friendshipistragic ago

Who the fuck left the oven on?

RogerByam ago

Just preheating.

ListerOfSmeg888 ago

just deleted my reddit account for the last fucking time. thanks VOAT... this seemed apt for me right now.

ViperCarbz ago

What did Reddit ban this week?

boekanier ago

Too much to sum it up

Evileddie13 ago for the redit ban? Anybody been flooding reddit with this site?

naughty_skunk ago

The fire of the world burning around me warms my cold feet

FederalShill ago

==N I G G E R F A G G O T==

Diggernicks ago

Except Christ cucks on voat are easily butthurt special snowflakes who actually love censorship

Reddit 2.0 in here

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I kind of want that on a shirt without the caption.

Grask1901 ago

That picture is sick!

Phantom42 ago

It's actually heresy.

Evileddie13 ago

Actually... you suck your dad's dick.

Grospoliner ago

Not sure what GW book it is from, but the Word Bearers are always fancy lads.

Charilko ago

Goddamn Word Bearers... fucked it up for the entire galaxy.

Grask1901 ago

I just got the newest edition of WHFRP, I can't believe I've never heard of it before (aside from 40k).

The game is great, I can't wait to test run it.

Grospoliner ago

I like WH Fantasy a lot. The Vermintide games really brought a lot of interest back into the campaign.

I've never run any of the RP games, though 40k Dark Heresy might be fun. I've always been bigger on the war gaming aspect.

Speaking of WH Fantasy, since GW shit it up so much, some folks got together to create a new rule set:

Grask1901 ago

I'll have to check that out. I just bought my first set of Space Marines and Plague...marines? I will have to paint em though. Never actually played the game yet but it seems fun.

The fantasy RP is dope, I enjoy the TTRPGs so WH is right up my alley.

Sicopath ago

Nice. I'm going to make that my lock screen.

Polic3Stat3 ago

Great meme!

RM-Goetbbels ago

Send me the fresh meat.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Do you know how to kill yourself?

Would you like some help?

Die filthy queer sack of fucking puke, kill yourself now.

Fuckyounigger ago

What’s that duck next to the goats left foot? Is that like an artists signature or some kind of odd coincidence or artifact of some kind?

Ciaglownigger ago

Is that a burning negress I see in the background?

DillHoleBagHands ago

A rustle is heard in the distance. What comes about but a fiery goat. "Fuck off we're full nigger"

ciaozuzu ago

Time to dust off the welcome memes.