PsychoticBreak ago

Yep it's depressing but that's just growing pains. Power through it and be amazed.

sjwtasi ago

Power through to what? I've worked for myself for 10 years since leaving school and now have almost a million dollars saved living while working from my parents 7 days a week. What the fuck do I do now, feels impossible to be with anyone (friend or girlfriend) in today's world or do anything starting from nothing.

PsychoticBreak ago

What do you want me to say, kid? That you have a good reason to live? Well you do. You capture a woman that was raised by men, and you perfect her. I know I'm speaking Greek here. Just tell me what you think you want, and I'll correct your bullshit. You have a fucking million dollars, you idiot. The hard part is done. The rest is easy: find a woman you can master, and create a family. It's your life's mission. All white men are fulfilled by this formula. Fucking figure it out, faggot.

sjwtasi ago

What is the point if it's all going to be over in not that many years. In the current reckoning aren't there more important things like having a country.

PsychoticBreak ago

Dude. Create warriors. If they die fighting, good. Love your offspring, strengthen them, make them matter. I take it you don't have kids yet? I do. I am fucking fearless. Know why? I'm a DAD. Make it happen for you. It's the greatest. Shit is hitting the fan, fine. There's no better time to test your seed. Now is perfect for making babies. What, you thought comfort was a better environment to raise kids in? You think the 1990's was better? Nope. The 2020's is where where boys and girls will become real men and mothers. Today is the greatest day to become a parent. That's my perspective.

DavidsHogg ago

That was to protect you. I’ll add to this keep what you learn here to yourself until it’s safe. Retards are getting destroyed right now for just saying white/all lives matter. You do not want to ruin your future for shit posting on the internet. Our time will come whether we want it or not.

oneinchterror ago

On the other hand, if we all came out as open WNs at once, there's no way they could stop us. Unfortunately we have nothing even close to approaching that level of coordination, so your advice is still the best to follow (for now).

Whatsamannar ago

Use what you find here to your advantage. You basically have insider info, you just have to use it correctly. Don’t let these folks telling you life is shit or you have no hope get to you. The truth is, that’s truly up to you.

Obviously the stock market has great opportunity if you can gather the right zeitgeist and push. I’m currently scanning for the right black ceo to start buying into.

Phantom42 ago

You know... Playing the jewish lottery doesn't sound all that bad. You just have to understand how the game is rigged, and who better than us to know that?

Whatsamannar ago

Cia funded are always nice tips. Hi Snapchat

Herbert666Marcuse ago

I’m currently scanning for the right black ceo to start buying into.

Where "buying into" == "shorting".

pushthis ago

Dont do drugs or cigarettes

Fact check some stuff before you repeat it


PagingDrBenway ago

i smoke weed, and feel it has had a positive impact on my life. But straight edge is ideally the way to go. Avoid alcohol.

Firevine ago

It is depressing. I've been having a tough time with things over the past few weeks. We have to keep soldiering on. We can not die on our knees. Do what's right by you and yours.

If the day should ever come when we must go, if some day we are compelled to leave the scene of history, we will slam the door so hard that the universe will shake and mankind will stand back in stupefaction.

If the last of us shall die, let us die with a smile on our face, as we know that the savages of the world shall suffer the world they wished for.

Welcome to the woken world.

Intrixina ago

Chin up. Know that if they snow you under, they win - and damned if you're going to let a mentally ill fuckwit "win".

Herbert666Marcuse ago

We have to keep soldiering on.

PA recently translated this old Polish soldier's song about that very topic:

“Prince Józef Poniatowski”

The last bridge was just blown up

To hell with it! We’ll ford the river!

