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Hey_Sunshine ago

Hey bruh, is this your kid? ->

TrialsAndTribulation ago

No, unfortunately. He seems like a good kid and is open to new ideas, and will likely be a good man. My sons are heavily invested in the religion of racism=blasphemy, regardless whether you speak of or or simply have opinions on racial reality (i.e., that different races are not equal or equivalent). When a person believes that bad thinking is a crime and it should be punished, there's no reasoning with them because it's a purely emotional issue with them. I hope all goes well with that OP and his family.

Kat-the-Cat ago


Hey_Sunshine ago

yea this kid actually likes his dad

Kat-the-Cat ago

Definitely. A little unnerved, but when one's worldview does a 180 - it'd floor anyone. Doesn't mention a huge argument or conniving with a sibling to kick the patriarch outta the family.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Very true. But to be honest, they haven't kicked me out of the family. All they've done is removed themselves from his parents. (My wife is guilty by association.) They're all adults, they have their own families, and they live in different states (they moved to where the work is), so that's their choice. We don't have any financial ties and I never expected them to help me in my old age, so it's more of a symbolic expression of condemnation and disrespect than anything else.

Kat-the-Cat ago

I do wish it had been one of your kids, though.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Honestly it sounds like the boys have an ideal picture of the world in their head where every negro is magical and they really dinndu muffin. The bbeg is an evil Nazi just like hollywood told him. Just like his teachers tell him.

Kid needs one of his buddies to red pill him.

I'd suggest The Truth Factory on yt talking cat is easy listening