We chose this fate freely

And will not wave white flags

We crossed the Vistula, we crossed the Warta,

So maybe now we’re finally Poles

[allusion to the national anthem]

The autumn’s glow dispersed the morning mist

As black eagles circle above us

[foreign coats of arms]

So few of us are left, oh well

So many brave lads among us not that long ago

But the Emperor is now losing his battles

We, as usual, cover the retreat

Once more, thanks to us they reached the other riverbank

But foreign memory is short, after all

Spilled blood and last year’s snow

Are equally valued in this world

Lift up your eyes, there is no time for lamentation

We have to find a spot to cross the water

How many more years must we do this

And add red hue to rivers’ currents?

On the walls of Leipzig the battle dust has settled

Out in the countryside an old melody plays

That he who yesterday was a Jacobin

Tomorrow will serve as the Tsar’s governor

But for us boys, the game is far from over

Because fate is inscrutable

He who endures to the very end, can win

While he who opts to genuflect today, in the end will lose

Though madmen would they call us

What we went through, no one can take away from us

He who was free even for a short time

Doesn’t afterwards regret his river-funeral in Elster!

HolePunch ago

Your father is a very good man. i really wish i had been exposed to the things i've learned on here a lot sooner. i would have made far fewer mistakes in my life. knowing the truth is key to making important discussions and gauging those around you.

sometimes knowing the truth is enraging or depressing, it takes a man to handle the truth. if you don't have an orientation it's hard to get anywhere

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

What did he tell you? That you were unwanted?

untiloppressionends ago

Don't take beliefs from others, build your own with facts and evidence, including things you see here. The pitfall that most people fall into is just copying beliefs they hear from whoever they trust, but the problem is that whenever the belief is challenged they are unable to defend it because they don't have any of the foundational facts and logic that beliefs should be built on. I'd challenge you to go through your own beliefs and see if you would be able to defend them in an argument without pulling anything out of your ass. It's really interesting what you learn about yourself and how little you really know about most of what you believe. It isn't your fault, you have been insidiously brainwashed not only with omission of facts and lies, but also with a mindset. Let go of the need to be right all the time, you aren't being graded like you're in school where they hammer the fear of failure into you. Embrace being wrong -- it's the only time you can learn anything. Obviously doing research takes time. Thankfully, a significant amount of information has been consolidated so it's definitely doable for anyone. It's just a matter of how much the truth is worth to you. Good luck and don't let it get to you too much, live your life, but know and share. If enough people know, then the system crumbles.

Oh and one more thing. It really is the Jews. I honestly don't know how it's always them, they are fucking everywhere.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Don't take beliefs from others, build your own with facts and evidence, including things you see here. The pitfall that most people fall into is just copying beliefs they hear from whoever they trust, but the problem is that whenever the belief is challenged they are unable to defend it because they don't have any of the foundational facts and logic that beliefs should be built on.


Swallowing & digesting & becoming the Red Pill means dispensing with beliefs altogether.

It means throwing every ounce of your energy into seeing the world for what it actually is, not for what you wish it were, nor, God forbid, what you "believe" it might be.

Believing in beliefs is the Gilded Lily which will lure you right into confounding, malediction and perdition.

Agent42 ago

That is really good advice. Also, use critical thinking.

Be willing to take the other side of the argument, and without straw-manning it or using any other logical fallacy make the absolute, best good faith argument for it you can. You will be amazed how often it falls apart.

daskapitalist ago

I've seen that referred to as steel manning. It's a solid technique.

Phantom42 ago

Being willing to hear the other side of an entire war is how I became a Nazi...

Glad I was willing to listen.

ScottMAGA ago

Are you red-pilled on women yet? Read "game" blogs/books. Also called "pua" (pick up artist).

Some men turn against women when they learn the truth, but that is stupid. Just understand women and it won't be hard to find a good wife.

kishind ago

Or just skip the kiddie shit and start with NLP as an incomplete framework. Ericksonian hypnosis. Neuroscience and marketing.

You got to push the right buttons AND be a good, loving man.

Or go even more kid-oriented and read which is super basic, but a fun love story with realistic female minds.

Intrixina ago

PUA stuff doesn't work on redpilled women - it's a money sink for betas who think they can pull women.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Read "game" blogs


They've all been shoah'ed.

kishind ago

It's a fun read for guys with no game. A white hat PUA teaches a pure sucker how to win over women so he can win the heart of the one girl he really wants.

Jiggggg ago

I've known some guys who were really into the PUA shit and it's just really pathetic

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Yes goy read our books on how to totally be a female chick magnet! It works 99 percent of the time! You will have thousands of women looking to be your wife in no time flat! Now buy our book for 100 dollars.

BroccoliTit ago

Lol at anyone who takes relationship advice from people on this site. I guarantee you that most men here who think of women as cattle are just assholes url and they were at least 50% at fault. But for most of these people its apparent that they can't self reflect or provide self criticism to improve themselves. They are a notch above progressive liberal faggots in regards to accountability. However they will all talk the talk about self accountability. This site sinks further and further every day.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Well women are nature's communists so I wouldn't blame them for feeling that way. Women also love gossip, bullying, and ranting with their hearts.

sneaksnek ago

let the truth temper your resolve. let the true ugly reality of the world galvanize your higher morals. you will stand out like a mountain among pebbles. dedication, devotion, and morality are a lost art in this dead age. oh to be a babe in the wilderness again, but no more. time to be a man among animals and arm thyself.

Catfishbelly ago

Just be critical of what you read! Voat is filled with all sorts from lizard people to total shit lords. Most are just fed up with the complete bullshit we have forced on us.

UlyssesMcGill ago

He was right to limit you from saying "nigger".

The word is as dangerous as a grenade.

Use with caution.

BjornIronside ago

Once you are self employed, you can say it as much as you like.

UlyssesMcGill ago

I never told him to not say it.

BjornIronside ago

There are people who think that my land is somehow theirs to explore.

I shout, "I hate two things. Niggers, and trespassers. If I find either, they're getting shot" from my mountain top, when I spot them.

It's one of those situations where a whisper carries for miles. You can't tell where the voice is coming from at all. Freaks the yuppie fucks right out.

Word to you city retards, of which I have been making the acquaintance. Stay the fuck in your shit hole cities.

I'm about ready to start shooting you.

UlyssesMcGill ago

from my mountain top

Wow! You own a mountain! Your dick must be MASSIVE.

a whisper carries for miles

Is that from Twilight? 50 Shades of Gray?

Protect your land all you want, just stop jerking off while telling me about it.

BjornIronside ago

Yes, cunt. I own a mountain. A biome in which you have clearly spent zero time.

Jealousy. While talking about my dick, no less.

How's the beta life treating you?

UlyssesMcGill ago


It would be envious, were I.

Keep jerkin it. Stop telling me.

BjornIronside ago

"It would be envious, were I."


English, please.

UlyssesMcGill ago

I am not envious of you.

Envy was the word you should have used, not "jealousy".

English, please

Says the faggot who can't use the correct term, and then can't understand the correction.

BjornIronside ago

Not doing a very good job at pretending to be intelligent, are you?

UlyssesMcGill ago

You don't even know the difference between jealousy and envy.

How you've twisted that into me being unintelligent.....

BjornIronside ago


UlyssesMcGill ago

It'd be hilarious to watch you try to define "jealousy", and then the sweat on your faggot face when you start to type "envy", then delete the entire post and close the tab.

BjornIronside ago

Cool story, faggot.

UlyssesMcGill ago

Your reddit downvoting is hilarious.

BjornIronside ago

Still here, faggot?

UlyssesMcGill ago

Still don't know the difference between jealousy and envy?

markrod420 ago

Its hard to swallow. Your father isnt wrong. Voat is the best place to learn the truths you arent supposed to, and honestly wont want to know. The world is built largely on lies. Make sure you give your father the respect to assume he might be right when you speak to him about it.

uab ago

The world is built largely on lies.

'The world' is mostly lies, yes, but the actual world is mostly truth, honesty and goodness. What Satanists present to us as 'the world,' that is fakery and bullshit.

0ur0b0r05 ago

Smart dude

clubberlang ago

change your SN Randy before you become a voat meme

MurkSquatch ago

Everyone who has experience with average blacks and jews hates blacks and jews. The people with the most favorable opinions of blacks live in Maine and Iceland.

clubberlang ago

Name checked out

Shlarb123 ago

“DeNiggero,” what is that, French?

Intrixina ago

Sounds mexican.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I was thinking more wop

last18500 ago

Hey, take your time. Free speech is a lot to handle when you're coming out of school because you realize how restricted you've been your whole life. School is NOT about the free exchange of ideas. It's about indoctrination. Don't ever be afraid to allow yourself to think and follow a logical/rational process. Best of luck to you and yours.

metricisokay ago

On the other hand I've never been happier than I have been after learning that liberalism is a Marxist psy op. It never felt right, like nothing ever made sense.

Now it does. Decisions I've been making in my life are way way way better.

6843153 ago

Been researching this hell hole for 25+ years now and still haven't found a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep finding a lot of jews hidden along the way though.

0ur0b0r05 ago

Despise the jew and avoid the nog.

Vc83 ago

Rue the jew, avoid the groid

BigFatDaddy ago

I'm stealing this one like a nigger at a blm riot.

Seventh_Jim ago

Better to know the hard truth than be comfortable in a lie. Welcome to adulthood. It likely hurt your father to expose you to this.

I suggest the poetry of Rudyard Kipling to take the edge off. Most here would consider his work great, with the exception of White Man's Burden. They cannot be lifted up, better to leave them to their cruelty and misery than to feed them destroy your own nation alongside theirs.

Norman Borlaug is arguably the worst person in history.

LightestHour ago

I always considered White Man's Burden to be sardonic: "Go ahead, throw away your lives and the lives of your children propping up subhumans, see what you get out of it."

Seventh_Jim ago

I've never considered it in that light. I'll have to reread.

Wheatstone ago

Learn this!, it's the master key to understand the world you live in!!

Once you learn how psychopaths manipulate and control us you will see it everywhere and it won't work on you.

This is key to understanding the lies we are drowning in and to protect yourself from these predators and their schemes.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Once you learn how psychopaths manipulate and control us you will see it everywhere and it won't work on you.

The old Heartiste website was doing yeoman's work in explaining Evopsych & Behavioral Psych in scenarios that newbies could easily digest, which of course is why Heartiste had to be shoah'ed.

I don't know of anyone else [with wide readership] who is pushing the psychological angle right now.

Wheatstone ago

All the gatekeepers take a turn off before this subject.

This is the core truth of what we are fighting. That's why it's hidden at all costs.

B166-ER ago

For OP and anyone else relatively new to all of this. Here's a few gems I've collected over the years. Should give you more perspective.

SearchVoatBot ago

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videocodec ago

  1. Never Ever put a woman on a pedistal like she's the center of your life.
  2. Try getting a skilled trade. Shitskins will always suck at them as they require actual talent that can't be faked.

crazy_eyes ago

fuck off we're full niggerfaggot

ruck_feddit ago

Welcome, niggerfaggot. Do you have a minute to talk about the jew?

javierNelson ago

i wonder what amalek is up to

Joe10jo ago


Doglegwarrior ago

how is this not the top comment and where are the immune system memes?

Fairviews ago

What do you mean immune system memes? Is the immune system not real?

Doglegwarrior ago

the voat immune system aka callinv every newbie a nigged faggot jew loving piece of shit. nigger.

that immune system

ruck_feddit ago

where are the immune system memes?

In us, dogle. They were in us all along.

ilovejuices3 ago

No greater greeting exists.

rumorhazard ago

Anywhere else in clown world this sentence would get you banned, fired, ostracized etc. but it is truly a gesture of kindness.

Jiggggg ago

Lmao true. I love voat

godamn ago

Your father is a shitlord, thus you are a price of shit, and if you so choose, you too will bathe in the worse of human excrement.

gimpyoldman ago

The main thing to learn is that most people are only friendly and polite because they want something from you.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

I learned this lesson as a child with niglets. They would always ask for gibsmedats and pretend to be try to get along with you and when you dont gibs they get completely asshurt and chimpout

uab ago

Sure, although it sounds a bit bleak. Remember that in that nice bag you call 'want something from you,' is included the notion of getting people pulling in the right direction. I'm friendly and polite to you, not because I want you to send money but because it's useful for me that there exists a friendly and polite community where true and relevant information is shared, comprehended and developed. Building some or any kind of true and healthy 'culture' together, is in my interest. Yes.

PHXSunlight ago

That's true, but that tends only to work with whites. Most other races will just exploit empathy and kindness.

uab ago

When a true and healthy culture has been built, people of other races will live in their own countries, and will be of concern only to themselves. A home for each family, and a country for each of the nations the ethnic people-groups. 'Diversity + proximity = war'

kammmmak ago

He is smart

uab ago

There's a fair amount of confusion in your anger, as it seems to me. Remember that Jews and Negroes even being a topic, is caused by one thing and one thing only: The State. Until you get The State created by the word magic (yes, literally), what you have is countries like Poland, a tribe or (true) nation living in its homeland. There is no problem.

The problem is what Vox Day sums up thus: 'diversity + proximity = war.' USA is a Satanic idea, from the very beginning: the idea that you can create a society by putting words down on paper. No, this is not how a nation is created. As you know, the Latin word 'natio' means 'birth.' You belong to your nation, that was nation ... not Citizenry, by birth. Like you can never become a Chinaman by receiving a piece of paper, you can also not join any other nation by receiving any piece of paper.

So, no, USA is not any nation, it's a legal person with a bunch of membership cards. And the only reason for creating this fake kind of supposed nation, is that you want to destroy the actual nation. Replace the legal person The State with a living man, a king, and all the sources of your anger get instantly diffused. Legalism is the problem, and it is only a problem so long as one is not aware of it. Legalism is by definition globalism, and globalism is Satanism.

When (true) nations return to being represented, defended and served by a living man, a king, and of course live in their very own homeland, like a family lives in its own home, all these issues go away, instantly. Being angry is natural and okay. What I am saying, is there's a bigger picture. To solve the problem, one first needs to see the problem. The problem is this Satanic nonsense of legalism.

The State is no humans, but is only itself, a so-called legal person, as is also a Corporation. To incorporate and to constitute, are legalistic word magic that both do the same thing, namely to create a legal person. The people who are behind legalism, hate the natural reality, and are trying to destroy and replace it. You don't need to be angry at them, you simply need to put them in a proverbial box, like they have, for thousands of years, done to us.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Just nice man.listen to this guy kid

uab ago


kammmmak ago

"Confusion in my anger" wtf you talkin. The jews started and are ruthless in trying to rid Whites since forever. The number 109.. look it up.

Niggers have been extra violent dumb fucks these days but I have had many 'racist' situations for ages. They always start. Always

uab ago

We can keep a polite tone, as we are both trying to communicate honestly and on topic. Now, to try and be more clear: once the nations of the 109 homelands had kicked out the Jews, who cares what the Jews are doing once they have been removed from you nation's land? The reason homes have doors that can be locked, is safety. The same is the case for country borders.

Likewise with Negroes: what they do in Liberia, really has little impact on the nation the ethnically Polish people in Poland. The only way there would be any reason for the Polish to be angry, is if The State were sneakily, by Jews, Freemasons and other Satanists, made to seem like what defines the Polish nation, and Jews and Negroes were presumed to have every bit as much of a right to be in Poland, as do actual Poles, so long as they have Citizenship. Again, remove The State, and the reasons for you anger go away. I may have been unclear in my explanation, and even if I had been 'crystal clear,' I do not blame anyone for not comprehending my topic, because most people are, by design..., not able to discern between nation, country and The State/Citizenry.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

The problem is what Vox Day sums up thus: 'diversity + proximity = war.'

Didn't that originate with Heartiste?

uab ago

Yes, that may be; what I do know, is he is giving it as a quote from someone. Unfortunately I don't recall whether his name is Heartiste or something else

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

My friend I am afraid there is no turning back globalism

uab ago

Your fears are your concern, alone. They are certainly not any argument, or even relevant to our topic.

Rockfish1000 ago

Perfect. Bob Whitaker calls it Worried, but the concept is the same. People are more loyal to their People than they are to a set of principles of words. You described it perfectly.

uab ago

Thank you

Hey_Sunshine ago

Are you the kid who wrote formally disowned his father cos he was honest with you?

ToFat2Fish ago

Welcome. It's the jews who are responsible for it all.

Vc83 ago

Like a great poster said "always assume its the jews, then just work backwards. Its quicker"

ToFat2Fish ago

I like that. Never heard it before but it ain't wrong.

kammmmak ago

I'd rather the redpill. The truth will set you free.

Question everything.

Fuck tv



Kalergi Plan loxism

BroccoliTit ago

That was pretty gay

MarauderShields ago

75% of black homes have no father.

Charilko ago

The truth is depressing, and it’s depressing learning it. But it does get better, man.

sjwtasi ago

How? What do I do now? I've had no life since about 12 when the endless severe violence from niggers and the authorities doing nothing got too much. I made friends with some white criminals for protection but that didn't do me much good (I was small so could never fight or anything and I was from a good family who wanted me to do things like get an education and a good job to help society). I did nowhere near as well as I could have in school, so I've worked for myself for 10 years since leaving school and now have almost a million dollars saved living while working from my parents 7 days a week. What the fuck do I do now, feels impossible to be with anyone (friend or girlfriend) in today's world or do anything starting from nothing.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

hey dude welcome to voat

the dinosaurs were only able to get so big because the atmosphere was 300x thicker

visit v/soapdoxbanhammer

FuqingRight ago

Eh its depressing in the beginning then you learn ,then you begin to realize how many people share the same views. Just waiting for the tipping point

Usernamenameuser ago

I'm in the anger stage. Been here a while.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Harness the anger into productivity and prosperity.

Usernamenameuser ago

I currently am. Im growing my first garden this year and it's going very well.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Harness the anger into productivity and prosperity.


Anger is like "Hope" - when they give out on you, you've got nothing left in the gas tank, and you're stranded all alone in the desert, and the buzzards are now circling & fighting with one another over who gets to rip the choicest organs out of your corpse.

Our task is far too large for any one of us to be consumed by dangerously perfidious emotional states such as Anger or Hope.

kishind ago

Thank you. Yes, we need to take the mind of an accountant, or a botanist creating a new breed. Systematic behavior is the greatest strength of Whites, and our greatest advantage in the struggles to come, no matter the form they take.

watch_listed ago

Life sucks, people are bastards, and nobody will ever put your interests first, so you'd better. Welcome to the shit show

and use night mode like a civilized motherfucker.

TheBookWasBetter ago

My parents told me this shit when I was 6.

Glipglup ago

It's been empirically proven that you read faster in daytime mode. Also you get to see more white than black. Niggertime mode is for beta cucks.

Cum_control ago

More Jews trying to shame goats into niggertime mode

Monstrum ago

Niggers cant read

oneinchterror ago

My pure blue Aryan eyes are so sensitive to light though.

Glipglup ago

You've grown too accustomed to the darkness of niggers. Release the light.

prairie ago

People are generally capable of taking care of themselves but injected with corrupt ideas of putting others first they become helpless dependents on everything. When you put yourself first you avoid being a burden on others. If you're not a bastard, having your needs fulfilled means you will naturally want to make the environment around you a better place.